Course Cat 09 3rd Qtr

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Transcript of Course Cat 09 3rd Qtr

  • 8/14/2019 Course Cat 09 3rd Qtr


    Course Catalogue

    2009July - Dec

    P.O. Box 1466Dacula, GA 30019

    (404) 886-8865 main(770) 742-0683 fax

    email: info@emergencyresources911.comwww.

  • 8/14/2019 Course Cat 09 3rd Qtr



    EMD Basic - GA P.O.S.T./NHTSA Emergency Medical Dispatcher NationalCertification Course

    Who Should Attend: The NHTSA EMD National Standard Programis a GA P.O.S.T. and National certification program for experiencedemergency communications personnel with an aptitude and desireto process emergency medical calls.

    This program meets the requirements of GA P.O.S.T., U.S. DOT NHTSA Standard 11,private industry standards ASTM 1258 (Standard Practice for EMD), and ASTM

    Standard 1560 (EMD Program Management).

    Course Credit Hours: 24 CEU

    Prerequisites: Basic Communication Officer (BCOT) and CPR certified.

    Course Objectives: The EMD candidate will develop a comprehensiveunderstanding of the principles in the NHTSA Basic EMD National StandardCurriculum, demonstrate proficiency with EMD techniques found in the NHTSABasic EMD National Standard Curriculum and understand the EMD Nationalcertification and recertification process through a continuing education program.

    Course Requirements: Each EMD candidate will be required to demonstrateknowledge and proficiency through a written test and to demonstrate a mastery ofskills using the NHTSAbased EMD protocols.

    Course Value: The EMD will be able to return to their agency and practice EMD byusing agencyapproved prescripted medicallyapproved EMD protocols to provideoverthephone medical instructions to callers during a medical emergency.

    Training Environments Offered: Classroom (Host or Regional Academy) andOnline.

    Price: $350 classroom / $400 online per student (all material included)

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    EMD-I (Emergency Medical Dispatch Instructor) GA P.O.S.T. Certified

    Who Should Attend: This course provides your agency personnelwith the necessary skills and certification to present EmergencyResources, L.L.C.s Emergency Medical Dispatch Course within youragency. By having a qualified instructor on staff, you control thetraining schedule and reduce your training costs.

    Emergency Resources requires that instructors with medical and communicationofficer backgrounds teach the course. The instructor candidate who teaches themedical portions must have at minimum, current certification as a Basic EMT underthe State or National Registry as set by the Department of Transportation (DOT).Individuals who are either a current EMD or dispatch supervisor may teach thecommunication officer portion. If one individual can fulfill both the communicationofficer and medical requirements, that person may teach the entire course alone. Ifnot, the course must be presented by at least two qualified individuals. Also, acurrent CPR Certification at any level from the AHA or ARC (or equivalent) isrequired.

    COURSE STRUCTURE: This EMDI Course is designed to elevate trained andexperienced public safety communication officers, who possess EMD certification, inthe principals of Adult Learning. This course primarily focuses on end userproductivity in teaching the Emergency Resources basic EMD program.

    Topics covered include:

    History of EMDPhilosophy & Need for Emergency Medical Dispatching

    Principals of Adult LearningPresentation Styles

    Classroom ManagementPractical Application

    COURSE GOALS: The overall goal of the emergency Resources EMDI Course is to:Ensure that all Instructor Candidates possess the baseline knowledge, skills and

    abilities to successfully function in the role of an EMDI.

    Course Objectives: Topics will be taught using instructor presentations,demonstrations and practical exercises designed to reinforce classroom learning.Exercises will typically begin with an instructorled example, followed by a moredifficult exercise with instructor assistance available when necessary, andconcluding with unassisted (but instructorsupported) exercise(s). The course willend with a comprehensive, handson exercise encompassing all that was learned in

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    the course.

    Course Credit Hours: 24 CEU

    Prerequisites: Basic Communication Officer (BCOT), EMD, and CPR certified.

    Restrictions: Emergency Resources certified EMD Instructors will not conductclasses outside their own agency. EMD programs vary from agency to agency and inaccordance with the NHTSA Standard, instructors or restricted to instruct in theirown agencies. Excluded from this restriction are agencies who are part of a regionalsystem with a common medical director and common Guidecards, and RegionalInstructors contracted with Emergency Resources, L.L.C.

    Training Environments Offered: Classroom (Host or Regional Academy).

    Price: $450 per student (all material included)

    911 Crisis Intervention (GA P.O.S.T. Certified)

    Who should attend: All personnel that have the responsibility andduty to handle incoming 911 calls.

    Course Objectives: The 911 operator/ candidate will develop acomprehensive understanding of the principles in the Crisis CallHandling standard curriculum and demonstrate proficiency with crisis

    handling techniques found in the standards taught by subject matter experts.

    Course Value: The 911 call taker will be able to return to their agency and practiceCrisis Call Handling, by using agencyapproved protocols and S.O.P.s, to provideoverthephone crisis intervention instructions to callers during a Crisis Call.

    Course Credit Hours: 24 CEU

    Prerequisites: Basic Communication Officer (BCOT)

    Training Environments Offered: Classroom (Host or Regional Academy).

    Price: $450 per student (all material included)

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    EMD Basic Agency Lead Instructor Program (GA P.O.S.T./NHTSAEmergency Medical Dispatcher National Certification Course)

    Who Should Attend: This program is for agencies that have sentpersonnel through the Emergency Resources EMDInstructorprogram. The agency instructor is responsible for putting the classtogether and delivering the information to their personnel. Thisclass is designed for smaller agencies, which have a need to train but

    a few personnel at a time and want to save significant amounts of money.

    The NHTSA EMD National Standard Program is a GA P.O.S.T. and Nationalcertification program for experienced emergency communications personnel withan aptitude and desire to process emergency medical calls.

    This program meets the requirements of GA P.O.S.T., U.S. DOT NHTSA Standard 11,private industry standards ASTM 1258 (Standard Practice for EMD), and ASTMStandard 1560 (EMD Program Management).

    Course Credit Hours: 24 CEU

    Prerequisites: Basic Communication Officer (BCOT) and CPR certified. EmergencyResources certified EMDInstructor (One being EMT certified) and P.O.S.T.Instructor to administer test.

    Course Objectives: The EMD candidate will develop a comprehensiveunderstanding of the principles in the NHTSA Basic EMD National StandardCurriculum, demonstrate proficiency with EMD techniques found in the NHTSABasic EMD National Standard Curriculum and understand the EMD Nationalcertification and recertification process through a continuing education program.

    Course Requirements: Each EMD candidate will be required to demonstrateknowledge and proficiency through a written test and to demonstrate a mastery ofskills using the NHTSAbased EMD protocols.

    Course Value: The EMD will be able to return to their agency and practice EMD by

    using agencyapproved prescripted medicallyapproved EMD protocols to provideoverthephone medical instructions to callers during a medical emergency.

    Training Environments Offered: Classroom (Interagency)

    Price: $125 per student (Includes student manual and certification)

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    Partnership Training Offered by:


    What it is and where it occurs, mutual responsibility and common myths, identifysituations that could have the potential for violence, recognizing the warning signs,threat and violence levels, responding to actual or potential violent workplacesituations, and OSHA compliance and record keeping/evaluations. Bank specificpolicies and procedures are covered in the program. Liability issues are discussedand resources for help are given. This course will assist the bank with liabilityissues and insurance costs.

    4 hour class: $400

    DRUGS AND ALCOHOL IN THE WORKPLACE (DOT CompliancePackage)DOT Standards; required FMCSA Standards, what are the rules; who is affected,prohibited drug and alcohol use, required and random testing, consequences,employee education requirements, employee rehabilitation, documentation ofcompliance, confidentiality, reasonable suspicion, alcohol and drug abuse signs andsymptoms.

    4 hour class: $600


    The drug abuse signs and symptoms, why is there addiction, root of addiction,physical signs of abuse, why worry about drugs and alcohol, the cost of enabling coworkers, the detrimental effect of drugs and alcohol in the workplace and how it canbe prevented. Bank specific policies and procedures are covered in the program.Resources for help and EAP are discussed. This meets the Federal and State levelrequirements for training in a drug free workplace. This course will assist the bankwith liability issues and insurance costs.

    2 hour class: $300


    Individual handson instruction for protecting oneself from unwanted sexual

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    harassment, sexual assault, attempted kidnapping or hostage situations. This classwill give the individual the knowledge on how to escape from the clutches of aperpetrator. The basics of home security and protecting oneself away from homeare taught during this block of instruction. This course includes personal

    protection tools that the student will keep.

    4 hour class: $40 per person


    Home security tactics and tips, safe and secure away from home, protecting yourselffrom attack, self defense tactics, how to deal with the most common attacks, usinggood spatial and verbal skills to prevent assault, defend yourself against chokes andstrangles, defend yourself when the attacker is on top of you, and hands on rapeescape techniques. This class is a hands on personal protection class incorporatingselfdefense skills and techniques to prevent violence.8 hour class: $75 per person

    SEXUAL HARRASSMENTWhat is sexual harassment; history of sexual harassment, range of behavior, greenzone, yellow zone, red zone, the effects of behavior of persons being harassed, andmyths and realities of sexual harassment. This is a compliance course for mostorganizations, agencies, and businesses.

    4 hour class: $400


    What is sexual assault; the difference between sexual assault and sexualharassment, statistics, who are the victims, who are the sexual offenders, what do Ido if I have been sexually assaulted, how can one protect themselves from beingsexually assaulted, date rape drugs, can I help someone who has been sexuallyassaulted and resources for help.

    4 hour class: $400


    What is a critical incident; telephone threats and harassing communication, threatsof kidnapping, bob threats, robbery basics, workplace violence basics, emergencypreparedness basics and confidential employee profile recordkeeping.

    8 hour class: $500

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    Defining diversity and understanding how to navigate through a diverse workforceare two very different things. It is one thing to understand what diversity is, but it's

    another to hire and manage the human complexities of a diverse workforce. Intalking about diversity, we not only focus on the visible examples such as race, age,gender, and national origin, but also on notso visible examples such as personalitystyle, style of interaction, lifestyle situations, education, work function, etc. It is theidentification, acceptance and understanding of those differences and similaritiesthat allow individuals to become aware of and fully use their talents and abilities tomake unique contributions to workgroups and organizations. Whether yourorganization already started a diversity initiative or you're just beginning to look atthe effect diversity has on your productivity, this program is designed to give yourorganization a chance to discuss some real issues affecting your workforce.

    4 hour class: $2008 hour class: $500


    All employees should understand and be involved in preventing crimes such asburglary at their place of employment. In this course, each employee will learnprevention tactics that they can utilize to protect themselves and their business.Commercial burglary can happen easily and have a great impact on cost. It alsorenders most employees with a helpless feeling and even fear. During this course,

    ALLPRO will explore current statistics and crime trends, the crime triangle andtarget hardening, entry points, the three lines of defense, perimeter barriers,building exteriors, interior controls, stopping the thief, suspicious persons,awareness of the surroundings, alertness and survival tactics. This course willprovide employees and management with the tools to save the business moneythrough prevention.

    4 hour class: $400


    Its not just paper cuts we are talking about here but a myriad of office hazards! Thegeneral belief that the office provides a safe environment in which to work is afallacy. Many office hazards exist that cause thousands of injuries and healthproblems. Slippery floors are obvious hazards but a modern office also containshazards arising from poor lighting, noise and poorly designed furniture andequipment. Additionally, sweeping changes have occurred in workplaceestablishments as a result of office equipment automation, causing more safetyhazards. The nature of office technology itself has produced a whole host of

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    computer related hazards, such as musculoskeletal strains.

    4 hour class: $400

    DEFENSIVE DRIVING (National Safety Council Course)

    Defensive driving techniques, how to avoid a collision and case study scenarios,hazard recognition and collision avoidance, aggressive driving and road rage, fatigueand drowsy driving, how driver behavior and mental conditions affect driving, thecrash impact on passengers, personal driving style evaluation, emotionalimpairment, common driving irritation and pet peeves, the fatal four causes of acrash, driving skills inventory and assessments, occupant protection laws andgraduated drivers licensing, and vehicle malfunctions and maintenance. Uponcompletion of this course most insurance companies will give 10% off theinsurance of the person who attended.

    6 hour class: $35 per person


    Current statistics, the crime triangle and target hardening, home entry points, threelines of defense, perimeter barriers, building exteriors, interior controls, protectingyour property, you can stop a thief, protecting yourself from attacks, alertness andsurvival tactics.

    2 hour class: $40 per person


    Basic home safety, basic office safety, protect your office and agents, safetystrategies at the office, safety at property showings, safe and smart marketing,distress code systems, 10 second rule, protect your clients against crime, fight orflightthe best self defense, hands on self defense, learn from others experiences.

    2 hour class: $40 per person


    Guard your personal safety on home visits, worker strategies, previsit awareness,know the neighborhood and environment, safety while enroute to clients homeincluding vehicular safety, client visits, recognizing potential threats, hazardassessment, signs of violence in home care settings, delusional and venting clients,leaving the home, general tips for safety.

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    2 hour class: $40 per person6 hour class: $75 per person


    Social work can be dangerous, maintain your safety in the field, promoting safetywithin the Agency, making your Agency safer, predicting and dealing with violence,worker safety initiatives, working with aggressive clients, anger management andverbal judo for social workers and general safety tips.2 hour class: $40 per person6 hour class: $75 per person


    Definition and recognition of domestic violence, statistics about domestic violence,what is the law?, common myths, types of disputes and violence, cycle of violence,effects of long term battering, continuum of violence, effects of nonphysical abuse,why victims stay and barriers to leaving, effects on children by age group, and safetyplanning. Domestic violence affects a great percentage of the workforce andemployees need to be aware of the signs that could affect their wellbeing andproductivity.

    4 hour class: $400


    In store loss prevention, tackle check fraud, credit card fraud, shoplifting: definitionand probable cause, how to spot a shoplifter, arrest and detention of shoplifters,employee theft, how employees steal, preventing theft and inventory shrinkage, lossprevention procedures. This course will help you prevent shoplifting, reduceemployee theft and shrink, protect your store's assets and keep your people safe.

    4 hour class: $400


    Home security, safety while out and about, how to spot con artists, prevent identitythefttips and techniques, safe driving tips, conquering fear and preventing crime.

    2 hour class: $40 per person

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    FIRST AID WITH CPR AND AED (First Aid can be taught separately)

    It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplacethat is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect

    accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical andfirst aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace.ALLPRO Safety Education Consultants are equipped to meet this need with aninstructor who is certified by the American Heart Association and has over 23 yearsin the medical field. Other instructors have spent numerous years in public safety asfirst responders and are certified first aid instructors through the National SafetyCouncil.

    8 hour class: $80 per person


    This class shows employees how small changes in lifestyles can produce bigbenefits. While wellness is a gradual process, eliminating negative lifestyle factorscan help keep employees healthy. Knowledge and commitment to a healthy lifestylecan reduce the companys cost of insurance on employees. ALLPRO SafetyEducation Consultants have a certified Health and Wellness Instructor withexperience on staff and ready to educate your employees.

    4 hour class: $400


    Accident prevention must always be an ongoing endeavor and the best way toavoid accidents is to have employees act in unison as a completely focused team.The topics included here are explicitly planned to encourage employees to develop asense of belonging with the team, to consider the risk of accidents at theirworkstation, and then freely discuss their ideas together to evaluate and unravelpotential hazardous situations. The material is loaded with hazard awareness tipsand provides employees an opportunity to learn how to actively involve themselveswith the safety of others.

    4 hour class: $400

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