CorporationlPartnershiD Asset Case)(9/97) Case Number UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY … ·...

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Transcript of CorporationlPartnershiD Asset Case)(9/97) Case Number UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY … ·...

I - ) ,

FORM B9F(Alt.) (Chapter 1 1 CorporationlPartnershiD Asset Case)(9/97) Case Number 01-30125~7

01-30125 ~7 Attorne for Debtor (name and address): Michael 2 Lurey Law Offices of Latham and Watkins 633 W 5th St. #4000

UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Northern District of California (SanFrancisco)

_ _

Telephone number: (213) 485- 1234

A chapter 11 bankruptcy case concerning the debtor corporation listed below was filed on Y16/01.

You may be a creditor of the deblor. This notice lists important deadlines. You may want to consult an attorney to protect your rights. All documents filed in the case may be inspected at the bankruptcy clerk's office at the address listed below. NOTE: The staff of the bankruptcy clerk's office cannoi give legal advice.

See Reverse Side For Imoortant Exolanations. Debtor (name@) and address): Northpoint Communications of Virginia, Inc.

303 2nd St. S Tower San Francisco, CA 94107-1366

Case Number: I Taxpayer ID Nos.:

I I Date: 02/27/01 Time: 11:00am

i For ali creditors (except a governmental unit): os/29/oi the date relief was entered.

property. If you attempt to collect a debt or take other action in v

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St. P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA 94120-7341 Telephone number: (415)268-2300

Hours Open: 9:OO am - 4:30 pm (Monday - Friday

1 Address of the Bankruptcy Clerk's (Mice:

Keenan G. Casady




A bankruptcy case under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (title 11, United Suues Code) has been filed in this court by or against the debtor listed on the front side, and an order for relief has been entered. Chapter 11 allows a debtor to reorganize or liquidate pursuant to a plan. A plan is not effective unless confinned by the court. You may be sent a copy of the plan and a disclosure statement telling you about the plan, and you might have the opportunity to vote on the plan. You will be sent notice of the date of the confirmation hearing, and you may object to confirmation of the plan and attend the confirmation hearing. Unless a trustee is serving, the debtor will remain in possession of the debtor's property and may continue to operate any business.

Filing of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case

creditors May Not Take Certain Actions

Prohibited collection actions are listed in Bankruptcy Code 0362. Common examples of prohibited actions include contacting the debtor by telephone, mail or otherwise to demand repayment; taking actions to collect money or obtain property from the debtor; repossessing the debtor's property; starting or continuing lawsuits or foreclosures.

Meeting of Creditors A meeting of creditors is scheduled for the date, time and location listed on the front side. The debtor's representative must be present at the meeting to be questioned under oath by the trustee and by creditors. Creditors are welcome to attend, but are not required to do so. The meeting may be continued and concluded at a later date without further notice.

claims A Proof of Claim is a signed statement describing a creditor's claim. If a Proof of Claim form is not included with this notice, you can obtain one at any bankruptcy clerk's office. You may look at the schedules that have been or will be filed at the bankruptcy clerk's office. If your claim is scheduled and is not listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, it will be allowed in the amount scheduled unless you file a Proof of Claim or you a~ sent further notice about the claim. Whether or not your claim is scheduled, you are permitted to file a Proof of Claim. If your claim is not listed at all or if your claim is listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, then you must file a Proof of Claim by the "Deadline to File a Proof of Claim" listed on the front side, or you might not be paid any money on your claim against the debtor in the bankruptcy case.

Discharge of Debts Confirmation of a chapter 11 plan may result in a discharge of debts, which may include all or part of your debt. See Bankruptcy Code d l 141(d). A discharge means that you may never try to collect the debt from the debtor, except as provided in the plan.

Bankruptcy Clerk's Office Any paper that you file in this bankruptcy case should be filed at the bankruptcy clerk's office at the address listed on the front side. You may inspect all papers filed, including the list of the debtor's property and debts, at the bankruptcy clerk's office.

Legal Advice The staff of the bankruptcy clerk's office cannot give legal advice. attorney to protect your rights.

You may want to consult an

---Refer to Other Side For Important Deadlines and Notices-

001 388 13205001391014 -


FORM B10 fOf5ciaI Form 10W4/98)


Name of Debtor Northpoint Communications of Virginia, Inc.

Name of CEditor (The person or other cniitv to M horn thc debtor owes money or property): Public Service Comm of Kentucky Name and Address where notices should be sent:

Public Service Comm of Kentucky Thomas M Dorman Exec Dir 211 Sower Boulevard Frankfort KY 40602

Telephone Number:

Account or other number by which creditor identifies debior:

1. Basis for Claim 0 Goodssold 0 Services performed 0 Money loaned

Personal injury/wrongful death 0 Taxes

I1 llllllill illll llllllill!ll 2739384 illli! iI 1 I! I Ill anyone else h& filed a proof of claim relating to your claim. Attach copy of statement giving particulars.

0 Check box if you have never received any notices from the bankruptcy court in this case.

0 Check box if the address differs from the address on the envelope sent to you by the court.


Check here if 0 replaces this claim 0 amends a previously filed claim, dated

0 Retiree benefits as defined in 11 U.S.C. $1 114(a) D Wages, salaries, and compensation (fill out below)

Your SS #: Unpaid compensation for services performed from to

(date) (date) 6 Other 2. Date debt was incurred: 3. If court judgment, date obtained:

I 4. Total Amount of Claim at Time Case Filed: If all or part of your claim is secured or entitled to priority, also complete Item 5 or 6 below. 0 Check this box if claim includes interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim. Attach itemized statement of all


- interest or additional charges. 5. secured Claim.

Check this box if your claim is secured by collateral (including a right of setoff).

Brief Description of Collateral: 0 Real Estate 0 Motor Vehicle

0 Other

Value of Collateral: $

Amount of arrearage and other charges at time case filed included in secured claim, if any: $-

7. Credits: The amount of all payments on this claim has beer making this proof of claim.

6. Unsecured Priority Claim. 0 Check this box if you have an unsecured priority claim

Amount entitled to priority $ Specify the priority of the claim:

before filing of the bankruptcy petition or cessation of the debtor's business, whichever is earlier - 11 U.S.C. 507(a)(3). Contributions to an employee benefit plan - 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(4).

0 Up to $ 1,950* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for personal, family, or household use - 11 U.S.C. $507(a)(6). Alimony, maintenance, or support owed to a spouse, former spouse, or child - 11 U.S.C. 5 507(a)(7).

0 Taxes or penalties owed to governmental units - 11 U.S.C. 4 507(a)(8). Other - Specify applicable paragraph of 11 U.S.C. $507(a)(-).

*Amounts are subject to adjustment ON 4/1/01 and every 3 years thereafter

0 Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to $4,300),* earned within 90 days

with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment. :redited and deducted for the purpose of I

8. Suppirting' Documents: Attach copies of supponing documents, such as promissory notes, purchase orders, invoices, itemized statements of running accounts, contrdcts, court judgments, mortgages, security agreements, and evidence of perfection of lien. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. If the documents are not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary.

9. Date-Stamped Copy: To receive an acknowledgment of the filing of your claim, enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope and copy of this proof of claim.

MAIL CLAIM TO: Clerk's Office

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St.

P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA


Date Sign and print the name and title, if any, of the crcditor or other person authorized to file this claim (attach copy of power of attorney, if any):

I I Penalty forpresenting fraudulent claim: Fine of up io $SoO,OOO or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. $5 152 and 3571.


FORM BIO (OBcial Form 10)(4/98)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROOF OF CLAIM FORM The instructionS and dpfinitwns below are general eq&wations of the law. In particular types of cmes or circumstances, such as bankruptcy cases that are not filed voluntarily by a debtor, there may be exceptions to these general rules.

The person, corporation, or other entity that has filed a bankruptcy case is called the debtor.


A creditor is any person, corporation, or other entity to whom the debtor owed a debt on the date that the bankruptcy case was filed.

A.oof of CIoim

A form telling the bankruptcy court how much the debtor owed a creditor at the time the bankruptcy case was filed (the amount of the creditor's claim). This form must be filed with the clerk of the bankruptcy court where the bankruptcy case was filed.


A claim is a secured claim to the extent that the creditor has a lien on property of the debtor (collateral) that gives the creditor the right to be paid from that prom before c d t o r s who do not have hens on the proPe*Y.

Examples of liens are a mortgage on real estate and a wuity interest in a car, truck, boat, television set, or other item of property. A lien may have been obtained through a court proceeding before the bankruptcy case began; in some states a court judgment is a lien. In addition, to the extent a creditor also owes money to the debtor (has a right of setoff), the creditor's claim may be a secured claim. (See also Unsecured Claim.)

UnreElrred China

If a claim is not a secured claim it is an unsecured claim. A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured if the property on which a creditor has a lien is not worth enough to pay the creditor in full.

Uasecumd AiorttJl Ckim

Certain types of unsecured claims are given priority, so they are to be paid in bankruptcy cases before most other unsecured claims (if there is sufficient money or property available to pay these claims). The most common types of priority claims are listed on the proof of claim form. Unsecured claims that are not specifically given priority status by the bankruptcy laws are classified as Unsecured Nonprwrity Claim.

Court, Name of Debtor, end Case Number: 4. Total Amount of Claim et T h e Case Filed: Fhl in the name of the federal judicial district where the bankruptcy case was filed (for example, Central District of California), the name of the debtor in the bankruptcy case, and the bankruptcy case number. If you meived a notice of the case h m the court, all of this information is near the top of the notice.

Fill in the total amount of the entire claim. If interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim are included, check the appropriate place on the form and attach an itemization of the interest and charges.

5. secured Clsim: Check the appropriate place if the claim is a secured claim. You must state the type and value of property that is collateral for the claim, attach copies of the documentation of your lien, and state the amount past due on the claim as of the date the bankruptcy case was filed. A claim may be partly s e d and partly unsecured. (See DEFINITTONS, above).

Information about Creditor: Complete the section giving the name, address, and telephone number of the Creditor to whom the debtor owes money or property, and the debtor's account number, if any. If an one else has already filed a proof of claim relating to this debt, J y o u never received notices from the bankruptcy court about this case, if your address differs from that to which the court sent notice, or if this proof of claim replaces or changes a proof of claim that was already filed, check the appropriate box on the form.

6. unsecured Check the a p p r i a t e place if you have an unsecured priority claim, and state the amount entitled to priority. (See D E m O N S , above). A claim may be partly priority and partly nonpriority if, for example, the claim iS for more than the amount given priority by the law. Check the appropriate Place to SPeCifY the type Of


7. credits:

1. Basis for Claim: Check the ype of debt for which the proof of claim is being filed. If the type of debt is not listed, check "Other" and briefly describe the type of debt. If you were an employee of the debtor, fill in your social security number and the dates of work for which you were not paid.

By signing this proof of claim, you are stating under oath that in calculating the amount of your claim you have given the debtor credit for all payments received from the debtor.

2. Date Debt Incurred: Fill in the date when the debt first was owed by the debtor.

3. Court Judgments: 8. Supporting Documents: If you have a court judgment for this debt, state the date the court entered the judgment.

YOU must attach to this P O f of claim form copies Of documents that show the debtor owes the debt claimed or, if the documents are too lengthy, a summary of those documents. If documents m not available, you must attach an explanation of why they are not available.

001 388 13205001391023

FORM BSF(AIt.) (Chapter 11 CorporatiorVPartnership Asset Case)(9/97) Case Number 01-30126~11

UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Northern District of California (SanFrancisco)

Taxpayer ID Nos.:

Telephone number: (213) 485-1234

J Case Number: 01-30126 el l 94-3270260 Attorney for Debtor (name and address): Michael s. Lurey Law Offices of Latham and Watkins 633 W 5th St. Moo0

I Date: OW27/01 Time: 11:OO am

I Proof of Claim must be received by the bankruptcy clerk's office by the following deadline: For aii creditors (except a governmental unit): 05/29/01 For a governmental unit: Must file before 180 days after

the date relief was entered.

001 388


A bankruptcy case under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (title 11, United States Code) has been filed in this court by or against the debtor listed on the front side, and an order for relief has been entered. Chapter 11 allows a debtor to reorganize or liquidate pursuant to a plan. A plan is not effective unless confirmed by the court. You may be sent a copy of the plan and a disclosure statement telling you about the plan, and you might have the opportunity to vote on the plan. You will be sent notice of the date of the confirmation hearing, and you may object to confirmation of the plan and attend the confirmation hearing. Unless a trustee is serving, the debtor will remain in possession of the debtor’s property and may continue to operate any business.

Filing of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case

Creditors May Not Take Certain Actions

Prohibited collection actions are listed in Bankruptcy Code $362. Common examples of prohibited d o n s include contacting the &btor by telephone, mail or otherwise to demand repayment; taking actions to collect money or obtain property from the debtor, repossessing the debtor’s property; starting or continuing lawsuits or foreclosures.

Meeting of Creditors A meeting of d t m is scheduled for the date, time and location listed on the front si&. The debtor’s representative must be present at the meeting to be questioned under oath by the trustee and by creditors. Creditors are welcome to attend, but are not required to do so. The meeting may be continued and concluded at a later date without further notice.

claims A Proof of Claim is a signed statement describing a creditor’s claim. If a Proof of Claim form is not included with this notice, you can obtain one at any bankruptcy clerk’s office. You may look at the schedules that have been or will be filed at the bankruptcy clerk‘s office. If your claim is scheduled and is not listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, it will be allowed in the amount scheduled unless you file a Proof of Claim or you m sent further notice about the claim. Whether or not your claim is scheduled, you am permitted to file a Roof of Claim. If your claim is not listed at all or if your claim is listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, then you must file a Proof of Claim by the “Deadline to File a Proof of Claim” listed on the front side, or you might not be paid any money on your claim against the debtor in the bankruptcy case.

Discharge of Debts Confirmation of a chapter 11 plan may result in a discharge of debts, which may include all or part of your debt. See Bankruptcy Code $1 141(d). A discharge means that you may never try to collect the debt from the debtor, except as provided in the plan.

Bankruptcy Clerk‘s Office Any paper that you file in this bankruptcy case should be filed at the bankruptcy clerk’s office at the address listed on the front side. You may inspect all papers filed, including the list of the debtor’s property and debts, at the bankruptcy clerk’s office.

Legal Advice The staff of the bankruptcy clerk’s office cannot give legal advice. You may want to consult an attorney to protect your rights.

---Refer to Other Side For Important Deadlines and Notices-

001388 13205001391032

Name of Debtor Northpoint Communications, Inc.

othcr cnrity h) H horn thc Jcbtor owes money or property): Public Service Comm of Kentucky Name and Address where notices should be sent:

Public Service Comm of Kentucky Thomas M Dorman Exec Dir 211 Sower Boulevard Frankfort KY 40602

Telephone Number:

Account or other number by which creditor identifies debtor:

1. Basis for Claim 0 Goods sold 0 Services performed 0 Money loaned 0 Personal injury/wrongful death 0 Taxes

Case Number: 01-30126 411 Chapter 11 Creditor Id: 2741 126

I' ~ll~I111i1111~1 2741126 I1 llllllll~~ I Ill111 0 Check box if you are aware that

anyone else has filed a proof of claim relating to your claim. Attach copy of statement giving particulars.

0 Check box if you have never received any notices from the bankruptcy court in this case.

0 Check box if the address differs from the address on the envelope sent to you by the court.


Check here it' LI replaces this claim 0 amends a previously filed claim, dated 0 Retiree benefits as defined in 11 U.S.C. !1114(a) 17 Wages, salaries, and compensation (fill out below)

Your SS #: Unpaid compensation for services performed from to

(date) (date) 0 Other 2. Date debt was incurred: 3. If court judgment, date obtained:

I 4. Total Amount of Claim at Time Case Filed: If all or part of your claim is secured or entitled to priority, also complete Item 5 or 6 below. 0 Check this box if claim includes interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim. Attach itemized statement of all


- interest or additional charges. 5. Secured Claim. 0 Check this box if your claim is secured by collateral (including a right of setoff).

Brief Description of Collateral: 0 Real Estate 0 Motor Vehicle

0 Other

Value of Collateral: $

Amount of arrearage and other charges at time case filed included in secured claim, if any: $

6. Unsecured Priority Claim. Check this box if you have an unsecured priority claim Amount entitled to priority $ Specify the priority of the claim:

before filing of the bankruptcy petition or cessation of the debtor's business, whichever is earlier - 11 U.S.C. ,§ 507(a)(3).

0 Contributions to an employee benefit plan - 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(4). 0 Up to $1,950* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or

services for personal, family, or household use - 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(6). 0 Alimony, maintenance, or support owed to a spouse, former spouse, or

child - 11 U.S.C. 0 507(a)(7). 0 Taxes or penalties owed to governmental units - 11 U.S.C. 5 507(a)(8). 0 Other - Specify applicable paragraph of 11 U.S.C. # 507(a)(-).

0 Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to $4,300),* earned within 90 days

*Amounts are subject to adjustment on 4/1/01 and every 3 years thereafier with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment.

7. Credits: The amount of all payments on this claim has been credited and deducted for the purpose of making this proof of claim.

8. Supporting Documents: Attach copies of supporting documents, such as promissory notes, purchase orders, invoices, itemized statements of running accounts, contracts, court judgments, mortgages, security agreements, and evidence of perfection of lien. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. If the documents are not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary.

9. Date-Stamped Copy: To receive an acknowledgment of the filing of your claim, enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope and copy of this proof of claim.

MAIL CLAIM TO: Clerk's Office

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St.

P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA

94120-734 1

Date Sign and print the name and title, if any, of the creditor or other person authorized to file this claim (attach copy of power of attorney, if any):

Penalty forpresenting fraudulent claim: Fine of up to $500,(100 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. $5 152 and 3571.


FORM BH) (Official Form 10)(4/9$)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROOF OF CLAIM FORM The instructwas and de@itions below are general qlanations of the law. In particular types of cwes or circumstances, such as bankruptcy capes that are not ficed voluntarily by a debtor. there m a y be excevtwns to these general d e s .


The person, corporation, or other entity that has filed a bankruptcy case is called the debtor.


A cieditor is any person, corporation, or other entity to whom the debtor owed a debt on the date that the bankruptcy case was filed.

h q f of C k

A form telling the bankruptcy court how much the debtor owed a creditor at the time the banktuptcy case was filed (the amount of the creditor's claim). This form must be filed with the clerk of the bankruptcy court where the bankruptcy case was filed.


A claim is a secund claim to the extent that the d i t o r has a lien on property of the debtor (collateral) that gives the creditor the right to be paid from that p r o p before creditors who do not have hens on the PrOpertY.

Examples of liens are a mortgage on real estate and a security interest in a car, truck, boat, television set, or other item of property. A lien may have been obtained through a court proceeding before the bankruptcy case began; in some states a court judgment is a lien. In addition, to the extent a creditor also owes money to the debtor (has a right of setoff), the creditor's claim may be a secured claim. (See also Unsecured Claim.)

Unsecured Chim

If a claim is not a secured claim it is an unsecured claim. A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured if the pmperty on which a creditor has a lien is not worth enough to pay the creditor in full.

Unsecured Ri- Cbim

Certain types of unsecured claims are given priority, so they are to be paid in bankruptcy cases before most other unsecured claims (if there is sufficient money or property available to pay these claims). The most common types of priority claims are listed on the proof of claim form. Unsecured claims that afre not specifically given priority status by the bankruptcy laws are classified as Unsecured Nonprwrity Claims.

F h in the name bf the federal judicial district where the bankruptcy case was filed (for example, Central District of California), the name of the debtor in the bankruptcy case, and the bankruptcy case number. If you received a notice of the case from the court, all of this information is near the top of the notice.

Information about Creditor: Complete the section giving the name, address, and telephone number of the creditor to whom the debtor owes money or property, and the debtor's account number, if any. If an one else has already filed a proof of claim relating to this debt, J y o u never received notices from the bankrubtcv court about this case.

Fill in the total amount of the entire claim. If interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim are included, check the appropriate place on the form and attach an itemization of the interest and charges.

5. secured Claim: Check the appropriate place if the claim is a secured claim. You must state the type and value of p r o p e r t y that is collateral for the claim. attach copies of the documentation of your lien, and state the amount past due on the claim as of the date the bankmptcy case was filed. A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured. (See DE-ONS, above).

if- your address differs from that to whiih the court sent notice, or if this prwf of claim replaces or changes a pmof of claim that was already filed, check the appropriate box on the form.

6. U-- Priority C* Check the approPriate place if you have an unsecured priority claim, and state the amount entitled to priority. (See DEFINITIONS,

1. Basis for Claim: Check the type of debt for which the prwf of claim is being filed. If the type of debt is not listed, check "Other" and briefly describe the type of debt. If you wem an employee of the debtor, fill in your social security number and the dates of wok for which you were not paid.

2. Date Debt Incurred: Fill in the date when the debt first was owed by the debtor.

above). A claim may be partly priority and partly nonpriority if, for example, the claim is for more than the amount given priority by the law. Check the appropriate place to specify the type of priority claim.

7. credits: By signing this proof of claim, you are stating under oath that in calculating the amount of your claim you have given the debtor credit for all payments received from the debtor.

8. Supporting Documents: 3. Court Judgments. If you have a court judgment for this debt, state the date the YOU must attach to this proof Of Claim form copies Of documents that court entered the judgment. show the debtor owes the debt claimed or, if the documents are too

lengthy, a summary of those documents. If documents are not available, you must attach an explanation of why they are not available.

001 388 13205001391041

FORM BSF(Alt.) (Chapter 1 1 CorporatiorVPartnership Asset Case)(9/97) Case Number 01-30127~11

Case Number: 01-30127 e l l Attorne for Debtor (name and address): Michael Lurev

UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Northern District of California (SanFrancisco)

Taxpayer ID Nos.:

Telephone number: (213) 485-1234 52-2147716

A chapter 11 bankruptcy case concerning the debtor corporation listed below was filed on ll16/01.

You may be a creditor of the debtor. This notice lists important deadlines. You may want to consult an attorney to protect your rights. All documents filed in the case may be inspected at the bankruptcy clerk's office at the address listed below. NOTE: The staff of the bankruptcy clerk's office cannot give legal advice.

See Reverse Side For Imoortant Exolanations. Debtor (name@) and address): Northpoint Communications Group, Inc. Northpoint Communications Holdings, Inc. 303 2nd St. S Tower San Francisco, CA 94107-1366

Law Offices of iatham and Watkins 633 W 5th St. #4OOO

I Date: 02/27/01

Proof of Claim must he receivcd by the bankruptcy clerk's office by the following deadline: For all creditors (except a governmental unit): 05/29/01 For a governmental unit: Must file before 180 days after

the date relief was entered.

001388 I

PUHM UYP (Alt.)(W97)


Filing of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case

A bankruptcy case under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (title 11, United States Code) has been filed in this cuurt by or against the debtor listed on the front side, and an order for relief has been entered. Chapter 11 allows a debtor to reorganize or liquidate pursuant to a plan. A plan is not effective unless confirmed by the court. You may be sent a copy of the plan and a disclosure statement telling you about the plan, and you might have the opportunity to vote on the plan. You will be sent notice of the date of the confirmation hearing, and you may object to confirmation of the plan and attend the confirmation hearing. Unless a trustee is serving, the debtor will remain in possession of the debtor's property and may continue to operate any business.

Creditors May Not lake Certain Actions

Prohibited collection actions are listed in Bankruptcy Code 0362. Common examples of prohibited actions include contacting the debtor by telephone, mail or otherwise to demand repayment; taking actions to collect money or obtain property from the debtor, repossessing the debtor's property; starting or continuing lawsuits or foreclosures.

Meeting of Creditors A meeting of creditors is scheduled for the date, time and location listed on the front side. The debtor's representative must be present al the meeting to be questioned under oath by the trustee and by creditors. Creditors are welcome to attend, but are not required to do so. The meeting may be continued and concluded at a later date without further notice.

claims A Proof of Claim is a signed statement describing a creditor's claim. If a Proof of Claim form is not included with this notice, you can obtain one at any bankruptcy clerk's office. You may look at the schedules that have been or will be filed at the bankruptcy clerk's office. If your claim is scheduled and is not listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, it will be allowed in the amount scheduled unless you file a Proof of Claim or you are sent further notice about the claim. Whether or not your claim is scheduled, you are permitted to file a Proof of Claim. If your claim is not listed at all or if your claim is listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, then you must file a Proof of Claim by the "Deadline to File a Proof of Clairn" listed on the front side, or you might not be paid any money on your claim against the debtor in the bankruptcy case.

Discharge of Debts Confirmation of a chapter 11 plan may result in a discharge of debts, which may include all or prot of your debt. See Bankruptcy Code 01 141(d). A discharge means that you may never try to collect the debt from the debtor, except as pmvided in the plan.

Bankruptcy Clerk's office Any paper that you file in this bankruptcy case should be filed at the bankruptcy clerk's office at the address listed on the front side. You may inspect all papers filed, including the list of the debtor's property and debts, at the bankruptcy clerk's office.

Legal Advice The staff of the bankruptcy clerk's office cannot give legal advice. attomey to protect your rights.

You may want to consult an

---Refer to Other Side For Important Deadlines and Notices---

001388 1 3 2 0 5 0 0 1 3 9 1 0 5 0


II lllllllll lllllllll 2742887 ~l~lllllllll~~ I I i!l I1 owes money or property): Public Service Comm of Kentucky Name and Address where notices should be sent:

Public Service Comm of Kentucky Thomas M Dorman Exec Dir 211 Sower Boulevard Fraukfort KY 40602

Telephone Number:

anyone else has filed a proof of claim relating to your d a h . Attach copy of statement giving particulars.

0 Check box if you have never received any notices from the bankruptcy court in this case.

0 Check box if the address differs from the address on the envelope sent to you by the court.


Account or other number by which creditor identifies debtol.:

1. Basis for Claim 0 Goodssold 0 Wages, salaries, and compensation (fill out below) 0 Services performed Your SS #: 0 Money loaned

0 Taxes (date) (date) 17 Other 2. Date debt was incurred: 3. If court judgment, date obtained:

1. Total Amount of Claim at Time Case Filed: [ fa l l or part of your claim is secured or entitlcd to priority, also complete Item 5 or 6 below. 7 Check this box if claim includes interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim. Attach itemized statement of all

Check here if Li ieplaces this claim 0 amends a previously filed claim, dated

0 Retiree benefits as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 11 14(a)

Unpaid compensation for services performed 0 Personal injury/wrongful death from to


- interest or additional charges. 5. Secured Claim. J Check this box if your claim is secured by collateral (including a right of setoff).

Brief Description of Collateral: 0 Real Estate 0 Motor Vehicle


Value of Collateral: $

Amount of arrearage and other charges at time case filed included in secured claim, if any: $

7. Credits: The amount of all payments on this claim has beer making this proof of claim.

6. Unsecured Priority Claim. 0 Check this box if you have an unsecured priority claim

Amount entitled to priority $ Specify the priority of the claim:

before filing of the bankruptcy petition or cessation of the debtor's business, whichever is earlier - 11 U.S.C. 5 507(a)(3).

0 Contributions to an employee benefit plan - 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(4). 0 Up to $1,95O* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or

services for personal, family, or household use - 11 U.S.C. 8 507(a)(6). 0 Alimony, maintenance. or support owed to a spouse, former spouse, or

child - 11 U.S.C. 3 507(a)(7). 0 Taxes or penalties owed to governmental units - 11 U.S.C. 3 507(a)(8). 0 Other - Specify applicable paragraph of 11 U.S.C. 8 507(a)(-).

0 Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to $4,300),* earned within 90 days

*Amounts are subject to adjustment on 4/1/01 and every 3 years rhereafer

:Edited and deducted for the purpose of I with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment.

3. Suppchng Documents: Attach copies of supporting docurntws, such as promissory notes, purchase orders, invoices, itemized statements of running accounts, contmcts, court judgments, mortgages, security agreements, and evidence of perfection of lien. D<) NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. If the documents are not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary.

P. Date-Stamped Copy: To receive an acknowledgment of the filing of your claim, enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope and copy of this proof of claim.

>ate Sign and print the name and title, if any, of the creditor or other person authorized to file this claim (attach copy of power ot' attorney, if any):

MAIL CLAIM TO: Clerk's Office

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St.

P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA


I I Penalty forpresentingfraudulent claim: Fine of up to $SOO,OOO or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 45 152 and 3571.


FORM B10 (Official Form 10)(4./9&)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROOF OF CLAIM FORM The instructions and definitions below are geneml exphatiom of the law. In particular types of cases OT cimwnstances, such as M t c y cases that are not filed vdmarily by a debtor, there may be exceptions to these neneml rules.


The person, corporation, or other entity that has filed a bankruptcy case is called the debtor.


A creditor is any person, corporalion, or other entity to whom the debtor owed a debt on the date that the bankruptcy case was filed.

€bqf of CWm

A form telling the bankruptcy court how much the debtor owed a creditor at the time the bankruptcy case was filed (the amount of the creditor's claim). This form must be filed with the clerk of the bankruptcy court where the bankruptcy case was filed.

Secured CWm

A claim is a secured claim to the extent that the creditor has a lien on property of the debtor (collateral) that gives the d i t o r the right to be paid from that property before creditors who do not have liens on the property.

Examples of liens are a mortgage on real estate and a security interest in a car, truck, boat, television set, or other item of property. A lien may have been obtained through a court proceeding before the bankruptcy case began; in some states a court judgment is a lien. In addition, to the extent a creditor also owes money to the debtor (has a right of setoff), the creditor's claim may be a secured claim. (See also Unsecured Claim.)

Unsecured Chin,

If a claim is not a secured claim it is an unsecured claim. A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured if the property on which a creditor has a lien is not worth enough to pay the creditor in fulL

Unsecuwd Riodiy Ckim

Certain types of unsecured claims are given priority, so they are to be paid in bankruptcy cases before most other unsecured claims (if there is sufficient money or property available to pay these claims). The most common types of priority claims are listed on the proof of claim form. Unsecured claims that are not specifically given priority status by the bankruptcy laws are classified as Unsecured Nonprwrity Claims.

Fill in the name of the federal judicial district where the bankruptcy case was filed (for example, Central District of California), the name of the debtor in the bankruptcy case, and the bankruptcy case number. If you received a notice of the case from the court, all of this information is near the top of the notice.

[nformatlon abaut Creditor: Complete the section giving the name, address, and telephone number of the creditor to whom the debtor owes money or property, and the debtor's account number, if any. If an one else has already filed a of of claim relating to this debt, J y o u never received notices E m the bankruptcy court about this case, if your address differs from that to which the cart sent notice, or if this proof of claim replaces or changes a proof of claim that was already filed, check the appropriate box on the form.

Check the type of debt for which the proof of claim is being filed. If the type of debt is not listed, check "Other" and briefly describe the type of debt. If you were an employee of the debtor, fill in your social security number and the dates of work for which you were not paid.

1. Basis for Claim:

2. Date Debt Incurred: Fill in the date when the debt first was owed by the debtor.

3. Court Judgments: If you have a court judgment for this debt, state the date the court entered the judgment.

Fill in the total amount of the entire claim. If interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim are included, check the appropriate place on the form and attach an itemization of the interest and charges.

5. Socurod Claim: Check the appropriate place if the claim is a secured claim. You must state the type and value of property that is collateral for the claim, attach copies of the documentation of your lien, and state the amount past due on the claim as of the date the bankruptcy case was filed, A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured. (See DEFlNlTIONS, above).

6. Unsecured Priority Claim: Check the appropriate place if you have an unsecured priority claim, and state the amount entitled to priority. (See DEFINlTIONS, above). A claim may be partly priority and partly nonpriority if, for example, the claim is for more than the amount given priority by the law. Check the appropriate place to specify the type of priority claim.

7. credits: By signing this proof of claim, you are stating under oath that in calculating the amount of your claim you have given the debtor credit for all payments received from the debtor.

8. Supporting Documents: You must attach to this proof of claim form copies of documents that show the debtor owes the debt claimed or, if the documents are too lengthy, a summary of those documents. If documents are not available, you must attach an explanation of why they are not available.

001388 13205001391069

FORM BSF(Alt.) (Chapter 1 1 CorporatiodPartnership Asset Case)(9/97)


J 3 axpayer os.: 01-30128 c l l 94-33 5 8270 Attorne for Debtor (name and address): Telephone number: (213) 485-1234 Michael Lurey Law Offices of Latham and Watkins 633 W 5th St. #4000 Los Aneeles. CA 90071-2007

Date: OW27101 Time: 11:00am Location: Oace of the U.S. Trustee. 250 Montgomerv St. #1010. San Francisco. CA M104

I Proof of Claim rnust be rweived by lhe bankruptcy clerk‘s office by the following deadline: For all creditors (except a governmental unit). 05/29/01 For a governmental unit: Must me before 1&0 days after

the date relief was entered.

property. If you attempt to collect a debt or take other action in vi Address of the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office: U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St. P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA 94120-7341 Telephone number: (415)268-2300

Hours Open: 9:00 am - 4:30 prn (Monday - Friday)

- - Keenan G. Casady

Date: 01/31/01

FORM BQF (Alt. )( 9/97)


Filing of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case

A bankruptcy case under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (title 11, United States Code) has been filed in this court by or against the debtor listed on the front side, and an order for relief has been entered. Chapter 11 allows a debtor to reorganize or liquidate pursuant to a plan. A plan is not effective unless confirmed by the court. You may be sent a copy of the plan and a disclosure statement telling you about the plan, and you might have the opportunity to vote on the plan. You will be sent notice of the date of the confirmation hearing, and you may object to confirmation of the plan and attend the confirmation hearing. Unless a trustee is serving, the debtor will remain in possessim of the debtor’s property and may continue to operate any business.

t Creditors May Not Take Certain Actions

Prohibited collection actions a~ listed in Bankruptcy Code $362. Common examples of prohibited actions include contacting the debtor by telephone, mail or otherwise to demand repayment; taking actions to collect money or obtain property from the debtor; repossessing the debtor’s property; starting or continuing lawsuits or foreclosures.

Meeting of Creditors A meeting of creditors is scheduled for the date, time and location listed on the front Side. The debtor’s representative must be present at the meeting to be queslioned under oath by the trustee and by creditors. Creditors ~ I E welcome to attend, but am not required to do so. The meeting may be continued and concluded at a later date without further notice.

claims A Proof of Claim is a signed statement describing a creditor’s claim. If a Proof of Claim form is not included with this notice, you can obtain one at any bankruptcy clerk‘s office. You may look at the schedules that have been or will be filed at the bankruptcy clerk‘s office, If your claim is scheduled and is not listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, it will be allowed in the amount scheduled unless you file a Proof of Claim or you are sent further notice about the claim. Whether or not your claim is scheduled, you m permitted to file a Proof of Claim. If your claim is not listed at all or if your claim is listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, then you must file a Proof of Claim by the “Deadline to File a Proof of Claim” listed on the front side, or you might not be paid any money on your claim against the debtor in the bankruptcy case.

Discharge of Debts Confirmation of a chapter 11 plan may result in a discharge of debts, which may include all or part of your debt. See Bankruptcy Code $1 141(d). A discharge means that you may never try to collect the debt from the debtor, except as provided in the plan.

Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office Any paper that you file in this bankruptcy case should be filed at the bankruptcy clerk’s office at the address listed on the front side. You may inspect all papers filed, including the l i t of the debtor’s propmy and debts, at the bankruptcy clerk’s office.

Legal Advice The staff of the bankruptcy clerk’s office cannot give legal advice. attorney to protect your rights.

You may want to consult an

t ---Refer to Other Side For Important Deadlines and Notices---

001 388 13205001391078

Name of Debtor Northpoint International, Inc.

owes money or property): Public Service Comm of Kentucky Name and Address where notices should be sent:

Public Service Comm of Kentucky Thomas M D o r m Exec Dir 211 Sower Boulevard Frankfort KY 40602

Telephone Number:

Account or other number by which creditoi identifies debtoi:

1. Basis for Claim 0 Goods sold 0 Services performed 0 Money loaned 0 Personal injury/wrongful death


"L -_._-

I ~11'1111'11ll~11 2744628 Ill lll'lll~; I I1 Ill Check box if you are aware that anyone else has filed a proof of claim relating to your claim. Attach copy of statement giving particulars.

0 Check box if you have never received any notices from the bankruptcy court in this case.

0 Check box if the address differs from the address on the envelope sent to you by the court.


Check here if L-l replaces this claim 0 amends a previously filed claim, dated

0 Retiree benefits as defined in 11 U.S.C. $1 114(a) 0 Wages, salaries, and compensation (fill out below)

Your SS #: Unpaid compensation for services performed from to

(date) (date) 0 Other 2. Date debt was incurred: 3. If court judgment, date obtained:

I 4. Total Amount of Claim at Time Case riled: If all or part of your claim is secured or entitled to priority, also complete Item 5 or 6 below. 0 Check this box if claim includes interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim. Attach itemized statement of all


interest or additional charges. 5. Secured Claim. 0 Check this box if your claim is secured by collateral (including a right of setoff).

Brief Description of Collateral: 0 Real Estate 0 Motor Vehicle

0 Other - Value of Collateral: $

Amount of arrearage and other chxges at time case filed included in secured claim, if any: $-

6. Unsecured Priority Claim. Check this box if you have an unsecured priority claim Amount entitled to priority $ Specify the priority of the claim:

0 Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to !$4,300),* earned within 90 days before filing of the bankruptcy petition or cessation of the debtor's business, whichever is earlier - 11 U.S.C. $ 507(a)(3).

0 Contributions to an employee benefit plan - 11 U.S.C. 4507(a)(4). 0 Up to $ 1,950* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or

services for personal, family, or household use - 11 U.S.C. $507(a)(6). 0 Alimony, maintenance, or support owed to a spouse, former spouse, or

child - 11 U.S.C. 9 507(a)(7). 0 Taxes or penalties owed to governmental units - 11 U.S.C. $507(a)(8). 0 Other - Specify applicable paragraph of 11 U.S.C. $ 507(a)(-).

*Amounts are subject to adjustment on 4/1/01 and even 3 years thereafier with respect to cases commenced on 01

7. Credits: The amount of all payments on this claim has been credited and deducted for the purpose of making this proof of claim.

3. Supporting Documents: Attach copies of supponing documents, such as promissory notes, purchase orders, invoices, itemized statements of running accounts, contracts, court judgments, mortgages, security agreements, and evidence of perfection of lien. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. If the documents m not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary.

P. DateStamped Copy: To receive an acknowledgnient of the filing of your claim, enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope and copy of this proof of claim.

Ver the date-of adjwtment.

MAIL CLAIM TO: Clerk's Office

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 235 Pine St.

P.O. Box 7341 San Francisco, CA

94 120-734 1

3ate Sign and print the name and title. if any, of the creditor or other person authorized to file this claim (attach copy of power of attorney, if any):

Penalty forpresentingfrauduient claim: Fine of up to $500.000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 u.S.C. $$ 152 and 3571.


FORM BW) (Official Form 10)(4/98)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROOF OF CLAIM FORM The insirmions and definitions below are general qlanations of the law. Kn panicdar types of cases or c i rcmances , such as bankruptcy cases that are not filed voluntarilv bv a debtor. there mav be excemwns to these nened rules.


The person, corporation, or other entity that has filed a bankruptcy case is called the debtor.


A creditor is any person, corporation, or other entity to whom the debtor owed a debt on the date that the bankruptcy case was filed.

Roof of Claim

A form telling the bankruptcy court how much the debtor owed a creditor at the time the bankruptcy case was filed (the amount of the creditor's claim). This form must be filed with the clerk of the bankruptcy court where the bankruptcy case was filed.


A claim is a secured claim to the extent that the creditor has a lien on property of the debtor (collateral) that gives the d i t o r the right to be paid from that property before creditors who do not have liens on the property.

Examples of liens are a mortgage on real estate and a security interest in a car, truck, boat, television set, or other item of property. A lien may have been obtained through a court proceeding before the bankruptcy case began; in some states a court judgment is a lien. In addition, to the extent a creditor also owes money to the debtor (has a right of setoff), the creditor's claim may be a secured claim. (See also Unsecured CIairm.)

Unsecured Claim

If a claim is not a secured claim it is an unsecured claim. A claim may be partly secured and partly unsecured if the property on which a creditor has a lien is not worth enough to pay the d i t o r in full.

Unsecumd Asoritp Clhinr

Certain types of unsecured claims are given priority, so they are to be paid in bankruptcy cases before most other unSecured claims (if there is suflicient money or property available to pay these claims). The most common types of priority claims axe listed on the proof of claim form. Unsecured claims that are not specifically given priority status by the bankruptcy laws are classified as Unsecured Norpriority Claims.

Fh in the name of the federal judicial district where the bankruptcy case was filed (for example, Central District of California), the name of the debtor in the banlayptcy case, and the bankruptcy case number. If you nxeived a notice of the case b m the court, all of this information is near the top of the notice.

[oformation about Creditor: Complete the section giving the name, address. and telephone number of the creditor to whom the debtor owes money or property, and the debtar's account number, if any. If an one else has already filed a f of claim relating to this debt, J y o u never received notices the bankruptcy court about this case, if your address differs from that to which the court sent notice, or if this proof of claim replaces or changes a p f of claim that was already filed, check the appropriate box on the form.

Check the type of debt for which the proof of claim is being filed. If the type of debt is not listed, check "Other" and briefly describe the type of debt. If you wem an employee of the debtor, fill in your social security number and the dates of work for which you w m not paid.

1. Basis for Claim:

1. Date Debt Incurred: Fill in the date when the debt first was owed by the debtor.

Fill in the total amount of the entire claim. If interest or other charges in addition to the principal amount of the claim are included, check the appropriate place on the form and attach an itemization of the interest and charges.

5. secured clalm: Check the appropriate place if the claim is a secured claim. You must state the type and value of property that is collateral for the claim, attach copies of the documentation of your lien, and state the amount past due on the claim as of the date the bankruptcy case was filed. A claim may be partly secund and partly unsecured. (See DEFTNl'MONS, above).

6. Unsecured Priority Claim: Check the appropriate place if you have an unsecured priority claim, and state the amount entitled to priority. (See DEPZNITTONS, above). A claim may be partly priority and partly nonpriority if, for example, the claim is for more than the amount given priority by the law. Check the appropriate place to specify the type of priority Claim.

7. credits: By signing this proof of claim, you are stating under oath that in calculating the amount of your claim you have given the debtor credit for all payments received fium the debtor.

3. Court Judgments: ?l. Supporting Documents: If you have a court judgment for this debt, state the date the court entered the judgment.

YOU must attach to this proof of claim form copies of documents that show the debtor owes the debt claimed or, if the documents are too lengthy, a summary of those documents. If documents are not available, you must attach an explanation of why they are not available.

0 0 1 388 13205001391087

FRI-13205 0971-3 B9FOI-30125 Michael S. M y Law ORicesof Latham and Watkins 633 W 5th St. #4OOO Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007

001388 39 2 SP 0.550 40602 6 7 2989-2-1394

Public Service Comm of Kentucky Thomas M Dorman E x e c Dir 21 1 Sower Boulevard Frankfort KY 40602

001388 13205001391096