Constantine karatheodori

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Constantine karatheodori

Constantine Karatheodori

The man who charmed Einstein, and worked with great mathematicians of his time, created his own theorem, which was one of the greatest of Sciences of the 20th century.

was born on13 September 1873 and died on 2 February 1950.

was a Greek mathematician“No limits”

Theodora Giannakou- Anastasia Iliadou

Linguistic talent

Karatheodori excelled at languages

Greek ,French were his first languages, and he mastered German. Also he spoke and wrote English, Italian, Turkish, and the ancient languages without any effort.

“No limits”

"If you want to reach to infinity , be experienced in all finite expressions " Constantine Caratheodory

Theodora Giannakou- Anastasia Iliadou

In Real Analysis

In mathematics, Karatheodori‘s existence theorem says that an ordinary differential equation has a solution under relatively mild conditions.“No limits”

Theodora Giannakou- Anastasia Iliadou

“No limits”

Theodora Giannakou- Anastasia Iliadou

His tendency towards the calculus of variations was manifested for the first time in his doctoral thesis entitled '' Veder die diskontinuierlichen L o sungen in der Variationsrechnung'' (of discontinuous solutions in calculus of variations), which is a pilot project and the first in mathematical literature, developing the theory of discontinuous solutions in calculus of variations.

Doctoral thesis entitled


“No limits”

Theodora Giannakou- Anastasia Iliadou