create branch from project in the trunk …  · Web viewlets create new project in visual studio...

Post on 10-Feb-2018

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Transcript of create branch from project in the trunk …  · Web viewlets create new project in visual studio...

Index :

create branch from project in the trunk 1

How to merge the branch into the trunk 11

How to merge from trunk to branch 11

how to handle conflicts 29

create branch from project in the trunkthis the current structure folders

lets create new project in visual studio in trunk

lets add new file and call him trunk – no reason

let's add all files to svn

and commit

now we can see that we have the project in the trunk and still the branch is empty

now we create the branch

now we need to make update for the changes that we made to take effect

the result – we have the project in the branch

right now we can open in visual studio the project in trunk or in the branch and start working, every commit that we do it will only affect his current project, for example, if we made changes in the project in the trunk and made commit it will not affect the project in the branch, and the same thing if we made change in the project in the branch.

How to merge the branch into the trunk

we can merge direct from branch to trunk- but for security reasons it will better to merge from trunk to branch, fix the conflict and then merge from branch to trunk.

How to merge from trunk to branch

lets made change in trunk and commit

before the merge this is the branch project

now let's make the merge

we right from where we want the merge

now lets make commit for the changes to take effect

and now we can see the changes in the branch

now we add something in the branch and make commit

now let's merge from the branch to trunk

and again let's commit for the changes to take effect

and now this is the trunk

how to handle conflicts

let's say we change the file in the trunk and in the branch. And we make merge from the trunk to branchthis the current changes

it notify me that there is conflict we choose "resolve later" the reason is, we want to fix the conflict in the visual studio

we make commit for changes take effect, and now we return to the project in the branch to fix the conflict

lets choose the both rows and press on "accept merge" , and after that we can choose resolve conflict and make commit

that's it, now we can merge from the branch to the trunk and we will not get conflicts.

Enjoy :-)