Consumer Segmentation

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Consumer Segmentation

Market Segmentation and Strategic Targeting


Why Segmentation is Necessary

• Consumer needs differs

• Differentiation helps products compete

• Segmentation helps identify media

Chapter Three Slide


The value proposition,

expressed through promotion, stating

the product’s or service’s capacity to deliver specific


Chapter Three Slide

Criteria for Effective Targeting

Identifiable Sizeable

Stable Accessible

Congruent with the company’s objectives

and resourcesChapter Three Slide

Bases for Segmentation

Chapter Three Slide

Consumer-Rooted Segmentation Bases



Personality Traits



Chapter Three Slide

Demographic Segmentation

Age Gender

Marital Status Family Life-cycle

Income, Education, and


Chapter Three Slide

Personality Traits

• People often do not identify these traits because they are guarded or not consciously recognized

• Consumer innovators– Open minded– Perceive less risk in trying new things

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• Psychographics• Includes activities,

interests, and opinions

• They explain buyer’s purchase decisions and choices

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Socio-Cultural Values and Beliefs

• Sociological = group• Anthropological = cultural• Include segments based on– Cultural values– Sub-cultural membership– Cross-cultural affiliations

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Consumption-Specific Segmentation Bases

Usage rate

Usage situation

Benefit segmentation

Perceived brand loyalty

Brand relationship

Chapter Three Slide

Consumption-Specific Segmentation

Usage-Behavior • Usage rate– Awareness status– Level of involvement

Chapter Three Slide

Consumption-Specific SegmentationUsage-Behavior

• Usage-situation segmentation– Segmenting on the basis of special occasions or

situations– Example : When I’m away on business, I try to

stay at a suites hotel.

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Benefits Segmentation

• Benefits sought represent consumer needs• Important for positioning• Benefits of media

Chapter Three Slide 28

Implementing Segmentation Strategies

• Concentrated Marketing– One segment

• Differentiated– Several segments with individual marketing mixes

• Countersegmentation

Chapter Three Slide