Credit Rationing in Informal Markets: The Case of Small ...This is the first study to document...

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Credit Rationing in Informal Markets:

The Case of Small Firms in India

Sankar Dea and Manpreet Singhb

Present version: August 2012


Using a unique dataset combining panel data of reported financial information for a sample of small and medium enterprises in India with data from a survey of the same firms regarding the role of relationships in supply of inter-firm credit, the present study examines the availability and importance of relationship-based informal credit for small firms given their total credit needs. We find that the firms that are unsuccessful in generating internal funds or bank loans appear to have better access to relationship-based credit. However, we also find persistent evidence of rationing of relationship-based credit, including credit driven by business relationships as well as social relationships. All firms in our sample face an upward-sloping credit supply function, while firms with limited collaterizable assets face an interest-inelastic supply curve. Though relationships mitigate information asymmetry problems between borrowers and lenders, our investigations suggest that moral hazard concerns still constrain credit supply. Credit providers decline credit when the interest rate reaches a critically high level and the heavy debt repayment obligations limit the borrowers’ stake in the debt-financed projects. This is the first study to document rationing of informal credit. Our findings have important research and policy implications

Keywords: informal relationships, loan markets, trade credit, credit rationing, collateral.

JEL Classifications: G0, K0, O5

aShiv Nadar University, UP 203207, INDIA. (corresponding author) bHong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong The authors gratefully acknowledge funding support from Citi Foundation. They thank P. Bhimasankaram, Sudipto Dasgupta, Todd Gormley, Ravi Jagannathan, NR Prabhala, Subrata Sarkar, Mark Rosenzweig, Krishnamurthy Subramanian and Sheridan Titman for helpful comments and suggestions. The authors remain responsible for all errors in the paper.


I. Introduction and motivation

The goal of the present study is to examine the availability and importance of

relationship-based informal credit for small firms in the context of their total credit needs.

To conduct the study, we create a unique dataset combining panel data of financial

information from the financial statements of a sample of small and medium enterprises

(SMEs) in India with the data from a survey of the same firms regarding the role of

relationships in provision of inter-firm credit. We find that a significant proportion of

inter-firm transactions are financed with informal credit based on relationships between

the parties concerned1. Interestingly, we also find persistent evidence of rationing of

relationship-based credit. All firms in our sample face an upward-sloping supply function

of informal credit, while some firms face an interest-inelastic function suggesting that

they cannot use the price mechanism at all to bid for additional informal credit. Credit

providers appear to be reluctant to offer credit regardless of the credit terms when the

interest rate reaches a critically high level, and actually offer less credit at higher rates.

We find that credit driven by business as well as social relationships between the lenders

and the borrowers is subject to rationing. We also find that credit rationing is correlated

with the size of the borrowing firms’ assets. In spite of their relationships with the

creditors, the smaller firms in our sample are more likely to face interest-inelastic supply

of informal credit.

Throughout this paper we use the term credit rationing to indicate interest-

inelasticity of credit whereby the lender refuses credit even if the borrower offers a higher

interest rate. The firm thus refused is a credit-rationed firm in our scenario. Our definition

is consistent with the concept of “true” credit rationing in Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) and

Jaffee and Stiglitz (1990). This is a stricter view of credit rationing than when the

borrower faces an upward-sloping interest rate schedule which could arise because the

probability of default for any particular borrower increases as the amount borrowed

1 Throughout this paper, we use the two terms “relationship-based” and “informal” interchangeably. In our context, the usage is justified. Our enquiries reveal that the relationship-based contracts in our sample are also informal, in that no legally binding contracts were used. In many cases, the contracts were verbal.


increases, or the mix of borrowers changes adversely (Jaffee and Russell, 1978).2 Note

that the strict view of credit rationing results in a conservative estimate of credit-rationed

firms in our sample and generally biases our results against our hypotheses.

We investigate possible motives for credit rationing by credit providers who have

an established relationship with the borrowers. The context as well as the empirical

findings of this paper suggest a moral hazard explanation for credit rationing (Aghion and

Bolton, 1997; Piketty, 1997; Ghosh et al, 2000). The creditors resort to rationing to limit

possible adverse incentives on the part of the borrowers leading to ex post default.

Though the lenders observe all characteristics of the borrower firms that are relevant to

credit decisions, including total assets, sales, profits, and other types of indebtedness

including bank credit, they still cannot directly monitor the use of credit or the effort

spent by the borrowers. In this situation, a high interest rate necessary to clear the market

for loans gives rise to adverse incentives for the borrowing firms. Since they capture a

relatively small part of the returns given their large debt repayment obligations, their

incentive to avoid low-return projects with a small probability of a high payoff, and

possible default, is low. Limited liability of the borrowing firms results in the lenders

bearing all the downside risk and accentuates the adverse incentive problem. To limit

default in this scenario, the lenders do not allow interest rate to rise to an arbitrarily high

level where existing demand for credit is fully satisfied, and decline credit when the

interest rate reaches a critically high level. Our investigations reveal that the problem is

more serious for the smaller borrowers who are unable to offer enough collateral to

guarantee their commitment to the projects.3 As we discuss below, the results of our

empirical tests support moral hazard motivation of credit rationing.

To arrive at our findings, we conduct a variety of tests under alternative

specifications. The test results are very consistent. The main findings are as follows:

2 It is to be noted that an upward-sloping supply curve of loanable funds was the predominant notion of credit rationing in monetary economics and corporate finance literature prior to Stiglitz and Weiss (1981). Models of markets in which firms can borrow as much as they like at a fixed rate of interest continue to be common. 3 As long as the borrowing firms do not have enough assets to guarantee the full value of the loans, it can be shown under fairly general conditions that their effort choice will be less than first-best (see Proposition 1 in Ghosh et al, 2000).


1. There is strong evidence of rationing of all types of relationship-based credit,

including credit driven by business and social relationships.

2. The costs of credit that are high enough to trigger rationing of different types of

relationship-based credit are usually in 50% - 58% range depending on the credit

type. We verify that credit received by the firms in our sample actually declines at

higher rates.

3. For given credit costs, the firms that have more assets appear to receive more credit,

suggesting that ability to back credit received with collateral helps even between

firms in relationships. Our separate tests using total assets of the borrowing firms,

their “firm-specific” collaterals such as plant, machinery and equipment, and

inventories, and “non-specific” collaterals such as land and buildings (Liberti and

Mian, 2010) yield similar results. The results support the moral hazard explanation

for credit rationing. Pledging of collaterals increases the stake of the borrowing firms

in the loan-financed projects, reduces their adverse incentives, and relaxes the credit


4. The bottom 30%- 40% of the firms in our sample by asset size appear to be at risk of

credit rationing. Observed differences in characteristics between this group of firms

and other firms in our sample provide further support for the moral hazard model of

rationing of informal credit. The former firms are much smaller by asset size, but

have more outstanding bank credit and total credit in relation to their asset base than

the other firms, lending credence to the hypothesis that their large debt repayment

obligations cause moral hazard concerns. They generate less funds internally from

their operations, take much longer to pay off their trade credit dues and grow at a

significantly slower rate. They also receive less trade credit, relationship-based and

otherwise, than the other firms in absolute terms as well as adjusted for firm size.

Since asset size and age of a firm is highly correlated, we also classify the firms in

our sample by age, and find that firms below the age of sixteen, 40% of the entire

sample, face credit rationing.


5. The test results do not support an alternative hypothesis whereby the lenders ration

informal credit to prevent voluntary default by borrowers who have substantial

outside options4. If this were true for our sample of firms, then we would observe

that the larger and more profitable firms are credit-rationed, because they are more

likely to have more outside options.

6. Relationships are not entirely without value in inter-firm credit markets. Our test

results concerning two important alternative financing sources - internal sources of

funds and bank credit – consistently indicate that the firms that are unsuccessful in

raising funds internally or from banks appear to have better access to relationship-

based credit. A plausible explanation for the results is that the credit suppliers use the

credit to invest in special relationships with the firms that are cut off from other

sources of funds, presumably in return for special concessions. However, the same

firms face rationing when the cost of credit reaches a critically high level. In other

words, relationships help generate credit up to a point, but lose their effectiveness

when the critical level of interest is reached.

7. Interestingly, socially connected creditors appear to extend credit past the rates of

interest that usually choke additional credit from business relationships, suggesting

that social relationships are more beneficial for the borrowing firms than business


8. Neither the context, nor the empirical findings, of this paper support an asymmetric

information explanation for credit rationing. In our setting, the lenders are ex ante

able to distinguish between borrowers of different degrees of default risk. The lending

firms not only have an established relationship with the borrowing firms, they are also

able to observe all relevant borrower characteristics that typically determine

creditworthiness and explicitly incorporate them in their lending decisions. This is

reflected in our data which shows huge variability in the credit terms offered by the

creditors to the borrowing firms. The P5 and P95 interest rates charged are 9.1% and

87.1% respectively (see section IV.C below). To illustrate the point, we also include a

4For such borrowers, the standard repeated-game incentives of relational contracting are weak, resulting in contract failure. For a theoretical proof, see Proposition 4 in Ghosh et al (2000).


chart showing the distribution of the credit terms (see figure 3 at the end of the

paper). Significant variability in loan prices would be unlikely under adverse

selection. Further, as we mentioned above, our test results concerning two important

alternative financing sources - internal sources of funds and bank credit – consistently

indicate that the firms that are unsuccessful in raising funds internally or from banks

appear to have better access to relationship-based credit. This indicates that

relationships mitigate information asymmetry problems between lenders and

borrowers which are more endemic to formal credit.

To obtain the above results, we use alternative estimates of relationship-based

credit (see section IV below), multiple robustness tests (see section V below), and a clean

strategy to identify the supply of credit. Our results contribute new insights to several

strands of the existing literature. First, it throws light on an important but largely untested

and unsettled issue in corporate financing in emerging economies, namely to what extent

informal finance can contribute to corporate and industry growth. Rajan and Zingales

(1998) find that industries dependent on external finance grow disproportionately faster

in countries with developed financial markets. Their study considers only formal finance,

including bank credit and stock market capitalization. In less developed financial

markets, however, firms with high-return projects may take recourse to inter-firm credit

to overcome the deficiency of formal financing channels. Indeed, Fisman and Love

(2003) document that industries with higher dependence on trade credit financing achieve

higher rates of growth in countries with weak financial institutions. Trade credit

providers have an advantage over banks in acquisition of information about the borrowers

as well as in enforcement of loan contracts (Petersen and Rajan, 1997). In an environment

with weak financial institutions, this advantage makes it feasible for the borrowing firms

to commit themselves to repaying trade credit more credibly than bank credit. Fisman and

Love (2003) do not consider relationshipdriven trade credit. It would appear that inter-

firm credit between firms in relationships should mitigate the information and contract

enforcement problems even more effectively, and become a popular financing vehicle.

We do not observe this in our data. The median firm in our sample receives relationship-

based credit for only a third of its trade credit needs. About 14% of the firms in our

sample face rationing of relationship-based credit. The explanation for our findings, as


we have observed above, is that even though relationships mitigate information

asymmetry problems, moral hazard concerns still constrain credit supply. An interesting

implication of our findings is that the conclusions in Rajan and Zingales (1997) would

substantively hold if they included informal finance in their framework in addition to

formal finance.

Second, while there is widely documented evidence that firms in India and

emerging economies, especially the smaller firms, face credit constraints in formal credit

markets, ours is the first study that documents similar access problems for informal

credit. Recent studies report “substantial under-lending” and “credit rationing” by Indian

banks to the corporate sectors, in that the last dollar lent to a corporate borrower yields a

significantly higher return than the cost of the loan. Banerjee and Duflo (2001, 2004) and

Banerjee, Cole, and Duflo (2003) report that while bank credit is scarce, interest rates,

though high by world standards, appear to be below equilibrium levels for their sample of

firms. Gormley (2010) finds that the entry of foreign banks does not relax the overall

credit constraints of Indian firms, especially the SMEs, since they only lend to the most

profitable firms. Our finding that credit rationing exists in informal credit markets

supplements the findings in the above studies. Taken together, the findings imply that

small firms in India, and perhaps in other similar economies, may be excluded from both

formal and informal credit at the same time.

Third, in a broader context, our findings provide new insights into an important

public policy issue in emerging markets. Can informal private arrangements be an

effective substitute for formal public institutions? This is a question of great

consequence, particularly for countries without well-developed public institutions.

Starting from scratch, formal institutions are costly to build and costly to maintain. Some

existing studies have suggested that informal relationshipbased inter-firm arrangements

can substitute for formal legal and financial institutions, including law courts, capital

markets, and banks, particularly when such institutions are weak or altogether missing

(see, for example, Allen et al, 2005). Our evidence in this paper suggests a more nuanced

picture. As we have noted above, we find that firms that are unsuccessful in raising funds

internally or from banks appear to have better access to relationship-based credit, just as


Allen et al (2005) suggest. However, the same firms face rationing when the cost of

credit reaches a critically high level. Relationships help generate credit up to a point, but

lose their effectiveness when the volume of credit sought is high and a critical level of

interest is reached. In other words, relationship-based financing is neither a panacea nor a

mirage; the reality is perhaps somewhere in between. Clearly, there is scope for more

research in this important topic.5

The above findings have important public policy implications. Broadly, the

findings suggest that small firms in India, and perhaps in other emerging economies,

cannot count on informal credit to make up for unavailability of formal finance,

particularly if their credit needs are substantial. Therefore, the case for effective public

policy interventions to make the formal credit markets stronger and more inclusive

remains important even in the presence of informal credit markets.

Finally, our study fills in a serious knowledge gap in the existing literature. The

literature offers little information about the role informal relationships actually play in

inter-firm credit markets, except for investigations of informal credit in Vietnam during

the eighties by McMillan and Woodruff (1999a). In China, where neither the legal nor the

formal financial system functions well, Allen et al (2005) observe that alternative

financing and governance channels, based on reputation and relationships, support

growth in the private sector. However, data limitations in their study preclude formal

tests of this observation. Our rich and detailed survey data about informal relationships

supplemented with documented financial information for the firms in our sample permits

us to employ a comprehensive framework of analysis not attempted before. We identify

the extent of informal relationship-based credit in the total inter-firm credit received by

each firm in our sample. In the case of relationship-based credit, we are further able to

identify the nature of the relationship in question and determine if it is primarily driven

by business connections between the owners/founders of the firms (such as membership

in a common trade association etc.) or by social connections (such as friends, family

5 The focus of the present paper is availability of relationship-based financing at a reasonable cost. The paper is not concerned with the related, but separate, issue whether formal finance is more effective than informal finance in fostering corporate growth. The existing evidence on the issue is mixed. Ayyagari et al (2010) find evidence in favor of formal finance in China. On the other hand, Allen et al (2012) find no such evidence in India.


members, or members of the same caste etc.). We label the first type of relationships

business relationships and the second type social relationships. We also verify that our

sample is free from sample selection issues and other biases that sometimes limit the

value of survey data (see section III of this paper). Further, as we discuss below, we

notice considerable variability in the observations on all firm-level variables used in the

tests of this study, whether the observations are drawn from the reported financial

statements or from our survey data. The variability is also a reassuring indication that our

sample is not drawn from a particular segment of the population.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II below, we develop our

hypotheses and place them in the context of the existing literature. Section III describes

our data, including the survey responses about informal relationships and the panel data

from reported financial statements. In section IV, we discuss the test variables that we

construct using the data. In section V, we discuss our methodology and test results

concerning supply of relationship – driven credit. The results provide evidence of credit

rationing. In section VI, we consider the economic implications of the results. In section

VII, we investigate the role of collateral in credit rationing for our sample of firms. In

section VIII, we compare the characteristics of the set of firms that face the prospect of

credit rationing with those of the other firms in our sample with a view to obtaining

insights into the nature of credit-rationed firms. Finally, in section IX we present our

conclusions. In the appendix at the end of this paper, we discuss several tests to confirm

that our sample selection is free from some common biases.

II. Credit rationing literature and hypotheses

Two dominant views of credit rationing permeate the existing literature. The first

view, which dates back to Jaffee and Modigliani (1969), focuses on situations where the

price mechanism (changes in the interest rate) cannot clear excess demand in the loan

market. The borrowers receive smaller loans than they desire at the equilibrium interest

rate. Various explanations are offered for this phenomenon: (1) the probability of default

for any particular borrower increases as the loan size increases; (2) the mix of borrowers

changes adversely (Jaffee and Russell, 1976); (3) high interest rates necessary for the


credit markets to clear create adverse incentives for the borrowing firms who capture a

relatively small part of the returns from credit-financed projects, given their large debt

repayment obligations (Aghion and Bolton, 1997; Piketty, 1997; Ghosh et al, 2000). In

the second view of credit rationing, originating in Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), because of

information asymmetries between creditors and borrowers some borrowers, including

some identifiable groups of individuals, are completely rationed out of the loan market,

even though they would be willing to pay a higher interest rate than the prevailing rate in

the market. It should be noted that both views focus on supply side constraints whereby

the borrowing firms are unable to use the price mechanism to bid successfully for

additional funds. There is also a third view of credit rationing whereby excessive and

distortionary regulations, such as high zero-interest reserve requirements and

governmentmandated loan allocation, induces commercial banks to ration credit.

McKinnon (1973) provides an early exposition of regulation-induced credit rationing.6

The second and third views of credit rationing are not relevant to our context. As

we have discussed above in section I of this paper, the model of credit rationing based on

the creditors’ inability to distinguish between borrowers of different types of

creditworthiness is not consistent with our scenario of relationship-based credit. In this

scenario the lenders have an established relationship with the borrowers and, additionally,

observe all, or most, borrower characteristics relevant to the credit decision, including

their total assets, sales, profits, and other types of indebtedness including bank credit.

Regulation-induced rationing of credit by commercial banks is also not applicable to our

setting where non-financial firms extend credit to other firms. However, adverse

incentives explanation for credit rationing (a la Aghion and Bolton, 1997; Piketty, 1997;

Ghosh et al, 2000) is consistent with our setting. When direct monitoring by the lenders

over the use of credit is not feasible, a high interest rate necessary to clear the market for

loans creates a moral hazard problem for the borrowing firms. While some loan increases

may be feasible with higher interest rates, resulting in an upward-sloping credit supply

function, the lenders may be unwilling to extend further credit when the rate reaches a

critically high level. At this rate the debt repayment obligations are so large, and

borrowers’ stake in the success of their projects so limited, the lenders expect a decline in 6 Calomiris and Longhoffer (2008) provide an excellent overview of credit rationing literature.


expected returns with further increases in interest rates. The credit supply function

becomes perfectly interest-inelastic at this rate.

We wish to examine the moral hazard model of credit rationing by testing the first

hypothesis of this study:

H1: All (most) firms face an upward-sloping credit supply function. Some firms

face a perfectly interest-inelastic credit supply function, and are credit – rationed.

If this hypothesis holds, all or most borrowing firms in our sample will be

observed to face an upward-sloping credit supply curve. As we have remarked in the

introduction, we define credit-rationing to single out the segment of the borrowing firms

in our sample that cannot at all use the price mechanism to bid for additional funds, or

may even get less credit if they offer higher interest rates. An objective of the empirical

tests of H1 will be to identify those firms in our sample. Note that this strict view of

credit rationing results in a conservative estimate of credit-rationed firms in our sample.

We now turn to the role of collateral in informal credit markets. Many theoretical

models postulate that availability of collateralizable assets is a binding constraint on

credit (e.g. Bernanke and Gertler, 1989; Kiyotaki and Moore, 1997; Banerjee and

Newman, 1993). Liberti and Mian (2010) empirically show that this constraint binds

harder in more underdeveloped financial markets. The above studies have focused on

formal finance, mostly bank loans. In transactions based on relationships and trust, is

there any role for collaterals? Ghosh et al(2000) offer a model to suggest that, if the

borrowing firms do not have enough assets to guarantee the full value of their loans, their

effort choice under very general conditions will be less than first-best (see their

Proposition 1) even in informal markets. Even if the lenders observe all relevant borrower

characteristics, they still cannot observe their effort levels. Consequently, the lenders

resort to credit rationing, whereby the borrowers are unable to borrow all they want. In

this situation even in an informal market a larger loan size must be accompanied by

larger collateral, making failure more costly and the borrower’s effort level higher.

However, this intuition has never been empirically tested. If the test results support the

intuition, they will provide confirmation of the moral hazard explanation for credit

rationing. This consideration leads to the second testable hypothesis of this study:


H2: For given credit costs, there is a positive relationship between the size of

collateral pledged by the borrowing firm and the size of credit offered by the lending


Alternatively, keeping the loan size fixed, larger collateral should bring down the

cost of credit in equilibrium. The intuition is fairly simple. Ceteris paribus, a larger size

of collateral reduces the moral hazard problem for the borrower who now has a larger

stake in the success of the outcome. Since the default risk is lower, the loan interest rate

must fall if the lender’s profit is maintained at the same level as before in a competitive

credit market. Smaller debt repayment obligations in turn increase the borrower’s stake in

the project even further, reinforcing the positive incentives. To examine this intuition for

our sample of firms, we test the third hypothesis below:

H3: For a given amount of credit offered, there is a negative relationship between

the size of collateral pledged by the borrowing firm and the interest rate in equilibrium.

If this hypothesis holds, then we will observe that the firms in our sample that

have less collateral to pledge face higher credit costs in equilibrium than other firms,

ultimately leading to a situation where firms with meager collateralizable assets at their

disposal potentially face very high credit costs, triggering credit rationing. An interesting

implication of this hypothesis is that the test results will identify the set of firms in our

sample that face that the prospect of credit rationing. They are the firms that rank at the

bottom of the distribution of sample firms by asset size if the hypothesis holds.

III. Data

Given its objective, namely to examine the availability and importance of

relationship-based credit for small firms in India given their total credit needs, the present

study requires not only aggregate credit and other financial information reported in

corporate financial statements, but also information regarding relationship-based

financing which is typically not available in such statements. Accordingly, we create a

dataset combining two sources of data for a sample of non–financial SME's in India: (1)

panel data of trade credit transactions and other financing activities over a five-year


period complied from reported financial statements, and (2) data from a survey of the

same firms regarding the role of relationships in provision of inter-firm credit. The panel

data covers the period 2001- 2005, and was obtained from the Prowess database of the

Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE)7.The survey was conducted in and

around six metropolitan cities across India in 2006. Our strategy to construct a rich

dataset by combining survey responses with reported secondary data on the survey

respondents is similar to that of Graham et al (2008).

For our analysis in this paper, we optimize the use of the two types of data in our

dataset. For information relating to credit received from informal relationships and terms

of such credit we rely on the survey data. On the other hand, for all corporate financial

information included in company financial statements (such as the amount of total trade

credit received by a firm in a given year during 2001-2005) from CMIE Prowess

database. The combined data is very rich. For example, it enables us to identify the extent

of informal relationship-based credit in the total inter-firm credit received by each firm in

our sample. We are further able to identify the nature of the relationship in question and

determine if it is primarily driven by business connections between the owners/founders

of the firms (such as membership in a common trade association etc.) or by social

connections (such as friends, family members, or members of the same caste etc.).

A. Indian SMEs

Our sample includes only SMEs. Our choice of the sample was driven by two

factors. The first factor is our focus on trade credit transactions. There is ample evidence

that trade credit is a very important source of financing for Indian SMEs8. Evidence from

existing studies (e.g. Allen, et al 2009) also indicates that trade credit transactions

7 CMIE is a Mumbai-based economic and business information and research organization. Its Prowess database provides financial statements, ratio analysis, funds flows, product profiles, returns and risks on the stock markets, etc., of over ten thousand Indian companies. The database has been used in a number of well-known studies (Khanna and Palepu, 2000; Bertrand, Mehta, and Mullainathan, 2002; Gopalan, Nanda, and Seru, 2007) 8For a sample of about 9,000 Indian SME's in Allen, 2009 (table 6), almost 16% of their total funding during 2001-2005 came from trade credit. It was by far the single biggest source. Using financial reports of around 2,000 public companies from 1990-91 to 2002-03, the Reserve Bank of India (2005) finds that the smaller Indian firms depend heavily on trade credit for their funding needs and much more so than the larger firms. Using balance sheet information for nearly 6,000 Indian firms during 1994-2003, Love and Peria (2004) come to a similar conclusion.


between Indian SMEs are often not backed by legal or even written contracts. In other

words, such transactions are suitable observations on relational contracting. Second,

SMEs constitute an important segment of the Indian economy. Microenterprises and

SMEs together account for 8% of India’s GDP, 50% of total manufactured exports, 45%

of India’s total industrial employment, and 95% of all industrial units.9

In our sample selection we follow the official definition of an SME (vide Micro,

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006, Government of India). The

definition is different for manufacturing and services sectors. A manufacturing firm that

has investments in fixed assets, including plant, machinery and equipment below Rs. 100

million (US$ 2.22 million) qualifies as an SME; for firms in the services sector, the

ceiling is Rs. 50 million (US$ 1.11 million) in fixed assets.

Many SMEs in India are not organized as business units. CMIE Prowess database

provides information on corporate financing and other firm characteristics of SMEs

registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956. For our analysis in this paper, we use

corporate financial data from CMIE Prowess for a five-year period 2001-2005 before our

survey (see below).

B. Sample selection

In order to understand the nature of transactions based on informal relationships

between the Indian SMEs, we conducted a survey in 2006. At the time the Prowess

database included financial information for about 10,000 firms in total. To this set of

firms, we applied the following important selection criteria:

(1) The selected firms should have no financial business. Since the focus of our study

is access to finance problems of small firms, we were constrained to include firms

that had no financial business themselves. A total of 5,867 firms satisfied this


(2) Complete financial information for five years (2001-2005) preceding the survey

must be available for the surveyed firms. Relationships take time to develop and

9See Ravi (2009)


nurture which required us to consider firms with a reasonably long life. On the

other hand, we recognized that any time restriction of the kind introduces

survivorship bias in the sample. A length of five years seemed to us sufficient

time for the firms to develop and cement relationships, but not long enough for

the complications arising from survivorship to distort our analysis unduly. In

other words, this condition represents the best compromise between two

conflicting considerations. Of the 5,867 non-financial firms in Prowess database,

a total of 1,893 firms satisfied this condition.

(3) Of the 1,893 firms that survived the first two criteria, 680 are SMEs under the

MSME Act of 2006. About two-thirds of them are in manufacturing, the

remaining one-third in various service industries. Our target population for the

survey comprised the 680 SMEs.

We did not use the telephonic or the mailed questionnaire method to administer

the survey. The nature of our questions probing important business and relationships

issues required us to ensure that the responses came from the owners or top executives of

the surveyed units. We also wanted to make sure that the respondents clearly understood

the scope of the questions and the purpose of the survey. Accordingly, we administered

the survey in face-to-face interviews with the owners or top executives of the respondent

firms. We were able to administer the complete survey to 140 firms out of our target

population of 680 firms. The success rate of 21% is very encouraging, particularly given

the length of the survey and our stipulation of personal interviews with top executives.

We also conduct tests to verify that our sample of 140 firms is representative of the

CMIE population of 680 firms in firm characteristics that are important for our analysis

and used in tests in this paper (see below).

C. Survey data

The survey instrument, including all the questions, was designed by the authors of

the present paper and other researchers associated with them with a view to using the

survey data in several studies. The present study is one of them. Based on a review of

survey-based papers in economics and finance literature (e.g. McMillan and Woodruff,

1999a; Johnson et al, 2002a and 2002b), the survey questionnaire paid special attention to


the important issues in the institutional and financial environment in which Indian SMEs

operate, while trying to avoid biases induced by the questionnaire and, at the same time,

maximizing the response rate. The questions were designed with a view to eliciting

information not available in reported financial statements. They focused on company

history, factors affecting company operations, issues incorporate financing practices,

relations with banks and financial institutions, informal inter-firm relationships and trade

credit transactions, and business and social relationships of the owners/founders of the

firms with other firms. The final survey instrument was detailed, with a total of 99

questions (most with subparts) in three sections. The survey instrument and the tabulated

responses are available on request. In this study we use responses to only two questions

of the survey (see below).

Table 1 below presents the summary of the survey data on location, industry, age,

day-to-day management, and family control for the 140 firms in our sample.

[Table 1 here]

Location-wise, the 140 surveyed firms cover almost all regions in India, with a

greater concentration in Southern India (almost 41%)10. In this respect they resemble the

population of 680 firms. The sample spans more than twenty industries, including metal

and crude oil extraction, engineering, chemicals, construction, real estate, wholesale and

retail trade, and software. Firms manufacturing chemicals and chemical products

constitute almost 15% of the sample. Construction companies, manufacturers of basic

metals and manufacturers of food products & beverages account for 9%, 8% and 7%

respectively of the sample. Two-thirds of the firms are in manufacturing, and the other

one-third in services.

In 2005 (the last financial year before the survey), the sample firms ranged in age

from 5 years to 129 years, with the median age being 19 years. For two-thirds of the

firms, the top manager belongs to the founding family. For the larger firms (by the

number of employees), the proportion increases to three-fourths. For most firms, the

owner is actively involved in day-to-day management.

10 Based on registered office addresses.


D. Reported financial data

Table 2 reports the summary statistics of several important financial

characteristics for the sample of 140 firms, such as assets, sales, costs of goods sold,

internal sources of funds, trade credit, bank credit, and total borrowings. The statistics for

two special sub-categories of assets, land and buildings, and plant, machinery, and

equipment (PME), are also reported. The statistics are based on 700 firm-year

observations for the period 2001 –2005 obtained from CMIE Prowess database. The

variables are used in the tests in this paper.

[Table 2 here]

All variables included in the table appear to have very wide distributions. In all

cases but one (PME), the standard deviation of the distribution is much larger than the

corresponding mean. Also, except for internal sources11, the distributions of the financial

variables are very right-skewed, with the mean values of the distributions exceeding the

corresponding medians by a considerable margin. Two very important variables for the

tests in this paper is the size of total assets of the sample firms and the volume of trade

credit received by them in a year. Total assets of a firm indicate availability of collaterals

that the firm can put up for a loan. Note that this variable ranges from $0.13 million

(minimum) and $0.43 million (P5) to $14.54 million (P95) and $60.58 million

(maximum). While the median and the mean of the distribution are $3.15 million and

$4.58 million respectively, indicating a right-skewed distribution, the standard deviation

is $5.89 million. Trade credit received by a sample firm in a year ranges from zero

(minimum) to $35.62 million (maximum). P5 and P95 values are $0.03 million to $3.63

million respectively. The median and the mean of the distribution are $0.41 million and

$1.22 million respectively; the standard deviation is $2.95 million. Figure 1 below

presents a bar chart of the distribution of the total assets of the firms.

[Figure 1 here]

Table 2 indicates that on an average trade credit is a more important source of

funds for our sample of firms than bank credit. Though the median values of both

variables are about the same, the mean value of trade credit, $1.22m., is much larger than 11Internal sources represent after-tax income less dividends plus all non-cash expenses such as depreciation. It is a better measure of the cash generated by a firm than its after-tax profits.


bank credit mean, $0.79m. Based on data not reported in the table, as many as 157 firm-

year observations on bank credit, 22.4% of the total of 700, have a zero value, indicating

no credit. The corresponding number for trade credit is 6, less than 1% of the total

number of observations. In this respect our data is fully consistent with the voluminous

existing evidence of non-accessibility of bank finance for small firms in India (see, for

example, Gormley, 2010).

E. Survey data biases?

As we have indicated above, the survey instrument was long and included as

many as 99 questions, most of them with sub-parts. However, the survey was conducted

to generate data for several studies. The present study requires only two pieces of the

survey data: information relating to proportion of trade credit received from informal

relationships (responses to survey question no. 78) and terms of such credit (responses to

survey question no. 60). The questions and the tabulated responses may be seen in

Appendix II and III at the end of this paper. The responses are discussed in section IV


The survey approach allows the investigators to ask unique project-specific

questions, with the possibility of generating important information that cannot be

available from secondary sources. However, the approach is not without potential

problems that can introduce biases in analysis based on survey responses (see Graham et

al, 2008). We recognize the problems and address them, as we believe, successfully.

The survey method itself is sometimes open to questions. Survey questions can be

misunderstood, or otherwise generate noisy information. Our method of administering the

survey in face-to-face interviews with the top executives of the surveyed firms, offering

each respondent an opportunity to seek clarifications if necessary, alleviates the problem.

Then, self-reporting of information by the respondents is usually fraught with the risk of

under-statement of undesirable traits and exaggeration of desirable traits. In this

particular case, this problem is not present. The two survey questions used in the present

study are not performance-related. For information relating to financial performance, we

use CMIE Prowess data. Further, a common, and usually valid, criticism of surveys is


that they offer beliefs and perceptions of the respondents, not facts. In the present case,

the two survey questions are very specific and minimize this particular bias.

Finally, we conduct two important checks to make sure that the nature and size of

the sample of surveyed firms do not bias our results. First, we check that our sample of

firms is indeed representative of the population of 680 similar firms in Prowess database.

For the year 2005 (the last year before the survey was conducted), we conduct large

sample mean difference tests between the sample firms and the 680 SMEs12in the

Prowess SME population in respect of all firm-specific financing variables that are used

in the tests of this paper. The variables are reported in table 2 above. The hypothesis that

the corresponding means are not statistically different is supported by the data in all

cases. We do the same analysis for manufacturing and services firms separately, and

again do not find significant statistical differences between the means except in one case

where there is weak evidence of inequality (between mean sales for the sample firms in

services and the corresponding population mean). We wanted to extend this analysis to

each industry represented in our final sample. However, the sample size in each industry

is too small for the purpose. We conclude that the sample used in this study is free from

non-representativeness bias.

Further, there is considerable variability in the observations on all firm-level

variables used in the tests of this study. We have noted above the variability of the

observations drawn from the reported financial statements. As we discuss below, the

variables drawn from survey data also appear to have significant variability. The

variability is a reassuring indication that our sample is not drawn from a particular

segment of the underlying population, but is representative of the entire population.

Second, our sample is not a random sample, and includes firms that we were able

to survey. To check whether the characteristics of the firms in our sample differ

significantly from a randomly drawn sample, we carry out non-parametric with-

replacement random sampling to generate 2,000 random samples, each of size 140, from

the Prowess SME population. For the year 2005, we calculate the averages of the

12 To smoothen the distribution, we exclude outliers from the Prowess population by winsorizing the top and the bottom 2.5% of the firms on the basis of total assets.


corresponding means and standard deviations of the important firm-specific financing

variables across the 2,000 random samples. For each variable, we conduct a mean-

difference test between our sample firms and the average of the random samples. The

hypothesis that the corresponding means are statistically not different is strongly

supported in all cases. We repeat the analysis for manufacturing and services firms

separately, but the results do not change.

The details of the results of the two tests are reported in Appendix I at the end of

this paper. To save space, the results are reported for four key variables only: total assets,

sales, trade credit, and bank credit.

IV. Empirical variables

A. Proportions of relationship-based trade credit

The survey questionnaire included a question (question no. 78) asking the firms to

indicate the percentage of their total trade credit coming from specific types of

relationships. The question mentions seven types of relationships, three of them arising

from business and the other four from social interactions. Table 3A reports the question

as well as the mean response for the question. 122 firms responded to this question

completely. Additionally, one firm provided all the required information relating to

business relationships but not social relationships, and another firm did just the opposite.

[Table 3A here]

For each firm in our sample we determine the proportions of total credit received

from the three relationship categories: all relationships, business relationships, and social

relationships. To do so, we use two methods. First, we use a simple additive method.

As an example, suppose the proportions mentioned by a sample firm for the four types of

social relationships listed in the question are 5%, 10%, 10%, and 5%. Thus, 30% is the

proportion of the firm’s total trade credit received from all social relationship – based

suppliers. For robustness checks, we use a second method. Following Rao (1973, ch.4),

we conduct a Principal Components Analysis of the responses given by the firms and

calculate a weighting matrix such that the correlations among the different types of social


or business relationships listed in the question are zero. This method corrects for the

possibility that the different types of business or social relationships listed in the question

are not always mutually exclusive. For example, a related party that belongs to the

respondent’s extended family (social relationship type 1) often speaks the same native

language (social relationship type 4). Though both associations, individually, are

meaningful sources of a social relationship, a particular relationship may be over-

weighted because it has both types of association with the respondent firm.13

Using the first method, table 3B reports the summary statistics for the proportions

of the total trade credit that the firms in our sample received from their suppliers based on

all types of relationships (median 32%), only business relationships (16%), and only

social relationships (10%). We draw the reader’s attention to a few features of the

reported figures. First, every firm in our sample appears to have relationshipbased

suppliers, though the proportions of relationship-based trade credit actually received vary

considerably across our sample of firms, from 8% to 100% for credit from all

relationships. P5 and P95 values are 13% and 89% respectively. The distribution is right-

skewed, with the mean (40%) exceeding the median (32%). Second, the median value of

32% for all relationships indicates that the average firm in our sample depends on

relationships for about a third of its credit needs. Third, business relationships are more

important than social relationships in getting trade credit.

To save space, we do not report the adjusted figures based on the second method.

However, in our regression tests, we use those figures as a robustness check on the results

using the first method. As we shall see later, the test results are virtually the same for the

two methods. It suggests that the survey respondents were savvy enough to be careful

about possible correlations between relationships in different survey questions and

avoided giving undue weight to a particular relationship.

13The weighting matrix in this case is , where

is the dispersion matrix of the responses corresponding to the four types of social relationships listed in the question, are eigen-values of and are the corresponding eigen-vectors.We use the weights to transform the original responses. In a similar manner, we transform also the responses for the business relationships and all relationships listed in the question,


B. Volume of relationship–based credit

Using the proportion figures for a given firm in our sample, and the information

about total trade credit it actually received in each year during 2001-2005 from Prowess

database, we estimate the dollar value of relationship-based credit received by the firm

during the sample period. For each firm in the sample, we compute Credit - All Relations

(credit from other firms in relationships), Credit - Business Relations (credit received

from business relationship-based suppliers), and Credit – Social Relations (trade credit

received from social relationship-based suppliers). In the bottom panel of table 3Bwe

report the summary statistics of the relationship-based inter-firm credit received by the

firms in our sample. The figures are based on 610 firm-year observations for Credit - All

Relations and 615 firm-year observations for the other two types of credit. Though all

firms in the sample reported positive proportions of credit coming from relationships,

indicating presence of ongoing relationships with credit suppliers, some 6 firm-year

observations are very small and coded as zero.

The proportions underlying the dollar figures reported in the table are based on

the simple additive method. We have also computed the dollar figures using the adjusted

proportions based on the Principal Components Analysis, but do not report them to save

space. Note from the table that the volume of trade credit received by the firms in our

sample in a year vary widely. Credit - All Relations ranges from zero to $21.2 million. P5

and P95 values are $0.01million and $2.51 million respectively. High variability is to be

expected. We have noted that the two inputs into credit from relationships, namely the

proportion of trade credit from relationships and volume of trade credit received in a

year, are themselves highly variable. Figure 2 below presents a bar chart of the

distribution of the volume of trade credit.

[Figure 2 here]

C. Terms of relationship- based credit

A question in the survey questionnaire (question no. 60) asked the respondent

firms to state the terms for the trade credit they receive, including the length of the credit

period and the discount for timely payment. 106 firms in our sample responded to this

question. A payment during the stipulated credit period qualifies for the discount. To


compute the effective annualized cost of credit, we use the discounts offered along with

the stipulated length of the credit period reported by the surveyed firms. For example, the

median length of the credit period for the firms in the sample was 1 – 3 months, and the

median discount for timely payment was 2% – 5%. Using the mid-point values of the two

ranges, and compounding over the year, the annualized cost of foregoing the discount

(not making a timely payment) works out to 23%. In effect, the firms receive an interest-

free loan for the length of the credit period.

We want to draw the reader’s attention to a few features of the reported credit

terms. The firms in the sample reported the same credit terms regardless of the type of

the underlying relationship, business or social. Second, the reported credit terms are

applicable for a given borrowing firm rather than for a loan received by the firm. The

terms do not seem to change much from loan to loan for the same firm. This is primarily

because ongoing relationships, which are firm-specific rather than project-dependent, are

a major factor in the determination of the credit terms. Besides, the size and timing of

trade credit, which typically consists of loans of physical supplies or services that the

borrowing firm needs for its production process, are usually regular and predictable.

Further, the computed costs of relationship–based credit, being based on survey

responses, also do not change from year to year in our analysis. This is reasonable, since

the relationships underlying the costs are presumed to remain constant during the sample

period. Further, even outside of relationship – based credit, trade credit terms change

only infrequently.

The last row of table 3B presents key statistics of the distribution of the costs.

Note that the distribution is very wide. While the minimum reported credit cost is as low

as 3.6%, the maximum reported cost is as high as 87.1%. The median annual cost is 22%,

while the standard deviation of the distribution is 25%. Figure 3 below presents a bar

chart of the distribution of the costs. Note that the 10% – 30% cost range includes the

highest proportion (35%) of the computed costs.

[Figure 3 here]

Credit costs are a key variable in the tests of credit supply models in this paper.

As we see later in the paper, the tests exploit the variability of the costs and produce


interesting results. We note that some existing studies (e.g. Petersen and Rajan, 1997)

conjecture that trade credit costs do not vary much across firms within an industry.

However, they do not have cost data to verify their conjecture. We recognize that the

conjecture is not inappropriate for their setting. In their setting, asymmetric information

between lenders and borrowers would result in substantially similar terms, reflecting

average riskiness of the borrowing firms, being offered to all firms. Our setting is very

different. In our setting of relationship-based credit, the lenders are able to observe all, or

most, relevant borrower characteristics, and are therefore in a position to vary the credit

terms to fit the observed profile a given borrowing firm. Our data and tests support this


V. Supply of relationship-based trade credit

A. Number and variability of observations

Given our sample size of 140 firms and sample period of five years (2001 –

2005), the dataset used in the tests of this paper include 700 firm-year observations on all

financial variables obtained from CMIE Prowess database. The summary statistics for the

sample firms included in table 2 are based on those 700 observations. However, the

number of observations for the two key variables constructed from the survey data is

fewer. As we have noted above, not all sample firms responded to all the questions

required for the two variables. From table 3, the cost of relationship-based credit could

be determined only for 106 firms in our sample. As a result, the number of firm-year

observations used in the tests are often in the range of 450-500. However, as we have

observed above, there is significant variability in the values of all variables in tables 2

and 3, in other words whether the data for the variable is obtained from Prowess or from

our survey. Our test results discussed below exploit this variability.

B. Identification strategy

The observed level of relationship-based credit for a given firm is determined

simultaneously by the both the credit extended to the firm by its suppliers as well as the

firm’s demand for credit. In other words, we come face to face with the classic

identification problem. To have the credit supply function properly identified, we employ


a strategy similar to Petersen and Rajan (1997). We estimate demand for credit for the

firms in our sample in a scenario where the price of credit is effectively zero. It is,

actually, a realistic scenario. As we have discussed in the preceding section, trade credit

is interest-free credit during a typical contract period. In this situation, the credit demand

is determined by firm-specific and time-specific factors, but is independent of all credit

supply considerations. Analytically, our procedure estimates the firm’s true demand for

credit unconstrained by any supply-side factors. Thus, this demand estimate serves as an

appropriate instrument for credit demand when estimating the credit supply function. As

a robustness check, we also use a second instrument.

Using a pooled cross-sectional two-stage least-square (2SLS) procedure, we

estimate a system of two simultaneous equations indicated below. The first-stage

equation (1) represents credit demand function and the second-stage equation (2) credit

supply function:

퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0) = 훾푅푀푆푆 + 푎 + 푏 + 푣 (1)

퐶푟푒푑푖푡 = 훼 + 훽퐶표푠푡 + 휃퐶표푠푡 + 훿퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0) + 퐶표푛푡푟표푙푠 + 푎 + 푏 +

휀 (2)

As discussed above, the demand is estimated in the first equation independently

of supply. The demand equation includes the dependent variable 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), indicating

demand for trade credit of firm i in year tat zero rate of interest, and independent

variables 푅푀푆푆 , representing the firm’s cost of raw materials and other inputs (stores

and spares)14, firm-fixed effects ai, year-fixed effects bt , and error-term vit. A firm

typically borrows raw materials and other inputs, in part or in full, from its suppliers as

trade credit. The demand equation represents the intuition that, in a scenario of zero rate

of interest, credit demand is determined by the firm’s operations, and other firm-specific

characteristics such as its other sources of credit, age, industry etc. The firm’s demand

for credit may also vary from year to year due to time-related factors (such as boom,

recession etc.). In equation (1) above, firm-fixed effects, indicated by ai, control for

cross-sectional variations in all firm-level factors and year-fixed effects, indicated by bt,

control for time-variations in demand for credit. The estimated demand serves as an 14 Raw Materials, Stores and Spares expenses for a firm is a line item in the income statements of firms included in Prowess.


appropriate instrument for credit demand, and is used as a control variable in the second

equation. The regression results of equation (1) indicate that the model fits the data

remarkably well, with a reported R2 of 0.92. As a robustness check, in our tests we use

cost of raw material and other inputs directly as a proxy for credit demand in the supply

function without going through the two-stage process. The test results do not change.

The credit supply equation in (2) takes into account cost of credit as reported by

the firms and all firm-specific and time-related factors that may influence supply of credit

to the firms cross-sectionally and inter-temporally, while controlling for their credit

demand using the instrument variable. It includes the dependent variable, 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 ,,

indicating credit supplied in equilibrium to firm i in year t, and independent variables

Costi (cost of relationship – based credit for firm i during the sample period based on the

credit terms offered to the firm, as discussed in the section above), Costi2 (included to test

for non-linearity in cost-sensitivity of supply), the instrument for the firm’s demand for

credit, 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), obtained from the demand equation, a set of firm-specific controls,

industry-fixed effects aI,, year-fixed effects bt , and an error-term it. The firm-specific

controls include two types of control variables that are likely to influence how much

credit a firm receives: other financing sources (Bank Loan and Internal Sources), and

important firm characteristics (Total Assets, Sales, and Age). aI indicates industry-fixed

effects and controls for fluctuations in credit supply due to possible industry factors (such

as credit providers preferring some industries to others). bt indicates year-fixed effects

and controls for time-related fluctuations in credit supply.

The key to our estimation strategy is identification of credit demand

independently of credit supply. Note that, while by construction supply depends on

demand because the estimated demand is used as a control variable in the supply

function, supply itself does not influence demand which is determined entirely by firm-

specific and time-specific factors. Hence the connection between the two functions runs

in one direction only, ruling out reverse causation.

C. Estimating supply of relationship-based credit

To capture supply of credit arising from the three types of relationships – all

relationships, business relationships, and social relationships - we estimate equation (2)


above under three different specifications. Depending on the specification, the dependent

variable, 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 , represents CreditAll Relations, or CreditBusiness Relations, or

CreditSocial Relations, as defined in section III above. Since CreditBusiness

Relations, and CreditSocial Relations variables are constructed from the subsets of the

survey responses that are used to construct CreditAll Relations, we are obliged to

estimate the three regressions models separately. We run the three models in all tests in

this paper, and report the results for the three models side by side in all tables. In each

model, the dependent variable in a given period is normalized by the total assets of the

firm in the same period. Normalization is done not only to reduce variability in the

distribution of the dependent variable but also for another important reason. Assets of a

firm play an important role in the creditor’s decision to extend credit to the firm, as we

discussed before (and also present supporting evidence below). Therefore, changes in

credit supplied to a firm scaled by its total assets reflect changes in the normal or

accustomed level of credit for the firm given its total assets.

We first estimate equation (2) where the dependent variable reflects the

unadjusted proportions of relationship-based credit reported by the firms. Subsequently,

as a robustness check on the first set of results, we use credit figures based on the

adjusted proportions after correcting for possible correlations between different types of

relationships (see section IV.C above). We also conduct other robustness tests and check

for possible endogeneity problems. Table 4, panel A, reports the results of the first set of

tests. Note that we estimate the first two models (with Credit–All Relations and Credit-

Business Relations as the dependent variable) with 455 firm–year observations, based on

five years of data for 91 firms. We estimate the third model (with Credit–Social Relations

as the dependent variable) with 460 firm–year observations for 92 firms (one firm

supplied all information for social relationship-based credit but not for business

relationship-based credit). Though 122-123 firms had supplied all information necessary

to figure out their relationship-based credit, and 106 had supplied the information for the

cost of such credit (table 3B), the set of firms who had supplied both types of information

numbered in the low 90’s.

[Table 4 here]


From panel A, the two cost variables are highly significant (at 1% level) for all

three types of relationship-based credit. However, the coefficient of Costi is positive,

while the coefficient of its square term is negative, in all three cases. The results indicate

an upward-sloping supply curve of relationship-based credit becoming interest-inelastic

at higher costs. This finding suggests that some firms in our sample face rationing of

relationship-driven credit (consistent with the notion of true credit rationing in Stiglitz

and Weiss, 1981. To limit borrower moral hazard, the lenders do not allow interest rates

to rise to a level where existing demand for credit is fully satisfied, and resort to

rationing. Our results in the table indicate that rationing kicks in at an annualized cost of

55% for credit from all relations, at 50% for credit from business relations, and at 58%

for credit from social relations15. Intuitively, socially connected credit suppliers still offer

credit when additional credit from business relations dries up.

The evidence of an upward-sloping credit supply function together with credit

rationing at a high level of interest cost supports hypothesis H1 discussed in section II

before. Note from the table that 14% of the sample used in the test (13 out of 91 firms)

indicated paying a higher rate of interest than the critical rate. In other words, 14% of the

sample firms appear to face credit rationing. To check the robustness of the credit

rationing results, we estimate the supply function with an additional cubic cost term

(Cost3). The regression coefficient of the cubic term turns out to be insignificant,

indicating that the observed negative sign of the cost square term is robust.

The regression coefficient of the variable indicating financing from banks, Bank

Credit, is negative, but significant only for the second model (Credit - Business

Relations). In the existing trade credit finance literature, relationship between bank credit

and inter-firm credit is a largely unsettled issue. Generally, ability to raise bank credit, or

to generate funds from internal operations, serves as a signal of the creditworthiness of

the customer and qualifies the firm for more trade credit, making the two financing

sources complementary with each other. Other reasons why bank credit can be an

important complement to trade credit have also been proposed. Trade credit suppliers

may also depend on banks to monitor their common customers (Diamond, 1984), making 15 The value of Costi that maximizes the credit supply function in (1) is given by –β/2θ where β indicates the regression coefficient of Costi and θ indicates the regression coefficient of Costi



the two sources of credit complementary. However, for firms in relationships, the need

for an external signal or agent to convey information about a partner is questionable.

Besides, bank credit requires formal contracting facilities and a suitable legal

environment (Ayyagari, Demirguc-Kunt, and Maksimovic, 2008; Beck and Martinez

Peria, 2008). Therefore, in the informal sector of a developing economy, trade credit

may substitute for bank credit. Similarly, if a customer has no access to bank loans

because of adverse selection problems, and the supplier has better information about the

customer and better monitoring capability, it may have to grant the credit in order to

make the sale (Biais and Gollier, 1997). In this situation again, bank loan and trade credit

are substitutes for each other. This could be a particularly realistic situation if the

customer and the supplier belong to a common network. In an extensive empirical study

of trade credit transactions of small businesses in the USA, Petersen and Rajan (1997)

also find a negative association between trade credit supply and availability of bank


The variable indicating internal funds generation, Internal Sources, is negative

and highly significant (1% level) in all three models. The result suggests that profitable

firms do not get more relationship-based profit, while unprofitable firms do. The

combined thrust of this result and the results for bank credit noted above is that the firms

that are unsuccessful in raising funds internally as well as externally appear to have better

access to relationship-based credit. A plausible explanation for the results is that the

credit suppliers use trade credit to invest in special relationships with the firms that are

cut off from other sources of funds, perhaps in return for special concessions. This is an

intriguing implication and sets relationship-based credit apart from other types of credit.

The coefficient for 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), the instrument for demand for credit, is positive

for all models, and significant for Credit–All Relations (at 10% level) and Credit–Social

Relations (at 5% level). The results suggest that an upward shift in the demand schedule

is associated with more credit supply. However, the increase in credit supply is usually

limited. Note that the regression coefficients and the corresponding t-statistics are usually

small. The highest t-statistic is 2.25 (reported for Credit – Social Relations). The results

make intuitive sense and are consistent with the other results. In all three models, the

credit supply curve is generally not very price-elastic across the range of interest rates,


though it is somewhat flatter for Credit–Social Relations. As we have observed above,

the supply curve becomes totally interest-inelastic at a high rate of interest for Credit–All

Relations and Credit–Business Relations, though it takes a higher rate of interest for that

to happen for Credit–Social Relations.

Finally, note that R2 for the test results are very satisfactory and vary between

0.48 and 0.53 for the three models. For all test results in this paper, R2 remains in this


D. Collaterals and credit supply

From panel A of table 4, the coefficients for firm characteristics Total Assets,

Sales, and Age are all positive and highly significant (at 1% level) for Total Assets and

Age. The effect is also economically strong. From our base-case results for Credit – All

Relations, given all other things the same, a 1% change in total assets changes

relationship-based credit for the median firm by 25 basis points. The evidence for total

assets supports hypothesis H2 discussed in section II before. Recall that the hypothesis

conjectures a positive relationship between the size of collaterallizable assets of the

borrowing firm and the size of credit offered by the lending firms, controlling for cost of

credit. As we have discussed, for given credit costs, a larger loan size must be

accompanied by larger collateral to mitigate moral hazard concerns. The borrower’s

effort level improves, since failure is now more costly, and the lender relaxes the credit

constraint. Our results may also indicate that firms with more assets and/or longer life

have more resources and more time to invest in relationship-building, leading to more

relationship-based credit. Since asset size of a firm is typically positively associated with

its sales and age, those two variables also exhibit a positive coefficient.

For our sample of firms, we have information for their total assets and fixed

assets, but no direct information what proportion of the assets are collateralizable.

However, they must be positively correlated with the amount of collateralizable assets,

and should serve as reliable proxies for collaterals in empirical tests. Further, in the

creditor’s view, enough assets may help the borrower turn around sooner. All of the

above reasons suggest a positive empirical relationship between total assets of a

borrowing firm and the amount of relationship-based credit it receives. We also conduct


separate tests using total assets of the borrowing firms, their “firm-specific” collaterals

such as plant, machinery and equipment, and inventories, and “non-specific” collaterals

such as land and buildings (see Liberti and Mian, 2010). The tests yield similar results.

E. Robustness check: Estimating supply of relationship-based credit with adjusted credit


We conduct the same tests using the adjusted credit received figures that are

corrected for possible correlations between types of relationships reported by the survey

respondents. The results are reported in panel B of table 4. In virtually every respect, the

results are very similar to what we have seen for uncorrected credit figures. The

coefficient of Costi is positive, while the coefficient of its square term is negative,

indicating interest-inelasticity as before. The corresponding coefficients of the two credit

terms in panels A and B of table 4 are very similar and the significance levels are

identical (always 1% level) in each of the three regression models (with Credit - All

Relations, Credit - Business Relations, and Credit - Social Relations as the dependent

variable). Most importantly for our purpose, as before rationing is triggered at an

annualized 55% cost for credit from all relations, 50% for credit from business relations,

and at 58% for credit from social relations. The results are virtually identical also for the

control variables other financing sources (Bank Loan and Internal Sources), and firm

characteristics(Total Assets, Sales, and Age), and 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0).

The striking similarity of the results across all variables of the regression model

leads to an interesting conclusion. The survey respondents were savvy enough to be

aware of possible correlations between relationships in different survey questions and

were on their guard when assigning weight to a particular relationship. Given the

closeness between the two sets of results with unadjusted and adjusted credit figures, in

the rest of the paper we report results based on the former figures. However, in all cases,

we run the tests also with adjusted credit figures for our own verification.

F. Robustness check: Estimating supply of relationship-based credit with credit figures

normalized by total credit

For another robustness check, we normalize the three types of relationship-based

credit received by the firms in our sample in a given period by their total borrowings, that


is credit from all sources, as opposed to total assets as in panels A and B. The logic

justifying the method is simple. For a prospective lender, the obligations associated with

all outstanding loans of the firm are an important consideration.

We estimate the three models (with credit from all relationships, business

relationships, and social relationships as the dependent variables) with 452, 452, and 457

firm-year observations, in each case with three fewer observations than credit normalized

by total assets. For one firm in the sample, total borrowings information was not available

for three years. Panel C of table 4 reports the results. The coefficient of Costi is positive

and the coefficient of its square term is negative, indicating credit rationing as before.

However, compared to the base-case results in panel A of the table, the coefficients of

Costi and Costi2 , as well as the standard errors, are larger in each of the three models,

though their significance levels remain the same (1%). Interestingly, the annualized costs

of credit that trigger rationing are considerably lower than when credit is normalized by

total assets: 41% for credit from all relations, 34% for credit from business relations, and

48% for credit from social relations. Since rationing kicks in sooner, a larger pool of

borrowers faces credit rationing (24% in the case of credit from all relations, 45% for

credit from business relations, and 19% for credit from social relations). As before,

socially connected credit suppliers still supply credit when additional credit from

business relations dries up.

Actually, the results are intuitive and consistent with the results for credit normalized

by total assets noted above, Since total borrowings of a firm at any given point of time is

less than its total assets (the difference being the value of the firm’s equity), relationship-

based credit viewed as a proportion of the total borrowings of a firm is higher than the

same credit viewed in relation to the total assets of the firm. The first view focuses on the

firm’s total indebtedness, the second on its ability to support its debts with assets. If the

creditors base their decision on the former, they ration credit sooner (at a lower rate of

interest) than when they view credit in relation to its total assets. This also explains why

the coefficients for Total Assets, positive and significant at 1% level when credit is

viewed in relation to its total assets, are no longer significant. When credit is no longer

viewed in relation to total assets, a change in the firm’s assets does not affect its credit



The coefficients for the instrument for credit demand, 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), are also

positive in all three models as before, but significant only for CreditSocial Relations (at

10% level). An upward shift in credit demand usually does not lead to increased supply.

The results indicate that the credit supply curve is generally interest-inelastic, and more

so than when credit is normalized by total assets, consistent with the credit rationing

results discussed above.

G. Endogeneity check

We check for the possibility that relationship-based credit received by a firm may

influence what assets the firm is able to procure, resulting in reverse causation between

credit received and total assets. We estimate the same system of simultaneous equations

with three variations. In the first variation total assets in the current period is replaced

with total assets lagged for one period. In the second, total assets in the current period is

replaced with total assets lagged for one as well as two periods. Finally, in the third

variation all three specifications are included: current total assets; total assets in the

previous period; and total assets in two periods before. Panels A, B and C of Table 5

report the results for the three variations.

[Table 5 here]

Note that the reported results for the coefficients of Costi and its square term in

each of the three panels of table 5 are almost identical in magnitude as well as

significance level (1%) to the results for the base case (with only total assets in the

current period) in table 4 before. In each panel, the coefficient for Costi is positive and the

coefficient for Costi2is negative. The results indicate an interest-inelastic supply curve

with the same trigger points for credit rationing as before: 55% annualized cost for credit

from all relations, 50% for credit from business relations, and 58% for credit from social

relations. The results for the other financing sources, Bank Credit and Internal Sources,

in the three panels are also very similar to the base-case results in table 4.

The results for Total Assets are interesting. In panel A, where the assets are lagged

for one period, the results are very similar to the base-case results in table 4 where the

assets are not lagged: positive and significant at 1% level. In panel B which includes total

assets lagged for one as well as two periods as separate independent variables, the


coefficient for total assets lagged for one period changes sign and becomes insignificant

while the coefficient for total assets lagged for two periods is positive and significant at

1%. The results indicate high multi-collinearity between total assets lagged for one and

two periods. This is not surprising, given that total assets do not change much from year

to year, especially in the case of small firms. In panel C, which includes current total

assets, total assets in the previous period and total assets in two periods before as three

separate variables, the coefficients for the first and third total asset variable are consistent

with what we have observed before: positive and significant at 1% level. The coefficient

for total assets lagged for one period is, on the other hand, negative and significant, due

again to high multi-collinearity between total assets lagged for one and two periods.

The results for the other two firm characteristics, Age and Sales, are mostly

similar to the base case in table 4, as are the results for 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0). Based on the results

of our investigations, we conclude that reverse causation between credit and total assets

does not pose a problem in our framework.

VI. Economic implications

Until now we have been concerned with the statistical properties of our test

results. To examine the economic significance of the results, we focus on the results

reported in table 4 above, since the results in table 5 have indicated that endogeneity is

not a concern in our framework. We consider the results both when the credit variables

are normalized by total assets of the firm (panel A, table 4), and when they are

normalized by total borrowings of the firm (panel C, table 4).16For ease of reference, the

relevant figures from table 4 and other tables are reproduced in table 6 below.

[Table 6 here]

Panel A of table 6 focuses on credit normalized by total assets. Based on

information supplied by the firms in our sample, the median cost of credit is 22% and

credit/total assets corresponding to the median cost is 0.09, 0.04, and 0.04 respectively

for credit from all relations, business relations, and social relations. In terms of dollars, 16As we have noted above, the results in panel B of table 4 are very similar to the results in panel A, and therefore have similar economic significance.


the credit figures are $0.43m, $0.22m, and $0.22m. The costs of credit that trigger credit

rationing are 55%,50%, and 58% respectively for the three types of credit (based on our

regression results in table 4). The volumes of credit supplied at those costs are $0.88m,

$0.43m, and $0.43m. They represent the maximum amounts of credit that the firms in our

sample receive. From this point, credit supplied declines even though the costs of credit

are higher. In this zone, the average volume of credit of the three types supplied decline

to $0.67m, $0.32m, and $0.36m17.

In Panel B of table 6, we consider our results for credit normalized by total

borrowings. The costs of credit that trigger credit rationing are 41%, 34%, and 48%

respectively for the three types of credit (based on our regression results in table 4). As

we have noted above, if the creditors base their credit decisions on the total outstanding

credit of the borrowing firms rather than their total assets, they cap credit at lower rates of

interest. The corresponding volumes of credit supplied are $0.89m, $0.52m, and $0.43m,

representing the maximum amounts of credit that the firms in our sample receive. As

before, from this point the average volume of credit supplied declines to $0.73m, $0.38m,

and $0.37m even though the costs of credit are higher.

VII. Identifying credit-rationed firms

In this section we examine the final hypothesis of this paper (H3) whereby, for a

given amount of credit offered, there is a negative relationship between the amount of

collateral pledged by the borrowing firm and the credit cost in equilibrium. If this

hypothesis holds, then the firms in our sample that have less collateralizable assets will

be observed to face higher credit costs in equilibrium than other firms, ultimately leading

to a situation where firms with meager collateralizable assets at their disposal potentially

face very high credit costs and credit rationing..

To test the hypothesis, we use total assets of the firms as a proxy for their

collateriazable assets, and classify the firms by their total assets. For robustness checks,

17The averages represent the averages of the corresponding firm-year observations.


we conduct the tests also with “firm-specific” collaterals such as plant, machinery and

equipment, and inventories, and “non-specific” collaterals such as land and buildings. We

use two methods to classify the firms by their assets. Under the first method, we estimate

the value of the average assets of each firm in our sample over the five-year sample

period (2001-2005), and use that estimate to determine its rank among the entire sample

of firms. In this method each firm gets a unique rank which remains constant over the

sample period, with the result that a given firm is either credit-rationed or not credit-

rationed throughout the study period. Under the second method, we consider the value of

total assets for each firm separately for each year, so that a given firm may get a different

rank in different years based on its changing asset base. In this method a firm that is

credit-rationed in one year may not be rationed in other years. Note that the second

method is more general and allows a firm to move up or down in rank over the sample

period. In both methods, we group the firms into deciles based on their respective ranks.

We estimate the two-equation system where equation (2) is now augmented with

interaction terms between each of the two credit terms, Costi and Costi2, and dummy

variables indicating the rank of firm i among the firms in our sample. Equation (2) below

represents the augmented regression model

퐶푟푒푑푖푡 = 훼 + 훽퐶표푠푡 + 훽( )퐶표푠푡 ∗ 푇표푝( ) + 휃퐶표푠푡 + 휃( )퐶표푠푡 ∗ 푇표푝( ) +

훿퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0) + 퐶표푛푡푟표푙푠 + 푎 + 푏 + 휀 (2)

In this equation, TOP(j) is a dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to top j

percentile in terms of total assets in our sample of firms and zero otherwise; j = 10, 20,

…, 90. We estimate equation (2) using both methods of ranking based on total assets.

The two tests serve as robustness checks on each other.

A. Method 1: ranking by sample –period average assets

Panel A of table 7 presents the results of 30 tests, separately for three models with

different dependent variables (CreditAll Relations, CreditBusiness Relations, and

CreditSocial Relations) and ten percentile groups in each model.

[Table 7 here]


Note that in all three models, for the first seven groups of firms, comprising top

10 to top 70 percent of the firms based on total assets, the supply curve is upward-sloping

with a positive and significant coefficient for Costi and an insignificant or a positive

coefficient for the square term Costi2. For example, for the top 70% of the firms in the

first model (with CreditAll Relations as the dependent variable), the coefficient for Costi

and Costi2 are 0.152 (significant at 5% level) and -0.114 (insignificant). For this group of

firms, the minimum size of total assets is $2.15m. They face an upward-sloping credit

supply curve. However, in all three models the next two groups, comprising the top 80%

and top 90% firms, as well as the full sample of firms face an interest-inelastic supply

curve, with a positive and significant coefficient for Costi and a negative and significant

coefficient for the square term Costi2 (except in model 2 with CreditBusiness Relations

as the dependent variable where the coefficient for Costi2is negative but not significant).

For example, in the first model, for the top 80% of the firms (with an asset size of $1.64m

or more), the regression coefficients of Costi and Costi2 are respectively 0.161(significant

at 5% level) and -0.141 (significant at 10% level). Similarly, for the top 90% of the firms

in the first model, with a minimum asset size of $1.10m, the regression coefficients are

respectively 0.227 and -0.210, both significant at 1% level. In the last row of the table,

the results for the full sample of firms are reported, and are the same as in panel A of

table 5. The interest rates that induce the lenders not to extend credit to the three groups

are 57%, 54%, and 54% respectively.

The results for the second model (Credit – Business Relations) and the third

model (Credit – Social Relations) are similar. Overall, the results indicate that the firms

in the bottom 30% of our sample (the firms that rank behind the top 70% of the firms) by

asset size face the prospect of getting none of the three types of relationship-based credit.

B. Method 2: ranking by assets in each sample year

Panel B of table 7 presents the results of 30 tests. As for the first method, the

results are reported separately for three models with different dependent variables (Credit

- All Relations, Credit - Business Relations, and Credit - Social Relations) and ten

percentiles groups in each model. Note that the results are very similar to the results for

the first method in panel A of the same table, except in one respect noted below. In each


of the three models, the first six groups of firms, comprising top 10 to top 60 percent of

the firms based on total assets, face an upward-sloping credit supply curve with a positive

and significant coefficient for Costi and an insignificant or a positive coefficient for the

square term Costi2. Also, as under the first method, in all three models the bottom three

groups, comprising the top 80%, top 90% as well as the full sample of firms, face an

interest-inelastic supply curve, with a positive and significant coefficient for Costi and a

negative and significant coefficient for the square term Costi2. The results indicate that

the bottom 30% firms in terms of asset base face the prospect of zero credit. The only

difference from the results under the first method is the result for the firms in the top 70

percent group, and there too only in the third model (Credit – Social Relations).For this

group the coefficient for Costi is positive (0.115) and significant at 1% level, but the

coefficient for Costi2is negative (-0.086) and mildly significant at 10% level. This result

indicates that credit for social relations is rationed at 67% cost of credit and beyond for

the bottom 40% of the sample firms based on total assets.

Our findings discussed above consistently indicate that the supply curve for credit

from all types of relationships becomes interest-inelastic, and credit is cut off, for the

bottom 30% of the firms by asset size in our sample. The results are uniform for both

methods of asset-based firm classification and for each of the three models. Additionally,

the second method of firm classification offers weak evidence that firms in the bottom

30%-40% zone may also face rationing of credit from social relationships. The findings

provide strong support for hypothesis H3. Note that it is by no means certain that all

firms in the two groups are actually credit-rationed. Note also that this result is consistent

with, and provides independent confirmation of, our finding in the previous section that

14% of the firms in our sample actually face credit rationing, judging by their cost of


C. Robustness checks

We have conducted several robustness checks on the above results. The existing

literature on loan collaterals makes a sharp distinction between “firm-specific” collaterals

such as plant, machinery and equipment, and inventories, and “non-specific” collaterals

such as land and buildings and liquid securities (Liberti and Mian, 2010). We go through


the same exercise as above with firm ranking based on the two types of assets instead of

total assets. We first rank the firms in our sample on the basis of the value of their plant,

machinery and equipment, and estimate the regression equation (1) again. The test

results, not reported here, indicate that the bottom 30% of the sample based on the value

of their plant, machines and equipment, are candidates for total credit rationing. We then

rank the firms by the size of their land and buildings, and conduct the same test. The

results suggest that as many as 80% of the sample firms face zero credit prospects. This is

because the median firm in our sample has far more in plant, machinery and equipment

(median value $0.71m.) than in land and buildings (median value $0.32m.), as can be

checked from table 2 before. From data not reported in the table, the reported value land

and buildings of as many as 12% of the 455 firm-year observations is zero, indicating a

negligible amount or none. The corresponding number is 5% for plant, machinery and


The test results in the previous section (section V) have uniformly indicated that

firm age has a positive association with supply of relationship-based credit, given all

other things the same. To investigate this further, we classify the firms in our sample by

age, and find that firms below the age of sixteen, 40% of the entire sample, face credit

rationing. The test results are not reported to save space. The results are consistent with

the results for total assets, since firm age is highly correlated with assets size.

VIII. Comparing rationed and non-rationed firms

All tests in the previous section have indicated that the bottom 30% of the firms in

our sample in terms of total assets are candidates for credit rationing. One test has found

the bottom 40% of the sample at risk of credit rationing. Are there other firm

characteristics that are significantly different between the two groups than just their asset

size? We investigate this issue here.

Our tests so far have controlled for industry effects. Are firms in certain industries

more susceptible to rationing than others? Table 8 below indicates the industry

affiliations of the firms in the bottom 30% group. Note that the firms are spread over as

many as twenty industries. Importantly, no industry dominates. Though the chemicals


and chemical products industry accounts for 5.1% of the bottom 30% firm-year

observations and ranks at the top, its position is commensurate with its rank by weight in

our full sample. It accounts for 65 firm-year observations in the sample of 455 used in

our tests, in other words 14% of the total, by far the largest share of all industries. In the

case of other industries also, their rank in the bottom group is entirely commensurate with

their rank in the entire sample. Credit rationing does not appear to be endemic to

particular industries. The pattern suggests that the underlying factors are firm-specific

rather than industry-specific.

[Table 8 here]

To identify some of the possible firm-specific factors, we compare the firms at

risk of credit rationing with the other firms in the sample in terms of various firm

characteristics. In the interest of thoroughness, we do the comparison at two levels:

between the bottom 30% firms and the top 70% and, for robustness, between the bottom

40% firms and the top 60%. The comparison is done using a series of univariate tests

between the respective groups. The results are presented in panels A and B of table 9


[Table 9 here]

From panel A, the average assets of the bottom 30% group is $0.78m, while it is

almost eight times as large, $6.08m, for the top 70% group. The difference between the

two groups is significant at 1% level (t-value -7.38). Clearly, the bottom group is much

smaller, economically as well as statistically, than the top group by asset size. From panel

B, which presents the results of comparison between the bottom 40% and the top 60%

firms, we get an identical picture. The average asset size of the bottom group ($1.04m) is

a sixth of the top group ($6.60m), and the difference is again significant at 1% level (t-

statistic -8.75). The results vindicate our strategy to use firm asset size to identify the

firms at risk of credit rationing from the other firms.

The next set of results in the two panels compare the two groups in terms of the

various financing sources without adjusting for the difference in asset size of the two

groups. The financing sources include total trade credit, relationship-driven trade credit,

credit driven by business relationships, credit driven by social relationships, bank credit,


total borrowings (all long-term and short-term debt), and internal sources. In each source,

the bottom group appears to get much less than the top group, and the difference is

always significant at 1% level. For example, from panel A the average trade credit from

all relationships is $0.05m for the bottom group and $0.95m for the top group. From

panel B, the corresponding numbers are $0.06m for the bottom group and $1.05m for the

top group. In each case, the difference is significant at 1% level.

The following set of results in the two panels compare the two groups in terms of

the same financing sources as before, but after adjusting for the difference in asset size of

the two groups. Each type of financing for a firm is scaled by the total assets of the firm.

The scaling changes some results in interesting ways. The bottom group (30% or 40% of

the firms as the case may be) still does worse than the corresponding top group (70% or

80% of the firms) in terms of total trade credit, the three types of relationship-driven trade

credit, and internal sources. The difference between the respective groups is significant at

1% or 5% level. However, the results are dramatically different for bank borrowings and

total borrowings. Adjusted for asset size, the two bottom groups have more bank credit

($0.25m) than the corresponding top groups ($0.20m and $0.19m respectively in the case

of top 70% and top 60% firms), though the difference is mildly significant statistically.

However, in the case of total borrowings adjusted for asset size, the bottom groups

strongly dominate the top groups. While the numbers are $3.26m for the bottom 30%

firms and $4.34m for the bottom 40% firms, they are $0.62m for the top 70% firms and

$0.68m for the top 60% firms. In each case, the difference between the bottom and top

firms is significant at 1% level. Our evidence that the firms at risk of rationing of

relationship-based credit have more bank credit and other types of credit in relation to

their asset base than the other firms confirm our hypothesis that high indebtedness of the

borrowing firms drives the creditors to ration credit. The creditors view the existing debt

burden of the borrowing firms too high for the size of their assets.

The two final firm characteristics reported in table 9 are average payment period

(the number of days on an average it takes a borrowing firm to pay off trade credit

received) and growth rate in annual sales over the sample period 2001 – 2005. Note from

the table that the bottom groups perform far worse than the corresponding top groups in

both metrics. While the average payment period is 623.6 days for the bottom 30% firms


and 485.2 days for the bottom 40% firms, it is 209.6 days for the top 70% firms and

221.6 days for the top 60% firms. The growth rate during the sample period is 5.5% for

the bottom 30% firms and 4.6% for the bottom 40% firms. The corresponding growth

rates for the top 70% and top 60% firms are 13.5% and 12.8% respectively. In each case,

the difference between the bottom and the top group of firms is significant at 1% level.

In conclusion, the results of our investigations of the difference in characteristics

of the firms at risk of credit rationing and other firms in our sample are quite revealing.

The former group of firms is much smaller by asset size, but have more bank credit and

total credit scaled by assets than the other firms. They take much longer to pay off their

trade dues and grow at a significantly slower rate. It is no surprise that they receive less

trade credit of different kinds than the other firms in absolute terms as well as adjusted

for firm size.

IX. Concluding observations

Our tests in this paper have consistently found evidence of rationing of

relationship-based credit. We have also found that the creditors ration credit at high rates

of interest. The findings suggest that the creditors resort to credit rationing in reaction to

moral hazard problems on the part of the borrowers caused by their excessive debt

repayment obligations. Since the borrowers capture a small part of the returns from the

use of the credit when their debt repayment obligations are high, the situation reduces

their incentive to avoid low net present value (NPV) projects with a small probability of a

high upside and a high risk of default. We have also observed that the creditors ration

credit at lower rates of interest, and ration a larger proportion of the pool of borrowers,

when they view credit requested in relation to the borrowing firms’ total indebtedness

than when they view the same credit in relation to their total assets. The latter view takes

into account the ability of the borrowing firms to back their debt with assets.

Interestingly, regardless how they view credit, socially connected creditors extend credit

past the rates of interest that usually choke additional credit from business relationships.

Our test results have identified the costs of credit that are high enough to trigger

rationing of different types of relationship-based credit, including credit driven by


business and social relationships, and the pools of borrowers who are subjected to

rationing. The critical costs are in 50% - 58% range, depending on the credit type, when

the creditors focus on the total assets of the borrowing firms, and in 41% - 48% range

when they focus on their total debt. We have verified that the credit received by the firms

in our sample actually decline at higher rates, as the model predicts.

We have probed further and documented revealing differences in characteristics

between the firms at risk of credit rationing and other firms in our sample. The former

group of firms is much smaller by asset size, but have more bank credit and total credit in

relation to the size of their assets than the other firms, lending support to our hypothesis

about excessive debt repayment obligations and moral hazard. They generate less funds

from their operations, take much longer to pay off their trade dues and grow at a

significantly slower rate. It is no surprise that they receive less trade credit, relationship-

based and otherwise, than the other firms in absolute terms as well as adjusted for firm


However, relationships are not entirely without value in inter-firm credit markets.

Our test results concerning two important control variables, internal sources of funds and

bank credit, have consistently indicated that the firms that are unsuccessful in raising

funds internally as well as from banks appear to have better access to relationship-based

credit. A plausible explanation for the results is that the credit suppliers use the credit to

invest in special relationships with the firms that are cut off from other sources of funds,

presumably in return for special concessions. Interestingly, the same firms are rationed

for relationship-based credit when the cost of credit reaches a critically high level, as we

have noted above. In other words, relationships help generate credit up to a point, but lose

their effectiveness when a critical level of interest is reached. Even if relationships

mitigate information asymmetry problems, moral hazard concerns still constrain credit

supply. This is the most important finding of the present study.

Our evidence of credit rationing in informal credit markets has important policy

implications. All available evidence on access to bank financing in India points to serious

credit constraints, especially for the smaller firms. Recent studies document “substantial

under-lending” phenomenon by Indian banks to the corporate sectors, in that the last


rupee lent to a corporate borrower yields a significantly higher return than the cost of the

loan (see Banerjee and Duflo, 2001, 2004; and Banerjee et al.,2003). The studies find that

bank credit is scarce while interest rates, though high by world standards, appear to be

below equilibrium levels for their sample of firms. Gormley (2010) finds that the entry of

foreign banks does not relax the overall credit constraints of Indian firms, especially the

SMEs, since they only lend to the most established firms. Given this evidence, our

finding of credit rationing in informal credit markets suggests that small firms in India,

and possibly in other emerging economies, cannot rely on informal credit to come to their

rescue if they find access to formal credit difficult. They may be excluded from all credit

markets at the same time. Improvements in informal credit supply cannot, of course, be

brought about by third party interventions. Hence, in the final analysis, the case for

effective public policy interventions to make the formal credit markets and institutions

stronger and more inclusive remains important even in the presence of informal credit



Appendix I

1. Test for Representativeness: Of the 680 non-financial SMEs in the Prowess database for which complete financial information for the five years 2001 – 2005 was available, 140 firms responded to the survey. Given that the sample firms account for approximately 21% of the population, it is important to ensure that they are representative of the Prowess SME population. To verify this, for year 2005 (the last year before the survey was conducted), we conduct large sample mean difference tests between the sample firms and the Prowess SME population with respect to all firm-specific variables used in the tests of this paper and reported in table 2 in the text. As the table below indicates, the hypothesis that the corresponding means are not statistically different is strongly supported in all cases. To save space, the table reports the results for four key variables: total assets, sales, bank credit and trade credit received. We do the same analysis for manufacturing and services firms separately, and again do not find significant statistical differences between the means except in one case where there is weak evidence of inequality (between mean sales for the sample firms in services and the corresponding population mean), The sample size in each industry is too small for extending this analysis to each industry represented in our sample. .

2. Test for Randomness: Our sample is not a random sample, and includes firms that we were able to survey. To check whether the characteristics of the firms in our sample differ significantly from a randomly drawn sample, we carry out non-parametric with-replacement random sampling to generate 2,000 random samples, each of size 140, from the Prowess SME population. For the year 2005, we calculate the averages of the corresponding means and standard deviations of the important firm-specific financing variables across the 2,000 random samples. For each variable, we conduct a mean-difference test between our sample firms and the average of the random samples. As the table below indicates, the hypothesis that the corresponding means are not statistically different is strongly supported in all cases: all firms; only manufacturing firms; only services firms.

Surveyed Firms (1)

Prowess Population (2)

Random Sample (3)

p-values (1)-(2)

p-values (1)-(3)

No. of Firms All 141 680 141 N/A N/A Manufacturing (in %) 66.7 73.8 66.7 0.07 0.5

Services(in %) 33.3 26.2 33.3 0.39 0.5 Firm Characteristics (in Mn.$)

Total AssetsAll 5.31 (6.9) 4.29 (4.39) 4.27 (4.31) 0.34 0.37 Manufacturing 4.23 (3.5) 4.06 (3.69) 4.06 (3.67) 0.73 0.8

Services 7.5 (10.6) 5.04 (6.48) 4.93(6.01) 0.14 0.16 Total Sales All 6.91 (10.4) 6.45 (17.62) 6.46 (14.87) 0.75 0.82

Manufacturing 6.75 (7.7) 5.53 (7.9) 5.52 (7.7) 0.39 0.47 Services 7.23 (14.58) 8.39 (31.4) 8.22 (23.5) 0.06 0.06

Bank CreditAll 0.96 (1.6) 0.79 (1.35) 0.77 (1.10) 0.44 0.49 Manufacturing 0.98 (1.26) 0.85 (1.18) 0.88 (1.10) 0.52 0.99

Services 0.93 (2.28) 0.50 (1.54) 0.53 (1.00) 0.43 0.46 Trade Credit ReceivedAll 1.53 (3.4) 0.84(2.23) 0.83 (1.82) 0.24 0.28

Manufacturing 1.05 (1.52) 0.78 (1.26) 0.78 (1.21) 0.35 0.41 Services 2.53 (5.55) 0.92 (3.79) 0.93 (2.63) 0.10 0.18

The table reports the means and standard deviations (in brackets) of different firm characteristics.


Appendix II

Survey Question #60 and Responses

The survey questionnaire included a question (question # 60) asking the respondent firms to state the terms for the trade credit they receive, including the length of the credit period and the discount for timely payment. A payment during the stipulated credit period qualifies for the discount. To compute the effective annualized cost of credit, we use the discounts offered along with the stipulated length of the credit period reported by the surveyed firms. For example, the median length of the credit period for the firms in the sample was 1 – 3 months, and the median discount for timely payment was 2 – 5 per cent. Using the mid-point values of the two ranges, and compounded over the year, the annualized cost of foregoing the discount (not making a timely payment) works out to 23%. In effect, the firms receive an interest-free loan for the length of the credit period.

No. of

Responses %


Q60. What are standard trade credit terms in your industry?

Q 60.1 Length of period over which to pay 133 60.1.1 Less than 1 month 46 34.6

60.1.2 1-3 months 63 47.4 60.1.3 3-6 months 21 15.8 60.1.4 6 months to a year 1 0.8 60.1.5 beyond 1 year 2 1.5

Q 60.2 Typical discount for timely payments 107 60.2.1 1-2 % 40 37.4

60.2.2 2-5% 46 43.0 60.2.3 5-10% 15 14.0 60.2.4 10-20% 6 5.6 60.2.5 more than 20% 0 0.0


Appendix III

Survey Question #78 and Responses

In question # 78 in the survey questions, the firms were asked to indicate the fraction of their suppliers in the seven categories listed in the question. The firms indicated fractions by choosing one of five options. For constructing Proportion of Credit Received from Inter-firm Relationships variable we added the mid-points of these ranges and divided the sum thus obtained by maximum sum observed over all firms. (This means that at least one firm will have the value 1 for this variable). Thus the variable lies between 0 and 1. Higher the value of this variable greater is the dependence of a firm on relationships for receiving trade credit. For example, the median firm on the basis of assets in our sample responded 1 for subpart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 for question 78 and 2 for remaining subpart 6. Using the mid-point values of the ranges for all sub-parts, Proportion of Credit Received from Inter-firm Relationships is 0.475. We multiply this number with the total trade credit received to arrive at trade credit received from relationship-based suppliers.

No. of Responses % responses

Responses 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Q 78. What fraction of your suppliers belongs to the following categories: 1: less than 10%; 2: 10-25%; 3: 25-50%; 4: 50-75%; 5: Over 75%

78.1 The supplier is located in your city/town 138 40 28 41 19 10 29% 20% 30% 14% 7%

78.2 You have some information on his reliability through industry sources 138 29 44 30 30 5 21% 32% 22% 22% 4%

78.3 You have met him before in a professional setting 138 42 30 34 29 3 30% 22% 25% 21% 2%

78.4 The supplier is related to you through your extended family 124 68 23 18 13 2 55% 19% 15% 10% 2%

78.5 The supplier is socially known to you 125 39 39 28 19 0 31% 31% 22% 15% 0% 78.6 The supplier belongs to your caste 125 44 41 23 13 4 35% 33% 18% 10% 3%

78.7 The supplier has the same native language as yours 125 38 43 25 13 6 30% 34% 20% 10% 5%



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Table 1: Survey Data Summary The table reports summary of survey responses from a sample of 140 firms regarding their location, industry, age, day-to-day management, and family control etc. The firms are classified by number of employees. The survey was conducted in year 2006. The responses were obtained in personal interviews with either owners or top executives of the surveyed firms.

All Number of Employees

0-50 50-100 100-200 200 and above No. of Firms 140 36 34 33 37 (in %) 25.5 24.1 23.4 27.0 Location Northern India (in %) 18.4 16.7 14.7 12.1 28.9 Eastern India (in %) 9.9 2.8 14.7 21.2 2.6 Western India (in %) 30.5 33.3 17.6 42.4 28.9 Southern India (in %) 41.1 47.2 52.9 24.2 39.5 Industry Manufacturing (in %) 66.7 63.9 67.6 63.6 71.1 Services (in %) 33.3 36.1 32.4 36.4 28.9 Age (in Years) 0-10 (in %) 7.1 5.6 5.9 9.1 7.9 10-20 (in %) 53.2 69.4 44.1 45.5 52.6 20 & above (in %) 39.7 25.0 50.0 45.5 39.5 Day-to-Day Management Owner/Partner (in %) 62.9 52.8 69.7 66.7 63.2 Hired Manager (in %) 37.1 47.2 30.3 33.3 36.8 Top Manager belonging to Founding Family Yes (in %) 66.7 61.1 68.8 62.5 73.7 No (in %) 33.3 38.9 31.3 37.5 26.3

Table 2: Summary Statistics of Firm Characteristics(in Mn. $)

The table reports summary statistics of key financial variables for the sample of 140 firms used in this study. The figures are based on 700 firm-year observations for the sample firms for the 5-year period 2001-2005. The data is obtained from CMIE Prowess database.

Variables Obs. Min P1 P5 Median Mean P95 P99 Max Standard Deviation

Total Assets 700 0.13 0.21 0.43 3.15 4.58 14.54 31.62 60.58 5.89 Land/Buildings 700 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.52 1.70 5.05 6.20 0.78 PMEa 700 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.71 0.79 2.20 2.38 2.49 0.64

Total Sales 700 0.00 0.00 0.01 2.39 4.94 18.09 33.49 76.28 7.36 Cost of Goods Sold 700 0.00 0.01 0.07 2.04 4.31 15.86 30.30 68.38 6.54 Internal Sources 700 -8.01 -2.34 -0.56 0.09 0.11 0.69 1.90 7.26 0.72 Trade Credit 700 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.41 1.22 3.63 17.62 35.62 2.95 Bank Credit 700 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.79 2.78 6.65 13.52 1.31 Total Borrowings 700 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.52 2.65 7.68 26.23 37.41 4.29 a Plant, machinery and equipment


Table 3A: Proportion of Inter-Firm Credit from Relationship-Based Sources The table reports the mean response to a survey question for a sample of firms used in the present study. The question is designed to determine the proportion of trade credit received from suppliers connected by either business or social relationships. 122 firms responded to the question completely. The survey was conducted in year 2006. The responses were obtained in personal interviews with either owners or top executives of the surveyed firms.

Table 3B: Summary Statistics of Relationship-Based Inter-Firm Credit The table reports summary statistics of proportions, volumes and costs of inter-firm credit from relationship-based sources received by a sample of firms used in the present study. The figures in the first three rows of the table are based on responses by 122 (123) firms to a survey question regarding the proportion, on a 0 – 1 scale, of total inter-firm credit coming from suppliers connected by relationships, business relationships, and social relationships. The figures in the next three rows of the table are constructed by using the survey responses and the firm-year observations of inter-firm credit actually received by the same firms during the five-year period 2001-2005. The firm-year observations were obtained from CMIE Prowess database. Cost of inter – firm credit information was obtained from responses to another question in the same survey. 106 firms responded to this question. The survey was conducted in year 2006. The responses were obtained in personal interviews with either owners or top executives of the surveyed firms.

Sample Mean

Proportion of trade credit received from following categories of suppliers

The supplier is located in your city/town 0.067 Proportion of credit from business relationships Proportion

of credit from relationship-based suppliers

You have some information on his reliability through industry sources 0.069

You have met him before in a professional setting 0.064 The supplier is related to you through your extended family 0.041

Proportion of credit from social relationships

The supplier is socially known to you 0.054 The supplier belongs to your caste 0.051 The supplier has the same native language as yours 0.055

Variables Obs. Min P1 P5 Median Mean P95 P99 Max Standard Deviation

(Scale: 0 - 1) Proportion of credit from relationships 122 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.32 0.40 0.89 0.95 1.00 0.25 Proportion of credit from business relationships 123 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.16 0.20 0.41 0.46 0.46 0.12 Proportion of credit from social relationships 123 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.19 0.59 0.59 0.65 0.16 (in Mn. $)

Trade credit-All Relations 610 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.63 2.51 13.80 21.20 2.00 Trade credit-Business Relations 615 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.32 1.28 5.59 12.90 1.03 Trade credit-Social Relations 615 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.29 1.09 3.45 14.13 1.09 Cost of trade credit (%) 106 3.63 3.63 9.14 21.76 33.65 87.05 87.05 87.05 24.87


Table 4: Evidence of Relationship – Based Credit Rationing

Panel A of table 4 reports the regression results of equation (2) in the following simultaneous equation system: 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) = 휸푹푴푺푺풊풕 + 풂풊 + 풃풕 + 풗풊풕 (1) 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕

푬푸 = 휶 + 휷푪풐풔풕풊 + 휽푪풐풔풕풊ퟐ + 휹푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) + 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔풊풕 + 풂푰 + 풃풕 + 휺풊풕 (2) The dependent variable in equation (1),푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ)represents the demand for trade credit at zero rate of interest for firm i in year t. RMSSit represents cost of raw material and other inputs (stores and spares) of firm i in year t. ai indicates firm-fixed effects, bt indicates year-fixed effects and vit indicates error term. The predicted value of 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0) from equation (1) is used to control for demand for credit in equation (2). The dependent variable in equation (2), 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕

푬푸,represents inter-firm credit from relationship-based sources (All Relations, Business Relations and Social Relations), scaled by the total assets, for firm i in year t. Costi and Costi

2indicate cost of credit reported by firm i in a survey. The Controlsi include other financing sources Bank Loan and Internal Sources (both scaled by total assets); firm characteristics Total Assets, Sales, and Age. 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) is obtained from equation (1) below and is used to control for demand for trade credit for firm i in year t. aI indicates industry-fixed effects, bt indicates year-fixed effects and it indicates error term. Equations (1) and (2) are estimated using two-stage least-squares (2SLS). In the first two models in panel A of table 4 (with dependent variables credit-all relations and credit-business relations), the regressions are conducted with unbalanced panel data of 455 firm-year observations for 91 firms for the five-year period 2001-2005. In the third model in panel A (with dependent variable credit-social relations), 460 firm-year observations for 92 firms are used. The regressions models are estimated with constant terms, year-fixed effects, industry-fixed effects at two-digit NIC (equivalent to SIC) level. Coefficients for time dummies, industry dummies and constants not reported. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. Panel B of table 4 reports the regression results of equation (2) where the dependent variable퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), is adjusted by using proportions of relationship-based credit based on Principal Components Analysis.. Panel C of table 4 reports the regression results of equation (2) where the dependent variable,퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0), is scaled by total borrowings of firmi in year t. The first two models are estimated with 452 firm-year observations. The third model is estimated with 457 observations. For one firm in our sample, the observations for total borrowings in three years are not available.


(Panel A)

Credita from

(Panel B)

Adjusted Credita from

(Panel C)

Creditb from

Independent Variables All

Relations Business Relations

Social Relations

All Relations

Business Relations

Social Relations

All Relations

Business Relations

Social Relations

Trade Credit Terms Cost 0.217*** 0.086*** 0.147*** 0.216*** 0.184*** 0.234*** 0.332*** 0.119** 0.219*** [0.060] [0.030] [0.037] [0.059] [0.064] [0.063] [0.107] [0.060] [0.065] Cost 2 -0.198*** -0.086*** -0.126*** -0.196*** -0.182*** -0.200*** -0.402*** -0.173*** -0.227*** [0.064] [0.033] [0.039] [0.063] [0.069] [0.067] [0.108] [0.059] [0.066] Other Financing Sources Bank Credit a -0.023* -0.015** -0.012 -0.021* -0.032** -0.014 -0.173*** -0.089*** -0.088*** [0.013] [0.006] [0.007] [0.013] [0.013] [0.013] [0.033] [0.019] [0.015] Internal Sources a -0.077*** -0.034*** -0.042** -0.075*** -0.073*** -0.077*** -0.095*** -0.037* -0.065*** [0.025] [0.011] [0.017] [0.025] [0.023] [0.028] [0.034] [0.019] [0.022] Firm Characteristics Total Assets c 0.025*** 0.015*** 0.011*** 0.024*** 0.031*** 0.019*** 0.001 0.008 -0.004 [0.007] [0.003] [0.004] [0.006] [0.007] [0.006] [0.012] [0.007] [0.007] Sales c 0.013 0.005 0.006 0.014 0.012 0.015* 0.038*** 0.012 0.020** [0.009] [0.004] [0.005] [0.009] [0.009] [0.008] [0.014] [0.008] [0.008] Age c 0.024*** 0.013*** 0.009** 0.024*** 0.027*** 0.022*** 0.022* 0.015** 0.007 [0.008] [0.004] [0.004] [0.008] [0.009] [0.007] [0.012] [0.006] [0.006] Demand for Trade Credit

푪풓풆풅풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) 0.017* 0.007 0.012** 0.016* 0.015 0.017** 0.013 0.008 0.012* [0.009] [0.005] [0.005] [0.009] [0.010] [0.009] [0.012] [0.006] [0.007] Cost at maximum credit 55% 50% 58% 55% 50% 58% 41% 34% 48% Proportion of firmspaying higher cost 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 24% 45% 19%

Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Industry Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Firm-year Observations 455 455 460 455 455 460 452 452 457 No. of Firms 91 91 92 91 91 92 91 91 92 R2 0.52 0.53 0.48 0.52 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.45 *: significant at 10%; **: significant at 5%; ***: significant at 1%; a Scaled by Total Assets; b Scaled by Total Borrowings; c We use Log (1+Total Sales), Log (Total Assets) and Log (1+ Age),


Table 5: Evidence of Relationship – Based Credit Rationing Robustness Checks

In this table we conduct the same tests as in table 4, panel A, with Total Assets lagged for one period in panel A, Total Assets lagged for both one and two periods in panel B, and Total Assets in the current period, lagged for one period, and lagged for two periods in panel B and panel C respectively.

(Panel A)

Credita from

(Panel B)

Credita from

(Panel C)

Credita from

Independent Variables All

Relations Business Relations

Social Relations

All Relations

Business Relations

Social Relations

All Relations

Business Relations

Social Relations

Trade Credit Terms Cost 0.219*** 0.088*** 0.148*** 0.220*** 0.088*** 0.151*** 0.219*** 0.087*** 0.151*** [0.060] [0.030] [0.037] [0.060] [0.030] [0.037] [0.060] [0.030] [0.037] Cost 2 -0.201*** -0.088*** -0.127*** -0.202*** -0.088*** -0.130*** -0.200*** -0.087*** -0.129*** [0.065] [0.033] [0.040] [0.065] [0.033] [0.040] [0.065] [0.033] [0.040] Other Financing Sources Bank Credita -0.022* -0.014** -0.011 -0.026* -0.018** -0.011 -0.022* -0.014** -0.011 [0.013] [0.006] [0.007] [0.015] [0.007] [0.008] [0.013] [0.006] [0.007] Internal Sourcesa -0.064** -0.028** -0.035** -0.066*** -0.029*** -0.034** -0.086*** -0.041*** -0.043*** [0.025] [0.011] [0.016] [0.024] [0.011] [0.015] [0.024] [0.012] [0.015] Firm Characteristics Total Assets c 0.039** 0.023** 0.016* [0.018] [0.011] [0.009] Total Assets(lag one)c 0.021*** 0.012*** 0.011*** -0.011 0 -0.011 -0.050** -0.023* -0.028** [0.006] [0.003] [0.003] [0.013] [0.007] [0.008] [0.022] [0.012] [0.012] Total Assets (lag two)c 0.032*** 0.012** 0.021*** 0.037*** 0.015** 0.024*** [0.011] [0.006] [0.007] [0.012] [0.006] [0.007] Sales a 0.017** 0.009** 0.006 0.021** 0.010** 0.009* 0.017* 0.007 0.008 [0.008] [0.004] [0.005] [0.009] [0.004] [0.005] [0.009] [0.005] [0.005] Age a 0.025*** 0.013*** 0.010*** 0.024*** 0.013*** 0.010*** 0.024*** 0.013*** 0.010*** [0.008] [0.004] [0.004] [0.008] [0.004] [0.004] [0.008] [0.004] [0.004] Demand for Trade Credit

푪풓풆풅풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) 0.015* 0.006 0.012** 0.013 0.005 0.010* 0.015 0.007 0.011** [0.009] [0.005] [0.005] [0.009] [0.005] [0.005] [0.010] [0.005] [0.005] Cost at maximum credit 54% 50% 58% 55% 50% 58% 55% 50% 58% Proportion of firms paying higher cost 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14%

Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Industry Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Firm-year Observations 455 455 460 445 445 450 445 445 450 No. of Firms 91 91 92 89 89 90 89 89 90 R2 0.52 0.52 0.48 0.53 0.53 0.50 0.53 0.54 0.50 *: significant at 10%; **: significant at 5%; ***: significant at 1%; a: Scaled by Total Assets; c We use Log (1+Total Sales), Log (Total Assets) and Log (1+ Age),


Table 6: Economic Significance of Relationship-Based Credit Rationing

Panel A of Table 6 focuses on credit rationing results from table 4, panel A, when creditors view credit in relation to total assets of the borrowing firm (credit normalized by total assets). Panel B focuses on credit rationing results from table 4, panel C, when creditors view credit in relation to total indebtedness of the borrowing firm (credit normalized by total borrowings).

a The figures in panel A are regression estimates from table 4, panel A. The figures in panel B are from table 4, panel C. b Based on credit terms reported by the sample of firms used in the present study. c Based on firm-year observations obtained from CMIE Prowess database.

(Panel A)

Credit/Total Assets from

(Panel B)

Credit/Total Borrowings from


Relations Business Relations

Social Relations

All Relations

Business Relations

Social Relations

a Coefficient of Cost







a Coefficient of Cost2.

-0.20 -0.09 -0.13 -0.40 -0.17 -0.23

b Median cost of credit

0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22

a Rationing-triggering cost

0.55 0.50 0.58 0.41 0.34 0.48

c Credit/Total assets at median cost

0.09 0.04 0.04

c Credit/Total borrowings at median cost

0.17 0.09 0.08

c Credit/Total assets at rationing-triggering cost

0.14 0.07 0.06

c Credit/Total borrowings at rationing-triggering cost

0.20 0.09 0.13

c Credit/Total assets at higher cost 0.09 0.04 0.05

c Credit/Total borrowings at higher cost 0.17 0.08 0.08

c Credit at Median Cost (million $)

0.43 0.22 0.22 0.43 0.22 0.22

c Credit at rationing-triggering-cost (mil $)

0.88 0.43 0.43 0.89 0.52 0.43

c Credit at higher cost (million $)

0.67 0.32 0.36 0.73 0.38 0.37


Table 7: Credit Rationing and Firm Size

Panel A of table 7 reports the regression results of equation (2) in the following simultaneous equation system: 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) = 휸푹푴푺푺풊풕 + 풂풊 + 풃풕 + 풗풊풕 (1) 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕

푬푸 = 휶 + 휷푪풐풔풕풊 + 휷(풋)푪풐풔풕풊 ∗ 푻풐풑(풋) + 휽푪풐풔풕풊ퟐ + 휽(풋)푪풐풔풕풊ퟐ ∗ 푻풐풑(풋) + 휹푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) + 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔풊풕 + 풂푰 + 풃풕 + 휺풊풕 (2´) The dependent variable in equation (1), 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ), represents the demand for trade credit at zero rate of interest for firm i in year t. RMSSit represents labor cost of firm i in year t. ai indicates firm-fixed effects, bt indicates year-fixed effects and vit indicates error term. The predicted value of 퐶푟푒푑푖푡 (0) from equation (1) is used to control for demand for credit in equation (2´). The dependent variable in equation (2´),퐶푟푒푑푖푡 , represents inter-firm credit from relationship-based sources (All Relations, Business Relations and Social Relations), scaled by the total assets, for firm i in year t. Costi and Costi

2 indicate cost of credit reported by firm i in a survey. TOP(j) is a dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to top j percentile based on average total assets over the sample period 2001-2005 and zero otherwise; where j = 10, 20,...,90. The Controlsit include other financing sources Bank Loan and Internal Sources (both scaled by total assets); firm characteristics Total Assets, Sales, and Age, and predicted value of 푪풓풆풅풊풕풊풕푫푫(ퟎ) from equation (1) used to control demand for trade credit) for firm i in year t. aI indicates industry-fixed effects, bt indicates year-fixed effects and it indicates error term. Panel B reports the regression results of equation (2) where TOP(j) is a dummy variable taking value 1 if the firm belongs to top j percentile in terms of total assets in a given year and zero otherwise. The dynamic assignment allows the firms to move across the deciles in each year. Equations (1) and (2) are estimated using two-stage least-squares (2SLS) and the same data as in table 4. In the first two models in panel A of table 7 (with dependent variables credit-all relations and credit-business relations), the regressions are conducted with unbalanced panel data of 455 firm-year observations for 91 firms for the five-year period 2001-2005. In the third model in panel A (with dependent variable credit-social relations), 460 firm-year observations for 92 firms are used. The regressions models are estimated with constant terms, year-fixed effects, and industry-fixed effects at two-digit NIC (equivalent to SIC) level. The table reports the coefficients for Costi and Costi

2 only for each decile. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. The coefficients for all other independent variables, time dummies, industry dummies and constants are not reported to save space.


*: significant at 10%; **: significant at 5%; ***: significant at 1%;

sd Panel A: Percentiles based on average assets during 2001-05 Panel B: Percentiles based on assets distribution each year 2001-05 Credit costs All Relations Business Relations Social Relations All Relations Business Relations Social Relations Top 10 percentile Cost ( ) 0.336*** [0.040] 0.218*** [0.013] 0.121 [0.047] 0.220** [0.053] 0.140*** [0.020] 0.097 [0.050] Cost 2( ) 0.011 [1.1] -0.054 [0.068] 0.058 [0.232] 0.152 [0.118] 0.037 [0.094] 0.095 [0.129] Top 20 percentile Cost ( ) 0.116 [0.128] 0.096 [0.038] 0.033 [0.143] 0.125 [0.093] 0.071 [0.038] 0.067 [0.070] Cost 2( ) 0.243* [0.087] 0.078 [0.057] 0.144 [0.079] 0.260** [0.065] 0.078 **[0.029] 0.127 [0.095] Top 30 percentile Cost ( ) 0.258*** [0.038] 0.135*** [0.019] 0.146** [0.027] 0.049 [0.169] 0.113 [0.233] 0.058 [0.062] Cost 2( ) -0.064 [0.32] -0.035 [0.116] -0.063 [0.161] 0.231* [0.083] 0.129 **[0.029] 0.077 [0.148] Top 40 percentile Cost ( ) 0.067*** [0.108] 0.014 [0.127] 0.083[0.038] 0.066 [0.103] 0.020 [0.090] 0.071 [0.036] Cost 2( ) 0.145*** [0.111] 0.093*** [0.036] 0.009 [0.9] 0.075 [0.183] 0.045 [0.071] -0.003 [3] Top 50 percentile Cost ( ) 0.098 [0.070] 0.019 [0.090] 0.109** [0.039] 0.111[0.058] 0.041 [0.40] 0.093** [0.024] Cost 2( ) 0.034 [0.377] 0.044 [0.068] -0.05 [0.042] -0.031 [0.310] 0.015 [0.15] -0.040 [0.093] Top 60 percentile Cost ( ) 0.151** [0.039] 0.054 [0.028] 0.119*** [0.017] 0.137* [0.037] 0.053 [0.028] 0.098** [0.019] Cost 2( ) -0.097 [0.087] -0.04 [0.052] -0.082 [0.038] -0.086 [0.085] -0.042 [0.052] -0.058 [0.050] Top 70 percentile Cost ( ) 0.152** [0.030] 0.062* [0.018] 0.099** [0.017] 0.160** [0.029] 0.058* [0.019] 0.115*** [0.015] Cost 2( ) -0.114 [0.054] -0.055 [0.025] -0.064 [0.038] -0.127 [0.047] -0.053 [0.027] -0.086* [0.028] Top 80 percentile Cost ( ) 0.161** [0.028] 0.052 [0.022] 0.119*** [0.015] 0.170** [0.026] 0.056* [0.019] 0.127*** [0.013] Cost 2( ) -0.141* [0.041] -0.051 [0.028] -0.096** [0.024] -0.150* * [0.037] -0.057 [0.025] -0.120** [0.024] Top 90 percentile Cost ( ) 0.227*** [0.021] 0.092*** [0.013] 0.143*** [0.013] 0.185*** [0.024] 0.069** [0.016] 0.128*** [0.014] Cost 2( ) -0.210*** [0.026] -0.093** [0.014] -0.123*** [0.018] -0.169** [0.030] -0.070** [0.017] -0.108** [0.019] All Cost ( ) 0.219*** [0.064] 0.087*** [0.032] 0.148*** [0.039] 0.219*** [0.064] 0.087*** [0.032] 0.148*** [0.039] Cost 2( ) -0.201*** [0.068] -0.087** [0.035] -0.128*** [0.042] -0.201*** [0.068] -0.087** [0.035] -0.128*** [0.042] Firm year Observations 455 455 460 455 455 460


Table 8: Industry Classification of Firms at Risk of Credit Rationing This table reports industry classification according to two-digit NIC code (comparable to SIC code) of firms that are at risk of credit rationing. All firms included in the sample of firms used in the present study are ranked by the size of their total assets in each year during the sample period 2001-2005. As predicted in table 7, bottom 30% of a total of 455 firm-years are at risk.

Bottom 30% Industry Firm-Year Obs. Percent Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 23 5.1 Manufacture of textiles 10 2.2 Manufacture of food products and beverages 9 2.0 Manufacture of radio, television and communication devices 9 2.0 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing 8 1.8 Computer and related activities 7 1.5 Construction 6 1.3 Manufacture of machinery and equipment 6 1.3 Wholesale trade and commission trade 6 1.3 Manufacture of other non-metallic miner 5 1.1 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 5 1.1 Manufacture of basic metals 5 1.1 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers 5 1.1 Mining of coal and lignite; extraction 5 1.1 Miscellaneous goods and services 5 1.1 Real estate activities 5 1.1 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 5 1.1 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles 5 1.1 Land transport; transport via pipelines 3 0.7 Manufacture of fabricated metal product 3 0.7 Other business activities 2 0.4 Total 137 30.0


Table 9: Comparing Firms at Risk of Rationing and Other Firms Table 9 reports results of univariate tests of difference in firm characteristics between the set of firms identified as candidates for credit rationing and others firms included in the sample used in the present study. All firms are ranked by the size of their total assets in each year during the sample period 2001-2005. As predicted in table 7, bottom 30% or 40% of a total of 455 firm-years are at risk of rationing. Panel A of the table reports the results for the tests between bottom 30% and top 70% of firm-year observations. Panel B of the table reports the results for the tests between bottom 40% and top 60% of firm-year observations. Panel A Panel B

Bottom 30% mean

Top 70%mean t stat p-value

Bottom 40% mean

Top 60% mean t stat


Total Assets (in Mn.$) 0.78 6.08 -7.38 0.00 1.04 6.60 -8.75 0.00

Financing Sources (in Mn.$) Trade Credit 0.15 1.77 -4.32 0.00 0.19 1.95 -5.24 0.00

Trade Credit -All Relations 0.05 0.95 -3.58 0.00 0.06 1.05 -4.36 0.00 Trade Credit -Business Relations 0.03 0.48 -3.49 0.00 0.04 0.53 -4.24 0.00 Trade Credit - Social Relations 0.02 0.45 -3.11 0.00 0.02 0.50 -3.83 0.00 Bank Credit 0.19 1.05 -5.41 0.00 0.25 1.13 -6.12 0.00 Total Borrowings 0.75 3.47 -8.04 0.00 0.60 3.17 -6.51 0.00 Internal Sources -0.02 0.00 -4.07 0.00 -0.02 0.01 -4.68 0.00

Financing Sources (scaled by Total Assets)

Trade Credit 0.20 0.23 -1.62 0.05 0.19 0.24 -2.59 0.01 Trade Credit -All Relations 0.06 0.10 -3.48 0.00 0.06 0.10 -4.33 0.00 Trade Credit -Business Relations 0.03 0.05 -3.10 0.00 0.03 0.05 -3.64 0.00 Trade Credit - Social Relations 0.02 0.05 -3.75 0.00 0.02 0.05 -5.17 0.00 Bank Credit 0.25 0.20 1.66 0.05 0.25 0.19 1.93 0.03 Total Borrowings 3.26 0.62 8.32 0.00 4.34 0.68 10.27 0.00 Internal Sources -0.07 0.02 -2.82 0.00 -0.06 0.02 -3.37 0.00

Other Characteristics Average Payment Period (in days) 623.55 209.5 2.71 0.00 485.20 221.62 1.90 0.03

Growth in Sales 2001-05 (in %) 5.46 13.5 -1.72 0.04 4.60 12.80 -2.57 0.01


Figure 1: Distribution of Total Assets

Figure 2: Distribution of Relationship-based Credit

Figure 3: Distribution of Relationship-based Credit Terms