Costume choices

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Costume choices

Mardy Bum

We wanted the man in our narrative to have a preppy 50's/60's suburban life outfit. Because of this we felt that a V-neck would be quite fitting. We had the idea of still using pastel colours and putting him in a 'geeky' outfit. We want to give him some casual trousers with a pastel coloured shirt underneath.

For the beginning where he is in his pyjamas we envisioned this kind of outfit:

For our narrative we wanted to go quite typical and stereotypical of the traditional 50's/60's suburban housewife using mainly only pastel colours and making our woman girly and petite. We decided to give her a cute pastel coloured dress and pair it with a pastel coloured cardigan and little shoes.

We wanted our band to be stylish and modern but still fit with the idea of the dolls house and the idea of everything being fake. We went through many options, considering them all in black and white, considering them in quirky outfits with trench coats and hats before finally settling on light brown suits. We agreed that these fit with the theme of everything turning to cardboard and are still fashionable to make our band look sophisticated and appeal to our target audience.

This is the kind of outfit we had in mind for the lead singer. It fits with the theme of everything being fake, because of the colour but is still suave and will fit with our star image. We decided on our lead singer having a light brown suit, a checked shirt with a handkerchief coming out of the blazer pocket. We are also considering him wearing sunglasses depending on how it looks on the day. He will wear matching light brown suit trousers and most likely dark brown leather shoes. We feel like this look will suit our actor well as he has a rugged attractiveness.

For our drummer we decided to use a brown suit, checked shirt and then to get some variety within the band we decided to give him a bow tie. We think this will suit our actor as he is tanned, tall and skinny and will be able to pull off this look well.

One of the guitarists will have the look on the right. It will most probably be Shane as Finn is taller and so would look better in the trench coat. Finn will wear an outfit similar to the one on the right as it connotes the quirky and original look of the band.

One of the guitarists will have the look on the right. It will most probably be Shane as Finn is taller and so would look better in the trench coat. Finn will wear an outfit similar to the one on the right as it connotes the quirky and original look of the band.