Coronavirus Guidance Webinar · • Number of responses consistently c. 1,000 construction...

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Transcript of Coronavirus Guidance Webinar · • Number of responses consistently c. 1,000 construction...

Noon Webinar14 July 2020


All slides and a recording of the webinar are available on the website later this afternoon

• CBI Update

• 15th July - Risk & Regulations: What does this mean for the supply chain?

• CLC Talent Retention Scheme

• H&S Advice Update

• BIM and Technology survey – 10th Annual BIM Report

• SFG20 Update

• Q&A

15th July - Risk & Regulations: What does this mean for the supply chain?

BESA Chief Executive, David Frise, will be joining an expert panel to debate the impact, implications and consequences of changing building regulations and compliance on design, construction processes behaviour and procurement.

Attend an afternoon of informative panels and hard-hitting keynote speeches that will allow delegates to discuss and discover:

• The industry's response to implementing the Hackitt Review• Implications of a new Building Safety Regulator• The changing role of design and specification• Building Regulations Reform – Managing the Golden Thread• The future of Building regulations for commercial building


CLC Construction Talent Retention Scheme

• Launching next week

• Help us as an industry retain, redeploy and recruit talent

• All employers whether you are recruiting or making redundancies – please register!

Findings from our tenth survey of tracking the adoption of BIM

Tina Pringle, Director of Technical Information , NBS

BIM and Technology survey – 10th Annual BIM Report

We carried out a survey into an emerging new way of working: ‘building information modelling’.

We published the results in spring 2011, noting that it was the first time that 43% of the 400 people who took part in that survey had heard of BIM.

The first BIM report

• May 2020

• Tenth survey into BIM

• And digital technology

The tenth BIM report

• Surveyed the industry on BIM annually since 2010/11

• This year, expanded to include more questions on digital tech

• Number of responses consistently c. 1,000 construction professionals

• This year, 1,061 responded

• Respondents were across all disciplines – 4% from a service only background

• People continue to be engaged in BIM and digital tech

• Mainly from the UK but respondents from across the world

Ten years of BIM surveys

Industry support

Respondent profile

Tasks carried out

BIM adoption: then and now

Adoption slowing as the majority now using

BIM adoption by sector

Current and intended use

What does BIM adoption mean?

Approaches to ‘doing’ BIM

• A majority describe BIM as a process

• Over a third associate it with the BS 1192 and PAS 1192 series (in the UK this is 41%)

• Over a quarter already follow the process outlined in the BS EN ISO 19650 series

The things people do as part of BIM

Information sharing

Is it worth adopting BIM?

Benefits of BIM


BIM adoption by size

• In 2020, among large organizations (over 50 staff): 80%

• In 2020, among small organizations (15 or fewer staff): 62%

• In 2019, among small organizations: 56%

BIM benefits: small practices

• Made us more productive: 75%

• Increased our profitability: 52%

• Reduced the risk of problems: 76%

But fewer expect clients to insist on BIM:

• Small organizations: 52%

• Large organizations: 73%

Too small for BIM?

Is BIM the norm now?

What does BIM mean to the Building Engineering services Industry

•All services engineers that completed the survey are aware of BIM •78% have adopted BIM, compared with 73% overall•They are using BIM on public and private work. 83% of services engineers have used BIM on public projects, slightly more than on private projects•Of those using BIM, almost two thirds say they do so for the majority of projects•High proportions mention involvement with some of the key aspects of BIM according to BS EN ISO 19650, so CDEs (71%), Exchange Information Requirements (74%) and BEPs (68%)•Over half (52%) of BIM adopter services engineers say they classify information using Uniclass 2015, higher than the sample as a whole•Services engineers seem a bit more likely than others to say that clients will increasingly insist on BIM and that they have adopted BIM successfully,

Tools and support that enable BIM and digital transformation

Support for adopting BIM

Design tools

Model checkers

• Specification is a key part of the information that needs to be coordinated and shared

• For it to support BIM and digital processes effectively, it needs to be in a recognised, structured format, that is easily shared

• NBS enables this


• We now have over 1,500 uses of NBS Chorus

Sharing information

Documents and spreadsheets

Digital Tools used to support the Building Engineering Services Industry

•77% of services engineers need manufacturers to provide them with digital objectives.

•Autodesk is used heavily. Revit use is high.

•73% use MS Office 365, higher than any other tool for working with documents and spreadsheets

•Services engineers’ expectations in terms of the extent to which digitization will transform the industry are similar to those for the sample as a whole

Looking to the future

Use of new technologies

Digital transformation

• BIM use and awareness has grown significantly

• Organizations are experiencing benefits

• Internationally recognized standards

• Manufacturers providing digital product data

• Increasing tools to enable digital working

• But BIM not yet the ‘norm’

• Challenges for smaller practices and projects

Significant progress but not yet business as usual

• BIM and digital tech can help tackle major problems

• Structured data and the use of digital tech will be encouraged through legal, environmental and economic drivers

• Digital natives will continue to promote it

• But, it needs to benefit all parts of the industry

The next 10 years

2020 NBS BIM report

Download it now:

2020 NBS BIM report

SFG20 & UniclassMapping

Steve Tomkins SFG20

Confidential. © SFG20. All rights reserved.

WORKING IN COLLABORATIONUnification of industry data classifications


Asset Renewals

Asset Structure & Levels


BIM Model

Confidential. © SFG20. All rights reserved.



(WIP) SFG20 University Model


Ongoing ReviewSe






Confidential. © SFG20. All rights reserved.



David Frise Chief Executive, BESA

James Lawrence BIM Manager, Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

Martin Trentham Head of National Design, Interserve

Tina Pringle Director of Technical Content, NBS

Steve Tomkins Head of Business Development, SFG20

Webinar Programme

Coming Up:

Friday 17th July – ‘(A)live on the web' From meetings to training sessions to talks, this webinar will discuss ways to communicate more effectively and more enjoyably in a digital environment.

Tuesday 21st July - The Opportunity in the Domestic Market – market opportunity, stimulus packages, plus Trustmark and how to get involved

Thursday 23rd July – Online Training – BESA Academy


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Thank you