Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Slide of 44 I will understand how feedback loops in the...

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Transcript of Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Slide of 44 I will understand how feedback loops in the...

Copyright Pearson Prentice HallEnd Show

Slide of 44

I will understand how feedback loops in the endocrine system

regulate homeostasis in the body.MT: Organ Systems

Copyright Pearson Prentice HallEnd Show

39-1 The Endocrine System

Slide of 44

Control of the Endocrine System

Q: How does the endocrine system maintain homeostasis?

A: Feedback loops that increase or stop a process from occurring.

Copyright Pearson Prentice HallEnd Show

39-1 The Endocrine System

Slide of 44

Feedback Loops

2. Positive




stops a



a cycle

Parts of Endocrine System Regulated by Feedback Loops

Example of Negative Feedback in Body

high blood sugar levels

pancreas cells alerted

pancreas secretes insulin into blood

insulin allows cells to absorb sugar

blood sugar level drops

brain tells pancreas to stop releasing insulin

pancreases releases glucagon

glucagon releases sugar into blood

Example of Positive Feedback in Body

2. Collagen in vessels trap platelets in blood

3. Platelets release clotting factors in blood

1. Damaged blood vessel

4. Clotting factors cause more platelets to get trapped in collagen

5. Platelets release more clotting factors

6. Get a blood clot
