Create Your Own Traffic Watering Hole

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Create Your Own Traffic Watering Hole

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole

Create Your Own Traffic on Demand By Susan Velez

Contents Why People Aren’t Buying Your Products .................................................................................................... 3

What Type of Products or Services Do You Have to Offer? .......................................................................... 4

Find Out Where Your Niche Audience Hangs Out .................................................................................... 4

Thinking like Your Potential Customer...................................................................................................... 4

So What Does This Mean For You? ........................................................................................................... 5

Set a Goal You Can Reach ............................................................................................................................. 5

What This Does For You ............................................................................................................................ 5

Getting People into Your Auto-Responder ................................................................................................... 6

What to Do With Your Email List .............................................................................................................. 6

About Me ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

By: Susan Velez Page 1

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole Disclaimer and Copyright Notification: Copyright © Susan Velez. The contents are based on the author’s personal experience and research. Your results may vary, and will be based on your individual situation and motivation. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. NOTE: Some of the recommendations in this report might contain affiliate links. If you click on the link(s) and purchase such a product based on my review and/or recommendation, I will receive a referral commission. Whether I receive a commission or not will not have any effect on the purchase price of the product. Additionally I am sometimes offered a complimentary product to review. My decision to promote these products is based on my own satisfaction with the products. I do not recommend crap, and any review I make will be based on my own experiences, which are not typical. You could do better, you could do worse, you could do nothing at all, and that is totally out of my control. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our products and services. There is no guarantee that your results will match examples published in this report. Some links may change or even not work for many reasons beyond the control of the author and distributors. They cannot guarantee or otherwise be responsible for what you might find when you click through to sites not under the control of the publisher of this report.

By: Susan Velez Page 2

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole Why People Aren’t Buying Your Products Do you have some outstanding products that you know if someone bought could change their lives? You have heard the saying that you need buy buttons online to make money.

So you find yourself spending hours creating a product and you stick it on JVZoo and the Warrior Forum…yet you hear the crickets and the buy button has never been used.

Sure you might make a few sales, especially when your product is brand spanking new. But after a while, your sales slow down or even stop.

Your next thought is to create a brand new product in hopes of making some more sales.

Sure we all know that the more buy buttons that you have online, will mean more sales…but most of the time they will drip in slowly like a slow dripping faucet.

What if I told you how you can turn the faucet up higher. If you put these steps into action, you may be able to start seeing those PayPal buttons coming in quicker.

First you will see one come in once per month. Next month after implementing this method, you will see 5 sales…then 10 sales, eventually, you start to see several sales coming in.

Well it can happen and I am going to reveal how you can start taking action to make this happen.

The most important thing to do is to find out where your audience is hanging out. Most people who are marketing online tend to create a product and then sit back and wait for people to buy their products.

So sit back and grab a cup of coffee, I am going to tell you exactly what you need to do to find your audience.

Nope your traffic isn’t the entire Internet. You have to find your group of people who are anxiously waiting to hear from you.

So lets get started…so you can start implementing.

By: Susan Velez Page 3

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole What Type of Products or Services Do You Have to Offer? Before you can start digging your well for traffic, you have to determine what you will be selling to your customers.

We all have something to offer to people. Regardless of what you think, you do have some expertise in your business.

Sit down and determine what you will be selling to people once you start to get some subscribers.

Once you determine what you will be offering to your subscribers, it is time to create a quick product that you can sell them. If you already created a product…great then you can now get started on finding where your traffic is hanging out.

Find Out Where Your Niche Audience Hangs Out We have all heard that people hang out on forums. But before you run over to the forum, put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

Thinking like Your Potential Customer Let’s just say that you are an expert in setting up WordPress blogs and you are offering your services to set up people’s blogs.

I don’t know you and I don’t know what you’re an expert in. We are just using this as an example.

Okay so your customer is a brand new business owner who is just getting started online. They will most likely need help with creating a brand new blog.

This means that they don’t have any knowledge in SEO, Website design, Wordpress Plugins, Wordpress Templates or anything related to getting a website online.

So where do these people turn to when they need help?

I can tell you from my own experience when I got started creating my first WordPress site (which took me over 8 hours to set up my site) I turned to YouTube.

By: Susan Velez Page 4

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole I always turn to YouTube when I need to do something that I don’t know how. I am a sucker for video tutorials that can walk me through step-by-step on how to do something.

So What Does This Mean For You? This means that as someone who is setting up WordPress blogs as a service for people, I would spend most of my time creating video tutorials that I could then upload to YouTube and other video sites.

Imagine creating one video per day on how to do something that is related to website design or just providing some useful tips for people.

Do you think that people would contact you if they saw one of your videos?

Set a Goal You Can Reach Once you have found out where your audience hangs out….then it’s time to start putting yourself in front of them.

In the example we are using video marketing as an example and I will stick with this method throughout the entire book. You can apply this technique to anything regardless of whether it is article marketing, PDF submission or whatever you plan on using.

You will create one video (article, blog post, guest post or whatever) per day. Keep doing this on a daily basis.

After 30 days, you will have 30 new videos online that will start to drive traffic to your website.

What This Does For You At first you’re going to think that this is a complete waste of time. Don’t expect a rush of traffic to your website right away.

Nope it’s going to take time. You can’t expect something to happen right away.

However, as you continue to build up your video portfolio, people will eventually find your videos.

By: Susan Velez Page 5

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole You will start to get comments and followers. Eventually, people will want to find out more about who you are and they will visit your blog or you can send them to a squeeze page.

I highly recommend that you put your squeeze page link in your YouTube resource box.

This will help you start to build your email list…which is the whole purpose of this.

Getting People into Your Auto-Responder Your main goal should be to start growing your email list. Your videos will be working for you 24/7 on building your email list.

If you continue doing this on a daily basis, in 60 days you will have 60 videos that are working for you while you’re on vacation, sleeping or just spending time creating other products in your business.

What to Do With Your Email List Okay by now you should be growing your email list and people are starting to listen to you.

They’ve watched several of your videos and they want more.

Well now that they are on your email list, it’s time to sell them your higher priced products. After all, they now look at you like an expert in your niche. They trust you and you have built a rapport with them.

Your email campaign which hopefully you have taken the time to setup is now setup to sell your higher ticket items without you having to do a lot.

Link This Training Then Click Here By: Susan Velez Page 6

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole

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By: Susan Velez Page 7

Create Your Own Watering Traffic Hole About Me

Susan Velez started her internet marketing career about three years ago. She tried everything from flipping websites, SEO and any other shiny object that popped up on the market. She received very dismal results with almost anything that she tried.

Finally she invested in a coaching program that taught her how to create high quality products that add value to other people. She started seeing success and has continued down the path of being a product creator.

By: Susan Velez Page 8