Creating a Great Company Culture

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Creating a Great Company Culture

Creating aGreatCompanyCulture


It all starts with the righthires

Culture is extremely important but so is

team building. While every team wants an

outstanding player, not every outstanding

player wants to be a team player. These

people won’t fit into your culture and often

become toxic and distracting.

GuidingPrincipalsASK YOURSELF: Why does your company exist?

What is its mission?

To make sure your response resonates with your

audience, you must be authentic. As a bonus, it

should also be inspirational.

"A company with astrong purpose will beadmired and respectedand one that peoplewill feel naturallyattracted to."

—Franklin Wolfson

Similar to a country'sculture,

To be efficient, a country should have a

common language, similar values, support

for its administrative system and a belief in

the principles upon which it was founded.

Of course, no business or country will be

totally harmonious but the more there is

deviation from its core, the more inefficient

and less productive it becomes.

Defining Core Values

Companies must be able to clearly define their

principles and core values and they must also

be able to measure changes in adherence to

those principles and core values. If employees

do not know what is expected of them or have

doubts that management knows they are

meeting or exceeding those expectations,

morale will suffer, turnover will increase,

productivity will suffer and costs will rise and

profits will fall.

Respect Must Be Earnedto be Effective

There are two types of leaders. The first type

earns the respect of his subordinates regardless

of his position in the hierarchy and the other

demands respect because of his title.

Are you a CulturalAmbassador?

True leaders will be the embodiment of the

company’s culture. They will eat, sleep and

breathe it, they will help instill it in others. They

will be the company’s personification of its

values and by being genuine, they will

instinctively have the passion to inspire others to

adopt the company’s culture and also be

ambassadors to promote it to others.

Honesty All employees want to be part of the inner circle.

In most cases, that’s not possible or even

desirable, especially when it comes to personal

information such as salaries or performance

reviews of other employees. However, it is almost

never acceptable to deliberately lie, mislead or

withhold information from your employees.

The 3 C's

Until the day comes when all businesses are

run by robots, your employees’ competency,

character and charisma will have a huge

impact on your firm’s success… and of the

three, character trumps the other two.

Competency can be learned, charisma is a

bonus but character is innate.

Next Steps

The next step is to show you appreciate and

respect them and then make sure you give

them the proper tools and incentives to


Compensation and benefits are only a starting

point but the most important thing you must

do is to provide meaningful projects that

challenge them to do their best and when

they do, it should provide a clear path to

greater opportunity, rewards and recognition.