Continuous deployment of polyglot microservices: A practical approach

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Transcript of Continuous deployment of polyglot microservices: A practical approach

Continuous Deployment of Polyglot Microservices

A Practical Approach

Introduction: Who Am I

> Juan Larriba

> DevOps Engineer at everis innolab

> @compilemymind

Introduction: The DevOps World

> Currently the situation is completely volatile

> It is very complicated to visualize who the big players will be in the future

> Dozens of tools appear each week, each one apparently solving previously unsolvable problems

> All the tools promise an easy, errorless experience

Introduction: DevOps in “traditional” companies

What do I pick? Who is the leader? Which tool won’t be abandoned 1 year from now? Which tool is “the best”?

Introduction: DevOps in “traditional” companies

> Let’s face the facts: distributed computing is hard

> Currently, there are no “easy” tools

> But amazingly, almost all the development is being done open sourced

> We focused on leveraging the cloud to improve the development cycle inside an IT company

> We developed a mock fraud detector application to test what was needed to develop and deploy a “real world” application using microservices


> Be Continuous

> Be Polyglot

> Be Immutable

> Be Reliable

> Be Operative

> Be Practical

Be Continuous

Be Continuous: Integration -> Delivery -> Deployment

> Most of IT companies today implement Continuous Integration methodology for the majority of their recent projects

> In Java this means that usually the projects are already using a CI Server like Jenkins

> We used Jenkins to manage all the Continuous Deployment lifecycle using the Build Pipeline plugin

> Currently, as of Jenkins 2, it might be better to use the Pipeline plugin (formerly Workflow)

Be Continuous: Jenkins + Build Pipeline

Be Continuous: Rules

> All microservices must provide a way to generate a Docker image, normally being a Dockerfile

> All microservices should provide a describing their own build process

> The build process always has to end with a generated Docker image

> Version numbers are stored in a centralized configuration file and applied to Docker tags and automatically increased by a Groovy script

Be Polyglot

Be Polyglot: Using the right tool for the right job

> Every programming language/framework has a set of advantages and some disadvantages

> The main advantage of microservices is the possibility to use the right tool for the right job

> So, we did just that...

Be Polyglot: Using the right tool for the right job

Be Polyglot: Vert.x

> The shortest definition for Vert.x is “NodeJS on the JVM”

> Vert.x is a polyglot framework/application platform that permits development of reactive applications in every language supported by the JVM

> It is blazing fast, and seems the right choice for the receiver of potentially millions of credit card transactions

Be Polyglot: Python

> Python is the “coolest” programming language right now

> It is the de-facto standard for Machine Learning and scientific programming

> It fits perfectly for doing the ML analysis of a fraud

Be Polyglot: Spring Boot

> Spring is the best known framework in the Java world

> It is known not only for its dependency injection capabilities but for being able to connect to almost every system in the world

> In particular, the relationship between Spring Data and MongoDB is superb, so it seems perfect for the storage microservice, which stores credit card transactions on a MongoDB

> Spring Boot allows to quickly create the Microservice with very little programming

Be Immutable

Be Immutable: Using containerization

> As each language generates a different kind of artifact, or none at all in case of interpreted languages, containers provide a nice abstraction interface

> Each application must provide a Dockerfile for its build process, as the Docker container will be the artifact

> Docker containers are versioned using tags and survive the whole pipeline, to preserve the binary integrity of the build

> A private Docker Registry acts as our artifact repository

Be Reliable

Be Reliable: Writing functional tests while writing the frontend

> Continuous Deployment relies heavily in testing. The more testing, the merrier

> There are lots of different tests: Unit, Integration, Performance, Security and Functional

> The bare minimum to achieve a trustable CD cycle is Functional Testing

> Traditionally tooling for Functional Testing has been scarce and hard (Selenium…)

Be Reliable: Writing functional tests while writing the frontend

> Currently we can rely on the JavaScript world to provide tools for almost everything, and Functional Testing is not an exception

> We used CasperJS, a Functional Testing framework developed on top of PhantomJS

> This enables frontend developers to write Functional Tests while writing the frontend, using the same tools and with the same programming language

Be Operative

Be Operative: Automating deployments

> Kubernetes has very good support for blue-green deployments using either the kubectl rollout command on RC or kubectl set image on Deployments

> OpenShift support is even better thanks to registry notification and ImageStreams

> Pushing an image to the OpenShift private repository triggers a blue-green deployment of all the pods based on that image.

> During our tests, the whole deployment to the remote dev cluster took around 5-10 seconds

Be Practical

Be Practical: Architecture vs Platform

> Traditionally, we use to expand the architecture to resolve all the problems we face

> Most of the distributed computing related problems are not architecture related, but systems related

> This makes them trivial to resolve on platform level but very hard and inefficient to resolve on architecture level

Be Practical: Objectives

> Try to keep the architecture to the bare minimum

> The goal is that the architecture only applies to a microservice level, as if they were “little monolithic” applications, completely unconscious they are part of a microservice cloud

> Unit testing can be done locally, Integration testing should be done on the platform

> Replace local Integration testing with automated deployments

Be Practical: Platform

> Service Discovery

> Api Gateway

> Security (Authentication and Authorization)

> Monitoring

> Health Check

> Autoscaling

> Log Management

Be Practical: Architecture

> Circuit Breaking

> REST Communication (client and server)

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

> OpenShift is an expensive monster that encapsulates a lot of different tools in an abstract way

> Kubernetes alone fits for most situations/clients and gives you more control over your cluster

> OpenShift offers multi-tenancy, registry notification, ImageStreams and the Router component

> Eureka is redundant as Kubernetes offers embedded service discovery and load balancing using Services

Lessons Learned

> Kubernetes (from version 1.2) offers a much more powerful routing component: Ingress, which central part is the Ingress Controller

> An external Service Discovery component is useful if you want to use an external router for the cluster: for example, traefik + Consul can replace the Ingress Controllers

> This pattern is very useful when you want to authenticate requests before they reach the cluster

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