Could i live without the internet why (why not)

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Could i live without the internet why (why not)

Could I live without the Internet?

Mihalcea Costinel, 8102, IEAprof. coord. Mihai Frumuselu

The Internet is global computer network between different computers connected to the local network. Today, everybody heard about the Internet. It has become an important part of our lives. We find solutions for our problems, confusions, in this area.

Socially, I can not live without the Internet. It represents an entire plaform of information, which it’s necessary for school tasks. Also, it’s easier to acces ideas, news, to getch the things that you want in only few seconds. It doesn’t cost a lot of time, it’s favorable.

Why Internet?

For example, if I want to read about circuits, it’s more sample and efficient to stay on my desk( on a digital library) and search about it, than go to the library and take a physics book. Also, I can hear the news about traffic or weather.

The Internet is a sample way to socialize and find new friends, share your opinions and hobby. A good example is represented by Facebook with millions of users. People like it and they are happy to socialize by photos, videos, comments. I like that I can discuss very fast with people from every part of the world.

The advantages of the Internet have a limit. But if we overcome this line, we create for ourselves a lot of problemes. Staying to much in front of the computer, we take risks: problems with eyes, vertebral column, heart and especially with our mental health. In this mood, we don’t breath clear air for relaxing our mind and body.

Why not Internet?

So, if it’s necesarry to give up from Internet, for my health, I’ll do it . I’m trying to be a person which use the network services when it’s demanded and that’s all.