
Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Contents

Contents Pages

This magazine doesn’t have a usual title for the contents page which I like, it has NME this week which I think works really well. I like how the page is split up into different groups which make it easier for the reader. I think that the contents page should have a better picture on it because it is a little messy looking but that’s because it suits that type of music. I like the colours used in the contents because they are very simple unisex colours and the red parts stand out. I don’t like the box at in the bottom left because the yellow ruins the colour scheme and makes you focus on that bit first and it makes the page look a bit tacky. The magazine name is located on the left hand side of the page and it rather big so people know what magazine it is. I like that the magazine has an explanation of what's happening in the picture, but also it makes the page look as if there is too much going on and I think it would look better if it was more simplistic rather than clumped up.

I love the black and white image of Cheryl Cole because it looks really good and also the pose it really weird which looks good. The clothing she is wearing is quite like rock which I think looks really good and works with the black and white image and also is what Q magazine is normally associated with so it works well for the target market. There are also other images on the page which work well but I think it would look more professional just having the one big one, however it does work well as people will know what's happening in the magazine. The colour scheme red, black and white works really well as the colours complement each other very well. The magazine logo is placed on the left hand side of the page so people know what magazine it is. I like that the pictures show the page numbers on the side of it, so it’s easy to see what page the article with that picture is on, which makes it easier to see.

This contents page uses bland colours which makes the red on the heart stand out which looks good. I like the use of the standing out images because it means that you have a focus point. Having little text makes it easy for the reader to read, and having bold titles makes it easy for the reader to see what pages they want to read. The magazine logo is placed on the left hand side of the page so people know what magazine it is and is really big and bold so the reader knows what magazine it is. I really like the black and white theme that is used, as the red heart stands out against the dull colours, and it makes me think about having a focus colour and a black and white theme on my contents. I really like the pose that Kanye is doing and how he has his hands in his pockets which makes him look as if he has pride. I really like the font used on the features and fashion titles, this writing is fancy and classy. I like the unusual title as it is in three parts which I like, as it is very different and unique. The use of having unusual fonts makes it stand out as if it didn’t it would be too dull as the colours aren’t bright so the fonts need to be unusual.