Council 2 Resurrecti n - Resurrection Lutheran · PDF fileAs we close out the FY 13/14 budget...

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Transcript of Council 2 Resurrecti n - Resurrection Lutheran · PDF fileAs we close out the FY 13/14 budget...


Council 2

Teams 2

Music 3

RLC School 3

Finance 5

Events 6-7

Missions 8

Prayers 9

Birthdays 10

Christian Ed 12

Resurrection Lutheran Church

6170 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Office email:


We are One-in-Three!

I had the privilege of serving as a voting member at the ELCA Constituting Assembly in 1987

in Columbus, Ohio. One of the beautiful images I have in my memory is the pouring of water

from three pitchers (representing the three Lutheran bodies that were coming together) into

the baptismal font representing our unity in the Body of Christ. This three-in-one imagery

also spoke to our understanding of Church as ELCA Lutherans. There are three “expressions”

of the Church and we are wonderfully interconnected. We are Church as Congregations, as

Synod and as the ELCA. Each expression supports the other two expressions in every way


This year at Resurrection we are handling our financial support of the other two expressions

in an “out of the ordinary” way. You’re Congregation Council and Pastors have lifted our

benevolence goal from the regular budget and are encouraging offerings and special funding

to meet or exceed our goal of $25,000. The Council is putting together an array of

educational (and giving) opportunities for us at Resurrection to learn about the ministries of

our Virginia Synod and the ELCA. Please note that our first opportunity comes on August 17

when our Virginia Synod Mission Interpreter, Jody Smiley, is our special guest at worship.

We are celebrating our 25th anniversary as a congregation. For the past 25 years we have

participated in benevolence gifts to the synod and the ELCA. Collectively these regular

benevolence gifts have amounted to about $250,000. Do you realize that we have not yet

exceeded the dollars that have been given to us from the Virginia Synod and the ELCA? The

salary and housing of our first pastor was provided in full until we became a self-sustaining

congregation. Two “fast growth” grants were provided in the past 16 years that total

$60,000. Our Health Ministry was the recipient of our latest grant.

Please! As you give your tithes and offerings this coming year, we hope you will also take the

opportunity to give extra to support the ministries of the Wider Church. This enables us at

Resurrection to also minister in the name of Jesus throughout Virginia, the United States, and

the World.

In Christ’s Service,

The Rev. James C. Kniseley Pastor Carol Haynes Kniseley


Jim Kniseley c)540-845-2427

Carol Haynes Kniseley c)540-845-3516

(Monday is Pastors’ day off)

Church Office Staff

Donna Roberts 540-786-7778

Music Ministries Leader

Amy Burcher 540-368-2557

Interim Youth Ministry Leader

Spike & Donna Roberts c)540-498-2773

Church Nurse

Betty Parde 540-654-5510

Preschool Director

Carrol Martin 540-735-4160

Preschool Staff

Janie Smith, Megan Snell,

Joanne Dunn, Heather Sieck

Like Us on Facebook!!!!

Resurrection People

Resurrection Lutheran School

Resurrecti n Lutheran Church and School

A Congregation of the ELCA August 2014 Newsletter


Stewardship was discussed and a team will be put together shortly with members from the

congregation and also the council.

A letter of resignation from Denise Sohlke was accepted with many thanks for her years of


A letter was submitted requesting that a separate account for the water project be opened. The

council voted by majority to keep fund together in the checking account.

Elections for the officers for 2014-2015 year were held and are as follows:

President: Dan Burcher

Vice President: Chris Campbell

Secretary: Missy Arp

It was decided to remain with one service through the 25th Anniversary and have Christian

Education begin at 8:45AM and Worship at 10:00AM. There will be a survey distributed to the

congregation to obtain their opinion prior to a decision of when to resume two services.

Respectfully Submitted,

Missy Arp

Council Secretary


Summary & Highlights

Of Council Meeting (July 22nd 2014) &

Council Retreat (August 2nd 2014)

Audit team

Property Team

Mutual Ministry team

Christian Education


Evangelism/ Outreach

o Name Tag Sunday August 3rd

Faith in Action

o “Go Build A Mountain”



Health Ministry

o Blood Drive – August 10th


Mission Resources/Stewardship



o Clean-up day Sept 13

School Board


Worship and Music

Boy Scouts



Classes are filling quickly, so please contact us soon!!


TWOs: Faith Foundations – a class for two year-olds and a caregiver. Little ones get the chance to experience a

condensed version of the preschool day and special time to make crafts, listen to stories, eat snack, and play! Day

of week TBA 9AM-10:30AM ($40/month Includes snack – no registration fee)

THREEs: This class is designed to create a smooth adjustment for those leaving home for the first time!

Tuesday/Thursday 9AM-12PM ($120/month)

FOURs: This class is designed to build on lessons learned in the previous year with a focus on kindergarten

readiness. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9AM-12PM ($160/monthly) or add the extended day option Monday and

Wednesday 9AM-2PM ($210/month)

SUPER FIVEs: This class is designed to incorporate play and kindergarten readiness to ensure a confident transition

to kindergarten. Monday-Friday 9AM-12PM ($250/month) or add the extended day option Monday and

Wednesday 9AM-2PM ($300/month)



Music Notes from Amy Burcher

Dear RLC Friends and Family,

I wanted to take this

opportunity to share this Thank

You note from Mark Glaeser. I

also want to thank all of you

once again for your support

with the Christ Lutheran

Church in Charlotte, NC

teenagers. They hope to come

again to our loving and

welcoming church. I would also

like to thank those of you who

participated in our Classical

Music Sunday worship service. It

has been a wonderful

experience to share the different

styles of music during our

summer single services.

Love, Amy


Changing lives one little dress at a time…

Simple dresses are made out of pillow cases, and distributed through the orphanages, churches and schools in Africa to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy!

Knowing the history of the girls in Africa and the difficult road that lay ahead, Rachel O’Neill decided she would take some dresses to the children in the villages. A small group of ladies began to sew simple little dresses, made out of pillowcases, to be distributed to young girls through the orphanages in Africa.

This ministry captures the hearts of so many and continues to grow as groups of all sizes spring up across America. These groups cross age, gender and denominational lines, to serve the most vulnerable of God’s children: little girls. To date we have received well over 2 MILLION LITTLE DRESSES and donations from all 50 states across the USA as well as from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Mexico and Australia. 2 MILLION! That’s a lot of little girls!! With your help these beautiful dresses have been distributed in 47 countries of Africa! We are happy to partner with mission teams and travelers to get these dresses to the children who need them most. We are so grateful. Dresses have also been sent to other countries in crisis such as Honduras, Guatemala, Thailand, The Dominican, The Philippines, Cambodia, Mexico and thousands and thousands to Haiti. In addition, we have sent dresses to children in need right here in the United States, in the Appalachian Mountains and South Dakota. But more importantly than how many have been shipped, are the lives that they have touched as these little dresses go out as little Ambassadors in the name of Jesus, to give hope to the children that receive them.

“We’re not just sending dresses, we’re sending HOPE!”

Making a difference, here and across the ocean, one little dress at a time!

Virginia Synodical Women's Organization - Women of the ELCA

Our goal is to make and collect 1,000 pillow case dresses for the little girls of Africa. Dresses will be collected

during the convention registration and blessed during the worship service.

To date RLC has made 109 dresses and purchased 15 pairs of boy’s shorts.


This summer, if you can't make it to church due to travel or other commitments, we encourage you

to automate your regular donations. The church relies on the consistent financial support

of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis.

Pick up an authorization form on the cabinet in the narthex. We thank you for your continued



Jeff Sohlke

Treasurer’s Corner

Offerings Received for the Month of June M&M $39,754

Dedicated $ 5,081

Capital $ 1,190

Total Offerings Received $46,025

June Budget vs Actual Expenses Income needed for Budget Requirement $0 as of June 30, 2014

M&M Expenses $42,154

Dedicated Expenses $ 8,670

Total Expenditures $50,824

Cash Flow for June: (RLC Checking acct balance – Dedicated acct total)


Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) Balance $28,654

Mission Support Benevolence 5% Goal to be paid by 6/30/2015 5% Goal Amount of Budget $24,113 Monthly Average Required to reach Goal $2,009 Amount Remaining to Reach Goal $24,113 Monthly Amount Received towards the Goal

$0 as of June 30, 2014

Amount ahead/behind year end payment Goal

$0 as of June 30, 2014

Dedicated Fund Loan to be repaid by 6/30/2015 Amount Borrowed from Dedicated Funds $24,263 Monthly Average Required to reach Goal $2,022 Amount Remaining on Dedicated Fund Loan


Amount Repaid Monthly to Dedicated Fund $0 as of June 30, 2014 Amount ahead/behind year end repayment Goal

$0 as of June 30, 2014

Dear Friends in Christ,

This month we add Mission Support Benevolence and Dedicated Fund Loan schedules to the monthly report.

As we close out the FY 13/14 budget and begin documenting FY 14/15 budget items, the remaining

placeholder values above that have been zeroed out as of the end of June will be filled in next month when

July figures are fully available.

Initial indications are very positive for Mission Support Benevolence giving so far in July. Please note that the

5% Goal amount of the Budget does not include a percentage for Benevolence giving based on our Dedicated

Payback amount of $24,263. Although part of our budget for FY 14/15, Dedicated Payback is not used to

calculate a percentage for Mission support Benevolence giving. As always, please let me know if you have any

questions and/or feedback about this new Finance format.


Jeff Sohlke


The Fredericksburg Chapter of Thrivent Financial invites Thrivent

members and their personal guests to the YMCA Water Park.

Tickets will be given out for a FREE Hot Dog or Nachos, bag of chips and water.

When: Sunday, Aug. 17th from 6-8pm.

Where: Massad Family YMCA

212 Butler Road, Fredericksburg, VA

- For information, contact Tammy Campbell at 540-429-6751. (Although, NO Pre-Registration is required)

Theology Pub

New ministry and fellow ship

opportunity available to adults 21

and over!!!!

Join us for open conversation,

share your thoughts, participate in

devotion, and then the sky is the

limit for the conversations!!

Park Lane in Spotsylvania Towne

Center on the 3rd Sunday of the

month at 6pm. Join us August 17th

@ 6pm at Capital Ale House.

RSVP (but you can come without)

Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 9:30am

in the Conference

Room. We are

continuing and enjoying

the book “The Heart of

Jesus” We would love to

see you there!!!

Men’s Breakfast

and Bible Study

1st Saturday of each

month. Join us

September 6th from





“I was hungry and you fed me.” Team 2 will be cooking at Brisben Center on August 17th. Please sign up for

food items and have them at the church by 11:00AM on Sunday August 17th. Thank you for making this

ministry possible. The opportunity to serve is a blessing for those who serve as well as for those being served.

Thank you for providing the food for this ministry.

AUGUST FOOD OF THE MONTH: Cereal (Hot or Cold)

(Donated food is for Christ Lutheran’s Food Pantry



Please save the afternoon of

Saturday, September 13th for a

Church Clean-up day in preparation

for our 25th Anniversary. More

details will follow in the September

Newsletter and the Sunday

Bulletins. For questions please

contact Steve Meyer or Fred Riedl



Do you know what your blood

pressure is? Do you keep track of it

regularly? If not please stop by and

have it checked after worship.

8th Annual Health Fair

October 18th 9am – 1pm. The

fair will offer more than 25

exhibitors with free health

screenings, demonstrations,

children’s activities and

more. Free consultations

available onsite.


Please join us on September 20th for our 3rd Annual Fall Bazaar featuring

over 40 handmade crafters and direct sales reps, used book sale, bake sale,

concessions, basket raffle, liquidation of collections, and children’s

activities. For further information please contact either Missy Arp or Donna


Mark your Calendars!! Join us for a Lutheran Revival on October 5th!!!

Revive! Refresh! Rejoice! A Lutheran Revival will be on Sunday Oct. 5, 2:00-

6:30pm at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Warrenton. Every year, this

awesome faith formation event for our conference gets better! This year’s

theme is God’s People in Partnership. Registration is at 2:00pm, excellent

workshops at 2:30pm, delicious meal at 4:00pm, and Spirit-filled Worship at

5:00pm. Mark your calendar now- you won’t want to miss it!


What are the Minnick Schools?

You have been doing service projects for several years now for the Minnick Schools at Lutheran Family Services of

VA. But you may not really know what we do. So here is a little more information.

LFSVA has five Minnick Schools located in Harrisonburg, Roanoke (2 schools), Wytheville and Wise.

Minnick Schools serve special needs students ages 5 to 22. Student services are not based on income; however, 88% of

students are on the free- or reduced-lunch program and many live in low-income and/or single parent households.

Students who come to our Minnick Schools have not been able to succeed in their home school district. They typically

have emotional outbursts, behavioral issues or are on the autism spectrum.

Many of our students face challenges that to them and their families seem insurmountable. They may act out, shut

down, withdraw, or simply stay away from school. For these students, the promise of school success becomes lost on

a road filled with school suspensions and negative interactions with their teachers and peers. In many ways, they are

on the darkest journey of their young lives.

For children with autism and other intellectual and behavioral disabilities, life’s journey is especially challenging. We

at LFSVA Minnick Schools open the door to education and a more fulfilling life on any number of levels – whether

that be helping students return to their home school or setting them on a vocational path that means dignity and

independence at home and in the community.

I look forward to visiting Resurrection Lutheran Church later in August and will be happy to answer any questions

you may have.

Ellen Bushman

Director of Development

Lutheran Family Services of VA, Inc.

Don’t forget our Mountain in the Lobby will go in part to the Lutheran Family Services!! You still have time to buy supplies

and help our Mountain grow!!!!

25th Anniversary Mission Endowment

We are rapidly approaching a big day in the life of our church – the 25th anniversary of our congregation as community in Christ. Have you thought about how you will be a part of that celebration or how you can contribute to ensuring another 25 years? Have you considered a Tribute Gift? These are gifts of any amount given to the Mission Endowment Fund in honor of a special day or person in your life. Our Fund is moving forward toward the base amount needed to begin contributing to the congregation’s outreach and programs. Any amount of an endowment gift will help our fund grow. A donation to the Fund in honor of an individual or special day is so easy. Just make your check payable to the RLC Mission Endowment Fund and pop it in the offering plate or send/give it to the church office. It is just like donating toward Sunday flowers or the communion elements each week.


RLC Family and Friends Serving Our Country


Church Office Requests

Please call the Church Office at 540-786-7778 when:

You are in the hospital or prior to going to the hospital (A relative may for you. In order for

the pastor to visit the hospital must be given permission for the church to be notified.);

You are confined to your home for an extended period of time because of illness or accident;

You are going to a rehab center or a nursing home;

There is a change in your family status (birth, death, marriage, or divorce);

You move to a new home, move out of the area, or go away to college, graduate school, or the


You would like to schedule a meeting or event at the church. For communication with

everyone all scheduled gatherings must be included on the church calendar and in the weekly


RLC Congregation Members

Rose Baer Myra Bannon Bill Bushman Carol Capozzi Frank Jacobeen

Ryan Troung Sue Perdue Dickerson Family Noelle Fell Jim & Beth Winters

Laurel Blanchard Mary Grace Niemi Chris Sefchick Betty Parde Danalu Kerr


Tony Schlund Peter Tichtchenko George Winters Tony Jenkins Savannah Gall

Lucas Nassef Greg McIntire Nick McIntire Terri Piekosz Brittany Patterson

Christian Jenkins Chris Griffiths Tim Griffiths

Friends and Relatives in Need of Long Term Prayers

(will remain on the list for one month)

Friends or Relatives RLC Relationship

Jean Haynes Pastor Carol

Bill Thorpe Vicki & Bill Gellerman

Bernie & Betsy Patton Jane Sahley

Marion Jacobeen Frank Jacobeen

Jonathan Martin Bob Martin

Bill Riedl Hazel Riedl & Fred Riedl

Jan Yenvo Lucille Covic


The Fredericksburg Chapter of Thrivent Financial invites Thrivent

members and their personal guests to the YMCA Water Park.

Tickets will be given out for a FREE Hot Dog or Nachos, bag of chips and water.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


8:00AM Men’s Breakfast/Bible


9:00AM Seventh Day Adventist

Sunday, August 3, 2014



8:45AM Adult Forum

10:00AM Worship with Communion

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study

12:30PM Service of Communion

6:30PM Men’s Choir

7:00PM Chancel Choir

Thursday, August 7, 2014

11:00AM VBS Evaluation Meeting

Saturday, August 9, 2014

9:00AM Seventh day Adventist

3:00PM Blood Drive Set-Up

Sunday, August 10, 2014


8:30 AM – Blood Drive

8:45AM Adult Forum

10:00AM Worship with Communion/

Pastor David Drebes Preaching

Monday, August 11, 2014

Office Closed

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


12:30PM Pre-school Board Meeting

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study

12:30PM Service of Communion

Thursday, August 14, 2014

12:00PM Faith in Action

7:00 Personnel Committee

Saturday, August 16, 2014

9:00AM Seventh Day Adventist

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

Sunday, August 17, 2014

9:00AM Adult Forum

10:00AM Worship with Communion/

Jody Smiley Sermon

6:45PM SDA YOUTH week of Prayer

Monday, August 18, 2014

6:45PM SDA YOUTH week of Prayer

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

6:00PMTeam Captains Mtg & Meal

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

7:00PM All-Teams Ministry Meetings

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NEWSLETTER Article Submission


9:30AM Women’s Bible Study

12:30PM Devotion and Holy


6:00PM Cantata Introduction

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

7:00PM Chancel Choir


Thursday, August 21, 2014

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

Friday, August 22, 2014

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

Saturday, August 23, 2014

9:00AM Pizza with the Pastors

9:00AM Seventh Day Adventist

6:45PM SDA YOUTH Week of Prayer

Sunday, August 24, 2014

9:00AM Adult Forum

10:00AM Worship with Communion/

Ellen Bushman Temple Talk

6:00PM Shepherd Gathering – Pastor’s


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

10:00AM Piecemakers


1:00PM Grief Ministry Meeting

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study

12:30PM Devotion and Holy


Saturday, August 30, 2014

9:00AM Seventh Day Adventist

Sunday, August 31, 2014

9:00AM Adult Forum

10:00AM Worship with


August 2014

Emma Infinger 8/1 Bryce Arp 8/5 Hazel Riedl 8/5

Jeff Sohlke 8/6 Ronald Anderson 8/9 Tracey Lyman 8/10

Troy Slater 8/11 Shirley Cole 8/13 Lisa Rieken-Bruer 8/15

Jennifer Phoebus 8/16 Sean Scarbeck 8/16 Emily Slunt 8/18

Juliana Shea 8/20 Ryan Troung 8/21 Allison Langridge 8/22

Amelia Johnson 8/25 Arlene Rosheim 8/27 Michael D’Albis 8/29

Dan Rieken 8/31



August 10 10:00

Altar Guild Tammy Campbell

Acolytes Ben Scheel

Greeters Bea McGowan/Betty Parde

Ushers Tom Strentz

Assisting Minister Spike Roberts

Lector Colleen Butler

Communion Assistant Colleen Butler

Council Person Tony Jenkins

August 17 10:00

Altar Guild Debbie Carlson

Acolytes Bryce Arp

Greeters Missy Arp/ Shelley Lee

Ushers Tom Bannon/ Rich Troast

Assisting Minister Bob Martin

Lector Eric Carlson

Communion Assistant Shelley Lee

Council Person Missy Arp

August 24 10:00

Altar Guild Denise Sohlke

Acolytes Hannah Embry

Greeters Carol Ann Courtney/Sheldon Elder

Ushers Warren Lee

Assisting Minister Maury Wrightson

Lector Terri Kuckuck

Communion Assistant Terri Kuckuck

Council Person Dan Burcher

August 31 10:00

Altar Guild June Jenkins

Acolytes Maddy Slunt

Greeters Jason & Ben Tritle

Ushers Tom Bannon

Assisting Minister Carol Bailey

Lector Matthew Arp

Communion Assistant Denise Sohlke

Council Person



The schedules are open for September.

Sign-up sheets are in the narthex near the main doors.

AUGUST 2014 WORSHIP ASSISTANT ALL WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS: Please let the Council Person of the Day know you are

present for the service. This is especially important if you are a SUBSTITUTE!


Dear RLC families:

The last few weeks have been very hectic but exciting for our family! We are getting settled in our new home

and are really enjoying being closer to our families! I want to thank everyone at RLC for your well wishes on our

new adventure. I also appreciate the support over the years for the preschool. I hope that RLS will continue to

be an important part of RLC's community outreach and ministry to children. I will always hold RLS near and

dear to my heart and will miss my time there with the children.


Kara Irving

Please note that it was discussed during the Council Retreat upon the

recommendation of Worship & Music that one service continue through the 25th

Anniversary. The Council agreed with this recommendation. THE TIMES FOR


RESPECTIVELY FOR SEPTEMBER 14TH AND 21ST. There will be no Christian

Education on September 7th or 28th. Council will be gathering opinions through

surveys, coffee hours, and other discussions on continuing with one service or

going to two services after the 25th Anniversary on September 28th. Thank you for

your flexibility during this time!!

Altar Flowers

August 3rd – Al Guber in

memory of Nancy

August 31st – Donna Roberts in

honor of Spike’s birthday

Communion Elements

August 3rd – Denise Sohlke & Jennifer

Millar in honor of Jeff’s birthday

August 17th – Betty Parde in honor &

memory of Loren & her parents,

Betty and Paul Allison

Coffee Hour

August 3rd – Putsie Abernathy’s

Shepherd Group