Contract Year 1 Review Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) J. Tinsley Oden TICAM, The...

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Transcript of Contract Year 1 Review Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) J. Tinsley Oden TICAM, The...

Contract Year 1 ReviewComputational Structural

Mechanics (CSM)J. Tinsley Oden

TICAM, The University of Texas at Austin

14 May 2002

13-17 May 2002 Contract Year 1 Review 2

Strategic Goals for CSM• Top priorities:

– Provide the DoD HPC user community with the latest tools, technical support, and productivity enhancements for CSM computer simulations

– Provide the means for technology transfer and transition support, training content, user community development, and on-site support for CSM

– Increase reliability and efficiency of CSM simulations by incorporating improved technologies into legacy codes

– Extract useful information from those simulations

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Strategic Goals for CSM• Provide courses, workshops, conferences and seminars on modern CSM

methodology• Collaborate with MSIs on technical work and courses• Technical projects on:

– ** New high-fidelity algorithms– ** Development of technologies for level-2 code coupling for multi-physics

applications – Development of formalism and algorithms to enhance verification and

validation of computer simulations – Implementation of damage and failure models for multi-component

and non-isotropic materials– Development of enhanced algorithms and codes for Parallel Adaptive mesh

Refinements and Error Control– Improvements in contact-impact algorithms for highly dynamic

environments– Improved parallel partitioning and mesh generation strategies for CSM

applications– ** Exploration of developing technologies for Advanced CSM, including

computational frameworks and integrated scalable technologies(** - indicates project funded during FY02)

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CSM FY02 Project Tasks

• CSM 001: Integrated Scalable Technology and Unified Framework for CSM and Contact-Impact Applications (Not funded due to budget cuts)

• CSM 007: Code Coupling Technologies for Multi-Physics Applications

• CSM 009: High-Fidelity Algorithms for Coupled and Multi-Physics Applications

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CSM Core SupportFAPOC roles and responsibilities:• Lead a team of experts within CSM to support technology

transfer/transition• Coordinate with other FAs to achieve cross-FA integration• Coordinate overall program to insure full participation of MSIs

FAPOC core support activities:• Sharouz Aliabadi, CAU - TICAM visit, lecture, discussion of joint

projects• Graham Carey - visit to ERDC, technical discussions on code coupling• Ron Hinrichsen, ASC on-site - TICAM visit, lecture, project discussions• Rick Weed, ERDC on-site - TICAM visit, technical discussions• HPC 2002 - Littlefield, Carey, Boisseau organized sessions• David Littlefield - Contact with Ray Bell and Greg Bessette, Sandia,

concerning ZAPOTEC development • Graham Carey – visit to MSU and Bharat Soni, organized joint

CSM/CFD workshop• J. Tinsley Oden - Joint CSM-CFD Workshop, scheduled for July 2002

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CSM Core Support• On-site activities: ERDC (Richard Weed)

– Implementation of latest versions of LLNL structural dynamics codes at ERDC MSRC to support Pentagon retrofit program

– Implementation of CTH with TICAM enhancements at ERDC MSRC– Implementation of ZAPOTEC code on ERDC SGI and Compaq

systems– Developed initial package of code modifications to support coupled

ocean simulation code PIPS (cross-CTA support)– Support TICAM’s effort to define PET projects, brief local users on

TICAM PET, provide input for program reviews

• On-site activities: ASC (Ron Hinrichsen)– Hydrodynamic Ram (HRAM) ModelingHydrodynamic Ram (HRAM) Modeling– HRAM Simulator Design And ModelingHRAM Simulator Design And Modeling– MANPADS Penetration ModelingMANPADS Penetration Modeling– Flutter Modeling of Damaged WingsFlutter Modeling of Damaged Wings– Adhesively Bonded/Co-cured Composite Damage ModelingAdhesively Bonded/Co-cured Composite Damage Modeling

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Technical (Metrics)User codes impacted by PET:

• Codes directly impacted: CTH and EPIC• Codes indirectly impacted (i.e. methods developed can be

applied to these codes): PARADYN, PRONTO, ALEGRA, ALE3D

• Other codes indirectly impacted (broadened capabilities due to CFD/CSM and CSM/Thermo coupling): CALORE, ZAPOTEC

• Other codes used and evaluated: – Pre- and post-processing codes: CUBIT (licensed and in

use on-site), MESQUITE (will be licensed when released)

– Dynamic load balancing codes: CHACO and ZOLTAN (both licensed from SNL, used in code coupling work)

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Technical (Metrics)User Contacts and Assistance:

• CSM User Advisory Board:– Photios Papados (ARL)– James Baylot (ERDC)– Alexandra Landsberg (NSWC)– Anthony Palazotto (AFIT)– Stephen Schraml (ARL)– Mike Giltrud (Govt. CTA lead, DTRA)

• Others– Joey Gill (NAVAIR)– Steve Akers (ERDC)– Robert Hall (ERDC)– Monty Moshier (AFRL)

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Technical (Metrics)

Tools introduced to community:

• Unidirectional coupling of CTH and DYNA3D installed at ERDC MSRC and in use

• Portions of adaptive mesh refinement work have been introduced into production version of AMRCTH

• Development of other tools is in progress, not yet “introduced”

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Technical (Metrics)Activities and Presentations:

• Prudhomme, S., J.T. Oden, A. Romkes, and F. Pascal, Searching for a computable error estimator for Discontinuous Galerkin approximations of elliptic problems, S'eminaire "Groupe de travail num'erique", given at the Laboratoire Analyse Num'erique et EDP, Universit'e Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, October 10, 2001.

• PET ‘Kick Off”; Oden and Carey met with DoD Users and administrators and presented strategic plan, The University of Texas at Austin, October 25-26, 2001.

• Carey, G. F., Seminar, ERDC, Vicksburg, MS, ‘Projection Strategies and Interface Treatments for Finite Element Modeling’ , January 23, 2002.

• Carey, G. F., Keynote Lecture, Algorithm Adaptivity Workshop (organized by Bharat Soni) ; Engineering Research Center (ERC), Mississippi State University, Jan 24-25, 3002.

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Technical (Metrics)Activities and Presentations:

• Oden, J. Tinsley, A Theory for Estimation of Modeling and Approximation Error in Computational Science and Engineering: A Formalism for Verification and Validation of Computer Simulations, 2002 Fowler Distinguished Lecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February 19-20, 2002.

• Feb 28-Mar 4, S. Aliabadi at TICAM; Gave seminar on "Large-Scale High Performance Computing Techniques for Simulation of Hydrodynamics Problems Involving Floating Objects"

• Carey and number of his students and post docs attended Finite Element Rodeo at Texas A&M, March 1-2, Robert McLay gave a talk.

• Carey attended Finite Element Circus, College Park, MD, March 8-9.• Steve Bova from Sandia visited UT and gave a presentation on code

coupling for CALORE via SIERRA, March 11-12.• Carey to attend DoD Simulation Workshop in Marina del Rey,

California, April 8-10.

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Technical (Metrics)Activities and Presentations:

• David Littlefield and Saeed Iqbal attended HPC’02, April 14-18, 2002, and present papers. Saeed Iqbal presenting “Load Balancing with Variable Number of Processors on Commodity Clusters” (S. Iqbal, G. F. Carey, M.A. Padron, J. P. Suarez and A. Plaza). David Littlefield organized a session (co-ordinated with G. F. Carey); Jay Boisseau organized a session (coordinated with G. F. Carey) GFC is HPC National Committee member.

• Carey scheduling a visit with Photios Papados at ARL• Carey scheduling visits to Sandia and LANL on meshing, software, and code

coupling • June 10-14, DoD Users Group Meeting – TICAM, Robert McLay presenting

Physics Coupling Issues and a New Treatment Using “Dial-an-Operator” (R. McLay, B. Barth, G. Carey)

• J. Tinsley Oden, Plenary lecture, “Adaptive modeling in computational solid mechanics”, II Congreso Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingenieria y Ciencias Aplicadas Guanajuato, Mexico, January 17-19, 2002

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Technical (Metrics)Technical reports and articles (published, submitted or pending since

last report):

• Suarez, J. P., G. F. Carey and A. Plaza, “Graph-based data structures for skeleton-based refinement algorithms”, CNME 17(12): 903-910, 2001.

• Iqbal, S. and G. F. Carey, “Neural nets for Mesh Assessment”, TICAM Report 02-02, The University of Texas at Austin, January 2002.

• Suarez, J. P., A. Plaza and G. F. Carey, “The Propagation Problem in Longest-Edge Refinement”, in preparation, March 2002.

• Romkes, A., J.T. Oden, and S. Prudhomme, “A priori and a posteriori error analysis of stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods”, TICAM Report, in preparation.

• Prudhomme, S., J.T. Oden, A. Romkes, and F. Pascal, “A Priori and A Posteriori Error Estimation for Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element approximations”, Proceedings of the Sixth U. S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Dearborn, MI, August 1-4, 2001.

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Technical (Metrics)Technical reports and articles (published, submitted or pending since

last report):

• Littlefield, D. L., “A brief description of new algorithms incorporated into CTH: A model for rigid obstacles and an interface for coupling with structural codes”, TICAM Report No. 01-36, November 2001.

• Littlefield, D. L., “Coupled Lagrangian/Eulerian simulation of blast/structure interaction with large-scale parallel computing”, Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium, April 14 – 18, San Diego, CA (2002).

• Iqbal, S., Carey, G., Padron, M. A., Suarez, J. P. and Plaza, A., “Load balancing with variable number of processors on commodity clusters”, Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium, April 14 – 18, San Diego, CA (2002).

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CSM 007 – Code Coupling Technologies for Multiphysics Applications

• Objective:Develop a suite of algorithms and codes that will permit code coupling in a parallel computing environment for CSM simulation tools

• Milestones (from year 1): development of Lagrangian/Eulerian Interface, development of projection algorithms, numerical tests

• Deliverables (from Year 1): Technical Reports and Papers

• Progress Indicator: yellow (but remarkable progress has been made considering funding for this project began in March)

• Projection algorithms are being developed

• ALE interface has been developed, numerical tests indicate the validity of approach but further refinements are needed

• Funding from proposal as approved: $144,500

• PI: Graham F. Carey

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CSM 009 – High-Fidelity Algorithms for Coupled and Multi-Physics Applications

• Objective:Carry out new work on finite element methodology. Of particular interest are the development, analysis, testing and implementation of new Discontinuous Galerkin techniques.

• Milestones (from Year 1): a priori and a posteriori error estimation, development of methodology and testing software, numerical experiments

• Deliverables (from Year 1): Technical reports and papers

• Progress Indicator: yellow (but remarkable progress has been made considering

funding for this project began in March) • A priori error estimates developed, numerical tests have been performed

• A comprehensive report describing the methods and numerical tests has been prepared

• Funding from proposal as approved: $130,000

• PI: J. Tinsley Oden

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Core Financial SummaryCore Support


2 4 6 8 10 12

% of Budget Expended








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Financial Summary – CSM 007: Code Coupling Technologies for Multiphysics Applications

CSM 007


2 4 6 8 10 12

% of Budget Expended








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Financial Summary – CSM 009: High-Fidelity Algorithms for Coupled and Multi-Physics Applications

CSM 009


2 4 6 8 10 12

% of Budget Expended








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Staffing• Team Members:

– J Tinsley Oden - professor, director of TICAM– Graham F. Carey – professor, director of CFD Lab– David L. Littlefield – research scientist– Serge Prudhomme – research associate– Robert T. McLay – research associate– Albert Romkes– graduate research assistant– Saeed Iqbal – graduate research assistant– Lorraine Sanchez – executive assistant– Richard Weed – ERDC on-site– Ron Hinrichsen – ASC on-site– Michael Giltrud – CTA, DTRA

• Number of staff departed: 0– However funds have been inadequate to maintain original team

• Number of positions filled: 0– Recruitment effort unsuccessful for ARL on-site lead

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Summary• Funding level a problem

– We are currently funded at a level 30-40% less than PET 1, and it will be difficult to continue to maintain an effective program without increases

• Multi-year planning a problem– Student and post-doc windows a problem; need at least

2-year base funding

• Late funding makes team retention difficult• Project continuity interrupted

– Multi-year projects originally started during FY02 not continued in FY03