CONSTRUCTING OF TOMORROW THE EUROPE. 17.2.9 Turkey engine emission status 25th JTLM - Tokyo –...

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Transcript of CONSTRUCTING OF TOMORROW THE EUROPE. 17.2.9 Turkey engine emission status 25th JTLM - Tokyo –...




17.2.9 Turkey engine emission status25th JTLM - Tokyo – 15-17 April 2015Paul Williams

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Turkey engine emission regulation

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Basis for Interpretation

The interpretation contained in this document is based upon the following:

Document number 43381837 - 199 / 1442 on the subject of Directive 97/68/AT, published by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry & Trade Directorate General for Industry, 17 April 2013, circulated to IMDER the Turkey Construction Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors Association and other trade associations.

Turkish Directive 97/68/AT, published in official gazette as number 26558 (2007-06-20), as amended by gazette publication numbers 2749 (5th repeating) (2009-12-31), 27756 (2010-11-11), 27961 (2011-06-11) and 28719 (2013-07-26).

Email exchanges with staff of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT) with responsibility for implementation of 97/68/AT.

dates for engine categories P, Q & R

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Turkish engine Placing on Market

1. Stage IIIB for variable speed category P engines (37-56 kW) commences 2015-10-01

2. Stage IV for variable speed category Q engines (130-560 kW) commences 2016-01-01

3. Stage IV for variable speed category R engines (56-130 kW) commences 2016-10-01

Prior to the above dates stage IIIA remains in force for the above power ranges (stage IIIB categories L, M & N remain optional and will not be mandatory in Turkey)

Dates for engine categories P, Q & R

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Turkish engine type approval

1. The last date that National type approvals can be issued for stage IIIA variable speed engines 37-56 kW is 2015-09-30

2. The last date that National type approvals can be issued for stage IIIA variable speed engines 130-560 kW is 2014-12-31

3. The last date that National type approvals can be issued for stage IIIA variable speed engines 56-130 kW is 2015-09-30

After the above dates type approvals for these power ranges can only be issued for categories P, Q & R

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Importation of EU type approved engines

‘Engines which have a valid certificate according to 97/68/EC (certificates of which are still valid in European Union) can be imported in Turkish market.’(Decision 4 from document 43381837 - 199 / 1442)

This includes engines;That conform to a current EU stageThat were manufactured before the end of a previous EU stage and

were placed on the EU or Turkish market within two years of the end of that stage (EU sell-off)

That were placed on the EU or Turkish market under the EU flexibility scheme within the time period permitted by the EU for such engines and were installed in appropriately labelled EU flexibility machines consuming EU flex credits (EU flexibility)

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Placing stage IIIA engines on Turkish market

‘Stage 3A engines, certificates of which are no longer valid in EU according to 97/68/EC shall not be placed on Turkish market.’‘Nevertheless, placing on Turkish market of Stage 3A engines will be permitted only if National Type-approval Certificate is granted from MoSIT1 according to 97/68/EC or certificates according to Regulation 96 …’

1 MoSIT : Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (Republic of Turkey)

(Decision 3 from document 43381837 - 199 / 1442)

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Transitional Provisions for Turkey stage IV

‘When the Stage 4 emission level enter into force in Turkey, Flexibility Scheme and Sell-off exemptions will be given to Stage 3A engines which are already mandatory in Turkish market.’(Decision 2 from document 43381837 - 199 / 1442)

This opportunity is unique to the Turkish market and is only applicable for engines & machines complying with the requirements set out by MoSIT. There is no equivalent EU flexibility or sell-off.

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Engine type approval for Turkey stage IIIA sell-off

‘For the engines manufactured before the next transition date, manufacturer shall have National Type-approval certificates or R96 certificates (National Type-approval certificate shall only be granted from MoSIT, but R96 certificate may either be granted from MoSIT or any other Type-Approval Authority) in order to take advantage of sell-off exemptions.’

(Decision 5 from document 43381837 - 199 / 1442)

Consequently either R96 or Turkish National approvals are acceptable for stage IIIA sell-off engines

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Stage IIIA engine type approval for Turkey flexibility (1/2)

The most recent (2013) update to Annex XII of Turkish Directive 97/68/AT states that:

‘For engines categories H, I, J, and K (stage IIIA), the following type approvals and , where applicable, the related approval markings, are acknowledged as equivalent to an approval of this regulation:’

…………‘UNECE Regulation No 96 stages H, I, J and K approvals according to paragraph

5.2.1 of the 02 series of amendments of Regulation No 96.’

This states unconditionally that for the purpose of the Turkish Directive 97/68/AT an R96 approval is considered the same as a Turkish National type approval of the corresponding engine category.

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Stage IIIA engine type approval for Turkey flexibility (2/2)

The text of 97/68/AT (previous page) consequently supersedes decision 5 from document 43381837 - 199 / 1442 that states:‘The flexibility scheme exemptions for Stage 3A engines will only be given to engines which have National Type-Approval certificates granted from MoSIT.’

It is confirmed by MoSIT (by email, 05 May 2014) that Turkish National flexibility scheme exemptions will be given for stage IIIA engines with either R96 or Turkish National engine type approvals in conjunction with a Turkish National OEM flexibility allowance.In this case the engine and machine flexibility marking requirements apply and the OEM machine flexibility label shall include the number of the appropriate R96 or Turkish National engine type approval.

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Turkey stage IV flex quantity & application

The Turkish flexibility quantities & application requirements are copies of those in EU directive 97/68/EC.

During stage IV an OEM may apply to MoSIT for either 20% of one year sales (based upon average of prior 5 years sales on Turkish market in each power class 56 – 130 kW and 130 – 560 kW) or for the following fixed number allowance:

(From document 43381837 - 199 / 1442 & Publication No: 28719 )

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Turkey stage IIIB flex quantity & application

Stage IIIB is only mandatory in Turkey for category P (37 – 56 kW)The Turkish flexibility quantities & application requirements are copies of

those in EU directive 97/68/EC.For engines 37 – 56 kW during stage IIIB an OEM may apply to MoSIT for

either 37.5% of one year sales (based upon average of prior 5 years sales on Turkish market in power class 37 – 56 kW) or for the following fixed number allowance:

The period for placing on the market stage IIIA flexibility engines during stage IIIB is limited to 3 years from start of the stage (i.e. last date 2018-09-30 for 37 – 56 kW)

(From Publication No: 28719 )

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Requirements for stage IIIA Turkish National Type Approvals

Technical requirements and documentation requirements published in Turkish Directive 97/68/AT are directly copied from EU Directive 97/68/EC. Consequently the same requirements exist in Turkey as for EU.

Engine test report from recognised technical serviceCompleted information pack giving details of parent engine type, engine family

and other engine types in family (child ratings)Appropriate fee

In case that the engine family has already been granted an EU 97/68/EC or UN ECE R96 type approval this approval can be used to apply for Turkish National approval

Test requirements for EU, UN and Turkey are the sameFurther engine testing not required

It is not required for a manufacturer to establish a representative in Turkey. Applications to MoSIT may be submitted from outside Turkey. (Email confirmation from MoSIT dated 27 Feb 2014)

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Turkey emission label requirements

The Turkish 97/68/AT engine emission label requirements are the same as those for the EU directive 97/68/EC.

The Turkish 97/68/AT machine flexibility label requirements are the same as those for the EU directive 97/68/EC.(From Turkish Directive 97/68/AT amended by publication 28719)

Labels associated with approvals granted by MoSIT (engine emission and flexibility machine labels) may be printed in English or Turkish language.(Email confirmation from MoSIT dated 27 Feb 2014)

Contact point for applications

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Turkish National engine emission type approval and OEM flexibility allowance

“Directorate General for Industry / Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology”

Contact persons:

Zühtü BAKIR ( Dinçer GONCA ( Etem GÜNER (