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UC Riverside2019 Publications

TitleHow do particle number, surface area, and mass correlate with toxicity of diesel particle emissions as measured in chemical and cellular assays?


JournalChemosphere, 229


AuthorsXue, JianHu, ShaohuaQuiros, Davidet al.

Publication Date2019-08-01

DOI10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.010 Peer reviewed Powered by the California Digital LibraryUniversity of California

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Correlations of PM metrics with humanrespiratory system deposited PM massdetermined from ambient particle sizedistributions and effective densities

Yue Lin, Roya Bahreini, Seung-Bok Lee, Gwi-Nam Bae & Heejung Jung

To cite this article: Yue Lin, Roya Bahreini, Seung-Bok Lee, Gwi-Nam Bae & Heejung Jung (2020)Correlations of PM metrics with human respiratory system deposited PM mass determined fromambient particle size distributions and effective densities, Aerosol Science and Technology, 54:3,262-276, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2019.1690630

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Published online: 21 Nov 2019.

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Correlations of PM metrics with human respiratory system deposited PM massdetermined from ambient particle size distributions and effective densities

Yue Lina,b, Roya Bahreinic, Seung-Bok Leed, Gwi-Nam Baee, and Heejung Junga,b

aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, USA; bCollege of Engineering-Centerfor Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT), University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, USA; cDepartment ofEnvironmental Sciences, University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, USA; dCenter for Environment, Health and WelfareResearch, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea; eCenter for Particulate Air Pollution and Health, Korea Institute ofScience and Technology, Seoul, Korea

ABSTRACTThe size distribution and effective density of ambient particles were measured with andwithout using Catalytic Stripper (CS) at Riverside, CA in September 2015 and June 2016 tocalculate time-dependent human respiratory system deposited particulate matter (hereafterreferred to as PMRS) mass using composition dependent growth factors along with the lungdeposition fraction reported by ICRP (1994). The particle active surface area, black carbon(BC) mass, particle number (PN), solid particle number (SPN), and suspended PM mass (fromparticle size distributions and effective densities) were also obtained to investigate correla-tions with PMRS. Non-refractory organic and inorganic mass measured by an aerosol massspectrometer (mAMS) provided additional information in relation to PMRS vs. chemicalnature of particles.Ambient particle size distributions showed strong diurnal variations during the samplingperiod. While the respiratory system deposited PM mass fraction (0.32–0.36) did not varymuch with time, the PMRS followed the trend of suspended PM mass in the ambient air.The PMRS for the alveolar region was the highest (0.3–1.0lg/m3), followed by that for nasalregion (0.16–0.83lg/m3), and that for tracheobronchial region (0.05–0.27lg/m3). They allpeaked during noon to 6 PM and reached the lowest value near midnight.Suspended PM mass in the ambient air correlated best with PMRS, followed by mAMS meas-ured organics, active surface area, and BC mass. It is also found that particle hygroscopicitydid not significantly affect correlations between metrics and PMRS. Considering the accessi-bility and cost of these measurements, we propose particle active surface area and BC massto be considered when evaluating/monitoring the adverse health effects caused by PM.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 10 July 2019Accepted 8 October 2019

EDITORKihong Park

1. Introduction

Particulate mass is the metric used to regulate PM(Particulate Matter) concentrations for both ambientair quality standards and source emissions standards(US EPA 2004). There is an ample number of healtheffect studies and data built around this metric forseveral decades (Dockery et al. 1993). These studiesare the scientific basis for regulations to mitigate theadverse health effects by lowering particle mass con-centrations. Numerous studies have shown reductionof PM mass, such as PM2.5, reduces adverse humanhealth effects (Brook et al. 2010; Clancy et al. 2002;Delfino, Sioutas, and Malik 2005; Pope et al. 2004;Schwartz, Dockery, and Neas 1996). These studies

enabled enforcement of low PM mass emitting tech-nologies in sources, such as low PM mass emittingvehicles, benefiting society with improved air quality.

Mass metric has served very well to improve publichealth by cleaning air up to the current level duringthe past decades. Significant health benefits have beenachieved by lowering ambient PM mass concentra-tions. Majority of the US cities are attaining NationalAmbient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for PM2.5while there are some areas such as central Californiaand Los Angeles (LA) basin that have remained asnon-attainment areas for a long time. Benefits onhuman health due to the reduction of ambient PM2.5mass is known to have non-linear relationships (Forexample see Figure 1 of Apte et al. (2015)).

CONTACT Heejung Jung Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California—Riverside, A357 Bourns Hall, 900University Ave, Riverside, CA 92521, USA.Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at� 2019 American Association for Aerosol Research


Underlying physics, chemistry, biology, and toxicitymay have contributed to this non-linearity. There areconflicting evidences regarding further increasinghealth benefits with more stringent NAAQS. Ladenet al. (2006) extended the mortality analysis of theHarvard Six Cities adult cohort study, following themup for 8 years in a period of reduced air pollutionconcentrations, and reported that total, cardiovascular,and lung cancer mortality were each positively associ-ated with ambient PM2.5 concentrations. They alsoreported reduced PM2.5 concentrations were associ-ated with reduced mortality risk. Di et al. (2017a,2017b) analyzed the entire Medicare population from2000 to 2012 residing in 39,182 zip codes andreported there is a risk of mortality by exposure toPM2.5 and ozone, even at levels below currentnational air quality standards. On the other hand,Enstrom (2017) re-analyzed 1982 American CancerSociety Cancer Prevention Study (CPS II) cohort dataand reported no significant relationship betweenPM2.5 and total mortality in the CPS II cohort whenthe best available PM2.5 data were used. Young,Smith, and Lopiano (2017) analyzed air quality andacute deaths in California from 2000 to 2012, andfound little evidence for association between air qual-ity and acute deaths.

A specific question, of both legislative and researchinterest, is to examine appropriateness of PM metricsin light of improved measurement capabilities of par-ticle properties. Particle number, solid particle num-ber, black carbon concentration, particle active surfacearea and suspended particle mass are examples ofmetrics of consideration for this study. The currentstudy responds to one of the grand challenges sum-marized by Sorensen et al. (2019) They recommendedmultidimensional approach beyond typically measuredPM2.5 and PM10 to further elucidate the relationshipbetween ambient particle properties and adversehealth effect.

Particle number is not an ideal metric since therehas been evidence of negative correlation betweenPM2.5 mass and particle number concentrations dur-ing nucleation events while the correlation is positivein the absence of nucleation (Baldauf et al. 2016;Stanier, Khlystov, and Pandis 2004). On the otherhand, solid particle number (SPN) can potentially bea better metric, considering soot is a carrier for toxiccompounds and SPN should have relatively goodpositive correlations with PM2.5. Toxic compounds,such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) areadsorbed on the surface of solid particles and carriedinto the human respiratory system. Soot aggregatesfrom combustion, as the most abundant solid particletype in urban environments, act as a carrier of car-cinogenic compounds. A solid particle number con-centration limit of 6� 1011 particles/km has beenincluded in Euro 5/6 standards for light-duty dieselvehicles (UNECE 2008). The Euro 6 standard forheavy-duty diesel vehicles includes a solid particlenumber concentration limit as well, with the proposedlimits of 8� 1011 particles/kWh for stationary cyclesand 6� 1011 particles/kWh for transient cycles(Johnson 2010). While the current regulatory solidparticle measurement system for vehicle exhaust is asophisticated system (Giechaskiel et al. 2008) com-posed of a heated and cooled dilutor, an evaporationtube, and a condensational particle counter (CPC), asimpler system can be designed for the measurementof ambient air. In the current study, we used inte-grated particle concentrations using a catalytic strip-per-SMPS system. A simpler system such as a catalyticstripper-CPC system can measure solid particle num-ber of ambient air for routine monitoring in thefuture study.

Previous studies suggested surface area concentra-tions in various environments may be suitable to pre-sent negative human health effects of aerosolexposure. Toxicological studies have found that ultra-fine particles may have an increased toxicity compared

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for ambient particle size distribution and effective density measurement.


to larger particles with the same composition andmass (Johnston et al. 2000; Karlsson et al. 2009) dueto higher specific surface area.

Many previous studies were based on BET surfacearea (Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller 1938) whichrequires relatively large sample amount and post-collection analysis. BET surface area is not a conveni-ent metric for routine monitoring. Geometric surfacearea (GSA) refers to the external surface area of par-ticles, but does not include internal pore areas likeBET. Lall and Friedlander (2006) and Lall et al. (2006)developed a theory to calculate geometric surface areaof chain aggregates. Cao et al. (2017) also reportedsome success measuring GSA for spherical and aggre-gate particles. Both studies have limitations as theyneed to know types of particles before the measure-ment to determine GSA. Particle active surface areadefines the exterior envelop surface area that isresponsible for mass transfer of diffusing species. Itcan be measured using an aerosol diffusion chargerand can be a promising and feasible metric for routinemonitoring. Moshammer and Neuberger (2003)reported correlations of the measured active surfacearea for particle sizes ranging from 10 nm to 1 mmwith lung function and pulmonary symptoms ofschool children in Austria. Moshammer, Neuberger,and Nebot (2004) also reported active surface area asa good indicator for ETS (environmental tobaccosmoke) exposure. They found a good correlationbetween active surface area and nicotine concentra-tions in the ambient air.

Black Carbon (BC) mass also has a potential to bea good indicator of the aerosols’ adverse health effects.Epidemiological studies have provided evidence forthe positive association of human health effects withexposure to BC. Delfino et al. (2010) found BC masshas a positive association with blood pressure but ithas a weaker correlation than with aerosol organiccarbon mass. Mordukhovich et al. (2009) observedpositive associations between blood pressure and BC,but not with PM2.5. Janssen et al. (2011) performed asystematic review and meta-analysis of health effectsof BC compared with PM mass based on data fromtime-series studies. They concluded that mass increaseof BC led to higher mortality and more frequent hos-pital admissions compared to PM2.5 or PM10 mass.Toxicological studies suggest that BC may operate asa ubiquitous carrier of a wide variety of chemicals ofvarying toxicity to the human body (WHO 2012). BCis a dominant component in traffic-related particles.There are a few studies suggesting a potential of BCas a proxy to estimate health effects from the exposure

to traffic related pollutants (Janssen et al. 2011;Schaap and van der Gon 2007).

Lung-deposited particle mass is of researchers’interest. To estimate the respiratory system depositedmass (PMRS), which includes lung-deposited particlemass, aerosol size-resolved density profiles are needed.There are a few studies which applied size-resolvedparticle effective density to estimate the lung-deposited particle mass of ambient PM. Rissler et al.(2012) and Wierzbicka et al. (2014) applied differen-tial mobility analyzer (DMA)-aerosol particle massanalyzer (APM) technique to measure size dependentdensity of diesel exhaust particles and used the densityprofile with particle size distributions to estimate therespiratory system deposited particulate mass (PMRS).

PM deposition in the human respiratory tract is animportant link between exposure to ambient particu-lates and observed health effects. There are limitedstudies reporting lung-deposited PM mass of ambientparticulate (L€ondahl et al. 2009) and diesel exhaust(Rissler et al. 2012; Wierzbicka et al. 2014). L€ondahlet al. (2006) developed a flow-through system, whichwas applied to human subjects, to measure the lung-deposition fraction as a function of particle size bycomparing particle size distributions during inhalationand exhalation. With this technique, L€ondahl et al.(2007) reported that there is almost no dependence ofthe deposition fraction by gender and exercise level;however, higher deposition was measured for malesubjects and during exercise due to increased ventila-tion rate. They also reported the deposition fractionof hygroscopic ultrafine particles could be estimatedby calculating their equilibrium size at 99.5% relativehumidity (RH), i.e., the RH in the alveolar region(Anselm et al. 1990). Additionally, L€ondahl et al.(2008) investigated aerosol deposition fraction andgrowth factor using hygroscopic particles from bio-mass combustion using their flow-through system.They reported deposition fraction is affected by par-ticle hygroscopicity and hygroscopic ultrafine particlesobtain deposition probabilities close to the minimumdue to hygroscopic growth. In a follow up study,L€ondahl et al. (2009) investigated deposition fractionof curbside ambient particles to understand depositionfraction of traffic related particles. They found thatdeposition fraction of particles from curbside wasmuch higher than those from biomass combustionbecause of the lower fraction of hygroscopic particlesand higher number of ultrafine particles. WhileL€ondahl and his colleagues research provides criticalinformation regarding deposition fraction and growth

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factor, involvement of human subjects prevents appli-cation of this method for routine monitoring.

Our study aims to: 1) determine respiratory systemdeposited PM mass (PMRS) using particle size distri-butions determined by a scanning mobility particlesizer (SMPS), particle effective density determined byDMA-CPMA method, and lung deposition fractioncurves in an SOA- (secondary organic aerosol) richarea, Riverside, CA. 2) compare correlations betweenthe PMRS and ambient aerosol monitoring metrics,such as BC, SPN, suspended PM mass and active sur-face area to determine metrics that correlate best withPMRS. We acknowledge reactivity (and toxicity) ofparticles vary widely and PMRS by itself may not besufficient to explain all of the adverse aerosol healtheffects. Also, it should be noted that we are not sug-gesting a PM metric itself will solely be predictive fora toxic response in the human respiratory system asmuch of the effects will be related to the interactionof particles with macrophages and epithelial cells.Despite this, physical metrics provide a commondenominator for potential toxicity measurements andambient monitoring. Results of this study will informpolicy-makers about importance of different metricsthat could be considered for developing futureregulations.

2. Experimental

The measurements were conducted at the second floorof the Geology building at the University ofCalifornia, Riverside (33.974762, –117.326313),0.55 km away from the nearest highway (State Route60) and 3.6 km away from highway 91. The measure-ments were conducted continuously during two peri-ods: 09/16/2015–09/23/2015 and 06/06/2016–06/15/2016.

The experimental setup is shown in Figure 1.Ambient particles were sampled through a residencechamber with residence time of 4.4min to provide apseudo-steady state condition for each measurement.All the instruments were placed indoors at a constanttemperature of 25 �C.

An aethalometer (Magee Scientific model AE33)measured the BC mass concentration in September2015 campaign, and MAAP (Thermo Scientific model5012) measured the BC in June 2016 campaign. AnElectrical Aerosol Detector (EAD TSI model 3070A)measured active aerosol surface area based on diffu-sion charging. Unipolar ions carried by a particle-freeflow are mixed with the aerosol sample flow in acounter-flow chamber for diffusion charging. A lab-

made Catalytic Stripper (CS; Abdul-Khalek andKittelson 1995; Stenitzer 2003) operating at 300 ˚Cwas used to remove semivolatile components of ambi-ent aerosols. The wall loss in the CS mode was cor-rected by an experimentally-determined, size-dependent penetration efficiency curve. A three-waysolenoid valve (ASCO Valve, Inc) was programed toswitch the flow passage between ambient (BP mode asthe sample flow bypasses CS) and the CS (CS modeas the flow goes through the CS) every 10min. ADMA-centrifugal particle mass analyzer (CPMA)-CPC(DMA model 3081, TSI, Inc.; CPMA, Cambustion,Limited; CPC model 3022, TSI, Inc.) system wasplaced downstream of the solenoid valve to measureparticle effective density, once every 10min.Monodisperse aerosol in electrical mobility wasselected by the DMA and fed into the CPMA-CPCsystem. The CPMA-CPC system determined mass ofaerosol at a given mobility diameter, allowing calcula-tion of particle effective density as a function ofmobility diameter. Four mobility diameters (dm¼ 50,70, 101, 152 nm) covering the range where the alveo-lar and tracheobronchial deposited mass fraction isrelatively high (Oberd€orster, Oberd€orster, andOberd€orster 2005) were selected. Detailed descriptionof the density measurement setup of this study wasreported in a previous manuscript (Lin et al. 2018). AScanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) consisting ofa Differential Mobility Analyzer (TSI model 3081) andCondensation Particle Counter (CPC TSI model 3022)was used to measure particle size distributions (PSDs)in the range of 10–346 nm, which covers most of thesize range, important to the lung deposition by diffu-sion and interception but not necessarily by iner-tial impaction.

A compact time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer(mini-AMS or mAMS) measured non-refractory dryaerosol composition in June 2016 campaign.Composition-dependent collection efficiency correc-tion was applied to the bulk mAMS concentrations(Middlebrook et al. 2012).

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Particle size spectra with and without using CS

Temperature and RH in Figure 2a show strong diur-nal trends from 6/6 to 6/10 and 6/12 to 6/13. On theother hand, much weaker diurnal temperature andRH trends were observed on 6/11. Westerly wind wasdominant with the average wind speed of 4m/s dur-ing the period as shown in Figure 2b. Figures 2c andd show particle spectra for BP mode and CS mode.


Note that wall loss in the CS was corrected for CSmode particle spectra using experimentally determinedpenetration curve for the CS. Maximum particle

concentrations were observed during 6–7 PM as tem-perature-driven mixing (or dilution) rapidly slowsdown. Figure 2e shows PN for CS and BP modes.

Figure 2. (a) Temperature and humidity trend, (b) wind speed and direction, (c) BP mode particle size spectra, (d) CS mode par-ticle size spectra, (e) particle number concentration, and (f) BP mode particle effective density variation during June 2016 measure-ment period, (g) temperature and humidity trend, (h) wind speed and direction, (i) BP mode particle size spectra, (j) CS modeparticle size spectra, (k) particle number concentration, and (l) BP mode particle effective density variation during September 2015measurement period.

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Strong diurnal trends were observed except on 6/11.CS mode particle concentration was the lowest(�4000 particles/cm3) at 6–7 AM and the highest(�15,000 particles/cm3) at 6–7 PM. The BP mode par-ticle concentration was the highest (�30,000 particles/cm3) at �7 PM. Figure 2c shows that particle modediameter increased from �20 nm at �9 AM to

�90 nm at �12 PM, and decreased from noon tonight time to 10–30 nm. Given that the majority ofthe aerosol mass in Riverside is secondary in nature,we speculate this size change from morning to noonrepresents growth of particles due to condensation oforganic and inorganic vapors as the urban plume istransported from western part of the LA Basin to

Figure 2. Continued.


Riverside. Time dependent and size independent BPmode particle effective density, shown in Figure 2f,was obtained by averaging the nearest size-dependentparticle effective density at each time. We publishedin depth analysis of the effective density analysis sep-arately in our previous work (Lin et al. 2018). Wefound the CS mode particle effective density is clearlysize-dependent and can be characterized by mass-mobility exponent. We also found BP mode effectivedensity has a slight size-dependency, but the variancewas within the measurement uncertainty. As such, wedecided to determine size-independent (or size-aver-aged) particle effective density at each time to calcu-late suspended PM mass for the BP mode, MBP. Size-independent BP mode particle effective densityshowed strong diurnal trend from 6/6 to 6/10 whilethe diurnal trend got weaker from 6/12 to 6/13.

Temperature and RH in Figure 2g show strongdiurnal trends from 9/17 to 9/21. On the other hand,slightly weaker diurnal temperature and RH trendswere observed on 9/16 and 9/22. Westerly wind wasdominant from 9/17 to 9/19 with the average windspeed of 3.2m/s during the period as shown in Figure2h. Figures 2i and j show particle spectra for BPmode and CS mode. Particle size distributions showedbroader atmospheric accumulation mode particlescompared to those in the June measurement period(Figures 2c and d). The time for maximum particle

concentrations varied daily during September meas-urement period as shown in Figure 2k. Time-dependent and size-independent BP mode particleeffective densities are shown in Figure 2l.

Particle mass concentration of the BP mode, MBP

(lg/m3) was calculated by the following equation:



ni, BP (1)

where the qavg,BP is the average effective density ofthe BP mode over the four measured particle sizes(50 nm, 70 nm, 100 nm, 150 nm) that was used tocover the size range of 10–350 nm, di is the particlediameter of the size bin from the particle size distri-butions, and ni is the number concentration of thesize bin.

Nonvolatile (or CS mode) particle mass concentra-tion was calculated by the following equation:



ni, CS (2)

where qi,CS is particle effective density of the CSmode at the ith size bin. Particle effective density pro-file was obtained at each time by fitting the particleeffective density measured at each selected size in thenearest time steps to mass fractal dimension equation:

qCS ¼ CdDm�3m (3)

Figure 3. Time series of volatile and nonvolatile suspended particle mass concentrations in (a) June 2016, (b) September 2015measurement period.

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Effective density at the ith size bin is obtained usingthe constant (C) and mass-mobility exponent (Dm)determined at each time step. As the largest selectedmobility diameter was 150 nm, effective density forsizes larger than 150 nm was obtained by extrapolatingthe mass-mobility relationship (McMurry et al. 2002;Park et al. 2003).

Both volatile aerosol (obtained by subtracting CSmode from BP mode) and nonvolatile ambientaerosol mass showed diurnal trends (Figure 3).Nonvolatile ambient particle mass on 6/11 and 6/12 were much lower compared to the other datesin Figure 3a. Likewise, volatile PM mass showedreduced concentrations. We speculate this reductionin particle mass was due to changes in meteoro-logical conditions (such as relatively high late-after-noon temperatures on 6/11 and 6/12 suppressingboundary layer height reduction in the late after-noon, leading to less reduction in vertical mixing[or dilution]), and not due to changes in trafficpattern during the weekend. Previous studies (e.g.,Bahreini et al. 2012) have shown that mass con-centration of secondary organic aerosols, the majorcomponent of submicron aerosol mass, in the LosAngeles Basin is unchanged on weekends relativeto weekdays despite a significant reduction in die-sel traffic emissions during the weekends. Figure

3b confirms that meteorological condition dictatesboth nonvolatile and volatile PM mass at themeasurement location. The volatile mass fraction ofambient aerosol ranged from 0.51 to 0.87 (0.48 to0.94) with the average of 0.74 (0.79) and standarddeviation of 0.06 (0.05) during June period(September period).

The effective densities published at Lin et al. (2018)have uncertainty of 9.4%. Wiedensohler et al. (2012)reported SMPS sizing is as accurate as the uncertain-ties of calibration PSL which was about 2.5%. Basedon authors’ experience the largest error is derivedfrom the uncertainty of the sheath flow of the SMPSsystem. Our sheath flow calibration results werewithin 1% of the setpoints and so we assume the siz-ing uncertainty of 1%. Wiedensohler et al. (2012)reported number concentrations measured by SMPShas 10% uncertainty. When these uncertainties aretaken into account, the uncertainty in MBP and MCS isestimated to be �22.4%.

3.2. Calculation of the deposited PM mass to threedifferent areas in the humanrespiratory system

The area plot in Figure 4 shows temporal trends ofdeposited particle mass in different sections of the

Figure 4. Time course of PM mass deposited at different regions of the human respiratory system during (a) June 2016 and (b)September 2015 measurement periods.


human respiratory system. The deposited mass con-centration of the BP mode, MBP,deposit (lg/m3) wascalculated by the following equation:

MBP, deposit ¼Xi


nigi (4)

where the qavg,BP is the average effective density ofthe BP mode over the four measured particle sizes(50 nm, 70 nm, 100 nm, 150 nm) that was used tocover the size range of 10–350 nm, di is the particlediameter of the size bin from the particle size distri-bution, ni is the number concentration of the size bin,and gi is the deposition fraction from ICRP (1994).MBP,deposit is also noted as PMRS in the manuscript.

Nasal and alveolar regions showed 2.85 and 3.15times higher deposited PM mass, respectively, com-pared to tracheobronchial regions over the size rangeof 10–350 nm. More specifically, the deposited mass toalveolar region is the highest among the three regionsin the respiratory system, with deposited mass rangingfrom 0.3 to 1.0 lg/m3 for the conditions encounteredduring these measurement periods. The depositedmass to nasal area was the second highest, rangingfrom 0.16 to 0.83 lg/m3. The deposited mass to tra-cheobronchial region is the lowest (0.05–0.27 lg/m3).The deposited PM mass in the human respiratory sys-tem followed the diurnal trend of suspended PMmass, MBP. The deposited PM mass in all threeregions in the respiratory system consistently peakedat noon �6 PM and showed the lowest value nearmidnight. The deposited PM mass fraction (comparedto MBP), ranged from 0.32 to 0.36, and it did not varymuch with time.

3.3. Respiratory deposited PM mass vs PM metric

Our goal is to find a physical metric, e.g., solid par-ticle number, BC mass, or suspended PM mass, whichhas the best correlation with the respiratory systemdeposited PM mass (PMRS). Figures 5a and b showthe scatterplot matrix between deposited mass in thehuman respirarotory system and aerosol properties inJune 2016 and September 2015 campaigns, respect-ively. We included mAMS-measured organic aerosol(OA) for comparison although mAMS monitoring iscostly and not practical for routine monitoring.

MBP showed the highest correlation coefficients ofnearly 1 with the respiratory system deposited PMmasses during both June and September periods inFigure 5. We attribute this to the characteristics ofparticle size distributions at the background location.Figure 6 shows period-averaged particle number and

mass size distributions. While number concentrationpeaks are below 100 nm where the lung depositionfraction is the highest, mass concentration peaks areat 168 nm for CS mode and 242 nm for BP mode. Wemay find larger contribution of ultrafine particles atlocations where primary emissions are important,such as near-road locations. In that case, MBP mayhave a lower correlation coefficient with the respira-tory system deposited PM mass.

Because of MAAP malfunctioning during the Juneperiod, we used the aethalometer data from theSeptember measurement period to investigate the cor-relations between BC and PMRS. Figure 5b shows BCmeasured by Aethalometer has moderate correlation,with correlation coefficient R2 ranging from 0.56 to0.63, with PMRS.

Table 1 summarizes correlations between PMRS andPM metrics shown in Figures 5a and b. Among themetrics of our interest, the MBP showed the best cor-relation with PMRS (R2 ¼ 0.99–1), followed by OA(R2 ¼ 0.91–0.95), active surface area (R2 ¼ 0.80–0.90),oxygenated OA (OOA, R2 ¼ 0.73–0.75), SPN (CS-mode) (R2 ¼ 0.59–0.78), BC mass (R2 ¼ 0.56–0.63),and PN (BP-mode) (R2 ¼ 0.45–0.57). Correlationswere similar for deposition in different sections of therespiratory system. As discussed earlier, MBP andmAMS are not ideal methods for a routine monitor-ing practice. However, active surface area measure-ments based on a diffusion charging instrument (i.e.,EAD) are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintainand deploy. BC and SPN (CS-mode) reported inter-mediate correlations in this study. We expect BC tohave a higher correlation with PMRS in locationswhere primary emissions are more prevalent. Futurehealth effect studies should consider including thesetwo promising metrics (active surface area and BC)and compare effectiveness of these metrics with thecurrent PM mass metrics determined by FEM(Federal Equivalent Method) and FRM (FederalReference Method).

3.4 Effect of hygroscopic growth

The relative humidity (RH) in the lungs has been esti-mated to be 99.5% (Anselm et al. 1990). Particles cangrow to larger sizes at this RH depending on theirhygroscopicity. H€ameri et al. (2000) reported a growthfactor (GF) of 1.72 for 50 nm ammonium sulfateassuming RHdry ¼ 40% and RHwet ¼ 90%. Hu et al.(2011) reported GF of �1.36–1.68 for 50–150 nmammonium nitrate for RH increasing from 40% to86%. Hu et al. (2011) reviewed hygroscopicity of

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urban ambient particles and found ambient particlesexhibited growth distributions with at least one hygro-scopic mode with GF ¼ 1.15–1.68 besides the hydro-phobic mode. Aerosol composition measurementspreviously reported in Lin et al. (2018) indicated thataerosols in the size range of 10–346 nm were domi-nated by OA (42.6%) and BC (39.7%, assuming all themeasured bulk BC was in this size range), with aminor contribution from ammonium sulfate (13.2%)and ammonium nitrate (4.5%). Size dependent GF

can be calculated if mixing state and chemical com-position are known. Lin et al. (2018) reported that theambient aerosol at Riverside during June, 2015 wasinternally mixed. Using the size-dependent chemicalcomposition as measured by the mAMS and the totalBC mass concentration by the MAAP, the volume-weighted overall GF was calculated following theZdanovskii–Stokes–Robinson (ZSR) mixing rule(Stokes and Robinson 1966) shown as Equation (5).In the absence of size-resolved BC concentration

Figure 5. Scatterplot matrix between deposited mass in the human respirarotory system and aerosol metrics for ambient air moni-toring in (a) June 2016 and (b) September 2015 campaign.


measurements, we assumed that BC was uniformlydistributed in the size range of dm ¼ 50–152 nm (Linet al. 2018). Additionally, GF of the non-refractoryinorganic components was assumed to be 2.4 in thesize range of interest (Wex et al. 2005). Since the GFof organics aerosol (OA) and BC are not well knownat high RH, upper (1.7 and 1.5, respectively) andlower (1.15 and 1.05, respectively) estimates of GFwere used to obtain a range of the possible overall GFvalues (Li et al. 2018; Yeung et al. 2014). With theseassumptions, four sets of time-resolved, size-dependent particle GFs were determined (highGF_BCþ high GF_OA, high GF_BCþ low GF_OA,low GF_BCþ high GF_OA, low GF_BCþ lowGF_OA) using Equation (5):

GF3overall ¼ einorgGF3inorg þ eOAGF


3BC (5)

where e is the volume fraction of each component ina specific size bin, calculated using the mass

concentrations of the species in each bin and assum-ing densities of 1.75 g/cm3, 1.25 g/cm3, and 1.8 g/cm3

for inorganics, OA, and BC, respectively (Lin et al.2018). Next, four sets of time-resolved, total depositedparticle mass (M(t), mg/m3) was determined byEquation (6):

M tð Þ ¼X8

i¼1Ni, tgGFi, t

pq6d3m, i

� �(6)

where the i refers to the 8 size bins covering themobility diameter between 10 and 346 nm, t refers tothe time steps between June 6th and13th, 2015, Ni, t

refers to the time-resolved number size distribution,gGFi, t refers to the number-based respiratory depos-ition fraction of each size bin considering size growth,dm, i is the geometric mean diameter of eachsize bins.

The correlations between these four deposited par-ticle mass datasets and various metrics were

Figure 6. (a) Average number and (b) mass particle size distribution for June 2016 data; (c) average number and (d) mass particlesize distribution for September 2015 data. Size independent and time-varying particle effective density were used for mass calcula-tion of the BP mode. Size-dependent and time-varying particle effective density were used for mass calculation of CS mode.

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determined. Interestingly there was no significant dif-ference in correlations with the metrics—therefore fig-ure or data are not shown—when hygroscopic growthwas considered. That is because contribution of theultrafine particles to the total deposited PM mass wasnot significant enough in this environment. This maychange in different measurement locations where pri-mary emissions dominate particle size distributions.The current analysis assumed PM toxicity is related tothe mass of deposited PM. If PM toxicity is based onother metrics such as respiratory deposited particlesurface area or number, the correlations may changequite differently.

4. Conclusion

We measured ambient particle size distribution, effect-ive density, BC, surface area, and volatile fraction inSeptember 2015 and June 2016 at Riverside, CA andinvestigated the correlation between these particlemetrics and the respiratory system depositedPM mass.

Ambient particle size distributions showed strongdiurnal variations during the sampling period. Particlemode diameter was the lowest (10–30 nm) at night-time and highest (�90 nm) at noon. Particle concen-trations were the highest at �7 PM (�30,000 particles/cm3 for BP mode and �15,000 particles/cm3 for CSmode), and the lowest (�4000 particles/cm3) at 6–7AM for CS mode.

While the deposited PM mass fraction (0.32–0.36)didn’t vary much with time of the day or during thesampling periods, PM mass deposited in the humanrespiratory system followed the trends of the sus-pended PM mass in the ambient air. Deposited PMmass for the alveolar region was the highest(0.3–1.0 lg/m3), followed by that for the nasal region(0.16–0.83lg/m3), and that for tracheobronchialregion (0.05–0.27 lg/m3). All respiratory systemdeposited PM masses peaked at noon-6 PM andreached the lowest value near midnight.

Ambient suspended PM mass correlated best withrespiratory system deposited PM mass, followed byOA, active surface area, and BC mass. Particle hygro-scopicity did not affect correlations between metricsand respiratory system deposited PM mass under theenvironment where the current study was conducted.Considering accessibility and cost of these measure-ments, we propose that active surface area and BCmass measurements be considered when evaluating/monitoring the health effects caused by air pollution.Ta



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This study was funded by NSF grant # 1233038 and USDA-NIFA Hatch (accession no. 1015963, project no. CA-R-ENS-5072-H). This work was also supported by theInstitutional Program (2E28160) of the Korea Institute ofScience and Technology.


Heejung Jung


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