Contents page research

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Contents page research



The main image takes centre across the whole page . The main model is dressed in black to blend in with the background with the element of light that takes substance across the model face. The model facial expression

The heading is presented to look like a barcode with the highlight of the initial from the masthead to shows the relation to the front cover.

The subheading Department shows the how the magazine has been sectioned to make it easier for the reader to find the cover stories.

The symbols are used to represent the different section in the magazine.

The text has been presented in a list to illustrate the information clearly and in an organised fashion.

Her facial expression shows the satisfaction and the feeling of emotions that result from music

Whereas the costume she is wearing could be suggested to be sexual as she displays some of her leg. Furthermore because she is wearing all black it could connote mystery, dullness or death to represent music.

The text used thee colour white to contrast with the blend of the central image in the background to stand out

The heading ‘ singingnews’ signifies to the reader the continuance of the topic which is singing . Also it highlights in bold white font to increase the importance of the theme.

The illustration of text has been organised by the division of the sub heading ‘standing features’ and ‘coming events’ to navigate the reader to certain topics

The text has been displayed in the list form to make it simple for the reader to find the text by going with the generic conventions of a contents page.

‘Features’ has been presented using stoke to out the main colour which red to relate back to the contents page and to attract the reader to the heading.

The size of the page number has been made that what to implicate to the reader where that cover line is in the magazine. Also it needs to be attractable towards the audience with the use of colour red.

In the contents page they have used 2 pictures cover lines in a different to not bore the reader with just writing.

The main image has taken precedence across the whole page. The model in the image is showing a direct address towards the reader which allows a sense of belonging . Due to the costume that the model is wearing focuses on her face to attract readers and also it stages the rest of the colour scheme

Contents page headline and the date of the publication the highlight to the reader that this page is made for the contents of what will be in the magazine also to tell the date of when the magazine is published.

To display another cover line they have diverted conventions by presenting the text at the top of the page which has been done to attract the reader from a different aspect.

The layout of what is to be featured in magazine has four topics and the colour scheme of peach/nude colour and white and very light green, which compliment the background image. This format is very simple and is very direct to navigating the reader to the certain topics in the magazine.

To make that certain layout and not over take the central image; transparency is used to make the text look bold and visible towards the audience.