Creating a Dynamo Through Scripting

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  • 8/10/2019 Creating a Dynamo Through Scripting


  • 8/10/2019 Creating a Dynamo Through Scripting


    2 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    Table of Contents1. CREATING A DYNAMO WITH VBA.............................................................................................................................3

    1.1NAMING CONVENTIONS FOR DYNAMO OBJECTS..............................................................................................................3

    1.2 CREATING A DYNAMO..........................................................................................................................................................4

    1.3 DESIGNING THE DYNAMO USER INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................6

    1.4 BUILDING THE DYNAMOS USER INTERFACE....................................................................................................................7

    1.4.1 Creating the User Interface .......................................................................................................................................8

    1.4.2 Entering the VBA Script...........................................................................................................................................10

    1.4.3 Setting up the Public Property Routines ...............................................................................................................11

    1.4.4 Setting up the User Interface ...................................................................................................................................15

    1.4.5 Changing Dynamo Properties with User Input....................................................................................................16

    1.4.6 Making Modifications to the Expression Editor Control ...................................................................................171.5 ADDING A DYNAMO TO A DYNAMO SET..........................................................................................................................21

    2. ADVANCED TOPICS..........................................................................................................................................................22

    2.1 SETTING INTELLIGENT DEFAULTS FOR DATA SOURCES................................................................................................22

    2.2 LETTING USERS SET INPUT AND OUTPUT LIMITS...........................................................................................................23

    2.3 VALIDATING A DATA SOURCE AND LAUNCHING THE FIXDYNAMICS QUICK ADD DIALOG..................................252.4 ACCESSING A DYNAMO FROM OUTSIDE ITS FORM.........................................................................................................26

    2.5 USING THE GLOBAL COLOR BY FORM IN DYNAMOS.....................................................................................................27

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 3

    1. Creating a Dynamo with VBAThis document steps you through an example of how to create a dynamo and its

    user interface using Visual Basic for Applications scripts. In this example, we

    will develop a simple tank dynamo. We will create a user interface for the

    dynamo that will allow the user to:

    ? Change the color of the tanks contents

    ? Animate the vertical fill percentage of the tanks contents based on adatabase tag

    The first section describes the basics for creating dynamos with scripts. The

    next section, Advanced Topics, gives instructions for adding functionality to

    your dynamo to make it more powerfu l and versatile. Topics in this sectioninclude:

    ? Naming Conventions for Dynamo Objects

    ? Creating a Dynamo Object

    ? Designing the Dynamo User Interface

    ? Building the Dynamo User Interface

    ? Adding a Dynamo to a Dynamo Set

    1.1 Naming Conventions for Dynamo ObjectsA Dynamo is really an object made from a group of objects. Because you will

    be accessing the objects that make up your dynamo in VBA, it is very important

    that you adhere to a naming convention for these objects.

    The technique described in this document for developing Dynamos allows

    multiple instances of the same Dynamo in a picture to use the same forms andscripts. To do this you must make sure that you use partial names of objects that

    make up the dynamo when you call the FindLocalObject method (explained in

    section Setting up the Public Property Routines) in your scripts. When you refer

    to an object by its full name in a VBA script, it is automatically registered in

    VBA. If you make reference to that same object again in another code module,

    VBA automatically creates another instance of that code module and gives it anincremental number. Therefore, if you dont use a partial name when calling

    FindLocalObject in your scripts, each time you drop the same Dynamo in a

    picture, VBA will create another instance of the form or code module.

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    4 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    The Dynamos that Intellution supplies provide a good example of naming

    conventions for Dynamos. Figure 1 shows the objects that make up theTanksAnim1 Dynamo. Note that all are indexed with a unique number. If you

    need to call FindLocalObject for AnimatedTankLevel21 in your Dynamo

    scripts, you can use the partial name AnimatedTankLevel.

    Figure 1. Objects that make up the TanksAnim1Dynamo

    1.2 Creating a Dynamo

    First, we will create a simple tank object with 5 rectangles, an oval , and a pie as

    show below:

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 5

    Figure 2. Objects that make up the Tank Dynamo

    For this dynamo, we want to allow users to animate the horizontal fill

    percentage property of the large rectangle that makes up the tank container

    section. Give this rectangle a unique name such as TankMain1. You can name

    an object using the property window or the Animations dialog.

    For dynamo animations, it is best to use animation object connections rather

    than direct connections. When you animate an object with an animation

    connection, you connect the object to an animation object which is in turnconnected to the data source. Because we want to animate this rectangles

    vertical fill percentage, we will attach a linear animation object to its vertical fill

    percentage. Then, when we want to change the data source, all we have to do is

    change this animation objects data source. To do this:

    [1] Double click on the TankMain1 rectangle. The Animations dialogappears.

    [2] Select the Fill tab.

    [3] Select the Vertical Fill Percentage check box and enter a dummy tagname in the Data Source field such as: Fix32.node.TankLevel.f_cv.

    [4] Click OK and Use Anyway in the Animations dialog.

    [5] You will see the new animation object displayed under the selected object

    in the System Tree as shown in Figure 3 below. Rename the animation

    object to a unique name such as TankAnimationVerticalFill1.

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    6 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    Now, group the objects and name the group. The name you assign to the group

    is the dynamos name. For this example, we will name the dynamo BigTank.Look to the system tree. You should see the BigTank group and its members as

    shown below.

    Figure 3. BigTank Dynamo and its members

    1.3 Designing the Dynamo User Interface

    It is a good idea to sketch out your ideas on pape r before jumping into the code.

    Try your paper designs and decide exactly what you want your form to do. Thiswill ultimately save time in coding in that it will decrease the amount of changes

    you need to make due to uncertainties in your design.

    In our BigTank dynamo, we only want to allow users to select database tags as

    data sources. The design criteria for our example will be that when the user

    launches the expression builder with the Expression Editor control, they only see

    the Database tab. Knowing this criteria before you start developing your

    dynamo is very important.

    Design Criteria for BigTank Dynamo:

    ? The user interface should appear any time a user drags and drops thedynamo from a dynamo set to a picture or from a picture to another

    picture. The user interface should also appear when the user doubleclicks on the dynamo thereby overriding the Animations dialog.

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 7

    ? The user interface should allow the user to set a database tag to control

    the vertical fill of the tank.

    ? The user interface should allow the user to change the color of thecontents of the tank. This change should take place in the Configurationenvironment. The color is not to be animated.

    1.4 Building the Dynamos User Interface

    Once you are confident about your design, you can start developing your

    dynamo using FIX Dynamics VBA. We will first address the criteria that the

    user interface should appear on a drag-and-drop or a double click. Initiating our

    code on the BigTanks Edit event will do the trick. To see how this works,

    follow these steps:[1] Right mouse click on the BigTank object. A drop down menu appears.

    [2] Select Edit Script. The Visual Basic Editor appears with the cursor

    situated in the BigTanks Click event as shown below:

    Private Sub BigTank_Click()


    End Sub

    [3] Notice the two drop down list boxes at the top of the code window. Clickthe drop down arrow on the right drop down list box and select Edit.Now BigTanks Edit event appears.

    [4] Type code to display a message box under the BigTanks Edit event:

    Private Sub BigTank_Edit()

    MsgBox "HI"

    End Sub

    [5] Switch to the Workspace and double click on the BigTank group. The

    message box appears.

    We will enter script to display the user interface on the Edit event.

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    8 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    1.4.1 Creating the User Interface

    For this dynamo, we want to create a form that allows the user to:

    ? Select a color for the tanks contents

    ? Select a database tag to control the tanks vertical fill

    Fix Dynamics supplies two controls that we can use for these functions: the

    Color Button control and the Expression Editor. The Color Button control

    launches a color box allowing a user to select a color. The Expression Editor

    launches the Expression Builder dialog which allows you to select a data source

    from a list of nodes, tags, and fields. See documentation in FIX Dynamics

    Electronic Books for Color Button and Expression Editor.

    A rough sketch for our form is shown below:

    Use the following steps to create the form:

    [1] Right mouse click on the BigTank group an select Edit Script from thedrop down menu. The Visual Basic Editor appears.

    [2] In VBE, select UserForm from the Insert menu. A new user formappears.

    [3] Insert the Expression Editor control, the Color Button control and theappropriate labels as shown below:

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 9

    If the Expression Editor and Color Button do not appear on the Toolbox

    of controls in VBE, select Additional Controls from the VBE Tools

    menu. Select Intellution FD Color Controland Intellution FDExpression Editor Control from the Additional Controls dialog.

    [4] Assign the User form the name frmBigTankDynamo, assign the OK

    button the name cmdOK, and assign the Cancel button the name


    At this point, there are many different choices you could make that would work.

    Intellution suggests you think of your dynamo as a new object with its own

    properties that you define. For example, the rectangle object has properties such

    as height, width, horizontalfillpercentage, verticalfillpercentage, and rotation

    angle. In this example, we are going to assign our BigTank two of its own

    properties: TankContentsColor and TankDataSource. TankContentsColor is the

    color of the contents, TankDataSource is the database tag that controls the

    Tanks vertical fill percentage. We will do this in the dynamos form.

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    10 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    1.4.2 Entering the VBA Script

    Because we will be doing most of the work on our dynamo from within the

    form, we will have to pass the BigTank group to the form. Once we pass the

    BigTank group to the form, it knows which object to apply changes to. Use the

    following steps to pass the BigTank group to the form:

    [1] Double click on the form to display its code window.

    [2] Select General Declarations in the forms code window

    [3] Enter:

    Public Tank as Object

    In the General Declarations section.

    This makes the Tank object (the BigTank group) a public object. It can bemanipulated from any location.

    Now, we will create a subroutine in the form that will initialize the Tank object

    in the form. To do this, type in the following:

    Public Sub InitializeDynamo(DynamoName As Object)

    Set Tank = DynamoName

    End Sub

    This is a public subroutine that accepts the dynamo object and sets the public

    Tank object equal to that object. Now, go back to the picture code window andreplace the message box text you entered with the following:

    Private Sub BigTank_Edit()

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 11

    Call the Initialize Dynamo subroutine in the

    frmBigTankDynamo form to initialize the dynamo objectfor use in the form code.

    frmBigTankDynamo.InitializeDynamo BigTank

    Display the frmBigTankDynamo form


    End Sub

    Try double clicking on the BigTank group now. Your new form should appear.

    Click on the x in the upper right corner to make it disappear.

    1.4.3 Setting up the Public Property Routines

    Now, we will create the TankDataSource and TankColor property functions.

    We will make these functions public so users to get to them from outside the

    dynamo. Setting up Public Properties for dynamos provide the following


    1. It keeps you code modular. If you need to make a change to the dynamos

    functionality, you only have to change the code in one place.2. Scripts that are not part of the dynamo can access these public propert ies to

    modify the dynamo. The dynamo can be manipulated without any

    knowledge of its code or how it was built.

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    12 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    Before we get into the code, we should talk a little about the Global function

    FindLocalObject. This function is one of the FIX Dynamics GlobalSubroutines. The following is a topic describing FindLocalObject that you can

    find in the FIXVBA.hlp.

    FindLocalObjectFinds an object inside a group based on the objects partial name. The groupcould be a Picture, DynamoSet or a Group of shapes.

    SyntaxFindLocalObject (StartObject, PartialName)

    The FindLocalObject subroutine syntax has these parts:

    Part Description

    StartObject Object. The name of the Picture or Group were the objectyou are looking for is contained.

    PartialName String. A partial name for the object to be found. Forexample, if the objects full name is PipeColorAnim1, youcan pass in PipeColorA, or PipeC.

    Return Value Object. The first object in the Group whose name containswhat is entered for PartialName.

    RemarksFor example, if, through scripting, you want to get an object inside a Group inorder to animate that particular objects vertical fill, use FindLocalObject with thegroups name and just a partial name of the object to fill.FindLocalObject is typically used for Dynamo sets where dynamos sharecommon names for all of their objects, the only difference being the numeric

    ending. Forms and subroutines that call this subroutine make use of the partialname to operate on all similar Dynamos so that all similar Dynamos in a picturecan use the same subroutines and forms. This assumes that the Dynamo builderdefines a naming convention for the objects in the Dynamo.ExampleDim PipeSectObj As Object

    Set PipeSectObj = FindLocalObject(Pipe, "PipeColorAnimation")

    This subroutine is used extensively in dynamos. You can use it to find an object

    inside a group based on the objects partial name. This explains the importance

    of naming convention. FindLocalObject has two parameters: StartObject as

    Object , PartialName as String

    ? StartObject - The object in which the desired object is contained.

    ? PartialName - A partial name for the object to be found.

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 13

    Now, we will enter the following Property procedure for retrieving the Tanks

    data source in the Big Tank Dynamos user form. A Property procedure lets youcreate and manipulate custom properties. For more information on Property

    procedures, see Microsofts VBA help.

    All of the following code belongs in the Big Tank Dynamos User Form in the

    General Declarations sect ion.

    Public Property Get TankDataSource() As String

    Dim AnimatedTankLevel As Object

    Set the object AnimatedTankLevel equal to the returnvalue of FindLocalObject. Notice that we are passing inthe Public object Tank that was set in the

    InitializeDynamo subroutine. Tank = BigTank. We are

    also passing in the partial name of the Vertical FillAnimation object that we created called

    TankAnimatedVerticalFill1. This means thatAnimatedTankLevel is set to the Vertical Fill animation


    Set AnimatedTankLevel = FindLocalObject(Tank,"TankAnimatedVerticalFill")

    Now, we return the data source of animation object.The first time around, it will be the dummy tag that we

    entered when we created the animation object. Afterthat, it will a valid data source that the user enters

    in the Expression Editor control.

    TankDataSource = AnimatedTankLevel.Source

    End Property

    Next, we enter the following property procedure for setting the Tanks data

    source. Here we use the Let Property procedure because we want to set the

    value of the property. The Set Property procedure sets a reference to an object.

    See Microsoft VBA documentation for more information on Get, Let, and Set

    Procedure properties.

    Public Property Let TankDataSource(DataSource As String)

    Dim TankDataSource As Object

    As with the Get TankDataSource Property procedure, weset an object equal to the tanks animation object.

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    14 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    Set TankDataSource = FindLocalObject(Tank,


    Now we use the SetSource procedure to set theTankDataSource property to the DataSource that gets

    passed to this procedure. The data source will be what

    the user enters in the Expression Editor. Thisprocedure gets called in the On_OK subroutine that will

    be described in the Competing the UI Code section.

    TankDataSource.SetSource DataSource

    End Property

    Next, we will enter Property procedures for the Tanks contents color.

    First, the Get Property procedure:

    Public Property Get TankContentsColor() As Long

    Dim TankCore As Object

    Set TankCore = FindLocalObject(Tank, "TankMain")

    TankContentsColor = TankCore.ForegroundColor

    End Property

    Now, the Let Property procedure:

    Public Property Let TankContentsColor(Color As Long)

    Dim TankCore As Object

    Set TankCore = FindLocalObject(Tank, "TankMain")

    TankCore.ForegroundColor = ColorButton1.Color

    End Property

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 15

    1.4.4 Setting up the User Interface

    The next step is to get the correct values into the User Interface when it is

    launched. Because we have already set up the Get Property procedures, this is a

    simple task. All we have to do is make calls to these procedures and they will

    get us the Tanks data source and color properties then, we put the values in the

    appropriate controls. We will want enter data into the user interface when the

    user interface is activated. Therefore, this code belongs in the

    UserForm_Activate event .

    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

    'Initialize the User Interface for BigTank Dynamo

    Get the TankDataSource property and put it in theExpression Editor control. The following statement

    calls the TankDataSource Property Get procedure wecreated in the previous section.

    ExpressionEditor1.EditText = TankDataSource

    Get the TankContentsColor property and put it in the

    Color Button control. The following statement calls theTankContentsColor Property Get procedure we created in

    the previous section.

    ColorButton1.Color = TankContentsColor

    End Sub

    Now, try double clicking on the BigTank group. The following should appear:

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    16 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    The dummy database tag we created for the vertical fill animation object is in

    the Expression Editor and the Color Button is now the color of BigTanks mainsection.

    1.4.5 Changing Dynamo Properties with User Input

    Now, we want what the user enters into our form to affect the BigTank dynamo.

    What should happen if the user selects Cancel? For this dynamo, we want its

    properties to remain unchanged. Therefore, all we have to when the user clicks

    Cancel is to close the form. We want to put the code to unload the form on theCancel buttons Click event as show below:

    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    Try double clicking on BigTank again and then select the Cancel button. The

    form should disappear as expected.

    We only have the OK button left. The following is what should happen when

    the user clicks OK:

    ? The vertical fill animation objects data source should change to what theuser entered in the Expression Editor.

    ? The BigTank contents section should change color to match the usersselection.

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 17

    To accomplish these tasks, we will enter the following code in the OK buttons

    Click event:

    Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

    'Call the Let Property procedure for

    TankDataSource to set the TankDataSource property

    TankDataSource = ExpressionEditor1.EditText

    'Call the Let Property procedure for

    TankContentsColor to set the TankContentsColor


    TankContentsColor = ColorButton1.Color

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    1.4.6 Making Modifications to the Expression Editor


    There is one more design criteria that we have not accounted for. We only want

    the Data Source tab to appear when the user launches Expression Builder with

    the Expression Editor control. The Expression Editor control has the following

    properties for this purpose:

    ? ShowDatabaseTab

    ? ShowGlobalsTab

    ? ShowHistoricalTab

    ? ShowPicturesTab

    Knowing this, on the UserForm_Activate event, we can set the ExpressionEditor control to only show the Database Tab by setting all but the

    ShowDatabaseTab properties to true. Now, the code behind the UserForm

    Activate event looks like this:

    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

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    18 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    'Initialize form interface

    'Set up the Expression Editor tabs

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowDatabaseTab = True

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowGlobalsTab = False

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowHistoricalTab = False

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowPicturesTab = False

    'Set the contents of ExpressionEditor1 equal to theTankDataSource property

    ExpressionEditor1.EditText = TankDataSource

    'Set the color of ColorButton1 equal to theTankContentsColor property

    ColorButton1.Color = TankContentsColor

    End Sub

    The complete code for the form is as follows:

    Option Explicit

    Public Tank As Object

    Public Sub InitializeDynamo(DynamoName As Object)

    Set Tank = DynamoName

    End Sub

    Public Property Get TankDataSource() As String

    Dim AnimatedTankLevel As Object

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 19

    Set AnimatedTankLevel = FindLocalObject(Tank,


    TankDataSource = AnimatedTankLevel.Source

    End Property

    Public Property Let TankDataSource(DataSource As String)

    Dim TankDataSource As Object

    Set TankDataSource = FindLocalObject(Tank,"TankAnimatedVerticalFill")

    TankDataSource.SetSource DataSource

    End Property

    Public Property Get TankContentsColor() As Variant

    Dim TankCore As Object

    Set TankCore = FindLocalObject(Tank, "TankMain")

    TankContentsColor = TankCore.ForegroundColor

    End Property

    Public Property Let TankContentsColor(Color As Variant)

    Dim TankCore As Object

    Set TankCore = FindLocalObject(Tank, "TankMain")

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    TankCore.ForegroundColor = ColorButton1.Color

    End Property

    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

    'Call the Let Property procedure for TankDataSourceto set the

    'TankDataSource property

    TankDataSource = ExpressionEditor1.EditText

    'Call the Let Property procedure for

    TankContentsColor to set the

    'TankContentsColor property.

    TankContentsColor = ColorButton1.Color

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

    'Initialize form interface

    'Set up the Expression Editor tabs

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowDatabaseTab = True

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowGlobalsTab = False

    ExpressionEditor1.ShowHistoricalTab = False

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    ExpressionEditor1.ShowPicturesTab = False

    ExpressionEditor1.EditText = TankDataSource

    ColorButton1.Color = TankContentsColor

    End Sub

    1.5 Adding a Dynamo to a Dynamo Set

    The final step in building a dynamo is adding it to a dynamo set so that you can

    reuse it again and again. This process is very simple:

    [1] Select New from the File menu. A drop down menu appears.

    [2] Select Dynamo Set from the drop down menu. A new dynamo set iscreated.

    [3] Save the dynamo set as MyDynamoSet.

    [4] Drag the BigTank group that you created from the picture to the dynamoset.

    [5] Save MyDynamoSet.

    You have created a new dynamo in a new dynamo set. You could also have

    added the BigTank group to an existing dynamo set.

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    22 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    2. Advanced TopicsOnce you are comfortable with the concepts in creating a dynamo, you will

    probably want to do something a little more complex. The following sections

    show you how to:

    Set an intelligent default for a data source when a user tabs off of the data

    source field.

    Fetch and set limits from a data source in your dynamos.

    Use the Advanced Color Form in your dynamos.

    Use the FIX Dynamics dynamo Color By form in your dynamos.

    2.1 Setting Intelligent Defaults for Data Sources

    Sometimes, a user may know the database tag they want to connect to without

    launching the Expression Builder. The user may not want to type in the full

    NODE.TAG.FIELD name especially if it is lengthy. By setting an intelligent

    default for the data source, you can allow the user to type in only the tagname

    and then automatically fill in the rest. In this section, we will add this

    functionality to our Big Tank Dynamo.

    All you have to do to add this useful functionality is to make a cal l to theGlobalSubroutine, FetchLimits. FetchLimits returns:

    The High and Low EGUs of the specified data source along with the fully

    qualified name for the data source. To add the call to your dynamo form:

    [1] In the dynamo set you just created, MyDynamoSet, select the BigTankdynamo.

    [2] Right mouse click and select the Edit Script command from the dropdown menu. The Visual Basic Editor appears.

    [3] Double click on the frmBigTankDynamo form in the dynamo set projectto display your dynamo form.

    [4] Double click on ExpressionEditor1 to get to theExpressionEditor_AfterKillFocus event.

    [5] Enter the following code on this event:

    Private Sub ExpressionEditor1_AfterKillFocus()

    Dim strDataSource As String

    Dim HiLimit As Single

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 23

    Dim LoLimit As Single

    Dim err As Integer

    strDataSource = ExpressionEditor1.EditText

    Call FetchLimits(strDataSource, HiLimit, LoLimit,


    The FetchLimits subroutine returns the fully qualifiedstring name in the first parameter.

    ExpressionEditor1.EditText = strDataSource

    End Sub

    2.2 Letting Users Set Input and Output Limits

    If you plan to let your users select a data source, you may want to allow them to

    set the input and output limits. The FetchLimits subroutine described in the

    section above that allows you to do that. We will have to add some textboxes to

    our form to display the input and output limits. In Visual Basic editor under

    your dynamo set project, open up the frmBigTankDynamo again. Add frames,

    labels, and text boxes as shown below:

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    We will add this functionality to the ExpressionEditor_OnKillFocus event so

    that when the user tabs off or exits this control after entering their database tag,

    the input ranges automatically fill in. We add on to the code we entered in the

    AfterKillFocus event as follows:

    Private Sub ExpressionEditor1_AfterKillFocus()

    Dim err As Integer

    Dim HiLimit As Single, LoLimit As Single

    Dim ds As String

    ds = ExpressionEditor1.EditText

    Call FetchLimits(ds, HiLimit, LoLimit, err)

    If (err = 0) Then

    txtLoIn.Value = LoLimit

    txtHiIn.Value = HiLimit

    OldDataSource = ds

    ExpressionEditor1.EditText = ds

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    If a valid data source does not exist, use the default

    values of 0 and 100.

    ElseIf (err = 2) Then

    err = 0

    End If

    2.3 Validating a Data Source and Launching theFIX Dynamics Quick Add Dialog

    You will notice that many of the FIX Dynamics standard dynamos allow you toadd tags to your data source while configuring the dynamo. You can easily

    apply this functionality to your own dynamos by using the Global Function

    QuickAdd. This function takes a data source string as a parameter and returns

    an integer based on the state of the data source. If the data source does not exist

    but can be created, the QuickAdd function launches the FIX Dynamics Quick

    Add dialog allowing the user to add a tag to the database. The syntax for

    QuickAdd is as follows:

    QuickAdd (ByVal DataSource As String) As Integer

    Example:Dim intTemp

    intTemp = QuickAdd String name for data source

    The return values are as follows:0 = OK. Data source exists.

    1 = Invalid syntax for data source

    2 = Data source did not yet exist. Quick Add dialog was launched and user

    added a database tag.

    3 = Data Type mismatch

    4 = Data Source did not exist. User did not choose to add tag but chose to Use


    5 = Data Source did not exist. User did not choose to add tag or Use Anyway.

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    2.4 Accessing a Dynamo from Outside its FormOne of the most important features of this method of developing dynamos is that

    you can access the dynamos properties that you set up from outside the dynamo

    and its form. For example, if you wanted to change a the tanks data source to

    FIX32.FIX.AI1.F_CV and the tanks vertical fill color to red when you click

    on a button in run mode, you could do the following:

    [1] With the BigTank dynamo in a picture, insert a command button in thepicture.

    [2] Right mouse click on the command button and select Edit Script. TheVisual Basic Editor appears.

    [3] Enter the following code in buttons click event:

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Initialize the BigTank dynamo object with the form.

    frmBigTankDynamo.InitializeDynamo BigTank

    Set the value for the BigTanks TankDataSourceproperty.

    frmBigTankDynamo.TankDataSource = "FIX32.FIX.AI1.F_CV"

    Set the value for the BigTanks TankContentsColor


    frmBigTankDynamo.TankContentsColor = 255

    End Sub

    [4] Switch to run and click the button. The fill color changes to red and thedata source is now FIX32.FIX.AI1.F_CV.

    Remember that when you change properties of an object in run mode, the object

    will only hold those properties during that run session. If you switch back toconfigure mode or exit the workspace, the properties return to their original


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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 27

    2.5 Using the Global Color By Form in DynamosIntellution provides a global Color By form that you can access and use with

    your dynamos. The global Color By form lets you animate the color of a section

    of your dynamo with a data source. It looks like and behaves like the Color

    Expert in the Workspace. Many of the standard Intellution dynamos that are

    animated (TanksAnim1, TanksAnim2, ValvesAnim, PipesAnim) use the globalColor By form for animating color. Lets go back to our BigTank form and add

    in a control that allows us to animate the color of the top portion of the tank.

    First, lets rebuild our dynamo:

    [1] Open the MyDynamoSet dynamo set that you created then open a newpicture.

    [2] Drag the BigTank dynamo from MyDynamoSet into the new picture.When the form appears, just click Cancel.

    [3] Ungroup the dynamo and rename the pie object TankTop.

    [4] Regroup the dynamo and rename it back to BigTank.

    [5] Close MyDynamoSet.

    Now, we will add the button that will launch the global Color By form to the

    BigTanks form.

    [1] Right mouse click on the BigTank dynamo in the picture and click EditScript. VBE appears.

    [2] Double click on the frmBigTank form in the new pictures project. YourBigTank user form appears.

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    28 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    [3] Reduce the size of the Tank Contents Color button and add a commandbutton and label as shown below. You will code the command buttonsclick event to launch the Color By form.

    [4] Name the command button cmdColorby.

    Now, to add the code that lets you access the global Color By form.

    First, you will need to add the following variables to the General Declarations

    section in the forms code:

    frmDynamoColor - to be set to an instance of the Color By form

    blnColorFormShow to determine if the Color By form has already been

    launched.BlnColorFormCancel to determine if user selected Cancel in the Color By


    In the General Declarations section of the forms code, add:

    Private blnColorFormShow as Boolean

    Private frmDynamoColor As Object

    Private blnColorFormCancel As Boolean

    Private blnFormActivate As Boolean

    Now, on the command buttons click event, enter the following code:

    Private Sub cmdColorBy_Click()

    Dim TopObj As Object

    Dim blnHasConnection As Boolean

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    Creating a Dynamo with VBA 29

    Dim lngIndex As Long

    Dim lngStatus As Long

    'If the global ColorBy form has been activated, we don't

    want activate it again.

    If blnColorFormShow = False Then

    'Set the flag as to whether the form was shown to Truethen, create a local instance of the DynamoColorBy form

    blnColorFormShow = True

    GetFormDynamoColor frmDynamoColor

    End If

    Set the object TopObj equal to the pie piece of theTank called TankTop.

    Set TopObj = FindLocalObject(Tank, "TankT")

    Initialize the TopObj to the Color By form.

    frmDynamoColor.InitializeColorByForm TopObj, frmBigTank,blnColorFormCancel


    End Sub

    Because you have created an instance of the Color By form, you have to make

    sure that you close it when you leave the dynamo form. Add the following to

    the OK and Cancel button click events:

    Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

    'Call the Let Property procedure for

    TankDataSource to set the TankDataSource property

    TankDataSource = ExpressionEditor1.EditText

    'Call the Let Property procedure for

    'TankContentsColor to set the TankContentsColor


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    30 Creating a Dynamo with VBA

    TankContentsColor = ColorButton1.Color

    'Check it an instance of the global Color By form was

    created. If it was, unload it.

    If TypeName(frmDynamoColor) "Nothing" Then

    Unload frmDynamoColor

    End If

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    For the Cancel button:Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

    'Check it an instance of the global Color By form was

    created. If it was, unload it.

    If TypeName(frmDynamoColor) "Nothing" Then

    Unload frmDynamoColor

    End If

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    Now, try out your addition.

    [1] Reopen open your MyDynamoSet dynamo set and delete the old BigTankdynamo.

    [2] Right mouse click in the dynamo set and select Edit Script. Make sureyou remove the old frmBigTank from the MyDynamoSet VBE project .

    [3] Drag the new BigTank dynamo into the MyDynamoSet dynamo set.

    [4] Open a new picture and drag the BigTank dynamo into the new picture.

    [5] Set the Data Base Tag, the Tank Contents Color, and the Animate Tank

    Top color animation.

    [6] Switch to run mode to verify your results.