Core/Shell Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles for Chemical Sensing: Towards Single-Particle...

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Nanoparticle sensors

DOI: 10.1002/smll.200600017

Core/Shell Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticlesfor Chemical Sensing: Towards Single-Particle Laboratories**

Andrew Burns, Prabuddha Sengupta, Tara Zedayko,Barbara Baird, and Ulrich Wiesner*

Photoluminescence has been shown to be an excellent toolto investigate biology down to the molecular scale, due toits high signal-to-noise ratio, excellent spatial resolution,and ease of implementation.[1] The interactions and condi-tions in this realm of enzymes, antibodies, and nucleotidesare integral to the higher-order function seen throughoutnature. A variety of probes have been developed in recentyears to explore these environments, from organic and met-allorganic dye molecules to semiconductor nanoparticles,[2]

fluorescent proteins,[3] and hybrid systems.[4] There is greatinterest among biologists to explore the chemical microen-vironments found on the cellular and molecular scales to de-termine quantitative chemical concentrations both in vivoand in vitro.[5] For example, the rapid growth of cancer cellsin tumors outstrips the available blood supply, leading to hy-poxic and acidic conditions within the tumor, the detectionof which could provide a route to early cancer screening.[6]

Focusing deeper to individual cells, the local concentrationsof ions such as Na+, Ca2+ , H+ , and others are indicative ofsignal transduction[7] as well as general cellular health.Traditionally, environmental factors such as pH condi-

tions have been analyzed by titration or probes such aslitmus paper or electrochemical cells. These approaches failat small length scales and in complex environments such asthose found in living cells and tissues. Thus, a variety of ap-proaches to sensing have been developed which rely on ana-lyte-specific effects on the wavelength,[8] lifetime,[9] or quan-tum yield[10] of fluorophore emission. The smallest suchassays are environmentally sensitive fluorophores, such as

fluorescein (pH sensor) and Fluo-4 (Ca2+ assay).[11] Un-fortunately, most of these molecular sensors are effectiveonly as qualitative sensors, as their measured fluorescenceintensity is dependent upon sensor concentration as well asanalyte concentration.[12] Additionally, as for all free dyemolecules, they are limited in brightness and are prone tophotobleaching, nonspecific quenching, solvatochromic ef-fects, and cellular toxicity.[1] Particle-based hybrid systemsincorporating an internal standard allow researchers to de-termine local analyte concentration independent of sensorconcentration, enabling quantitative chemical sensing downto the single-nanoparticle level. Among the variations onthis concept are sensors based on polymers, lipid vesicles,and amorphous silica nanoparticles. Polymer-based sensorsare currently the most common, including commerciallyavailable dextran-based pH sensors[11] and the largerPEBBLE sensors developed by Kopelman and co-work-ers.[13] These sensors integrate sensor and reference dye mol-ecules into a polymer matrix to create a biocompatible par-ticle. Although these particles can integrate multiple dyemolecules to increase the brightness of individual probes,the polymer network affords the dyes relatively little protec-tion against quenching or bleaching, and in some cases maydecrease the quantum yield of the dye molecules. Anotherapproach, pursued by Rosenzweig and co-workers, is theuse of supported lipid-bilayer vesicles as vehicles for the ref-erence and sensor dyes. These microparticles provide ahighly biocompatible alternative to polymers, though theylack the robustness and small size to effectively probe intra-cellular conditions.[14, 15] To address these issues, Kopelmanand co-workers developed ratiometric nanoparticle sensorsfor dissolved oxygen based on sol–gel silica,[16] which pro-vides a robust vehicle for the sensor dyes as well as a bio-compatible and easily functionalizable outer surface.Recently, we have developed a class of monodisperse

fluorescent core/shell silica nanoparticles with a host of ben-eficial properties and very small dimensions.[4] Briefly, theseparticles integrate covalently bound dyes[17] in a sol–gel-de-rived silica matrix. The particles are assembled in a core/shell architecture via a modified Stçber synthesis[18] with thedye molecules sequestered within the particle core, which isenclosed in a layer of pure silica. This architecture leads toa variety of enhanced properties, including reduced photo-bleaching, minimized solvatochromic shift, and increasedfluorescent efficiency relative to free dye in aqueous solu-tion.[4] Further, this design allows co-localization of multiplefluorophores within a single particle. This not only signifi-cantly increases per-particle brightness, but also facilitateslong-term single-particle tracking because the encapsulateddye molecules are decoupled from each other[19] and thusare not prone to the intermittent “blinking” under continu-ous excitation suffered by single-emitter systems such asgreen fluorescent protein (GFP)[20] or quantum dots.[21] Fi-nally, the silica shell lends itself to biological applications, assilica is highly biocompatible[22] and easily functionalizablefor biological targeting via proteins, antibodies, or cell-pene-trating peptides.[23]

Building upon the benefits of our core/shell nanoparticledesign concept, here we report a class of quantitative chemi-

[*] A. Burns, T. Zedayko, Prof. U. WiesnerDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering330 Bard Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (USA)Fax: (+1)607-255-2365E-mail:

P. Sengupta, Prof. B. BairdDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical BiologyCornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (USA)

[**] The authors would like to thank the Cornell Center for MaterialsResearch (CCMR), Cornell Biotechnology Resource Center (BRC),and the Cornell Nanobiotechnology Center (NBTC) for facilitiesusage and the NBTC for funding. This material is based uponwork supported by NSF NIRT grant 0404195 and the STC Programof the National Science Foundation under Agreement No. ECS-9876771.

Supporting information for this article is available on the WWWunder or from the author.

small 2006, 2, No. 6, 723– 726 B 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, D-69451 Weinheim 723

cal sensors based on the co-localization of sensor and refer-ence dye molecules concentrically within a single particle(Figure 1a). By coating a reference-dye-rich core in a thin

layer of sensor-dye-rich silica, a sensor with optimal geome-try may be realized, which sequesters the reference whileproviding the greatest possible surface area for sensor inter-actions. In addition, the shell@s silica matrix acts as a filter,allowing analyte molecules to diffuse to and from the sensordyes, while protecting the dyes from interactions with largermolecules such as proteins or organic quenchers that couldinterfere with the measurements.As a proof of this concept, we developed a silica-based

pH sensor based on the pH-dependent change in quantumefficiency exhibited by fluorescein with tetramethylrhoda-mine as an internal standard. Fluorescein exists in severalproACHTUNGTRENNUNGtonation states with changing pH. Of particular impor-tance for this work is the equilibrium between the mono-anionic and dianionic forms (pKa=6.4). The monoanionhas a low quantum yield of f=0.36, while the dianion has aquantum yield of f=0.93.[11]

These particles were synthesized via a modified Stçbersynthesis[18] incorporating reference and sensor dyes cova-lently bound to the matrix in the core/shell architecture de-picted in Figure 1a. The reference dye, tetramethylrhoda-mine isothiocyanate (TRITC, Molecular Probes, Eugene,OR), was conjugated to the silica precursor aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (APTS, Gelest, Morrisville, PA) in an anhy-drous nitrogen environment.[17] This conjugate was then hy-drolyzed in basic ethanolic solution with a pure silica pre-cursor, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis,MO), catalyzed by concentrated aqueous ammonia (Sigma–Aldrich). The reagent concentrations were estimated from

the empirical formula of Bogush et al.[24] Following the syn-thesis of these core particles, the sensor dye, fluorescein, inthe form of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC, Sigma–Al-drich), was conjugated with APTS under similar conditions.The sensor dye precursor was then hydrolyzed with furtherTEOS to form the sensor layer. Following synthesis, the par-ticles were centrifuged and resuspended repeatedly in etha-nol and finally deionized water, in which they remain stableagainst flocculation, leaching, and degradation for monthsat a time.The particles were characterized via scanning electron

microscopy (LEO 1550 FE-SEM) and dynamic light scatter-ing (Horiba LB-550), which showed monodispersed 50-nmdye-rich core particles (Figure 1b), encapsulated in a 10-nmsensor-dye-rich layer to create 70-nm core/shell sensor parti-cles (Figure 1c). The particles were then characterized viaspectrofluorometry (PTI Quantamaster) to calibrate the ra-tiometric pH response in sodium phosphate buffer solutionswith pH values between pH 5.0 and 8.5, as depicted inFigure 2 (also see Supporting Information). The resultingcalibration curve (Figure 2c) exhibits the typical behavior of

a system in equilibrium between two states, in this case themono- and dianionic states of fluorescein, and shows an ef-fective pKa value at pH 6.4 that corroborates well with theliterature value.[11] For intracellular application, the particleswere similarly calibrated on a confocal laser-scanning fluo-rescence microscope (Leica TCX SP2). We confirmed thatthere was no bleed-through between channels by the excita-tion wavelengths and emission filter set used (see Support-ing Information).To demonstrate the intracellular sensing capabilities of

these particles, we chose to implement them in rat basophil-ic leukemia mast cells (RBL-2H3)[25] to investigate the pHvalue of various intracellular compartments (see SupportingInformation). Physical analogues of the sensor particles(TRITC in 70-nm silica particles) bound to the cell surfaceafter incubation, but they were not internalized by the cells

Figure 1. a) A schematic diagram showing the core/shell architectureof the sensor nanoparticles highlighting the reference dye (TRITC)sequestered in the core coated by a sensor-dye-rich (FITC) shell.b,c) SEM images of 50-nm core (b) and 70-nm core/shell (c) parti-cles.

Figure 2. Calibration of the pH sensor via spectrofluorometry: a) Fluo-rescein (sensor) emission spectra collected for solutions of knownpH value from 5.0 to 8.5; b) tetramethylrhodamine (reference) emis-sion spectra for pH calibration solutions shown in (a) (overlaid);c) ratiometric calibration curve showing peak sensor emission inten-sity (525 nm) divided by peak reference emission intensity (575 nm)versus pH value.

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as observed with cells counter-labeled withAlexa488-Cholera toxin B (Figure 3a).Phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDB), a com-pound known to increase endocytotic activi-ty,[26,27] was added during the incubationand was found to successfully stimulate par-ticle uptake (Figure 3b). These uptake pro-tocols were then applied to the sensor parti-cles to mediate their endocytosis. Followinguptake, the particles were monitored byconfocal microscopy and found to reside invarious intracellular compartments with pHvalues ranging from 5.1 to 6.6 as shown, forexample, in Figure 4. The sensor and refer-ence channels showed no bleed-throughand were corrected for a small amount of

cell autofluorescence. The reference dye channel (TRITC,Figure 4a) acts not only as an internal standard for pH mea-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGsurements but also as an indicator of particle location andconcentration throughout the cell. Pixel-wise ratios betweensensor (FITC; Figure 4b) and reference intensities weretaken for all points of the cell with detectable reference flu-orescence and the pH was thus imaged throughout the con-focal image plane (Figure 4c). Various intracellular loca-tions are found to have pH values varying from pH6.5(early endosome) to �pH5.0 (late endosome/lysosome) asshown in Figure 4d (analyzed in MATLAB 6.12 (The Math-Works, Natick, MA)). These initial experiments show thepotential for core/shell silica sensor nanoparticles in investi-gations of fundamental biology and a variety of other fields.In conclusion, this is the first demonstration of a silica-

based core/shell fluorescent pH sensor comprising a shell ofcovalently bound sensor-dye molecules surrounding a coreof sequestered, covalently bound reference-dye molecules.This architecture maximizes surface area for analyte expo-sure while effectively sequestering the reference dyes topermit quantitative ratiometric analysis of pH in vitro. Thisconcentric core/shell architecture may be expanded to inte-grate new functionalities such as chemically reactive centers,catalytic sites,[28] and/or surfactant-templated mesoporosi-ty[29] to create highly sensitive particles capable of in situchemical transformations and detection of analytes, thusleading to “single-particle laboratories”. It is expected thatsuch optimized single-nanoparticle sensor architectures willprovide a unique platform to monitor metabolic statuswithin cells both in vitro and in vivo with potential applica-tions in fundamental biology, biomedicine, and high-throughput pharmaceutical screening.

Figure 4. Confocal fluorescence microscopy images (overlaid on bright field) of pH sensors in RBLmast cells showing a) reference dye channel, b) sensor dye channel, c) overlaid images, andd) false-color ratiometric imaging of pH in various intracellular compartments.

Figure 3. Confocal fluorescence microsACHTUNGTRENNUNGcopyimages of 70-nm TRITC silica particles (red) andAlexaFluor 488–Cholera toxin B (green) in RBLmast cells: a) 70-nm fluorescent silica nanoparti-cles do not experience spontaneous uptake afterincubation with cells at 37 8C for 1 h; b) thesame particles are endocytosed as a result ofsimultaneous incubation of cells with particlesand PDB.

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Keywords:fluorescence · nanoparticles · photoluminescence ·sensors · silica

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