Crf%20questions aditya%20deepak ms

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Crf%20questions aditya%20deepak ms

Name and Company:

Name - Aditya Deepak

Company - Microsoft IT

Q: Are you satisfied with the company you are placed in or you

expected a better company?

A: Yes , I am very much satisfied with the MS , though my dream company

is ebay.

Q: Were there any challenges that you faced in the beginning of the

placement season?

A: No , I am blessed enough not to see any rejection , my luck and others

blessings helped me to make through it easily.

Q: Were you rejected by any other company? If yes, what could be the

possible reasons?

A: Yes , I was rejected last year by MS for the internship . I would say I was

a noob at that juncture and now too , hoping to learn new stuffs

Q: How many levels were there in the selections procedure of this


A: There were total of 5 rounds , 1st online test, 2nd coding round , 3rd and

4th were technical rounds and 5th was AA(as appropriate) round.

Q: What preparations did you make to get through the written


A: I didn’t make special preparations for it, for the initial round I practised

from Geeksquiz and IndiaBix .

Q: What preparations did you make to get through the GD rounds?

A: There were no GD rounds

Q: What preparations did you make to get through the

Interview rounds?

A: I would say competitive programming sites helped me a lot they were

boon to me Practised daily from sites like

Codechef,Spoj,Codeforces,Hackerrank,Hackerearth . They helped me to

improve my speed to solve the problems.

Q: Any tips or suggestions for the juniors?

A: Just focus on your goal and work hard and smart , and leave rest to the

all mighty

Q: Can you briefly explain your overall experience of the placement


A: I enjoyed it a lot though in the initial round I faced some hiccups ,but as

time progressed everything fell into my domain . It was really enjoyable ,

the interviews were like awesome , very happy to go through it