Continuity task

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Continuity task



Zoe Gimlinge.


The task consists of someone walking through a door and

engaging conversation with another person with a minimum of four

lines of dialogue. The aim is to have a video between 1 and 2 minutes.


The task must consist of the 3 following camera shots:

• 180 degree rule.

• Shot reverse shot.

• Match on action shot.


180 degree rule: If the camera does not follow the 180 degree

rule during a conversation or a scene between one or two people it

disorientates the viewer as we are unable to work out the position of

the character within the scenery. So we imagine a line joining the two

people together, it would mean that you always ensure that the camera

is on the same side of the 180 degree line.

Shot reverse shot: Cutting

between two people having a

conversation, can help to contrast

them and make them seem

different. It highlights their

differences, allows us to see the

reactions of characters and also

prevents us to use only one static

mid shot.


Action match: A shot that

cuts to another continuing a

piece of action or movement

between the shots. His allows

the audience to see a smooth

action despite a cut in the shot

and from different directions.

Pitch: Our first pitch was of

a girl walking in late for

detention. But then we changed

our idea because that idea was

used by most so our second and

foremost pitch is of a couple

going into a car.


Actors: we decided to do the

action our selves, so I would play

the girlfriend and Bradley would

play the boyfriend, while

Shannon filmed the shots.


The location we used was at Bradley’s house in Winslow, so we could

use a house and a car to make it seem more real.

The openness of the location was effective because of the bright

natural lighting in the morning.

We did however have problems with the continuity because of the

cars passing by.


Bradley enters the shot and I follows suit

Bradley and I both leave the house through the front door

Bradley walks down the drive as I locks the house

I approach the car to get in

I get in the car as Zoe shortly follows


Zoe gets in the car

I run through items that Zoe needs to remember when she realises she has forgotten something

Zoe exits the car

Once Zoe gets in the car I start the engine

The shot then cuts the car driving away


(At the door walking towards the car)

Zoe; “Lets go before we are late!”

Bradley; “Are you sure you have got everything?”

Zoe; “I’m sure.”

Bradley; “Are you sure? I know what you are like.”

(As they get into the car)

Bradley; “have you got your keys?”

Zoe; “Yes”

Bradley; “ What about your phone?”

Zoe; “Yessssssss…. Okay no sorry I will be one minute”

(Zoe Leaves the car)


Match action of them leaving the house, Shot reverse shot of

them going into the car (one opening the doors and one climbing in),

180 degree rule with them talking in the car.


Monday 3rd December: We did all of the planning, so we chose a

location, our storyline, the characters, the shots and the conversation,

we hadn’t chosen which angles we would do the shots in yet because

we wanted to test all of the different shots first.