Post on 12-Mar-2018

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Michael Wear, BAE SYSTEMS Submarine Solutions, UK

John Salisbury, BAE SYSTEMS Submarine Solutions, UK


Nuclear powered submarines are among the most complex of engineering products. As currently developed, they are

mature and highly optimised, with limited opportunities for change after the concept design stage. The cost and time

impacts of such changes are reinforced by the large and highly structured organisations required to design, build and

operate them. Even at the concept stage, changes to the fundamental concept or ‘planform’ are difficult and can limit

real change to detailed or incremental development.

Fundamental change in such products comes generally from major changes of requirement, or when the development

possibilities of the current ‘planform’ have been exhausted. Modular Architectures have been examined as a means of

reducing cost and increasing the opportunities for change. A design philosophy has been developed to allow

sophisticated submarines to be made cost effective both as built and through life.


BAESSS BAE SYSTEMS Submarine Solutions

SSN Nuclear powered attack submarine

SSK Conventionally powered submarine

SSBN Nuclear powered ballistic missile


TRIZ Theory of inventive problem solving

NRE Non Recurring Expenditure

UPC Unit Procurement Cost

NSRP Nuclear Steam Raising Plant

TGs Turbo Generators

SQEP Suitably qualified and experienced



The art of the submarine designer is a fascinating but a

hard one. To carry it out effectively requires a wide

knowledge not only of engineering but of customers,

cultures, psychology and the art of war, (if in fact there is

a difference between these two). Even in a time of slow

change this is a demanding requirement to add to the

perennial questions to be answered in every branch of

transport engineering:

‘what must we carry

how far

how fast

- what do we do when we get there ?’

In a time of change the task is still harder. Previous

assumptions may be roughly challenged, processes

designed for slow development pushed aside, and

guesses made about – or allowances made for – future

developments which those accustomed to slow change

will fight against with a desperate conviction. None of

this is new to submarine designers. What is perhaps new

is to have a time of rapid change after a period of as

much as fifty years of largely incremental development.



The history of submarine design can be traced back at

least three hundred years, from the earliest pioneers,

perhaps more successful than their contemporaries who

threw themselves from towers in the search for human

flight, through Fulton and the ‘Nautilus’ to the

emergence of the practicable submarine with the work of

John P Holland. Much, though not all, of this work was

the work of lonely visionaries such as the Reverend Mr

Garret and his ‘Resurgam’.

Once the practicality of the submarine had been

established, in France, the United States and then in

Britain, a period of intense development followed. While

a British Admiral was loudly proclaiming that

submarines were ‘Underwater, Underhand and Damned

un-English’ his more practical colleagues were soon

ordering the Royal Navy’s first submarines at such a rate

that by the outbreak of global war in August 1914 the

Royal Navy alone had ordered no less than ten

successive classes from Holland 1 onwards.

Figure 1: HMS Holland 1


Some common threads quickly emerged. The true

submarine intent of John Holland’s work was modified

into the submersible torpedo-boat, travelling mainly on

the surface and submerging to hide or attack, familiar in

modified form until the 1970s. At the same time, the

early coastal defence boats were replaced by larger and

more capable vessels with increasing range and

armament, until the familiar form was reached.


The term ‘planforms’ is used in biology to describe the

different body shapes and arrangements of living

creatures. The dominant ‘planform’ of the submarine

quickly became standardised as a twin screw submersible,

propelled by diesel engines on the surface and electric

motors when submerged, armed with torpedo and gun,

and capable of first littoral and then of oceanic operations.

With some exceptions this became and remained the

dominant form for some thirty years, despite variations

and improvements in detail, and some remarkable

pressure hull configurations which would now horrify

both structural engineers and production managers alike.


Some brave attempts to widen the scope of the new

weapon were made. The UK’s Royal Navy saw the

unfortunate ‘K’ class high speed fleet submarine, a

concept which the technology of the period was not able

to sustain, the more enduring ‘M’ class submarine

monitor for land attack, and the ‘R’ class with its high

underwater speed, prototype of the SSK. Nevertheless,

the dominant planform remained the submersible torpedo

gunboat, progressively refined and improved but with an

architecture which for twenty years remained largely


The first challenges appeared late in the 1930s with the

appearance of the schnorkel on submarines of the Royal

Netherlands Navy, and continued under the pressures of

war through the succeeding decade. The schnorkel,

removed from Dutch submarines by British dockyards,

reappeared on their German opponents and profoundly

changed the balance of anti submarine warfare. Most

significant change of all was the appearance of the Type

XXI U-Boat, with its air independent Walter turbines and

high underwater speed. The Type XXI’s hydrodynamics

informed a generation of conventional submarine designs,

but in the 1950s the true submarine arrived with the

marriage of the USS ‘Albacore’ and ‘Nautilus’ to create

the high speed nuclear powered attack submarine,

effectively independent of the surface, and limited in

endurance only by the capacity of its stores and its crew.

Once established, the SSN mutated into its opponent for

forty years, the SSBN, establishing on both sides of the

Atlantic a sequence of large submarine designs optimised

for oceanic warfare, particularly in the North Atlantic. In

addition to similar SSN and SSBN designs used

elsewhere in the world, the SSN influenced the design of

the SSK, from the descendants of ‘Albacore’ to large

SSKs typified among others by the French Scorpene, the

UK’s Upholder class and the Russian ‘Kilo’.

Figure 2: USS Albacore

These SSKs are commonly sized for littoral rather than

oceanic warfare, but the larger members of the type are

little smaller than some SSNs, and with the substitution

of diesel electric propulsion for nuclear, are remarkably

similar in both overall architecture and in combat system

philosophy. The SSN ‘planform’ has shown a remarkable

ability to survive, developing progressively over a period

of some fifty years.



A survey of past practice may seem out of place in a

paper entitled ‘Submarine Design in a changing world’.

As always, an understanding of the past is necessary in

order to understand the present and look, however

uncertainly, towards the future.

It is possible to trace in the design of submarines, as in

other complex engineering products, a cycle of

development which underlies its entire history.

Figure 3: The product life cycle

Product life cycle

‘ Mad Visionary ’ stage

Possibility driven

First successful use

Development stage

Performance driven

Many ‘ planforms ’

Rapid concept innovation

Mature product

Cost driven Few planforms or one

Innovation in detail Modularisation

Technology insertion - ie NSRP



Niche use

Replacement by new product

‘ Mad Visionary ’ stage

Possibility driven

First successful use

Development stage

Performance driven

Many ‘ planforms ’

Rapid concept innovation

Mature product

Cost driven Few planforms or one

Innovation in detail Modularisation

Technology insertion - ie NSRP



Niche use

Replacement by new product

‘ Mad Visionary ’ stage

Possibility driven

First successful use

Development stage

Performance driven

Many ‘ planforms ’

Rapid concept innovation

Mature product

Cost driven Few planforms or one

Innovation in detail Modularisation

Technology insertion - ie NSRP


‘ Mad Visionary ’ stage

Possibility driven

First successful use

Development stage

Performance driven

Many ‘ planforms ’

Rapid concept innovation

Mature product

Cost driven Few planforms or one

Innovation in detail Modularisation

Technology insertion - ie NSRP



Niche use

Replacement by new product



Sources: Harvey - Jones, Sir J Churchward, GJ Stewart, I, Cohen, J & Pratchett, T Stone, J Huddleston, C Wear, M & Associates LeRoy, JF






Sources: Harvey - Jones, Sir J Churchward, GJ Stewart, I, Cohen, J & Pratchett, T Stone, J Huddleston, C Wear, M & Associates LeRoy, JF



It typically begins with a heroic stage, typified by

visionaries such as Garret. At this stage development of a

new product is carried on by dedicated – or obsessed –

believers, often in the face of disbelief or outright

opposition. Design is driven by the need to make the

concept work at all, and it may be difficult to distinguish

the truly valuable from the purely misinformed. Cost is

borne by the pioneers, or by organisations and

governments willing to risk money on an uncertain result.

Once the new concept – steam engine, aeroplane,

submarine or car – can be seen to work, a different

dynamic takes over. The visionaries disappear and

development takes charge. In this ‘performance driven’

phase cost is not unimportant, but the value of having the

product at all is so great that even a small and poor

nation will bear the cost of acquiring it. The engineer

and novelist Nevil Shute described this period in aviation

as a time when ‘aeroplanes would fly when you wanted

them to, but there was something new to be learned on

every flight’ [1]


At this stage planforms proliferate as designers explore

the possibilities open to them. The ‘K’ and ‘M’ boats of

the Royal Navy belong to this phase, as do the prototype

hunter-killers, the ‘Rs’. Cultural differences also play

their part in this phase: it is alleged that while the Royal

Navy provided a hotplate and a kettle to feed a crew of

forty, another nation’s boats had three galleys, one each

for Officers, Petty Officers and ratings!

This phase also sees an increasing degree of detailed

development as the solutions found by the pioneers are

elaborated or replaced. Variant planforms are culled by

experience or war and a single ‘planform’ supported by a

standard set of technologies comes to predominate. This

phase merges with the last phase, one of incremental

development, which might be labelled ‘production

driven’. Basic capability is now taken for granted, and

unless overridden by the pressures of actual war, cost

becomes the dominating factor. The search for cost

reduction may actually reduce performance in some areas

provided that the overall effectiveness of the platform is

maintained. This is broadly the situation of the

submersible torpedo-boat by the late 1930s, and the SSN,

SSBN, and SSK now. It is a situation typical of complex

engineering products such as submarines and aircraft,

where the complexity and risk of developing an original

solution encourage incremental development.


From a designer’s perspective it is worth distinguishing

between complex and complicated products. A

complicated product, to a designer, is simply one with a

large number of components. Behaviour is generally

linear, typically quasi static or steady state, and may be

predicted directly from the individual components.

In functional analysis terms, each function may be

mapped directly to a component or system of

components. A machine designed by Heath Robinson or

Rube Goldberg is ‘complicated’ in this sense. The

humour, in fact, comes from the sheer complication used

to carry out a simple task.

A complex machine may have few components, but has

limited correlation between the individual behaviour of

those components and its behaviour overall.

Figure 4: Simple and complex products

It is characteristic of a complex product that its high level

behaviour is dynamic and often non linear. Behaviour

emerges from the interaction of all the components

involved, and is contingent on both operator behaviour

and inputs from the surrounding environment. In the

submarine context typical inputs are from currents, near

surface effects and wave action, water depth and salinity.

A manoeuvre as simple as a minor depth change involves

the interaction of hydrostatic stability, hull, propulsion

and control surface hydrodynamics, control surface

operating gear, propulsion plant behaviour, sensors,

platform management systems and operator actions.

Feedback loops abound, and while functional mapping is

valid at sub-system level, high level behaviour is both

emergent and contingent.

A submarine, like any vehicle, provides such behaviour

to a high degree. Its high level functions of float, move,

fight – and survive – are mutually dependent and emerge

from the interaction of the components. Its purpose is to

fight, or to offer the threat of fighting, but to do so it

must both float and move: a submarine which does not

float is lost, while one which cannot move will not long

fight or survive.


In this situation the uncertainties of change encourage

producers and buyers, if not designers or operators, to

stay as long as possible on the development plateau. Ill-

informed innovation may actually be counter-productive,

as any engineer knows. Fashions may change, but

physics stays the same.



Sailing ship

Submarine (SSN)

Space Shuttle

Combat aircraft

Steam loco

Road vehicle

Diesel loco

Hammer & nail

Heath Robinson machine

Offshore platform

Mobile phone







Sailing ship

Submarine (SSN)

Space Shuttle

Combat aircraft

Steam loco

Road vehicle

Diesel loco

Hammer & nail

Heath Robinson machine

Offshore platform

Mobile phone






Figure 5: functional relationships

Unfortunately, it is not possible to stay on the plateau

forever. At some point any process or product reaches

the end of its development potential. Even when some

potential remains, outside circumstances may force

change through new technology, commercial competition,

legislation or war. This situation has been reached in the

aviation industry, where despite huge changes in detail,

the ‘planform’ of large passenger transport aircraft has

changed little in the fifty years since the arrival of the De

Havilland Comet and the Boeing 707. Competition and

environmental concerns are now forcing radical change

in the form of the blended wing-body aircraft.

At some point evolution must be abandoned for

revolution. This is the business philosophy of the

management guru (and submarine officer) Sir John

Harvey-Jones [2]

, and the same lesson is taught by the

techniques of TRIZ.

In submarine history such changes have arrived at least

twice. The increasing effectiveness of Anti Submarine

Warfare created the need for the Type XXI and its SSK

successors, while the combination of ‘Albacore’

hydrodynamics with nuclear propulsion and increasingly

sophisticated sonar systems created the true submarine in

the form we now know it.

An outcome of these changes has been a great increase in

the complexity of the submarine. While the last

generation submersible boats remained comparatively

simple, after four or more generations even a modest

SSK is hugely sophisticated, with inevitable effects on

design approach and cost.


Complexity of design affects cost in a way which is itself

complex. When the cost of a sophisticated platform is

estimated by both ‘bottom up’ and ‘top down’ methods,

it is normal to find a substantial difference between the

two. Cost, it appears, is an emergent property of the

design and of the organisations which produce and

support it.

Highly developed and integrated products, cost driven

and optimised for a limit range of roles, acquire

organisations to suit. Much of the product knowledge

may reside in the culture rather than being written down,

and the reasons for past decisions may be lost with their

originators. When such organisations are tuned to low

risk – and low cost – development, their culture may be

unable to adapt to rapid or innovative change.



Much of the development of the modern submarine has

taken place in the context of confrontation in the oceans

of the northern hemisphere, and the maintenance of large

fleets of SSBNs and their opposing SSNs. Over the last

fifteen years this situation has been changed by both

world events and by technology.

Political change has seen major reductions in strategic

nuclear weapons and the de-targeting of those which

remain. Littoral warfare and land attack have re-emerged

as major submarine roles with cruise missiles or anti ship

missiles replacing the deck gun.

At the same time the potential of the SSK has been

increased as Air Independent Propulsion based on

Stirling engines, fuel cells or Closed Cycle Diesel has

increased the submerged endurance of the SSK without

the hazards of Hydrogen Peroxide. From a battery-based

endurance measured in hours, SSK submerged endurance

has increased until it can be measured in days, if not

convincingly in weeks. The result is a covert mobility

still less of the SSN but far greater than anything

available to the last generation of submersibles.

These changes have taken place in parallel with a general

reduction in military budgets. Affordability has become

paramount at the same time as a need for innovation to

meet the changing military requirement.

This places the designer in a dilemma. While it is fair to

say that all engineering design is creative, development

as carried out in a time of low budgets requires a

different and less obvious talent from that required to

originate new solutions, that of a Chapman rather than a

Brunel. When low cost and innovation are both seen to

be necessary, ‘turning the handle’ or adapting past

solutions is no longer sufficient. It is in this context that

BAESSS have carried out the work described in the

following sections.





Boat exists for ‘Fight’ function

Functions are emergent properties of ‘whole boat’ design

‘Float’, ‘Move’, ‘Fight’ and ‘survive’ are interdependent




By any standards nuclear submarines are complex and

expensive. The current classes of submarines drive

significant through life costs and a very high annual cost

of ownership. Key areas are:

Large numbers of crew and significant numbers

of other uniformed personnel.

A large commitment to infrastructure for their

build, support and disposal. The UK has

currently one design and build yard, two former

Naval Dockyards, one now 300 years old, naval

bases, major procurement and support

organisations, and a substantial nuclear


Design and build organisation and cost

Maintenance and upgrade organisation and cost

Organisations are as complex and as costly as

the submarines

Acquiring large and even sophisticated fleets is not

difficult if the will is there – sustaining them is costly,

and has proved so over many centuries and across

cultures. The fate of Zheng He’s fleets and those of early

modern Europe are cases in point [3].

It is the authors’ experience that the focus on cost


Usually occurs after the requirement and

programme budget has been decided, and after

the target design and build programme timeline

has become fixed in contractual terms

The ability to trade between NRE and UPC

within the bounds of the contract placed on

Industry is difficult and the ability to trade

between requirement and contract even more so,

as the reluctance to introduce change and

uncertainty in a commercial sense increases.

Is on the platform UPC, and invariably a real

inability to trade between UPC and Through life


The impact of any requirement to include legacy

in the solution can be a major constraint and

cost driver in the overall solution

As has been already presented, the ability to really

influence the outcome occurs in the early stage of the

design – but the level of knowledge of the design is still

very immature and the cost incurred and costs committed

are disproportionate. The work conducted by BAE

Systems Submarines would contend that the only way to

approach this dichotomy is as follows:


Systems can be studied in terms of time and space at

subsystem and super system levels.

For the Nuclear Submarine, this could be represented as

shown in figures 5 and 6.

By investigating the problem with this “Top Down”

approach we isolated the following key cost drivers in

the programme and identified the technical challenges

associated with their resolution.

1. Unit Production Cost

2. Crew

3. Electronic Systems

4. Infrastructure

5. Maintaining an Operational Capability

Figure 5: system relationships

Figure 6: functional relationships



Despite major improvements in productivity and

operating efficiency, real costs of ownership have been

growing since the mid 1980’s and they continue to rise.

Some of this cost growth arises from the need to operate

a fixed infrastructure and supply base in support of a

falling population of operational submarines; some is


associated with meeting increasing safety standards,

which affect both design solutions and training regimes.

However, the technologies employed in submarines have

a major impact on whole life cost as they determine:

The complexity and duration of the design

and construction programme.

The intrinsic operational availability of the

submarines and consequently the number

of platforms needed to maintain required

availability levels.

The number of uniformed personnel

required to operate the submarine who,

apart from their direct costs, place

additional demands on hotel services and

contribute to the overall size, complexity

and cost of the submarine, as well as non

availability for operational duties as the

vessel is used to support essential at sea

crew training.

The submarine maintenance programme

and particularly the size, shape and

complexity of the naval base and dockyard


The practical difficulties of adapting an

existing, legacy design to provide

additional capability, to overcome

obsolescence or to accommodate new

safety requirements.

The scale and frequency of the intervention

activities long term sustainment of the

submarine supply base.

With the obvious exception of combat systems, the

majority of technologies employed in UK Nuclear

Submarines have fallen significantly behind the

benchmark set by comparable commercial sectors. The

continued use of old technology and business practices

drives cost into the programme and perpetuates poor

availability and supply chain vulnerability.



For UK RN Nuclear Submarines, the issue of providing

the required capability at an affordable cost is more acute

now than it has ever been. But opportunities to update

technologies at the whole platform level are rare and

invariably coincide with the design of a new class (once

every 14 years).

Capitalising on this opportunity is difficult, because by

the end of the Concept Phase the key technologies and

system solutions have largely been dictated. Astute was

originally conceived as a minimum change development

of Trafalgar, in itself an evolution from the Swiftsure

Class. The last opportunity for radical redesign arose for

Vanguard class, but this was at a time when whole life

cost reduction was not a design priority, so the

opportunity was lost.

For a new programme therefore, the question is “can

designers on their own address affordability sufficiently

to make the necessary differences?”- The evidence would

suggest they can to an extent, but the window of

opportunity to make a real difference is only open for a

short period.

The other key issue is that constraints, forces and events

that occur long after key decisions have been taken can

conspire to undo much of the good work, unless such

issues are recognised, considered and the decisions taken

and follow up actions are robust and risk reduction

enacted in a timely fashion.



In our search for cost saving solutions and measures, we

undertook extensive surveys (not limited to the marine

environment) of both current and planned technology

programmes and products that could be adapted for

submarine application to create a technology database.



TRIZ – or the Theory of Creative Problem Solving – is a

systematic approach that forces thinking beyond personal

experience and the randomness of brainstorming or

epiphany moments. It approaches problem solving from

3 directions:

Problem Analysis – understanding what is wanted, what

are the priorities of all the requirements and the

inadequacies of the system that delivers them. We

derived a vision of the future submarine (which we

named Concept 35), describing what would represent

success, both in terms of the platform solution and how it

would be delivered against a set of ambitious targets –

50% reduction in whole life cost, 30% reduction in UPC

and a 50% reduction in crew numbers).

Analogy – reducing the current problem/requirements to

its simplest terms to understand it in its most general

form to recognise which technologies and subsequently

systems could deliver what is wanted. We conducted a

detailed functional analysis of contemporary submarine

designs and their subsystems to capture the interactions

between them and identify the cost drivers. We identified

both positive and negative functional relationships with

analysis being conducted at the following levels:

Whole Boat

- Availability, Survivability, ‘ilities

and Safety

- Move, Fight, Float


o Propulsion and Steering, including

Main Turbines


Power Generation, Distribution and Storage,

including NSRP and TGs

Sensors, Navigation, Communications & Data

Fusion, including Combat Systems

Platform Services and Control, including

Buoyancy Control

Weapons, Storage and Delivery


Functional diagrams were created down to second order

subsystems for a current SSN and the causes of cost in

the system identified (Harms), searching out excesses

(duplication, redundancy), weaknesses (Complexity,

insufficiency, lack of performance) and undesirable


Figure 7: Simplified Example of the Functional Diagram

Functional Analysis enables us to suggest solutions to

improve the design and to understand the overall impact

of these solutions.

Likewise, external solutions can also be assessed to

understand the overall impact, and this is particularly

suitable for understanding the impact of key technology

solutions - consequential impacts.

Problem Solving – contradictions, trends, standard

solutions (of which there are 40) and mapping of where

and when solutions are needed. We used TRIZ

techniques to break the interactions, identify potential

solutions to contradictions and alternative solutions. The

real problem solving exercise was then based on the

following challenges:

Is the sub-system needed?

Can the subsystem be trimmed? (ie can its

functionality be combined with another system

performing a similar function)

What of the 40 Inventive principles recognised by

TRIZ could be used to solve a contradiction or

find an alternative solution to a problem.

Developed from this work, Figure 9 summarises the

cause and effect relationships surrounding the key cost

drivers, the technical challenges and Design changes

necessary to effect a change.

The Team strove to avoid developing submarine

solutions until as late as possible in the process, with the

objective of exploring as wide a scope of potential

submarine configurations as possible, without locking on

to any specific arrangement solution. To facilitate this

aim, a set of building blocks of submarine characteristics

were developed, which when combined in a complete set

formed a “Planform”. Using the results from this, the

Technology Taxonomy and technology database, was

used to aid the development of Planforms. By using the

Planform approach and differing technology mixes the

extreme ranges of performance we were seeking were


A number of key conclusions were found from the

functional analysis and the problem solving process:

Tactical Weapons are complicated: containing

many components and requiring crew, services,

combat systems and infrastructure to support

them. They also impact the structure and affect

boat hydrodynamics and layout. Are they always


Hydraulic Powered Steering and Control Surfaces

make the overall solution complicated. Electric

actuation may not only reduce hydraulic power

plants, but may also make the whole control

system much simpler.

Platform Control and Crew Local Control are

practically duplicated

Platform services are highly complicated - simply

many systems - and drive the cost of ownership.

However, platform services are mainly a support

function so efforts to drive out functionality from

all areas may well yield savings here.

Platform Services also identified that fresh water

should be removed and that an Integrated

Buoyancy System would reduce some of the

complexity. Variable Speed Drives were also

identified as being able to reduce system


The NSRP has a clear dependency on

infrastructure to maintain and provide the boat

safety case.

Direct Drive propulsion has many specific

components and interactions with the whole boat.

Shaftless electric propulsion removes many

components and greatly simplifies the overall

design and support of the programme.

Fly-by-wire standard control systems and

automation, in particular for Power Generation /

NSRP, may significantly improve operation and

support by reducing manning, improving


operating profiles and allowing condition


Figure 8 TRIZ principles



Using the historical designs as the cost reference and a

current design as the technology baseline, all the

subsequent submarine concept designs options were

developed around the common set of design principles

shown in figure 9:

Development of these concept designs and subsequent

evaluations concluded that:

Evolutionary enhancements will not yield the

scale of whole life cost savings being sought,

as none of the big cost drivers are impacted.

A submarine designed from the outset for

minimum whole life cost could deliver the

target savings in build, and through life.

The use of parallel, non submarine related,

military or high end civil programmes might

provide appropriate technologies for an

alternative submarine solution.

There is significant value in challenging

elements of the user requirement, particularly

those that drive UPC, such as depth, speed,


We also confirmed that design measures taken

to reduce build costs added both weight and

volume, exposing, once again, that the

misconception that to be cheaper, Nuclear

Submarines with X and Y capabilities need to

be lighter and smaller. Indeed, we concluded

that setting weight and volume targets for a

future submarine could prove counter

productive, particularly in the early stages of



Figure 9: Cost drivers

Title Cost Driver Design Changes







t u


n r



or r



g c


s a









g t










o LOP’s /any extended maintenance periods

o Using submarine for non operational duties. o Unreliable plant driving contingency & unplanned


Durable secondary circuit (system)

Materials selection and preservation

Elimination of intrusive inspection

Self monitoring and control of signatures

Increased use of alternative training solutions

Over engineering & lower stressed duty cycle




ic S




o Difficulty & time for upgrades

o Number of cables & connectors

o Differing power & cooling requirements o Number & range of spares

Open systems architecture

Use of standardised COTS modules

Reduced number of functions

Wireless Communications


Effective FOLAN

Reduced services

Distributed Power Systems

Standard interfaces

Rationalized cooling and energy efficiency

Standard interfaces






o Seismic justification of facilities

o Fuel handling (used & new) o Production & maintenance of safety case

o Requirement for dock to undertake maintenance

Step change redesign of NSRP

Design for disposal

Inherent safety features

Reduced dependence on shore facilities

Reduced reliance for high integrity supplies

Concurrent system design, boat & facility safety case

development (analogous to pre-construction safety report

before detailed design)

Develop in-water engineering solutions for all expected

maintenance actions



o Build time

o Production support o Capital finance

o Packing density and piece part complexity

o Material Costs o Volumes & piece part count

o Number of bespoke submarine components

Modular build and test of independent functional areas where cost and time effective

Eliminate other demanding alignment requirements.

Rationalisation/revalidation of SWS/SWSS for new build

with increased UK supply

PH designed for optimum spatial layout & geometric


Hotel services in single module

Reduced requirement and functional demands leading to simpler and fewer systems

Challenge ARM & safety requirements to reduce number of

key equipments

Modular TWS

Alternatives to fluid systems

Reduce Packing Density

Distributed as opposed to centralised systems

Use of commercial standards in place of Naval engineering Standards

Extensive use of MOTS/COTS


o Watch Keeping

o Damage control

Extensive plant automation, unmanned consoles.

Radical restructuring / redesign of fore and aft end consolidation of functions

Throttles in Control room

Fire prevention, detection and suppression

Automated damage control systems

Hard tunnel

Fire protection leading to change in doctrine

Bulkhead protection

Reduced hull penetrations

Self healing systems






So if a step change in submarine design, incorporating

alternative technologies and architectures can yield

substantial and whole life cost savings, why has it not


We concluded, almost inevitably, that the maximum

savings can only be realised if the whole enterprise

changes its mode of operation and focuses on

minimising cost. The potential benefits offered by new

technology necessitate changes to business practice

across the whole enterprise and all lines of

development, for example:

Significant reductions in the size of the crew

will drive changes in the manner in which the

submarine would be operated. The manning

strategy would need to reflect a new approach

to damage control, training, career

development and changes in crew roles and

responsibilities. Concurrent development of

the design and the career structure against a

jointly agreed target range would be essential

if situations of over manning or over specified

automated solutions are to be avoided in


Whole sale changes would be required in

design and build strategies to accommodate

the demands of “design for whole life cost”

and modular build, test and acceptance.

A concerted challenge to the proliferation of

bespoke Naval Engineering Standards would

be required to adapt the supply chain.

A radical change would be required in support

management arrangements to reduce the

amount of unnecessary maintenance and work

in wake. “Design for Availability” rather than

“Design for Support” becomes the watchword.

In addition, getting the right customer organisation that

enables equipment and technology programmes to be

focused on reducing the whole life cost of the

programme is particularly important, supported by

credible submarine cost models that permit whole life

cost measurement, target setting and monitoring.



From the work described in the preceding section it has

been possible to develop a philosophy of submarine

design. This may be summarized under four headings:



Tools and processes

Whole boat design

Figure 10 Concept design principles


The starting point of design is, of course, to understand

the customer’s needs. These are normally expressed as

a formal requirement, but key points may be implicit

rather than stated. Military submarines exist, in

principle, to fight – or threaten to do so – but there is a

hierarchy of military needs, and it is necessary to

understand the level of need which has to be met. The

design solution will directly reflect this.

A rough hierarchy has been constructed with three

levels of need:


Credible defence

High intensity war

Simpler and Cheaper

Challenge the requirements at platform,

system & sub-system level;

Develop a rationalised system/equipment,

spatial & modular architecture;

Rationalised approach to engineering

standards, & redundancy;

Reduce the number and variations of piece

parts, equipment & components;

Adopt open architectures to enable ease of


Reduce, minimise & standardise


Minimise bespoke submarine systems,

utilising COTS wherever possible to reduce the

cost of equipment;

A concurrent approach to Naval career

development & the submarine solution;

Identify solutions that minimise additional

infrastructure requirements;


Minimise all energies being transmitted

to/from the hull to meet the required & potential

enhancements in stealth

Energy efficiency to improve core life &

manage undesirable emissions


Integrate continuous safety improvement

within the design approach


Exploit rapid prototyping and product

development techniques to mature technologies

quickly - but avoid any high risk developing

technologies that would disrupt the design and

build tempo.

Minimise critical path activities through

reductions in interdependent solutions.



Cost Driver Technical Challenge Enabling Strategy







t u


n r



or r



g c


s a






















o LOP’s / any extended

maintenance periods

o Using submarine for non operational duties

(training, etc.)

o Unreliable plant driving contingency for

unplanned outages

Design for RCM

Eliminate the requirement for

extended maintenance

Reduce collective training

through the use of more intuitive

MMI systems

Inherently reliable & durable


Design strategy implements increased RCM in systems design - reducing invasive inspection


Operating strategy reduces need for at-sea training & maximises the use of shore based training facilities

Plant Operating strategy




ic S



s o Difficulty & time for

upgrades o Number of cables &


o Differing power & cooling requirements

o Number & range of


Ease of upgrade

Fewer cables & connectors

Standardised power & cooling

Standardisation of parts

Design strategy will demand equipment arrangement

is 'designed to replace', increase confidence in SIF trial results

Supply strategy promotes increased use of COTS and standardisation






o Seismic justification of

facilities o Fuel handling (used &


o Production & maintenance of safety


o Requirement for dock to undertake


Remove dependence on seismic justification of nuclear safety case

Fuel for life (preferred) alternatively significantly shorten


Minimise shore infrastructure

required for de-fuel, treatment &

waste storage

Robust & reusable safety case

centred on platform not facility

Remove docking dependency

Drive design to reduce or eliminate docking


Design for Disposal

Develop safety case as an integral part of design process linking safety case to availability

Design strategy promotes the elimination of docking for dependent items



o Build time

o Production support

o Capital finance o Hotel systems

o Life support

o Auxiliaries o Ships systems

o Volumes & piece part

count o Number of bespoke

nuclear submarine components

Reduce number of overall build critical paths to In Service Date

by eliminating final alignment requirements.

Improve design maturity of propulsion and Combat System


Reduce crew numbers

Simplification of system solutions

Reduce the number & complexity of systems

Optimise the spatial design of PH volume to match spatial demand

of systems

Specify systems that can be

sourced either:

Through competition Against supplier's embedded


From alternative technologies & industries

Keeping the requirement trade space open and

providing the ability to challenge non functional requirements

Agreement on manning bands and concurrent development of career structure and technology

solution permits optimization of both crew and

platform costs

Conduct rigorous requirement and functional analysis

through a suitably SQEPed body to rationalize demand on systems.

Supply strategy promotes increased standardisation &

use of COTS equipment

Supply strategy promotes increased standardisation &

use of COTS equipment

Design Strategy aligns to alternative military or

commercial industries that exhibit longevity

Consolidation of critical processes into one supplier

Build strategy

Improved management systems & a simplistic

approach to design utilising new standards

implements demonstration & acceptance of performance at modular level

further improves dimensional control & interface



o Watchkeeping

o Damage control

Enable reduction in watch bill

Enable reduction in damage

control parties

Doctrinal challenge

Manning strategy of Navy needs to complement move to reduce manning and incorporate automation as far

as possible.

Manning strategy promotes the removal of high manning levels for damage control & invokes reliance

on automated systems

Figure 11:Cost drivers, technical challenges and Enabling Strategies

If the customer’s need is primarily symbolic, a simple,

affordable design without substantial innovation may

provide all that is required. Shore support may be

limited to the minimum which will keep the boat

running, and simplicity of maintenance as well as

operation will be needed.


Where the customer requires a credible defence, the

capability offered must match the perceived threat.

Cost and operability issues may limit the design

solution to a modern but not complex boat which limits

the financial, infrastructure and human investment

required. A robust rather than a sophisticated solution

may be appropriate.

At the highest level of need are customers whose armed

forces must be able to conduct a full range of

operations, up to and including high intensity war. This

is the territory of the SSN, SSBN and high capability

SSK. Financial and human factors may drive the

solution to one of quantity rather than quality, and

again favour robustness over sophistication, but

outright military capability is the objective and is likely

to require both a complex design solution and major

supporting infrastructure.

The design philosophy developed addresses the middle

and upper levels of need.


To conduct high intensity operations through its design

life a submarine must have adaptability built in from

the start. Capacity is required in:



System capacities

Stability and trim

These must be physically present in the form of space

allocations as well as stability and weight growth


In a tightly packed submarine the cost of uncovenanted

change, during design and through life, is so great that

only if the layout and margins make provision for them

can the submarine be delivered and maintained free

from obsolescence at affordable cost.

In UK submarine design, margins have historically

been confined to weight and centre of gravity margins.

However, the desire for late equipment insertion during

build and for continuous upgrading through life

requires prioritized space allocations for maintenance,

equipment withdrawal and replacement – and a heroic

ability to defend them from encroachment.

Appropriate margins and reduced packing density have

a large role to play in reducing manufacturing cost.

Attempts to reduce boat size (and it is hoped) cost by

attacking them are generally unhelpful. Design time is

increased, manhour productivity is reduced and

rigorous control processes are required to force the

genie into the bottle. These actively increase cost,

directly and through the ‘marching army’ of overhead

costs. Robust design solutions with appropriate margins

and minimum programme time are unheroic but



Manufacturing tools and processes are clearly

important in reducing the first cost of the submarine.

Less obvious are those used in design and management.

It is axiomatic that effort should go primarily into

productive work, yet it is common for both design

processes and tools to ensure that much of the effort

goes into the process, not the product.

Good design tools and processes should:

Be transparent

Require the minimum of data preparation and


Carry out all the required design and analysis


Update automatically

Allow easy configuration control

These points may seem a statement of the obvious, but

the quality of analysis varies surprisingly between

different software suites, and even some well-known

design tools require each module to be individually

rerun after a data change. This requires considerable

effort and makes configuration control laborious.

Fortunately this situation is now changing, with self-

updating software and object-oriented, ‘Building Block’

tools of the UCL type for Early Stages design. The

‘Building block’ approach allows modular architectures

to be used throughout design and build, and has been

adopted for all of BAESSS’s recent designs. Each

module may be treated as a ‘black box’ with minimum

connection to the others through system highways. The

dependencies between the components of the design are

simplified and the effort put into the processes is



The whole boat design and build philosophy which

follows is based on the following assumptions:

Submarines, especially those with nuclear

propulsion, are highly integrated, complex

products in which the cost and risk impacts of

change are very high. These impacts are

magnified by the size and structure of the

organisations required to create and maintain


Submarines have been greatly changed by fifty

years of incremental development, but in


many cases the basic planform has changed

very little.

Cost pressures, changing technology, and

changes in the military environment are

bringing the high capability submarine close to

the end of a development plateau. In the long

term it may disappear like the battleship – in

the short and medium term its uses remain but

the vehicle itself must adapt.

These factors have led to a basic design philosophy:

Reduce the complexity of the submarine,

using functional analysis and ‘decoupling’ of

design elements where possible.

Reduce the complexity of the organisations

and processes involved

Make designs adaptable, allowing late

insertion of equipment and continuous

upgrading in service.

Reduce manufacturing cost and complication,

by lowered packing densities, reducing the

numbers and variety of components, and by

keeping work as far as possible ‘off the boat’.

Maintain continuity of personnel and policies,

so that key decisions made at the beginning of

a programme are not challenged at a late stage.

Coupling these with the lessons learned from TRIZ and

while developing design concepts leads to a modular

design approach using:

Self contained modules built, pre-

commissioned or individually commissioned

‘off boat’ and inserted into the pressure hull at

the latest possible stage. These modules may

be treated as ‘black boxes’ in system design

Minimum through systems, organised into

system highways which can also be built and

tested ‘off boat’

Linking of modules via the system highways

with the minimum of interfaces

Physical linking of the modules via the

pressure hull structure. Apart from the module

supports only the minimum necessary of

internal structure is built into the pressure hull.

Pressure hull and external structures treated as

modules with the external form decoupled as

far as possible from the pressure hull. The

heavy and relatively costly pressure hull may

be simplified without sacrificing

hydrodynamic performance.

Weight, space and centre of gravity envelopes

defined for each module. The envelopes are

not defined at the start of the design, but

assessed and defined during the concept

design stage and frozen at the beginning of

detailed design.

Weight, space and moment reservations for

access, maintenance, and replacement of

equipment through life. These are defined

during the concept design stage and defended

by all humane means. Allowances are left for

late insertion of equipment and similarly


Design integration carried out across

disciplines, with shared ownership of the

whole boat outcome.


Modern submarines, particularly those with nuclear

propulsion, are among the most complex of human

artefacts, comparable in complexity only to the Space

Shuttle. Current designs are generally the outcome of a

long period of incremental development, fuelled by an

international confrontation now ended. Changes in the

military and political environment and in the available

technology are moving submarine design off a design

plateau at a time when cost of ownership is paramount.

It is the Authors’ belief that these changes cannot be

accommodated solely by incremental development.

Work at BAE SYSTEMS Submarine Solutions has

shown that there are alternative paths available which

will enable a better balance of cost and capability, and

use the skills available to better effect.

To design a submarine for minimum cost requires

changes in the ‘Submarine Enterprise’ which affect

every area, and the abandonment of cherished beliefs -

not least the equation of cost with size. Cost is an

emergent property of the submarine and of the

enterprise which supports it, and cannot be reduced

effectively by a reductionist approach.

The major submarine cost drivers have been identified

and sets of concept design principles and enabling

strategies have been created to allow minimum cost

design. A modular approach to design, build and

maintenance has set out to embody them, and to enable

greater creativity through a reduction in whole boat


The title of this paper is ‘cost and creativity’, and it

may seem that it contains a great deal of ‘cost’ but little

‘creativity’. The approach to submarine design


described here is an enabler, removing effort from the

process in order that the skills of the designer, builder,

maintainer – and not least, operator – are directed to the

true purpose of the submarine. Without those skills

there would be no creativity, and no submarine.

In the words of a great musician, ‘you cannot legislate



The Authors would like to acknowledge the work of all

their colleagues on whose work this paper’s substance

depends. The opinions expressed are those of the

authors and not those of BAE SYSTEMS Submarine

Solutions, but without the work of many others the

paper could not have been written.

They would also like to acknowledge the work of

Oxford Creativity, UK, for the training in TRIZ

techniques upon which much of the work described



1. NEVIL SHUTE NORWAY, ‘Slide Rule: the

Autobiography of an Engineer’, Heinemann, 1954

2. SIR JOHN HARVEY-JONES, ‘Getting It Together:

Memoirs of a trouble shooter’, Heinemann, 1993.

3. NAM RODGER, ‘A Naval History of Britain’ Vol 2 The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of

Britain: 1649-1815’, Allen Lane, 2004

4. Branford Marsalis, interviewed by Julian Joseph on

BBC Radio 3, UK


Michael Wear holds the current position of Strategic

Programmes Manager at BAE SYSTEMS Submarine

Solutions in Barrow-in-Furness. Throughout his career,

Mike has held responsibilities for the design,

programming and cost estimation of future concepts.

He has over 30 years experience of shipbuilding and in

particular has an in depth knowledge of the planning

and execution of major naval projects. He has

previously held Senior management roles on RN

submarine programmes and is a recognised expert in

the development and delivery of Build Strategies,

among others developing and delivering the strategies

for LPH, LPD(R), and Type 45.

John Salisbury holds the current position of

Consultant Naval Architect at BAE SYSTEMS

Submarine Solutions in Barrow-in-Furness where he is

responsible for Naval Architecture on future

programmes and in Product Development. He has more

than 30 years experience in the shipbuilding, defence

and offshore oil industries, including the design of

commercial vessels, Naval OPVs and Auxiliaries, and

harsh environment FPSOs. Prior to taking up his

present post he held the position of BAESSS Naval

Architecture Manager, having previously worked on

the LPD(R), Auxiliary Oiler, CVF and Astute SSN
