Contrast essay 2012 & the impossible (2)

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Contrast essay 2012 & the impossible (2)





STUDENT ID NO: 0318946


WORD COUNT: 895 word

ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605)




, 201

For the past decade, millions of movie had been produce. Great movie was

produced with strong commitment, labor, time and effort of all crews involved。 Every

movie presents a specific message touching the heart of the audience. There are many

genre of movie such as action, thriller, musical,disaster etc . Among the entire genre

that I like the most is disaster movie. This type of movie gives a strong massage and

creates awareness. It makes us realize our mother earth is sick due to irresponsible

actions by mankind. Out of all this movies “ 2012” and “The Impossible” has great

impact and touches me. These movies were generally recognized as two of the best

movies as they both had won many awards。 I am going to list the contrast between the

two for their scene, aim or actors.

“2012” was a very memorable movie for many of us as we watched this movie and

started to worry that earth will end soon. “2012”won the best sound and effect awards.

This movie has raised concerns to general public and started campaigns for care of

mother’s earth such as Eco automobile and home appliances. This movie was a scientific

prediction movie, American geologist Dr. Adrian Helmsley, visits his friends, Satnam

Tsurutani who was an astrophysicist in India, and learn that neutrinos from a massive

solar flare were causing the temperature of the earth core to heat up and soon the whole

earth will be erupted and all living race will be doomed. “2012” was acted by a actor

John Cusack, he acts as a failed science fiction writer, Jackson Curtis, and a chauffeur in

Los Angeles to Russia billionaire Yuri karpov. Jackson took his two children to Yellow

Stone National Park and accidently gained the knowledge of this phenomenon from

Charles Hapgood. He returned home, when a series of global catastrophes threaten to

annihilate mankind and he started his difficult journeys, while struggling to keep his

family alive , he also extend loving kindness, helps each other, and finally save the living

races with his bravery, strong determination character.

“The impossible” was also a box office success who won many awards for best actress,

best breakthrough actor, best director, best sound system, and best special effect etc。

This move is more touching than “2012” for many family as this movie was based on real

life story of an survival. Maria Belon and her family suffered through a tsunami in

Thailand during their Christmas vacation who survived but killed more than 230,000 in

14 Asian countries. This movie was acted by Ewan Mccreagor, as Henry, father who

survived the Tsunami and tried to find his separated families after the disaster. Henry

never gives up, stay strong and keep searching for his missing family members. Even

thought he went through a lot of hardship and he was one of victim, he still extend his

kindness towards equally unfortunate family members and God bless him, he finally

found all his family members . The movie ended with a happy ending which deeply touch

my heart. (Elizabeth,2013)

They are differences between these two movies, they contain different effect, story

lines that touch the audience’s heart in different ways. 2012 has been a well known

prediction movie that predicts ends of planet earth based on historical incidence research

and knowledge from present technologies. There are scenes of tidal tsunami waves which

were taller than the Mount Everest and massive earthquake due to the effect of neutrinos

from a massive solar flare are causing the temperature of the earth core is heating up. The

edit and scene effects were so well depicted that fascinating to many. In a nut shell, the

director intended to create a effect of massive destruction to earth so as to make all man

kings ponder what shall we do to protect and prevent this phenomenon from happening.

Meanwhile “The impossible” was a real life and inspiring movie depicts the unity and

families love of each other that touched the viewer’s heart. There were some of best

scenes in the movie, tidal waves swept the family away, alone the way trying to save

whoever you can and after the disaster; all survival members were with hope and strong

determination looking for missing family’s members。 The director of this movie gave

us a lesson that love of mankind , family spirit, were strong that one never give up

although it appears hopeless at the time, the scene that moves me most was the helping

hand extend to other even though we were in desperate situation, with Grace of God

finally reward fto unite the family together.

To sum up, this movie have their own different ways to express their massage to us,

while “2012” warns us by using scientific prediction and issue close to human race’s

heart , therefore trigger the interest of general public to gain more insight how scientist

this disaster. While “The Impossible” is a inspired movie touches many families as the

film portrayed the profound sense of community, unity and loving kindness of Thai

citizen, towards helping the tourists even though they might have lost almost everything

include the family members。For both movies, give me an inspiration, never give up

easily, there is always light at the other end of tunnel .


Harald Kloser . Roland Emmerich (13 November 2013 ) 2012 Review. .2012 is a 2009 American science

fiction disaster film A frustrated writer struggles to keep his family alive when a series of global

catastrophes threatens to annihilate mankind. Last accessed 02 April 2015

French.P (11 january 2013 ) The Imposossible Review.: A Tsunami Tore Her Family Apart. Miraculously

They Escaped with Their Lives-and Discovered the Power of Love Last accessed : 02 April2015

Leonard.A (11 January 2013) The Impossible Review'Maria Belon: The Impossible's Real-Life

Survivor (' The story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the

2004 Indian Ocean tsunami., Last accesed :02 April 2015