Post on 07-Nov-2014

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INTRODUCTION TO INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY AT MANUFACTURINGInnovation engineering and other critical business processes assist manufacturers’ growth strategies for reaching new markets, manufacturing new products and, ultimately, job creation. Next generation strategies for manufacturers include: technology acceleration, sustainability, supply chain, continuous improvement and workforce.

Manufacturers know they must focus on these strategies to ensure growth. However, workforce development is often an afterthought. Historically misunderstood, the workforce has been seen as fungible and expensive. The development of Scientific Management in the 1950s, based on the supposition that manufacturing workers need not think, but just “do”, relegated the human capital element of manufacturing to simply just another input.

Not so today. Today, all manufacturing employees need to have soft skills as well as technical skills, including emotional intelligence, communication skills, strength in cognition and analysis, business acumen, and creative problem-solving skills. Supervisors are leaders, not just technicians, and are required to be mentors, not simply bosses. Front-line workers can be valued for their ideas, not just their output and, these days, as productivity reaches its highest levels ever, should be recognized for their intrinsic value – something most often seen as intangible and unquantifiable.

It’s hard to parse the tangible value of employees (labor) from the intangible value they create (ideas, productivity, innovation, customer goodwill) because we traditionally don’t use accounting measures that capture that value (although we can). We write off recruitment, training, wages, salaries and benefits as expenses and don’t think of them as investments similar to our capital investments in technology, facilities, marketing or supplies that can be amortized over time and with innovation and growth in mind. Jonathan Low and

Pam Cohen Kalafut1 describe in their list of intangibles to company performance that relationships, human capital, intellectual capital and workplace organization, and culture all affect business outcomes. It seems irresponsible to ignore them in this competitive global economy and to not align and integrate our workforce systems with our other business/production systems.

What a Means for Manufacturers to be consider to get creativity?

Greater Productivity: Employees’ skills will become better aligned to the skills needed by the company, resulting in greater effectiveness and efficiency in their operations.

• Better Trained Employees: As skill needs and requirements become standardized, and employers gain more and better access to training customized to those requirements, employees will be better-trained in industry-specific skills aligned to business goals.

• Reduced Turnover: With a focus on workforce development as a system, employees will be better matched with their job descriptions, and with access to training and career

ladders, and they will be more inclined to stay where there are opportunities for advancement.

• Better Pool of Job Applicants: As more community or regional resources are devoted to training people in the appropriate skills needed for the company and industry, the pipeline of qualified applicants will expand to support business growth.

• Cost Offsets: As productivity goes up, turnover goes down, processes become more efficient, and barriers to productivity are reduced. With a workforce system in place, workforce investments are optimized and risks minimized.

Manufacturers will share responsibilities, however, for achieving these kinds of outcomes. They must:

• Identify Desired Goals and Outcomes for Their Company: They must get serious about planning innovation and growth strategies and the specific outcomes they want to achieve, and how their workforce will support those outcomes.

• Review Internal Processes for H.R. and Training: Manufacturers should create an environment of continuous learning. Their company culture should reinforce workforce development. They should pay market wages. They should have career ladders. They should conduct employee satisfaction surveys annually.

• Communicate Expectations and Provide Honest Feedback: Are employees aware how their performance impacts business goals? Are employees getting the feedback they need to do the best job possible?

• Provide Access To and Understanding of The Company and Industry: Training partners won’t know about a manufacturer’s business needs unless the manufacturers can provide accurate job descriptions and skills needs, and allow for mentorships, apprenticeships, internships and career events to get everyone aware of 21st century manufacturing and its great jobs.

• Gather Data to Evaluate Efforts and Quantify Successes: We all know the saying: “What gets measured is what matters”. Analytics are a must.

• Be A Champion for Workforce Development: Manufacturers and MEP Centers should speak out on the importance of workforce development and workforce system analytics, and get involved in value-added activities that will make change happen.




Innovative HR practices build competencies and capabilities for superior and winning performances today and simultaneously create long term fertility for innovation of business ideas and strategies for future. Employees who go the extra mile by performing spontaneous behaviors that go beyond their role prescriptions are especially valued by the management. This phenomenon is critical for organizational effectiveness because managers cannot for see all contingencies or fully anticipates the activities that they may desire or need employees to perform.

Enhancing an organization’s competitive ability is increasingly critical and behaviors, which may improve individual and organizational efficiency, become more valuable. Although there have been many studies of OCB in organizations, no known studies have examined the linkage of individual innovativeness with OCB where the effect of superior–subordinate as a mediator, is included.


All managers have heard and read countless times how to build teams, empower your work force and develop trust. The common place human resource practices prevalent across the entire business world are just as relevant to this business as any other. The HR policies must be integrated with business policies. The HR Professionals must have balance in terms of centralization or decentralization of HR practices are ethnocentric while others management be geocentric or re- geocentric.


COMPANY HR PRACTICESBIRLA 3M 1. We encourage Two-way communication. We have something

called "Between us". Once in six months, the MD and the HR head go to all the branch offices.

2. The MD talks about the business and request the people's involvement in fulfilling the organization's dreams. HR head talks about the new HR policies and then there is an open discussion.

3. Employees can express themselves on whatever issues they have with regard to work. If there are sensitive issues, which they don't want to discuss openly, they can write and give those without their names. The question is read, and the answer given. The paper on which the question is written, is destroyed then and there, to make sure that nobody tries to trace the handwriting of the person or in any way recognize him/her.


1. Every four months we conduct an employee survey where all our employees provide inputs on the health of the workplace. This

S survey enables us to identify how strongly the person feels about the organization, and how strong is the person’s clarity of his/her existence in the organization. It also enables us to see the person’s own ability to identify with the vision of the organization, and whether he thinks the organization listens to what he has to say. He also reveals whether he feels that his supervisor takes interest in his/her development, has he/she received any word of praise from the boss for a good job done and so on. This proves to be an eye opener for the managers as well.

2. We have the HR review in the planning cycle, which is a rigorous process involving everyone, right up to the head of the organization. We do succession planning for individuals wherein we identify the best talents – the top ten people. We also identify our bottom ten people, who are asked to pull up their socks and improve, failing which they will have to leave. We carry out this exercise every quarter and this enables us to be well informed about our people asset


Employee recognition can be possible by two ways 1) With No Cost2) With minor to moderate cost

1.1 Employee Recognition Ideas (no cost)

i) Create and post an "Employee Honor Roll" in reception areaii) Make a thank you cardiii) Establish a "Behind the Scenes" awardiv) Recognize employees who actively serve the community. v) Plan a surprise achievement celebration for an employee or group of Greet employees by name.vii) Acknowledge and celebrate birthdays.

1.2 Employee Recognition Ideas (minor to moderate cost)i) Plan a surprise picnic.ii) Create a Hall of fame wall with photos of outstanding employeesiii) Make a photo collage about a successful project that shows the people

that worked on it. iv) Make and deliver a fruit basket.v) Inscribe a favorite One a year, have a "Staff Appreciation Day"vii) Have weekly breakfast with group of employees.



Finally I conclude that in the competitive world the organization should have the innovative ideas then only it can lead the organization very successful. Human Resource leader should follow creative practices that practices should help to develop the employer as well as employee. Then only the organization can run successful.


1. Our center values and invests in learning and development for all staff ___ ___

2. Our center eliminates barriers to staff performance ___ ___

3. Our center annually plans for innovation and growth ___ ___

4. Our center’s job profiles support our innovation and growth goals ___ ___

5. Our center has a leadership program for staff ___ ___

6. Our center has a succession plan in place ___ ___

7. Our center engages in continuous improvement in its operations ___ ___

8. Our center has good communication among its staff ___ ___

9. Our center staff are asked to demonstrate our professional values at all times ___ ___


Be in tune with the market

Create thinking spaces

Incentivize innovation

Include in key deliverables

Give staff the freedom to err

GSK in India

GSK in India employs more than 3500 people. We are a dominant player in the Indian pharma space having held this position for several decades. We are driven by the passion to help people do more, feel better and live longer.

Our Culture and values is summed up in the GSK spirit that defines the qualities we expect all our employees to embrace:

performance with integrity

entrepreneurial spirit

focus on innovation

a sense of urgency

passion for achievement

GSK and Save the Children launch $1 million award to discover new healthcare innovations for reducing child deaths

- The Healthcare Innovation Award is the first joint initiative announced following the launch of an ambitious new partnership between GSK and Save the Children which aims to save the lives of a million of the world’s poorest children.

GSK and Save the Children today launched a $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award to identify and reward innovations in healthcare which have proven successful in reducing child deaths in developing countries.

Co-chaired by Sir Andrew Witty, CEO of GSK, and Justin Forsyth, CEO of Save the Children, the Judging Panel, made up of experts from the fields of public health, science and academia, will award $250,000 to the best healthcare innovation to further progress their work. An additional $750,000 is available for runners-up awards.

The award will also provide a platform for winning organisations to showcase their innovations and share information to enable others with an interest in improving healthcare to adapt and replicate successful interventions and create more positive change for children in their own country and beyond.


The Nestlé Human Resources Policy

Dealing with People

The Nestlé Management and Leadership Principles describe the management style and the corporate values of the Nestlé Group, specifically in the area of interpersonal relations. Their respect calls for specific attitudes which deserve to be outlined in the present policy:

_ This is to be complemented by open communication with the purpose of sharing competencies and boosting creativity. It is particularly relevant in a flat organization to convey systematically all information to those who need it to do their work properly. Otherwise no effective delegation or knowledge improvements are possible.


At Dabur, the Human Resources department supports the business operations and helps enhance performance parameters for each employee. Special care is taken in nurturing talent, promoting entrepreneurship among employees and motivating employees to innovate and improve their performance through an innovative reward and recognition programme called ‘Applause’. The objectives of this scheme are:

To reward contribution of employees beyond normal monetary rewards To recognize and applaud for immediate recognition To promote positive behaviors in the organization

Under this scheme, awards are presented in five categories, namely:

Rising Star: Most promising new comer award

Trailblazers: Employee of the half-year

Honors Club: Employee of the year

SPOT Recognition: On the spot recognition for wonderful job done

Eureka: An Idea Generation Award

"Instead of rewarding people on annual basis, we have devised a mechanism for instant gratification, thereby we would recognise our employees' performance and reward them instantly," Dabur India Executive Director (Human Resource) A Sudhakar said.

It is a step towards continuous motivation of employees, which is aimed at increasing employee engagement level from 67 per cent to 72 per cent, he added.

The company has earmarked a budget of Rs 50 lakh for the employee reward programme. The rewards include LCD TV, iPod, music system as well as BlackBerry handsets besides a citation.


HR Philosophy

The talent Samsung SDI pursue is a man of nature and systemizing personnel who is well aware of his world task being as a member of the international society; paying regard to one's personality and individuality, giving full scope to his/her creativity and capability to carve out his/her infinite future and ultimately contribute to human development.


Having firm belief to take the initiative leading the 21st centuryA creative and defiant talent to open up one's life to fulfill the goal with strong will, enthusiasm and confidenceA talented man with individualistic characters, flexible mind, abundant imagination, challenging and pioneering spiritThat is a man of creativity improving one's future based on creation and cooperation; with enterprising spirit who constantly seeks for his/her improvement and leading changes accepting new ideas openly and who gives vitality and freshness to the organization and society.


Samsung, for instance, has devised a scheme for employees at its plants in Noida and Chennai that results in real-time innovations. Main line operators of various divisions such

as mobile handsets, TV sets, and air conditioners are encouraged to offer suggestions for improving the manufacturing process for which they are suitably rewarded. "We get about 6,000 to 7,000 ideas from our workers in Noida," says Devinder Sharma, Samsung's Plant HR head. Rajni, who works in the main line operations at Samsung's headset plant in Noida, won an award this May for suggesting the use of a supporting device for handsets during the SIM insertion process, which earlier needed a second worker. The supporting device allows her to work on two handsets at a time, and shortens the assembling time from 7.5 to six seconds. It takes six seconds at Rajni's stage. The timings may be different for other stages. In a number-intensive manufacturing process, that is critical.

Creative and innovation in Tata Manufacturing Industry:

Established in 1907, Tata Steel is a Fortune 500 company and among the top ten global steel enterprises, with a crude steel capacity of more than 28 million tonnes per annum. It is one of the world’s most geographically diversified steel producers, with operations in 26 countries and a commercial presence in some 50 countries.

The major vision of Tata industries is 'Value Creation' and 'Corporate Citizenship' through the excellence of its people, its innovative approach and overall conduct.

Creating “trust” among employees is an inseparable part of the long term vision of the company.

Employee development and growthThe company believes in providing continuous skill and competence upgrading of all employees by providing access to necessary learning opportunities, on an equal and non-discriminatory basis. As a management approach Tata Steel has identified the following strategies to meet this challenge: (i) maximise utilisation of available employees through right skilling and (ii) recruitment of technically qualified persons.

At Tata Industry the prime focus in terms of HR practices is on people development and growth, and employee relations, which is imbibed in the culture of caring for our people. Tata Steel has always held the view that people are its greatest asset.

The other focal point is upholding the Tata values through transparency and fairness in HR practices and policies.

Committed to improving the quality of life of communities through programmes in areas such as health, education, vocational training

When Tata Motors Chairman Ratan Tata inaugurated the new paint shop at Tata Motors’ Jamshedpur plant in March 2010, he was especially pleased. The project was one after the chairman’s own heart — it used a new, innovative and immensely environmental-friendly approach to the plant’s paint pre-treatment process by using nanotechnology.

Innovation :

Technology and imagination come together at Tata Motors to create vehicles that drive the dream for millions of Indians

The story of Tata Motors is dotted with examples of innovative ideas, ideas that came to fruition thanks to the determined efforts of the company’s research and development team. Established in 1966, the Engineering Research Centre of Tata Motors has played a crucial role in the creation and development of the company’s products. Today, with over 2,000 engineers and scientists and an ever-growing focus on the next big idea, Tata Motors has spread its R&D efforts to Pune, Jamshedpur, Lucknow, South Korea, Spain and the UK where it has centres.

Knowledge innovation at Tata Manufacturing Industry:The company’s innovation programme is inspired by two concepts namely, there is always a better way and secondly production of knowledge is our priority. These two mantras have been internalised by all employees in order to achieve superior performance continuously. An intranet knowledge management site which captures, validates and stores knowledge, and also makes it available to users on demand, assists them in the process. “Knowledge sharing is also done by directly sharing experiences in departmental meetings, divisional councils and in share-your-knowledge forums,” says Kamath.

The primary drivers for this investment were the availability of magnesite in China and the need to manufacture and supply cost-effective mag-C bricks to customers.

Article About Tata steel:Tata steel manufacturing industry believes that “Our innovation is all about addressing this technology challenge: How to separate iron that is embedded in waste material and make it worthy of use in steelmaking,” says Asim Kumar Mukherjee, head researcher, R&D, Tata Steel.

Recruiting for Innovation:They belive that the most commonly used tool for the innovation is interviewing it is used progressively less frequently at lower organizational level.

Training for Innovation:In examing the training and development, problem solving is the dominant technique in the tata groups that rate the innovation as important.

Mahindra GroupThe US $6 billion Mahindra Group is among the top 10 industrial houses in India. Mahindra& Mahindra is the only Indian company among the top tractor brands in the world. Mahindra’s Farm Equipment Sector has recently won the Japan Quality Medal, the only tractor company worldwide to be bestowed this honour. It also holds the distinction of being the only tractor company worldwide to win the Deming Prize. Mahindra is the market leader in multi-utility vehicles in India. It made a milestone entry into the passenger car segment with the Logan.The Group has a leading presence in key sectors of the Indian economy, including the

financial services, trade and logistics, automotive components, information technology, and infrastructure development.

HR Policies for Officers, Executives and Employees

The Human Resource Policies in organization are summarized as follows:-

Policy No. 1:- Manpower Planning and RecruitmentHinoday recognizes that people are the key to retain competitive advantage and seeks to source the best talent to achieve business results. Manpower planning activity will be initiated at the time of the annual budgeting exercise.

Policy No. 2:- Joining and InductionHinoday would like to inculcate a common culture and values amongst all its employees. It ensures that all employees share a common vision and goals for the future. In the process company impart a planned induction to familiarize new employees with company’s history and culture.

Policy No. 3:- Probation and ConfirmationHinoday, during probationary period, evaluates the suitability of its new employees w.r.t. their level of competencies and the need of the organization in achieving future goals.

Policy No. 4:- Transfers and PromotionHinoday nurture the budding talent and recognizes employee contribution commensurate with exhibited skills and performance. By promoting talented employees to higher levels of influence and responsibility, the company seeks to build ownership and accountability.

Policy No. 5:- Performance Management SystemHinoday values the performance of all its employees in achieving the success for the company. It understands the need to set proper direction for its employees in order to motivate them. Furthermore it also recognizes that employees should be evaluated through a well developed system. In order to achieve this company follows a system of annual appraisal of performance.

Policy No. 6:- Training and DevelopmentHinoday values every employee and believes that employees provide the cutting edge of excellence. It recognizes the importance of employee development and empowerment through holistic training which enables employees to enrich their knowledge, strengthen skills and develop required capabilities.

Policy No. 7:- Compensation PolicyHinoday believes that people are its biggest asset in its ongoing quest for sustained competing advantage. Consequently the compensation package is designed to attract and motivate employees to contribute to the success of the company.

Policy No. 8:- Car Policy

In keeping with its corporate image Hinoday provides car to its senior executives.a] All officers in Grade M3-E and above, currently on the rolls of the company, are eligible for availing this scheme upon confirmation and after approval of Head HR and CEO. b] This Scheme will be applicable with effect from 1st April 09. c] The costs associated with the car are included in the overall CTC of the officer.

Policy No.9:- Telephone and Laptop PolicyHinoday provides employees suitable communication facilities in order to increase flexibility thereby helping in furthering business interests. The company provides cell phone facilities to employees based on grade and work requirements.

Policy No.10:- Medical Reimbursement, Hospitalization & Accident Insurance PolicyHinoday values each employee and provides its employees with medical reimbursement,hospitalization benefits accident insurance. The company meets the medical needs of employees through a combination of reimbursement of medical and hospitalization expenses.

Policy No. 11:- Travel and Accommodation PolicyHinoday understands the importance of traveling for expansion of Business. As the world has become a Global Village, traveling abroad to grab global opportunities and explore new ventures thereby expanding the business horizon has become an integral part of a professional’s life. Company ensures the required support for this purpose.

Policy No. 12:- Shift Timings/ Holidays/ Leave Policy and LTCHinoday observes disciplined duty timings to carry out smooth business functions. It also observes requisite public holidays each year so as to enable its employees to participate in Festivals, Religious Ceremonies & National Events. It also encourages all employees to avail authorized leave. Company also encourages its employees to avail privilege leave by providing allowance which allows employees to travel with their families.

Policy No. 13:- Safety and Occupational HealthHinoday gives the utmost importance to the safety and occupational health of its employees.It also counsels the employees to keep themselves fit and avoid any harmful addictions.Policy No. 14:- Employee Separation PolicyHinoday would like to ensure that the process of ‘Employee Separation’ is smooth and moves to completion with ease for both, the employee & the company.