Created by: Mildred $100 Ground Water Climate Water Stuff Vocabulary Assorted Killer Questions $200...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Created by: Mildred $100 Ground Water Climate Water Stuff Vocabulary Assorted Killer Questions $200...

Created by: Mildred




VocabularyAssorted Killer







Final Jeopardy

In the diagram, the region

marked "Zone A" is actually called


Zone of Aeration

Which soil sample in the diagram above would show the

greatest capillarity?

Sample A

The graph shows the annual Ep of a city. Where is this

city located?

In the southern hemisphere

4 identical containers are filled with particles as shown. If water is added to the containers

which will hold the least water?

The container with mixed particles

The tube with 12mm beads

If water is poured into the 3 tubes shown above, which tube will have the greatest


What kind of climate is

represented by the data in the graph at

the right and tell where this climate

is probably located?

A southern hemisphere desert

At which 2 locations in the

diagram are deserts most likely to be


At locations C and F

Which 2 locations probably have the coldest


G and H


What is the 'climate classification' of the

location, Someplace in New York, where the

data above was gathered?

The climate is HUMID

The graph shows the yearly

temperature data for a city. Where

is that city probably located?

On the equator

What do you get if the rate of precipitation is greater than the

rate of infiltration?


What name is given to the interface between the zone of aeration and the zone

of saturation?

The water table


What name is used to describe soil particles 0.034 cm in diameter>

What does the Peru current do to the

climate of the west coast of South America?

Cools the climate

What would be the easiest and best way to increase the

amount of infiltration in an area?

Plant trees, shrubs, or grass

The region of soil above the water table is the.......

Zone of aeration

This term describes what happens when soil moisture

storage (ground water) is decreasing.


What is the primary source of all the water for the water



What is the source of the water flowing in streams in the

summer even under conditions of extreme drought?

Ground Water

Upon what environmental factor does potential

evapotranspiration (Ep) depend?

Temperature or Insolation

At which location

would the annual

precipitation probably be greatest?

Location B

Which location on the map

probably has the warmest


Location D

What kind of place has very high potential evapotranspiration but very little water

actually evaporates or transpires?

A desert

Complete the following sentence: If soil storage is less than maximum and P is

greater than Ep, then the distance between the land surface and the water table..........


What term is commonly given to the

water-bearing layer of permeable rock or soil?




Water of Death

Upon what 2 factors does stream discharge


Stream volume and velocity.