Cotton Prospectus2011 12

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Transcript of Cotton Prospectus2011 12








Estd. 1901Reaccrdited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC

A hundred and ten years, by any reckoning, is a long time, in the existence of anacademic institution. Within that period tectonic changes have been evinced in thescholastic space of Cotton College. Infrastructure facilities have been continually upgraded,in step, to make for a more meaningful interface of knowledge and technology in the yearsto come.

Cotton College had been established to act as a beacon of change in this far flungregion. This premier institution took up the cudgels to articulate the aspirations of aresurgent society. History is testimony to the fact that Cotton College has consistentlybeen at the vanguard of the most defining changes that the region has witnessed. In theprocess this august institution has evolved down the ages, throwing up leadership thathas catalyzed positive changes and held a steadying hand to disparate forces in a dynamicand evolving world order.

Cotton College has continuously endeavored to negotiate the path of vertical andhorizontal expansion in its core area of dissemination of knowledge and the crystallizationof research activity. It is now successfully grappling with the changes consequent uponthe new found dynamism of an increasingly digitized and knowledge based society. Herenew technology abounds in varied fields and these have been encapsulated in an everwidening delivery mechanism. Underlying this transformation has been a consistentlyhumane approach applied in a changing social and policy framework.

The pace of change has become inexorable, bringing with it the need for a widerrange of choice to those that partake of the formal education system. With a view to thisthe College has tied up with a number of institutions of national and international reputeto arrange for the delivery of specialized courses. Like wise, in the last couple of years,“transitional courses” that lay the foundation for a fruitful career have been furtherdeveloped and introduced in a number of emerging areas.

Today change is the hallmark of any progressive society more so in transitionalsocieties that have to make up for lost time. Cotton College lying at the vortex of thisquest for positive often chaotic change has weathered the storm in commendable fashion.Once again as the development paradigm is altered the college finds itself donning themantle of leadership with renewed vigour. This confidence augurs well for the intellectualand social rejuvenation of the region and the nation at large.

It is my earnest belief that Cotton College will continue into the future as afountainhead of all things progressive in a setup that places increasing importance onknowledge creation and dissemination.

(Dr I.K. Bhattacharyya, M.Sc. Ph.D)PrincipalCotton College, Guwahati

From the Principal’s Desk

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

"Assam is the only province which has not got a college.Indeed it does not have a high institution worth the name. A collegeat Gauhati with a European Principal will be appreciated by thestudents than similar private institution to which they generallyresort.”

Excerpts from Manik Chandra Barooah's 'Representation' to theGovernment submitted on 28th March, 1899, in which he arguedstrongly for establishment of Cotton College and this ultimatelypaved the way for establishment of Cotton College in 1901.

"To the encouragement of education I devoted the best of myenergies. I regard it as a great honour that my name should be associatedwith a first-class college which I inaugurated at Gowhatty. It hadmade a good start, even in my time; it has thriven since, and long mayit flourish !"

Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, K.C.S.I.,Chief Commissioner of Assam (1896-1902) in 'Indian andHome Memories' (published by T.Fisher Unwin, London, 1911,page 245)

"The principles which guided its (Cotton College) past mustguide its future. Avoiding all narrowness of thought or class or creed,with charity towards all, let students and staffs remember thateducation is only of value as it leads to greater service to mankind,that narrowly pursued it produces but Dead Sea fruit ofdisappointment and embitterment."

Prof. Frederick William Südmersen, I.E.S.,the founder Principal of Cotton College (1901 - 1926).Prof. Südmersen sent the message on 26th May, 1951 from Wordwick Farm, Nutley, Sussex for the Golden Jubilee CommemorationVolume, published in 1951-52.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s


Cotton College – A Profile 1


Regular CoursesTwo year Higher Secondary (HS) 4Course in Science & Arts

Three years (Six Semesters) Degree 4Course in Science & Arts

Two years (Four Semesters) Post-Graduate 6Course in Science & Arts

Self-Financing Courses 8


Selection of Candidates for TDC (1st Sem) Class 10

Selection of Candidates for 13Post-Graduate Class

General Reservation Rules for 13HS, TDC & PG Admissions

General Information(i) Attendance Rules 14(ii) Cancellation of seats 14(iii) Examination Rules 15(iv) Maintenance of discipline among students 15(v) Code of Conduct for students 16(vi) Others

A. Students’ Travel Concession 17B. Renewal of College Identity Card 17C. Renewal of Admission 17D. Admission of Unsuccessful Students 17E. College Diploma Certificate 17F. Hostel Facilities and Hostel Rules 17G. Library Facility 18H. Hospital Facility 18I. Scholarship 19J. College Transfer Certificate 19

(vii) College Fees

Fee Structure for HS 1st year (Science) 19Fee Structure for HS 1st year (Arts) 20Fee Structure for TDC 1st Semester (Science) 21

C o n t e n t s

Page No.

Fee Structure for TDC 1st Semester (Arts) 23Fee Structure for M.Sc. 1st Semester 24Fee Structure for M.A. 1st Semester 25Fee Structure for Research Scholar 25Hostel Fees Structure 26

(viii) Academic Calendar of Cotton College 27for the year 2011


Anthropology 29Assamese 31Bengali 33Biotechnology 34Bodo 34Botany 35Chemistry 37Computer Science & IT 39Economics 40Education 42English 43Geography 45Geology 47Hindi 48History 49Islamic Studies (Arabic & Persian) 50Mathematics 51Philosophy 53Physics 54Political Science 56Sanskrit 57Statistics 58Zoology 59


Center for Mass Communication & Journalism (CMCJ) 61Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Center 62





Page No.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Founders of Cotton College

Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, K.C.S.I. Chief commissioner of Assam (from 1896 to 1902)

Manik Chandra Barooah

Raibahadur Bhuban Ram Das Raja Prabhat Chandra Barua

Prof. F. W. SudmersenFirst Principal of Cotton College

[Courtesy : 'IMAGES' (1st Edition, 2002); published & edited by Pradip Hazarika, Abhijit Barthakur, Suresh Kumar Nath & Ankuran Dutta]

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

With a heritage that goes back to more than a hundred years, Cotton College,the premier seat of higher learning in Northeast India, unequivocally occupies thepride of place among the institutions of its kind in the North-Eastern part of thecountry. Having contributed significantly to the academic and cultural life of the regionthe institution has not only withstood the test of time but has also carved a niche foritself in the sphere of higher education in the country. Contemporaneous withMurarichand College of Sylhet (now in Bangladesh) of the undivided India under theBritish rule, Cotton College came into existence on 27th May, 1901 through theuntiring efforts of such magnanimous and illustrious sons of the soil like Late ManikChandra Barooah, Rai Bahadur Bhuban Ram Das and Raja Prabhat Chandra Barua,backed by the unstinted support of the intelligentsia of the region of that time. However,had it not been for the unreserved support and concern of the then Chief Commissionerof the then Assam Province from 1896 to 1902, Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton,K.C.S.I., the institution would not have perhaps seen the light of day. While the timecame, therefore, to express their sense of gratitude to the foremost popular ruler ofthe province, the people of ‘Gauhati’ decided to name the institution itself after him.

The first admission took place on 17th June, 1901 with 37 students in the firstyear F.A. Class and 2 students in the second year of the same course. The faculty wasconsisted of only five members including Prof. Frederick William Südmersen (1871 –1953), the first Principal of the college from 1901 to 1926. The other four facultymembers were Prof. Chunilal De, Prof. Indu Bhusan Brahmachary, Prof. Paresh NathLahiri and Prof. Maulvi Abu Nasr Muhammad Oheed. Classes during the initial yearsof the establishment of the College were held in the building which presently housesChemistry Department of the College. However, no girl student was admitted to thecourse. It was only in 1933 that two girl students were admitted to the first yearIntermediate (Science) class of the College for the first time thus marking the beginningof co-education in the history of higher learning in this part of the country.

The College was first affiliated to Calcutta University, Kolkata. It was under thisuniversity itself that the institution developed into a full-fledged Degree College andbarring Persian, secured affiliation for the Honours course too in all the subjectstaught then. However, with the establishment of Gauhati University in 1948, it becameone of its original constituent colleges. Although Post-Graduate classes in certainsubjects like English, Economics and Botany were introduced in the College at differentpoints of time under Calcutta University itself, such classes had to be finallydiscontinued as part of economy drive and also because of the establishment ofGauhati University. It was only in 1969 that the Assam State Government decided tointroduce PG classes in Physics in the College on a permanent affiliation basis.Subsequently, the benefit of PG classes was extended to other subjects as well andfinally on 17th October, 1992, the then Hon’ble President of India, Late Dr Shankar

IntroductionCotton College - A Profile

In 2011,

Cotton College

has been


with grade ‘A’

by the National

Assessment &



(NAAC) with

CGPA 3.39

1 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Dayal Sharma, at a glittering function held in the premises of the College formally declared Cotton College as a Post-Graduate institution. Today, PG teaching is done in the College in as many as 21 subjects in 20 Departments. Now, theCollege, which began with 39 students and 5 teachers only, currently has a student enrolment of more than 5000 rightfrom Higher Secondary to the PG level and a faculty strength of 215 (including the faculty in adhoc basis). In 2011, CottonCollege has been reaccredited grade ‘A’ by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with CGPA 3.39and the University Grants Commission (UGC) has identified it as a ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ in 2005.

The present day College has an infrastructure built on a sprawling campus covering an area of about 34 acresin Panbazar locality and about 6.4 acres in Rupnagar locality (second campus). The facilities include a modern Library,well stocked with books, journals as well as rare manuscripts and with UGC INFLIBNET-NLIST e-journal browsing facility;well equipped laboratories in different academic departments; a newly developed Central Instrumentation Centre; a fullfledged Department of Computer Science & IT; a well equipped Centre for Mass Communication & Journalism, a vibrantPlacement Cell, an ever dynamic Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) [the only Govt. of India recognized EDC in theentire State of Assam] and a state of the art Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Center. In addition to thesefacilities, the College also has a hospital, a Career & Counseling Cell, a Guest House, separate hostels for girls and boys,quarters for faculty and office staff, an Indoor Stadium with a modern gymnasium, a canteen, a coffee house and a StateBank of India ATM. All the Academic Departments, Centers and the College office are connected with round the clockinternet connectivity. In the year 2003, an ‘Internal Quality Assurance Cell’ was established to look after the internalquality of the institution for continuous academic excellence. Recently, the Assam Government has taken the initiativeto develop Cotton College to an international level institution of higher learning and to achieve this goal, an internationallyreputed consultancy firm named Educational Consultants India Limited (Ed.CIL) has been entrusted with the responsibilityto prepare a detailed ‘Master Plan’ for the College.

A ‘Board of Governors’ constituted by the Government of Assam sits from time to time to decide on the policymatters relating to the academic and administrative activities of the College. Moreover, the Council of the Heads of theDepartments and the Staff Council are two empowered dicision making bodies of the College.

The College EmblemThe official emblem of Cotton College was unveiled in the year 1933. The emblem was designed by Late

Mohendra Nath Deka Phukan, an ex-Cottonian. This emblem is just like a shield meaning thesymbol of protection of Assam. The shield comprises of two colours - orange signifying the senseof Tyaga wherein lies the sense of renunciation and green symbolizing peace. The oval-shapedarc with eight corners reminds us of the glory of Ahom kingdom. The blue colour is used to meanthe clear and vast sky that teaches us to widen our hearts embracing all. The hills in the emblemremind us of the Asomiya people belonging to the plains and hills of Assam. The rising sun behindthe hills symbolizes hope and light. The sun also signifies that it is the dispeller of darkness. Thelamp burning in the middle is used to indicate the light of knowledge. The “Sarai” immediatelybelow the lamp tells us of the glory of ancient Assam. The stars indicate the path of progressbeyond limitation.

The College Emblem gives us all that Assam has had and as such it makes us to understandthat students in their alma mater must be invigourated with the meaningful ideas that can make

us great in the truest sense.

The mottoThe motto of the college ‘Apramattena Veddhavyam’, taken from the Mundaka Upanisad signifies that

knowledge in any field, whether technical, professional or general must be attained with an unfaltering aim. In attainingknowledge in proper perspective, without being perturbed by various anxieties-mundane or spiritual, one must beabsorbed with one’s goal in view. Remaining indifferent to obstacles or hurdles that may come along the way, one mustpursue knowledge with concentration and perseverance.

It is the avowed aim of the institution, therefore, to prepare the youth to remain resolutely fixed to their goal andthe ever changing values and perspectives of life so as to enable them to identify themselves as conscious, integratedand wholesome human beings capable of meeting the challenges and opportunities of life in the noblest and mostdisciplined way.

Mohendra NathDeka Phukan

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 2

PrincipalDr Indra Kumar Bhattacharyya

Vice-PrincipalDr Sudarsan Barua

Contacts :Principal : (0361) 2540715 (Off); (0361) 2737138 (Res.)

9435195807 (Mobile)Vice-Principal : (0361) 2608839 (Off); 9435733120 (Mobile)Administrative Officer : (0361) 2510667(Off)Medical & Health Officer : 9864085073 (Mobile)Cotton College Fax : (0361) 2540715 / 2606610Dr Surya Kumar Bhuyan Library : (0361) 2606155Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) : (0361) 2734783 [Phone & Fax] / 09207049360Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) : (0361) 2606610 [Phone & Fax]Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Center : (0361) 2131697

Website of Cotton College : of Principal : principalcottoncollege@rediffmail.comE-mail of Vice-Principal : viceprincipalcottoncollege@rediffmail.comE-mail of Administrative Officer :

3 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Courses of StudyRegular Courses

A. Two year Higher Secondary (HS) Course in Science and Arts

Admission is given purely on merit and is subject to the Assam Higher SecondaryEducation Council (AHSEC) regulations.

1. Number of Seats available :(i) Science - Day Shift = 350

Evening Shift = 150(ii) Arts - Day Shift = 160

2. Combination of subjects :

I. Higher Secondary (Science) [HS (Sc)] :(i) English is compulsory.(ii) A student must select one Modern Indian Language (MIL) or Alternative English. In the case of MIL,

facilities for study are available in the college in Assamese, Bengali, Bodo and Hindi only.(iii) A student must select three/four elective subjects from the following list :

(1) Physics (2) Chemistry (3) Mathematics (4) Biology/Geography/ Statistics/Anthropology/ Geology/ Computer Science & Application (only for Day Shift).

II. Higher Secondary (Arts) [HS (Arts)] :(i) English is compulsory.(ii) A Modern Indian Language (MIL) or Alternative English. Modern Indian Languages taught in the college

include Assamese, Bengali, Bodo and Hindi only.(iii) A student must select three/ four elective subjects from the following list :

(1) Economics (2) Political Science (3) History/ Mathematics (4) logic & Philosophy (5) Education(6) Geography/Anthropology/Statistics/Sanskrit/Arabic/Persian/Advance Bengali/Advance Hindi/Computer Science & Application.

Note : (i) In case of HS Arts, Anthropology is allowed only with Economics, Political Science, History/Mathematics.(ii) In case of HS Arts, Computer Science & Application is allowed only with Economics and

Mathematics (Compulsory).(iii) As per AHSEC regulation, a student offering Computer Science & Application as an elective subject in

Science/Arts /Commerce stream shall have to offer Mathematics and two other elective subjects, i.e.such a student shall have four elective subjects.

B. Three Years (Six Semesters) Degree Course in Science and Arts

The three years (six semesters) programme leads to the Degree in Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) and Bachelorof Arts (B.A.) with Major only.

Admission is given purely on merit and is subject to Gauhati University(GU) regulations.

The qualifying examination is Higher Secondary or equivalent (10+2standard)

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 4

1. Number of Seats in Major Subjects available (Subject wise) :

Science Stream Arts Stream

Subject No. of Seats Subject No. of SeatsAnthropology 05 Anthropology 15Botany 45 Arabic 08Chemistry 50 Assamese 20Computer Science 15 Bengali 06Economics 20 Economics 50Geography 05 Education 20Geology 30 English 60Mathematics 80 Geography 20Physics 60 Hindi 10Statistics 20 History 25Zoology 45 Mathematics 05

Persian 08Philosophy 20Political Science 40Sanskrit 15

2. COMBINATION OF SUBJECTS :The applicant should read carefully the rules below before filling the forms. In indicating preferences for Major

subjects, he/she should pay due attention to the criteria for admission. A candidate may submit one application formshowing preferences in 3 subjects. If any candidate is found submitting more than one application form, his/hercandidature will not be considered for admission into the College. However, an applicant should submit separateforms for the Arts and Science streams if he/she desires to be considered for both the streams.

(a) Combination of Subjects (Science Stream) :English is compulsory for all. In addition, an applicant will be allowed to offer one of the following combinationsfrom among the three indicated by him/her in order of preference in the application form consistent withthe norms fixed by the Gauhati University vis-à-vis the combination of subjects.

Major Subject Subsidiary Subjects Eligibility

Anthropology Botany/Zoology Must pass Biology & Chemistry in HS Botany (i) Chemistry, Zoology Must pass Biology & Chemistry in HS

(ii) Zoology, Anthropology Must pass Biology in HS Chemistry Physics, Mathematics Must pass Physics and Mathematics in HS Computer Science Mathematics, Physics Must pass Mathematics securing at least 40%

marks and Physics in HS Economics* Mathematics, Statistics/ Must pass Mathematics in HS

Computer Science Geography (i) Geology, Mathematics Must pass Mathematics in HS Geology (i) Physics, Mathematics Must pass Physics and Mathematics in HS

(ii) Physics, Chemistry Must pass Physics, Mathematics andChemistry in HS

(iii) Chemistry, Mathematics Must pass Chemistry and Mathematics in HS Mathematics* (i) Physics, Chemistry Must pass Physics and Chemistry in HS

(ii) Physics, Statistics/ Must pass Physics in HSComputer Science(iii) Economics, Statistics

Physics (i) Chemistry, Mathematics Must pass HS with Chemistry and

5 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Mathematics securing at least 40% marks inMathematics

(ii) Mathematics, Statistics/ Must pass Mathematics in HS with 40% marksComputer Science(iii) Mathematics, Geology Must pass Mathematics in HS with 40% marks

Statistics (i) Physics, Mathematics Must pass HS with Physics and Mathematicssecuring at least 40% marks in Mathematics

(ii) Economics, Mathematics Must pass Mathematics in HS with 40% marks Zoology (i) Chemistry, Botany Must pass Chemistry in HS

(ii) Botany, Anthropology

* A student offering Major in Economics & Mathematics will have added advantage in his/her Fifth & Sixthsemesters if he/she offers Computer Science as a Subsidiary subject.

(b) Combination of Subjects (Arts Stream) :English and MIL/Alt. English are compulsory for all. In addition, an applicant will be allowed to offer one ofthe following combinations from among the three preferences indicated by him/her in the application formin keeping with the norms fixed by Gauhati University vis-à-vis the combination of subjects.

Major Subject One subsidiary subject to be chosen from

Anthropology Economics/Political Science/History. Assamese Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education Arabic Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education Bengali Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education Economics Political Science/History/Mathematics/Education/Philosophy/ Geography/

Classical Language Education Economics/Political Science/History/Classical Language English Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education Geography Economics/Political Science/Mathematics Hindi Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education History Economics/Political Science/Philosophy/Anthropology /Classical Language Mathematics Economics. Persian Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education Philosophy Economics/Political Science/History/Classical Language Political Science Economics/History/Education/Philosophy/Anthropology/ Classical language. Sanskrit Economics/Political Science/History/Mathematics/Philosophy/Education.

Note : (i) Modern Indian Languages taught in the college : Assamese, Bengali, Bodo and Hindi.(ii) Classical Languages taught in the college : Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit.

Candidate will be selected in order of merit for each Major subject separately. For this purpose a separatemerit list will be prepared for each Major subject from among the applicants. For ranking an applicant in order ofmerit, the criterion will be the ‘Credit Point’.

C. Two years (Four Semesters) Post-Graduate courses in Arts and Science

M.A. / M.Sc. Courses are offered in 21 (twenty one) Subjects in 20 Departments of the College. The list of thesubjects along with the number of seats available and special papers offered in the different subjects is given below.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 6

Subject No. of Seats Special papers offered

Anthropology 10 Physical Anthropology/Social Anthropology Arabic 20 ------------------- Assamese 50 Literature (Group A)/Language (Group B)

(Group should be chosen in the 1st Semester itself. Both Group Aand Group B students can offer special papers)

Bengali 15 Literature Botany 16 Microbiology/Angiosperm Taxonomy/ Mycology & Plant Pathology/

Plant Physiology & Biochemistry. Chemistry 16 Organic Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry/Physical Chemistry Economics 40 Demography/Financial Economics/Quantitative

Methods/Environmental Economics/Econometrics Education 30 Developmental Psychology/ Continuing Education/Abnormal

Psychology /Environment and Population Education. English 50 Option - A = Indian English Literature

Option - B = American LiteratureOption - C = Women and LiteratureOption - D = Literary Theory.

Geography 25 Geoinformatics/Fluvial Geomorphology/RegionalPlanning/Cartography/Population Geography

Geology 13 Individual Project Work Hindi 15 ------------------- History 35 Modern Indian History Mathematics 35 Fluid Dynamics & Relativity Persian 20 ------------------- Philosophy 35 Logic Physics 20 Electronics/High Energy Physics/Condensed Matter Physics/

Nuclear Physics Political Science 50 Public Administration Sanskrit 20 Literature (Kavya) Statistics 10 Operation Research Zoology 16 Animal Ecology/Entomology/Fish Biology & Fishery Science

Old Administrative Block ( East-West Wing)[Estd. 1909]

New Administrative Block (Manik Ch. Barooah Bhawan)[Estd. 1980]

7 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Self Financing Courses

A. Three Year Undergraduate Courses

1) Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)

Duration : 3 (Three) years : 6 (Six) SemestersEligibility : HS (any Stream) with MathematicsNo. of Seats : 25 (Twenty five)Fees Structure

(a) College Fees : Same as B.Sc. (b) Security deposit : Rs. 1,000/- (c) Course Fees : Rs.14,000/- per semester

Admission to BCA Course is made along with B.Sc. (1st semester) admission.

2) B.Sc. in Biotechnology

Duration : 3 (Three) years : 6 (Six) Semesters Eligibility : HS (Science) with Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics No. of Seats : 25 (Twenty five) Fees Structure

(a) College Fees : Same as B.Sc. (b) Security deposit : Rs.1,000/- (c) Course Fees : Rs. 25,000/- per semester (to be paid in one installment)

Admission to B.Sc. in Bio-Technology Course is made along with B.Sc. (1st semester) admission.

B. Post-Graduate Courses / Add-on Courses

1) Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)

Duration : 1 (One) year : 2 (Two) semesters Eligibility : Graduate from any discipline (preference will be given to candidates with

Mathematics at HS level) No. of Seats : 40 (Forty) Fees Structure

(a) College Fees : Same as M.Sc. (b) Security deposit : Rs.1,000/- (c) Course Fees : Rs. 12,000/- per semester

Admission to PGDCA Course is made after declaration of TDC (Final) results.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 8

* Nodal Department

2) Post Graduate Diploma in Mass-Communication and Journalism (PGDMJ)

Duration : 1 (One) year : 2 (Two) semesters Eligibility : Graduate in any discipline No. of Seats : 40 (Forty) Fees Structure

(a) College Fees : Same as M.A. (b) Course Fees : Rs. 10,000/- per semester

Admission to PGDMJ Course is made twice in a year in June and December through an admission test, heldon 3rd Thursday of June & December every year and classes start from July and January respectively.

C. Other Self Financing Certificate / Add-on Courses

For all the above-mentioned self financing courses, Course Fees must be paidat the time of admission

9 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Name of the Course Duration Eligibility No. of seats

Fees Structure

per student (in `)

Course starts from

Departments/Centers involved

PG Diploma in Bioinformatics 1 year

Science Graduate

with Biology in HS

16 12,000.00 August

*Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Statistics, Mathematics & Computer Science

Diploma in Cultural Studies 1 year HS in any discipline 20 5,000.00 May

*Anthropology, Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, English, Islamic Studies, Hindi, History & Sanskrit

Certificate Course in Functional English 6 months HS Students 30 5,000.00 May &

November English

Certificate Course in Hardware and Networking 6 months

HS in any discipline

with Mathematics

20 6,000.00 May Computer Science

Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training - a course for early childhood care and training

6 months HS Students 25 5,000.00 March *Education, Assamese, English, Mathematics & Philosophy

UGC Career Oriented Certificate Course in Video Production & Editing

4 months Graduate in any discipline 15 17,000.00 2 courses

in a year Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)

Certificate Course in Concept of GIS & GPS 4 weeks Graduate in

any discipline 10 5,000.00 Maximum 5 courses in a year


Certificate Course in Principles of Remote Sensing and Satellite Image Processing with Application in Natural Resource Management

4 weeks Science Graduate 10 5,000.00

Maximum 2 courses in a year


Certificate Course in Computer Science and IT 100 hours

Students of TDC

(Science) 30

2000.00 (Free

studentship for 2 poor students)

August *Physics & Mathematics

I. Application for admission into the College should be made in prescribed application form issued by the CollegeOffice on payment of Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred and fifty only). An attested copy of the mark sheet of thequalifying examination must be enclosed with the application form.

II. Admission into the College is made strictly in order of merit and is governed by the college admission rules. ThePrincipal’s decision regarding admission is final.

III. Any pressure or interference from any quarter for the admission of a particular student will result in forfeiture ofthe claim.

IV. Candidates are required to produce at the time of interview the original copies of (a) Mark sheet of the lastqualifying examination, (b) Age certificate (c) Character Certificate from the head of the Institution lastattended and (d) Caste Certificate wherever necessary. Students passing the qualifying examination earlierthan the current year will have to submit a gap certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended or theOffice in Charge of nearest Police station testifying to his/her activities during the interim period. Candidateshaving more than three years study gap will not be eligible for admission.

V. All candidates must submit attested copies of (a) and (c) above at the time of admission. Students belonging toSC, ST(P), ST(H), OBC or MOBC categories must also submit an attested copy of (d) in addition to (a) and (c).Admission to the college and the hostels takes place on the same day unless otherwise notified. Necessarypayment for the purpose will have to be made on the same day as well. Announcement regarding thecommencement of regular classes will be made on the date of admission itself.

A. Selection of Candidates for TDC (1st Semester) Class

Candidates will be selected in order of merit for each Major subject separately. For this purpose a separate meritlist will be prepared for each Major subject from among the applicants in order of merit, the criteria being the CreditPoint.

Calculation of Credit Point

(a) For Science StreamPercentage (%) of marks secured by a candidate at the HS or equivalent examination in English or MIL/Alt.

English whichever is more + % of Marks in 1st Elective + % of marks in 2

nd Elective + % of marks in 3

rd Elective

(only best 3 Electives) will be treated as “Total Marks” for the purpose of calculating credit point. While computingtotal marks on the basis of the best 3 electives, subjects like Physical Education will not be taken intoaccount as such subjects have no bearing on the B.A. & B.Sc. courses offered in this college.

After calculating ’Total Marks’ as above % of Marks of the subject in which the candidate desires to offerMajor will be added. The marks so arrived at will be treated as “Credit Point” for the purpose of preparing themerit list of candidates against each Major subject.

Example 1 : Say, a candidate has secured the following marks in HS Examination out of 100 in each subjectand he/she has shown first preference for Chemistry Major.

Admission Procedure

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 10

Eng MIL/Alt. Eng Chem Phy Maths Bio Grand Total 65 68 85 80 82 75 380 His / Her Total marks will be 68 + 85 + 80 + 82 = 315 His / Her Credit Point for Chemistry Major will be 315 + 85 = 400

Note : Where the candidate has not offered the subject in HS examination in which he/ she desires Major (onlyin case of those subjects which are allowed as per GU regulation) his/her Credit Point will be calculated by addingthe aggregate % of marks as shown in the Mark sheet to his/her total marks.

Example 2 : Say, the candidate (Ref. Example 1) desires to offer Geology as Major.His/ Her ‘Total Mark’ = 315 of the grand totalHis/ Her aggregate % of marks = 380/5 = 76His/ Her Credit Point = 315 + 76 = 391His/ her position in the merit list of Geology Major will be determined by this Credit Point.

However, this general rule is not applicable to Statistics and Economics Major.

Calculation Procedure of Credit Point for admission into TDC 1st Semester (Science) for the following MajorSubjects, B.Sc (Biotechnology) & BCA :

Major Subject Minimum requirement Credit Point

Anthropology HS (Sc.) with Anthropology Total marks + % of marks in AnthropologyHS (Sc.) without Anthropology Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Botany HS (Sc.) with Biology & Chemistry Total marks + % of marks in Biology. Chemistry HS (Sc.) with Chemistry, Total marks + % of marks in Chemistry

Mathematics & Physics Geography HS (Sc.) with Geography Total marks + % of marks in Geography

orHS (Sc.) without Geography Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Geology HS (Sc.) with Geology & Chemistry Total marks + % of marks in GeologyorHS (Sc.) with Chemistry but Total marks + aggregate % of markswithout Geology

Mathematics HS with Mathematics Total Marks + % of marks in Mathematics Physics HS (Sc.) with Physics & Mathematics Total marks + % of marks in Physics.

Minimum marks in Mathematics must be 40%.

Statistics HS (Sc./Arts) with Statistics Total marks + % of marks in Statistics& MathematicsorHS (Sc./Arts) with Mathematics Total marks + % of marks in Mathematics& without Statistics

Zoology HS (Sc.) with Chemistry & Biology Total marks + % of marks in Biology. Economics HS with Mathematics Total marks + % of marks in Mathematics Computer Science HS with Mathematics (atleast 40%) Total Marks + % of marks in Mathematics

& Physics/Computer Science &Application, whichever is more

B.Sc. (Biotechnology) HS with Physics, Chemistry & Biology Total Marks + % of marks in Biology

BCA HS with Mathematics (atleast 40%) Total Marks + % of marks in Mathematics& Physics/Computer Science &Application (whichever is more)

Note : Concerned department may specify from time to time the minimum % of marks required to be eligiblefor offering any particular subject.

11 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

(b) For Arts Stream

% of marks in English + % of marks in MIL/Alt. English + % of marks in 1st Elective + % of marks in 2

nd Elective

+ % of marks in 3rd Elective = Total marks. Credit Point = Total marks so arrived + % of marks of the subject which

the candidate desires to offer as major.

Example 3 : Say, a candidate secured the following marks in HS out of 100 in each subject. English-70, Alt.English-75, Political Science-68, Economics-78, History-70 and Education-62.The candidate has shown preference for English as major. The Credit Point of the candidate for English major willbe calculated as follows :Total Marks = 361Credit Point = 361 + 70 = 431His/her position in the merit list for English major will be determined by this Credit Point.

Note : In case the candidate desires to offer major in a subject which he /she did not study in HS ( provided GUregulation allows it), his / her Credit Point will be calculated as follows if nothing else is mentioned specifically :

Total Marks = 361 (Ref. Example 3)Aggregate % of Marks = 361/5 = 72.2Credit Point = 361 + 72.2 = 433.2

Say, the candidate has shown preference for Geography major. The candidate’s position in the merit list ofGeography major will be determined by this credit point.

Calculation Procedure of Credit Point for admission into TDC 1st Semester (Arts) for the following MajorSubjects :

Major Subject Minimum requirement Credit Point

Anthropology HS with Anthropology Total marks + % of marks in AnthropologyorHS without Anthropology Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Arabic HS with Arabic Total marks + % of marks in ArabicorHS without Arabic but Total marks + % of marks in EnglishHSLC with Arabic

Assamese HS with Assamese MIL Total marks + % of marks in AssameseMIL/Advance Assamese (whichever ishigher)

Bengali HS with Bengali MIL Total marks + % of marks in Bengali MIL Economics HS with Economics Total marks + % of marks in Economics

orHS without Economics but Total marks + % of marks in Mathematics/with Mathematics/Statistics Statistics

Education HS with Education Total marks + % of marks in EducationorHS without Education Total marks + aggregate % of marks

English HS (Arts / Sc.) Total marks + % of marks in English Geography HS with Geography Total marks + % of marks in Geography

orHS without Geography Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Hindi HS with Hindi MIL Total marks + % of marks in Hindi History HS with History Total marks + % of marks in History

orHS without History Total marks + aggregate % of marks

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 12

Mathematics HS with Mathematics Total marks + % of marks in Mathematics Persian HS with Persian Total marks + % of marks in Persian

orHS without Persian but Total marks + % of marks in EnglishHSLC with Persian

Philosophy HS with Logic Total marks + % of marks in LogicorHS without Logic Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Political Science HS with Political Science (P.Sc.) Total marks + % of marks in P.Sc.orHS without Political Science Total marks + aggregate % of marks

Sanskrit HS with Sanskrit Total marks + % of marks in SanskritorHS without Sanskrit but Total marks + % of marks in EnglishHSLC with Sanskrit



B. Selection of Candidates for Post-Graduate Class

In Cotton College, Post-Graduate teaching is imparted in 21 subjects. The admission is given on the basis ofmerit, keeping in view of the reservation policy of the Govt. of Assam.

C. General Reservation Rules for HS, TDC & PG Admissions

a. There is a provision for reservation of seats, as per Govt. of Assam rules [OBC/MOBC - 15%, SC - 7%, ST(P) - 10%& ST(H) - 5%] for SC, ST(P), ST(H), OBC/MOBC candidates belonging to the State of Assam and in this respectcaste certificate issued by the competent authority under Govt. of Assam only shall be valid.

b. (i) A few seats may be allotted in HS (Day Shift) and TDC (Arts and Science) courses to the students havingoutstanding performance in the field of Sports, Culture, NCC and Scouts & Guides. A relaxation of 10% is allowedin cut-off marks for HS and cut-off credit point for TDC admission. However, for OBC (MOBC)/SC/ST(P)/ST(H)candidates the relaxation is 15% of cut off mark/Credit Point. Thus, if the cut off mark/ Credit Point for admissionin a particular class/ subject is 400 then the maximum relaxation will be 40 marks for general category and 60marks for caste quota category students.

(ii) For each course [HS (Sc.), day shift; HS Arts; TDC (Sc.) and TDC (Arts)] the maximum number of reserved seatsare as follows :Sports = 5, Cultural = 5, NCC = 2, Scouts & Guides = 1

(iii) Outstanding sports person/ cultural activist who represented the country in International meet will be admitteddirectly without considering the cut off mark/ credit point. However the maximum number of reserved seats in aparticular field will not be enhanced for inclusion of such candidates.

(iv) Sports persons will be selected from those disciplines which are recognized by IOC and BCCI and also suchsports which are included in the Gauhati University inter-college meets and All India University meets.

(v) In case of Cultural quota, candidates will be selected for their proficiency in the fields of Music (Vocal), Drama,Debating and Quiz, Fine Arts and Sculpture. In case of music (instrumental) and Dance, candidates will have toproduce degree/diploma certificates from recognized institution.

13 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

(vi) There is a provision of reservation of 3% of the total seats for ‘Differently Abled’ candidates.

(vii) A Candidate seeking admission in any of the above categories (i to vi), must hand over personally to theConvener of the admission committee concerned, a photocopy of his/her original application, submitted to theoffice. Attested copies of the supporting documents as regards to his/her eligibility for consideration under theconcerned quota must be enclosed with this SEPARATE APPLICATION, which should be submitted in a cover onwhich “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO HS/TDC COURSE UNDER SPORTS/ CULTURAL/ NCC/ SCOUTS & GUIDES/DIFFERENTLY ABLED QUOTA SEATS”- must be clearly written. However, if the candidates, selected under above-mentioned quota (except Differently Abled), do not participate in the respective events/activities on behalfof Cotton College, they may forfeit their seats. They will have to give written undertakings in this regard.

(viii) Interview/ Selection trial of such candidates will be held on date and time notified on the College noticeboard. Candidates must appear and submit the original documents at the time of interview/ selection trial/Medical check up (in case of Differently Abled Quota seats).

(ix) There is no reserved seat for extra-curricular activities in case of admission into Post-Graduate courses.

(x) Students who have graduated from recognized universities situated outside Assam may also apply for admissioninto Post-Graduate courses. However, the number of seats for such students will be restricted to 1,2 and 3 accordingto the total number of seats is 20 (or less), more than 20 but less than (or equal to) 40 and more than 40 respectively.

D. General Information

There are various committees viz. Admission committee, Examination committee etc. headed by convenersto advise the Principal in the matter of admission, examination etc. respectively in the college.


HS 1st Year : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in 1st year will not

be allowed to appear in the annual examination held by AHSEC.HS 2nd Year : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in 2

nd year will

not be allowed to fill up the forms for HS Final Examination held by AHSEC. The attendancein the HS 1

st year classes will not be taken into account in HS 2

nd year classes.

TDC 1st & 2nd Sem : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in 1st & 2


semesters will not be allowed to appear in the selection test held by the College. This appliesto all the subjects (major and subsidiary).

TDC 3rd & 4th Sem : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in 3

rd & 4


semesters will not be allowed to appear in the selection test of the College. This applies to allthe subjects (compulsory, major and subsidiary).

TDC 5th & 6th Sem : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in 5

th & 6


semesters will not be allowed to appear in selection test of the College. Attendance in aparticular semester will not be taken into account in the subsequent semester.

PG COURSE : Students who do not attend at least 75% of the total number of classes held in Semester I,Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV will not be sent up for appearing in the correspondingUniversity Examination. Attendance in a particular semester will not be taken into accountin the subsequent semester.

The 75% class attendance is also applicable to all the self financing and/or add-on courses mentioned in the Prospectus.

Students who fail to attend their classes for a certain period of time at a stretch on genuine, reasonable, andacceptable grounds such as serious diseases or accidents and related treatment involving themselves andmembers of their family, death of near and dear ones, academic/ sports/ cultural activities approved by theCollege etc. must apply, in writing to the Head of the Department concerned for consideration of exemption of theabsence for the period, immediately after such absence. Application must be supported with testimonials/documents wherever necessary. However, such applications will be considered if and only if the student has therequisite 75% class attendance till the last date he/she has attended classes. Even for such cases theactual attendance must not fall short of 50%.


a. Students failing to attend classes for 15 (fifteen) days at a stretch in the first month of commencement of classeswill forfeit their seats.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 14


The College Examination Branch Conducts all the College Examinations.

1. All students must appear in all the examinations conducted by the College during an academic year and attendtheir classes regularly - the minimum attendance must be 75% of the classes held. Sick bed will be provided to thesick students during all college examinations.

2. The following examinations will be conducted by the College during an academic year :

Class Examination

a) H.S. 1st Year Test Examination

b) H.S. 2nd

Year Test Examination

c) T.D.C. 1st & 2

nd Sem Unit Tests and One/Two Sessional Examinations per Semester as per GU norms

d) T.D.C. 3rd

& 4th Sem Unit Tests and One/Two Sessional Examinations per Semester as per GU norms

e) T.D.C. 5th & 6

th Sem Unit Tests and One/Two Sessional Examinations per Semester as per GU norms

f) P.G. Classes One/Two Sessional Examinations per Semester as per GU norms

3. (a) The suitability of the students to appear at the final examination with subject(s) having practical will be decidedon the basis of their regularity and performance in the laboratory work. Those found below standard will not beallowed to appear in the final examination.

(b) Marks in the “Internal Assessment” for practical papers of Three year degree course student will be decided onthe basis of their regularity and performance in the laboratory work and test conducted by the concerneddepartments at least one month before the final examination.

4. For all the College examinations, pass marks as laid down by AHSEC/Gauhati University will be taken as standardfor selection test. Relaxations, if any, will be decided by the “Committee for finalization of results of selection testexamination”.

5. A student not appearing in any subject in any examination shall be deemed to have secured “ZERO” in thatparticular examination.

6. Absence from the selection test examination shall mean detention but under special circumstances may beconsidered on the merit of the periodical examination. No such consideration will be made in case of studentsattending below 75% classes in respect of both Higher Secondary and Three Years (Six Semesters) DegreeCourse students. Students declared as discollegiate are debarred from appearing in the test examination.

7. If a B.A./B.Sc student desires to discontinue Major course, he/she must take transfer certificate from the College.

8. Result of defaulters on account of College, Hostel, N.C.C., Sports, Students’ Union, Library matters will be keptwithheld.

9. Re-admission of unsuccessful students will be governed by “College Admission Rules”.

10. Expulsion from any examination will lead to the expulsion from the College.


A. Great emphasis is laid on discipline and character building of students and they are expected to maintain a highstandard of discipline. They are subject to the rules and regulations of the College and Hostel.

B. The student admitted to the College must abide by all rules and regulations as prescribed by the College Authority.Violation of rules, unsatisfactory progress, irregular attendance, irregular clearance of college and hostel fees,showing discourtesy to the teachers and staff members in any form, adoption of unfair means during examinationetc. are some of the offences which may make students liable for disciplinary action like termination of scholarship,non-awards of college diploma, forced transfer and even expulsion from the College and hostel.

15 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

C. As per the UGC Guideline [no. F 1-16/2007 (CPP-II), April, 2009], all forms of ragging in hostels and thecollege campus are prohibited. Ragging is considered as a cognizable offence under the law of the land andragging in all its forms is totally banned in the entire institution, including its departments, constituent units,all its premises (academic, residential, sports, canteen etc.) whether located within the campus or outsideand in all means of transportation of students whether public or private. Punishable ingredients of Raggingare (1) Abetment of ragging; (2) Criminal conspiracy to rag; (3) Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging;(4) Public nuisance created during ragging; (5) Violation of decency and morals through ragging; (6) Injury tobody, causing hurt or grievous hurt; (7) Wrongful restraint; (8) Wrongful confinement; (9) Use of criminalforce; (10) Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences; (11) Extortion; (12) Criminal trespass;(13) Offences against property; (14) Criminal intimidation; (15) Attempts to commit any or all of the abovementioned offences against the victim(s); (16) Physical or psychological humiliation; (17) All other offencesfollowing from the definition of “Ragging”.The College Authority has set up an empowered ‘Anti-Ragging Committee’.Following strong disciplinary action may be taken if any one is found to be involved directly or indirectly inragging :

Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process Withholding results Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament,

youth festival etc. Suspension/expulsion from the hostel Cancellation of admission Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 2 years Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified

period Fine ranging between Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 1,00,000/- Collective punishment : when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the

authority will resort to collective punishment.

D. Any form of sexual harassment may be reported to the College Authority by means of written complaints to befiled in the ‘Sexual Harassment Complaint Box’, fitted near the cash counter of the College.

E. The courses of studies in Cotton College are full time courses. No student can take any other full time coursesimultaneously.

F. Student Societies and Associations shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the College Authority mayprescribe from time to time.

G. Only those Societies and Associations recognized by the College Authority shall have the facilities of the Collegepremises.

H. Any notice desired to be pasted or circulated by the students anywhere in the College and hostel premises willneed the prior approval of the College Authority.

I. All powers of maintenance of discipline are vested with the Principal and his/her decision shall be final in all suchmatters.

J. Departmental get together will be held in respective department on the same day instead of separate Freshers’meet. Date of the get together will be fixed by the Principal.


The guide line for Dress Code of Students in the College Campus : Formal Salwar Kamiz with Dopatta or Mekhala Chadar or Saree or Formal Tribal Traditional Dress for girl

students. Formal Trouser with Shirt or T-Shirt for boy students.

Mobile phone must be switched off over the plinth area of the College except in the Hostels and the Canteen. Gossiping and loitering on the plinth area of the College is strictly prohibited. Students must carry their Identity Cards on person while inside the College Campus.

Any violation of the Code of Conduct will invite strict disciplinary action extending upto expulsion from theCollege.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 16

(vi) OTHERS :

A. Students’ Travel Concession :Students are entitled to Travel concession by rail or air on their way home from the institution and back duringvacation only.

B. Renewal of College Identity Card :College Identity Cards are issued annually. Old identity cards are to be surrendered at the end of each academicsession for renewal.

C. Renewal of Admission :

Students promoted to HS 2nd year, TDC (3rd & 4th semesters) and TDC (5th & 6th semesters) classes on the basis ofresults declared by AHSEC/GU shall have to deposit college fees at the counter within two weeks of the declarationof results-the exact dates will be notified by the Principal. All the above categories of students must get theircollege identity cards revalidated.

Students who are found eligible to attend M.A./M.Sc. (3rd and 4th Semester) class shall have to deposit collegefees for the course within two weeks of commencement of classes. The exact date will be notified by thePrincipal. All the above categories of students must get their college identity cards revalidated.

D. Admission of Unsuccessful Students :

HS 1st year and TDC (1st & 2nd semesters) students detained in Pre-final/Test Examination or declared asdiscollegiate, are to apply for admission along with the fresh applicants. However, they will not get any preferencein respect of admission to the College or to a hostel. Students detained in the same class for two consecutiveyears will not be admitted to the regular classes of the College.

Students detained at the Pre-final / test Examination of HS 2nd year and TDC (3rd & 4th semesters) and TDC (5th &6th semesters) classes or declared as discollegiate, will be re-admitted to the respective classes as regularstudents. They must attend regular classes and appear in the pre-final test.

Unsuccessful candidates of HS (Sc.) final examination who appear from this College shall have to attend requisitenumber of practical classes. The same rule will apply to unsuccessful candidates of HS (Arts) final examination,if they have Geography or Anthropology as a subject. Other unsuccessful candidates of HS (Arts) final examinationshall have to get their name enrolled as casual students and such candidates need not appear in the pre-final /test examination.

The unsuccessful students of HS 1st year Examination of AHSEC can take admission as casual students just after

the completion of regular admission in HS 1st Year. This facility will not be extended to the same candidate who

fails to clear the 1st year HS examination in the subsequent year.

Unsuccessful candidates of TDC (1st & 2nd semesters) & (3rd & 4th semesters) Examinations of Gauhati Universityappearing from this College shall have to enroll their names as regular students of TDC (3rd & 4th semesters) and(5th & 6th semesters) classes respectively as notified by the College Authority.

Unsuccessful candidates of HS Final Examinations of AHSEC and TDC (6th semester) Examination of GauhatiUniversity appearing from this College shall have to enroll their names as casual students of HS 2

nd year and TDC

(6th semester) class respectively as notified by the College Authority.

E. College Diploma Certificate :

College Diploma Certificates are awarded to HS (1st year and 2

nd year) students who secure 70% aggregate

marks or above in the selection test examination and pass in every subject in all the examinations. In case of HSstudents, 70% of aggregate marks is calculated on the basis of their performance in all the subjects including the4

th elective subject.

No student will be qualified for a certificate if he or she has not regularly attended the classes and appeared in allthe examinations of the College.

F. Hostel Facilities and Hostel Rules :

The College has three Girls’ Hostels and seven Boys’ Hostels. These are all situated within and around the Collegecampus. Hostel seats are allotted at the time of admission on the basis of merit. Conduct in the hostel isgoverned by the ‘Cotton College Hostel Rules’, copies of which are available in the College Office free ofcharge. Hostels remain closed during Summer and Puja Vacations. Students of both Under-Graduate and Post-

17 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Graduate classes are allowed to stay in the Hostel for one session only. Hostel seats are limited. The number ofseats in different hostels are :

Name of the Hostel Total Number of Seats

Krishna Kanta Handique (KKH) PG Boys’ Hostel 75 Swahid Mozammil Haque (SMH) Boys’ Hostel 64 Rajani Kanta Bordoloi (RKB) & Ambikagiri Roychoudhury (AR) Boys’ Hostel 80 Swahid Ranjit Borpujari (SRB) Boys’ Hostel 45 Anundo Ram Barooah (ARB) Boys’ Hostel 45 Seeta Nath Brahma Choudhury (SNBC) Boys’ Hostel 90 Mohendra Nath Deka Phukan (MNDP) Boys’ Hostel 110 Padmashree Nalini Bala Devi (NBD) Girls’ Hostel 112 Swahid Kanaklata (SKL) Girls’ Hostel 105 Dr Kamala Roy (KR) Girls Hostel 60

Hostel seats are allotted on merit basis and stream wise. Students can not show preference for any particularhostel. Hostel seats are generally allotted to HS (Day shift) students. However, after allotment of seats to HS (Dayshift) students the vacant seats, if any, will be allotted to HS (Evening shift) students on merit basis.

All boarders are to maintain strict discipline as per the Hostel rules. Violation will invite punitive action even to theextent of expulsion from the hostel and the College.

G. Library Facility :

Dr Surya Kumar Bhuyan Library of Cotton College, founded at the time of the inception of the college itself, is oneof the oldest libraries in entire NE region. Presently it has got a collection of 1,25,977 (updated upto May, 2011) booksand a large collection of journals, periodicals, reports and other documents. The library caters the need of bothUndergraduate and Post-Graduate students.

Library remains open : Monday to Friday 10-00 AM to 6-00 PMSaturday 10-00 AM to 4-00 PM

Book Issue Hours : Monday to Friday 11-00 AM to 1-30 PM & 2-00 PM to 3-00 PMSaturday 11-00 AM to 2-00 PM

Number of Cards issued : HS classes 2 eachTDC classes 2 + 2 eachPG classes 2 each.

Two extra cards are issued to the student of TDC (B.A./B.Sc) & PG classes of some subjects where the numberof students is limited. A student can borrow books for a maximum period of 15 days from the date of issue. Ifhe/she fails to return the same within that stipulated period, a fine of Rs. 1.00 per day thereafter will beimposed.

Photostat facility is available at the college library. Rs. 1.00 is charged per photocopy. Other facilities availablein the library include Internet, On-Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Offline CD-ROM Databases, E-Resources,Monthly Book Display, Display of Current Book List, Career Literature, User Orientation, Information DisplayNotification, Access of library books from all academic departments etc.

By using SOUL (Software for University Libraries, Network version), developed by INFLIBNET, a database of83,000 volumes of this library has already been created. The other databases available in the library are - Users(faculty & students) databases, publisher database, vendor database etc. Circulation function is fully automatedand books are bar coded. Since 2010, the UGC INFLIBNET-NLIST e-journal browsing facility to all the facultymembers and research scholars of the College has been extended to this library by the UGC.

H. Hospital Facility :

Cotton College has hospital facilty for all the students, particularly for those residing in hostels under the supervisionof one Medical & Health Officer and one Pharmacist. The old hospital building has been dismantled and a new buildingis being constructed in that place. However, as a stop gap arrangement, the hospital facility is being provided in a fewrooms of the SRB Boys’ Hostel.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 18

I. Scholarship :

There is a scholarship section in the College Office, which is responsible for all matters relating to variousscholarships. Generally the following categories of scholarship are available to the meritorious students :

1. National Scholarship2. State Merit Scholarship

3. SC /ST Scholarship4. OBC/MOBC/Tea-garden Labour Scholarship5. Hindi Scholarship for Non-Hindi Speaking States6. Scholarship awarded by Rastriya Sanskrit Samsthan, New Delhi for students of Sanskrit7. Special Scholarship for students other than OBC/SC/ST8. Special Scholarship for the Children of Political Sufferers9. National Merit Scholarship for the children of School Teachers10. Other State Scholarships11. Scholarship for Char area students / Minorities


Any student seeking transfer from the college will have to apply to the Principal for transfer certificate. The followingdocuments must accompany the application.

1. Clearance certificate from the College Office.2. Clearance certificate from the Librarian.3. Clearance certificate from the Superintendent of the Hostel concerned (in case of boarder).4. Clearance certificates from the Vice-President, Athletic/Cultural Section, Cotton College Union Society (CCUS)

[in case of office-bearer of the CCUS].5. Clearance certificate from the Treasurer, Students Aid Fund.6. Records of percentage of attendance duly signed by the Heads of the concerned Departments.7. Certificate of the Convener of the Admission Committee regarding the surrender of the College Identity Card.8. Clearance certificate from the Head of the Department concerned in case of a Major / PG student.


At the time of admission, a student has to deposit the following amount which includes ‘Admission Fees’ and‘Tuition Fees’ for 12 months among other Fees :

Fees Structure for HS 1st year (Science)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)Govt. Fees: 1. Tuition Fees 720.00

2. Admission Fees 60.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00 Total: 829.00

I. Male (General/OBC) 829.00 (With Hostel)790.00 (Without Hostel)

II. Male (ST/ SC)/Female (all categories) 109.00 (With Hostel) 70.00 (Without Hostel)

19 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

AHSEC Fees 1. AHSEC Enrollment Fees 15.00 2. Registration Fees 25.00 3. Migration Fees for students 100.00

from CBSE or any other Non-SEBA Board

Total : Rs. 40.00 (for SEBA) / Rs. 140.00 (for Non SEBA)

Non-Govt. Fees: 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 90.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. Laboratory Fees 250.0011. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0012. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0013. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0014. Identity Card Fees 10.0015. Miscellaneous Fees (including hospital facility) 30.0016. Student Welfare Fees 40.0017. Science Deposit Fees 70.0018. Student Safety Insurance Fees 80.00

Total 1505.00

Grand Total: 1. General/OBC Male (SEBA) 2374.00 (With Hostel) 2335.00 (Without Hostel)

2. SC/ST (Male) & All Female (SEBA) 1654.00 (With Hostel) 1615.00 (Without Hostel)

3. General/OBC Male (Non-SEBA) 2474.00 (With Hostel) 2435.00 (Without Hostel)

4. SC/ST (Male) & All Female (Non-SEBA) 1754.00 (With Hostel) 1715.00 (Without Hostel)

N.B.:-1. Any student offering ‘Computer Science & Application’ as an elective subject will have to pay an additional

amount of Rs. 600/- as Computer Fees under Non-Govt. Fees Head.2.SC/ST students and female students of any category need not pay tuition fees for HS course; however, they will

have to pay all other fees.

Fees Structure for HS 1st year (Arts)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)

Govt. Fees : 1. Tuition Fees 600.002. Admission Fees 50.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00

Total : 699.00

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 20

I. Male (General/OBC) 699.00 (With Hostel) 660.00 (Without Hostel)

II. Male (ST/ SC)/Female (all categories) 99.00 (With Hostel) 60.00 (Without Hostel)

AHSEC Fees 1. AHSEC Enrollment Fees 15.002. Registration Fees 25.003. Migration Fees for students 100.00

from CBSE or any other Non-SEBA BoardTotal : Rs. 40.00 (for SEBA) / Rs. 140.00 (for Non SEBA)

Non-Govt. Fees: 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 90.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0011. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0012. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0013. Identity Card Fees 10.0014. Miscellaneous Fees (including hospital facility) 30.0015. Student Welfare Fees 40.0016. Student Safety Insurance Fees 80.00

Total 1185.00

Grand Total : 1. General/OBC Male (SEBA) 1924.00 (With Hostel) 1885.00 (Without Hostel)

2. SC/ST (Male) & All Female (SEBA) 1324.00 (With Hostel) 1285.00 (Without Hostel)

3. General/OBC Male (Non-SEBA) 2024.00 (With Hostel) 1985.00 (Without Hostel)

4. SC/ST (Male) & All Female (Non-SEBA) 1424.00 (With Hostel) 1385.00 (Without Hostel)

N.B.:1. Any student offering ‘Computer Science & Application’ as an elective subject will have to pay an additional

amount of Rs. 600/- as Computer Fees under Non-Govt. Fees Head.2. Any student offering Anthropology or Geography will have to pay an additional amount of Rs. 250/- as Laboratory

Fees under Non-Govt. Fees head.3. SC/ST students and female students of any category need not pay tuition fees for HS course; however, they will

have to pay all other fees.

Fees Structure for TDC 1st Semester (Science)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)

Govt. Fees : 1. Tuition Fees 1020.002. Admission Fees 85.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00

Total 1154.00

21 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

I. General/ OBC 1154.00 (With Hostel) 1115.00 (Without Hostel)

II. ST/ SC 134.00 (With Hostel) 95.00 (Without Hostel)

Gauhati University Fees 1. GU Enrollment Fees 100.002. Registration Fees 210.003. (a) Eligibility Fees for students 810.00

from CBSE schools in Assam(b) Eligibility Fees for students 1110.00from CBSE/other Board schoolsoutside Assam

Total : Rs. 310.00 (AHSEC) / Rs. 1120.00 (CBSE in Assam) / Rs. 1420.00 (CBSE/Other Board outside Assam)

Non-Govt. Fees: 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 90.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. Laboratory Fees (not applicable for 500.00

Mathematics Major Students)11. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0012. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0013. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0014. Identity Card Fees 10.0015. Miscellaneous Fees 30.00

(including hospital facility)16. Student Welfare Fees 40.0017. Science Deposit Fees 70.0018. Student Safety Insurance Fees 80.00

Total 1755.00

Grand Total : 1. General/OBC (AHSEC) 3219.00 (With Hostel) 3180.00 (Without Hostel)

2. ST/ SC (AHSEC) 2199.00 (With Hostel) 2160.00 (Without Hostel)

3. General/OBC (CBSE in Assam) 4029.00 (With Hostel) 3990.00 (Without Hostel)

4. ST/ SC (CBSE in Assam) 3009.00 (With Hostel) 2970.00 (Without Hostel)

5. General/OBC (CBSE outside Assam) 4329.00 (With Hostel) 4290.00 (Without Hostel)

6. ST/ SC (CBSE outside Assam) 3309.00 (With Hostel) 3270.00 (Without Hostel)

N.B.:1.A student selected for admission will have to pay an additional amount of Rs. 500/- as “Excursion related

Establishment Fees” under Non-Govt. Fees head in case he/she offers a combination involving one or more ofthe following subjects: Major/Subsidiary – Anthropology, Botany, Geography, Geology, Zoology; Major – Statistics.

2.Students admitted with Computer Science will have to pay an additional amount of Rs. 1000/- if ComputerScience is offered as a Subsidiary subject or Rs. 1500/- if offered as the Major subject.

3. All the students will have to pay Rs. 150/- as ‘Environmental Studies related Fees’ in TDC 2nd

year admission.4. Students having Mathematics (Major) will have to pay Rs. 100/- as ‘Laboratory Fees’ in TDC 3

rd year admission.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 22

Fees Structure for TDC 1st Semester (Arts)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)Govt. Fees: 1. Tuition Fees 840.00

2. Admission Fees 70.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00

Total 959.00

I. General/ OBC 959.00 (With Hostel) 920.00 (Without Hostel)

II. ST/ SC 119.00 (With Hostel) 80.00 (Without Hostel)

Gauhati University Fees1. GU Enrollment Fees 100.002. Registration Fees 210.003. (a) Eligibility Fees for students 810.00

from CBSE schools in Assam(b) Eligibility Fees for students 1110.00 from CBSE/other Board schools outside Assam

Total : Rs. 310.00 (AHSEC) / Rs. 1120.00 (CBSE in Assam) / Rs. 1420.00 (CBSE /Other Board outside Assam)

Non-Govt. Fees: 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 90.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0011. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0012. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0013. Identity Card Fees 10.0014. Miscellaneous Fees (including hospital facility) 30.0015. Student Welfare Fees 40.0016. Language Laboratory Fees (1st semester only) 10.00

17. Student Safety Insurance Fees 80.00 Total 1195.00

Grand Total: 1. General/OBC (AHSEC) 2464.00 (With Hostel) 2425.00 (Without Hostel)

2. ST/ SC (AHSEC) 1624.00 (With Hostel) 1585.00 (Without Hostel)

3. General/OBC (CBSE in Assam) 3274.00 (With Hostel) 3235.00 (Without Hostel)

4. ST/ SC (CBSE in Assam) 2434.00 (With Hostel) 2395.00 (Without Hostel)

5. General/OBC (CBSE outside Assam) 3574.00 (With Hostel) 3535.00 (Without Hostel)

6. ST/ SC (CBSE outside Assam) 2734.00 (With Hostel) 2695.00 (Without Hostel)

N.B.:1. Any student offering Anthropology or Geography either as Major or as Subsidiary subject will have to pay an

additional amount of Rs. 500/- as “Excursion related Establishment Fees” under Non-Govt. Fees head.2. Any student offering Anthropology, Education or Geography either as Major or as Subsidiary subject will have

to pay an additional amount of Rs. 500/- as “Laboratory Fees” under Non-Govt. Fees head.3. All the students will have to pay Rs. 150/- as ‘Environmental Studies related Fees’ in TDC 2

nd year admission.

4. Students having Mathematics (Major) will have to pay Rs. 100/- as ‘Laboratory Fees’ in TDC 3rd year admission.

23 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Fees Structure for M.Sc. (1st Semester)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)

Govt. Fees: 1. Tuition Fees 1200.002. Admission Fees 100.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00 Total : 1349.00

I. General/ OBC 1349.00 (with Hostel) 1310.00 (without Hostel)

II. ST/ SC 149.00 (with Hostel) 110.00 (without Hostel)

Gauhati University Fees

1. GU Enrollment Fees 100.002. Registration Fees *

Total : 100.00

(* To be deposited at Gauhati University directly by graduates migrating from other Universities)

Non-Govt. Fees : 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 120.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. Laboratory Fees 500.00

(Rs. 100.00 for Mathematics students)11. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0012. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0013. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0014. Identity Card Fees 10.0015. Miscellaneous Fees (including hospital facility) 30.0016. Student Welfare Fees 40.0017. Research Journal Fees 100.0018. Science Deposit Fees 100.0019. Student Safety Insurance Fees 80.00

Total 1915.00

Grand Total: 1. General/OBC 3364.00 (with Hostel) 3325.00 (without Hostel)

2. ST/ SC 2164.00 (with Hostel) 2125.00 (without Hostel)

N.B.:- At the time of admission, students admitted to P.G. course in Anthropology, Botany, Geography, Geology, Statisticsand Zoology will have to pay an additional amount of Rs. 500/- as “Excursion related Establishment Fees’ under Non-Govt. Fees head.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 24

Fees Structure for M.A. (1st Semester)

Major Head Sub. Head Amount (in Rs.)

Govt. Fees: 1. Tuition Fees 1200.002. Admission Fees 100.003. Pankha Fees 10.004. Hostel Fees 39.00

Total: 1349.00

I. General/ OBC 1349.00 (with Hostel) 1310.00 (without Hostel)

II. ST/ SC 149.00 (with Hostel) 110.00 (without Hostel)

Gauhati University Fees1. GU Enrollment Fees 100.002. Registration Fees * Total : 100.00

(* To be deposited at Gauhati University directly by graduates migrating from other Universities)

Non-Govt. Fees: 1. CCUS Fees 180.002. Examination Fees 120.003. Library Fees 120.004. Student Aid Fund Fees 50.005. MCB Debating Fund Fees 30.006. Seminar Fees 30.007. Scouts & Guide Fees 5.008. Campus Maintenance Fees 100.009. Extra Curricular Fees 20.0010. IQAC Fund Fees 50.0011. Emergency Maintenance Fund Fees 50.0012. Computer Maintenance Fees 300.0013. Identity Card Fees 10.0014. Miscellaneous Fees (including hospital facility) 30.0015. Student Welfare Fees 40.0016. Research Journal Fees 100.0017. Student Safety Insurance 80.00

Total 1315.00

Grand Total: 1. General/OBC 2764.00 (with Hostel) 2725.00 (without Hostel)

2. ST/ SC 1564.00 (with Hostel) 1525.00 (without Hostel)

N.B.:-1. A Student offering Anthropology, Education and Geography will have to pay an additional amount of Rs. 500/- as

“Laboratory Fees” and Rs. 500/- as “Excursion related Establishment Fees’ under Non-Govt. Fees head.2. Any student offering Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, English, Hindi, Persian and Sanskrit will have to pay an

additional amount of Rs. 10/- as “Language Laboratory Fees” under Non-Govt. Fees head.

Fees Structure for Research Scholar

Research Scholars carrying out research work under the guidance of any Gauhati University recognized guidesin the Departments of Anthropology, Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Physics and Zoology have to pay theLaboratory Fees (as per Gauhati University rate) at Cotton College just after the registration at Gauhati University.Concerned Ph.D. guides from the above-mentioned departments are responsible for monitoring the timelydeposit of the fees.

25 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Research Scholars carrying out research work in any department of Cotton College have to pay one time LibraryFees of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) [maximum for 3 years] at Cotton College just after the registrationat Gauhati University. Concerned Ph.D. guides from the above-mentioned departments are responsible formonitoring the timely deposit of the fees.

All the Research Scholars will be issued Cotton College Identity Card.

Hostel Fees Structure

1. Mess Admission Fees & Establishment Fees Rs. 700.00 2. Miscellaneous Fees Rs. 300.00 3. Security Deposits (refundable) Rs. 1500.00 Total Rs. 2500.00

Mess Dues of the first month in the hostel will have to be deposited at the time of admission. Mess Dues of a particular hostel will be fixed by the Mess Committee of the concerned hostel.

Hostels of Cotton Collge

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 26


Month Date(s) Occasion No. of Holidays including SundaysJanuary 14,15,16 Magh Bihu & Tusu Puja 03

23 Netaji’s Birth Day 01* 2

nd Unit Test of HS 1

st year classes

26 Republic Day 0131 Me-Dam-Me-Phi 012,9,16,23,30 Sundays 05No. of Working days 22

February 8 Saraswati Puja 0118 Bir Chilarai Divas 0121 HS Final year Examination, 2011 commences24 B.A./B.Sc. Part-II Examination, 2011 commences* Filling up of forms of HS 1

st year Examination

6,13,20,27 Sundays 04No. of Working days 22

March 2 Shiva Ratri 0114 HS 1st year Examination, 2011 commences19 Dol Jatra 0124 B.A./B.Sc. Part-I & III Examinations, 2011 commence6,13,20,27 Sundays 04No. of Working days 25

April 14,15,16 Bohag Bihu 0322 Good Friday 013,10,17,24 Sundays 04No. of Working days 22

May 1 May Day 012 HS 2

nd year & B.A./B.Sc. 2

nd & 3

rd year classes commence

4 Tithi of Sri Damodar Dev 0117 Buddha Purnima 0118 Janmotsava of Sri Sri Madhav Dev 0127 College Foundation Day1,8,15,22,29 Sundays 05No. of Working days 23

June * HS 1st year Admission

* M.A./M.Sc. 2nd

& 4th Semester Examinations commence

16 - 30 Summer Vacation 155,12,19,26 Sundays 04No. of Working days 13

July 1 – 15 Summer Vacation 15* B.A./B.Sc. 1

st Semester Admission

* PG 1st Semester Admission within 3 days ofGauhati University Admission

16 HS 1st

year & B.A./B.Sc. 1st Semester classes commence

* Hostel Freshers’ Social on or before 26th July

28 Change of Subjects of HS 1st year class30 College Freshers’ Social* 1

st Unit Test of HS 2

nd year; B.A./B.Sc. 2

nd & 3

rd year

3,10,17,24,31 Sundays 05No. of Working days 13

27 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

August 1 Admission of HS 2nd year class2,3 Admission of B.A./B.Sc. 2nd year class4,5 Admission of B.A./B.Sc. 3

rd year class

9,10 Admission of PG 3rd Semester class15 Independence Day 0118 Tithi of Sri Sri Madhav Dev 0122 Janmastami 0130 Tithi of Srimanta Sankar Dev 0131 Id-Ul-Fitre 01* Publication of College magazine ‘COTTONIAN’7,14,21,28 Sundays 04No. of Working days 22

September 1 Id-Ul-Fitre 017 & 8 Manik Ch. Barooah National Debating Competition* 1

st Unit Test of HS 1

st year, B.A./B.Sc. 1st Semester and


Unit Test of HS 2nd

year and B.A./B.Sc. 2nd

& 3rd

yearclasses (to be over by 20

th September)

27 Casual Admission for HS 2nd

year class30 C.C.U.S. Election4,11,18,25 Sundays 04No. of Working 25

October 2 Birth Day of Mahatma Gandhi 013 – 11 Durga Puja, Janmotsava of Srimanta Sankar Dev 09

& Laksmi Puja18 Kati Bihu 0126 Kali Puja & Diwali 01* Excursion / Educational Tours2,9,16,23,30 Sundays 05No. of Working days 16

November 7 Id-Uz-Zuha 0110 Guru Nanak’s Birth Day 0124 Lachit Divas 01* HS 2nd year Form Fill-up* Annual College Week in the 2

nd half of the month

6,13,20,27 Sundays 04No. of Working days 23

December 2 Asom Divas (Su-ka-Pha Divas) 016 Muharram 0125 - 31 Christmas Day & Winter Break 07* HS 2nd year Test Examination* B.A./B.Sc. Test Examination and Form Fill-up* B.A./B.Sc. 1

st Semester Examination to be

completed by 20th December

* M.A./M.Sc. 1st & 3

rd Semester Examinations commence

4,11,18,25 Sundays 04No. of Working days 19

Total No. of Working Days : 245

* : Indicates the dates that will be notified by the Principal in due course of time. The dates of termination of HS and B.A./B.Sc. classes will be notified in due course of time. Schedule of the Unit Test & Test Examinations will be decided by the Council of the HODs.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 28

Year of establishment : 1947 Location : Eastern side of the KBR Hall on the way to the Dr. S.K. Bhuyan Library E mail : Website :

History : The teaching of Anthropology in cotton College marked the beginning of new era in the study of socialsciences in this part of the country. The department started functioning from 1947. It became possibledue to the initiative of Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi, the first Chief Minister of Assam. His vision was tohave all round development of different tribes and communities of Assam, for which he felt the necessityof systematic study of their problems. On his request, Prof. K.P. Chattopadhaya, the then Head of theDepartment of Anthropology, Calcutta University had prepared a syllabus for the Intermediate Science(I.Sc.) Course and the Department of Anthropology came into being on 15th December 1947 with 24students in the first year class. Prof. Mohendra Nath Saloi was the founder Head of the Department.Honours course in Anthropology was introduced in this department in 1959 and PG course was introducedin 1991. The Laboratories of the department have been recognized by Gauhati University for carrying outPh.D. research. This department has produced as many as 14 ‘Best Arts Graduates’ of Gauhati Universitysince 1959.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A. & B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A. & M.Sc.)

Nodal Department : One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Members : Name Specialization

Dr Jonali Devi, Head of the Department Prehistoric ArchaeologyDr Lanu Devi Social AnthropologyDr Upala Barua Social AnthropologyDr Eliza Medhi Social AnthropologyDr Suparna Barua Social AnthropologyDr Tiluttoma Baruah Physical AnthropologyDr Chandana Sarma Social AnthropologySri Dhaniram Baro Physical AnthropologyVacantVacant

Ongoing Minor Research Projects :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator

Listing, Cataloging and Preservation Department of Culture, Dr Jonali Deviof Selected Bhaona Scripts of Dhekial Govt. of IndiaRegion of Golaghat District of Assam

Academic Departments


29 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing University Dr Upala Barua Gauhati University

Dr Tiluttoma Baruah Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 300 books, three Laboratories and one Museum. Itis well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector, handy cam etc. It has gotone computer having internet connectivity.

Activities : Anthropology department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. on various anthropological issuesby renowned scholars, and get-together of anthropologists of this region. The faculties of the departmentoffer career counseling to students from time to time. The department organizes exposure visit and fieldvisit for students to various places of anthropological interest in India. Since 2011, the department hasstarted organizing a memorial lecture in memory of Prof. Bhuban Mohan Das, renowned anthropologistof international fame, under the banner of Prof. Bhuban Mohan Das Memorial Trust. Anthropologydepartment annually brings out its wall magazine named “Charachar”.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET - 3

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Cotton College Centenary Celebrations(from 27th May, 2001to26th May 2002)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Special Distinction - - - 2nd rank - No. of First Class 1 1 2 4 9

No. of Second Class - - - 2 - Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 30

2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0

S p e c i a l D i s t i n c t i o n

B e s t A r t s G r a d u a t e ;

1 s t & 2 n d

r a n k s

B e s t A r t s G r a d u a t e ;

1 s t , 2 n d & 3 r d r a n k s

B e s t A r t s G r a d u a t e ;

1 s t , 2 n d & 3 r d r a n k s

B e s t A r t s & S c ie n c e

G r a d u a t e s ; 1 s t , 2 n d & 3 r d r a n k s

1 s t , 2 n d & 3 r d r a n k s

N o . o f F i r s t C l a s s 5 1 0 1 4 2 1 1 4 N o . o f S e c o n d C l a s s 2 7 2 - 4

P a s s % 1 0 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 0 0 %

Year of establishment : 1943Location : Ground Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : asdepccg@gmail.comWebsite :

History : Assamese, as a vernacular language subject at college level was first recognized by Calcutta Universityin 1907 as per the recommendation of the then Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Ashutosh Mukherjee.From the year 1909 onwards, Assamese has been taught in the Degree level. During those initial years,Assamese was attached to Sanskrit department of the College and the teaching of Assamese wasentrusted to a graduate teacher of the Collegiate School, Guwahati who took it up in addition to his ownduties. In 1913, Prof. Satyanath Bora was appointed as a part-time teacher to teach Assamese. He wassucceeded by Prof. Uma Kanta Goswami in 1924. A full-time teacher post in Assamese was created in1927 and Prof. Goswami was appointed in this post. Assamese as a second language subject at degreelevel was introduced in 1939. In 1943, the Department of Assamese was established as an independentdepartment and Prof. Dibakar Goswami was appointed as the first Head of the Department. In 1979, PGcourse in Assamese was introduced in this department under Gauhati University.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing) 6 months Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :Name SpecializationDr Jamuna Sharma Choudhury, Head of the Department Literature [Criticism, Indian & western Literature]

Ms. Manju Devi Literature [Poetry]

Ms. Madhumita Mikir Language [Pali, Prakrit]

Dr Binita Baruah Language [Pali, Prakrit, Dialectology]

Ms. Lutfa Hanum Salima Begum Literature [Poetry & Comparative Literature]

Dr Dipti Dutta Das Literature [Old Poetry]

Dr Champakali Talukdar Language [Linguistic & Grammar]

Ms. Kalpana Sarma Kalita Literature [Textual criticism & Folklore]

Ms. Najma Kausar Literature [Comparative Literature]

Dr Dipanjali Das Goswami Language [Dialectology, Linguistics]

Dr Maheswar Kalita Literature [Modern Poetry]

Md. Nur Islam Saikia Language [Literary Theory]

Ms. Chiranjita Borah Literature [Old Poetry]Sri Dilip Rajbongshi Language [Dialectology]

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Ramesh Pathak (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Jamuna Sharma Choudhury Gauhati UniversityDr Binita Baruah Gauhati University


31 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 465 books & journals and is equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP etc. It has got 2 computers having internet connectivity. Assamese departmentis a part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the college with a fund provided by theUniversity Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of Assamese language besidessome other languages so that the students can develop effective communication skills in these languages.

Activities : Assamese department has the credit of already publishing as many as eight books on various subjects.It has been organizing a series of Memorial Lectures annually since 2005 in memory of Dr. HemantaKumar Sharma, a former Professor of the department. From the year 2009, the department has startedfelicitating the students of Cotton College who secure highest marks in Assamese in HS, B.A. and M.A.examinations with Dr Hemanta Kumar Sharma Memorial Award. Under the banner of ‘Asomiya AlochanaChakra’, the department organizes seminars, lectures and other literary programmes from time to time.Academic and cultural tours are also arranged occasionally especially for the PG students. Assamesedepartment annually brings out its wall magazine named “Writue-Writue”.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 11, SET – 14 and JRF - 02

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Centenary Gate (erected in 2001)

Main Gate (erected in 2003-04)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 1 6 7 2 6

No. of Second Class 18 12 14 9 16 Pass % 91% 90% 90% 97% 92%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 2 - - 4 23

No. of Second Class 46 49 47 48 26 Pass % 96% 98% 91% 97% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 32

Year of establishment : 1945Location : 2nd Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : bangladeptcottoncollege_2009@rediffmail.comWebsite :

History : The teaching of Bengali language in Cotton College started in the year 1907-08 and in the same year ahand written Bengali magazine entitled ‘ARUN’ was published by the Bengali students. Initially there wasnot a separate Department of Bengali and it was run under the supervision of Sanskrit department of thecollege. The teachers of Sanskrit department took classes of Bengali too. Prof. Ram Lal Kanjilal, whojoined in Sanskrit department in 1910, was officially given the additional responsibility of teachingBengali besides Sanskrit. It is worth mentioning that the study and teaching of Bengali language in Assamwas started from this Bengali department of Cotton College. Prof. A.T. Biswas, who joined in 1927, wasthe first full time teacher in Bengali. In 1945, Bengali department got the status of an independentdepartment and Prof. Jatindra Mohan Bhattacharjee was the first Head of the Department. PG coursewas introduced in Bengali department in 1992.

Courses offered : HS CourseThree years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.)Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Members : Name Specialization Dr Mita Chakraborty, Head of the Department Modern prose & poetry Dr Sipra Guha Neogi Tagore literature Ms. Banani Roy Literature Dr Prasanta Chakraborty Modern Prose Dr Debjani De Nineteenth century Prose Ms. Madhupee Purkayastha Literature Sri Prasun Barman Literature

Ongoing Minor Research Projects : Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorRecent publication of Poems & UGC Dr Mita Chakraborty Diaries of Jibanananda DasBengali Prose Writings of Assam UGC Sri Prasun Barman in the Nineteenth CenturyPadmanath Bhattacharjee Bidyavinode UGC Dr Prasanta Chakraborty : Life & Works

Facilities The department has one Seminar Library with about 900 books and is equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP etc. It has got 2 computers having internet connectivity. Bengali departmentis a part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the college with a fund provided by theUniversity Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of Bengali language besidessome other languages so that the students can develop effective communication skills in these languages.

Activities : Bengali department regularly organizes literary talks and Kavi Sammelan. The department has anassociation called “Banga-Bhasa-sahitya-Samskriti Parishad”. The association publishes the centuryold journal of the department, ‘Arun’. It has also published three books so far. Bengali departmentannually brings out its wall magazine named “Udayan”.

Examination Result :a) TDC b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - 1 - -

No. of Second Class 1 - 1 - - Pass % 100% - 100% - -

33 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - - - -

No. of Second Class - 1 4 4 1 Pass % - 50% 100% 100% 50%

Year of establishment : 1994Location : 1st Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : biru_gb@rediffmail.comWebsite :

History : On 21st of November 1994, Bodo Department of Cotton College was started as a result of the endeavorof Cotton College Union Society and the Bodo Sahitya Sabha in the meeting held in the Kalaguru BishnuRabha Auditorium, Cotton College. This department was opened for the convenience of the HS and TDCstudents of Cotton College, eager to opt for Bodo language as MIL.

Courses offered : HS CourseThree years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) [only as a subsidiary subject] One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Member :Name SpecializationSri Birupaksha Giri Basumatary Language & Literature

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 500 books. It has got one computer having internetconnectivity. Bodo department is a part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the collegewith a fund provided by the University Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning ofBodo language besides some other languages so that the students can develop effective communicationskills in these languages.

Activities : Bodo department regularly brings out its yearly magazine named ‘Cottonsa’ under the banner of theBodo Literary Society. The wall magazine of the department named ‘Khampha‘ (The Pillar) is also publishedregularly.


Year of establishment : 2008Location : 3rd Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingWebsite :

History : The Department of Biotechnology was established as the most recent discipline in Cotton College in theyear 2008. The B.Sc. in Biotechnology has been introduced in the college from the academic session2008-09. This course has been started in the department as a self- financing, 3 years Degree Course withsix Semesters, which is affiliated to Gauhati University. The department is functioning with three technicalfaculties in addition to the in-house faculty pool from the allied subjects and branches. Biotechnologydepartment has been receiving financial assistance from the UGC since 2008-09 under the scheme‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PG Colleges’.

Courses offered : Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) (Self-financing)

Faculty Members (Adhoc basis) :

Name SpecializationSri Manoj Kumar Das Food BiotechnologyMs. Ajanita Mazumdar ---Dr Novonita Baruah Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture

Facilities : The department is fully equipped with an independent laboratory for teaching practical Biotechnology inthe Degree level. The department has one Seminar Library with about 100 books. It has got 2 computershaving internet connectivity.


C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 34

Year of establishment : 1927Location : Dighalipukhuri (West)Phone : 0361 - 2601991E mail : ccgbotany@yahoo.inWebsite :

History : The Department of Botany was established in Cotton College in 1927. It was the first Botany departmentin the entire NE Region and Prof. Atul Chandra Dutta was its founder Head. The first year I.Sc. Class inBotany was started on 22nd July, 1927 in a small corner of the old Physics Laboratory (presently BhubanRam Das Bhawan) with a batch of 47 students. On 4th March, 1935, the department was shifted to itsnew premises and till today it is functioning from there. 25th October 1936 was a remarkable day for thedepartment as Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose paid a visit to the department. In 1941, the department gotaffiliation to start B.Sc. course in Botany. The PG course in Botany under Gauhati University was introducedin this department in 1974. The Laboratories of the department have been recognized by Gauhati Universityfor carrying out Ph.D. research. Botany department has been receiving financial assistance from the UGCsince 2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PGColleges’.

Courses offered : HS CourseThree years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.)Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Manju Rani Devi, Head of the Department MicrobiologyDr Purnima Devi Angiosperm TaxonomyDr Pradip Kumar Baruah MicrobiologyDr Saranga Ranjan Patgiri MicrobiologyDr Karabi Goswami Plant Physiology & Bio-ChemistryDr Mina Ram Nath Plant Physiology & Bio-ChemistrySri Dandadhar Borah Angiosperm TaxonomyDr Ruma Sarma Plant Physiology & Bio-ChemistryDr Mandira Sarma Mycology & Plant PathologyDr Jinu Devi Rajkumari Cyto-Genetics & Plant BreedingDr Reetooparna Patowary Kakati Plant Physiology & Bio-ChemistryMs. Jayati Das Higher Plant EcologyMs. Manju Deori Higher Plant EcologyMs. Jayashree Chakrabarty Plant Physiology & Bio-ChemistryVacant


Ongoing Minor Research Projects :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator Assessment of Bio-diversity of Grass UGC Dr Purnima Devi of Kamrup District Studies on the role of PGRS in cultivation UGC Dr Ruma Sarma of Jasmine, Camellia, Azalea used in floriculture and their possibilities in uplifting the economic condition of rural areas of Kamrup District, Assam


35 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Production potential of Trigonella UGC Dr Jinu Devi Rajkumari foenum-graecum under different mutagen treatment

Recognized Ph.D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing University

Dr Ranjit Nath Bhattacharyya (Retired Teacher) Gauhati University Dr Aparna Bujarbaruah (Retired Teacher) Gauhati University Dr Manju Rani Devi Gauhati University Dr Purnima Devi Gauhati University Dr Pradip Kumar Baruah Gauhati University Dr Mina Ram Nath Assam University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 1686 books, 6 Laboratories, one Museum, one Herbarium,one Greenhouse and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, Slide Projector,LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 6 computers having internet connectivity. Atissue culture laboratory has also been developed recently.

Activities : Botany department regularly organizes workshops, seminars, popular scientific talks etc. at different levels.Since 2000, the department has been organizing Prof. A.C. Dutta Memorial Lecture annually in memory ofLate Prof. Atul Chandra Dutta, the great legendary teacher and the founder Head of Botany department. Prof.A.C. Dutta Memorial Awards have been conferred on the students who secure highest mark in Biology in HS(Final) examination under AHSEC and 1

st rank in Botany (Major) in TDC (Final) examination under Gauhati

University and also conferred to the Botany (Major) topper among the students of Cotton College since2001. The department, under the banner of the Botanical Hobby Centre, Cotton College has also beenorganizing Prof. Parukutty Baruah Memorial Lecture and award giving ceremony since 2001 in memory ofLate Prof. Parukutty Baruah, a former teacher of the department . A few teachers of the department havedeveloped a low cost module to study microorganisms at school level in collaboration with the AssamScience, Technology and Environment Council and with financial support from RVPSP, DST, Govt. of India. TheDST has enlisted this kit as one of the major achievements of the department and has taken steps topopularize it throughout the country. Botany department, under the banner of Botanical Hobby Centre hasorganized one National brainstorming workshop on Microorganism, one National, one Regional and oneState level Teachers Orientation Training workshops on the topic ‘Let us observe and learn Microorganisms’since 2005. Since 2006, Botanical Hobby Centre has also been participating every year in the NationalEnvironment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) of the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India. In 2011,Botany department successfully organized the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Plant ResourceManagement and Conservation Strategies in NE India’. One popular scientific magazine entitled ‘Malancha’is regularly published by the department. Botany department also brings out its wall magazine named“Gulancha” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) :

NET – 1 and SET – 3

Examination Result :a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Special Distinction - - - - 1st rank No. of First Class 5 9 10 11 21

No. of Second Class 4 7 6 5 7 Pass % 100% 88% 94% 100% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

S pecia l D istinction - - - 2 nd & 3 rd ranks

1 st & 2 n d ranks

N o . of F irst C lass 10 14 12 14 12 N o . o f S econd C lass - 2 - - -

P ass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 36

Year of establishment : 1901Location : Chemistry Department ComplexPhone : 0361 - 2603629E mail : chem.ccg@rediffmail.comWebsite :

History : The Department of Chemistry, Cotton College was among the first few departments started in the year 1901.Prof. Chunilal De was the first teacher of the department who taught both Chemistry and Physics. Since itsinception, this department has been functioning from the original 110 years old first building of Cotton College.In 2001, a new building, the Harish Chandra Goswami Bhawan, was constructed by the side of the oldbuilding in order to cater the need of the increasing number of students. The B.Sc. Honours (now called‘Major’) Course in Chemistry was introduced in 1913-14 under Calcutta University. The Post-Graduate Coursein the department under Gauhati University was started in 1974. The Laboratories of the department wererecognized by Gauhati University for carrying out Ph.D. research in 1998. Presently, there are 7 registeredPh.D. scholars in this department. Chemistry department received financial assistance from DST, Govt. ofIndia under its ‘Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science & Technology in Higher EducationalInstitution (FIST)’ programme. The department has also been receiving financial assistance from the UGCsince 2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PGColleges’.

Courses offered : HS CourseThree years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.)Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.)

Faculty Members :

Name Specialization Dr Archana Sarma Goswami, Head of the Department Inorganic Chemistry Ms. Bidyabati Bhuyan Bordoloi Physical Chemistry Dr Saad Uddin Choudhury Organic Chemistry Dr Kishore Kumar Sarma Inorganic Chemistry Dr Prahash Chandra Sarma Organic Chemistry Dr Pankaj Malla Bujar Barua Organic Chemistry Dr Arabinda Chandra Nath Organic Chemistry Ms. Sonali Borah Hazarika Organic Chemistry Dr Ritu Raj Kalita Physical Chemistry Dr Mausumi Ganguly Organic Chemistry Dr Nirada Devi Organic Chemistry Sri Manjit Kumar Bhattacharyya Inorganic Chemistry Sri Angshuman Gogoi Inorganic Chemistry Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant

Ongoing Major Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorPopularization of Science of Assam Science, Technology Dr Archana Sarma GoswamiWater Quality through Water & Environment CouncilTesting (ASTEC)

Ongoing Minor Research Projects :Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator

Identification of non-degradable UGC Dr Prahash Chandra Sarmacomponents of petroleum in soilinfluenced by Oxidizing Agents

Synthesis of analytical investigation of UGC Dr Sudarsan Barua


37 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

heterocyclic azodyes for tracedetermination of metal ions

To prepare semiconductor nanoparticles UGC Ms Bidyabati Bhuyan Bordoloiwithin polymer matrix and study of opticaland optoelectronic properties

Green synthesis of Imidazols UGC Dr Nirada Devi Design & synthesis of AMPS-dased ICMR Dr Nirada Devi

hydrogels for biomedical applications

Recognized Ph.D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Bijoy Krishna Sen (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Satyendra Kumar Choudhury (Former Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Sudarsan Barua (Present Vice-Principal) Gauhati UniversityDr Archana Sarma Goswami Gauhati UniversityDr Pankaj Malla Bujar Barua Gauhati UniversityDr Mousumi Ganguly Gauhati UniversityDr Nirada Devi Gauhati UniversityDr Saad Uddin Choudhury NIT, Durgapur

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 1700 books and 6 volumes of journals; 14 Laboratoriesfor the undergraduate, post-graduate students & research scholars, and is well equipped with modernaudio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 11computers having internet connectivity. Chemistry department has an Instrumentation Room equippedwith UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, IR Spectrophotometer, Nephelometer, Flame photometer and CyclicVoltammeter.

Activities : Chemistry department regularly organizes workshops, guest lectures, scientific talks etc. Since 2006, ithas organized two National level Workshops, one on ‘Computers in Chemistry’, sponsored by UGC andanother on ‘Green Chemistry’, sponsored by DST. The department has been organizing a series of MemorialLecture annually since 2005 in memory of Late Soumendralal Mukherjee, an eminent Scientist. Sincethe year 2005, Prof. Jadulal Mukherjee Memorial Awards, in memory of Late Prof. Jadulal Mukherjee,former Head of the Department, have been conferred on the students who secure highest marks inChemistry in HS (Final) examination and in Chemistry (Major) in TDC (Part-III) examination among thestudents of Cotton College. The department under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Chemical Society’publishes an annual magazine entitled ‘Molecule’, and regularly organizes seminars, workshops, quizcompetitions, exhibitions & science popularization programme. The Society has also released aneducational CD ‘The Magic World of Chemistry’. Recently, Chemistry department has formed an AlumniAssociation comprising of the past and present students and faculty members. The department alsobrings out its wall magazine named “The Clarion” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) :NET – 10; GATE – 6 and GRE – 1

Examination Result :a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 2nd rank 2nd rank - 3rd rank 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 13 9 9 9 10 No. of Second Class 2 2 2 2 6

Pass % 93% 100% 80% 92% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 5 11 11 10 11

No. of Second Class 3 5 3 3 1 Pass % 80% 100% 93% 93% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 38

Year of establishment : 2003Location : 1st Floor, Students’ Day HomePhone & Fax : 0361 - 2608074E mail : hod_cs@cottoncollege.orgWebsite :

History : The Cotton College Computer and IT education center was inaugurated on 30 July, 2003 at the first floorof the Students’ Day Home of the College premise. The North East Council, Shillong, had funded thecenter initially. In the year 2004, this Center was upgraded to a full-fledged department with theappointment of one regular faculty member. In 2006, B.Sc. (Major) course in Computer Science wasintroduced in the department. Computer Science & IT department has also been receiving financialassistance from the UGC since 2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Researchin Indian Universities/PG Colleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) Three years (six semesters) Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Course (Self-financing) One year Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) Course (Self-financing) Certificate Course in Hardware & Networking (Self-financing)

Faculty Member :Name SpecializationMs. Sangita Baruah, Head of the Department Web technology& Data Mining

Associate Faculties (Adhoc basis) :Name SpecializationSri Anupam Das NetworkingSri Samarjit Das NetworkingMd. Atowar-Ul-Islam Web technology& AIMs. Nabanita Das Web technology& AISri Biswajit Das DBMSSri Kashyap Mahanta Electronics

Facilities : The Department of Computer Science & IT has three Computer Rooms with 54 computers having internetconnectivity, 2 printers and 1 scanner. The Seminar Library has 324 books. The department is equippedwith modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP etc.

Activities : Computer Science & IT department regularly organizes guest lectures, scientific talks etc. by well knownspeakers from various organizations.

Examination Result :a) TDC

Computer Science & Information Technology (IT)

2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks 3rd rank

No. of First Class 4 6 No. of Second Class - 3

Pass % 67% 90%

39 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 1914 Location : 1st Floor, Banikanta Kakati Bhawan

E mail : Website :

History : Since 1914, Economics has been the part of an umbrella department known as the Department ofEconomics, Political Science and Civics, where Prof. A.E. Brown was the founder teacher. The Department of Economicswas established as an independent department of Cotton College in the year 1962 and Prof. Ikramuddin Saikia was thefirst Head of the Department. The Post-Graduate Course in the department under Gauhati University was started in1985.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A. & B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A. & M.Sc.)

Faculty Members :Name SpecializationSri Buddhadev Mahanta, Head of the Department Labour Economics, Agricultural EconomicsDr Padma Sharma Econometrics, Agricultural EconomicsMs. Manisha Sarma Mathematical EconomicsMs. Anjalee Devee Monetary Economics & Banking, Public FinanceDr Gautam Mazumdar Econometrics, International EconomicsDr Prodip Kumar Adhyapok Quantitative EconomicsSri Manoj Kumar Talukdar Environmental Economics, Fiscal StudiesSri Suresh Kumar Nath Banking & Finance, International EconomicsMs. Chandrima Chakravarty EconometricsMs. Mitali Das DemographyMs. Biswarupa Sarma EconometricsMs. Shahnaaz Benazir Econometrics, Mathematical Economics

Ongoing Major Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorAssam : level of development - UGC Dr Prodip Kumar Adhyapokan inter-district study Co-Investigators

Dr Bandana Sharma, Department of StatisticsDr Sangeeta Barthakur, Department of Statistics

Ongoing Minor Research Projects :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator Impact assessment of an irrigation scheme UGC Dr Padma Sharma on agricultural production, Kamrup (Kopili FIS)

Growth of entrepreneurship in SSI sector in Assam UGC Sri Suresh Kumar Nath - a study during Post Independence period

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Padma Sharma Periyar University & Madurai Kamraj UniversityDr Prodip Adhyapok Periyar University, IGNOU & Dravidian UniversityDr Gautam Mazumdar Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (Deemed University)

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 1,000 books and is well equipped with modernaudio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 5computers having internet connectivity.

Activities : Economics department regularly organizes guest lectures, Union & State Budget discussions, workshops,seminars, interactions, parent-teacher meet, counseling to students etc. In 2004, the department organized


C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 40

one National level Seminar. The department under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Economic Forum’publishes a journal named ‘Econ’. ‘Economica’ is another journal published by the students of thedepartment. Economics department also brings out its wall magazine named “Economic Buzz” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : SET – 1

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Students in Library Students in Laboratory

Students in Computer Laboratory Students in Annual College Week

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - - 1 1

No. of Second Class 35 12 18 20 29 Pass % 61% 41% 64% 64% 83%

41 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 12 13 15 24 19 No. of Second Class 42 39 44 44 45

Pass % 96% 89% 98% 97% 95%

Year of establishment : 1959 Location : 2nd Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative Building E mail : Website :

History : The Department of Education was established in Cotton College in 1959 and Dr Lakhahira Das was itsfounder Head. The PG course in Education under Gauhati University was introduced in this department in1985. A Psychological Laboratory was started here in 1975.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.)

Nodal Department : 6 months Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Rupa Das Borbora, Head of the Department Primary EducationDr Meena Kumari Devi Adult & Continuing EducationMs. Sadhana Goswami Environmental EducationDr Deepali Goswami Women EducationDr Juri Mahanta Tribal EducationMs. Chitra Sarma Primary EducationDr Phunu Das Primary EducationVacant

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Rupa Das Borbora Gauhati UniversityDr Parbin Rabia Akhtar (Retired Teacher) Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 243 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like LCD projector, OHP etc. It has got 2 computers having internet connectivity.

Activities : Education department has so far organized one National level Seminar and one each State level Seminarand Workshop besides holding guest lectures, talks etc. by renowned speakers time to time. The departmenthas the unique distinction of organizing parent-teacher meet regularly. The department under the bannerof the ‘Educational Association’ organizes time to time various competitions among students, healthcamps, HIV-AIDS awareness programme, Street play on literacy etc. Education department also brings outits wall magazine named “Anuranan” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 7; SET - 3

Examination Result :a) TDC

b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks 3rd rank

No. of First Class 9 8 5 15 9 No. of Second Class 13 10 17 2 11

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 2nd rank 2nd & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 13 9 19 24 12 No. of Second Class 12 16 9 6 16

Pass % 93% 96% 97% 100% 93%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 42


Year of establishment : 1901 Location : 2nd Floor, Banikanta Kakati Bhawan Website :

History : The Department of English has been an integral part of Cotton College since 1901, the year the collegeitself came into being. For more than a century now it has been playing a pivotal role in contributing to theacademic and cultural life of the entire northeastern region of the country. Prof. F.W. Südmersen, founderPrincipal of Cotton College also taught English initially for two years. Prof. Narendranath Roy, who joinedthe college in 1903, was the first full time teacher of the department. From the session 1913-14,Honours (now called ‘Major’) Course in English was introduced under Calcutta University. M.A. course inEnglish (Group-A) under Calcutta University was introduced in Cotton College in 1914 and that was thebeginning of Post-Graduate education in Assam. However, with the close of the session 1932-33, theM.A. classes in English were abolished due to economic depression. Again PG course in English underGauhati University was started in this department only in 1979.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four Semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) 6 months Certificate Course in Functional English (Self-financing) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing) 6 months Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Gautam Sarma, Head of the Department Renaissance Drama, Literary Criticism, Indian DramaMs. Aditi Sharma English Language Teaching & PhoneticsSri Amlandeep Das Seventeenth Century Poetry, DramaSri Santanu Phukan Fiction, Drama and PhoneticsDr Abanti Barua Fiction and Indian English LiteratureDr Geetam Sarma American Fiction, ModernismDr Garima Kalita Modern Fiction, Literary Theory, European LiteratureDr Arunabha Bhuyan Fiction and Indian Fiction in EnglishSri Kiron Chandra Bhuyan American FictionDr Rakhee Kalita Moral Literary Theory, American Poetry, ModernismDr Deetimali Barua Nath Fiction and Indian writing in EnglishMs. Afsana Begum Borbhuyan Linguistics and Indian writing in EnglishDr Merry Baruah Bora Literary Theory, Indian writing in English, American writingSri Dhrubajyoti Das Literary Criticism, FictionMs. Sanghamitra Sadhu Literary TheoryDr Arpana Nath Literary Theory, Indian writing in EnglishMs. Kalpana Bora Barman Indian writing in English, Womens’ writingVacant

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Partha Sarathi Misra (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Gautam Sarma Singhania UniversityDr Rakhee Kalita Moral Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library equipped with books, journals and modern audio-visual teachingaids. It has got 5 computers having internet connectivity. The department is part of the multimediaLanguage Laboratory established in the college with a fund provided by the University Grants Commission

43 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of the English and other languages so that the students candevelop effective communication skills in these languages.

Activities : English department regularly organizes workshops, guest lectures, talks etc. The department publishes aDepartmental journal entitled ‘Negotiations’ and another student journal entitled ‘Voices’. Englishdepartment has two intra-departmental associations namely ‘English Association’ and ‘ShakespeareSociety’, under whose banner various academic as well as extracurricular activities are carried out. Thedepartment also brings out its wall magazine named “Graphiti” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET - 14

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

[Courtesy : 'IMAGES' (1st Edition, 2002); published & edited by Pradip Hazarika, Abhijit Barthakur, Suresh Kumar Nath & Ankuran Dutta]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - - - -

No. of Second Class 53 63 - 36 54 Pass % 96% 97% - 72% 97%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Special Distinction - 1st rank - - - No. of First Class - - - - -

No. of Second Class 43 47 37 24 38 Pass % 96% 96% 77% 48% 77%

Dr S. Radhakrishnan in Cotton College in 1949

Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore in Cotton College in 1919

Netaji Subhash Ch. Bose in Cotton College in 1938

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 44

Year of establishment : 1959 Location : 2nd Floor, Banikanta Kakati Bhawan Phone & Fax : 0361-2541459 E mail : Website :

History : The Department of Geography was established in the year 1959. On 19th August, 1959, the departmentwas started with ‘Commercial Geography’ as one of the subjects of Pre-University (PU) Course. Prof. TirthaNath Borkataky was the founder Head and the lone faculty in the department till the opening of thedegree course. This department was upgraded to a Degree Department in the year 1961 and in 1962,Honours (now Major) Course was started. The subject was taught in both Arts & Science streams. Fromthe session 1984-85, PG Course was started under Gauhati University. The Laboratories of the departmenthave been recognized by Gauhati University for carrying out Ph.D. research. 9 scholars have already gotPh.D. degree working in the department and presently, there are 29 registered Ph.D. scholars in thisdepartment. Geography department has received the financial assistance from DST, Govt. of Indiaunder its ‘Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science & Technology in Higher Educational Institution(FIST)’ programme. The department has also been receiving financial assistance from the UGC since2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PGColleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A. & B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A. & M.Sc.)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Bhaben Ch. Kalita, Head of the Department Political, Social and Environmental GeographyDr Mahfuza Rahman Medical Geography, Social Geography & CartographyDr Rupali Phukan Bhuyan Regional Planning & Gender GeographyDr Jayasree Borah Regional Planning & Social GeographyDr Pradip Sharma Cartography; Regional Planning & Wetland studiesDr Narayan Chetry Cartography, GIS & Remote SensingDr Manoj Hazarika Regional Planning & GeoinformaticsDr Barnali Gogoi Fluvial Geomorphology & Urban GeographyDr Mala Dutta Agricultural Geography & Geographical ThoughtDr Madhushree Das ––on lien ––Ms. Rituporna Bhattacharjee ––on study leave––Ms. Pallabi Borah Social & Urban GeographyDr Parijat Borgohain Social & Urban GeographyVacant

Ongoing Major Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency InvestigatorsGeo-environmental problems and its UGC Principal Investigator : Dr Ranjan Saikiaimpacts on sustainable development (Retired Teacher)of Lower Digaru Basin, Assam Co-Investigator : Dr Pradip Sharma

Ongoing Minor Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorImpact of Toklai Research Centre on UGC Dr Jayasree Borahthe member tea gardens


45 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Ranjan Saikia (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Bhaben Ch. Kalita Gauhati UniversityDr Mahfuza Rahman Gauhati UniversityDr Jayasree Borah Gauhati UniversityDr Pradip Sharma Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 1084 books and 4 Laboratories including one RemoteSensing & GIS Laboratory with 18 computers and one Server having up-to-date GIS & Image Processingsoftware as well as internet connectivity, 1 plotter, 3 scanners and 4 GPS. Geography department is wellequipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got Photocopyingfacility too. The Disaster Management Unit of the department generates awareness through extensionactivities for the schools, colleges and community at large.

Activities : Geography department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. by renowned speakers of National aswell as International repute. The department under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Geographic Forum’regularly organizes Seminar and Quiz competition for college students in collaboration with Assam RemoteSensing Application Centre. The department has organized one AHSEC sponsored Refresher Course inGeography for HS and Junior College teachers. The 52nd Annual Technical Session of Assam ScienceSociety was held in this department in 2007. In 2009, a UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘ChangingFace of Geography and Challenges Ahead’ was organized by the department. In 2010, an IGU CommissionInternational Seminar on ‘Land Use, Bio-diversity and Climate Change’ has sucessfully been organized bythe department. Geography department also brings out its wall magazine named “Dharitri” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : JRF - 1, Rajiv Gandhi Fellow - 1, NET – 5; SET - 6

Examination Result :a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Frontier Gandhi in Cotton College in 1970

[Courtesy : 'IMAGES' (1st Edition, 2002); published & edited by Pradip Hazarika, Abhijit Barthakur, Suresh Kumar Nath & Ankuran Dutta]

Sir C.V. Raman in Cotton College in 1952

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st rank 1st , 2nd & 3rd ranks 2nd rank 1st & 3rd

ranks 1st , 2nd & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 17 13 10 17 17 No. of Second Class 3 8 8 6 6

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 46

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - 1st rank 1st rank - 1st & 2nd ranks

No. of First Class 14 6 13 10 17 No. of Second Class 8 14 9 11 13

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Year of establishment : 1959 Location : 1st Floor, KBR Hall E mail : Website :

History : Geology department of Cotton College was established in the year 1959 as an Undergraduate Department underGauhati University. Prof. Hare Krishna Gayan was the founder Head of the Department. Initially the departmentwas opened in a small outhouse belonging to Zoology department, Cotton College. It was later shifted to thepresent Anthropology department of Cotton College for a short period and was finally shifted to the first floor of theUnion Hall (now called Kalaguru Bishnuprasad Rabha Prekhhagriha) where it now occupies almost the entirebuilding except the auditorium. At the initial stage, only B.Sc. (General) course was offered by this department. Inthe year 1963, B.Sc. (Honours) [now called ‘Major’] course was introduced in this department while the departmentattained the Post-Graduate status in 1986 under Gauhati University. Geology department has received thefinancial assistance from DST, Govt. of India under its ‘Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science &Technology in Higher Educational Institution (FIST)’ programme. The department has also been receivingfinancial assistance from the UGC since 2009-10 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Researchin Indian Universities/PG Colleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.) 4 weeks Certificate Course in ‘Concept of GIS & GPS’ (Self-financing) 4 weeks Certificate Course in ‘Principles of Remote Sensing’ (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Hemangi Sarma, Head of the Department Structural Geology & Metamorphic PetrologyDr Madhurjyajit Chakravartty Geomorphology & SedimentologyMs. Reema Das HydrogeologyDr Abhijit Bardoloi Structural Geology & Metamorphic PetrologyDr Santanu Sarma Geoinformatics & Environmental GeologySri Tamal Barma SedimentologySri Satyajit Kataki Economic Geology & HydrogeologySri Paragjyoti Dutta Economic GeologyMs. Anamika Gogoi Igneous PetrologyVacant

Ongoing Minor Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator

Study of spatial variability of chemical UGC Sri Satyajit Katakiquality of groundwater in parts of Nagaon& Morigaon districts, Assam using RS & GIS

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 955 books, one Museum, 8 Laboratories including one GIS &Remote Sensing Laboratory with 8 computers having up-to-date GIS & Image Processing software as well asinternet connectivity, 1 plotter, 1 scanner and 2 GPS. Geology department is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projectors, Movie projector, PA system etc.

Activities : Geology department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. by renowned speakers. Since 2004, the departmenthas been organizing a series of Memorial Lecture annually in memory of Late Dr Nalin Ch. Baruah, a former teacherof the Department. Since the year 2006, Dr Pabindranath Datta Memorial gold medal, in memory of LateDr Pabindranath Datta, a former teacher of the department, has been awarded to the student who secures 1st rankin Geology (Major) in TDC (Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. From the last academic year, Dr PabindranathDatta Memorial silver medal has also been awarded to the student of Cotton College having Geology (Major), whosecures highest aggregate marks in subsidiary subjects in TDC (Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. Thedepartment under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Geology Club’ regularly organizes exposure trips for students.Geology department also brings out its wall magazine named “Prabah” annually.

Examination Result :

a) TDC b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 2nd & 3rd ranks 1st rank 1st rank 1st, 2nd & 3rd

ranks 1st & 2nd

ranks No. of First Class 2 12 17 20 14

No. of Second Class 3 5 6 4 1 Pass % 83% 94% 100% 100% 88%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 2 2 - 1 11

No. of Second Class 7 3 - 1 1 Pass % 100% 100% - 100% 100%

47 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s


Year of establishment : 1963Location : New Arts BuildingE mail : cottonhindi@rediffmail.comWebsite :

History : The Department of Hindi was established in the year 1963. Dr. Paresh Chandra Deva Sarma was thefounder Head of the Department. At the initial stage, only HS and B.A. (Pass) courses were offered by thisdepartment. From the session 1972-73, B.A. (Honours) [now called ‘Major’] course was introduced inthis department while the department attained the Post-Graduate status from the session 1992-93under Gauhati University.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Amulya Barman, Head of the Department SurdasMs. Chhaya Bhattacharyya SurdasSri Narayan Talukdar KathasahityaDr Bhusan Chandra Pathak -----------(on lien)——-----Dr Kusum Kunja Malakar Krishna Kavya

Recognized Ph. D. Guide of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Amulya Barman Gauhati University; MK University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 666 books and 8 documentary films related to well knownHindi writers of modern period. It has got one computer having internet connectivity. Hindi Department isa part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the college with a fund provided by theUniversity Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of Hindi language besidessome other languages so that the students can develop effective communication skills in these languages.

Activities : Hindi department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. on literary issues by well known speakers.In 2006, the department has organized one National level Seminar cum Kavi Sanmelan in collaborationwith the Sahitya Academy, New Delhi. The department under the banner of the ‘Cotton College HindiSahitya Samiti’ has published two volumes of the departmental annual journal entitled ‘Ankur’. It alsobrings out its wall magazine named ’Prayas’ annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 1

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 48

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st rank -

No. of First Class 1 1 1 1 - No. of Second Class 8 8 9 8 11

Pass % 100% 100% 96% 100% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - 1 - 4

No. of Second Class 8 9 6 14 6 Pass % 100% 100% 85% 93% 100%

Year of establishment : 1901Location : Ground Floor, Banikanta Kakati BhawanE mail : histdeptt@yahoo.comWebsite :

History : The Department of History, Cotton College synchronizes its existence with the establishment of CottonCollege itself in 1901. Since then the department has been associated with the noble task of impartingeducation in its own discipline and has shown exemplary performance both in teaching and research.Prof. Paresh Nath Lahiri was the first teacher of this department who taught History besides Sanskrit. Atthe initial stage, only HS and B.A. (Pass) courses were offered by this department. From the session 1913-14, B.A. (Honours) [now called ‘Major’] course was introduced in this department under Calcutta Universitywhile the department attained the Post-Graduate status in 1985 under Gauhati University.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Bhagaban Goswami, Head of the Department Ancient Indian HistoryDr Bandana Barua Modern Indian HistoryMs. Ritu Thaosen Ancient Indian HistoryMs. Bornali Sarma Modern Indian HistoryMs. Akunthita Borthakur Ancient Indian HistorySri Chiranjib Sahu International RelationsSri Manas Jyoti Kakati Modern Indian HistoryVacant

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 150 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP etc. It has got 1 computer having internet connectivity.

Activities : History department under the banner of the ‘History Association’ time to time organizes guest lectures,talks etc. by well known speakers. In 2004, it has organized a workshop on Historiography. The departmentalso brings out its wall magazine named ’Sabda Prapat’ annually. ‘Itihash Bithika’ is an irregularly publishedjournal of the department.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 3; SET - 3

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - 1st rank 1st rank 1st rank

No. of First Class - - 5 9 2 No. of Second Class 25 25 20 14 17

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 98% 90%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 3rd rank -

No. of First Class 4 - - 1 - No. of Second Class 27 27 28 13 4

Pass % 80% 75% 76% 70% 31%

49 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 1901Location : 2nd Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : apudpt.cottoncollege@gmail.comWebsite :

History : The Department of Arabic and Persian (Islamic Studies ) was started in Cotton College from the veryinception of the College in 1901. Prof. Maulvi Abu Nasr Muhammad Oheed was the founder Head of theDepartment who taught all the three languages - Arabic, Persian and Urdu. This department has beenplaying a vital role in the expansion of higher qualitative education in the field of Perso-Arabic literature inthe NE Region in general and in Assam in particular. Initially, Calcutta University accorded affiliation toIntermediate Course in Arts in Arabic and Persian in 1907. In 1909, the University extended affiliation toB.A. (Pass) Course in both the subjects. Affiliation to Honours (now called ‘Major’) Course was granted toPersian in 1924 by Calcutta University and subsequently to Arabic in 1966 by Gauhati University. The Post-Graduate Courses in Arabic and Persian under Gauhati University was started in this department in 1992.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) [in Arabic & Persian] Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) [in Arabic & Persian]

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationMd. Ataur Rahman, Head of the Department Language & LiteratureDr Roushan Ara Begum Indo-Iranian LiteratureDr Painuruddin Ahmed Classical LiteratureDr Fazlur Rahman Language & Literature; LinguisticsDr Noor Uddin Ahmed Language & LiteratureDr Abu Bakkar Siddique Language & LiteratureMd. Forman Ali Modern LiteratureVacant

Ongoing Minor Research Projects :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal Investigator Medieval history of Assam as depicted UGC Dr Painuruddin Ahmed

by the historians through the Persian sources

Recognized Ph. D. Guide of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Painuruddin Ahmed Gauhati UniversityDr Noor Uddin Ahmed Singhania University; CMJ University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 100 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like LCD projector etc. It has got 2 computers having internet connectivity. IslamicStudies department is a part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the college with afund provided by the University Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of Arabicand Persian languages besides some other languages so that the students can develop effectivecommunication skills in these languages.

Activities : The Department of Arabic and Persian (Islamic Studies ) under the banner of the ‘Arabic Persian StudyCircle’ organizes time to time guest lectures, talks etc. by well known speakers. In 2008, it organized aNational Seminar on ‘Iqbal and his philosophy’ in collaboration with the Department of Persian, GauhatiUniversity.

Examination Result :

a) TDC b) Postgraduate

Islamic Studies (Arabic & Persian)

2006 Arabic Persian

2007 Arabic Persian

2008 Arabic Persian

2009 Arabic Persian

2010 Arabic Persian

Special Distinction 1st rank - - - - - 1st rank 1st rank - -

No. of First Class 1 1 1 1 2 - 3 1 - - No. of Second Class 1 - 3 1 2 1 - - 1 4

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 50

2006 Arabic Persian

2007 Arabic Persian

2008 Arabic Persian

2009 Arabic Persian

2010 Arabic Persian

No. of First Class - - 2 - 3 - 7 - 4 - No. of Second Class 3 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 2 -

Pass % 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% -

Year of establishment : 1901 Location : 1st Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative Building E mail : Website :

History : The Department of Mathematics was started in Cotton College from the very inception of the College inthe year 1901. Prof. Indu Bhusan Brahmachary, an eminent scholar was the founder Head of thisDepartment. Initially, the subject was taught in the Intermediate level and in the year 1910, CalcuttaUniversity accorded affiliation to the department to teach Mathematics at Degree level. From the session1913-14, Honours (now called ‘Major’) Course in Mathematics was introduced under Calcutta University.The Post-Graduate Course in this department under Gauhati University was started in 1974. Mathematicsdepartment has received the financial assistance from DST, Govt. of India under its ‘Fund forInfrastructure Development in Science & Technology in Higher Educational Institution (FIST)’programme. The department has also been receiving financial assistance from the UGC since 2008-09under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PG Colleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A. & B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A. & M.Sc.) One year Diploma in Bioinformatics (Self-financing) 6 months Certificate Course in Bioinformatics (Self-financing) 6 months Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training (Self-financing) 100 hours Certificate Course in Computer Science & IT (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Sitanath Lahkar, Head of the Department Fluid Dynamics & RelativityDr Dilip Kumar Sarma Functional AnalysisDr Parag Kumar Deb Graph TheoryDr Nirupama Devi Fluid Dynamics & RelativityMs. Anulekha Bhuyan Modern AlgebraSri Rajib Kumar Bhuyan Fluid Dynamics & RelativityDr Chandra Rekha Mahanta Topology, Relativity & Operational ResearchSri Dilip Gogoi Modern AlgebraDr Dipak Sarma Fluid Dynamics & RelativityMs. Kalpana Sarma Modern Algebra & Functional AnalysisSri Hiren Deka Topology & Operator TheorySri Sankar Haloi Modern Algebra & Functional AnalysisDr Jonali Choudhury Modern Algebra & TopologyVacantVacantVacant

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Nirupama Devi Gauhati UniversityDr Chandra Rekha Mahanta Gauhati UniversityDr Dipak Sarma Gauhati University


51 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 1725 books and it is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got an ultramodern Computer Room with 15computers having internet connectivity. It has got Photocopying facility too. The department has a wellfurnished, air conditioned Research cum Conference Room, which was constructed with the financialgrant from UGC under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PGColleges’.

Activities : Mathematics department, under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Mathematics Association’ regularlyorganizes guest lectures, talks and discussions on both scientific and socially related topics. Since theyear 2004, Phanidhar Dutta Memorial Award, in memory of Late Prof. Phanidhar Dutta, former teacher ofthe department, has been conferred on the student who secures 1st rank in Mathematics (Major) amongthe students of Cotton College in TDC (Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. Another award inmemory of Dr Dilip Kumar Das, 1935 batch Honours graduate of the department, has been institutedfrom the year 2010 and it is being awarded to the 1

st rank holder in Mathematics (Major) among the

students of Cotton College in TDC (Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. The department hasbeen organizing ‘Rajani Kanta Chakravarty Memorial Lecture’ since 2009 in memory of LateProf. Rajani Kanta Chakravarty, a former teacher of the department. Mathematics department alsobrings out two wall magazines named “Ganit Prabah” and “Kuhi Pat” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : JRF – 1

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Prof. R.S. Mali (Former Vice Chancellor, North MaharashtraUniversity, Pune), Chairperson, NAAC Peer Team to CottonCollege, delivering his key note address in the ‘Exit Meeting’held on 22nd December, 2010.

NAAC Peer Team members handing over the ‘Assessment &Accreditation Report’ to Dr Indra Kumar Bhattacharyya,Principal, Cotton College in the ‘Exit Meeting’ held on 22nd

December, 2010.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 6 16 1 2 1

No. of Second Class 16 15 2 1 4 Pass % 58% 89% 50% 100% 50%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 2nd rank -

No. of First Class 4 - 9 11 8 No. of Second Class 10 7 15 17 15

Pass % 79% 41% 76% 78% 73%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 52

Year of establishment : 1901Location : New Arts BuildingE mail : :

History : The Department of Philosophy, Cotton College is one among the few departments with which Cotton Collegestarted functioning in the year 1901. Prof. Indu Bhusan Brahmachary was the first teacher of the department whotaught logic besides his own subjects - Mathematics. This department has the distinction of being one among thefirst six departments of Cotton College that offered Honours (now called ‘Major’) course in the B.A. Class from thesession 1913-14 under Calcutta University. The department attained Post-Graduate status from the session1992-93 under Gauhati University.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) 6 months Certificate Course in Montessori Teachers Training (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Geeta Goswami, Head of the Department Western & Indian Philosophy, ReligionSri Pradip Khataniar Contemporary Philosophy, LogicDr Jagadish Patgiri Western Philosophy, LogicDr Sagarika Goswami LogicMs. Basanti Medhi LogicDr Sabitri Devi Analytic Philosophy, LogicMs. Kabita Payeng Logic

Ongoing Minor Research Projects :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorPhilosophical traditions of Assam UGC Dr Jagadish Patgiri

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Jagadish Patgiri Gauhati University, Singhania UniversityDr Sabitri Devi Singhania University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 318 books. It has got one computer having internet connectivity.

Activities : Guest lectures, talks etc. are organized in the department on a regular basis. Several talks on topics of philosophicalimportance have been organized by the department. The department has so far conducted two fifteen-day longRefresher Courses for the subject teachers of Logic and Philosophy in the HS Schools and Junior Colleges in theyears 1999 and 2000 in collaboration with AHSEC. In 2010, the department has organized two National levelseminars, one sponsored by ICPR and another in collaboration with the Centre for studies in Civilization, NewDelhi. Philosophy Department, under the banner of the ‘Philosophical Forum’ brings out a wall magazine named“Darshan Jyoti” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET/SET – 20

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st rank - - 1st & 2nd ranks 2nd rank

No. of First Class 4 5 7 7 8 No. of Second Class 10 9 7 10 12

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st rank - - - -

No. of First Class 3 5 4 1 5 No. of Second Class 17 21 14 15 18

Pass % 87% 100% 80% 73% 100%

53 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 1901Location : Physics Department ComplexPhone & Fax : 0361-2730789E mail : cotton_ phy@rediffmail.comWebsite :

History : The foundation of the Physics department coincided with the foundation of Cotton College in 1901.Prof. Chunilal De was the first teacher of Physics & Chemistry in the present Assam type building ofChemistry department with a faculty strength of 5 and a student strength of 39. By 1909, Physics classeswere held in the Old Curzon Hall (presently Bhuban Ram Das Bhawan) until the then Govt. built a newbuilding for Physics and Chemistry with four rooms for each department with a gallery and a dark room forPhysics. In 1958, Physics department was shifted to its present building. It was the first department inCotton College where Post Graduate Course was introduced under Gauhati University in 1969. TheDepartment of Physics is the pioneer in the field of research in the entire NE Region. The Laboratories ofthe department have been recognized by Gauhati University for carrying out Ph.D. research. Stalwarts inthe field of research in Physics in this part of the country like Dr Hiranya Chandra Bhuyan, Dr S.B. Mali,Dr Premtosh Shyam, Dr G.C.Deka and Dr K.D. Krori – all carried out their research work in this department.The first Ph.D. in Physics of Gauhati University, Dr K.M. Pathak, former Vice-Chancellor, Tezpur Universityobtained his Ph.D. degree working in this department. Physics department has received the financialassistance from DST, Govt. of India under its ‘Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science &Technology in Higher Educational Institution (FIST)’ programme. The department has also been receivingfinancial assistance from the UGC since 2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic ScientificResearch in Indian Universities/PG Colleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.)

Nodal Department : 100 hours Certificate Course in Computer Science & IT (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Prasanta Kumar Bordoloi, Head of the Department AstrophysicsDr Dilip Sarma ElectronicsDr Santanu Baishya Condensed Matter PhysicsDr Paban Kumar Saharia High Energy PhysicsSri Deben Chandra Das Nuclear PhysicsDr Ranjit Singha -----------(on lien)——-----Dr Namita Sarma Bordoloi High Energy PhysicsDr Nripendra Kumar Deka Theoretical PhysicsDr Kalpana Sarma ElectronicsDr Nripanka Saikia Condensed Matter PhysicsMs. Simi Deka Nuclear PhysicsDr Ganesh Chandra Wary ElectronicsSri Abhijit Barthakur ElectronicsDr Debojit Sarma Theoretical PhysicsDr Mahadev Patgiri Particle PhysicsSri Rahul Mahanta Condensed Matter PhysicsDr Sudipta Nandy Theoretical PhysicsDr Debojyoti Barooah Condensed Matter PhysicsDr Munima Bora Sahariah Condensed Matter PhysicsDr Abu Mohd. Pharhad Hussain Condensed Matter Physics


C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 54

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Kamalendu Dev Krori (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Anil Kumar Goswami (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Indumati Laskar (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Debojit Sarma Gauhati UniversityDr Sudipta Nandy Gauhati UniversityDr Munima Bora Sahariah Gauhati UniversityDr Abu Mohd. Pharhad Hussain Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 2500 books, 8 Laboratories and is well equippedwith modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Roomwith 25 computers having internet connectivity.

Activities : Physics department regularly organizes guest lectures, scientific talk etc. In 2005, the departmentconducted one Refresher Course for the HS teachers of Physics in collaboration with AHSEC. Since theyear 2005, Prof. Premtosh Shyam Memorial Awards, in memory of Late Prof. Premtosh Shyam, formerteacher of the department, have been conferred on the students who secure highest marks in Physics inHS (Final) Examination, conducted by AHSEC and 1st rank in Physics (Major) among the students of CottonCollege in TDC (Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. A very important project in the departmentis the Instrument Development Service Center (IDSC) being managed in collaboration with the AssamScience Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC) since 1996. IDSC, a unique centre in the entirecountry, designs and fabricates various instruments and laboratory equipments at low cost for the undergraduate institutions of the regions in particular. It also provides laboratory electronic training. A trainingcum workshop in electronics & computer application for college teachers of Assam has been organizedby IDSC in July, 2010 and such workshops will be organized by IDSC on regular basis. The departmentunder the banner of the ‘Cotton College Physical Society’ regularly organizes class seminars, careercounseling to students etc. The department also brings out its wall magazine named “La Phylite” annually.

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st & 3rd ranks

1st & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 4 13 13 18 7 No. of Second Class 5 5 4 5 3

Pass % 95% 95% 95% 100% 83%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 1 5 1 1 2

No. of Second Class 8 8 10 7 5 Pass % 60% 81% 100% 53% 54%

55 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 1962Location : Ground Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingWebsite : science.htm

History : The Department of Political Science was established as an independent department of Cotton College inthe year 1962. Initially, it was the part of an umbrella department known as the Department of Economics,Political Science and Civics. Prof. Ashraf Ali became the first Head of the Department when it came to berecognized as an independent department. The department attained Post-Graduate status from thesession 1985-86 under Gauhati University.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Arupjyoti Choudhury, Head of the Department AdministrationDr Purabi Sarma Sociology & Public AdministrationDr Rita Choudhury Administration & SociologyMs. Banalakshmi Barua Political SociologyDr Santanu Chakraborty SociologyMs. Paramita Dey AdministrationSri Dilip Gogoi International Politics & Human RightsVacant

Recognized Ph. D. Guide of the Department :Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Arupjyoti Choudhury Vinayak Mission University, Chennai

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 200 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP etc. It has got 2 computers having internet connectivity. It has got Photocopyingfacility too.

Activities : Political Science department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. by well known political scientists.The department under the banner of the ‘Political Science Association’ time to time organizes educationaltours, debates and discussions; conducts political studies and arranges visits to the State Assembly andthe Parliament. It also brings out its wall magazine named “Samayiki” annually.

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Political Science

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

No. of First Class 3 4 5 17 13 No. of Second Class 40 40 40 26 30

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction - - - 1st rank -

No. of First Class 1 - - 4 5 No. of Second Class 38 - - 38 49

Pass % 83% - - 90% 92%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 56

Year of establishment : 1901Location : 2nd Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : sktccg@sify.comWebsite :

History : The Department of Sanskrit, Cotton College is one among the few departments with which Cotton College startedfunctioning in the year 1901. Prof. Paresh Nath Lahiri was the first Head of the Department. During 1907-08, thesubjects Assamese and Bengali were taught as separate subjects in this department and the teachers of thisdepartment took classes of Bengali also. The department has the distinction of being one among the first sixdepartments of Cotton College that offered Honours course (now called ‘Major) in the B.A. Classes from thesession 1913-14 under Calcutta University. The Post-Graduate Course in Sanskrit department under GauhatiUniversity was started in 1992.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.A.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) One year Diploma in Cultural Studies (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :

Name SpecializationDr Suresh Chandra Bora, Head of the Department Literature (Kavya)Sri Arun Sarma Literature (Kavya)Dr Binima Buzarbaruah Literature (Kavya)Ms. Bagmita Sandilya Philosophy (Darshana)VacantVacant

Recognized Ph.D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Sudhendu Mohan Bhadra (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Nandita Bhattacharjee Goswami (Retired Teacher) Gauhati UniversityDr Suresh Chandra Bora Gauhati University

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 191 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visual teachingaids like OHP etc. It has got 1 computer having internet connectivity. It has got Photocopying facility too. Thisdepartment is a part of the multimedia Language Laboratory established in the college with a fund provided by theUniversity Grants Commission under CPE Scheme to facilitate the learning of Sanskrit language besides someother languages so that the students can develop effective communication skills in these languages.

Activities : The Department of Sanskrit organizes seminars, guest lectures and talks by well known scholars from time totime. The department under the banner of a forum called ‘Suravanee Samsad’ also organizes educational tours,field study-cum-seminars and brings out its wall magazine named “Saswati” annually.

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks

1st, 2nd & 3rd ranks - - -

No. of First Class 4 6 - 5 1 No. of Second Class 9 6 12 7 11

Pass % 93% 86% 92% 86% 92%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - - - 1 2

No. of Second Class 13 5 8 9 16 Pass % 68% 36% 40% 56% 90%

57 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 1954Location : 1st Floor, Manik Chandra Barooah Administrative BuildingE mail : cotton.statistics@yahoo.inWebsite :

History : The Department of Statistics was established in the year 1954. In 1955, Honours (now called ‘Major’) Course inStatistics was started. The Post-Graduate Course in the department was introduced from the academic session1986-87. Statistics department has received the financial assistance from DST, Govt. of India under its ‘Fundfor Infrastructure Development in Science & Technology in Higher Educational Institution (FIST)’ programme.The department has also been receiving financial assistance from the UGC since 2008-09 under the scheme‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PG Colleges’. Statistics department hasproduced many ‘Best Science Graduates’ of Gauhati University over the years.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.)

Faculty Members :Name Specialization

Dr Geeta Dey, Head of the Department Operation ResearchSri Kamal Barman Operation ResearchDr Sangeeta Barthakur Design of Experiment, Bio-StatisticsDr Bandana Sharma Design of Experiment, Operation ResearchMs. Ruma Talukdar Operation ResearchMs. Monita Baruah ––on study leave––Ms. Dulumoni Das —-(on lien)—VacantVacantVacantVacant

Ongoing Minor Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorA statistical study on epidemiological UGC Sri Kamal Barmancharacteristics of Assam and their significanteffect on the health scenario in Assam

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with about 400 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visualteaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 6 computers having internetconnectivity.

Activities : Statistics department regularly organizes guest lectures, talks by renowned speakers and offers career counselingto students from time to time. The department under the banner of the ‘Cotton College Statistical Society’regularly organizes guest lectures, health check-up camps etc. Statistics department also brings out its wallmagazine named “Pratyush” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 1

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Special Distinction 1st rank 1st & 2nd ranks

Best Science

Graduate 2nd rank

Best Science Graduate; 1st & 2nd ranks

No. of First Class 6 4 12 9 6 No. of Second Class 4 3 - 2 -

Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class - 1 - - 3

No. of Second Class 2 - 3 - - Pass % 100% 25% 100% - 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 58

Year of establishment : 1940Location : Dighalipukhuri (West)Phone : 0361 - 2516312E mail : zoologycotton2011@gmail.comWebsite :

History : Zoology department of Cotton College was started in May, 1940 by introducing the subject in I.Sc. class.Dr. K. N. Sarma was the founder Head of the Department. In Graduate level, the subject was introduced asPass Course in B.Sc. in 1947. The Honours (now called ‘Major’) Course of Zoology in B.Sc. was introducedin 1953. The Post-Graduate Course under Gauhati University, in this department has been started since1974. The Laboratories of the department have been recognized by Gauhati University for carrying outPh.D. research. Zoology department has received the financial assistance from DST, Govt. of Indiaunder its ‘Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science & Technology in Higher Educational Institution(FIST)’ programme. The department has also been receiving financial assistance from the UGC since2008-09 under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Research in Indian Universities/PGColleges’.

Courses offered : HS Course Three years (six semesters) Degree Course (B.Sc.) Two years (four semesters) Post-Graduate Course (M.Sc.)

Nodal Department : One year Diploma in Bioinformatics (Self-financing)Nodal Department : 6 months Certificate Course in Bioinformatics (Self-financing)

Faculty Members :Name SpecializationDr Subrata Sharma Bhattacharya, Head of the Department Fish & Fishery BiologyDr Naren Kumar Dutta Fish & Fishery BiologyDr Mamata Goswami Cell BiologyDr Rita Mahanta Cell BiologyDr Binod Kumar Baruah Cell BiologyDr Ratul Chandra Rajkhowa EntomologyMd. Rasad-Ul-Islam Freshwater BiologySri Binoy Kumar Deka Fish & Fishery BiologyDr Karobi Saikia Freshwater BiologyDr Uma Dutta Cell BiologySri Monuranjan Borgohain EntomologyDr Arup Kumar Hazarika Cyto-GeneticsDr Rezina Ahmed EntomologyDr Devajit Basumatari Fish & Fishery BiologyVacant

Ongoing Major Research Project :

Title of the Project Funding Agency Principal InvestigatorGenetic basis of infertility in NE India DST, New Delhi Dr Rita Mahanta

Recognized Ph. D. Guides of the Department :

Name of the Teacher Recognizing UniversityDr Indra Kumar Bhattacharyya (present Principal) Gauhati UniversityDr Subrata Sharma Bhattacharya Gauhati UniversityDr Naren Kumar Dutta Gauhati UniversityDr Mamata Goswami Gauhati UniversityDr Rita Mahanta Gauhati UniversityDr Binod Kumar Baruah Gauhati UniversityDr Uma Dutta Gauhati UniversityDr Arup Kumar Hazarika Gauhati University


59 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Facilities : The department has one Seminar Library with 793 books and is well equipped with modern audio-visualteaching aids like OHP, LCD projector etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 7 computers havinginternet connectivity.

Activities : Zoology department regularly organizes workshops, guest lectures, scientific talks etc. Since 2006, ithas organized two National level Seminars, one Workshop, besides several scientific talks. The departmenthas organized one AHSEC sponsored Refresher Course in Zoology for HS and Junior College teachers.Since the year 2007, Prof. Buta Ram Memorial Award, in memory of Late Prof. Buta Ram, former Head ofthe Department, have been conferred on the students who secure 1st rank in Zoology (Major) in TDC(Part-III) examination under Gauhati University. The department under the banner of the ‘ZoologicalSociety of Cotton College’ regularly organizes lecture series and Thanu Ram Kalita Memorial State levelquiz competition. Zoology department also brings out its wall magazine named “Zonic Info” annually.

NET/SET/JRF/GATE/GRE Qualifier (2006-2010) : NET – 1; SET – 2

Examination Result :

a) TDC

b) Postgraduate

Principal’s Quarter (Estd. 1886)

Frist College Building (Estd. 1901) (Presently belongs to Chemistry Department)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of First Class 12 12 12 13 16

No. of Second Class 1 2 1 2 - Pass % 100% 86% 100% 100% 100%

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 60

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Special Distinction - - - - 1st rank No. of First Class 2 4 13 18 18

No. of Second Class 10 5 4 5 5 Pass % 100% 100% 100% 100% 92%

Year of establishment : 2005 Location : Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Bhuban Ram Das Bhawan (West) Phone & Fax : 0361 - 2606610 E mail : Website :

History : The one year PG Diploma in Mass Communication & Journalism (PGDMJ) course has initially beenconducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), Cotton College under the banner of theMedia and Communication Study Center (MCSC) since the year 2005. In 2007, Department of Science& Technology, Govt. of India has sanctioned a Science Communication Project to Cotton College for fiveyears to introduce ‘Science Communication’ as a special paper in PGDMJ Course. In August, 2008, theMCSC was renamed as the ‘Center for Mass Communication and Journalism (CMCJ)’ and from January,2008, the PGDMJ course is being conducted by the CMCJ at EDC. Uptill now, about 200 passed outstudents of PGDMJ course have got employment in different media houses.

Courses offered : One year Post-Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication & Journalism (Self-financing)

Faculty Members (on contractual basis under ‘Science Communication Project’) :

Name Specialization Ms. Bharati Bharali Science Communication & Film Studies

Ms. Nilakshi Kalita Science Communication

Facilities : The Center has one Seminar Library with about 500 books, journals, 6 daily news papers, and is wellequipped with modern audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, LCD projector, Video Camera, handy cam, PAsystem etc. It has got a separate Computer Room with 15 computers having internet connectivity. TheCentre is also equipped with one Audio Recording Studio and one Final Cut Pro (FCP) Video Editing setup.It has got Photocopying facility too.

Activities : Center for Mass Communication & Journalism regularly organizes guest lectures, talks etc. by renownedspeakers on various topics. It offers career counseling as well as internship to students. The students of theCenter regularly publishes its Laboratory Journal entitled ‘Amar Mot (Our View Point) and Video Magazineentitled ‘Dapon (The Mirror). Students are also taken for exposure trip as well as field visit to various placesin India. The students of PGDMJ bi-annually bring out a wall magazine named “Journos’ Nest”.

Academic CentersCenter for Mass Communication & Journalism (CMCJ)

Bhuban Ram Das Bhawan (Old Curzon Hall) [Estd. 1900] Chemistry Building (2nd Block) [Estd. 1909]

61 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Year of establishment : 2008Location : Near Rajani Kanta Bordoloi Boys’ HostelPhone : 0361 - 2131697E mail : ccguwahati.btisnet@nic.inWebsite :

History : The Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Center is established in the Cotton College in June, 2008with the financial support from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The objectiveof the Centre is to provide infrastructural facility for utilization of Bioinformatics for understanding, studyand development of Life science and different branches of Biological science. The target area for providingservice is the in-house as well as outside and guest students, faculty and research scholars of Biologicaland allied branches of science.

Facilities : The Center is equipped with two high capacity Broadband independent servers and connectedsimultaneously with both BSNL and Sify high-speed Broadband Internet connections as well as theCotton College website and is routed to ten independent PC terminals accessible to individual userseither independently or as batch activity. The setup is capable of functioning twenty four hours a day andis backed up with uninterrupted servo stabilized power supply system.

Activities : Along with the primary function of providing Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, the Center also holdsperiodical workshop and training programmes for sensitization and exposure to Bioinformatics tools andsites to the interested newcomers in this field as well as holding and organizing advanced trainingschedules with interactive participation of National and Regional resource persons and practicingBioinformatics under the target area.

Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Center

K B R Hall (Estd. 1961)

Dr T. Ao Indoor Stadium (Estd. 2002)

New Arts Building (Estd. 1929)

Dr S. K. Bhuyan Library (Estd. 2001)

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 62

1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC)

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been set up in order to trigger action plans for qualityenhancement and quality sustenance of the institute. Accordingly the cell has been making untiring effort tomotivate and guide the students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college to achieve quality excellence.Some of the most important quality events taken up by the IQAC are the introduction of Student FeedbackSystem and Extension Education Services in various forms benefiting the students of the college as well asthe society. The IQAC also publishes regularly a bimonthly bulletin entitled ‘Events’, which contains all thehappenings of the college mostly relating to the academic matters and achievements of students, teachersand the office staff. This bulletin is also available online in the Cotton College website. From the year 2008,the IQAC has been maintaining a Central Facility Center for extending technical support to the students,teachers and staff of the college for modern teaching-learning system. Further, the IQAC has introduced aComputer Center from 2009 to provide internet facilities to the students, teachers and staff of the collegefor modern teaching-learning system. Moreover, the IQAC has introduced a Computer Center from 2009 toprovide internet facilities to the students, research scholars and teachers of the college.

2. Placement Cell

Cotton College has a Placement Cell, run by a group of senior teachers of the college. A large number ofcompanies conduct campus recruitment drives in the college. The companies that have visited the collegecampus include State Bank of India, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM-DakshFederal Bank, South Indian Bank, HSBC Bank, Wipro Technologies, Infosys, HCL, Reliance Retail Ltd., SBILife Insurance and Vedanta Aluminium. A good number of students are recruited each year by these companies.

3. Career & Counseling Cell

In the 11th Plan grant to Cotton College, the UGC has provided financial assistance to set up a Career &Counseling Cell. In 2010, the cell was se up and it has already organized several counseling programmesfor students in the last academic session.

4. Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), Cotton College was set up in 2003 with financial grant fromNSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India. It is worth mentioning that Cotton College is the first non-technical college in theentire country, where DST has set up such a Cell. Today, it is the only Govt. of India recognized EDC in theentire State of Assam. Its primary aim and objective is to foster as well as promote entrepreneurial mindset and culture among the students and unemployed educated youth of this part of the country. EDC is wellequipped with (a) Computer facility (17 PCs) with internet connectivity, (b) Video photography and editingfacility, (c) Digital Audio studio, (d) Library facility, (e) Class Rooms with all the modern projection facility and(f) Photostat facility. In 2004, the Media and Communication Study Center was set up at EDC, which wasinstrumental in starting the one year professional course viz. Post-Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication& Journalism (PGDMJ). Presently also this course is being held at EDC and is run by the Center for MassCommunication & Journalism (CMCJ), formed by the Cotton College Authority. Till date, EDC has organized8 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAP), 8 Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP), 5Technology based Entrepreneurship Programmes (TEDP) and 2 Skill Development Training Programmes.

5. Central Instrumentation Centre (CIC)

A Central Instrumentation Centre (CIC) has been established in Cotton College in 2010. As a beginning, CIChas acquired an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Model : AA 240, Make : Varian VB, the Netherlands)using a part of the grant provided by the UGC under the scheme ‘Rejuvenation of Basic Scientific Researchin Indian Universities/PG Colleges’. It will be used by the departments of Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Physicsand Zoology for various experimental works. In near future, CIC plans to procure (1) Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM), (2) Vacuum Evaporation Unit (Coating) with accessories, (3) XRD, (4) XRF, (5) DifferentialGlobal Positioning System (DGPS), (6) Total Station, (7) 42 inch Coloured Scanner, (8) Astronomical Telescope(Compound Telescope), (9) High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge (10) Automatic Weather stations, (11) UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer, (12) Fluorescent Spectrophotometer, (13) HPLC, (14) Monochromator, (15)

Co-Curricular & Extension Services

63 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

Fibre optics tool kit, (16) Ultra Probe Sonicator, (17) High Performance Computational System etc. Moreover,UGC has provided a grant to the College for Maintenance of this Centre under the scheme ‘InstrumentationMaintenance Facility (IMF)’.

6. Language Laboratory :

A multimedia Language Laboratory funded by the University Grants Commission under CPE Scheme hasbeen established in the college to facilitate the learning of Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, English, Hindi,Persian and Sanskrit so that the students can develop effective communication skills in anyone of theselanguages. The prime objective of the Language Laboratory is to facilitate efficient teacher-student interactionto teach and correct phonetic accents to be effectively used for an effective inter-personal communicationin the target language. The Laboratory will help the learners to learn any language very easily with audio andvideo and the Language Departments of the college have been preparing a number of courses to beimparted with the help of the facilities available in the Language Laboratory. Clarity software incorporatinglanguage platforms for the teachers and the students have been installed to facilitate language learning.

7. Cotton College Research Council :

Cotton College Research Council was set up in the centenary year of the college, 2001. The Principal is theex-officio Chairperson of the Council and the other office bearers are nominated by the Principal. It has amission and a vision of nurturing, encouraging and flourishing research activities in the college by organizingseminars, workshops, conferences etc. It brings out an annual publication entitled “RJCC - ResearchJournal of Contemporary Concern”, which is devoted to publishing refereed papers covering original researchwork with contemporary relevance in the fields of both sciences and humanities. The papers submitted tothe journal are reviewed by a group of experts in the relevant fields and as per comments of the referees, theeditorial board takes decision for publication. Contribution of articles is not restricted to the college alone.

8. Cotton College Women Forum (CCWF) :

The Cotton College Women forum aims at the advancement of women of the state of Assam in particularand the women of the North-East in general. Various dimensions of women and children are the focus areasof its activities. The forum is also carrying out research on women related issues of the North-East India.CCWF has already undertaken some extension activities for underpriviledged children and women of remoteareas under the CPE scheme, sponsored by the UGC. The Forum publishes a journal named ‘Concerns andVoices’, published annually dealing with women and children related issues.

9. Study Centers for the Open University Courses :

Cotton College has taken up the responsibility of conducting Open University courses under Open andDistance Learning System from the session 2008-09. The Study Center of Krishna Kanta Handique StateOpen University, Guwahati has been started from the month of February, 2008 with Bachelors’ PreparatoryCourse (BPP). A Study Center for Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) sponsored schemes on“Convergence of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Conventional Systems” has also been institutedwith the following courses, implemented from July, 2008. The courses selected in Cotton College Center are- (1) Master of Arts (Tourism Management), (2) Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production, (3)Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management, (4) Diploma in Creative Writing in English, (5) Diploma inWomen’s Empowerment and Development, and (6) Diploma in Tourism Studies. Since the last academicsession beginning in July, 2010, two new courses viz. (1) Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and (2) Master ofSocial Work (MSW) have been introduced in this Centre.

10. Centre for Media Studies :

Centre for Media Studies (CMS) is a social communication centre established as an extension service atCotton College. The objective of CMS is to spread a mass media culture that helps people to integrateharmoniously the communication media into their cultural lives. CMS conducts workshops, seminars andtraining programmes on variety of media related subjects throughout the year.

11. A. Scouts and Guides :

Scouts and guides activity has been introduced in Cotton College form the session (2002-03) in the wake ofstate Government’s decision to make it compulsory for all educational institutions in the state. The CottonCollege Ranger Team” is actively engaged in various community services.

B. NSS : NSS is functioning with a strength of 100 volunteers since 1982 in Cotton College.

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 64

12. Student Aid Fund :In 1918, the Student Mutual Aid Fund was founded in Cotton College by Late Prof. L.N. Chatterjee, which waslater discontinued. The present day ‘Student Aid Fund’ was established in 1989 in order to provide somefinancial assistance to students coming from economically weaker sections of the society. The CottonCollege Union Society donated a sum of Rs. 50,000/- to this Student Aid-Fund in the year 1988-89. Thisamount has been kept in the Bank. The annual interest which is derived from this amount and the annualcollection of Rs. 50/- from each student is utilized for the purpose. The Aid-Fund Committee after taking intoconsideration of all aspects determines the quantum of aid every year.

13. Blood donation :

With the purpose of offering humanitarian service to the society, the Cotton College Union Society (CCUS)has formed a “Voluntary Blood Donation Group” comprising Cottonians. The scheme came into effect from4th December, 1991. Under this scheme, the Volunteers keep themselves ready to donate blood wheneverthe need arises. However, the blood is provided only if the recipient fulfils the conditions formulated by theCotton College Union Society (CCUS).

14. TISS, Guwahati Study Centre :

The Study Centre of the newly conceived second campus of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS),Guwahati has temporarily been started from Cotton College since 2010. In this regard, TISS has alreadysigned a MoU with the College Authority.

[Courtesy : 'IMAGES' (1st Edition, 2002); published & edited by Pradip Hazarika, Abhijit Barthakur, Suresh Kumar Nath & Ankuran Dutta]

Nidhiram BordoloiFirst Head Assistant


Jaharmull First Chowkidar


Raghunandan Ozah First Hostel Cook


Prof. F. W. SudmersenFirst Principal


Prof. S. C. Roy First Indian Principal


Dr S. K. Bhuyan First Assamese Principal


Dr (Mrs.) Kamala Roy First Lady Principal


65 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

The Cotton College Union Society (CCUS) made humble beginning in the opening decades of the college. It is themost comprehensive corporate body among the students of Cotton College. It is the General Body of the students of thecollege whose membership is compulsory for every Cottonian. The office bearers of this Society are elected annually bythe Cottonians. The Principal is the ex-officio President of the Society. CCUS was first formed in 1919-20, and Late TilakChandra Sarma was the first Student Secretary of the Society. However, in those initial years, office bearers of CCUS werenot elected, but selected by the college authority. The practice of election was started from the academic session 1934-35, and Late Pabitra Pran Changkakati was the first elected Student Secretary. From the academic session 1947-48,the name of the post ‘Student Secretary’ was changed to ‘General Secretary’ and Sri Birendra Kr. Das was the firstGeneral Secretary. From the academic session 1981-82, the post of Student Vice President was incorporated in this

Society / Association / Forum etc.of Cotton College

Society. CCUS, although at the beginning, was only a literary society, at present; it has been playingan important role in moulding the activities of the students in a manner calculated to build upcharacter and thus forming a filling supplement to the intellectual training received within theclass rooms. One of the most notable aspects of the year 1922, the first issue of “The CottonCollege Magazine” was published on 1st December, printed entirely in English under the editorshipof Prof. R. C. Goffin. In 1933, the name of the magazine was changed to the more euphonious“Cottonian” and provision was made for student editors. Late Suresh Chandra Rajkhowa andLate Maulvi Md. Raihan Shah were the first student editors (joint) of ‘Cottonian’.

For the academic session 2010-11, Sri Pradyut Bikash Gogoi and Sri Satyajit Borthakur arerespectively the Student Vice President and the General Secretary of CCUS.Late Tilak Chandra Sarma

First Student Secretaryof CCUS

The earliest available issue ofCotton College Magazine

The latest issue of Cottonian

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 66

The Cotton College Science Society (CCSS) was revived on 7th January, 2010 by some enthusiastic Cottonian with

the cooperation of the Principal and the faculty of the college. Its sole aim is to provide a common platform to all theCottonian to share and exhibit their scientific knowledge. The main objectives of the Society is to disseminate scientificknowledge by publishing magazines; holding symposia, seminars and discussions on original work, and on scientifictopics of public interests. As a part of its objectives, the Society publishes a monthly Science Bulletin and the first editionof this bulletin was published on 21

st January, 2010.

The Cotton College Teachers’ Association (CCTA) is the General Body of all the teachers of the College. Each andevery teacher of this college is the member of this Association. Office bearers of this Association are elected annually inthe general body meeting. For the session 2010-11, Dr Sitanath Lahkar and Dr Maheswar Kalita are respectively thePresident and the Secretary of the CCTA.

The Cotton College Karmachari Santha (CCKS) is the General Body of all the non-teaching staff members of theCollege. Each and every non-teaching staff member of this college is the member of this Santha (Association). Officebearers of this Association are elected annually in the general body meeting. For the session 2010-11, Sri Abani Kalitaand Sri Kamal Kumar Goswami are respectively the President and the Secretary of the CCKS.

Besides these, the college has a large number of other Associations, Society, Forum, Club etc., which are (inalphabetical order) :

1. Association of Past and Present Office bearers of Cotton College Union Society (APPOCCUS)2. Cotton College Alumni Association3. Cotton College Bodo Literary Society4. Cotton Conclave5. Cotton College Eco-club6. Cotton College Inter Hostel Association7. Cotton College Moral Society8. Cotton College Retired Teachers’ Forum9. Cotton College Sakha Sahitya Sabha10. Cotton College Study Circle11. Cotton College Teachers’ Co-operative Society12. Mising Study Circle13. ‘NAVEEN’, Cotton College Unit

Sujata Roy

Lila Devi Usha Lata Bhattacharyyee

First lady student of Cotton College who took admission inCotton College in 1929 and studied in the College for sometime as an I. A. and later on as a B. A. student.

Two lady students who took regularadmission in I. A. class of Cotton College in1933, thus ushering a new era in the field ofco-education as well as higher education forthe women in Assam.

[Courtesy : 'IMAGES' (1st Edition, 2002); published & edited by Pradip Hazarika, Abhijit Barthakur, Suresh Kumar Nath & Ankuran Dutta]

67 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s


1. Md. Anowar-Uz- Zaman (Head Assistant)2. Sri Uday Barman (Supervisory Assistant)3. Sri Dhareswar Kakati (UDA)4. Sri Sailen Patgiri (Accountant/Cashier)5. Md. Islamuddin Ahmed (UDA)6. Sri Kailash Sarma (UDA)7. Sri Deben Hazarika (UDA)8. Sri Nripen Deka (UDA)9. Sri Sarat Patgiri (LDA)10. Ms. Sunita Deka (LDA)11. Sri Gautam Das (LDA)12. Sri Dwipen Sarma (LDA)13. Sri Jiten Talukdar (LDA)14. Ms. Phula Bora (LDA)15. Sri Umesh Roy (LDA)16. Md. Abdul Mazid (LDA)17. Sri Kanak Mali (LDA)18. Sri Bhupen Deka (LDA)19. Sri Tarani Sarma (LDA)20. Ms. Anamika Baishya (LDA)21. Sri Kulen Das (Physical Instructor)22. Ms. Bulimoni Bhattacharyya (LDA)23. Md. Asfak Ahmed (LDA)24. Md. Bubul Haque Choudhury (LDA)


Anthropology Department :1. Sri Tarun Sarma (LDA)

Biotechnology Department :1 Sri Chandan Mohan Das [Laboratory Assistant (adhoc) ]

Botany Department :1. Sri Kamal Kumar Goswami (Laboratory Technician)2. Sri Diganta Kalita (LDA)3. Sri Girindra Nath Bhagawati (Laboratory Assistant)

College Administration&

Non-Teaching Staff MembersPrincipal

Dr Indra Kumar BhattacharyyaVice-principal

Dr Sudarsan BaruaAdministrative Officer : Ms. Kabita Deka, ACS

Finance & Accounts Officer : Sri Nandit Kumar Das, AFSLibrarian : Ms. Zabeen Ahmed

Medical & Health Officer (M.O. & H.O.) : Dr Santimoyee Sarmah Barua

Chemistry Department :1. Sri Prabhat Chandra Deka (UDA/Keeper)2. Sri Chandra Kumar Arjya (UDA)3. Sri Jagneswar Barman (Laboratory Assistant)4. Sri Santanu Choudhury (LDA/Laboratory Assistant)

Education Department :1. Sri Ram Chandra Das (Laboratory Assistant)

Geography Department :1. Sri Tankeswar Das (Laboratory Assistant)

Geology Department :1. Md. Maznur Ali (Section Cutter)

Physics Department :1. Sri Abani Kumar Kalita (Foreman)2. Sri Narayan Chandra Deka (UDA)3. Sri Dinesh Kumar Sarmah (Mechanic)4. Sri Pulak Baishya (Radio Mechanic)5. Ms. Dipali Bora (LDA/Laboratory Assistant)

Statistics Department :1. Md. Roful Ali (Laboratory Assistant)

Zoology Department :1. Sri Nripendra Nath Sharma (UDA)2. Sri Gambhir Das (Laboratory Assistant)3. Ms. Bijoylakshmi Devi (Laboratory Assistant)

Centre for Mass Communication & Journalism :1. Sri Jeetmoni Gogoi [Technical Assistant (adhoc)]2. Sri Pragjyotish Bhuyan [Technical Assistant (adhoc)]

STAFF MEMBERS OF DR. S.K. BHUYAN LIBRARY1. Md. Modasir Haque (Senior Library Assistant)2. Sri Hitesh Kakoti (Library Assistant)3. Ms. Safika Begum (Library Assistant)4. Ms. Amina Begum (Library Assistant)5. Sri Prabin Chandra Das (Library Clerk)


1. Sri Promod Das (Pharmacist)

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 68

Year Examination Rank Holders Percentage of Pass

1999 HS (Sc.) 12 97.00%HS (Arts) 6 96.50%

2000 HS (Sc.) 9 95.60%HS (Arts) 6 95.00%

2001 HS (Sc.) 10 92.00%HS (Arts) 1 73.00%

2002 HS (Sc.) 10 90.10%HS (Arts) 3 96.00%

2003 HS (Sc.) 7 88.80%HS (Art) 5 96.80%

2004 HS (Sc.) 6 91.64%HS (Arts) 1 91.21%

2005 HS (Sc.) 13 91.78%HS (Arts) - 96.00%

2006 HS (Sc.) 6 82.54%HS (Arts) 4 97.72%

2007 HS (Sc.) 9 90.80%HS (Arts) 3 95.40%

2008 HS (Sc.) 10 97.14%HS (Arts) 2 98.12%

2009 HS (Sc.) 6 96.96%HS (Arts) 5 97.50%

2010 HS (Sc.) 9 95.20%HS (Arts) 2 96.00%

Result of HS (Final) Examination(From 1999 To 2010)

69 C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s

C o t t o n C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t u s 70