Corporate Analysis 3

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Corporate Analysis 3

B-TEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit 28: Corporate and Promotional Programme Production


Narrative Structure

(Presenter Led or VoiceoverStoryline, Linear/Non-Linear)

The narrative structure of the corporate video is led by the text prompts on the screen. The use of kinetic typography and a 3D environment where the text comes in and folds around to open up a new text queue to advance the narrative. Moreover the images that also accompany the text during how they operate come in in the same style. This linear storyline helps it easy to be followed because it clearly shows the steps of how the business operates.


(Location/Set, Props, Costume, Make-Up)

The mice en scene of the video is mainly a green background which complies with the colour scheme of the brand which helps to promote the brand more because it complies with the code and convention of a vide for a company by keeping in tune with the colours of the company


(Sound Effects, Music, Voiceover/Dialogue, Diegetic/Non-Diegetic)

The background music features a music jingle in the background that is basic, generic and of an upbeat tone. This seems to be a feature in corporate videos, to have a jingle theme throughout that accompanies the narrative structure.


(Graphics, Techniques, Pace)

The pace of the advert is quite fast, with cuts varying from around 3 to 4 seconds long.This is to keep the narrative fast, aswell as keeping up the continuity along with the pace of the jingle.


(High Key, Low Key, Natural, Artificial)

The high key lighting is used to emphasise the white and lime green colour scheme, this is to keep in aid with the branded colours of the keys. This also is visually in line with the jingle theme, because the happy upbeat tone matches with the connotations of high key lighting.


(Angles, Framing, Shot Types, Movement)

The movement of the graphics on each cut away is kinetic typography that is used to create a visual world within the advert, of which it is like a camera man is moving around a world within the video, where text flies into the frame and the camera angle spins or moves to reveal new text and images. The framing of the shot during the start of the video when it shows video clips features good shots in a linear structure, with the initial shot being an

establishing shot to set the scene, followed by a wide angle shot of the hall on a time-lapse to give context to the situation. The following shots feature close ups and mid shots of people doing the activities to show the different tasks undertaken by the people in the group. This gives a purpose to the video and initially from the get go we are already having an understanding through the screen and what is happening

Stereotypes and Representation

(Gender, Race, Sexuality, Regional, Religious)

Stereotypes are not shown within this video as both males and females are seen to be all the way throughout this video is partnership with each other, and the spread of genders across the leaders of the groups are diverse. Moreover, the first point that the video makes when the text prompts come on the screen is all about equality and diversity straight from the off, which sets the tone for the video as well as the beginning cinematics, that this brand does not want to or have any interest in prejudice.

Target Audience

(Demographics, Psychographics, Geo-Demographics)

The target audience for this would be for stakeholders of an organisation, this is because it features many technical and internal terms that only a specialist in a field such as the brand would know. They are trying to say what they do and why, as opposed to trying to sell a brand or product.

Function or Purpose of Video/Message The purpose of this video is to impress the stakeholders who may invest in the company as a whole, so therefore a complex, good looking and feel good video to make investors feel positive about the company would be needed. The opening cinematic of the men and women all working together is an example of this to show the harmony within the brand and this leads perfectly onto the points that the video makes about what the company does to operate.