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The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. We are not doctors and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon our experiences as well as our interpretations of the current research available.

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By Joel Marion, CISSN

Intermittent Fasting BlueprintA Comprehensive Guide To Live Longer, Prevent Deadly

Diseases, & Lose More Belly Fat Using



Intermittent Fasting (in case you don’t already know) is essentially not eating or drinking anything that contains calories for a set time period. Generally, this time period lasts 14 to 24 hours depending on the protocol used (see below).

Believe it or not, research actually proves that your metabolism does NOT slow down even after 36 hours of fasting.

Even though we’ve been told over and over again for the last 20 years that if we don’t feed ourselves every 3-4 hours our metabolic rate will slow down, this is simply NOT true.

IMPORTANT: Remember, if you’re fasting for 14 to 16 hours 4 to 5 days of the week who is making money while you fast? NOBODY. This is one of the main reasons the mainstream medical and food industry will most likely never endorse intermittent fasting.

Instead, their goal is to make sure you’re consuming something during your waking hours because that’s what lines their pockets with billions (yes, billions) of dollars.

This is just some food for thought (pun intended of course) to put things in perspective


as you read thru all the research and science proving how amazing intermittent fasting (aka- I.F.) can be for your health and longevity.

Intermittent fasting allows you to cycle between eating and fasting. All of us “fast” while we sleep. That’s why the first meal of the day is called “break-fast.”

First the WHY then the HOW…

Why should you consider using Intermittent Fasting?

When applied properly, fasting is not only great for your metabolism, it’s also a killer way to break bad habits or shock your body mentally and physically.

Physically, it helps drain your muscles and liver of glycogen by forcing your body to use up stored calories and energy. It also lowers insulin, increases growth hormone release, and raises catecholamine levels by ramping up the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).

So in many ways intermittent fasting actually “mimics” high intensity exercise. Every hormonal trigger activated by intermittent fasting helps you burn more fat and preserve muscle (as long as you don’t overdo it). Mentally, it can break you of bad emotional habits or negative neuro-associations you may have with food and provide you with new found energy and focus.

As always, with any great tactic, more is not better.

If you abuse this strategy your body may start shedding lean muscle to slow down the metabolism and the end result is no weight loss at all. Essentially, your body thinks you are starving yourself so it will have to use amino acids from precious muscle tissue to survive.


Research shows this only happens if you overdue it, which is why it’s recommended that men follow the 16/8 (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours feeding) and women follow the 14/10 (14 hours of fasting, 10 hours of feeding) for 14 Day Late Night Fat Loss.

This particular protocol is also the easiest to adhere to for lengthy periods of time making it the perfect fit to use The 3 Minute Fat Burning Ritual detailed in your Diet Manual.

There’s also a few other ways of approaching I.F. that may be a better fit for your lifestyle, but before we cover them let’s talk about the research behind eating “the most important meal of the day”…

Even though our culture has bought into the fact that if we don’t eat breakfast our metabolism will slow down, we’ll get intense cravings, lose energy, and it will be harder to lose weight and burn fat, published scientific research is now proving otherwise.

Here are 3 MYTHS we’ve all been programmed to believe about eating breakfast for long term health

and weight loss…

MYTH #1: Breakfast Increases Your Metabolism

The whole idea that not eating a big breakfast will somehow slow down your metabolism is simply not true.

In a recent paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition1, researchers delved into dozens of studies to uncover the relationship between eating breakfast and increased metabolic rate.

The researchers divided 309 overweight and obese (but otherwise healthy adults) into two groups to specifically find out whether eating or not eating breakfast had any impact on weight loss. After 16 weeks, the researchers found absolutely NO difference in weight loss between the groups.


The researchers concluded that breakfast being the most important meal of the day is merely nothing but a shared belief. That’s it. In other words, there is ZERO long term research indicating or proving that eating breakfast leads to lower body fat or increased metabolism.

MYTH #2: Eating Breakfast Helps Control Your Hunger

In fact, the exact opposite happens.

Typical breakfast foods like orange juice and wheat toast will spike insulin levels, sending your fat storage hormones soaring SKY high, making you go on a hunger binge—all while putting your body directly into a fat STORING environment.

MYTH #3: Breakfast Helps You Control Weight And Lose FatThere are tons of studies out there that claim eating a big, well balanced breakfast helps promote weight loss. But in reality there are NO long term studies that show a direct correlation between eating breakfast and weight loss.

In fact, according to Time Magazine3…. “...contrary to popular belief, having breakfast every day was NOT tied to an improvement in metabolism. Prior thought—supported by research—has shown that eating early in the day can prevent people from overeating later out of hunger, and it boosts their metabolism early. The new study which examined causal links between breakfast habits and energy balance did NOT prove that.”

Bottom Line: Eating Breakfast Does NOT Aid Weight Loss Efforts

In fact, by SKIPPING breakfast altogether (with intermittent fasting) and eating your calories later in the day, say between 11am to 7pm or 12pm to 8pm, has been shown to increase anti-aging Growth Hormone4, while BOOSTING your immune system5 and regulating your hunger hormone (Ghrelin).


It also normalizes insulin sensitivity, balances leptin levels (i.e. your #1 fat burning hormone), and even reduces oxidative stress by decreasing free radicals, helping you LOOK younger.

Mounting evidence also confirms that when you skip breakfast and use some form of intermittent fasting, your body becomes adapted to burning FAT (instead of sugar) as its primary fuel, which can make you LEANER, while dramatically reducing your risk of chronic disease.

Side Note: I.F. is not for everybody so if you’re a breakfast lover feel free to have a “light” breakfast, but make sure you AVOID traditional high carb breakfast foods that spike your insulin like bagels, toast, and orange juice.

Refer to the the suggested breakfast snacks inside your 14 Day Late Night Fat Loss Diet Manual and high quality protein sources, like farm fresh whole eggs, along with plenty of green veggies (see diet manual).

This will help keep your body in “fat burning mode” for the rest of the day.

References:1. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition June 4, 2014 [Epub ahead of print]2. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition June 5, 2014 [Epub ahead of print] (PDF)3. Time Magazine June 6, 20144. Eurekalert April 3, 20115. Daily Life June 6, 2014


Now you can probably see why there’s a whole subculture around the world skipping breakfast and using intermittent fasting. I’ve been using various methods of I.F off and on now for almost 5 years to help me stay lean, and healthy.

Here is just some of the scientifically referenced benefits on I.F.: (I added more references to this list…)

CONTROLS insulin1

Naturally increases Growth Hormone WITHOUT exercise2,3

Cellular repair (aka-autophagy)4

Increases metabolic rate5

Increases fat burning 6,7

Lowers risk of diabetes and insulin resistance8

Reduces inflammation9

Prevents disease and reduces cancer risks10

Improves heart health11

Increases brain health and fights against Alzheimer’s12,13

Live Longer14,15



There are several ways to intermittently fast. Each one can be used in combination with your 14 Day Late Night Fat Loss Diet manual, but the 16/8 method below works best. You’ll just have to adjust the timing of your meals based on the intermittent fasting method that best matches your lifestyle.

Let’s go over each method in detail:

• The 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours each day, for example by only eating between noon and 8pm. The fasting window should be reduced to 14 hours for women (more on this below). This protocol can be followed 5-7 days per week. I recommend using it Monday through Friday and taking the weekend off to enjoy breakfast along with a cheat meal (if you don’t exercise) or a cheat day if you do exercise.

• Eat-Stop-Eat: Once or twice a week, don’t eat anything from dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24 hour fast).

• The 5:2 Diet: During 2 days of the week, eat only about 500-600 calories, which mimics IF.


With this plan, you get fat-burning during one long, 14-16 hour stretch of the day and lean muscle building with recovery during the 8-10 hour feeding stretch.

Although this has been coined the 16/8 it should actually be tweaked for women and called the 14/10. Due to the hormonal differences, women should only fast for 12-14 hours when using this particular method (see chart below).


Your strategic fasting periods do not have to be exactly 14 hours (women) or exactly 16 hours (men). It could be 17 or 18 hours for men… or it could be 12 to 14 for women. But as long as you’re fasting for at LEAST 12 hours or longer you’re still within range of the health and fat burning results created from I.F.

Just try to stick with the 16/8 protocol as closely as possible if you’re a male and the 14/10 protocol if you’re female.

You can do this type of protocol 4 to 7 days per week. I personally like doing it M-Fri because it gives me a break and a chance to eat early morning breakfast with my wife and two daughters.

If you struggle with the idea of fasting or getting hunger pangs drink lots of water. It’s the best remedy and many times hunger is triggered from dehydration.

You can also consume the calorie free fat burning morning drink recipes recommended in the main Diet Manual for your 3-Minute Daily Fat Burning Ritual. Coffee and calorie free teas allowed, but no cream or sugar. Stevia is an acceptable sweetener as well, but try to avoid Splenda®, Truvia®, monk fruit extracts, and sugar alcohols as they can impact insulin and will potentially break your fast.

Remember, during the fasting process you’ll keep insulin super low, naturally boost fat burning hormones (leptin, growth hormone, adrenaline), have more energy, get more done, give your digestive system and body a break from frequent feeding… and burn a lot more fat. Many professionals recommend different time frames for intermittent fasting, but I discovered the science and logic behind the 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol from a guy named Martin Berkhan.

If you can tolerate it, ending the 14 to 16 hour fast with your workout can serve as a powerful time of fat-burning.


According to the research Berkhan cites that fasting (and training) this way means:

• Blood flow to fat cells increases (blood flow is critical in order for fat to be burned, especially stubborn fat)

• Concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine go up (these hormones have been shown to help “shrink” stubborn fat cells)

• Metabolic rate goes up slightly

• Insulin levels remain very low (this sets up a fat burning environment inside your body)

• As insulin lowers glucagon (your blood sugar hormone) increases, which helps deliver free fatty acids to working muscles so more fat can be used for energy (i.e. “burned”)

I noticed after a few weeks of using the 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol, that I NEVER got hungry anymore. In other words, over time, fasting has become a lot easier and skipping breakfast doesn’t even faze me anymore.

So I did some research on this phenomenon I was experiencing and I discovered that we can actually “retrain” our hunger hormone ghrelin.

Simply put, ghrelin is the hormone that controls your body’s hunger response to food. It’s secreted when you’re about ready to eat.

In other words, you can reprogram ghrelin to respond at a different time of the day. This process only takes a few weeks (many times less) with intermittent fasting.

Also, ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth hormone. So if you combine the growth hormone release that naturally occurs during fasting with your body’s ability to “re-train” ghrelin, you get a potent one-two GH punch.


How To Use The 16/8 Protocol With 14 Day Late Night Fat Loss

There are only 2 rules to adhere to when using the 16/8 protocol.

RULE #1: Your feeding window should be as close to 8 hours as possible

RULE #2: Your fasting window should be as close to 16 hours as possible if you’re a male—and 14 hours if you’re a female.

This chart below gives you a sample guideline of how you would set up your fasting vs. feeding nutrition schedule.

As previously mentioned, this can be followed 5-7 days per week.

Last Meal of the Day 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pmFirst Meal the Following Day

for Men 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm

First Meal the Following Day for Women 8am 9am 10am 11pm Noon


My good friend, Brad Pilon, the author of Eat Stop Eat, which primarily focuses on the 24 hour fast (I recommend this method 1 or 2x per week if you’re not using the 16/8 or 5:2 (see below). This is also a great strategy to use after a cheat day or a few days of overeating), cites well over 300 published studies validating the efficacy of the 24 hour fast.

His impressive volume of published peer-reviewed scientific studies shows short-term intermittent fasting has been shown to have the following health benefits:


• Decreased body fat & body weight • Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass • Decreased blood glucose levels • Decreased insulin levels & increased insulin sensitivity • Increased lipolysis & fat oxidation (fat burning)• Increased Uncoupling of Protein 3 mRNA levels• Increased norepinephrine & epinephrine levels (fight or flight fat loss hormones)• Increased glucagon levels• Increased growth hormone levels • Decreased food related stress


The 5:2 diet is actually simple to explain:

For 5 days a week, you eat normally and don’t have to think about restricting calories.Then, on the other 2 days, you reduce your calorie intake to about 500 calories per day for women, and 600 for men.

You can choose whichever two days of the week you prefer, as long as there is at least 1 non-fasting day in between.

A common way of planning the week is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, with 2 or 3 very small meals (around 500-600 calories total), then eat normally for the rest of the week.

It’s important to emphasize that eating “normally” does not mean you can eat literally anything. If you binge on junk food, then you may gain weight.

Most people end up compensating on days they eat…you should eat the same amount of food as if you hadn’t been fasting at all.

That’s the key to making this method work effectively.


Final Thoughts on Intermittent Fasting

The first couple of weeks of fasting, whether you do it for 5 days or just decide to use it a few times a week for health reasons (which I highly recommend), are the hardest.

Initially, fasting seems like a big pain in the butt, but remember to focus on the reward. You might have to sacrifice if you have an obsession with food or eating every 2 to 3 hours, but I considered it a welcome break from the burden of having to eat from sunup to sundown day after day.

I.F. becomes really fun when you understand how to properly apply it.

It makes it possible to get leaner, all while eating bigger at night, enjoying a few glasses of red wine, and even an occasional dessert a few nights of the week.

Intermittent fasting causes a much smaller reduction in muscle mass than weight loss with conventional calorie restriction16

Although intermittent fasting is very safe for healthy, well-nourished people, it is not for everyone.

Some people should avoid fasting completely:

• Individuals with a history of eating disorders.• Individuals sensitive to drops in blood sugar levels.• Pregnant women, nursing mothers, teenagers, children and individuals with type

1 diabetes.• People who are malnourished, underweight or have known nutrient deficiencies.• Women who are trying to conceive or have issues with fertility.



Also, alternate day fasting may adversely affect glucose tolerance in non-obese women but not in non-obese men. Therefore, intermittent fasting may not be as beneficial for some women as it is for men.17

Some women have reported that their menstrual period stopped while they were following this type of eating pattern. However, things went back to normal when they returned to a regular diet. Also some women on restricted calories (i.e., I.F.) show a higher level of cortisol production (in response to lower-calorie stress).

Women should therefore be careful when starting any form of intermittent fasting, and stop doing it immediately if any adverse effects occur.

As long as you stick to the guidelines outlined inside this guide you’ll keep yourself out of harms way.


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