Creating Engaging Brands at Identify '12 by Joeri Van den Bergh

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Creating Engaging Brands at Identify '12 by Joeri Van den Bergh

Out March 2013

Peter Arnell





How to create the club of tomorrow?

Join forces with a multidisciplinary

group of designers

Crowdsourcing emerging designers

via social media

Making the final selection on Pecha Kucha nights

in Milan, New York, Sao Paulo & Tokyo

Designers get their inspiration from

life in the city, the club scene,

each other, their expert coaches,

the Heineken brand and of course…


How to create the club of tomorrow?

Join forces with a multidisciplinary

Connect with clubbers and understand

group of designers

their journey

Understanding the journey of clubbers



20 Clubbing



The Heineken concept club community

Clubbing experience

Role of clubbing Review of the

Ideal experience

nightlife experience

How to create the club of tomorrow?

Join forces with a multidisciplinary

Connect with clubbers and understand

group of designers

their journey

Approach the nightlife experience as

service design

Connecting Discovering Getting a drink

Dancing Cooling down Ending the night

The layout takes a cue from

the nightlife journey of clubbers

The origami element at the entrance links the outside to

the inside of the club and hints at the interior design.

The staff is dressed in vibrant futuristic


in line with the ‘Changing perspectives’ theme of the club.

The biggest video bottle wall in the world reacts on sound

and features live images of the clubbers.

The bar is interactive and allows you to order a beer,

it even keeps track of who is next in line.

The interactive bar surface entertains and connects

people in playful ways.

The limited edition bottle alters it’s appearance

under different types of light and is accompanied

by origami serving trays and openers.

Leave your drink on the numbered shelf

and go crazy on the dance floor.