Contagious nn wnotes

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Charlyinc notesContagious Now,Next, Why Shoreditch House - 7th December 2011

71% of people introduced to a brand offer through SM click to purchase

[QkR] - making shopping channels more engaging .

[Just buy this one] - people don’t like too much choice - it brings doubt into

purchase behaviour


Use insights to drive the experience. Remember no one needs to use you. Be humble and think about what the user actually


Service Marketing Delivery Comms

Don’t try to be flash and too cool,

try to be right.

Entertain new “toys” but establish first whether they make the

experience better before you use them

Emergence of crafted marketing channels - blogger kick backs for sales etc.


Increase in shoppers dropping off before transaction complete -

vicarious window shopping behaviour?

Amazon is very good a developing new processes to enhance seamless commerce

Connect the dots for the consumer,never assume anything when planning the user journey

Platforms to work on all devices

Enrich consumers dwell time

Mobile payment systems will rise in 2012, this will be a great addition to

small businesses hardware

Charlyinc notesContagious Now,Next, Why Shoreditch House - 7th December 2011


DIKW model - must keep in pocket for the “we must collect data” “yes but why and what”


Have smart phones, now seeing smart users emerge. Data, data everywhere

Create a need or act on the need that already exists - evidence based

buying. Eg [I’m Expecting] GE. ->- Personal Data Literacy [Singly] [mydex]

->- Personal Data Literacy

->- Critical non-essentials [daytum]

->- Quantified self movement [TicTrac]

->- An internet of actions [didthis]

->- transformic brands - intervention to encourage self advancement - burnstudios

->- [zaim] self financial regualation through community normalisation - ref Nudge.

Addictive/promotion/personalised collective encouragement.

Poster brand

->- 500M mobile health apps, $1.3 tr spent on healthcare in US. Ask the question, what can this add to the business and is it a +ve. [23andme]

Tracking our own data to improve of lives, selling a lifestyle via data?

Using Data to learn new habits from others,e.g runners can track their favourite athletes and

follow their actual pattern of training from diet,sleep to miles running

This data development will be critical within the heath and police departments around the world

Educating consumers on use of data, many people still fear technology mainly for how

the data could be used

Charlyinc notesContagious Now,Next, Why Shoreditch House - 7th December 2011


Consistently partial concentration on many things is the normal state when consuming in-home media. TV+twitter, etc.

SM interaction with big TV moments, return of the “appointment to view” - Sky+ does

not conquer all.Don’t make new content channels -


Use existing tech that it’s in the living room environment

Extra content

Enhance - Styling tips

Reduce the retail funnel

[Starhub] - treasure hunt but ‘awesome’ use of tech. Singapore v tech appr audience. Great use of co’s products. Use and learn

->- Brand as an interface - e.g. Heineken * player. make it

“Better with the Brand”

->- Add value and complement behaviour.

->- Sweat your/their assets

->- Complement don’t disrupt.

->- Integrate

[Pepsi X factor] US sponsor - morphs FB/Tw but creates a community from the unaquainted who have a shared passion and need to comment and share. +ve addition to viewer - Bluefin research observes reciprocal benefit to brand

Unpredicted ways to connect with the consumer

Increase in creativity within brand models

Viewing possibilities - TV-ipad

- Laptop- Iphone

- Smart Phone

Engaged Audiences

Starting to see this already with programs such as million pound drop, viewers able to play live


Charlyinc notesContagious Now,Next, Why Shoreditch House - 7th December 2011


Open source software for developers to recreate apps

Position as benefactors of cutting edge technology

Intensive workshop, all staff participating to bring an idea to life using all teams expertise

XBox Kinect, unexpected use of a tech innovation Serious change in approach to Hackers - originally wanted to remain closed. Now, opened their software and Kinect videos are on You Tube in their thousands.

New wave of market research?

Brands need to consider what they are willing to give up and what will be of most interest to the consumer

@pinterest moves this forward,a platform to hack moodboards for each persona of your life

[Arduino] feeding the tech crafters - biggest downfall of the iPhone - you

can’t take the back off. People want to be in control of their tech again

Brands as venture capitalists> Orange and it’s seed fund for Mobile Tech start ups> Intel & it’s innovation lab - move from Curators > Burn Energy/Studios and Audiotool

Creating the right environment - P&G’s Clay Street Project. Change in environment to more experimental space often brings new, hugely beneficial opportunities.