Copy-writing for the Web Websites, E-mails & Text Ads.

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Copy-writing for the Web Websites, E-mails & Text Ads.

Copy-writing for the Web

Websites, E-mails & Text Ads

Why is writing different for the

web?✦ Nobody thinks your website is cool.

✦ If you’re not using html for your text you’re wasting everyone’s time.

✦ If your block of text has more than 300 characters then you’re not doing it right.

Why is writing different for the

web?✦ If people wanted to read they would pick up the latest Harry Potter book.

✦ Hyping your company and its products must be done with great skill and care.

✦ Remember your audience. Seriously. Oh and don’t forget that search engines are your audience too.

Optimize your writing with Search

Engines✦ Thou shalt NOT keyword stuff.

✦ Thou shalt give your pages appropriate unique Page Titles.

✦ Thou shalt NOT be everything to everyone.

✦ Thou shalt resist the temptation to flashify your site.

Optimize your writing with Search

Engines✦ Mind the links.

✦ There is no such thing as cool fonts for your website. Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana...that’s about it.

✦ Thou shalt NOT use more than two different fonts.

✦ Less is more. Except when it isn’t.

Google Adwords✦ Can you write something with a

character limit?

✦ Time to try.

✦ 25 character title, 35 character 1st line, 35 character 2nd line.

✦ Only one word can be all capitalized, only one exclamation point, can’t be in your title, Proper grammer, nothing that can’t be independently validated.

Copywriting in Email

✦ Trim your copy of spammy words. BUY NOW! One time only! Increase your....

✦ STAY ABOVE THE FOLD. No one wants to read your email. So make it as easy as possible.

✦ For some reason text based emails do better.

✦ Have a very clear call to action. It must be easy to do.