Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, svcc2013)

Post on 09-May-2015

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A modular, polyglot architecture has many advantages but it also adds complexity since each incoming request typically fans out to multiple distributed services. For example, in an online store application the information on a product details page - description, price, recommendations, etc - comes from numerous services. To minimize response time and improve scalability, these services must be invoked concurrently. However, traditional concurrency mechanisms are low-level, painful to use and error-prone. In this talk you will learn about some powerful yet easy to use abstractions for consuming web services asynchronously. We will compare the various implementations of futures that are available in Java, Scala and JavaScript. You will learn how to use reactive observables, which are asynchronous data streams, to access web services from both Java and JavaScript. We will describe how these mechanisms let you write asynchronous code in a very straightforward, declarative fashion.

Transcript of Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, svcc2013)


Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures

and Rx ObservablesChris Richardson

Author of POJOs in ActionFounder of the original



Presentation goal

Learn how to use (Scala) Futures and Rx

Observables to write simple yet robust and scalable

concurrent code


About Chris


(About Chris)


About Chris()


About Chris


About Chris


About Chris



The need for concurrency

Simplifying concurrent code with Futures

Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises

Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions


Let’s imagine you are building an online store








ProductInfo Sales



Related books

Viewing history



+ mobile apps


Application architecture

Product Info ServiceDesktop browser

Native mobile client




Recomendation Service

Review Service

Front end server

API gatewayREST

Mobile browser

Web Application




Handling getProductDetails()

Front-end server

Product Info Service








Handling getProductDetails() - sequentially

Front-end server

Product Info Service







Higher response time :-(


Handling getProductDetails() - in parallel

Front-end server

Product Info Service







Lower response time :-)


Implementing a concurrent REST client

Thread-pool based approach

executorService.submit(new Callable(...))

Simpler but less scalable - lots of idle threads consuming memory

Event-driven approach

NIO with completion callbacks

More complex but more scalable


The front-end server must handle partial failure of backend services

Front-end server

Product Info Service






getProductDetails() XHow to provide a good user experience?



The need for concurrency

Simplifying concurrent code with Futures

Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises

Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions


Futures are a great concurrency abstraction


Worker threadMain threadHow futures work





Asynchronous operation





Client does not know how the asynchronous operation is implemented

Client can invoke multiple asynchronous operations and gets a Future for each one.


Handling ProductDetails request












REST client using Spring @Async

@Componentclass ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProducInfoService { val restTemplate : RestTemplate = ...

@Async def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { new AsyncResult(restTemplate.getForObject(....)...) }


Execute asynchronously in

thread pool

A fulfilled Future

trait ProductInfoService { def getProductInfo(productId: Long):



ProductDetailsService@Componentclass ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(productInfoService: ProductInfoService, reviewService: ReviewService, recommendationService: RecommendationService) {

def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)



val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId)val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)

val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val recommendations = recommendationsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val reviews = reviewsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)



@Controllerclass ProductController @Autowired()(productDetailsService : ProductDetailsService) {

@RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) =



Blocks Tomcat thread until Future completes

Not bad but...

class ProductDetailsService def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = {

val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

Not so scalable :-(


... and also...

Java Futures work well for a single-level of asynchronous execution

BUT #fail for more complex, scalable scenarios

Difficult to compose and coordinate multiple concurrent operations

See this blog post for more details:


Better: Futures with callbacks ⇒ no blocking! val f : Future[Int] = Future { ... } f onSuccess { case x : Int => println(x) } f onFailure { case e : Exception => println("exception thrown") }

Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFutureJava 8 CompletableFuture, Scala Futures


Even better: composable futures

def asyncOperation() = Future { ... ; 1 }

val r = asyncOperation().map{ _ * 2 }

assertEquals(4, Await.result(r, 1 second))

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

Transforms Future


map() is asynchronous - uses callbacks

class Future[T] {

def map[S](f: T => S): Future[S] = { val p = Promise[S]()

onSuccess { case r => p success f(r) } onFailure { case t => p failure t }

p.future }

When ‘this’ completes propagate outcome to ‘p’

Return new Future


Chaining using flatmap()

def asyncOperation() = Future { ... ; 3 }

def asyncSquare(x : Int) : Future[Int] = Future { x * x}

val r = asyncOperation().flatMap { x => asyncSquare(x) }

assertEquals(9, Await.result(r, 1 second))

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

Chaining asynchronous operations


Combining futuresval f1 = Future { ... ; 1}val f2 = Future { .... ; 2}

val fzip = f1 zip f2assertEquals((1, 2), Await.result(fzip, 1 second))

def asyncOp(x : Int) = Future { x * x}val f = Future.sequence((1 to 5).map { x => asyncOp(x) })assertEquals(List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25), Await.result(f, 1 second))

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

Combines two futures

Transforms list of futures to a future containing a list


Scala futures are Monadsdef callB() : Future[...] = ...def callC() : Future[...] = ...def callD() : Future[...] = ...

val result = for { (b, c) <- callB() zip callC(); d <- callD(b, c) } yield d

result onSuccess { .... }

Two calls execute in parallel

And then invokes D

Get the result of D


‘for’ is shorthand for map() and flatMap()

(callB() zip callC()) flatMap { r1 => val (b, c) = r1 callD(b, c) map { d => d }}

for { (b, c) <- callB() zip callC(); d <- callD(b, c) } yield d


Scala Future + RestTemplateimport scala.concurrent.Future

@Componentclass ProductInfoService {

def getProductInfo(productId: Long): Future[ProductInfo] = { Future { restTemplate.getForObject(....) } }


Executes in thread pool

Scala Future


Scala Future + RestTemplateclass ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(....) {

def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)

for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <- productInfoFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture) yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) }




Async Spring MVC + Scala Futures

@Controllerclass ProductController ... {

@RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = { val productDetails = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId)

val result = new DeferredResult[ProductDetails] productDetails onSuccess { case r => result.setResult(r) } productDetails onFailure { case t => result.setErrorResult(t) } result }

Convert Scala Future to

Spring MVCDeferredResult


Servlet layer is asynchronous but the backend uses thread


Need event-driven REST client


New in Spring 4

Mirrors RestTemplate

Methods return a ListenableFuture

ListenableFuture = JDK 7 Future + callback methods

Can use HttpComponents NIO-based AsyncHttpClient

Spring AsyncRestTemplate


Using the AsyncRestTemplate

val asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate( new HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory())

override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {

val listenableFuture = asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity("{baseUrl}/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], baseUrl, productId)

toScalaFuture(listenableFuture).map { _.getBody }}

Convert to Scala Future and get entity


Converting ListenableFuture to Scala Future

implicit def toScalaFuture[T](f : ListenableFuture[T]) : Future[T] = { val p = promise[T]()

f.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] { def onSuccess(result: T) { p.success(result)} def onFailure(t: Throwable) { p.failure(t) } }) p.future }

The producer side of Scala Futures

Supply outcome

Return future


Now everything is non-blocking :-)


If recommendation service is down...

Never responds ⇒ front-end server waits indefinitely

Consumes valuable front-end server resources

Page never displayed and customer gives up

Returns an error

Error returned to the front-end server ⇒ error page is displayed

Customer gives up


Fault tolerance at NetflixNetwork timeouts and retries

Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool

Use the Circuit Breaker pattern

On failure:

return default/cached data

return error to caller



How to handling partial failures?

productDetailsFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture

Fails if any Future has failed


Handling partial failures

recommendationService. getRecommendations(userId,productId) .recover { case _ => Recommendations(List()) }

“catch-like” Maps Throwable to value



The need for concurrency

Simplifying concurrent code with Futures

Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises

Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions


Why solve this problem for JavaScript?

Browser invokes web services

Implement front-end server/API gateway using NodeJS


What’s NodeJS?

Designed for DIRTy apps




Reactor pattern



Asynchronous JavaScript code = callback hell


Sequential: A ⇒ B ⇒ C

Fork and join: A and B ⇒ C

Code quickly becomes very messy


Callback-based HTTP client

request = require("request") handler = (error, clientResponse, body) -> if clientResponse.statusCode != 200 // ERROR else // SUCCESS

request("http://.../productdetails/" + productId, handler)


Messy callback codegetProductDetails = (req, res) -> productId = req.params.productId result = {productId: productId} makeHandler = (key) -> (error, clientResponse, body) -> if clientResponse.statusCode != 200 res.status(clientResponse.statusCode) res.write(body) res.end() else result[key] = JSON.parse(body) if (result.productInfo and result.recommendations and res.json(result)

request("http://localhost:3000/productdetails/" + productId, makeHandler("productInfo")) request("http://localhost:3000/recommendations/" + productId,

makeHandler('recommendations')) request("http://localhost:3000/reviews/" + productId, makeHandler('reviews'))

app.get('/productinfo/:productId', getProductInfo)

Returns a callback function

Have all three requests completed?


Simplifying code with Promises (a.k.a. Futures)

Functions return a promise - no callback parameter

A promise represents an eventual outcome

Use a library of functions for transforming and composing promises

Promises/A+ specification -


Basic promise API

promise2 = promise1.then(fulfilledHandler, errorHandler, ...)

called when promise1 is fulfilledreturns a promise or value

resolved with outcome of callback

called when promise1 is rejected

About when.jsRich API = Promises spec + use full extensions





all, some, join, map, reduce


Calling non-promise code




Simpler promise-based code

rest = require("rest")

@httpClient = rest.chain(mime).chain(errorCode);

getProductInfo : (productId) -> @httpClient path: "http://.../productinfo/" + productId

Returns a promise

No ugly callbacks


Simpler promise-based code class ProductDetailsService getProductDetails: (productId) -> makeProductDetails = (productInfo, recommendations, reviews) -> details = productId: productId productDetails: productInfo.entity recommendations: recommendations.entity reviews: reviews.entity details responses = [@getProductInfo(productId), @getRecommendations(productId),

@getReviews(productId)] all(responses).spread(makeProductDetails)

Array[Promise] ⇒ Promise[Array]


Simpler promise-based code: HTTP handler

getProductDetails = (req, res) -> productId = req.params.productId

succeed = (productDetails) -> res.json(productDetails)

fail = (something) -> res.send(500, JSON.stringify(something.entity || something))

productDetailsService. getDetails(productId). then(succeed, fail)

app.get('/productdetails/:productId', getProductDetails)


Writing robust client code


Recovering from failures

getRecommendations(productId) .otherwise( -> {})

Invoked to return default value if getRecommendations() fails



The need for concurrency

Simplifying concurrent code with Futures

Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises

Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions


Let’s imagine you have a stream of trades

and you need to calculate the rolling

average price of each stock


Spring Integration + Complex event processing (CEP) engine is a good choice


But where is the high-level abstraction that solves this




Not applicable to infinite streams


Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx)

The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-

based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators. Using Rx, developers

represent asynchronous data streams with Observables , query

asynchronous data streams using LINQ operators , and .....


About RxJava

Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM

Implemented in Java

Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure


RxJava core concepts

class Observable<T> { Subscription subscribe(Observer<T> observer) ...}

interface Observer<T> {void onNext(T args)void onCompleted()void onError(Throwable e)



An asynchronous stream of items

Used to unsubscribe


Comparing Observable to...Observer pattern - similar but adds



Iterator pattern - mirror image

Push rather than pull

Future - similar but

Represents a stream of multiple values


So what?


Transforming Observables

class Observable<T> {

Observable<T> take(int n); Observable<T> skip(int n); <R> Observable<R> map(Func1<T,R> func) <R> Observable<R> flatMap(Func1<T,Observable<R>> func) Observable<T> filter(Func1<T,java.lang.Boolean> predicate)


Scala-collection style methods


Transforming observables

class Observable<T> {

<K> Observable<GroupedObservable<K,T>> groupBy(Func1<T,K> keySelector) ...}

Similar to Scala groupBy except results are emitted as items arrive

Stream of streams!


Combining observables

class Observable<T> {

static <R,T1,T2> Observable<R> zip(Observable<T0> o1, Observable<T1> o2, Func2<T1,T2,R> reduceFunction)


Invoked with pairs of items from o1 and o2

Stream of results from reduceFunction


Creating observables from data

class Observable<T> { static Observable<T> from(Iterable<T> iterable]); static Observable<T> from(T items ...]); static Observable<T> from(Future<T> future]); ...}


Arranges to call obs.onNext/onComplete/...

Creating observables from event sources

Observable<T> o = Observable.create( new SubscriberFunc<T> () { Subscription onSubscribe(Observer<T> obs) {

... connect to event source....

return new Subscriber () { void unsubscribe() { ... };

}; });

Called once for

each Observer

Called when unsubscribing


Using Rx Observables instead of Futures


Rx-based ProductInfoService@Componentclass ProductInfoService override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {

val baseUrl = ...

val responseEntity = asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity(baseUrl + "/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], productId)

toRxObservable(responseEntity).map { (r : ResponseEntity[ProductInfo]) => r.getBody }



ListenableFuture ⇒ Observable

implicit def toRxObservable[T](future: ListenableFuture[T]) : Observable[T] = { def create(o: Observer[T]) = { future.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] { def onSuccess(result: T) { o.onNext(result) o.onCompleted() }

def onFailure(t: Throwable) { o.onError(t) } }) new Subscription { def unsubscribe() {} } }

Observable.create(create _) }

Supply single value

Indicate failure

Do nothing


Rx - ProductDetailsService@Componentclass ProductDetailsService @Autowired() (productInfoService: ProductInfoService, reviewService: ReviewService, ecommendationService: RecommendationService) {

def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = { val productInfo = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendations =

recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviews = reviewService.getReviews(productId), recommendations, reviews, (p : ProductInfo, r : Recommendations, rv : Reviews) =>

ProductDetails(p, r, rv)) }

}Just like Scala Futures


Rx - ProductController

@Controllerclass ProductController

@RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = val pd = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId) toDeferredResult(pd)


Rx - Observable ⇒ DeferredResult

implicit def toDeferredResult[T](observable : Observable[T]) = { val result = new DeferredResult[T] observable.subscribe(new Observer[T] { def onCompleted() {}

def onError(e: Throwable) { result.setErrorResult(e) }

def onNext(r: T) { result.setResult(r.asInstanceOf[T]) } }) result }


RxObservables vs. Futures

Much better than JDK 7 futures

Comparable to Scala Futures

Rx Scala code is slightly more verbose


Making this code robust

Hystrix works with Observables (and thread pools)


For event-driven code we are on our own


Back to the stream of Trades averaging example...


Calculating averages

Observable<AveragePrice> calculateAverages(Observable<Trade> trades) { ...}

class Trade { private String symbol; private double price;

class AveragePrice { private String symbol; private double averagePrice;


Using groupBy()APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403

groupBy( (trade) => trade.symbol)

APPL : 401

IBM : 405

CAT : 405 ...

APPL: 403

Observable<GroupedObservable<String, Trade>>



Using window()APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 ...

APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405

APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 403

APPL : 405 ...




N secs

N secs

M secs


Using fold()

APPL : 402 APPL : 405 APPL : 405

APPL : 404

fold(0)(sumCalc) / length


Observable<AveragePrice> Singleton


Using merge()


APPL : 401

IBM : 405

CAT : 405 ...

APPL: 403

APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403




Calculating average pricesdef calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = {

trades.groupBy(_.symbol).map { symbolAndTrades => val (symbol, tradesForSymbol) = symbolAndTrades ...

tradesForSymbol.window(...).map { windowOfTradesForSymbol => windowOfTradesForSymbol.fold((0.0, 0, List[Double]())) { (soFar, trade) => val (sum, count, prices) = soFar (sum + trade.price, count + 1, trade.price +: prices) } map { x => val (sum, length, prices) = x AveragePrice(symbol, sum / length, prices) } }.flatMap(identity) }.flatMap(identity)}


RxJS / NodeJS examplevar rx = require("rx");

function tailFile (fileName) { var self = this;

var o = rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { var watcher = self.tail(fileName, function (line) { observer.onNext(line); }); return function () { watcher.close(); } }); return;}

function parseLogLine(line) { ... }


Rx in the browser - implementing completion

TextChanges(input) .DistinctUntilChanged() .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliSeconds(10)) .Select(word=>Completions(word)) .Switch() .Subscribe(ObserveChanges(output));

Your Mouse is a Database

Ajax call returning Observable

Change events ⇒ Observable

Display completions



Consuming web services asynchronously is essential

Scala-style are a powerful concurrency abstraction

Rx Observables are even more powerful

Rx Observables are a unifying abstraction for a wide variety of use cases


