Countering Peak Oil ERM-02

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Transcript of Countering Peak Oil ERM-02

  • 8/9/2019 Countering Peak Oil ERM-02


    Countering Peak Oil

    Energy Risk

    Management SeriesERM02

  • 8/9/2019 Countering Peak Oil ERM-02


    What is Peak Oil ?

    Peak Oil means

    Reaching peak extraction limitsOften during peak demand

    Causing peak demand supply gap

    Resulting in peaking of prices

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    When do oil prices peak

    When demand supply gap jumps

    If supply becomes a constraintIf demand increases greatly

    If prices are manipulated

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    Oil was a stable commodity for 20 yrs

    The producers cartel OPEC was under pressure from

    the OECD Governments to stabilize oil prices

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    untill the ICE Trading cartel

    took shape

    The ICE Trading cartel was formed in the year

    2000 by Europes Oil majors and global banksnamely BP, Shell, Total, Morgan Stanley, Goldman

    Sachs, Deutsche Bank & Society General.

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    They controlled Europes oil trade .

    They controlled Europes supply chain, as well as the virtual

    trading and swapping of oil contracts at ICE & NYMEXelectronic trading exchanges. Unlike OPEC, they are not a

    limited membership official cartel and have several other

    traders and hedge funds as associates.

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    At the ICE future markets, oil prices became volatile.

    It broke the OPEC price band of $22 to $ 28 in 2000 - 2005 and has

    controlled oil price through its index indicator Brent Oil ever since.

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    Formed on the concept of Enrons deregulated energy

    trading model, ICE added physical stocking to virtual trading.

    The future markets at ICE Exchange thus had a unique effect on demand

    supply trends, as stockpiling among OECD nations rose despite drop in


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    ICE created a modern electronic trading platform for oil

    futures and chose Brent Oil (North Sea) as its lead index .

    Brent Oil had incidentally reached peak oil conditions. The

    strategic manipulation of supplies of Brent Oil , (North Sea) whichis less than 10 % worlds oil volume, but the lifeline of Europe,

    was done by the ICE cartel both at the supply chain level, as well

    as at the ICE exchange.

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    The peaking of Brent Oil

    After peaking between the year 2000- 2005 North Sea oil went into a

    steady decline in production, due to higher exploration costs and lower

    investment in new oil fields. As per a Financial Times report new oil

    finds at North Sea accounted for 140 mbd in 2009 as against 600 mbd

    in previous years
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    Since Brent had peaked, it was easy to control it by

    supply chain investment

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    However there was no such scare in other major sources of Oil chiefly

    crude from OPEC , which scaled up production to meet demand .

    OPEC crude accounted for 55% and Brent Oil less than 10% of the

    market. Still it was the online trading of Brent Oil that set the prices.

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    The strategic control of the Brent oil supply chain and

    betting on futures market pushed up the Brent prices.

    Long term investors like pension funds were sold the concept

    that reserves of Brent oil were depleting. The future contracts

    of Brent Oil were both lucrative and safe from the investors pointof view, due to the falling reserves and the growing energy

    needs of the world, and the rise of the index was the proof.

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    The success in pushing up oil prices

    each year brought new investors.

    Investment in commodity index funds by

    institutional investors rose from $13

    Billion in 2003 to $317 Billion in 2008

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    Stock piling in super tankers

    Besides the cartel leased out numerous oil tankers

    on short time basis for additional storage, resultingin a record 80 million barrels of oil being stockpiled

    in oil tankers in ready to deliver condition at high seas.

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    The contango trades

    This also helped the cartel to soak up surplus stocks

    and profit additionally from contango tradesbuying spot and selling long, as the spot rates were

    weak and the supertanker storage cost was nominal.
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    Tanker prices crash due to oil volatility

    Oil tanker lease rates crashed to an unprecedented $ 1 per barrel

    per month, due to demand volatility making it easy for contango

    trades to profit on netlongs. In January the margin was as wide as

    $8 per barrel on March futures and $ 21 on Sept futures , making itextremely profitable to buy spot and hold oil in super-tankers.

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    How oil contracts move

    Oil contracts move through the shadow of middlemen mostly

    based in Switzerland or other tax havens the biggest of thembeing the Zug based commodity traders Glencore, Trafigura

    Taurus Oil Transocean ( Gulf of Mexico disaster) , Masefield AG,

    Xstrata etc. Some of them are suspects of the Iraq and West

    African food for oil and embargo violation scams.

    They buy crude from producers, sell it to refiners, buy back the

    refined oil and charter tankers to ship it.

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    Swapping at the London loophole

    The Title to oil contracts , then may change hands 20 to 30 times

    before the ship reaches port without physical transfer of goods. The

    traders, the oil majors, Banks, hedge funds and the cartel membersswap the commodity in high speed round trip trading at the ICE

    London commodity exchange, amongst themselves, driving the prices

    up before it reaches the retail trade. Several Bills has been

    spearheaded by Senator Levin ( currently heading the Goldmaninvestigation ) in the US Senate to limit speculation but with limited

    effect .
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    Shorting to create volatility

    At times the prices are pushed down to ensure volatility, and the

    cartel benefits on shorting as the commodity prices crash, against

    market expectations. In all such cases the cartels production curve

    drops instantly , in tandem with market demand, as if fore-warned

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    Volatility lesser in OPEC production

    In comparison the OPEC Oil Production, takes as lot of time to

    adjust, as producers not having the inside information of how

    markets will behave, react much late and more moderately.

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    The London exchange has few curbs.

    Being outside the US , there is little bar on speculative trading at the

    ICE exchange in London. The regulator FSA is comfortably lax and has

    been known to let off the cartel members like Morgan Stanley for

    gross violations of speculation, punishing the trader broker instead.

    Besides Mr. Sprecher who runs the exchange is an influential CFTC

    member and Mr. Hatfield, a Director is a member of the current

    Economic Policy Advisory Committee.
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    Building the panic at Davos

    The build up to panic started this year at Davos with BP Chief Tony

    Hayward stating that a supply challenge of 100mbd oil demand was

    around the corner, that would lead to a new oil peak. He was backed

    by both Shell and Total Chiefs and Europes Press gave it the widest

    coverage , blanking out the dissent of the largest producers of oil the

    Saudi Aramco who shared the dais .
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    The Saudis refute peak oil theory

    Saudi Aramco Chief Khalid Al Falih had promptly refuted Group

    Europes claim, stating that the industry had adequate capacity

    to meet any demand surge, and a third of his capacity was idle,ready to add 4 mbd on demand . We don't believe in peak oil,

    he said, criticizing the speculation on oil scarcity, and said that it

    made investors shy away from investing in production .

    h f h k
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    The stage was set for the spike

    The unexpected face off at Davos, was followed by a series of

    studies quickly taken up in the OECD by expert groups backing Group

    Europes theory of demand shortage. The IEC soon followed with its

    revised consumption projections of 86.6 mbd up by 1.7% from its

    previous estimates. The stage was thus set for the cartel members

    to hoard and punt.

    l h
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    But two can play the game

    Risk Managing commodity prices is a real time game.

    It can be done by predictive analytics by matching counter moves.

    Since the market players and supply logistics are both known and

    unknown, tracking of both is needed, along with other metrics.

    The most crucial is your development of your counterstrategy

    that must be both dynamic and forceful.

    hi k h fi

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    China makes the first move

    With the the highestnet - long positions in the futures market

    being scaled since the early eighties, China quickly reacted to the

    possibility of a price spike , taking advantage of being the first

    mover in the market place.

    Chinese imports of oil jumped by an unprecedented 28% to 33% in

    January , February and March as it stockpiled hugely to avert a

    possible supply shortage.,

    It was both dynamic and forceful throwing estimates and forecasts

    of Wall street analysts out of the window.

    Chi b ld
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    Chinas bold energy strategy.

    This was in line with Chinas well known policy of investing

    aggressively in oil. Last few years China has even invested in several

    smaller oil fields globally to ensure its energy security. It was also

    reported that China struck a separate deal with the Saudis, who

    assured increase in production to meet stable supply conditions in

    Asia, ensuring Chinas high growth without impediment.

    US j i h k il

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    US joins the stockpile game

    In Cushing Oklahoma, where WTI is delivered into America's

    pipeline system, there was a perceptible stock build up in March.

    This was due to US Energy Departments decision to raise stock by

    an additional 2 million tons creating record stockpiles of 356.2 MT,

    a 7% rise in US inventory over the five year average stocks

    Th d f k ili

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    The advantage of stockpiling

    By aggressive stockpiling , China was able to

    achieve the duel objective of buying before

    price peaks, and setting a higher demandprojection in IEAs annual forecast, according to

    which producers all over the world would plan

    both their extraction as well as refinerycapacities.

    H B t il d

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    How Brent oil moved

    C ti i i i

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    Creating price inversions

    One of the proven way to reduce volatility used by large

    consumers is to stockpile before peak season. This helps it ease its

    demand and buy spot during price troughs further releasingpressure on demands. In an inverted market, current prices are

    higher than future prices and thus the price of storage is negative.

    This creates losses for the investors and speculators alike, butbrings back control to the real consumers and producers.

    The effect of Chinese and US stockpiling caused price inversions

    and caught the Big Bank analysts at Wall Street wrong footed.

    Ri k i il f t

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    Risk managing oil futures

    M i Ri k th h ti ti

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    Managing Risk through negotiations

    Chinas positive cash flow and large demand pattern has

    helped it buy spot to create price inversions in the market.If China ties up with other buyers and the large OPEC

    producers it can stabilize the price of oil at below $70. This

    will still generate profits of $15 to $20 billion for large

    producers like Saudi Arabia but will hurt the speculators andbring stability back to oil.

    Chi i d i k

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    Chinas growing energy needs is key

    Apart from Chinas positive cash flow and large demand

    pattern , its growing energy needs is the key to the currentcrisis. While speculators want to cash in on the demand surge,

    it is aggressively tying up new sources, and the OPEC cartel will

    want to enlist it as a stable and growth oriented customer.

    M i Ri k th h j i t t

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    Managing Risk through joint ventures

    China signed a $ 20 billion oil for cash deal with Venezuelas

    state owned oil producer to form a joint venture to extractcrude oil from the Orinoco Beltblock. This was an extension of

    the ongoing $8 billion cash for oil program devised by it

    M i Ri k th h fi i
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    Managing Risk through financing

    Last year China Development Bank signed a $ 15 billion financing

    deal with Russian state oil firm Rosneft, and $10bn to pipeline firmTransneft to develop a Siberian oil field and transport oil through

    pipes to North China.

    M i Ri k th h t i

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    Managing Risk through partnering

    Last year China Development Bank and the state owned oil

    company Sinopec tied up with Brazils Petrobras in a unique$ 10 billion deal that will cover developing Brazilian oil

    deposits, trade, engineering equipment and materials, that

    demonstrated the flexibility that China devices for meeting

    its energy needs.

    Stabilizing oil price

  • 8/9/2019 Countering Peak Oil ERM-02


    Stabilizing oil price

    Chinas positive cash flow and large demand pattern has helped it

    buy spot to create price inversions in the market.

    If China ties up with other buyers and strikes a deal with large

    OPEC producers it can stabilize the price of oil at below $70. This

    will still generate profits of $15 to $20 billion for large producers

    like Saudi Arabia but will hurt the speculators and reduce volatility

    of the markets . The Supply chain challenges and moves to overcomespeculative pressures independently shall be discussed subsequently.

    References and Sources

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    References and Sources

    Ecology to EconomicsAmazon Kindle Blog : Ecothrust or

    Article in Economic Times of 26th AprilOil: A tale of 2 cartels

    Technorati (RSS Feed)

    Sources : Bloomberg, Business Week, The Economic times, OPEC,

    The Oildrum , Telegraph U.K., Wikipedia, The Guardian, Financial

    Times, Daily Bahrain and U.S. Senate Proceedings.


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  • 8/9/2019 Countering Peak Oil ERM-02


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