Corperate Social Responsibility & Southend YMCA

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Corporate social responsibility is about understanding your business’ impact on the wider world and considering how you can use this impact in a positive way. It’s no secret that there are a lot of problems in society. By getting involved with Southend YMCA, you will become part of the solution.

Transcript of Corperate Social Responsibility & Southend YMCA

Our Local Community Is Your Business

Southend YMCA supporting disadvantaged young people and communities to help transform their lives...

Southend YMCA - Mission

Southend YMCA offers services which address the needs and raise the

aspirations of disadvantaged young people and helps transform their lives. Our charity mission is to ‘Stand in the Gap’.

Our vision is to contribute to the transformation of society and create cohesive communities, which help disadvantaged young people to build their future so they can belong, contribute and thrive.

Our life enhancing opportunities are freely available to young people in need.

Our work is measurable and quantifiable. The young people we work with go on to source employment, further education or training. They set up businesses, build healthier relationships and friendships and turn their lives around. They feel less alone because we are by their side.

Did you know - 1 in 4 children in the Southend area live in poverty?Poverty, hardship, chaotic backgrounds and unemployment are just some of the factors which can damage fragile young lives. Our job is to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to live a happy and fulfilling adult life.

Poverty is not just something which ‘happens abroad’ or to ‘other people’. Desperate financial and emotional hardship is currently being experienced by many children and young people in our community.

These children may go to school hungry, experience neglect and be at risk of exiting education with few qualifications or life skills leaving them inefficiently equipped to source employment.

Society pays a high price for this on many levels unless organisations like Southend YMCA can intervene to limit damage and get alongside young people to help them improve their prospects.

Southend YMCASouthend YMCA

Southend YMCA - Our Strategy

For the majority of young people, out of school, fun and extra curricular

activities are all part of their every day lives however, not all children are so fortunate.

For these children, activities such as music lessons, sports activities, drama, dancing and arts clubs, are luxuries their parents are not able to provide.

It’s not only these out of schools activities these children miss out on. Many families struggle with basics such as putting food on the table or affording school uniforms and shoes.

You can make a difference...Some of the problems our young people face have no ‘quick fix’ solution. They require stabilizing, time, nurture, support and commitment which the caring and expert staff at Southend YMCA can provide. By recognising and addressing young people’s difficulties early on, there are fewer problems in the future which is better for the young people, their families, their friends and of course, society.

Our projects and programmes are specifically designed to help young people increase self esteem, gain CV building experiences, make better choices and realise alternative paths to lifestyles which may otherwise drive anti-social, self-destructive, or alcohol and drug related behaviours, which may also lead to mental health problems or long term homelessness or unemployment.

As a leading charity, acting on behalf of our beneficiaries, Southend YMCA seeks to identify and secure the resources necessary to create much needed services. In 2011, the YMCA Board ratified the ‘Standing in the Gap’ strategy (2011-14). This sets out our strategic aims for the next three years, which in summary are:

1. To provide outstanding education and training provision for disadvantaged young people and communities.2. To provide safe and supported housing for vulnerable young people aged 16-25 and progress their independent living skills.3. To support young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to obtain and sustain employment and self-employment enabling their economic inclusion.4. To provide positive activities which enable young peoples personal and social development and active citizenship.5. To drive forward volunteering initiatives which promote health and well-being and have a community impact.6. To attend to the spiritual development of young people and communities.

In order to achieve our operational aims above our final aim is:7. To continue to build on current success and grow in capacity to ensure our long term sustainability.

Reaching out to support young people

Together we can create a better future

Nurturing the talents of young people

Southend YMCA - Testimonials

Sarah Vann“Between January and May 2010, I volunteered at Southend YMCA. I decided to volunteer at the YMCA as I had recently graduated with a Journalism and English Language degree but had been struggling to find a job. I wanted to kick start a career in Public Relations but had no experience in this field. The YMCA kindly offered me a volunteer placement working in their PR department. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and learnt a lot of new skills. I had an active role in the planning and participation of PR campaigns and assisted in the organisation of YMCA events.

As part of my volunteer work at Southend YMCA, I earned my Gold Youth Achievement Award. This award consists of 8 challenges, where I had to take full responsibility for the planning, organising and leading of each task. I also took the lead in a political project, encouraging young people to vote in the election and wrote and produced an unbiased political leaflet as well as promoted the project on local radio station BBC Essex.

Through my work experience at the YMCA, I gained the experience and confidence to apply for a part time Publicity job at Chase High School and was successful. If it wasn’t for the YMCA and their dedicated staff, I certainly would not have been able to secure the job I love. The skills I learnt at the YMCA have meant that I have excelled at my job and was offered a permanent full time position in March 2012.”

Florence and Lizzy, aged 11“Taking part in the Y Harmony summer project was brilliant. We met new friends, made a film, learned loads and had something really fun to do during the school holidays.

Y Harmony is a summer film-making and research project run by SOUTHEND YMCA, funded by Y CARE INTERNATIONAL and created to help raise young peoples awareness of global poverty especially around the areas of education and sanitation. The group conducted research, met with organisations like Oxfam and Water Aid to learn about their work and chose the film content and music themselves.

We’re both doing Team YP next and can’t wait to take part in activities we’ve never had the chance to enjoy before.”

Joey Bevan“Two years ago Southend YMCA gave me the opportunity to sell my customised, recycled clothes at their shop. Having the chance to develop my own brand in the Southend YMCA pop up shop was a perfect platform for me as a designer, from there I have gone on to be the official designer of America’s Next Top Model and Britain’s Next Top Model, styling contestants on X Factor, presented for London Fashion Week, styled for national magazines, now have over 27k followers on Twitter, and met Prince Charles with my “Vegetable Dress” I had designed!

It makes me proud to think that I have come so far and I will always have time for Southend YMCA and their staff, for the support and advice they gave me when I started out, thank you for inspiring me to start!”

Helen Ralston“I’m 23 years old and Motivate offered me a great opportunity. Being a graduate student I have found it really hard to find a job that relates to my degree, which is in fashion and design. The staff at Motivate created a range of volunteering opportunities to match my interests and skills. When you graduate, you think getting a job is the next step, but it’s not that easy and you need the additional skills that volunteering can bring.

The Motivate course has helped me in so many different ways. It has given me the opportunity to develop my creative skills and pass these skills onto other people, which is a big confidence boost. This has motivated me to do other things for my future and given me more direction in my life. Southend YMCA has helped me progress further. When Motivate ended, Southend YMCA helped me to set up a business by providing business space and mentoring in their eco-hub.”

CSR & Your Business

Working with your local community brings a

wide range of benefits... Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can benefit your business — here’s how...

Your business is not simply a way of making money. Your employees depend on your business. Customers, suppliers and the local community are all affected by your business and what you do.

Successful business people are creatives, visionaries and entrepreneurs, who think “outside the box” and take risks to make things happen. They have IDEAS, the capacity to IMAGINE something and the DRIVE and SKILLS to make it happen. Southend YMCA and the youngsters we work with need the support of our talented business community in order to extend our reach and continue our work.

Corporate social responsibility is about understanding your business’ impact on the wider world and considering how you can use this impact in a positive way.

Local Community& Benefits

• Develop relevant new products and services — through understanding the wider impact of your business.

• A ‘Can-Do’ culture — cultivating a culture of generosity and kindness from management and executives, fosters a more empathetic, compassionate and loyal workforce which reduces stress and results in more positive workplace dynamics and relationships.

• Happier staff are more productive staff — engagement with the local community improves staff morale.

• Local customers are important sources — for many businesses, local customers are an important source of sales.

There are a variety of ways your business can get involved. Some businesses choose to support a local charity, or sponsor a local event. For example, some stores may offer items for bidding on in a charity auction or donate a prize for a raffle, whilst builders may give free labour and materials to community projects.

You could also give your employees the option of making regular charitable donations which are deduced ‘at source’ from their pay.

We are happy to work with you to explore and to discuss your ideas.

What does my business gain from giving?

Many businesses involve their employees in working with the local community. Some businesses encourage employees to volunteer for community activities and also give them paid time off for this. As well as improving your community relations, this can help motivate employees and can help develop their interpersonal and team participation skills.

• Workplace Health — participating in physical, charitable activities creates fitter, healthier and more productive staff.

• Attracting the most talented staff — a good reputation makes it easier to recruit the most talented employees as potential staff are more attracted to seeking employment within ethically operating work places.

• Involvement with the local community — is an ideal opportunity to generate positive press coverage for your brand and improve public perception of your business and company.

• Building a positive image — a business that gives back to the community adds value and encourages customer and brand loyalty.

• Good relationships with local authorities — can make doing business easier.

Ways YouCan Help Us...

How can I work with Southend YMCA?

Many companies have a dedicated charity they fundraise for.

Why not consider making Southend YMCA your chosen charity?

It’s no secret that there are a lot of problems in society. By getting involved with Southend YMCA, you will become part of the solution.

• A partnership with us will enable you to connect with the local community and make a positive difference to children, young people and families.

• Help young people fulfi l l their potential regardless of the challenging star t they may have had.

• By helping young people be better emotionally and physically positioned to contribute meaningfully to society, you are pro-actively helping to reduce costs incurred by benefits claims, NHS access and policing.

We are able to achieve all of this through 5 key services:

• Housing — safe and supported housing for vulnerable young people aged 16-25.

• Education & Training — outstanding education and training for young people and communities.

• Economic Inclusion — business links for young people to obtain and sustain employment and self employment enabling their economic inclusion.

• Recreational Activities — creating and providing positive activities.

• Community Health & Wellbeing — we drive forward volunteering initiatives which promote health and well being and have a community impact.

SupportSouthend YMCA

Work with Southend YMCA and be part of the solution...

From quiz nights and car washes to jumble sales and sponsored weight loss, there are heaps of way your company and your staff can help us to help some of the most vulnerable children in our community.

• Send a team to participate in one of our various fundraising events.

• Organise a sponsored event – how about a walk, run, tea party, swim, coffee morning or if you’re feeling brave how about a parachute jump or trek?

• Allocate a ‘dress down’ day — staff pay a small amount to wear more casual clothes.

• Many restaurants run charity nights – how about running your own night for Southend YMCA?

• Make a one off or regular financial donation to us to allow us to continue and increase our work.

• You could offer young people one off or longer term work placements or training so they can gain relevant skills and CV building work experience.

• Staff can volunteer in the heart of the community on the SOS bus which runs at nighttime and offers a place of safety to vulnerable people.

Southend YMCA“Thanks To You”...

we aim to hit our targetsThanks to you volunteering on our SOS bus a young girl will have a safe place to come at night and an attack on her and the subsequent medical and policing costs, will be prevented.

Thanks to you, we can help a group of unemployed young people participate in projects which offer CV building skills and help restore the confidence lost through long term unemployment.

With your help, we can continue to operate our SOS Bus which is based in Southend High Street from 11pm – 4am at weekends and provide a safe haven for vulnerable people of all ages. The SOS Bus has saved the NHS and emergency services over £940,500 in Ambulance call outs, A&E admissions and policing.

When you help us, we are able to return hope to children and young people lives.

That’s quite a gift to give isn’t it?

When you generously give us your time or a donation, here’s what we do….

Your gift to Southend YMCA, will help us to house vulnerable, neglected and needy young people. With your gift we’re able to help young people learn to budget, cook and continue their education.

With your gift we will be able to reach some of the 1 in 4 youngsters who live in poverty in this town and offer them opportunities in music, art, sport and catering they may never otherwise have had.

Thanks to you, our staff will be available to listen to a young person suffering from mental health problems who felt like they have nowhere else to turn.

Thanks to you, a young person felt like a nobody, will start to feel like they matter and have a future to look forward to rather than dread.

Thanks to you, a terrified young person who’s experienced a life time of abuse will have a safe place to come to begin to rebuild their broken life.

Southend YMCA -Pledge

we aim to hit our targets

Southend YMCA - our pledge...

We promise to:• Be totally transparent in all our fundraising

activity and dealings.• Support the fundraising ideas of businesses and

individuals endeavoring to fundraise for us.

We promise not to:• Never hound or harass you post donation to

ask for more money. We are so grateful to those who help support us and understand how irritating cold call requests for more money can be. We do not and will not, ever do this.

To find out more about how you can help us or to request a fundraising pack, please email or call 01702 301301 and ask to speak to a member of the fundraising team.

Find out more about our work at

Southend YMCA Fundraising Team:

Syrie CoxChief Executive

Annette IstedDeputy CEO & Head

of Educationannetteisted@

Jane Dolby Press PR & Fundraisingjanedolby@

Tom Moulton Marketing & PR Officer

Brad MossCommunity Games

Fundraiser & Developercommunitygames@

S o u t h e n d Y M C A h e l p i n g y o u n g p e o p l e t o b u i l d t h e i r f u t u r e

With thanks to for information about C.S.R.

Head Office: Southend YMCA Newlands, 85 Ambleside Drive, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 2FYTelephone: 01702 301301Website:

Southend YMCA has been funded by sported., one of the UK’s leading 2012 legacy organisations empowering community groups to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people through sport.

Southend YMCA Registered Charity No.1102837, Company Registration No. 5051166. Affiliated to National Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations (Incorporated A Limited Company Registered in London No. 73749. Chariy No. 212810. The YMCA is a Christian Charity committed to helping young people, particularly at times of need, regardless of gender race, ability or faith.

Join us - southendymca

Follow us and our business centre - @southendymca@ecohubsymca