Consulting 101 day 4

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Consulting 101 day 4

Dr. Wael YoussefPhD, MBA, PMP, CLSSBB

CEO of ConZonia Consulting

Bridging minds…Developing Organizations

Housekeeping Ground Rules



Course Overview

Foundation to consulting business

The art of Listening…LISTEN

Management Vs. Leadership

Brand Called You

Project Management

Case Study

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

• What is a Brand?

• Why Branding is Essential?

• How to Brand Yourself?

• Branding Strategies

Agenda for Today’s Session

Branding is the process of creating a significance of your company or product to create an image, reputation and

perception in a market to differentiate from others .


• Its unique

• Its meaningful

• Its valuable

• Personal Branding:

The process by which individuals differentiate themselves by identifying and articulating their unique value proposition and then leveraging it across platforms with a consistent message and image to achieve a specific goal

Branding Definitions

" Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all

of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You."

Brand Called YOU!!!

Personal Branding

• Self-Impression = Perception (Deal with this first)

• Second, Personal Branding is a state of mind (make it a priority)

• Third, remember the basics: Who are you? What do you do? What makes you unique?

4-Step Branding Process

Discover your brand

Develop your brand

Communicate your brand

Maintain your brand

Personal Branding

If you do not brand YOURSELF! someone will brand YOU!

Power of Branding

“Your brand is what other people

say about you when you’re not in

the room.”

Step 1 - Discover your Brand!

Insights about YOU

• Goals

• Personal Drivers

• Values

• What are you passionate about?

• What are you known for?

• What do you have answers to?

Insights from others

• How do others describe you?

• What are the three compliments people make about you?

• What about you makes people stop, watch and say WOW?

Step 2 - Develop your Brand!

Identify your target audience

• Write a professional profile for your target audience “You are the only person on earth who can (Should also be on the top of your resume)

• Understand your “unique value proposition” use your own ability”

•Answer why are you the “go-to-person” for your field/area of expertise? (accomplishments)

• Find five personal brand attributes (strengths)

Step 3 – Communicate your Brand

• Create a Communications Plan

• Select a combination of vehicles to reach your Brands target audience and that play to your strengths

• Develop a timeline to implement that supports constancy in your communications

• Remember Clarity, Consistency, Constancy = (Transparency)


• Personal website

• Blog

• Social Networks

• Business Card

• Resume (Accomplishments/Achievements)

• Portfolio (CD/Web)

• Reference Documentation


• Name

• Appearance

• Competencies

• Personality

• Mission

• Vision

• Values

Step 4 – Maintain your Brand

• Have you ever searched for information about yourself online? “Google” yourself; set up Google Alert

• Be consistent ; “walk your talk”

• Assess your brand regularly (Linkedin)

• Gather feedback (ask others for recommendations)

• Evolve to stay relevant - The best brands are flexible (multiple copies of your resume)

TEST- enthusiastic - friendly - conscientious - bold

- expressive - considerate - diplomatic - restless

- attractive - good natured - logical - outspoken

- high spirited - amiable - accurate - vigorous

- outgoing - agreeable - careful - daring

- appealing - kind - reserved - direct

- charming - sympathetic - tactful - strong-willed

- sociable - easy-going - controlled - dominate

- talkative - gentle - well-disciplined - pioneering

- good mixer - even-tempered - thorough - competitive

- optimist - steady worker - intuitive - initiates change

- disorganized - posessive - sensitive - decisive

- emotional - resists change - perfectionist - takes charge

- entertaining - dependable - analytical - impatient

- ignores details - detail-oriented - high standards - determined

Thank you for your time