Coyote by Tyler

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Coyote by Tyler


By: Tyler

Description• The coyote is a mammal. It is as big as a German shepherd. The coyote has fur. It has grayish to brownish and yellowish to brown over white fur. The special body parts are interesting because its jaw is strong and its eyes glow in the dark.


• This animal can live in any part of the world. It lives in grass dens , in holes and caves. They can live in city the country and desert.

Living Habits

• The coyote can eat up to about two to three pounds a day. Its enemy is men.

Birth and Growth

• They mate in February and about 60 days later 4 to 6 pups are born. After 3 to 10 weeks they begin to hunt.

Interesting Facts

• One interesting thing I learned about a coyote is when they build there dens that means they’re having pups. To communicate it uses its smell and they were here before settlers came.

The End