Convolutions of Spiritual Knowledge, by Michael Mamas

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Convolutions of Spiritual Knowledge, by Michael Mamas

Convolutions of Spiritual Knowledge  

The depth of spiritual wisdom is elusive and easily misunderstood.

Convoluted interpretations are common and lead to fanaticism by some

and rejection of spirituality by others.

Once identified with a convoluted perspective of spirituality it is perceived as all consuming truth.

Echoes of Truth hold Truth at bay.

Observing convoluted spiritual perspectives from the outside, leads many to reject spirituality all together.

Does 10 + 5 = 3?  Of course it does.  Consider the face of a watch. 

Similarly, deep spiritual knowledge is easily misunderstood.

Freeing ones self from convolutions is difficult.  We all feel deep within ourselves Truth, Divinity, In-Sight. 

The feeling is that to abandon those convolutions would be to turn our back on that inner Divinity that many call God.

Understanding the depth of spiritual wisdom is like traversing the razor’s edge or passing through the eye of a needle. 

We can so easily miss the mark, yet proclaim we have found the truth.

Deep spiritual understanding is so simple, so obvious, so exquisite.  Yet the web it weaves is highly complex…

an amazing maze we so easily lose our selves to.

Choose your spiritual path carefully, lest you get lost in a convolution

that overtakes your heart and your mind.

Better to spend a long time looking for the right spiritual teacher,

than any time at all with the wrong one.