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A. Application Information


Applicant and Property Owner: Nemec Limited Partnership

Agent for the Applicant: Brandon Ulmer, P.E. Thomas Engineering Group

Contract Purchaser: Costco Wholesale Corporation

County Project Coordinator: Paul Schilling, Development Review Administrator

Growth Management Director: Nicki van Vonno, AICP

Project Number: C149-003

Application Type and Number: D006 201500318

Report Number: 2017_0810_C149-003_DRT_Staff_FINAL

Application Received: 10/19/2015

Transmitted: 10/20/2015

Date of Staff Report: 12/15/2015

Joint Workshop: 01/21/2016

Resubmittal Received: 04/07/2016

Transmitted: 04/07/2016

Date of Staff Report: 07/28/2016

Joint Workshop: 08/04/2016

Resubmittal Received: 11/29/2016

Transmitted: 11/29/2016

Date of Staff Report: 02/21/2017

Joint Workshop: 03/30/2017

Resubmittal Received: 05/19/2017

Transmitted: 05/22/2017

Date of Staff Report: 08/10/2017

B. Project description and analysis

This application is a request for Major Final Site Plan approval for a new Costco store with gas station

and associated infrastructure on approximately 27.47 acres. The undeveloped subject property is located

south of Martin Highway (CR 714) between the Turnpike and High Meadow Avenue (CR 713) in Palm

City. Included in this application is a request for a Certificate of Public Facilities Reservation.

The entire subject property is zoned LI, Limited Industrial district with a future land use designation of

Industrial. The current LI zoning district allows for the proposed retail and gas station uses.

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As part of the resubmittal dated April 7, 2016, the applicant chose to eliminate the Phase 2 outparcel

from the current application. As such, the entire site is to be developed in one phase comprised of the

Costco store, gas station and the required infrastructure to support the operation. The proposed main

building is approximately 152,661 sq. ft. in size with the gas station located at the northwest corner

comprised of 18 fueling positions and a 129 sq. ft. attendant building.

The property is located within the Primary Urban Service District. As such, there is an expectation and

a requirement that the full range of urban services are either in place or will be provided to the site at

adopted levels of service.

C. Staff recommendation

The specific findings and conclusion of each review agency related to this request are identified in

Sections F through T of this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows:

Section Division or Department Reviewer Phone Assessment

F Comprehensive Plan Paul Schilling 288-5473 Non-Comply

F ARDP Samantha Lovelady 288-5664 Comply

G Development Review Paul Schilling 288-5473 Comply

H Urban Design Paul Schilling 288-5473 Comply

H Community Redevelopment Paul Schilling 288-5473 N/A

I Property Management Colleen Holmes 288-5794 Comply

J Environmental Shawn McCarthy 288-5508 Comply

J Landscaping Karen Sjoholm 288-5909 Comply

K Transportation Stephanie Piche 223-4858 Non-Comply

L County Surveyor Michael O’Brien 288-5418 N/A

M Engineering Michelle Cullum 288-5512 Comply

N Addressing Emily Kohler 288-5692 Comply

N Electronic File Submission Emily Kohler 288-5692 Comply

O Water and Wastewater James Christ 320-3034 Comply

O Wellfields James Christ 320-3034 Comply

P Fire Prevention Doug Killane 288-5633 Comply

P Emergency Management Dan Wouters 219-4942 N/A

Q ADA Judy Lamb 221-1396 Comply

R Health Department Todd Reinhold 221-4090 N/A

R School Board Kimberly Everman 219-1200 N/A

S County Attorney Legal Department 288-5444 On-going

T Adequate Public Facilities Paul Schilling 288-5473 Review Pending

D. Review Board action

This application meets the threshold requirements for processing as a major development. As such, a

review of this application is required by the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and final action by the Board

of County Commissioners (BCC). Both the LPA and the BCC meetings must be public hearings.

MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR §10.1.B. (2016)

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Pursuant to Section 10.1.F, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla., (2016) it shall at all

times be the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate compliance with the Comprehensive Growth

Management Plan (CGMP), Land Development Regulations (LDR) and the Code.

The applicant sought to address non-compliance findings from staff report dated February 21, 2017 with

its resubmittal dated May 19, 2017. Both the previous staff reports and resubmittals are incorporated

herein by reference.

The applicant is required to re-submit materials in response to the non-compliance findings within this

report. Upon receipt, the re-submitted materials will be transmitted for review to the appropriate review

agencies and individuals that participate in the County's review process. A revised staff report will be

created once the next review cycle has been completed.

Section 10.2.D.4. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla., (2016) pertaining to review

cycles states,

4. Planned Unit Developments and Developments of Regional Impact shall be allowed three

(3) resubmittals without payment of a resubmittal fee. All other development applications

noted in Section 10.1.D are allowed a single resubmittal of application materials, without

payment of additional review fees. Up to two (2) additional submittals (hereinafter

referred to as "elective submittals") shall be allowed with payment of a resubmittal fee.

The resubmittal fee for elective submittals shall be established by resolution, taking into

consideration the non-substantial or substantial nature of the elective resubmittal and the

magnitude of the review required of any revised portion of the application. The applicant

shall have ninety (90) days from the issuance date of the report to resubmit. The County

Administrator may grant one (1) extension not to exceed 60 days upon a showing of good


If the applicant fails to meet the resubmittal deadline including any approved extension

period, the application shall be terminated, unless the applicant gives notice that an

elective resubmittal will be made. The elective resubmittal shall be made within 90 days

from the date the prior resubmittal was due, and shall include the resubmittal fee

established by resolution. All traffic studies, surveys and other documents that have

expired must be updated by the applicant.

The applicant's resubmittal may include a request that disputed items be transmitted to the

final decision maker for resolution.

E. Location and site information

The undeveloped subject property is approximately 28 acres and located south of Martin Highway (CR

714) between the Turnpike and High Meadow Avenue (CR 713) in Palm City.

Parcel number(s):




Zoning: LI, Limited Industrial

Future land use: Industrial

Commission district: 5

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Municipal service taxing unit: Western MSTU Two

Planning area: Palm City

Taxing district: D

Traffic analysis zone: 48

Urban services district: Primary


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F. Determination of compliance with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements -

Growth Management Department

Unresolved Issues:

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Item #1:

Generic Comp Plan Compliance-GMD

This application cannot be deemed to be in compliance with the Martin County Comprehensive Growth

Management Plan (CGMP) until the issues identified in this report have been satisfactorily resolved.

Martin County, Fla., CGMP, § 1.3

G. Determination of compliance with land use, site design standards, zoning, and procedural

requirements - Growth Management Department

Findings of Compliance:

Additional Information:

Information #1:

Required Permits

In its application materials received on October 19, 2015, the applicant elected ‘Option 2’ regarding the

submission of Agency permits. Prior to scheduling the mandatory pre-construction meeting for

construction commencement authorization, all applicable local, state, and federal approved permits are

to be submitted for review by the County Administrator with remittance of a $600.00 review fee. If an

application is made to any permitting agency for a modification to a permit that was required to be

issued prior to final site plan approval, the application for the permit modification must be submitted

concurrently to Martin County. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR §10.9.A (2016)

Information #2:

Land Clearing

No land clearing is authorized prior to the mandatory pre-construction meeting for the project. Property

corners and preservation areas shall be located by a licensed land surveyor and clearly marked in the

field prior to the pre-construction meeting. Authorization for clearing to install erosion control devices

and preserve barricades will be granted at the pre-construction meeting. No additional land clearing

shall commence until a satisfactory inspection of the required control structures and barricades has been

obtained. Authorization for the relocation of gopher tortoises within the development, as provided for on

state agency permits, may be granted by the Growth Management Department upon review of required

permit materials. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR, § 10.8.A (2016)

H. Determination of compliance with the urban design and community redevelopment requirements

– Community Development Department

Urban Design

Findings of Compliance:

Community Redevelopment Area

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The proposed project is not located within a Community Redevelopment Area. Therefore, the

Community Redevelopment Area reviewer was not required to review this application. MARTIN

COUNTY, FLA., LDR, Division 6

I. Determination of compliance with the property management requirements – Engineering


Findings of Compliance:

Property Management

SW High Meadow Avenue has been classified as a major arterial and S.W. 39th Street has been

classified as a local road under Sec. 4.843, Roadway Classification. The minimum right of way width

requirements for each roadway classification are set forth in Section. 4.843.B., Land Development

Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2001) and Table 4.19.1., Right of Way Requirements.

Sec. 4.843.B. also provides that additional width may be necessary as determined by the County

Engineer, depending upon the approved roadway cross section, design elements within the right of way

and the drainage requirements for the area. Also, right of way requirements may be adjusted by the

County Engineer for specific roadways involving intersection right of way improvements or restrictions

of Martin County or the Florida Department of Transportation.

1. It has been determined that a dedication of 15 feet of right of way is required on S.W. High Meadow


2. It has been determined that a 25 foot corner clip at the corner of S.W. High Meadow Avenue and

S.W. 39th Street is required pursuant to Section 4.843.B.4, Land Development Regulations, Martin

County, Fla. (2010).

3. The applicant is also proposing to dedicate 25 feet of additional right of way along S.W. 39th Street

for a length of 340 feet to accommodate the entrance off of S.W. High Meadow Avenue.

4. Additionally, the dedication of 10 feet of right-of-way is required for the remaining length of 304.23

feet on SW 39th Street to meet the right-of-way requirements for a local road.

5. It has been determined that the applicant must provide the right of way for a turn lane on Martin

Highway (CR714).

A Condition of Approval requiring the conveyance of the dedicated property to Martin County during

the post approval process will be included in the Development Order. If the dedication is part of a Plat

approval application, the dedication will be included on the plat and the conveyance of the dedicated

property will take place simultaneously with the recording of the Plat.

The following due diligence materials are required:

Item #2:

Title Commitment

The following is required:

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1. An original title commitment for the proposed dedication site(s).

2. The proposed insured is: Martin County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.

3. The amount of title insurance is subject to approval by the Martin County Real Property


4. Legible copies of all documents listed as Schedule B-II Exceptions must be provided.

The applicant is providing a separate title commitment for each parcel. The amount of insurance for

each title commitment should be $17,250.

Parcel A. The standard B-II Exceptions must be deleted at closing. In addition Exception B-II,

Paragraph 12 regarding unrecorded leases must also be deleted at closing.

Parcel B. The standard B-II Exceptions must be deleted at closing. In addition Exception B-II,

Paragraph 11 regarding unrecorded leases must also be deleted at closing.

The applicant has complied with the Title Commitment requirement.

Item #3:


The following are required:

1. Two (2) original signed and sealed surveys of the dedication site(s).

2. The survey must state that it was - Prepared with the benefit of a Title Commitment - and include

the Commitment Number, Name of Title Company and Date and Time of the Commitment.

Also include the subject parcel ID number(s).

3. All title exceptions that can be plotted must be shown on the survey.

4. The legal description for the dedication site(s) on the survey must match the legal description on

the proposed Plat or Planned Unit Development (PUD) if applicable.

5. The survey must be certified to Martin County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and

to the Title Company.

The Survey Division has confirmed that the site plan and survey are now consistent.

The Applicant has complied with the Survey requirements for the right-of-way dedication.

Item #4:

Environmental Site Assessment Phase I

The following is required:

1. A Phase I report stating that there are No Recognized Environmental Conditions in accordance

with the current standards of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM15271).

2. The Phase I report must be dated within 180 days of submission, or include a current updated

letter from the ESA firm.

3. The Phase I report or update letter must include a statement that Martin County can rely on the

results of the report.

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The Applicant has complied with the Environmental Site Assessment Phase I requirements

J. Determination of compliance with environmental and landscaping requirements - Growth

Management Department


Findings of Compliance:

The Growth Management Department Environmental Division staff has reviewed the application and

finds it in compliance with the applicable Land Development Regulations.

Please be advised of the following environmental requirements, post-approval:

Prior to authorization for land clearing

A revised gopher tortoise survey is required; surveys must be conducted by a qualified environmental

professional within 90 Days of any authorization for land clearing. Please be aware that additional

permitting timeframe requirements by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

for gopher tortoise surveys may also apply. Copies of revised surveys and any required state permits for

this species shall be provided to the Growth Management Department, Environmental Division prior to

the pre-construction meeting.


The Growth Management Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with

the applicable Land Development Regulations regarding landscaping. The applicant has proposed

construction of a Costco retail establishment with an associated gas station. To document compliance

with Section 4.663.A.1., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013), in addition to the

4.03 acres of preserve and restored wetland, the applicant has submitted landscape plans that provide an

additional 6.29 acres of landscape area which equates to 28% of the 978,596 sq. ft. (22.5 acre)

development area. Pursuant to this regulation a minimum of 20% of the total development area shall be

landscaped. Section 4.663.E, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that

preserve areas, landscape areas and stormwater treatment areas be consolidated to extent feasible and

that plantings adjacent to a preserve be limited to native species. To document compliance the applicant

has proposed to plant all the dry retention areas and perimeter of the wet retention area with native

species. This consolidation and large expanse of additional native plantings being proposed will increase

the function, benefits, and value provided by the on-site preserves.

Section 4.663.A.3.b. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that all

nonresidential development provide at least one tree per 2,500 sq. ft. of site area; this requires the

planting of 379 trees minimum on this site. Tabular data is required to indicate a calculation of the

minimum total number of trees and shrubs required to be planted based upon the proposed developed

area and separately based upon quantities required to meet the vehicular use area planting requirements

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and any required bufferyard requirements. To demonstrate compliance the applicant has proposed the

planting of 912 trees, 6619 shrubs, and 1620 groundcovers for the 945,519 sq. ft. area of current site

development, area. Tree counts for the open green space/outparcel have been deducted and shall be

addressed at time of future site plan development for that parcel.

Landscaped bufferyards are required between differing land uses and along certain transportation

corridors. Martin County, Fla Section 4.663.B.1.a, (2013). Surrounding land use on the east, west and

south is commercial or industrial so non-compatibility buffers are not required. To the north is

residential development and a Type 3 buffer is required along Martin Highway. Section 4.663.B.9.b

allows this buffer to be reduced to 20 feet when separated from the residential development by a ROW

of 100 feet or more in width; SW Martin Hwy is 100 feet in width and a 20 ft. landscape buffer is being

proposed along this public street right-of-way.

Section 4.666.E.Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that development

activity preserve at least ten percent of the total number of protected trees on the site unless it can be

shown that the property would be precluded of reasonable use if the trees are not removed. Due to

substantial grade changes necessary and large scale of improvements, to meet this requirement the

applicant has submitted Landscape and Construction Plans to provide for removal of 119 existing

protected trees and preservation of 20 trees (14.4%) within proposed landscape areas. To demonstrate

compliance with Section 4.666.D., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) the

applicant has proposed installation of 74 – 5” oaks to mitigate for the necessary tree removal.

Section 4.663.A.4.b.1, 2, , and 3., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires

one 500 sq. ft. landscape area for each 5000 sq. ft. of vehicular use area and allows the transfer of

medians for up to 3 parking bays. The applicant has proposed a reduction in 3 parking medians and is

proposing to transfer the required landscape square footage to terminal islands and other landscape

areas. To demonstrate compliance the applicant has submitted a landscape interior island exhibit that

documents square footage and proposed location of landscaping. The 406,217 sq. ft. of VUA area

requires a minimum of 43,306 sq. ft. of landscape area and the planting of 174 trees. The applicant has

proposed to provide 45,207 sq. ft. of landscape area and the planting of 261 trees.

Section 4.664.E.5. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that irrigated

turfgrass areas be consolidated and limited to those areas on the site that receive pedestrian traffic,

provide for recreation use, provide cover for on-site sewage disposal systems, or provide soil erosion

control such as on slopes or in swales; and where turfgrass is used as a design unifier or other similar

practical use. To demonstrate compliance the applicant has limited the use of sod to areas for erosion

control around the retention areas and perimeter berms. Tabular data quantifies turf areas on the

landscape plan as 6,966 sq. ft. of Bahia sod. The applicant has documented and proposed to establish

176,521 sq. ft. of native grasses/species as an alternative to typical sod.

Alterations cannot be made to the plans after final site plan approval. Any alteration may require an

application to amend the affected approved plans.

The applicant is cautioned to consider the placement of utilities and any underground or above ground

site improvement that could cause a conflict with the landscaping and possibly cause a change or


As-built landscape plans submitted prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy will be checked

against the approved drawings. Inconsistencies may block the issuance of the certificate of occupancy

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and cause the applicant to begin the application process for a change or an amendment to the

development order.

K. Determination of compliance with transportation requirements - Engineering Department

Unresolved Issues:

Item #1:

Traffic Impact

1. Update the roadway analysis using the 2016 Roadway LOS Inventory Report published on

March 15, 2017. Provide detailed analyses only for those roads: that are significantly impacted

(net project trips exceed 2% of the generalized service capacity); that are not backlogged (having

a 2016 volume exceeding 110% of the generalized service capacity); or that have projected

volumes exceed the generalized service capacity.

2. Revise the intersection analyses to account for the gross project trips, the maximum allowable

5% u-turning traffic, and the projected 2019 turning movement volumes. Revise the storage

queues to be consistent with the narrative.

a. Provide detail analyses only for the existing signalized intersections on CR-714 (SW

Martin Highway) at SR-714 (SW Martin Downs Boulevard / Florida¿s Turnpike) and at

CR-713 (SW High Meadow Avenue).

b. Provide detail analyses for the two proposed project entrances. Include the signal warrant

analysis for the proposed project entrance on CR-713 (SW High Meadow Avenue).

L. Determination of compliance with county surveyor - Engineering Department


The applicant has indicated that there are no proposed changes other than right of way dedications as

part of the current application. Therefore, The Engineering Department was not required to review this

application for consistency with the Martin County Codes for survey requirements contained in Article 4

of the Land Development Regulations. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR § 10.1.F

M. Determination of compliance with engineering, storm water and flood management requirements

- Engineering Department

Findings of Compliance:

The application was reviewed for compliance with the following Divisions of the Land Development

Regulations. Staff's finding is summarized after each:

1. Division 8- Excavation, Fill, and Mining: The applicant demonstrated in the Engineer's Opinion

of Probable Excavation, Fill, and Hauling that 30,000 cubic yards of material will be excavated

and 55,000 cubic yards of fill material will is needed to complete the project; therefore, 25,000

cubic yards of material will be hauled to the site during construction. Hauling material away

from the site is not approved with this Development Order. The applicant demonstrated

compliance with Division 8.

2. Division 9- Stormwater Management: The applicant has demonstrated the proposed stormwater

management system is designed to meet the Martin County requirements for water quality and

attenuation. The applicant proposed a stormwater system consisting of inlets, pipes, dry retention

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areas, wet detention areas, and control structure structures. The applicant demonstrated the

adjacent wetlands will remain hydrated post development; The applicant demonstrated the post

development discharge rate does not exceed the pre-development discharge rate in to the

Danforth Creek; thereby, the required attenuation and water quality treatment is in compliance

with Division 9.

3. Division 10 - Flood Protection: This site falls within Special Flood Hazard Area AE with a base

flood elevation of 17.0' NAVD. The applicant is proposing a Finished Floor Elevation of 18.52'

NAVD; therefore, the applicant demonstrated compliance with Division 10.

4. Division 14 - Parking and Loading: The applicant demonstrated compliance with the parking and

loading requirements with the configuration of the parking lot. The proposed development is in

compliance with Division 14.

5. Division 19- Roadway Design: The construction plans for the off-site improvements will be

finalized prior to the issuance of the Right of Way Use permit for the work within the rights of

way for SW Martin Highway, SW High Meadow Avenue, and the unopened right of way for SW

39th Street. Staff will determine compliance with Division 19 during the review of the Right of

Way Use Permit application. The Right of Way Use Permit is required to be obtained prior to

scheduling the Pre-Construction Meeting.

The Engineering Department finds this application in compliance provided 1) the Board of County

Commisioners authorizes the reduction of the speed limit on SW High Meadow Avenue to 45 MPH, and

2) the Development Order includes conditions for the following:

1. A Construction Maintenance and Indemnification Agreement must be executed by Costco

Wholesale Corporation for the construction and maintenance of the proposed improvements

within SW 39th Street unopened right of way.

2. The construction plans for the off-site improvements will be finalized prior to the issuance of the

Right of Way Use permit for the work within the rights of way for SW Martin Highway, SW

High Meadow Avenue, and the unopened right of way for SW 39th Street.

3. The Owner is not authorized to haul fill off of the site and must coordinate with the County

Engineer regarding the routes and timing of any fill to be hauled to the site. The Owner must

comply with all County excavation and fill regulations.

Compliance with Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance:

This project will provide the proposed development sufficient services based upon the adopted LOS for

stormwater management facilities.

N. Determination of compliance with addressing and electronic file submittal requirements – Growth

Management and Information Technology Departments


Findings of Compliance:

The application has been reviewed for compliance with Division 17, Addressing, of the Martin County

Land Development Regulations. Staff finds that the proposed site plan complies with applicable

addressing regulations. The street name SW High Meadow Ave is existing and meets all addressing

Land Development Regulations. An address will be assigned to this property upon approval of this site

plan application in accordance with Section 4.770.D., Land Development Regulations, Martin County

Fla. (2016).

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Electronic File Submittal

Findings of Compliance:

The Information Services Department staff has reviewed the electronic file submittal and finds it in

compliance with the applicable county requirements.

Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were received and found to be in compliance with

Section 10.2.B.5, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016)

Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were in State Plane coordinates and found to be in

compliance with Section 10.2.B.5, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016)

The AutoCAD boundary survey was received and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.5,

Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016)

O. Determination of compliance with utilities requirements - Utilities Department

Water and Wastewater Service

Findings of Compliance:

This development application has been reviewed for compliance with applicable statutes and ordinances

and the reviewer finds it in compliance with Martin County's requirements for water and wastewater

level of service. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR, DIVISION 6 AND 7

Wellfield and Groundwater Protection

Findings of Compliance:

The application has been reviewed for compliance under the Wellfield Protection Program. The

reviewer finds the application in compliance with the Wellfield Protection and Groundwater Protection

Ordinances. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR, Division 5

P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements –

Fire Rescue Department

Fire Prevention

Findings of Compliance:

The Fire Prevention Bureau finds this submittal to be in compliance with the applicable provisions

governing construction and life safety standards. This occupancy shall comply with all applicable

provisions of governing codes whether implied or not in this review, in addition to all previous

requirements of prior reviews.

Additional Information:

Information #1:

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Martin County Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 79.121, adopts NFPA 1 and NFPA 101 as the

county's fire prevention code. The Code is to prescribe minimum requirements necessary to establish a

reasonable level of fire and life safety and property protection from the hazards created by fire,

explosion, and dangerous conditions. This is in accordance with Chapter 633, F.S. All construction,

including, but not limited to, fire sprinklers, fire alarms and fire suppression systems, shall be subject to

these codes. All documents including specifications and hydraulic calculations are required at the time

of the application for a building permit for the property that is the subject of this application for site plan


Fire Protection Systems documents shall be prepared in accordance with the rules set forth in F.S.


Information #2:

Plans and specifications for fire hydrant systems shall be submitted to the fire department for review and

approval prior to construction. [NFPA 1]


By P.I.V. [24:5.5] or Underground Gate Valve [24:6.1.5]


Post indicating valves shall be located not less than 40 ft. from buildings [24:


All distribution systems shall be designed to reduce the dead-end mains and provide a loop for new and

existing mains.


Private Fire Service Mains. Pipe smaller than 8 inches in diameter shall not be installed as a private

service main supplying hydrants. [24:5.2.1]

Information #3:

New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly

legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. [NFPA 1,] Martin County

requires a minimum of 6 inch numbers visible from the road and contrasting from the structure.

Information #4:

The following fire suppression water flow is the minimum for industrial/warehouse/storage use:



Identify the Needed Fire Flow Requirements for all buildings / structures. Fire flow calculations shall be

prepared by a professional engineer currently licensed in the state of Florida for each newly constructed

building. The Needed Fire Flow Requirement must be in accordance with Florida Fire Prevention Code,

N.F.P.A. 1, Chapter 18.4.5 (latest adopted edition). The Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow,

latest edition, as published by the Insurance Service Office (ISO). All calculations must be demonstrated

and provided.

These are the minimum requirements. Additional water flow may be required to supplement fire

sprinkler systems or to support other hazardous uses. The developer is responsible to meet any

additional flow requirements beyond that which is within the capacity of the utility provider [NFPA 1].

Q. Determination of compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements - General

Services Department

Findings of Compliance:

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The General Services Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the

applicable Americans with Disability Act requirements.

R. Determination of compliance with Martin County Health Department and Martin County School


Martin County Health Department


There are no onsite potable wells or septic disposal systems, pursuant to Section 10.1.F, Land

Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. Therefore, the Department of Health was not required to

review this application for consistency with the Martin County Codes.

Martin County School Board


The applicant has indicated that this application is for non-residential uses only. Therefore, the Martin

County School Board was not required to review this application for school concurrency evaluation.


S. Determination of compliance with legal requirements - County Attorney's Office


T. Determination of compliance with the adequate public facilities requirements - responsible


The following is a summary of the review for compliance with the standards contained in Article 5.32.D

of the Adequate Public Facilities, Land Development Regulations (LDR's), Martin County Code for a

Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities Reservation.

Potable water facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.a, LDR)

Service provider – Martin County

Findings – in place

Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department

Reference - see Section O of this staff report

Sanitary sewer facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.b, LDR)

Service provider – Martin County

Findings – in place

Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department

Reference - see Section O of this staff report

Solid waste facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.c, LDR)

Findings – in place

Source - Growth Management Department

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Stormwater management facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.d, LDR)

Findings – in place

Source - Engineering Department

Reference - see Section M of this staff report

Community park facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.e, LDR)

Findings – in place

Source - Growth Management Department

Roads facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.f, LDR)

Findings – review pending

Source - Engineering Department

Reference - see Section K of this staff report

Mass transit facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.g, LDR)

Findings - in place

Source - Engineering Department

Reference - see Section K of this staff report

Public safety facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.h, LDR)

Findings - in place

Source - Growth Management Department

Reference - see Section P of this staff report

Public school facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.i, LDR)

Findings – N/A

Source - Growth Management Department

Reference - see Section R of this staff report

A timetable for completion consistent with the valid duration of the development is to be included in the

Certificate of Public Facilities Reservation. The development encompassed by Reservation Certificate

must be completed within the timetable specified for the type of development.

U. Post-approval requirements

Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant’s submittal of all required

documents, executed where appropriate, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), including

unpaid fees, within sixty (60) days of the final action granting approval. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA.,

LDR §10.9 (2012)

Item #1:

Post Approval Requirements List: After approval the applicant will receive a letter and a Post Approval

Requirements List that identifies the documents and fees required. The applicant will return the Post

Approval Requirements List along with the required documents in a packet with the documents arranged

in the order shown on the list.

Item #2:

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Post Approval Fees: The applicant is required to pay all remaining fees when submitting the post

approval packet. If an extension is granted, the fees must be paid within 60 days from the date of the

development order. Checks should be made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners.

Item #3:

Post Approval Impact Fees: Impact fees must be paid after the development order has been approved.

Submit a check made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners within 60 days of

project approval.

Item #4:

Recording Costs: The applicant is responsible for all recording costs. The Growth Management

Department will calculate the recording costs and contact the applicant with the payment amount

required. Checks should be made payable to the Martin County Clerk of Court.

Item #5:

One (1) copy of the recorded warranty deed if a property title transfer has occurred since the site plan

approval. If there has not been a property title transfer since the approval, provide a letter stating that no

title transfer has occurred.

Item #6:

Original and one (1) copy of the current Unity of Title in standard County format if a property title

transfer has occurred since the site plan approval. If there has not been a property title transfer since the

approval, provide a letter stating so that no transfer has occurred.

Item #7:

Ten (10) 24" x 36" copies of the approved construction plans signed and sealed by the Engineer of

Record licensed in the State of Florida. Fold to 8 by 12 inches.

Item #8:

Ten (10) copies 24" x 36" of the approved site plan. Fold to 8 by 12 inches.

Item #9:

Original approved site plan on Mylar or other plastic, stable material.

Item #10:

Ten (10) 24" x 36" copies of the approved landscape plan signed and sealed by a landscape architect

licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #11:

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One (1) digital copy of site plan in AutoCAD 2010 - 2014 drawing format (.dwg). The digital version of

the site plan must match the hardcopy version as submitted.

Item #12:

Original of the construction schedule.

Item #13:

Two (2) originals of the Cost Estimate for the improvements within the County's right-of-way, on the

County format which is available on the Martin County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of

Record licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #14:

Original of the Engineer's Design Certification, on the County format which is available on the Martin

County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #15:

Two (2) copies of the documents verifying that the right-of-way, property, or easements have been

adequately dedicated to the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the public records of

Martin County.

Item #16:

Original and one (1) copy or two (2) copies of the executed and signed Water and Wastewater Service

Agreement with Martin County Regional Utilities and one (1) copy of the payment receipt for Capital

Facility Charge (CFC) and engineering and recording fees.

Item #17:

Three (3) 24" x 36" copies of the complete approved architectural plans signed and sealed by an

Architect licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #18:

Prior to authorization for land clearing

A revised gopher tortoise survey is required; surveys must be conducted by a qualified environmental

professional within 90 Days of any authorization for land clearing. Please be aware that additional

permitting timeframe requirements by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

for gopher tortoise surveys may also apply. Copies of revised surveys and any required state permits for

this species shall be provided to the Growth Management Department, Environmental Division prior to

the pre-construction meeting.

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V. Local, State, and Federal Permits

Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant's submittal of all required

applicable Local, State, and Federal Permits, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), prior

to the commencement of any construction. An additional review fee will be required for Martin County

to verify that the permits are consistent with the approved development order. MARTIN COUNTY,

FLA., LDR §10.9 (2012)

Item #1:


The following permits must be submitted prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction meeting:

1. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP)

2. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) listed species permit or plan

Item #2:


A Right-of-way Use Permit must be submitted prior to scheduling a Pre-Construction meeting.

Item #3:


The following permits must be submitted prior to scheduling a Pre-Construction meeting:

1. South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP)

2. South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Dewatering Permit

Item #4:


The applicant must provide a copy of all required Department of Environmental Protection permits prior

to scheduling the Pre-Construction meeting.

W. Fees

Public advertising fees for the development order will be determined and billed subsequent to the public

hearing. Fees for this application are calculated as follows:

Fee type: Fee amount: Fee payment: Balance:

Application review fees: $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00

Site inspection fees: $4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00

Resubmittal fee (1): $2,282.00 $2,282.00 $0.00

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Resubmittal fee (2): $2,282.00 $2,282.00 $0.00

Advertising fees*: TBD

Recording fees**: TBD

Mandatory impact fees: TBD

Non-mandatory impact fees: TBD

* Advertising fees will be determined once the ads have been placed and billed to the County.

** Recording fees will be identified on the post approval checklist.

X. General application information

Applicant and Property Owner: Nemec Limited Partnership

608 Harbour Pointe Way

Greenacres, FL 33413

Contract Purchaser: Costco Wholesale Corporation

999 Lake Drive

Issaquah, WA 98027

Agent: Thomas Engineering Group

Brandon Ulmer, P.E.

125 W. Indiantown Rd, Suite 206

Jupiter, FL 33458


Attorney: Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A.

Robert S. Raynes, Jr., Esq

800 S.E. Monterey Commons Blvd, Suite 200

Stuart, FL 34996


Y. Acronyms

ADA ............. Americans with Disability Act

AHJ .............. Authority Having Jurisdiction

ARDP ........... Active Residential Development Preference

BCC.............. Board of County Commissioners

CGMP .......... Comprehensive Growth Management Plan

CIE ............... Capital Improvements Element

CIP ............... Capital Improvements Plan

FACBC ........ Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction

FDEP ............ Florida Department of Environmental Protection

FDOT ........... Florida Department of Transportation

LDR.............. Land Development Regulations

LPA .............. Local Planning Agency

MCC ............. Martin County Code

MCHD.......... Martin County Health Department

NFPA ........... National Fire Protection Association

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SFWMD ....... South Florida Water Management District

W/WWSA .... Water/Waste Water Service Agreement

Z. Attachments