Corley cloud angular in cloud

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Corley cloud angular in cloud

AngularJSon Cloud

AngularConf 2015

Who am I?Gianluca Arbezzano


I'm here to protect you

Software Engineer @CorleyCloud

When you think "Infrastructure"

Think of word without SysAdmin


The mission:

build an application managed byAWS

to avoid sysadmin

Security Issues

Without servers where do you store private credentials?

Cognito identity

Helps your client app to manage authentication and it opens the doors of AWS world

in AngularJS// app/app.js.config([function() var creds = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials( IdentityPoolId: 'us­east­1:0000000000000008c3c­5397a17ad174' ); AWS.config.update( region: 'us­east­1', credentials: creds );]);

in AngularJS

in AngularJS.directive('googleSignin', function() return restrict: 'A', template: '<span id="signinButton"></span>', replace: true, scope: afterSignin: '&' , link: function(scope, ele, attrs) // see ng­­js­sdk.html ;)

in AngularJS// app/view/view.tpl.html<p>This is the partial for view 1.</p><h2>Signin to ngroad</h2>

<div google­signin client­id='3818201' after­signin="signedIn(oauth)" data­user="user"></div><pre> user | json </pre>

in AngularJS$scope.signedIn = function(oauth) var creds = params: ; $scope.user = oauth; creds = AWS.config.credentials; creds.params.Logins = ; creds.params.Logins[''] = oauth.id_token; AWS.config.update( credentials: creds ); AWS.config.credentials.refresh(function(err) if (err) console.log(err); ); ;

Chamber of Secrets was open

in AngularJS

in AngularJS

DynamoDBis a fully managed NoSQL database service that erovides

fast and predictable performance

with seamless scalability

in AngularJS

in AngularJS

in AngularJS<p>This is the partial for view 1.</p><h2>Signin to ngroad</h2>

<div google­signin client­id='38182010900­e5l22mddk7oliohktn747trqgsfau1rd' after­signin="signedIn(oauth)" data­user="user"></div><pre> user | json </pre>

<form ng­submit="send(item)"><input ng­model="item.title"><button type="submit">Save</button></form>

in AngularJS$scope.send = function(item) AWS.config.getCredentials(function() var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB(apiVersion: '2012­08­10'); dynamodb.putItem( Item: "title": "S": item.title , TableName: "angular­conf" , function(err, data) if(err) throw err; ); );;



working on your data

Allow permission for singlelines

Allow permission for singlecolumns

working on your data "Version": "2012­10­17", "Statement": [ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem", "dynamodb:DeleteItem" ], "Resource": ["arn:aws:dynamodb:us­west­2::table/GameScores"], "Condition": "ForAllValues:StringEquals": "dynamodb:LeadingKeys": ["$"] ]

Other AWS servicesSQS


Cognito Sync