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“How to Generate a Six Figure Recurring Income from Facebook

with Just One Post a Day” With Ron Douglas

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TRAINING NOTES Ron covered a lot of ground in his “One Post a Day” training and we wanted to be sure you had everything you needed to to implement it. These are the detailed notes from that training, including information about Ron’s complete done-for-you service that takes care of all the set up and product creation, eliminating all the tech hassles for you, leaving you to focus on growing that recurring income!

Foreword by Alice Seba: “The Many Benefits of Customers Who Pay You Over and Over Again”

Who doesn’t love the idea of a reliable recurring monthly income?

Happy customers are willing to pay you regularly when you bring them value. They buy something from you once; they’re going to want to pay you over and over again, so why not make it super-easy for them?

Having a content system already in place allows you to focus on marketing, instead of on making new products all the time. And that helps you bring in new members and, more importantly, retain current members, to get them to stay.

Regular paying members are some of your most valuable customers. They keep paying you because they love your content. They’re also more likely to take your recommendations on other products, which gives you more opportunities for additional revenue streams. Someone who takes your products on a regular basis is even more likely to trust you with their money.

Ron and I have worked on a number of projects over the years, but we always tie those products in with ongoing, recurring offers.

Whether that’s our Elite Writer’s Lab or DFY Templates program, we turn our customers onto products that give them an ongoing value; and in turn, that gives us ongoing income, making it easier for us to serve our customers.

Speaking of DFY Templates, it’s actually a membership site we put together quite quickly to serve as a demo for some of our membership site students. We wanted to show a real, live example in our training of setting up a membership site so we created it basically from scratch in just a few weeks.

Earlier today, in preparation for this training session, I was looking at our revenue stats and I see just that one membership product made six figures in passive income in just the last six months alone. That’s with just a few hour work each month. Not too shabby, right?

There are a couple of factors that made the DFY Templates membership so successful that really relates to this training:

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FIRST - We provide in-demand content that solves a problem for our readers. When you can help people, they’ll be happy to give you their money each and every month.

SECOND - The best part of it to me is that requires very little work on our part - we have team to make the content, update the membership area and set up all downloads each month. We have plenty of other things to keep us busy, so clearly this is a highly successful side project.

And that’s exactly what Ron is going to talk to you about (creating that in-demand value without a lot of work involved) so you’re definitely in great hands here. He’s been at this since 2001 and has generated recurring revenue in a variety of niches, both for himself and his clients.

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Ron’s One Post a Day Training

I’m going to talk about my newly-discovered secrets to getting massive, profitable Facebook Traffic. I’m going to show you how to do that making just one post a day, in about thirty minutes a day. I’ll be showing you how to get your own six-figure recurring-income business going in the next ninety days.

What you put energy into grows. If you’re all over the place, putting a little bit of energy here, there and there, and nothing’s growing, just flip your focus and put your energy in one thing. Try that for ninety days, and see how much it will grow.

My recurring income model: Simple Insider Product Club Funnel

You find a passionate niche market that buys information, create an authority-branded fan page, you give away something valuable for free and you get the shipping (it’s free plus shipping). You can give away a book, a CD, or any form of shippable media. Collect the email addresses, upsell it to your product club membership trial, and you follow up with emails.

Here’s an actual example where I send people from my Facebook page to my offer.

The cookbook only cost me three dollars to print but I’m willing to give that away for free, but they pay for shipping.

Once they do that, the first step in the process:

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1. They enter their name and email for shipping confirmation. So I actually do send them proof of shipping confirmation.

2. Next, I have a video here, talking about the benefits of the book:

3. I have my Facebook widget from Facebook — put that as credibility on your site:

4. A simple headline (“Claim Your Free Cookbook During Our Limited-Time National Promotion”)

5. The sub-head gives them the benefit of getting it today

6. You want to give a reason why it is free, otherwise people wonder “what’s the catch”. They scroll down and there are some testimonials and frequently-answered questions.

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I want to strategically place these frequently-asked questions because I want to address what some of their concerns are.

Pay attention to the psychology behind this. I’m addressing all their concerns.

7. Then I have the opt in below, again, in case they didn’t click on the one above.

8. Then I follow it up with email.

What I’m showing you is a systematized process that is hands-off. I don’t really have to do anything. The fulfillment is taken care of, my assistant sends out the emails, and it’s pretty much 99% hands-off. And it’s generating a lot of income.

Important: By saying “Step 1” in my web form I’m implying there are more steps.

In Step 2, it says “complete your shipping order, below, and continue”.

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So here’s where I:

Collect the payment information

Add some testimonials

Add an upsell

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Get them to complete the order

So what I’m doing here is turning a free offer into a twenty-dollar sale.

The psychology behind this: They get their free cookbook. They know they’re going to have to pay for shipping. They have their credit card out, they’ve already entered their credit card number: Now they’re shopping.

You go to Home Depot or Wal-Mart, you see all these items near the register; those are “impulse buys”. That’s what this is: An impulse buy.

What percentage of people take this first offer and what percentage take the upsell impulse buy?

49% of purchasers take the “bump” (the upsell)

Plus I’m able to follow up with all leads I collected via email for free, which gives me opportunities to earn even more.

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This system works for any niche, not just cooking. In fact, I’m using it to produce these type of recurring income results:

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Should You Have an Upsell?

28% of the buyers take my Secret Recipe Cookbook Club, and that’s just a simple “product of the day” cookbook club. It’s the laziest thing youl ever want to see.

All it is: Each week I give them a new digital cooking eBook and 90% of them are private label master-resell rights products that I purchase and have the rights to. Some people even donate cookbooks in exchange for me promoting their product.

I didn’t have to create any of these cookbooks. All I do, I have them in my autoresponder with links to my forum and they come here to my forum where they find links to my cookbooks.

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Each week, they get a new cookbook, a link in their email that’s already put in the Autoresponder, and they can come here and download or purchase if they’re not a member. The search engines bring me even more members.

This is an old post…

This Is The Most Hands-Off Membership Site You’ll Ever See

I don’t have to do anything to deliver the product, and people stay in because they keep getting these cookbooks.

Right now I have 81 weeks of cookbooks in my autoresponder and people stay in this long-term because they get used to getting these eBooks. This is a twenty-dollar-a-month program, and I have close to a thousand people in this program at this point. And I use PayPal as well; not just ThriveCart.

So that’s how it works.

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EXAMPLE This is a client’s site. She’s giving away an audio version and the upsell is a CD for $7.95. She’s in the Diet Niche.

An Easy Way to Monetize Emails

You can do it with:

Publicfast — A site that will actually pay you for making social media posts.

AdSense: You can send people to content that has Google Adsense ads

Affiliate offers

PowerInbox: Pays me over one thousand dollars a month just by having these ads at the bottom of our email or newsletter. The check comes every month like clockwork.

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This is what the ads look like at the bottom of an email:

The Secrets to Making This Work on Facebook

So you have your funnel set up, and now you want to get people: And there’s no better place to get them than Facebook.

Think of Facebook as this energy source that is similar to the matrix. The key to understanding the Facebook Matrix is to give Facebook what it wants. Don’t fight it. I discovered that if I started to give Facebook what it wants, I get results like this:

Just for giving Facebook what they want, I was able to reach 531,456 people with this post at six cents per click.

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This one was a webinar. I spent $350 on Facebook ads and earned $9,986.

Some of this came from the emails as well, Facebook ad was highly profitable too, we made $9,986 off that one.

The Secrets of Facebook

Facebook likes posts that their readers “Like”.

They like ad accounts that are verified.

They have a lot of people that game the system, a lot of people trying to post crappy stuff. They care about their reputation so they’re highly skewed towards posts that get good result, good engagement; and accounts where the conversion pixel

Facebook gives you a conversion pixel where they collect data off everybody who:

Goes to your web page

Joins your email list

Buys your product

Use the Facebook Pixel to enter that data automatically into its system.

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Season your Pixel and Season your Posts The Facebook Pixel can be attached to ads to perform two functions:

1. Conversion optimization: It can be used to optimize your campaign. (Example: It will tell Facebook to deliver your ad to people who are most likely to reach the checkout page of your website).

2. Conversion tracking: It can show you how successful your ad is by reporting on conversion events (example: Registrations, checkouts) on your website that happened as a direct result of your ad. You can see this in your report.

Facebook will optimize your campaign over that entire network of over a billion people. They know, based on that Pixel data, what people are likely to reach your check out page. The more you optimize your campaign, the more they’ll send you people likely to buy or optin.

Facebook is amazing at screening out people not likely to buy and bringing you people who are: All you have to do is season your Pixel. Get it started, so they know what people to send.

Secret #1: Facebook Makes Suggestions

Facebook kept telling me which posts were doing well and which to boost.

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Facebook will tell you which posts they like best, so run ads to those posts.

Run ads to get engagement on that post ($5-35 to start). Example: Give them the recipe)

The Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is simply a line of code that you add to your website that tells Facebook certain actions were taken on your site. (Example: A particular Facebook user landed on your page after opting in.) It will be counted as a conversion in Facebook tracking.

It’s as simple as that.

Secret # 2: Facebook Offer Ads

These are ads Facebook allows you to create limited time promotions so that people can claim in your store or on your website.

This is how they will appear:

This is a new program that Facebook is trying to get off the ground, so you can capitalize on that while it’s still hot.

Another example: I only spent about $30 on this Facebook Offer ad, 48 people claimed the offer. It reached 3,176 people for $30.

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Secret # 3: Facebook Birthday Targeting

Example: A Pizza shop targeting people who have a birthday this week. Only the people having an upcoming birthday will see it.

You can do this with anything: A free CD or a free book to people having a birthday. It makes them feel special and converts really well.

Optimize for Average Conversion Value

You can tell Facebook to optimize for average conversion value. You can tell Facebook things like, “I want you to bring me buyers for less than $20.” And Facebook will do that for you.

You set your daily budget and it tells Facebook to use the average per conversion, and Facebook will actually optimize your ads to do that.

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Consistent Compounding

This is your one-post-a-day conversion plan. Pretty much do this and profit. Don’t do it for three days and stop. Do it consistently.

The One Post A Day Traffic Generation Process

1. Find a viral post on competing pages with embeddable content, that you know people already like

2. Facebook gives you the embed code for the post. Use their content on your blog on a “sandwich page”—a curated post or summary by you

3. Link to the post from your Facebook Page

4. Boost that post on Facebook for $5.00 to season the post

5. Send that same link from your blog post to your email list

Even if people have seen it already once, bring them back to your blog page. Run it directly to your offer.

Once you get 100 “Likes”, Facebook Insights gives you “Pages to Watch”:

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Facebook will show you competing sites with top engagement.

This is a built-in spy tool that Facebook gives you!

How to Find the Embed Code

1. Click the down arrow, top right, on the top post you want to use.

2. Select “Embed”.

3. Copy the code and paste into your blog.

You don’t have to run a “Like” campaign on your page because you’ll get likes organically running this system.

All you have to do is use this system, and you’ll have content that you can send to your email list as well, so that people who didn’t buy your “get this free plus shipping” offer the first time see this as a follow up.

So that’s the way you use other people’s content to generate members for yourself.

Consistency Doing Revenue-Generating Activites = Success

Consistent — that’s really the secret. Think about everything you’ve tried to do online—everything you’ve tried to do consistently. Most people try something for three days, four days a

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week and say “I tried that. It’s not for me. I give up!” But by consistently doing something that works, you can’t help but succeed.


Can You Do One Post a Day?

It’s super easy, right? My twelve-year-old daughter is doing that.

Would you like to have a Membership Site pay for your lifestyle?

At $20.00 per month, how many members does your lifestyle require?

100 members = $2,000 a month, 250 members = $5,000 a month, 500 members = $10,000 a month and so on.

Once you’re getting members, is it sustainable? Well, yes. If you’re consistently doing your one post a day, your revenue-generating activity to consistently bring in new members to replace old members who drop out, it is. It’s very sustainable.

So let me ask you again…

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How Many Members Do You Need To Support Your Lifestyle?

How many members do you need to pay your monthly mortgage, utilities, all that stuff? Plus provide extras like vacations, private education, a swimming pool, if you like.

Let’s look at my expenses as an example and you can do similar calculations to figure out what you need.

This is my house in Marietta, Georgia (6 bedrooms)…

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Cathedral ceiling

Swimming pool and spa…

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My kids, Nia and Ryan. We send them to private school, so there’s that to pay for every month…

Here we are In Alaska (we like to take three vacations a year)…

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And here’s me kissing a stingray in Cayman Islands. (Just look at Nia’s face!)

Beautiful sunrise at Sandals Resort in Grenada…

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So how many $20.00 a month members do you think I need for that lifestyle? It’s not my only source of income, but just that one membership site pretty much pays for all this:

So, how many members do I need?

The fact just 475 members = $9,500 a month!

Do You Think You Can Extract Less than 500 Members from Facebook’s 2 Billion Active Users?

It’s Simpler Than You Think

You might want to do more. Do you think you could extract that from Facebook if someone like me showed you how to do it?

At just 5 new members a day, you can have that lifestyle I showed you in about 3 months!

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So, Because We Want to Help You Succeed… We’re Going to Partner With 10 People to Help You Set All This Up With Our ‘Done For You’

OPAD Partner Program

All that you have to do is write that one post per day. So how does that sound so far?

You’re going to generate recurring income from the membership site upsell and you’ll earn ongoing income from the email leads you build.

Think about this… Everybody on the presentation right now got here because of an email.

To further clarify, you will get paid from all the components of your partner program sales funnel:

Your customers pay for the free plus shipping offer – we handle the shipping, not additional cost to you.

The bump is for a $47 upgrade for a video course related to the free plus shipping offer – you get 100% of the sale

The upsell is for a $27 a month membership – you get 100% of the sale every month (ongoing commissions).

You keep the emails and can promote whatever you like – you own the list 100%.

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Here are the five niches we’re doing offering this program for…

You can pick a sub-niche within any of these five niches. So if you wanted to do a “Healthy Eating for Busy Moms”, that would be a sub-niche of the Healthy Eating category.

Here’s the one for Healthy Eating:

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Here’s the one for Writers and Bloggers:

Here’s the one for Self-Help and Personal Development:

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The one for Social Media Marketing…

And here’s the one for Body Sculpting.

All you have to do is give those away for free, and you can get a bunch of members. We set up the funnels for you.

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Also we just added this: You get your own built-in affiliate program so affiliates can promote your offer. So if you don’t have money for Facebook traffic, you can get other sites to promote your offer. They’ll get paid a commission and it’s all handled through our shopping cart—our payment system, so you don’t even have to pay for traffic.

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In Summary, You’re Going to Get

What we typically require from partners in this program:

We receive a 35% royalty on all sales

You pay a $297 monthly maintenance, fulfillment, and customer support fee.

The upfront fee is $2,497

But Wait!

For the first ten people, we’re going to waive the 35% royalty. (You get 100% of the profit.)

Obviously it costs money to ship out the free-plus-shipping offers, but anything in the funnel on top of that, you keep the profit on that.

We’re going to waive the $297 a month maintenance charge.

You can get in and join my program today for…

Just One Payment of $997

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You save $1,500. Plus we’re waiving the royalties and the monthly maintenance charge.

So now you have two options – you can either take action now and partner with us, or you can continue doing what you’ve been doing and getting the same results you’ve been getting.

If you want to be one of the first ten to join…

Go to

This is going to go quick, so don’t rush, but hurry!

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