COVIDSAFE - QHA Online · Implement measures to restrict numbers on the premises, including...

Post on 11-Aug-2020

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Transcript of COVIDSAFE - QHA Online · Implement measures to restrict numbers on the premises, including...



COVID Safe Checklist for dining in such as at

Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, Clubs, RSL clubs and Hotels

What you need to do to safely re-open your business:

1.Check your business can re-open

Check the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 website at to confirm you

can re-open your business and whether any specific restrictions apply.

If your business has been closed, check the condition of equipment and facilities are fully functioning,

such as gas, electricity, toilets, and hand-washing facilities. Ensure food and beverages stored at your

business have not been contaminated or are now out of date.

Ensure staff are trained in new requirements and ensure their food handling training is up to date.

COVID Safe training will be made available. Government will develop free training for all industries

and some industry bodies have developed bespoke training. COVID Safe training will be mandatory

for high risk industries and must be undertaken within two weeks of re-opening.


ellbeing of workers

Direct workers to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home immediately if they become unwell.

Require them to be tested for COVID-19 if they have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease

(cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or a fever or history of fever. They must remain in isolation at

home till they get the result and it is negative for COVID-19.

Consider safety risks and manage these according to the appropriate hierarchy of controls i.e.

elimination, substitute, isolation, administrative controls then personal protective equipment where


Implement measures to maximise the distancing between workers to the extent it is safe and practical

and minimise the time that workers are in close contact. Where it is practical and safe to do so, review

tasks and processes that usually require close interaction and identify ways to modify these to

increase social distancing between workers.

Modify processes behind the counter (including in the kitchen) to limit workers having to be in close

contact, as much as possible. For example:

assign workers to specific workstations to minimise the need to go into other spaces,

implement processes so front of house workers can collect food without needing to go into

food preparation areas.

Postpone or cancel non-essential face-to-face gatherings, meetings and training and use video

conferencing where practicable.

Consult with workers on COVID-19 measures in the workplace and provide workers with adequate

information and education, including changes to work tasks and practices and appropriate cleaning

and disinfection practices at work.

Put signs and posters up to remind workers and others of the risk of COVID-19.

3.Social distancing

Place signs at entry points to instruct customers not to enter the shop if they are unwell or have

COVID19 symptoms. The sign should state that businesses have the right to refuse service and must

insist that anyone with these symptoms leaves the premises.

Limit walk-in appointments and client interaction at the counter through the use of online or phone


If practicable set up separate exit and entry points and separate order and collection points to minimise

contact.COVID Safe Checklist for dining in such as at Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, Clubs, RSL clubs and Hotels

What you need to do to safely re-open your business: 1. Check your business can re-open

Check the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 website at to confirm youcan re-open your business and whether any specific restrictions apply.

If your business has been closed, check the condition of equipment and facilities are fully functioning,such as gas, electricity, toilets, and hand-washing facilities. Ensure food and beverages stored at yourbusiness have not been contaminated or are now out of date.

Ensure staff are trained in new requirements and ensure their food handling training is up to date. COVID Safe training will be made available. Government will develop free training for all industries

and some industry bodies have developed bespoke training. COVID Safe training will be mandatoryfor high risk industries and must be undertaken within two weeks of re-opening.

2. Wellbeing of workers Direct workers to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home immediately if they become unwell.

Require them to be tested for COVID-19 if they have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease(cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or a fever or history of fever. They must remain in isolation athome till they get the result and it is negative for COVID-19.

Consider safety risks and manage these according to the appropriate hierarchy of controls i.e.elimination, substitute, isolation, administrative controls then personal protective equipment whererequired.

Implement measures to maximise the distancing between workers to the extent it is safe and practicaland minimise the time that workers are in close contact. Where it is practical and safe to do so, reviewtasks and processes that usually require close interaction and identify ways to modify these toincrease social distancing between workers.

Modify processes behind the counter (including in the kitchen) to limit workers having to be in closecontact, as much as possible. For example:

assign workers to specific workstations to minimise the need to go into other spaces, implement processes so front of house workers can collect food without needing to go into

food preparation areas. Postpone or cancel non-essential face-to-face gatherings, meetings and training and use video

conferencing where practicable. Consult with workers on COVID-19 measures in the workplace and provide workers with adequate

information and education, including changes to work tasks and practices and appropriate cleaningand disinfection practices at work.

Put signs and posters up to remind workers and others of the risk of COVID-19.

3. Social distancing Place signs at entry points to instruct customers not to enter the shop if they are unwell or have

COVID19 symptoms. The sign should state that businesses have the right to refuse service and mustinsist that anyone with these symptoms leaves the premises.

Limit walk-in appointments and client interaction at the counter through the use of online or phonebookings.

If practicable set up separate exit and entry points and separate order and collection points to minimisecontact.

Once complete, this checklist does not need to be submitted for approval but will need to be produced if requested by a relevant compliance or enforcement officer. This may include providing an electronic copy.


COVID Safe Checklist for dining in such as at

Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, Clubs, RSL clubs and Hotels

What you need to do to safely re-open your business:

1. Check your business can re-open

Check the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 website at to confirm you

can re-open your business and whether any specific restrictions apply.

If your business has been closed, check the condition of equipment and facilities are fully functioning,

such as gas, electricity, toilets, and hand-washing facilities. Ensure food and beverages stored at your

business have not been contaminated or are now out of date.

Ensure staff are trained in new requirements and ensure their food handling training is up to date.

COVID Safe training will be made available. Government will develop free training for all industries

and some industry bodies have developed bespoke training. COVID Safe training will be mandatory

for high risk industries and must be undertaken within two weeks of re-opening.

2. Wellbeing of workers

Direct workers to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home immediately if they become unwell.

Require them to be tested for COVID-19 if they have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease

(cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or a fever or history of fever. They must remain in isolation at

home till they get the result and it is negative for COVID-19.

Consider safety risks and manage these according to the appropriate hierarchy of controls i.e.

elimination, substitute, isolation, administrative controls then personal protective equipment where


Implement measures to maximise the distancing between workers to the extent it is safe and practical

and minimise the time that workers are in close contact. Where it is practical and safe to do so, review

tasks and processes that usually require close interaction and identify ways to modify these to

increase social distancing between workers.

Modify processes behind the counter (including in the kitchen) to limit workers having to be in close

contact, as much as possible. For example:

assign workers to specific workstations to minimise the need to go into other spaces,

implement processes so front of house workers can collect food without needing to go into

food preparation areas.

Postpone or cancel non-essential face-to-face gatherings, meetings and training and use video

conferencing where practicable.

Consult with workers on COVID-19 measures in the workplace and provide workers with adequate

information and education, including changes to work tasks and practices and appropriate cleaning

and disinfection practices at work.

Put signs and posters up to remind workers and others of the risk of COVID-19.

3. Social distancing

Place signs at entry points to instruct customers not to enter the shop if they are unwell or have

COVID19 symptoms. The sign should state that businesses have the right to refuse service and must

insist that anyone with these symptoms leaves the premises.

Limit walk-in appointments and client interaction at the counter through the use of online or phone


If practicable set up separate exit and entry points and separate order and collection points to minimise


COVID Safe Checklist for dining in such as at Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, Clubs, RSL clubs and Hotels

What you need to do to safely re-open your business: 1. Check your business can re-open

Check the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 website at to confirm youcan re-open your business and whether any specific restrictions apply.

If your business has been closed, check the condition of equipment and facilities are fully functioning,such as gas, electricity, toilets, and hand-washing facilities. Ensure food and beverages stored at yourbusiness have not been contaminated or are now out of date.

Ensure staff are trained in new requirements and ensure their food handling training is up to date. COVID Safe training will be made available. Government will develop free training for all industries

and some industry bodies have developed bespoke training. COVID Safe training will be mandatoryfor high risk industries and must be undertaken within two weeks of re-opening.

2. Wellbeing of workers

Direct workers to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home immediately if they become unwell.Require them to be tested for COVID-19 if they have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease(cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or a fever or history of fever. They must remain in isolation athome till they get the result and it is negative for COVID-19.

Consider safety risks and manage these according to the appropriate hierarchy of controls i.e.elimination, substitute, isolation, administrative controls then personal protective equipment whererequired.

Implement measures to maximise the distancing between workers to the extent it is safe and practicaland minimise the time that workers are in close contact. Where it is practical and safe to do so, reviewtasks and processes that usually require close interaction and identify ways to modify these toincrease social distancing between workers.

Modify processes behind the counter (including in the kitchen) to limit workers having to be in closecontact, as much as possible. For example:

assign workers to specific workstations to minimise the need to go into other spaces, implement processes so front of house workers can collect food without needing to go into

food preparation areas. Postpone or cancel non-essential face-to-face gatherings, meetings and training and use video

conferencing where practicable. Consult with workers on COVID-19 measures in the workplace and provide workers with adequate

information and education, including changes to work tasks and practices and appropriate cleaningand disinfection practices at work.

Put signs and posters up to remind workers and others of the risk of COVID-19.

3. Social distancing Place signs at entry points to instruct customers not to enter the shop if they are unwell or have

COVID19 symptoms. The sign should state that businesses have the right to refuse service and mustinsist that anyone with these symptoms leaves the premises.

Limit walk-in appointments and client interaction at the counter through the use of online or phonebookings.

If practicable set up separate exit and entry points and separate order and collection points to minimisecontact.

Implement measures to restrict numbers on the premises, including maintaining a maximum of 10 people at any one time (not including staff), or 20 people if you are in an outback region (as defined on the Queensland Government COVID website), and ensuring distance of 4 square metres per person.

Ensure social distancing by placing floor or wall markings or signs to identify 1.5 metres distance between persons for queues and waiting areas.

Place tables to ensure that persons seated at those tables are 1.5 metres apart and reduce the number of tables and seating capacity in line with public health directions.

Consider using physical barriers where practical, such as plexiglass around counters involving high volume interactions with customers

Remove waiting area seating or space seating at least 1.5 metres apart. Provide contactless payments or ordering and payment online or through ordering apps. Ensure menus are:

laminated and sanitised after each use or use general non-contact signage to display your menu or have single use paper menus available.

For takeaway services place menus outside the venue and introduce online ordering wherever possible.

Set up different areas for ordering and collection, and where practical, separate entry and exit paths. Where practical, restrict service to table service only to reduce the movement of patrons and the

number of surfaces touched. Remove any serve yourself buffet style food service areas and communal water stations or

condiments. Stagger seating times and manage the duration of sittings to control the flow of patrons.

4. Record keeping

Contact information must be kept for customers, workers and any contractors for a period of at least 28 days.

This must include name, address and mobile phone number of a person at each table. Ensure records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are captured and

stored confidentially and securely.

5. Hygiene and cleaning

Instruct all workers to practise good hygiene by frequently cleaning their hands. Hand washing should take at least 20 to 30 seconds. Wash the whole of each hand, covering all areas with soap before washing with water. If hand washing is not practical, alcohol-based hand sanitiser containing at least 60% ethanol or 70% iso-propanol is recommended.

Provide hand washing facilities for customers and patrons including clean running water, liquid soap, paper towels. If hand washing facilities are not readily available, provide an appropriate alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Non-disposable crockery/cutlery/glassware is permitted only when cleared after each course and washed using a commercial grade dishwasher or glasswasher. Use disposable/recyclable cutlery/glass ware when available, or strict table clearing guidelines requiring gloves.

Reduce the sharing of equipment and tools. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces at least hourly with detergent or disinfectant (including

shared equipment and tools, Eftpos equipment, tables, counter tops and sinks). Surfaces used by clients, such as tables, must also be cleaned between clients.

6. Deliveries, contractors and visitors attending the premises

Where practical, direct delivery drivers or other contractors visiting the premises to minimise physical interaction with workers.

Use electronic paperwork where practical. If a signature is required, discuss providing a confirmation email instead, or take a photo of the goods onsite as proof of delivery.

7. Review and monitor

Regularly review your systems of work to ensure they are consistent with current directions and advice provided by health authorities.

This checklist is a key part of your COVID Plan as outlined on the WorkSafe website. Publicly display this signed checklist as evidence that you are a COVID Safe business. Ensure you have a copy of this signed checklist which must be produced if requested from a relevant

compliance/enforcement officer. This may include providing an electronic copy. Keep up to date and find additional guidance at & Employees with a general work related complaint can call WHS Queensland on 1300 362 128. Business owners that would like to better understand their WHS duties regarding COVID-19 can call

1300 005 018 or their union or industry association. Customers who have concerns about whether a business is complying with this checklist can call

13QGOV (13 74 68).

Name of person(s) conducting business or undertaking as defined in the Work Health &

Safety Act 2011:

Signature & date:

About this plan• This is our plan and commitment in a COVID-19

environment to ensure the health and safety of staff, patrons and the Community.

• This plan reinforces and implements achievable public safety measures to reduce the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak in a hospitality setting

• This plan will be adopted by each of our member venues

• This plan will be implemented and managed by the licensee of each venue

Key elements• Maintain 1.5m social distancing and good

hygiene protocols

• Stay home if unwell

• Frequently clean and disinfect communal areas


Check list Y/N

Environmental Cleaning Schedule template

Create an Environment Cleaning Schedule for venues that breaks down high and low touch points and frequencies of cleaning. Records must be kept and will include cleaning schedules, staffing alloca-tions and work areasPlease see the attached below – cleaning schedule template

Venue Pre-Open clean

Prior to re-opening, conduct a deep clean of All contact surfaces and objects, e.g. counters, tables, doors, handles, keyboards, taps, chairs, tables, handrails, tills, phones, vending machines, terminals (e.g. Point of Sale, EFTPOS, EGM, ATM, EBT)

Venue Pre-Open Assessment

Assess whether any infrastructure or layout can be changed to optimise-COVID-19 strategies such as entry/exit points, flow of staff and patrons, placement of hand sanitiser stations

“Covid-19 Contact Tracing App”

Encourage all staff and patrons to download the “Covid-19 Contact Trac-ing App”QHA to assist public support of the App via, e.g.:venue social media networksposters and coasters in venuevia our partners, e.g. Sky racing, Foxtel, Nightlife editorial comment in TV, newspapers and radio

Management Training (initial)

All management to undergo training and induction in Safe Work Australia policies

Staff Training (initial)

All staff to undergo infection control training (ongoing for all new staff), e.g.

Management & Staff Training (re-fresher)

Refresher training conducted in house each three months


Staff Hand Wash-ing &

Staff to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds:At the start and finish of each shiftAt commencement and conclusion of breaks After visiting the toiletStaff to use hand sanitiser:After handling moneyAfter touching items that patrons have handled

Hand Sanitiser To be strategically located to increase visibility and ease of staff use, and Be at least 70% ethanol or isopropyl alcoholPlease see the attached below – list of QHA suppliers

Staff Consultation Venues must consult with staff on health and safety matters, e.g.Ensure staff understand they have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of othersEnsure staff understand their point of contact with any questions or obser-vations Assessing the risk COVID-19 presents to the health and safety of staff and patronsDeciding on the control measures to put in place to eliminate or minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19Deciding on the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of workers (e.g. hand washing facilities)Considering other changes to the workplace as a result of COVID-19 which may affect health and safetyAllow staff to express their views and raise work health and safety issues that may arise directly or indirectly because of COVID-19Consult with workers and ensure there is a means for them to raise any concerns about the steps you are taking to manage the risks.Take the views of workers into account when making decisions and advise workers of the venues decision Bearing in mind that working from home is generally impractical in hospi-tality, where possible facilitate working from home arrangements for staff where possible (e.g. book keeper)

Staff Wellness Check

Direct all workers (whether they are at the workplace or not) to report to you if they have any of the following:are experiencing any symptomshave been, or have potentially been, exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19 (even if the person who is suspected to have COVID-19 has not yet been tested)have undertaken, or are planning to undertake, any travelStop workers working if they are displaying symptoms and advise them to seek medical advice.Stop workers who have contracted COVID-19 from returning to the work-place until they provide evidence they are clear of the virus.

Contact Tracing Adhere to any public health unit advice if contact tracing is requiredRecord patron contact detailsPlease see the attached below – Contact Tracing Record template


Staff resources Ensure staff are advised and aware of the various resources and support services available to them, e.g. COVID-19 Information for workplaces Work Ombudsman – Coronavirus and Australian workplace lawsBeyond Blue Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service Heads Up – Healthy workplaces supportLifeline

Social Distancing (stage one)

1.5m social distancing 1 person per 4sqm 10 people permitted for dining – does not include staff20 people permitted for dining – does not include staff – Outback Queensland

Patron movement Single entry point with a different exit point where possible Floor markings and/or bollards to assist in orderly bar serviceWhere practical, encourage patrons to be seated Limiting waiter food service to tablesPlace distance markers or bollards at all queuing pointsEnsure table spacing is in accordance with social distancing requirements

Staff Work Space Arrange staff work space allocations to minimise the number of staff mem-bers that come into contact with patronsOnly one staff member to come into contact with each tableSuggest patrons order drinks from their table, not the bar

Nominated Hy-giene, Capacity and Distancing Supervisor

Nominated staff member with responsibility to ensure:regular cleaning and disinfection of all staff and patron touch points each 30 minutes capacity limits are enforcedsocial distancing requirements are enforced

Patron health Hand sanitiser available for patronsConsider ID recording on entry – see attached Contact Tracing Record templateImplement extensive approved signage throughout the venue – please see attached QHA Signage and posters

Review touch points

Review all staff and patron touch points and aim to reduce frequently touched surfaces (touch points) where possible Encourage the use of electronic payments wherever possible Where possible, provide stylus-type devices at terminals, point of saleSingle use menus, or plastic covered and cleaned after each use Venues to promote menus and ordering on mobile devices if feasiblePlease see the attached below – list of QHA suppliers


Cleaning frequently touched surfaces (touch points)

Quality of cleaning products need to be adequate. A bleach cleaning product should be usedUsual cleaning schedules will need to be increasedTo minimise the risk of exposure, staff cleaning and disinfecting should wear disposable gloves and wash their hands with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser Touch points to be cleaned and disinfected each 30 minutes include, e.g. e.g. doors, handles, keyboards, taps, chairs, tables, handrails, tills, phones, vending machines, terminals (e.g. Point of Sale, EFTPOS, EGM, ATM, EBT)Touch points such as tables and counters to be cleaned and disinfected before and after use by customers

Communal items (stage one)

No food buffets No communal free food or snacksNo communal cutlery traysNo communal water stations

Not permitted (stage one)

Until further advice by Health Departments, the following are not permit-ted:Children’s playgroundsNightclubs

Deliveries and con-tractors

Non-essential visits should be cancelled or postponed Deliveries and other contractors should be given clear instructions of your requirements while they are on siteMinimise the number of workers attending to deliveries and contractors as much as possibleMake hand washing facilities or alcohol-based hand sanitiser available for workers after physically handling deliveriesDirect visiting truck drivers to remain in vehicles and use contactless meth-ods such as mobile phones to communicate with your workers wherever possible

Monitor and Re-view

Venues should regularly monitor and review measures to ensure they re-main current and effective Licensees should keep their knowledge of the COVID-19 situation up-to-date and follow advice from authoritative sources such as the Australian Government Department of Health and check frequently for any updates to safety adviceThis plan will be amended in accordance with variations issued by health authorities



In addition to the above measuresCOVID SAFE Plan approved by health authorities

Check list Y/N

Social Distancing (stage two)

1.5m social distancing 1 person per 4sqm 50 people permitted in each separate area of the venue Dining, bar and gaming available as separate areasManagement of pathway flow areas – toilets, ATM’s, entry and exit points to ensure social distancing

Bar Service Seated drinking in designated spaced positionsPatron social distancing managed by furniture placementPoint of sale bar ordering controls – spacing and separation when or-dering, cashless transactions and electronic payments where possible

Gaming Service Gaming machines to be positioned according to the social distancing requirements, use of partitions as appropriateSeats to be removed, EGM’s to be disabled, EGM’s to be turned offPatron numbers controlled in line with capacity accommodationThorough sterilisation and cleaning protocols for EGM’s between play-er use

Floor plans See attached example venue floor plans – indicates management of capacity social distancing





Kitchens Disinfectant clean of all surfaces

After each service (twice daily)

Restaurant/Bistro Disinfectant clean of table and chairs

Ensure no condiments / cutlery /menus remain on table and are cleaned

After each patron

Single use items disposed of, cutlery cleaned in industrial/commercial dishwasher.

Bathrooms Disinfectant clean and dry of all surfaces, including basin, tabletops, door handles

Secure doors in open position if possible

Each hour (record)

Bar areas Disinfectant clean of all bar areas, atm or eftpos machines, TAB/Keno terminals.

Disinfectant clean of table and chairs

Service areas to be kept dry

Each hour (record)

After each patron

Each hour (record)

Gaming Room Disinfectant clean of each machine and any partitions after each patron

Disinfectant clean of cash redemption terminals, service areas as per bars

After each patron

Each hour (record)





Capacity and social distancing management – indicate furniture placement, footfall flow areas – floor markings, bollards.Example only:


Capacity and social distancing management – indicate furniture placement, footfall flow areas – floor markings, bollards.Example only:

This is a

COVIDSafe Venue• Follow the rules and keep us all safe

• Maintain social distancing between patrons

• Wash your hands

• Be prepared to leave your contact details with this venue fortracing purposes

Every workplace has an important role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19. To help Queensland Unite Against COVID-19 there are three important steps you can take.

1. practice social distancing and good hygiene by:• taking measures to ensure people remain 1.5 metres apart;

• ensuring each premises allows at least four square metres per person;

• where possible, providing hand sanitiser for use by customers; and

• not allowing more customers into the store than its size allows with the above limits, potentially with staff at the door to monitor numbers.

2. taking additional measures to ensure staff are protected: • providing protective screens at registers;

• providing hand sanitiser for staff; and

• taking measures to enforce social distancing, such as floor markers and potentially additional security staff.

3. displaying clear and appropriate signage that, at a minimum: • explains hygiene and social distancing requirements; and

• states how many people can safely be in a shop at any given time.


For more information on measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 you can visit




Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after eating.

For more information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) visit

To help stop the spread of coronavirus, WE support good hygiene practices.


How to Handwash?Duration of the entire procedure: 40-60 seconds

0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

Rub hands palm to palm;Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces;

Wet hands with water;

Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa;

Palm to palm with fingers interlaced; Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked;

Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa;

Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa;

Rinse hands with water;

Your hands are now safe.Use towel to turn off faucet;Dry hands thoroughlywith a single use towel;

All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this document. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.

WHO acknowledges the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG), in particular the members of the Infection Control Programme, for their active participation in developing this material.

May 2009

Keeping Your distance.Help stop the spread of coronavirus by keeping your distance. Remember, don’t shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 metres apart and practise good hand hygiene, especially after being in public places.


Together we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.Advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) will change regularly. Keep up to date. Visit