
Post on 29-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Contentsanalysis

Magazine Content Page Analysis

Richard O’Connor


Main imageHeadings

Web address


Main image





Free gift

Web address


Second image


The two contents pages, despite doing the same job look surprisingly different. The structure of a contents page can vary dramatically depending on the look the editor is going for.

The first contents page is a simple looking design with a large main image and a small bit of text to show the contents of the magazine, this style was chosen to look smart, easy to read and even come across as looking pretty cool.

The second contents page is a lot more lively with a lot more going on, The main image is smaller this time however a second image is used in the corner and additional magazine information has been added into the contents page. This style does work well for the magazine because it is bright and appealing whilst including a lot of information for the readers sake.

Overall I personally prefer the first contents page because I am more interested in the style of a magazine than the information and I think that the smart, dark look looks a lot more professional than the second.

Ideas for your own magazine

I would take a lot of the style of the two cover pages for my magazine, for example I am interested in the plain, dark theme of the first cover page instead of filling it with information and different pictures.

However I like the layout of the second cover page because it fits together neatly, I would be inclined to create my own contents page with a similar layout making sure there isn't too much wasted space .