Corporate analysis 1

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Corporate analysis 1

B-TEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit 28: Corporate and Promotional Programme Production

PRODUCT/TITLE: Mocha Pro: product video launch

Narrative Structure

(Presenter Led or VoiceoverStoryline, Linear/Non-Linear)

The narrative is lead by the visual cues from the text, the text leads the program by showing the different functions of the program and how they work by showing a visual example on a time lapse for a short burst of seconds.


(Location/Set, Props, Costume, Make-Up)

The location is all set on the computer program itself, the only cut aways are when the text is shown on a blank, reflective background.


(Sound Effects, Music, Voiceover/Dialogue, Diegetic/Non-Diegetic)

The sound features a groovy background theme that stays all the way through the advert, and features music stings that are synchronous with when the text appears.

Non-Diegetic sound is used for the background theme and no diegetic sound is used because there are no outdoor locations In the video, so source audio cannot be used.


(Graphics, Techniques, Pace)

The editing is fast paced because the product launch video is only 1 minute long, therefore needs as much content as possible to be in the one minute segment as possible. The heavy fast beat in the music helps smooth the continuity of the fast paced edit so that the video can pass along at a fast rate without any abrupt stops.

Graphics feature the logo and text cues that indicate the different features and techniques of the program, this is simple yet effective because it shows how the program works


(High Key, Low Key, Natural, Artificial)

Lighting is artificial because there are no real life settings on the advert, they try and contrast the difference between the program colours and the transition slides. The white background contrasts with the grey colour scheme of the program and helps aid show the difference.


(Angles, Framing, Shot Types, Movement)

The framing of the shots when it shows the text is shown shows the text in the middle of the screen with the bottom half of the screen being a glossy reflective finish. The framing of the video when the examples are shown are ones where the video of the time-lapse of the person working on it in the middle of the screen.

Stereotypes and Representation

(Gender, Race, Sexuality, Regional, Religious)

No stereotypes are shown in this video as it is purely to inform

Target Audience

(Demographics, Psychographics, Geo-Demographics)

The target audience includes psychographics of people who are actively involved with an advanced level of video editing, as it shows examples of advanced levels of editing that professionals or trained amateurs could only know

Function or Purpose of Video/Message The purpose of the video is to inform, this is because the video is a very linear, simple and basic video where it just shows different functions and procedures on the screen and ends with just the logo.