Course Regulations for The Bachelor of Maritime Transport and … · 2020. 9. 14. · International...

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Transcript of Course Regulations for The Bachelor of Maritime Transport and … · 2020. 9. 14. · International...

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Course Regulations


The Bachelor of Maritime Transport and Nautical Science

(The Master Mariner Training Programme)

Version 5.70, 17 August 2020

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Table of contents Objective of the training programme: ..................................................................................... 3

Learning outcome: ............................................................................................................ 3

Basis: ................................................................................................................................... 5

Definitions: ........................................................................................................................... 6

Admission requirements: ........................................................................................................ 6

Educational principles: ........................................................................................................... 7

Organisation of the training programme: .............................................................................. 10

Collaboration with the business community and other education institutions: .......................... 11

Planning and implementation of the training programme: ...................................................... 11

Structure of the Master Mariner Training Programme: ............................................................ 12

Curriculum for the Master Mariner: ................................................................................... 12

Guidelines for tests and exams ............................................................................................. 14

Formalities and practical information: ................................................................................... 17

Credit recognition: ............................................................................................................... 26

Dispensation: ...................................................................................................................... 27

Leave: ................................................................................................................................ 28

Disciplinary measures: ......................................................................................................... 28

Overview of syllabi: ............................................................................................................. 29


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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Objective of the training programme:

The purpose of the Bachelor of Maritime Transport and Nautical Science (The Master Mariner Training

Programme) is to qualify the student for acting as a manager in the maritime profession. The student shall be able

to form part of the crew on merchant ships as senior officer and, after the necessary duration of service, be able to

acquire rights of competency as a Master Mariner. The student shall be able to perform tasks as a manager on

board a ship in consideration of current regulations and standards for social, safety, environmental and

occupational health considerations.

When the training programme has been completed, the student shall comply with the requirements of the

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping as amended (the STCW

Convention) so that it is possible, after the necessary duration of service, to issue certificates at the management

level pursuant to chapter II/2 for merchant ships of or above 3,000 GT.

The training programme shall entitle the holder to use the title Bachelor of Maritime Transport and Nautical


The Professional Bachelor programme shall develop the student’s qualifications and understanding focusing on

management, safety, operation optimisation and internationalisation with English as the working language.

The programme is graded at level six in the Danish qualification framework for lifelong learning.

Learning outcome: The objective of the learning outcome includes the knowledge and understanding, the skills and the competencies

that a master mariner is to acquire from the training programme.

The learning objectives for knowledge and understanding are for the master mariner to have

1) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain methodologies and theories within

management, safety, operation and energy optimisation and internationalisation used in the profession

as well as their correlations

2) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain central knowledge areas within the profession

as well as those areas of the natural and social sciences that are relevant for the profession

3) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain general professional opportunities relating to

various contextual conditions

4) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain principles for the construction and fitting of

relevant types of merchant ships within all areas of shipping

5) Knowledge and understanding of the nautical operation of merchant ships

6) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain personal health and safety as well as general

safety and surrounding environmental considerations of the ship

7) Knowledge and understanding of and the ability to explain and reflect on general strategies for

documentation, classification systems and standards

8) Knowledge and understanding of the legal basis for exercising the profession

9) Knowledge and understanding of the organisation of the maritime profession, including the division of

responsibilities between the various sectors, divisions and stakeholders

10) Knowledge and understanding of the professional practice as it relates to the organisation and

administrative framework and societal demands

11) Knowledge and understanding of methodologies, processes and barriers related to quality and

development work as well as implementation of results from the worlds of research and development

work into professional practice

Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

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The learning objectives for skills are for the master mariner to be able:

1) to organise cargo handling and stowage

2) to maintain operation of a ship’s facilities and machinery (up to 750 kW) in a safety oriented manner,

where crew demands are unspecified

3) to carry out cargo handling in an economically viable manner and maintain stability, trim and hull

impacts while taking ship and cargo into consideration

4) to perform the profession according to national and international demands and provisions

5) to perform passage planning and execution of the voyage, including performing bridge watch and


6) to evaluate the development of maritime businesses based on relevant key figures

7) to evaluate and argue for the influence of market forces on the development of shipping

8) to carry out all administrative and managerial relations necessary for a functioning manager on

board a ship with a multicultural crew, or as a manager ashore

9) to calculate and analyse data within the environmental area with a view to energy and operational


10) to plan and carry out tasks with safety in mind

11) to plan, organise and manage maintenance and repair work while taking relevant factors such as

economy, quality and operation optimisation into consideration

12) to read and understand international literature and research results in English

13) to utilise IT in a profession-related context

14) to utilise data collection methods within the profession including utilisation for the analysis of

empirical data

15) to calculate and analyse data with a view to operational optimisation, and to take environmental

conditions into consideration

16) to master proper documentation practice and administrative procedures

17) to apply relevant scientific methodologies for the analysis of issues of importance to the profession

18) to seek out, sort and evaluate relevant research and development work and its application in


19) to master the project and problem-oriented working methodology.

The learning objectives for competencies are for the master mariner to be able to

1) carry out cargo handling in an economically viable manner and maintain stability, trim and hull

impacts while taking ship and cargo into consideration

2) work with a unique holistic understanding of shipping, and to understand the complexity and

context-dependent conditions related to the profession

3) maintain the ship’s navigation at the managerial level in an economically viable manner while

keeping influences on hull and route optimisation in mind

4) carry out Crew Resource Management in a global perspective

5) organise, plan and manage safety and environmental preparedness on board a merchant ship

6) organise and manage operation optimisation while keeping safety, environment, and occupational

health and safety in mind

7) develop solutions for operation and energy optimisation on relevant types of plants and installations

8) be innovative and contribute to the creation and integration of new knowledge and technology

9) contribute actively in a democratic society, including discussing the execution of the profession in the

light of organisational and administrative frameworks and societal conditions

10) utilise English as a working language both written and orally

11) carry out both internal and external communication during all operational conditions

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

12) stay mindful of own learning competencies and role in the development of knowledge and theory

including steps towards establishing equal relations between research, learning environment and


13) acquire and evaluate knowledge including new international research-based knowledge, relevant for

working within the profession

14) master basic academic skills required in the qualification for further education at the master’s level

15) independently carry out interdisciplinary tasks as supervisor on board a ship while following current

rules and norms for social, safety, environmental and working conditions within the given


16) take responsibility for the planning and execution of the work on board while reflecting on own level

of competence

17) work in an international and global profession while taking the educational and cultural background

and values of colleagues and associates into account

18) cooperate with other professionals about solutions to professional issues within the profession and

take responsibility for operation optimisation

After completing the Master Mariner Training Programme, the student must comply with the provisions in the

STCW convention in accordance with the Danish Maritime Authority’s qualification requirements relating to

the following:

1) Maritime safety, first aid and occupational safety at sea, see section A-VI/1 of the STCW convention,

paragraphs, and

2) Watchkeeping on the bridge including full mission training, see table A-II/1

3) Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA), see table A-II/1 of the STCW convention

4) Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), see table A-II/1 of the STCW convention

5) General Operator’s Certificate (GOC), see regulation IV/2, paragraph 2.2 of the STCW convention

6) Fire-fighting on ships, see regulation VI/3 and section A-VI/1, of the STCW convention

7) Operation of lifeboats, life rafts and rescue boats, see regulation VI/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW


8) The theoretical basis for being issued with a certificate in basic tanker training for oil, chemical and

gas tanker cargo operations, see regulations V/1-1, paragraphs 2.2 and regulation V-1-2, paragraph


9) Security preparedness and special security tasks on ships, Ship Security Officer, see table VI/5,

paragraph 1.2 of the STCW convention

10) Medical examiner training for category A medicine chests

11) Merit certificate of motor operation

12) Training in work environments for safety groups on board merchant ships


The Consolidated Act on Maritime Training Programmes (No. 781 of 08/08/2019 as amended)

The Order on the Master Mariner Training Programme (No. 1611 of 13/12/2016 as amended)

The Order on the Master Mariner Training Programme (No. 1349 of 23/11/2018 as amended. This

order shall enter into force on 1 January 2019. Students who have initiated the training programme

before 1 January 2019 may complete the training programme in accordance with the provisions in

force until now. The training institutions shall lay down the necessary interim regulations for

students enrolled for the training programme for master mariner and wanting to finalize their

training programme according to this order.

The admission order for professional bachelor programmes (Order on admission to business

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

academy profession degree programmes and professional bachelor’s degree programmes no. 17 of

09/01/2020 as amended)

The admission order – admission courses (Order on admission courses and admission exams for the

engineering programmes no. 364 of 17/04/2016 as amended)

The Order on Tests in Maritime Educations (Order no. 1585 of 13/12/2016 as amended)

The Order on the Grading Scale and Other Forms of Assessment of Study Programmes Offered under

the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (the Grading Scale Order) (Order no. 114 of 03/02/2015

as amended)

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

(STCW), 1978 (as amended).

Definitions: Assessment is understood as an absolute assessment of whether the participant has acquired the

knowledge, skills and competencies that are determined in the training programme’s statement of


An exam is understood as an assessment that is included in the overall and final exam result, and

where the assessment is carried out with the participation of examiners who are not employed by

the educational institution and who have not participated in the training of the participants in the


An external test is understood as an assessment where the assessment is carried out with the

participation of examiners who are not employed by the educational institution and who have not

participated in the training of the participants in the test.

An internal test is understood as a test where there is no requirement for external examiners.

Admission requirements:

In order to be admitted to the Marine Engineer Training Programme, the applicant shall either:

Have passed one of the following upper secondary programmes: Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination

(stx); Higher Preparatory Examination Course (hf); Higher Technical Examination or Higher Commercial

Examination (htx, hhx, eux or admission course to the engineering programmes with mathematics, English,

Danish and either physics or chemistry, of which two subjects shall be at least at B-level and the remainder at

least at C-level), or

have passed a technical-vocational training programme (EUD) at least at level 3 in the Danish qualifications

framework supplemented with mathematics, English and Danish as well as either physics or chemistry, of

which two subjects shall be at least at B-level and the remainder at least at C-level.

Relevant vocational experience of at least two years’ duration may - after an individual specific competence

assessment by the educational institution – substitute the admission requirement for technical-vocational

training programme.

Admission based on other upper secondary education must take place in accordance with Chapter 2 of the

applicable order on admission to academy profession degree programmes and professional bachelor's degree


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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Educational principles:

Learning view:

At SIMAC, we believe that learning is an active process in which the student constructs new ideas and

concepts based on current knowledge and understanding. Our ways of working and teaching recognise and

support the students' ability to find, relate to and apply relevant information and transform it into new

knowledge and understanding in co-working with each other and others - mentors (including tutors),

professors and instructors.

For many years, we have therefore worked systematically with study groups as the primary organisation of the

students after the introductory work experience. We consider a group size of three or four people to generally

be the most appropriate in terms of group dynamics and work assignments. Under certain circumstances,

specific subjects may establish other group sizes.

Our learning view entails a shift in focus from knowledge transfer to knowledge construction. The student is

not an object for a professor’s or instructor’s teaching, but becomes the subject of his/her own learning. The

student is the active learner and our task is to establish the optimal framework for the active learning to take


Our overriding value is "student centred", which at the same time describes how we view the organisation of

the learning. The focal point is the student with the resources available for the learning process as a number of

surrounding layers or structures around the student.

Closest to the student are the other members of the study group – it is with these that the student has

professional and social affiliations and they are an important resource. The other students in the class

constitute the next layer. Then those fellow students who have taken on the role of tutors.

The next level contains the professors/instructors as just one of several resources. This resource obviously has

a range of specific tasks and responsibilities. The professor/instructor’s task includes motivating, guiding in

constructive dialogue, and translating theories and other material into a format that the student can


In order to support the good study environment and ensure that the students enjoy a good start, study

interviews are carried out at selected semesters - in the third semester for Master Mariner and Ships Officer

students, and in the second and fourth semesters for Marine Engineer student, either individually or in study

groups. The study interview is a brief conversation between the professor/instructor and the students on

professional and social aspects of their studies and the student’s view of themselves in the education. A

question guide has been prepared and SIMAC documents that the conversation took place, but does not save

information about the content.

Where relevant, the professor/instructor notes general elements, for internal use to improve the study

environment etc. The Educational Guidance Centre assists professors/instructors with guidance, evaluation

and knowledge sharing. If required, students are referred to follow-up by the Student Services, Student

Counsellor or others, depending on the situation. The Heads of Studies receive the general input from the

conversations for assessment on whether there is a basis for implementing new or corrective actions.

At SIMAC, our approach is from a constructivist educational position in recognition of the fact that reflection is

an important part of the learning process for both students and professors/instructors. The different

professional and educational competencies of the professors/instructors and different considerations lead

them to make different choices, resulting in different processes. All professors/instructors take the students’

various study-related competencies into account in the best possible way, firstly by taking into account the

professional competencies - here in the form of academic and vocational background - and secondly by the

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

educational competencies, here in the form of e.g. learning style, when selecting methodologies. The

constructive reflection by professors/instructors on how best to communicate a topic through the application

of different working and teaching methods develops the students’ insight into their own abilities and their own

learning style. Part of this insight is realised in the students having to be active in the learning process. SIMAC

as an institution must support the students, amongst others by ensuring the framework is in place and by

contributing to understanding that two persons do not experience the learning process in the same way.

The Open Learning Centre (OLC) has been incorporated into the tuition in recognition of the importance of

supporting the students in the transformation process from pupil to professional bachelor, as well as in

recognition of the fact that we live in a knowledge society, where knowledge sharing is a very important

aspect of the working day. SIMAC does this, amongst others, by stimulating the students' curiosity towards

books/journals and other opportunities offered by the OLC.

The working methods and forms of tuition applied include discussion, dialogue, lectures, guidance,

assignments and tasks, exercises, cases and projects. These methods of working and learning must ultimately

provide our graduates with the work competencies demanded at management level in companies involved in

global competition.

SIMAC utilises co-studying between different training programmes, where

1. the students have generally common or comparable preconditions and/or

2. the students’ various backgrounds and approaches benefit the training programmes in general

The holistic, interdisciplinary and academic approach to education is therefore the overarching framework for the planning and training and tuition at SIMAC.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Progression in learning throughout the training programme:

Before Introductory Work Experience

Basic theory Specialisation


al f




ts: • Motivating for students

• Safety competencies

• Basic artisanal skills

• Ready for traineeship

• Ready to study (study


• Professional and study-

technical basis

• Ready for thesis

• Self-developing

• Ability to communicate

own professional


• Ready to enter




• Inclusion

• Team relations

• Personal formation

• Education and


• Professional knowledge

• Professional and study-

technical skills

• Group relations

• Attitude formation

• Professional and study-

technical competencies

• Interdisciplinary



The initial theoretical semesters progress so that the student is able to plan, carry out and reflect on a range of

central and interdisciplinary job functions relating to the day to day operation and maintenance that is

performed by watchkeeping ship’s officers with guidance from competent training officers (mentors). It is of

particular importance that students develop the ability to undertake personal responsibility for their own and

the ship’s safety, as well as for the surrounding environment.

The training record book, which must be kept during the introductory work experience (first traineeship)

including in particular the work activities and logbook described, thereby becomes a focal point as it provides

the connection between the initial teaching and the subsequent theoretical tuition and learning after the

introductory work experience. Cases in the subsequent theoretical tuition incorporates the students’

experiences and logbook through reporting on work tasks, thus forming the foundation for further learning.

Following the introductory work experience, SIMAC applies practice-related tuition in the form of laboratory

exercises, simulator training, cases and projects supported by relevant theory.

SIMAC wishes to prepare students for the future they will encounter at sea and ashore, and to take care of

both students and employees in their daily activities at SIMAC. The idea behind Embody Safety is to integrate

safe behaviour in all aspects of SIMAC as a knowledge institution and a workplace, so safety is not merely

treated as a subject, but is a part of the way that we think and act – safety is part of everyday life for everyone

at SIMAC. As part of Embody Safety and the interplay between theory and practice, the students work on an

Embody Safety case during their introductory work experience. Each student receives individual feedback. The

tuition subsequently uses the students' replies.

Our focus on energy efficient operation and reducing emissions is a recurring feature of the training


Furthermore, guest lecturers (both Danish and foreign), selected according to relevance for the students’

learning outcome, are utilised in the tuition on all levels. This contributes to the students receiving the latest

knowledge about both national and international research, practices in the profession, etc.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

During the professional work experience, the students continue working independently on the application of

acquired theory as they exercise the profession.

As the crowning achievement, the student completes the bachelor project as the conclusion of the training

programme. Here the student works with development-oriented planning and implementation of a problem-

oriented project.

By making correlations between experience, practical skills and theoretical knowledge and understanding, the

student must be able to identify and analyse a problem of their own choosing which is of central importance

to the profession.

Our strategic goal is to prepare our graduates for globalisation and to ensure that they possess international

and intercultural competencies. It is very much a question of providing an international study and learning

environment for our students, regardless of whether they personally participate in an exchange programme

during their studies. It is essential for the industry that the graduates not only master English, but also are able

to cooperate across borders.

One of SIMAC’s goals is therefore to offer an international scope and ensure that the students, in addition to

using English as a working language, are also prepared for the challenges that await them. The reason for and

benefits of internationalisation in the training programme is thus both for our own students and in the long

term also their employers. To achieve this we integrate English in subjects to ensure students actively use and

disseminate in English, and thus provide value for the students. The syllabi specify how the individual subjects

currently implement this.

Recognition of tuition at other Danish or foreign educational institutions will be based on a specific assessment

of the institution's level, supervision, documented quality and in accordance with specific agreements

regarding tuition and evaluation.

Below, please find the description in detail of the individual parts of the training programme.

Organisation of the training programme:

The Vice President (Academics) is responsible for the operation and development of training programmes and

tuition and is therefore the immediate manager for the heads of education. This structure guarantees both a

clear-cut managerial responsibility and the quality assurance responsibility for the training programmes. Each

training programme includes a programme committee consisting of a head of education as well as the subject

managers. The programme committees’ task is to ensure professional coordination and development of the

training programmes including development of the individual educational processes according to internal and

external demands. Internal demands are formalised in the course regulations, while external demands include

the needs of the industry and the frameworks drawn up in the STCW Convention and the Consolidated Acts on

Training Programmes. Further, the subject managers ensure that the subjects are coordinated in relation to

the training programme, thereby guaranteeing consistency and interdisciplinarity between the topics of the

individual training programme. The programme committee relates to progression in teaching, tuition and

learning methodologies as well as evaluation methods.

Each subject area includes a subject team consisting of the subject manager as well as, at least, the lecturers

teaching the topic. The subject teams relate to the progression in professional complexity within individual

topics, which in several cases cross the boundaries of our training programmes. As for the development in

progression in professional complexity, the stances of the subject managers are submitted to the programme

committee to decide upon. In order to ensure a connection between work in the subject teams and the

programme committees respectively, the subject managers deliver input from subject teams to the

programme committees.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

At the same time, the heads of education function as team leaders for our two teams of lecturers – Team Basic

Theory and Team Specialisation – where they are responsible for the daily operation, finances and staff of the

team lecturers.

Collaboration with the business community and other education


At SIMAC, we collaborate closely with both the business community and educational institutions. We prioritise

this collaboration highly and it is rooted in our professional bachelor training programmes, which creates

coherence between the profession itself and academic competencies. The training programmes connect the

practical knowledge and understanding gained on board the ships or in the industry ashore with the

theoretical topics from the tuition. This composition of broad competencies makes it even more important to

have a good working relationship in both directions – on the one hand, the business community’s

requirements for our training programmes and, on the other hand, the theoretical knowledge that

collaboration with other educational institutions contributes.

At SIMAC, we support the practice-oriented knowledge that our professors/instructors gain in collaboration

with the business community. This takes place through e.g. embarkations, project collaborations and

professional networks in the maritime industry.

By working closely with the employing labour market, we constantly ensure that we offer the quality and the

competencies that are in demand. Our employer panel, our participation in national and regional cluster

partnerships as well as the project collaborations between our students and employees in the business

community further support this close contact.

Similarly, SIMAC gives high priority to collaboration with other educational institutions. We collaborate with

the University of Southern Denmark and other relevant educational institutions on specific projects as well as

joint innovation of training programmes, credit recognition and supplementary courses. Additionally, we have

existing cooperation on specific projects and pursue new collaboration opportunities with foreign universities.

Planning and implementation of the training programme:

The syllabi lay down the framework for the training programmes in accordance with the order on the training

programme. The syllabus includes the amount of ECTS credit points, responsible subject manager,

prerequisites for start and assessment, aims and learning objectives, core literature, assessment forms etc.

The lesson plans describe the subject in more detail. This includes the name of the responsible

professor/instructor, supplementary information on learning methodologies and material, submission of

assignments and deadlines etc. as well as criteria for ongoing assessment if this examination form is used, as

well as reference information. In case of discrepancies with regard to information, the syllabus and lesson plan

shall take precedence over other teaching materials etc. See also the plan for the semester in the quality

assurance system.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Structure of the Master Mariner Training Programme: The Master Mariner Training Programme (Bachelor of Maritime Transport and Nautical Science) consists of 8 semesters, equalling 3¾ years education / 270 ECTS credit points.

Curriculum for the Master Mariner:

Subjects: ECTS BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 BS5 BS6 BS7 BS8

11000 - Workshop Training, Safety and Seamanship

Navigation 6 6

Technology 10 10

Safety Training 6 5 1

Workshop Training 8 8

12000 – Work Experience

Work Experience at Sea 75 30 15 30

13000 – Interdisciplinary Elements

Interdisciplinary Elements 5 1 1 3

14000 – Nautic

Navigation 15 1 6 6 1 1

Meteorology 6 3 3

Watchkeeping 9 6 3

15000 – Technology

Ship Technology 13 7 6

Maritime Technology 7 5 2

Ship Operations 7 7

Medical Care 3 3

16000 – Management

Maritime Law and Ship Administration 14 6 3 5

Methodology 2 1 1

Leadership, Organisation & Economics 10 5 5

Master Module 4 4

18000 – Elective Subjects

Elective Subjects 10 10

19000 – Bachelor Project

Bachelor Project 15 1 14

225 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15

Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

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BS – Overview of assessments:

Subject area BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 BS5 BS6 BS7 BS8 SUBJECT GRADE

Workshop, Safety & Seamanship

Workshop Training 5xOA-P/NP 15 x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Safety Training 8xOA-P/NP 2xOA-P/NP

Work Experience

Work Experience OA-P/NP OA-P/NP OA-P/NP 3 x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Interdisciplinary Elements

Interdisciplinary Elements OA-P/NP Note 1) Note 2) 1 x part assessment (P/NP) => with the grade P


Navigation & Meteorology OA-P/NP IWT-7 EOE-7* 3 x part assessments (7) passed with average of ≥ 2,0 & 7 x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Simulator courses and FMB OA-P/NP OA-P/NP OA-P/NP OA-P/NP

Watchkeeping and GMDSS OA-P/NP EWE-7* EOE-P/NP*


Ship Technology 3xOA-P/NP IOT-7 EOE-7*

4 x part assessments (7) passed with average of ≥ 2,0 & 8 x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Maritime Technology 3xOA-P/NP EOE-7* OA-P/NP

Ship Operations EOE-7*

Medical Care OA-P/NP


Maritime Law and Ship Administration OA-7




7 x part assessments (7) passed with average of ≥ 2,0 & 69 x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Methodology OA-P/NP OA-P/NP OA-P/NP OA-P/NP

Leadership, Organization & Economics EOE- 7*


EOE- 7*

Master Module OA-7

Elective Subjects

Elective Subjects ZxOA-P/NP Z x part assessments (P/NP) => all with the grade P

Bachelor Project

Bachelor Project EOE-7* 1 x assessment (7) passed with grade ≥ 02

* An exam is always external and the result transferred to the final exam diploma SEMESTER GRADE

Number of assessments => 7 point scale – abbreviated (7):

4 5 2 3 1 A semester is completed when the average of the 7-point scale grade(s) of the semester is ≥ 2,0 & all P/NP grades of the semester are passed with the grade P.

Number of assessments => passed/not passed (P/NP):

21 1 4 5 6 1 5 2

Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

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EOE: External oral exam EWE: External written exam

IOT: Internal oral test IWT: Internal written test

OA: Ongoing assessment

1): The interdisciplinary element is assessed together with the oral exam in Navigation and Meteorology in BS4

2): The interdisciplinary element is assessed together with Ship Operation in BS7

Guidelines for tests and exams

All students must have read this information prior to tests.

General information

1. As a basic rule, you have three attempts for each test.

2. You are responsible for keeping yourself updated with the exam schedule on Moodle and the oral

exam sequence in Wiseflow.

3. If it becomes necessary to change the time of a test, you will be notified via your EDU e-mail. If the

change happens less than 24 hours before the test, we will also notify you by telephone.

4. The syllabus for the subject describes the form of examination and permitted aids.

5. You must bring valid photo ID for all exams. Upon written exam, the photo ID is presented on the

table upon arrival so that it is visible to the supervisor.

6. You can see your grades, assignments and submissions in Wiseflow.

7. It is possible to make a complaint to SIMAC’s management regarding tests, exams and assessments.

The complaint must be written, and must be precise and substantiated. It must be sent to The complaint may relate to:

i. The conduct of the assessment

ii. The basis of the examination, such as assignments, tasks, presentations, etc. in relation to

purpose and learning objectives

iii. The evaluation (result)

8. Deadline for submission of complaints is two weeks from the publication of the grade/result. The

processing of a complaint follows SIMAC’s procedure for complaints. You can read more about this in

the guidelines for complaints in the written quality assurance system. If a complaint concerns a test,

where the grade/result was published on Tuesday of week 24, the deadline is pm. 11.59 (23.59) of

the Tuesday in week 26 at the latest.

9. The holiday calendar in Moodle shows the weeks in which the test will take place.

10. If you fail an exam, you will automatically be registered for that exam in the following semester. It is

also possible to apply for an exemption for an extraordinary exam - ie an advanced attempt - if you

meet certain conditions. Extraordinary exams are typically in the middle of the semester. (See more

in your Course Regulations in the Formalia section and practical information).

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Written tests 1. For a written test, you must be in the test location no later than 15 minutes before the test begins,

allowing the supervisor to register you.

2. When the assignment is made available to the students, the test has begun.

3. You must comply with the instructions given by the person responsible for the test and the

supervisors. Noisy and annoying behaviour is not allowed. If you need to contact a supervisor, raise

your hand.

4. If you wish to leave the test location for a moment, you may only do so after you have received

permission from the supervisor and only under escort. Smoking breaks are not allowed during tests.

5. If you believe you have found outright errors or ambiguities in the given assignment, you can

request a form from the supervisor , who will then pass on your question to the person who

formulated the assignment via the Student Services. It is important that you formulate a specific

question so that there is no doubt about what you are asking about.

If it turns out that additional information is needed to be able to solve the assignment, all

participants will be immediately notified of this. You will also receive a reply if there are no issues

with the assignment.

6. Your answer must be submitted in Wiseflow in the form of a PDF file. We recommend that you

regularly save your answer on your computer during the test. If you have paper appendices or

drawings by hand to be included in the answer, these should be photographed/scanned while at the

test location and inserted into the electronic answer. A scanner will be available at all test locations.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the scanned material is written/drawn in such a way that it is

readable for the evaluators.

The answer must include all of the formulas and intermediate results that are necessary to

understand the method used to solve the problem.

7. You must bring your own drawing and writing aids, calculator and any other aids as may be required

and approved for the specific test.

8. You must bring your own computer to written tests and you are responsible for it being operational.

This means that SIMAC does not provide technical support for your computer, give extended time or

is otherwise liable in cases of computer crashes, lost data etc.

9. SIMAC is responsible for the framework of the test. This includes the provision of power sockets as

well as internet connection for download of the task and upload of the answer. Should the internet

connection be unavailable at these times, the person responsible for the test will decide on

appropriate measures such as e.g. alternative hand-in methods.

10. Mobile phones and the like may not be present during the test. The person responsible for the test

will arrange for collection of these immediately before the test begins. Remember to turn it off or

select silently before handing in.

11. You may listen to downloaded music via the pc using headphones during the test (not allowed during

Flow Lock tests in a closed system). Always show consideration for other test participants and keep

the volume down.

12. During the test, you may not contact other test participants using signs or speech, and it is not

permitted to exchange or share information with others by any kind of data transfer or

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communication. If a test participant is found to have used a program, which is designed to exchange

information, during the test, this is considered a violation of these guidelines.

13. You must have uploaded your answer in Wiseflow by the end of the test.

14. At the end of the test, complete quiet must be maintained in the room and you must remain seated

at your place until everyone has submitted their answers.

15. The test ends when the person responsible for the test announces that it has ended.

16. Mobile phones and the like will be returned once everyone has submitted their answers.

17. If you wish to submit the answer before time has expired, you must submit it as described in section

13. Then you alert the supervisor. Inform the supervisor that you have submitted in Wiseflow. After

this, you may leave the room. You must not gather up your things or take anything with you out of

the test location if you leave before the end of the time allocated for the test. Mobile telephones are

returned in the test location after the test. This rule applies only to exams of more than 1 hour

duration. For exams of 1 hour duration or less, do not leave the examination room before time.

18. If you arrive late for a written test, you must report to the Student Services. The person responsible

for the test may grant permission for you to participate, if it is ruled out that you could have received

information about the assignment, if the delay is reasonably justified, and if consideration of this

does not outweigh consideration of the other test participants. The test time is not extended


19. If you are ill on the day that you should have taken a test/exam, or if a test that you have already

begun is interrupted due to illness, the test attempt can be cancelled. To cancel an attempt, you

must present SIMAC with a relevant and valid medical statement no later than two workdays after

you should have been to the test or after the illness interrupted your test. After the publication of

the result of the examination, a doctor’s statement cannot cancel the result and attempt.

20. If you wish to leave the test without submitting an answer, you must click on “aflevere blank” (hand-

in a blank sheet of paper).

21. If you experience noise or that the room is too hot/cold or other bothersome circumstances during

the test, you can ask a supervisor to resolve the issue.

Oral tests:

1. The Student Services sets the test sequence for the oral tests; you can see it in Wiseflow. You are

responsible for staying informed about the time of your test.

2. The swapping of times is not permitted.

3. In exceptional cases, it is possible to apply for dispensation to change the allotted time of an oral

test. You send the written and substantiated application to Exceptional

circumstances may include: planned operation, summons as lay judge or witness. It must be possible

to fit any changed time into the existing test schedule.

4. When Wiseflow makes test questions for an oral test available, you can contact the Student Services

at if you have a question regarding the proper understanding of the test question.

The Student Services contacts the person who formulated the question regarding clarification and

reverts to you by mail. This option is available for one hour from the time the question becomes

available, also during weekends.

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5. If you are ill on the day that you should have taken a test, or if a test that you have already begun is

interrupted due to illness, the test attempt can be cancelled. To cancel an attempt, you must present

SIMAC with a relevant and valid medical statement no later than two workdays after you should have

been to the test or after the illness interrupted your test. After the publication of the result of the

examination, a doctor’s statement cannot cancel the result and attempt.

If the test in the subject takes place over several days, and you can recover from the illness, you can

apply to take the examination later during the period in question. To apply you must contact the

Student Services and submit a satisfactory doctor’s statement.

The Student Services will try to accommodate your wishes if the existing test schedule makes this

possible to avoid any unnecessary delay in your studies.

6. For individual, oral tests in which the student is examined based on a product produced by a group;

the other members of the group may not be present in the test location before they themselves are

to be examined.

7. The sharing of information with others by any kind of data transfer or communication is not

permitted during any preparation time, unless otherwise stated in the syllabus. If a test participant is

found to have used a program, which is designed to exchange information, during the preparation

time, this is considered a violation of these guidelines.

Violation of these guidelines may ultimately lead to expulsion from the test and a written warning.

Formalities and practical information:

Semester progression model:

SIMAC has introduced a semester progression model from study start 2020-1. This ensures that as many students as possible progress to the next semester level with as few restrictions as possible, to avoid unnecessary delays in the training programme.

In this model we calculate your grade average for each subject area (which can span several semesters) as well as your grade average of the specific semester. Based on this we determine whether the semester progression can be upheld despite certain repeat subjects (subjects not passed).

Example of the new model:

Naturally, SIMAC still expects you to follow tuition, prepare and pass each subject. However, not all students pass all subject in their first attempt.

Until 2020-1, it was for example required to pass Navigation II & Meteorology I at BS3 to be admitted to Navigation III & Meteorology II at BS4. Thus, having to repeat a subject taught at BS3 often caused a delay of one semester.

In the new model you can continue at BS4 with a not-passed grade from BS3, with your usual study mates. The subject Navigation, meteorology a& Watchkeeping at BS3 and BS4 must be passed as a whole. This is calculated as the grade average of BS3 and BS4, and all part assessments passed with Passed/Not Passed must be Passed.

To continue to the next semester, your average of the 7-point scale grades of the semester must be at least 2.0, and all Passed/Not Passed assessments must be Passed.

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If you have not-passed subjects from semester before this model was introduced, we will contact you as soon as possible after the start of the semester, if SIMAC can offer you to progress in accordance with this model.

When is a subject passed?

The subject grade is updated throughout your study and is calculated each semester where you complete a part subject. The subject grade is final, when you complete the subject area – at this time you must have passed the subject area. If a subject area consists of both part assessments with a grade of the 7-point scale and part assessments Passed/Not Passed, your average of the 7-point scale grades of the semester must be at least 2.0, and all Passed/Not Passed assessments must be Passed.

You pass a subject with a grade of the 7-point scale when you have obtained an average of at least 2.0 (no rounding). (Assessments graded Passed/Not Passed are not included in the calculation of the average.) Exception: The syllabus can prescribe that specific part assessments must be passed with at least the grade of 02.

Each part assessment of a subject assessed Passed/Not Passed must be Passed. Each syllabi specify in the field ”Criteria to pass subject” which assessments constitute the subject area grade, and which criteria must be fulfilled in order to pass a given subject area. For further information, refer to the assessment overview in the section ”Marine Engineer tests and exams” of this course regulation.

When can and must I repeat a subject area or a part assessment – and when can I not? When you pass a subject area, you cannot repeat the subject area. When you pass a subject area with part assessments, you cannot repeat any of the part assessments. When you have passed the subject area as a unit you cannot repeat a not-passed part assessment. If you are not passed in a subject area with part assessments you choose which of the not passed part assessments you register for repeat assessment in order to pass the subject area as a unit. You can never repeat an assessment of the parts you have already passed. You can repeat a not passed part assessment, if you have not spent the three ordinary assessment attempts (in case of unusual circumstances you can apply for dispensation for an additional attempt).

Where can I get guidance? If you fail an exam and you are uncertain about what it will take to pass the content, your professor/instructor can guide you. If you want guidance on not passed assessments, for example which of two assessments where you received the grade 00 you should choose to repeat to improve your subject area grade, the student counsellor can guide you.

When has a semester been completed? The starting point and expected flow are that you pass your assessments and follow the planned progression throughout the training programme – meaning that after BS3 in e.g. 2020-1 you complete BS4 in 2020-2 etc. Should you have minor elements, which are not passed at the first attempt, we check whether you can continue with the class and study group you are in despite this, to keep the original time frame.

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You automatically progress to the next semester when your average of the 7-point scale grade(s) for the semester is ≥ 2.0 and all Passed/Not Passed are passed. This means, that you can progress despite a grade of 00 or -3 if the other grades of the semester result in an average of 2.0 or above.

You must, however, pass all assessments prior to starting on your working experience and/or the

bachelor thesis For further information, refer to the section ”Prerequisites for admission to specific

subjects” of this course regulation.

If you are not passed in a subject area with passed/not passed grading or your average is below 2.0, we will guide you regarding the progression of your study. The Student Services send you a written guidance and inform you of the semester SIMAC registers you for, for the next semester. You are welcome to a guidance session with the student counsellor on which semester to follow. It could for example be thoughts on the total workload or you could inform us of specific personal aspects you want us to include prior to determining which semester you are registered to follow. You will be registered for the semester in one of these two ways:

A) You have completed the semester and will be registered for the next semester level along with any repeat subjects as necessary,

B) You have not completed the semester and will be registered for the same semester level again along with any repeat subjects as necessary.

(*Alternative suggestion SUS

a) You have completed the semester and will be registered for the next semester level along with any repeat subjects as necessary,

b) You have not completed the semester and will be registered for the next semester level along with any repeat subjects as necessary

c) You have not completed the semester and will be registered for the same semester level again along with any repeat subjects as necessary)

Requirements to complete the semester are stated in the field “semester grade” in the overview of assessments for the training programme in the course regulation. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact the Student Conselling. Subject registration:

SIMAC automatically registers you for the subjects and corresponding tests, which you must follow according

to the curriculum for that semester. You do not have to register yourself. Please be aware that attendance

may be compulsory for tuition, elective subjects and courses (specified in the lesson plan). We encourage you

to participate in all tuition and other learning activities, as it can otherwise be difficult to maintain a proper

study progression.

On Moodle, you will have access to precisely the subjects (subject portals) that you are registered for. No later

than two weeks after the beginning of the semester, you must notify the Student Services if you believe that

you are missing access to a subject portal, or if you have access to a subject portal that you do not think you

should follow. A repeat subject is a subject for which you were registered on a previous occasion later than 2

weeks after the beginning of the semester and have not passed.

The automatic registration is for the ordinary examination periods. SIMAC does not register you for any

extraordinary examination periods. Registration for an extraordinary examination period (expedited attempt)

only happens after obtaining an individual dispensation.

De-registration from tests and exams:

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You cannot de-register from the tests of the semester. Starting on an educational element, semester etc. is at

the same time registration for the associated tests. Upon registration, one test attempt is used.

However, the customary guidelines apply in the case of illness during a test: a satisfactory medical statement

submitted no later than two days after the planned test will annul the attempt.

SIMAC may grant dispensations from the regulations on de-registration from tests and exams when

substantiated by exceptional circumstances.

Test attempts:

If you do not comply with the prerequisites for the examination, this will count as an attempt.

- Please be aware of whether you comply with the requirements for taking a test. This could be e.g. the handing in of

a case or continuous handing in of assignments. You can see the requirements for the examination in the syllabus

for the individual subjects. If you do not fulfil the conditions and therefore cannot participate in the test, this will

count as an attempt.

No show at assessment : If you do not show for a test or exam, the attempt counts but no assessment can be given. This causes an automatic semester registration meeting with the Student Counsellor in accordance with the semester progression model. You cannot complete the subject area or obtain your exam certificate until all assessments are completed. Blank submission: If you hand in a blank submission the grade is -3. The attempt counts.

You cannot hand in the submission: If you have begun a test or exam, but for some reason cannot hand in, it is considered a blank submission (could be on paper). The submission is rejected: If your submission is rejected from assessment, e.g. due to cheating or non-compliance with formal requirements, no assessment can be given. The attempt counts. This causes an automatic semester registration meeting with the Student Counsellor in accordance with the semester progression model. You cannot complete the subject area or obtain your exam certificate until all assessments are completed. Compulsory attendance:

When attendance is a prerequisite for the professional assessment, the individual syllabus states the

compulsory attendance.

Submission / re-submission of cases and projects

The hand-in deadline for submissions in Wiseflow is 10:00 a.m. on the date in question – this applies to all

types of submissions (assignments, cases, reports and bachelor projects etc.). The lesson plan with references

states the form of submission.

Subject repeaters must submit case/project assignment(s) etc. again, see the applicable lesson plan. The

Student Services does not file case/project assignment(s) etc. submitted in a previous period unless otherwise

stated in the subject’s syllabus.

The consequence of a late submission is that the Student Services is unable to accept the submission, which

means it cannot be subject to assessment.

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- If you are a subject repeater in a subject where you must submit a case/project, you must remember to resubmit

your assignment in accordance with the information stated in the applicable lesson plan. Your previous submissions

are not kept.


Language of examination:

The language of examination is Danish, unless otherwise stated in the individual syllabi.

English as working language in tuition and assessment:

As a student you can expect English as a working language to be included in the tuition as well as in your

preparation, answers etc. as relevant. Likewise, you can expect testing in the working language as part of the

assessment of the specific topics and subjects. In case the complete or the majority of the assessment is in

English, the syllabus will specify this.

Individual final assessment:

For final assignments (the professional bachelor project) students may choose to write the bachelor project

individually. Regardless of whether the final assignment is written by a group, the students may, where the

examination form is oral, choose individual final assessment – this means that you can choose to be assessed


First year test:

If you enrolled at the training programme after January 1 2017, a first year test is part of the training


For the students of the Master Mariner and the Ships Officer training programme the first year test is the tests

at the third semester in the subjects Navigation, Meteorology and Watchkeeping.

For the students of the Marine Engineer training programme the first year test is the tests at the fifth semester

in the subject Thermal Machinery and Systems.

Examination and grade:

Criteria for assessment

The syllabus describes in more detail the learning objectives for the specific topics, type of examination etc.

Proficiency of formulation, spelling, grammar etc. is only a part of the assessment to the degree it impairs the

professional understanding – unless the individual syllabus states otherwise. Your assessment is always a

reflection of the extent to which you have achieved the learning objectives.

Ongoing assessment

If the syllabus states that the subject has ongoing assessment, the accompanying lesson plan will describe the

criteria for this in more detail. If part of the ongoing examination includes assignments with test-like

conditions, the lesson plan will state this as well as time and any aids allowed.

Group-based assignments/cases/projects

For group-based assignments/cases/projects etc. that form the basis for examination or approval, the answer

must be drawn up so that it is clear who is primarily responsible for the individual parts of the assignment. At

exams/tests, the starting point is the group assignment/case/project etc. as a whole.

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The examination may take its starting point in a project answer or a case answer etc., but the assessment is

based solely on the oral performance during the examination unless otherwise stated in the syllabus and with

the exception of the bachelor project, which consists of a project and an oral part where a single overall grade

is given. The examination time includes grading and the communication of grades/examination results for oral


For an individual, oral test in which the student is examined on the basis of a product produced by a group, the

other members of the group may not be present in the test location before they themselves are to be


Group examination

If an assessment has group examination, the subject syllabus will state this. The syllabus will also specify the

maximum number of students who may participate in each group examination and whether the student can

choose an individual test instead. Students can choose an individual test instead, if the syllabus specifically

states this. A student may apply for a dispensation if special circumstances warrant an individual test instead

of a group test for this person. For practical reasons SIMAC can determine that a student is assessed

individually instead of in a group examination, e.g. where the student repeats a subject and the other

members of the group have already passed the subject.

Individual result

You will always receive your result/grade individually - also for group assessments.

Responsibility and individualisation

Students, who submit written assignment answers, project descriptions etc., must use their initials to indicate

for which sections each student is responsible.

SIMAC has not laid down requirements on individualisation, as there is no independent assessment of written

assignment answers prepared by more than one students.

Deadline for publication of results

Deadline for publication of results for written tests is generally four working weeks (two working weeks for the

examiner and two working weeks for the external examiner) from the date of the exam. In certain cases, the

specified deadline can be shorter. SIMAC informs examinees, should SIMAC become certain that unforeseen

events or force majeure makes it impossible to comply with the deadline.

- In the case of oral tests, your own efforts in the test location determine your grade. The quality of the case/project

does therefore not decide the grade. (Of course, it is always an advantage for you to have the best possible starting

point in the form of a good assignment answer.)

Extraordinary test/exam period:

SIMAC applies the following criteria in decisions on applications from the students regarding individual offers

of extraordinary test or exam periods - all criteria must be met before any such offer may be given:

1. That the progress in the training programme would otherwise be unavoidably delayed. It must be

this particular subject that causes the delay.

2. That a current excusable circumstance (e.g., timely documented illness for the period in question,

technical obstacle etc.) exists or it was the first examination opportunity for the not-passed subject.

3. The student has given an account of there being a legitimate expectation of a pass during the

extraordinary exam period.

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In the application, you must explain these elements and thus describe the study activity in the subject up until

the ordinary exam period and specify initiatives in the period up to the exam period you are applying for,

which justify the expectation of a pass at the new extraordinary exam or test period for which you are

applying, as well as when this expectation is met.

Please be aware that opting out of full or partial participation in the tuition does not lead to dispensation. It is

essential to ensure that tests or exams comply with the usual level of quality with reasonable time for holding

the test or exam and with quality assurance of the test set, as well as the appropriate time for preparation.

Therefore, there will be a certain time span between the decision to offer a test or exam and the actual

holding of this.

The application must be handed in no later than two weeks after the result of the ordinary test or exam period

has been published.

- If you believe that you should be offered an extraordinary examination outside of the normal exam periods, you

can apply for this. The three points stated above must be met and described in your application. It will count as a

further attempt.

Presentation portfolio

A presentation portfolio is a collection of material prepared by the student alone, in a study group or in

collaboration with others, which completely or partially forms the basis for the examination. It could e.g. be

assignment answers, projects, planning, own texts, practical passages, audio or video recordings together with

the student's reflections on the above.

The professor/instructor and examiner does not review the material for the exam, but the student will receive

feedback on material that can be included in the portfolio during the semester.

The electrician authorisation exam:

A special condition for the exam in the electrician authorisation subject is that the institutions prepare the

written exam paper in collaboration, so there may be an opportunity for holding an extraordinary exam period

at one of the cooperating institutions. If you wish to participate in such an extraordinary exam period, SIMAC

must nominate you. You must therefore submit a substantiated dispensation application with reasons and

documentation as described above.

Start of studies test:

SIMAC does not use start of studies test.

Study activity:

As of 2015-2, SIMAC may terminate the enrolment of students, who have not passed at least one test during a

continuous period of at least one year. SIMAC may grant dispensation from this if there are exceptional


ECTS credit points and workload/study intensity:

ECTS is an abbreviation of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. This system aims at making it

more transparent and easier for students to move between countries and educational systems.

ECTS credit points express the volume of learning based on the learning objectives and associated workload.

An academic full-time study is equivalent to 60 ECTS credit points, equalling 30 ECTS credit points per


The workload or study intensity is an estimate of the total amount of time a student typically spends on their

studies. This covers tuition, preparation alone and in study groups, assignment answers, presentations,

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guidance, work experience and exams etc. The workload is typically between 1,500 and 1,800 hours a year,

which means that one ECTS credit point corresponds to 25-30 hours of work. Of course, there are individual

differences in the time each student spends on acquiring the learning objectives. The syllabus specifies the

ETCS credit points for each subject, and thus the expected overall workload.

A standard page:

At SIMAC, a standard page comprises 2,400 characters (including spaces, figures, images and notes). This

definition includes all actual text, i.e. introduction, problem statement, main sections, conclusion and notes. In

contrast, the cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices are not included in the specified

number of pages.

Use of own and others’ works, plagiarism:

Unfortunately, SIMAC have encountered students, who submit exam answers that must be considered

plagiarism, without intent to do so or to cheat. SIMAC thus highlights the impact of using material, not created

by yourself, in exam answers.

SIMAC considers it plagiarism the moment you insert text, pictures, tables etc. of which you are not the

author, in your exam answer. SIMAC has a very clear policy on plagiarism. A student, who commits plagiarism

in an exam answer, will typically receive a written warning and the exam answer receives no assessment.

Plagiarism always leads to having to re-take the subject. For some students it could additionally have the effect

of not starting the planned professional experience or other delays in the study progress.

Often the student will not be aware that he/she is committing plagiarism, and SIMAC thus includes a list of

typical causes for plagiarism (please note that due to its nature the list is not complete).

Examples of plagiarism in the exam situation:

Text copied from a home page without correct source reference

Material copied from a power point presentation or other written material without correct source


Text copied from an earlier exam set distributed by the professor/instructor without correct source


Text copied from previous answers by fellow students without correct source reference

Legal text without correct source reference

Text taken from any book, regardless of whether it was a part of the tuition, without correct source


Be aware that plagiarism can occur in other situations than exams.

REMEMBER: Plagiarism can always be avoided by ALWAYS referencing the source correctly.

Processing of data, including personal data (GDPR)

SIMAC is responsible for the framework and the learning environment. We encourage sharing of knowledge and inclusion of all suitable learning techniques, including possible recording of tuition as relevant. For distance tuition using Teams or similar on-line platform each subject area portal will clearly state the regulation regarding recording. The default position is recording of tuition activities including counselling is allowed. All recordings are for private and personal use for your own learning and preparation as a student or for the professor’s assessment and evaluation of the participating students. You are therefore not allowed to share such recording with others. This means, amongst others, that you are not allowed to

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post or upload on social media online or through other media. You are not allowed to privately show it to others. You must delete the recording when it is no longer relevant – that is no later than 14 days after you have passed the subject area. You must store the recording securely. If you lose the recording or through other circumstances are at risk of wrongful sharing, you must act in accordance with the procedure on data breach, available in the quality system. Special, qualifying reasons can cause the professor for a specific subject area to prohibit recording. This will be stated at the subject area portal. In such case the following applies: Recording of tuition activities pertaining to this subject area, including counselling, is prohibited. This includes video, photos, sound recordings and recordings of chats in online tuition fora used for this specific subject area. Any breach of the prohibition of recordings of this subject area, including counselling, constitutes a violation of SIMAC’s internal guidelines and can thus lead to disciplinary sanctions. You are welcome to borrow books from each other privately but be aware that sharing of links or material may constitute a breach of the copyright etc. If you have questions, you are welcome to contact Manager of Legal Affairs (room 114, or OLC ( For further information, please refer to the processing of personal data in the personal data policies (quality system – organization and responsibility – objectives and policies no. 1.19) as well as the it user policy, data protection instruction and in the administrative procedures for data breach and the right to be informed.

EDU e-mail:

The students must check their EDU e-mail and subject portals on a daily basis. E-mail contact between the

Student Services/professors/instructors and the students must take place using EDU e-mail. The system’s

spam filter may catch e-mails sent from other accounts, and we are therefore unable to guarantee delivery of

e-mails from other accounts. SIMAC sends official information to EDU e-mail - and only to your EDU e-mail.

Students can forward their EDU e-mail to another account checked on a daily basis, if desired. Students can

expect a response to their requests by e-mail during the course of the following workday. If it is not possible to

provide an immediate answer, they will receive information by e-mail or in some other way about when they

can expect a reply to their inquiry. Please understand that in special situations such as e.g. exam periods or in

the event of illness, the response times may be slightly longer.

Prerequisites for admission to specific subjects:

Prerequisites for admission to a specific subject: Please be aware that you must have passed or have all

necessary subjects approved before you can begin your work experience. If you do not pass a subject, please

contact the student counsellor so you can draw-up an appropriate plan for your study progress together.

Certain subjects build on each other and require that you pass a preceding subject before you can start further

subjects – see the list below. The syllabi specify the prerequisites for admission.

Contact the student counsellor if you have any questions about this.

12110 Introductory Work Experience at Sea 12120 Professional Work Experience at Sea 13110 Interdisciplinary Elements I 14120 Navigation II 14140 Basic Simulator Course I 14150 Basic Simulator Course II 14160 Advanced Simulator Course

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14170 Full Mission Bridge Simulator Course 14210 Meteorology I 14320 Watchkeeping II 15310 Ship Operations 16111 Maritime Law and Ship Administration I 16210 Methodology I 19110 Bachelor Project

The quality assurance system:

The quality system contains, amongst others, descriptions of processes regarding planning and evaluation,

processes related to tests and exams, guidelines for complaints and deadlines for publication of grades etc., as

well as regulation regarding disciplinary measures. Please note that the quality system describes procedures

and processes that may be relevant to you. You are welcome to contact the quality manager if you have any

questions regarding specific processes or require guidance.

Credit recognition:

The applicable rules prescribe that credit recognition must be given to all elements where it is possible. This is

no longer a choice. The student must now provide information about employment and passed educational

elements from all previous educational programmes on the same level. The decision on credit recognition

results from a professional evaluation. In the case of preliminary approval of study stays in Denmark or

abroad, the student has an obligation to document the approved and passed educational elements, once the

study stay is completed. In addition, the student must consent so the institution can obtain the necessary

information. SIMAC must publish statistics for decisions on credit recognition, including preliminary credit

recognition, on its website.

In order to obtain credit recognition, the applicant must document that he or she has obtained the grade 02 or

above, or the grade ‘passed' on the same or higher level than the education or parts of the education for

which the applicant seeks credit recognition.

Qualifications obtained in other ways than by recognised education, such as e.g. work experience, can only

receive credit recognition approval by actual competence assessment, including the possible holding of tests

or exams.

Credit approval of Danish or foreign qualifications or parts thereof is determined by SIMAC.

Credit means exemption from the tuition and examination, including tests and exams in the learning

objectives for which credit recognition is given. The educational institution may determine that a student must

attend the tuition even if the student complies with some of the learning objectives in the lesson plan. This can

only take place if the institution's tuition planning states that the objectives are included as part of an

interdisciplinary subject, topic or module in the education, and that this aims to give the students an

interdisciplinary understanding of the theoretical and practical parts of the education.

The student is exempted from examinations unless this is an integrated test where it is not possible to

separate objectives from one another.

A certificate for a maritime education cannot be issued based on a training programme that is solely attained

from tuition or exams under the provisions of another training programme.

Credit recognition applications must be sent to SIMAC's Student Services, at as soon as

possible and no later than four weeks before the subject/course begins to allow for the processing of the

application. SIMAC may grant dispensation if it is not possible to meet the deadline during the first semester.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme


If you need a dispensation, you can send your application for dispensation to

We will contact you if any additional information is required. You may ask the Student Services or coordinator

for legal matters if you require assistance. There are no formal requirements and an e-mail is sufficient.

However, the content depends on what your requirements are.

Extended time or special aids at exams etc. In order to ensure fair assessment at equal terms, you may

qualify for extended time, special aids or other specific actions to be taken regarding assessments.

For some of these situations, relevant documentation must be provided.

For example, dyslexic students can apply for extended time for exams/tests or for special aids. It could also be

a medical condition calling for special aids or a different scenario.

If the condition/situation is known at the start of the semester, the application must be submitted no later than

two weeks after the start of the semester. You must state what you wish to apply for, which exam/test this

relates to, and you need to provide documentation for your dyslexia or other relevant condition the first time

you apply. You can read more about this in the quality assurance system or you can contact the Student


If Danish is not your native language, you may apply for extended test or preparation time or special

dictionaries. You must state what you wish to apply for and which exam/test this relates to. You need to

provide documentation showing that you do not have Danish as your native language the first time you apply.

It is normally possible to receive such dispensation for a period of up to two years after beginning at SIMAC.

The application must be submitted no later than two weeks after the start of the semester. You can read more

about this in the quality assurance system or you can contact the Student Services.

If you have not passed a subject after three attempts, you can apply for additional test attempts. Here you

must specify the reasons why your next attempt will have a better chance of passing – e.g. because an illness is

over, that you are receiving help for exam anxiety or what else may be applicable to your situation. You can

get advice and guidance about what you can do and what is relevant in the application from your student

counsellor or the manager of legal matters.

The order on tests states that if a student has not passed after three attempts, he or she is excluded from the

education in question – and may not normally begin a similar maritime education for a period of two years

from the date of exclusion. A dispensation exemption can therefore be important.

There may be other situations – if you think you need a dispensation then contact the Student Services or the

manager of legal matters.

A doctor’s statement for the period in question is the best documentation if you have been hindered in

meeting an important deadline due to illness.

If you go to the doctor WHILE you are ill, you will receive a document that proves you were ill during the

period in question. You can use this to support an application for dispensation. SIMAC is able to use a medical

assessment stating that you were unable to attend etc. as the basis for the individual assessment of your

application for dispensation.

If you wait and visit the doctor once you ARE healthy again, the doctor can in principle simply write that "the

patient has told me that he/she was ill last week" or similar. The management or person dealing with the

application cannot give this the same weight as a doctor’s assessment.

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Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

It is therefore in your own interest to visit the doctor and obtain documentation while your illness is still

"evident" for the doctor, even though it can be difficult to leave your sick bed or deal with the situation while

you are ill.


Students can apply for leave, when the person concerned has passed the tests after the first year of study or

has completed the first semester of an independent secondary education - SIMAC can grant dispensation from

this if there are exceptional circumstances.

During the period of leave, students cannot participate in the tuition and tests/exams within the education

from which the student has leave.

Leave must be granted if it is warranted on the grounds of maternity/paternity leave, adoption or conscription.

Please see the applicable order on this. Students who enter into contracts regarding posting abroad or make

themselves available for posting abroad follow the rules laid down in the act on defence personnel.

If you require medical leave, please contact the student counsellor regarding program and relevant


Disciplinary measures:

Written warning and dismissal.

A written warning may be given if a student violates safety instructions (e.g. regarding behaviour in the

laboratories) or the IT user policy. Similarly, in case of a lack of response to requests from SIMAC via letter

and e-mails as well as in case of abusive and threatening spoken, written and/or physical behaviour. Finally,

written warnings can be given in cases where the students plagiarise in assignments, exams, tests etc., or

cheat at an exam or test etc. See more in the provisions for oral and written tests and exams.

If the student has violated the requirements regarding study activity, including the requirement to respond to

enquiries, the student counsellor will summon the student to an interview. If the student does not respond,

the student counsellor will send a registered letter to the student with a deadline for contacting the student

counsellor. Should the student continue the violation following the meeting, or not react, the student

counsellor will send a letter of expulsion as a registered letter containing information regarding the duration.

In the case of other offences, see above, the manager of legal matters undertakes an impartial investigation of

whether an offence has actually taken place, including consultation with the parties, and the vice president

(academics) makes a decision on the matter. If required by the circumstances, the vice president (academics)

issues a written warning to the student. If the violations continue, the vice president (academics) may decide

on dismissal or exclusion and inform the student of this by registered letter with information about the time

schedule for this. A student who has been dismissed or excluded can normally apply for resumption after two

years at the earliest.

Any complaint about SIMAC's decisions must be sent to the Student Services no later than two weeks after

notification of the decision. The manager of legal matters can advise you on the complaint procedure. You can

find more information in the quality system.

Course regulations for the Master Mariner Training Programme

Version 5.70, 17 August 2020 page 29 of 29

Overview of syllabi:

No. Subject area BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 BS5 BS6 BS7 BS8

11000 Workshop Training, Safety and Seamanship (BS) X

12000 Work Experience (BS) X X X

13000 Interdisciplinary Elements (BS) x x X

14000 Nautic (BS) x x x x X

15000 Technology (BS) x x x X

16000 Management (BS) x x x X

18000 Elective Subject (BS) X

19000 Bachelor Project (BS) x