
Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Constitution8

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Amendments Legislative Executive Judicial ABCD..

Protec ts fre edom of, pre ss speech andre lig ion

1What is the s t ?Amendment

Require s a search warrant for police to .enter a home

4What is the th ?Amendment

Saying something that is meant to

damage another’ person s reputation

?What is s lander

No on can be put on trial for a serious

crim e unle s s a grand jury agree s the evidence

.jus tifie s it

5What is the th ?Amendment

Power of the government to take

private property for public use

What is em inent?domain

The introduction to theConstitution

?What is the preamble

Sole power to impeach a government offic ial of

wrong doing

What is the House of?Repre sentative s

Determ ines the number of Repre sentative s each

.s tate has

?What is Population

Necessary and proper c lause of the Constitution

often used to expand the powers of Congre ss

What is the e las tic?c lause

1s t Pres ident to be impeached by the House of

Repre sentative s

Who is Pre s ident ?Andrew Johnson

The month in which e le c tors cas t vote s for

Pres ident and Vice Pres ident of the

United State s

What is?December

Adm inis te red by the Chie f Jus tice of the

United State s

What is the Oath of?Office

Se ts up a sys tem for e le c ting a Pre s ident and lis ts the

requirements for theoffice

?What is artic le II

Pres idential speech ’ reporting the nation s condition to Congre ss

What is the State of ?the Union

Maximum number of years a Pre s ident can

.se rve

10 ?What is years

Artic le which created the Judic ial Branch

?What is Artic le III

Courts which have le s s power than the

Supreme Court

What are Inferior?Courts

Allows federal courts to dec ide whe ther court dec is ions and laws are in

keeping with the intent of the Constitution

What is Judic ial?Review

The federal government has

, certain powers even though they are not

spe lled out in theConstitution

What are Implied?Powers

The “Great Chie f.Jus tice ”

Who is Chie f Jus tice ?John Marshall

Members who attended the

Constitutional Convention in

Philade lphia

?Who are de legate s

Another te rm for implied power

?What is absolute

A document pre sented to Congre ss for

adoption in to law

?What is a bill

When each branch of the government has the

means to check ac tions of the other branches

What are checks and?balance s

1781 Agreement in under 13 which the orig inal

colonie s e s tablished a government of s tate s

What are the Artic le s ?of Confederations