Consolidated Pictorials Reports

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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A selection of pictorial reports covering MKA events in 2010.

Transcript of Consolidated Pictorials Reports

Selected compilation of pictorial reports from 2009-2010• NationalIjtema2009(September2009)• NationalOfficeBearersForum(December2009)• NationalBadmintonTournament(February2010)• NationalAtfalRally(April2010)• CharityChallenge2010(May2010)• NationalFootballTournament(July2010)

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK

National Ijtema 200924–27.09.09 | Islamabad

By the Grace and Blessings of God Almighty, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK held its National Ijtema on the 25th – 27th September 2009 at Islamabad, Tilford.

The theme of this year’s Ijtema was Salaat and we sought to bring this theme to the attention of the participants of the Ijtema, not only through the use of a Salaat themed backdrop and a Salaat exhibition, but also by encouraging participation in congregational prayers – including congregational Tahajjud prayers which were held on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, led by Hani Tahir Sahib.

The weather is always a concern at an event of such a scale. [alhamd] we are especially grateful to Allah for the excellent weather that He blessed us with on all three days.

In order to ensure that the organisers had full visibility and control over the Atfal programme, an entirely distinct and separate Atfal site was established adjacent to the Khuddam site. This

ensured that greater attention was devoted to Atfal over the course of the Ijtema.

Friday 25th September: Majlis–e–Shura and Ijtema Inauguration

By the grace of Allah, the 21st Majlis-e-Shura of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK started on Friday 25th September 11am at Islambad, Tilford and concluded successfully shortly after midnight.

As the Shura took place in the main marquee, there was also a flurry of activity in one of the other marquees, where, as a break from previous years in which Regions were asked to establish their own regional exhibition areas, this year the Regions were encouraged to provide material for a centrally run exhibition.

Each Region was asked to devise an exhibition on the theme of alternative energies and, where possible, to design models. [alhamd] because of the amount of marquee space available to us this

year, we were fortunate to be also able to cater for a large number of displays covering Khilafat, Humanity First, MTA, Makhzan-e-Tasaweer and Majlis Ansar Sultanal Qalam.

As with previous years, we also invited a number of external bodies such as the Armed Forces, the Police, the Fire Service and the Ambulance Service who engaged the Khuddam and Atfal throughout Saturday.

Following the conclusion of Huzur’s [atba] live televised sermon from Baitul Futuh, Jumu’ah also took place in the main marquee and was lead by Maulana Shams Sahib. Approximately 400 members were in attendance.

The inaugural session began at 6pm and we were honoured by the presence of Respected Amir Jama’at UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, who delivered the Inauguration Address to approximately 500 Khuddam and Atfal focusing on the continuation of good habits and discipline developed during the month of Ramadhan.

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK 38th National Ijtema Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September 2009, Islamabad, Tilford

Amir Sahib urged the Khuddam to take full advantage of the Ijtema to continue with the same high level of spirituality. In particular, Amir Sahib touched upon the importance of financial sacrifice. Amir Sahib cited numerous examples to illustrate how Khuddam should not waste the opportunities presented to them to spend in the way of Allah, particularly in relation to the construction of mosques. Amir Sahib made it clear that the building of mosques and Jama’at schemes would never suffer from an individual’s lack of participation. It was a question of availing oneself of the blessings of these schemes.

Saturday 26th September

Khuddam and Atfal activities began early on Saturday morning with Academic and Sports events. This included a written Ta’leem test based on books of the Promised Messiah [as]. The Sports events started with Football and Volleyball Preliminary Group matches.

The Sports team had gone to substantial effort to prepare the school playing field into a well organised sports arena, featuring 2 Khuddam football pitches, 1 Atfal football pitch, a volleyball court, tug-of-war set up, weight lifting

competition area and running track.

As ever, the football was keenly contested, with all teams being well organised and showing brotherhood and skill in abundance. A break was taken for Zuhr and Asr prayers, which were lead by Hani Tahir Sahib, after which Sadr Majlis delivered his keynote speeches to Khuddam and Atfal in their separate marquees.

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK’s Keynote Address

Using a professional sportsperson as an example, Sadr Majlis cited the commitment to their passion as something that Khuddam and Atfal can learn from. Despite the inherent weaknesses of their value system, they doggedly pursue their aspirations, no matter how remote the possibility of success - they train until their bodies can endure no more, gladly sacrifice their sleep and their social lives. Sadr Majlis stressed that as members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, as standard-bearers of a much greater ideal, our sacrifices and determination should, by comparison, be infinitely greater.

Sadr Majlis talked passionately about

the need for us all to become Khuddam who make things happen, who offer tremendous services to Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and to the cause of Allah.

Sadr Majlis stressed that we should invest time and employ our wealth in the service of Allah’s religion and creatures. Most importantly, we should spend our nights in deep earnest supplication to the Divine, discovering that the permanence of Allah’s succour is the most magnificent of trophies.

Unlike the footballer who is chasing his elusive contract, we should realise that Allah’s Providence is available to every Khadim in equal measure, because the grace of Allah is infinite.

Sadr Majlis went on to speak about the history of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in the UK and its various milestones under each Sadarat, reflecting on the responsibilities placed on Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK through various trials and tribulations;

When Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV [rh] miraculously escaped to the UK in 1984, then in 1989 during the Ahmadiyya Jama’at centenary celebrations, the

humanitarian efforts for Bosnia and Sierra Leone and the increasing emphasis on Tabligh during the 1990s. More recently we saw the most significant challenge to befall the Majlis when our beloved Imam Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV [rh] passed from this world to the next, the subsequent election of our next Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad [atba] and the Khilafat centenary celebrations last year.

Sadr Majlis reminded Khuddam that Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, like the Divinely instituted Jama’at it is an auxiliary of, is destined to succeed whether Khuddam come forward to its service or not. Sadr Majlis invited Khuddam to the greater service of the Jama’at through Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, that we should consider it an honour and a privilege to be counted among the Servants of Ahmadiyyat.

Sadr Majlis reminded Khuddam that even though the society around us is morally and spiritually bereft, it also has many blessings and values, such as education, resources and the freedom to practise and propagate our religion, which are values our brothers in other parts of the world can only dream of. Sadr Majlis stressed that it would be a

travesty if we got caught up in the vain pursuit of materialism or benefit fraud, and fail to profit from the beacon of light that is Khilafat.

Sadr Majlis requested that our devotion must serve as a catalyst for bringing change both within ourselves and in the world around us, that it was our duty to change the perspective of Islam in the world today, and usher humankind to a new world instituted and guided by the Promised Messiah and Mahdi [as].

Sadr Majlis concluded by reminding Khuddam and Atfal that the theme of this Ijtema was chosen as Salaat, and quoting the Promised Messiah [as], Sadr Majlis instructed us to hold fast unto prayers, praying profusely and earnestly because success in any field does not rely on any individual but on prayers and the blessings of Allah.

Saturday 26th Evening Session

We profess our profound gratitude and appreciation to Huzur Aqdas [atba]for blessing this year’s Ijtema with his most gracious presence over the last two days. For many Khuddam and Atfal, the opportunity to offer congregational prayers behind our beloved Imam and

benefiting from his holiness’ presence and concluding address were the highlights of their Ijtema.

We were graced with Huzur’s [atba] presence from Saturday and upon Huzur’s [atba] arrival on site at 6.30pm, he was presented with some flowers by Atfal.

This was promptly followed by the flag hoisting ceremony. As Huzur Aqdas [atba] raised the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya flag, Sadr Majlis raised the Union Flag. Throughout this ceremony, a Tarana was read by Jamia students in the background and the ceremony was concluded with silent prayer led by Huzur Aqdas [atba].

The evening session in the main marquee began with the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK Charity Challenge Cheque Presentation. The event was held in Bradford, at the Al Mahdi Mosque on Sunday 10th May 2009. By the Grace of Allah, this was a record year for the amount raised by MKA UK for UK Charities.

The chairman of the event, Fahim Anwer Sahib, read out a brief report of the event and then cheques totalling £112,800 were

presented by Amir Sahib and Sadr Majlis to representatives of:

Save the Children UK, Macmillan Cancer Support, Barnardo’s, Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability, Humanity First, Leukaemia Research, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the NSPCC.

The representatives were also given a tour of the Ijtema site, participated in flag hoisting ceremony and were also invited to stay for the barbecue.

We also used the platform of this Ijtema to make presentations to senior members who will be leaving our Majlis to join Majlis Ansurallah on the 1st of January 2010. These included Nadimur Rahman Sahib, Mohtamim Ishaat, Masroor Ahmad Sahib, Naib Sadr Majlis and our former Sadr Majlis, Mirza Fakhar Ahmad Sahib.

Following Maghrib/Ishaa Salaat, the eagerly awaited barbecue took place, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Huzur Aqdas [atba] graciously visited each Regional BBQ site before taking his seat with the guests in the central barbecue area. As had become tradition, Huzur Aqdas [atba] had tested each Region’s barbecue and

especially acknowledged the kebabs cooked by the Baitul Futuh Region.

Following the barbecue, Majlis Ansar Sultanul Qalam held its Annual Conference in the Dining Hall.

The conference was chaired by respected Maulana Abdul Ghany Jahangeer Khan Sahib and began with a presentation by Ali Khan Sahib (Coordinator of Majlis Ansar Sultanul Qalam UK). There were 48 attendees, 40 of whom were existing members and 8 newly registered members. The total membership is now 332.

A review of the membership’s activities was presented, however the rest of the conference was devoted to the ‘Response to YouTube Allegations Project.’ Firstly a compilation of Anti–Ahmadi YouTube videos was played, followed by a presentation of the 3 responses compiled by MKA UK so far. A discussion then followed on how to make more responses quickly — during which existing MTA and Jama’at literary resources were presented to discuss how these could be used to make targeted responses.

Respected Maulana Jahangeer Sahib then concluded proceedings with a short

address where he called all Khuddam to rise to the instructions of Huzur Aqdas [atba] and take part in this project. He added that the misguided people making these accusations needed to be exposed for who they really were, and although ultimately they were answerable to God Almighty, it was a useful Tabligh exercise to refute these allegations.

The conference started at 10.15pm and concluded at 11.45pm with tea and biscuits being served.

Sunday 27th September

The morning began with the conclusion of Academics and Sports competitions and the continuation of various exhibitions – including a team of soccer skills entertainers, who not only demonstrated extraordinary skills with a football, but in a special demonstration of soccer skills for Huzur Aqdas [atba], the lead member also balanced a mountain bike on his chin!

On the sports field, Baitul Futuh and Midlands Regions ran out eventual winners against Muqami and Islamabad in the football semi finals. The volleyball final between Muqami and Baitul Futuh

and the football final between Midlands and Baitul Futuh were watched by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and were both highly charged and fiercely (but fairly) contested finals.

An excellent goal from Ahmed Obeng of Midlands Region was the winning goal of the football final, which led to joyous scenes for the young Midlands team, as they won their second national tournament of the year.

Following Zuhr and Asr prayers and a break for lunch, Huzur Aqdas [atba] had photos with the National Majlis–e–Amila and Qaideen, and then graciously chaired the final session.

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya delivered the Ijtema report, which stated the total attendance stood at 2,027 Khuddam and 791 Atfal (2,818 in total); the total attendance including guests was 3,212.

Sadr Majlis reported that by way of comparison, the total attendance of Khuddam and Atfal at last year’s Ijtema was 2,463. This year’s attendance, therefore, represented an increase of 355 participants over last year.

Following the prize distribution session, Huzur Aqdas [atba] delivered his concluding address.

Huzur Aqdas [atba] observed that young people often had problems with anger management and this was reflected in their behaviour, not only with the outside world, but also with their wives and children. He said that if a Muslim truly believed in God, then he should treat others with respect and tolerance because those qualities actually formed part of a belief in God. Continuing, he said that the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad [saw] were of kindness and love. Yet many people had deviated from these teachings to such an extent that they indoctrinated others from childhood into an atmosphere of hatred and terror. Those people had blood on their hands; suicide bombings had nothing to do with Islam. He said: “Those who instruct and indoctrinate suicide bombers claim they are acting righteously. They are doing nothing of the sort. Suicide bombing is not based on righteousness; it is based solely on evil.”

Regarding the controversial and generally misunderstood concept of Jihad, Huzur Aqdas [atba] explained that the Holy Prophet Muhammad [saw] never sought, nor was granted permission, to conquer by force. Under conditions of extreme and sustained cruelty, he was given permission to defend himself when he, his followers and their places of worship were attacked. In today’s world, the so called Muslim leaders who urged others to fight in the name of Islam could not have distanced themselves further from the true teachings of the Islamic faith. In conclusion, Huzur Aqdas [atba] urged all Ahmadi Muslims to represent Islam on the basis of its real teachings. These teachings were of decency, purity and tolerance, and ought to be exhibited both in a person’s personal life and within their social and community lives. He concluded: “The new century of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat will not be decorated by mere words but through our prayers and through our good deeds.”

The registration team were busy throughhout the three days of the Ijtema as they aimed to register every individual visitor to the Ijtema site over the course of the event. A database was available through a network of computers and used to validate members of

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, register their attendance and issue their registration passes.

The scanning team assisted in ensuring all entrants to the Ijtema passed through security metal detectors.

Respected Maulana Munir-ud-Din Shams Sahib leading Jumu’ah Prayers before inauguration.

The theme for this year’s Ijtema was Salaat.

The Majlis-e-Shura commenced on Friday morning at 10.00am with Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, chairing proceedings assisted by Muzaffar Bhatti Sahib, Motamid Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK.

Delegates were seated within their respective Regions for opening and plenary sessions.

Sub-committees broke off to discuss proposals allocated within their respective departments, and Sadr Majlis was available for clarification and input.

The chairman from each sub-committee feeding back to Sadr Majlis and the delegates of Majlis-e-Shura.

Sadr Majlis addressing Majlis-e-Shura at the end of proceedings, reminding them that although a lot was accomplished during the year with Allah’s grace, there remains much more to do.

Delegates listening intently to Sadr Majlis as he addresses Majlis-e-Shura.

Sadr Majlis leading delegates in silent prayer, marking the end of Majlis-e-Shura.

Delegates in silent prayer at the end of Majlis-e-Shura.

Midlands Region displaying their prepared model of an eco-friendly house, incorporating underfloor heating, solar energy, wind power, solar water pump, and wall and cavity insulation.

Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, taking a closer look at some of the alternative energy models and talking to some of the Khuddam


Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, Sadr Majlis and Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema meet the Khuddam helping out with the Shooting Star Children’s Hospice.

Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema, Masroor Ahmed Sahib, and Naib Sadr, Usman Ahmed Sahib, inspect the exhibition area during final set up.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, being taken on a tour of the exhibition area (while work is still in progress) upon his arrival on Friday.

Hajj and Khilafat exhibitions were also prepared to complement those of Ishaat, alternative energy and Humanity First.

Islamabad & Baitul Futuh Regions making some last minute technical adjustments!

The Inaugural Session of the 38th MKA UK National Ijtema opened with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.

Attendees being led in the Khuddam Pledge by Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib. Also on stage are Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK and Masroor Ahmad Sahib, Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, addressing the Inaugural Session of the Ijtema, urging Khuddam to take full advantage of the Ijtema to continue with the same high level of spirituality as they demonstrated during Ramadhan. In particular, he touched upon the importance of financial sacrifice.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, leading the Ijtema attendees in silent prayer.

Khuddam taking part in Tilawat and Speech competitions.

MKA UK was very honoured and grateful that many senior missionaries gave up their time to act as judges for the academic competitions.

Ijtema participants rise to their feet as Sadr Majlis leads them in the Khuddam Pledge.

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK waits to address the Ijtema congregation as a nazm is recited.

Sadr Majlis stresses that Khuddam should invest their time and employ their wealth in the service of Allah’s religion, and creatures, and spend their nights in prayer, supplicating to the Divine.

Sadr Majlis concluded the speech by reminding Khuddam and Atfal that the chosen theme of this Ijtema was Salaat, and that success in any field does not rely on any individual, but on prayers and the blessings of Allah.

The team quiz competition was held in the main Ijtema Gah with the aid of a projector and was keenly contested.

Khuddam and Atfal wait patiently for their turn during the academic competitions.

Najm Khan Sahib, Mohtamim Atfal, prepares Atfal for the arrival of Sadr Majlis to address Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK.

Atfal wait patiently moments before the arrival of Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK.

Recitation of the Holy Qu’ran.

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK leads Mohtamim Atfal and the Atfal congregation in the Atfal Pledge

The Tahir Group wait patiently while the judge completes his preparation for the start of the academic competition.

A new feature in this year’s ijtema was a separate, self-contained Atfal site adjacent to the Khuddam site, comprising an Atfal gah,

dining marquee and bazaar.The Noor Tilawat competition judged by students from Jamia UK.

7-11 football competition in action. The sports were divided into the 7-11 and 12-15 age group with each Region participating.

The matches were held in the same area as the Khuddam sports, however pitches were allocated solely for the Atfal competition.

Sadr Majlis addresses Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK in the Atfal Gah.

Sadr Majlis addresses Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK and admonishes them that they have been raised for the good of Mankind and, as such, hold a very important position and they must always be conscious of that.

Sadr Majlis concludes his address and leads the congregation in silent prayer.

Group stages of the volleyball competition

Atfal enjoying their football competition. There was a lot of skill and future potential on show.

Muqami and Baitun Noor Regions line up for the volleyball final and have their photographs taken with Sadr Majlis.

The volleyball final was keenly contested.

By the grace of Allah, all the regional teams in this year’s tournament were competitive and there was a high standard of technical ability on display.

Early on Sunday morning, Hertfordshire and Islamabad played their quarter-final: a very open game that finished with Islamabad winning 3-1 and qualifying for the semi-final to play Midlands, who eventually overcame Islamabad 3-0.

sports 25

The other semi-final was played between Muqami and Baitul Futuh. Despite Muqami making impressive progress to the last four, they were roundly beaten 6-1.

The South East Coast Ambulance Service were also present to provide Khuddam and Atfal with careers information and even gave some hands on First Aid training.

A “Casualty Reduction” Police Officer was amongst the special guest exhibitions to advise Khuddam on the dangers of speeding and demonstrate some of the detection equipment in use.

The South East Coast Ambulance Service were also present to provide Khuddam and Atfal with careers information and even

gave some hands on First Aid training.

The Regular and Territorial British Army also provided an exhibit and information stand as well as setting up and running an obstacle course which has become a regular feature enjoyed immensely by Atfal.

Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service kindly provided a Fire Engine and other fire-fighting equipment to engage Khuddam & Atfal at their exhibit.

Fazal Ahmed Sahib, Head of Global Marketing, and Masood Lone Sahib, Head of Fundraising, preparing the Humanity First exhibit and collection point.

A Tifl presenting Huzur [atba] with a bouquet of flowers on Huzur’s [atba] arrival at the MKA UK National Ijtema. Huzur [atba] is then greeted by Sadr Majlis and an initial tour of the site and briefing commences.

Huzur [atba] making his way to the flag hoisting ceremony accompanied by Sadr Majlis and Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema.

Huzur [atba] hoisting the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya flag while Sadr Majlis hoists the Union Flag.

Huzur [atba] leading the congregated Khuddam and Atfal in silent prayer.

Ijtema participants, guests and dignitaries watching as the charity representatives are presented with their cheques.

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Ataul Naseer with Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir UK and Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, at the Charity Challenge cheque presentation ceremony

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, presenting a cheque for £11,000 to Angela Gilchrist representing Barnardo’s.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, presenting a cheque for £15,000 to Claire Ferguson of Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, presenting a cheque for £11,000 to Danielle Morgan of Leukaemia Research.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, presenting a cheque for £15,000 to Robin Radley of Save the Children.

Grant Chapman, representing Macmillan Cancer Support, who received a cheque for £11,000, explains how the money will be

put to good use.

Mansoor Shah Sahib expressing his gratitude for the donation to those who participated in the Charity Challenge.

Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir UK, presenting Mansoor Shah Sahib, Acting Chairman of Humanity First, with a cheque for £26,800.

Representatives of the charities enjoying the Ijtema.

Daud Khan Sahib presenting a brief history of the services rendered by three senior Office Bearers of MKA UK joining Majlis Ansarullah. After being presented with their awards, Mirza Fakhar Ahmad Sahib, Masroor Ahmed Sahib and Nadimur Rahman

Sahib briefly addressed the Ijtema.

Sadr Majlis presenting gifts to, and embracing, Masroor Ahmed Sahib (Naib Sadr MKA UK).

Sadr Majlis presenting gifts to, and embracing, Nadimur Rahman Sahib (Mohtamim Ishaat) and Mirza Fakhar Ahmad Sahib (former Sadr Majlis).

The Ziafat team, pictured here preparing food for the central barbecue, worked tirelessly in the kitchen throughout all three days and kept in good spirits.

For what is now a regular fixture at the National Ijtema, each region organises a barbecue for all their Khuddam and with hundreds of kebabs needing to be cooked preparations start early.

Huzur Aqdas [atba] graciously visiting each Region’s barbecue area and tasting their kebabs. Regions pictured are East, North East, Hertfordshire and Muqami.

Huzur [atba] sitting at the head table with Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, Imam of the London Mosque, Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib and a number of distinguished guests.

The central barbecue being enjoyed by a number of guests of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, including the Majlis–e–Amilas of UK Jama’at and Majlis Ansarullah UK and the charity representatives who attended the Charity Challenge Cheque Presentation.

Proceedings being concluded with silent prayer led by Huzur [atba].

Ali Khan Sahib (Naib Mohtamim Ishaat) presenting an overview of the year’s activities and priorities for the upcoming year at the Majlis Ansar Sultanul Qalam Annual Conference. The conference was chaired by Maulana Abdul Ghani Jahangeer Khan Sahib,

sitting alongside Waqar Ahmedi Sahib (Naib Mohtamim Ishaat).

The conference was also briefly addressed by Nadimur Rahman Sahib, Mohtamim Ishaat.

After an inspirational lecture by Maulana Jahangeer Khan Sahib, the conference concluded with silent prayer.

As is customary at the National Ijtema, the Lawa-e-Ahmadiyya and the Union Flag are both hoisted and guarded by an allocated team throughout the Ijtema.

The National Majlis-e-Amila 2008-9 in a group photograph with Khalifatul Masih V, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad [atba].Also seated are Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK and Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Imam of the London Mosque.

The National Majlis–e–Amila and Qaideen of MKA UK 2008-9 in a group photograph with Khalifatul Masih V, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad [atba].

Huzur [atba] arriving to inspect the exhibition area and being shown the photographs and exhibition boards.

Huzur [atba] being shown some of the alternative energy exhibition models as well as the Humanity First disaster response equipment.

Sadr Majlis taking his seat alongside Huzur [atba] for the clay-pigeon shooting exhibition. Also seated are Missionary-in-Charge UK, Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, and Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema and Naib Sadr, Masroor

Ahmed Sahib.

Huzur [atba] arrives at the Ijtema Gah and presides over the Final Session which starts with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by a Nazm.

The Ijtema attendees stand as Huzur [atba] leads them in the Khuddam Pledge.

Huzur [atba] and the attendees listen to Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, deliver the Ijtema report.

Young Atfal who came first in Academic Competitions collect their prizes from Huzur [atba].

Regional Qaideen Syed Zain Khan Sahib (Baitul Futuh), Inamullah Khan Sahib (Baitun Noor) and Ahmed Owusu Konadu Sahib (Scotland) receiving regional prizes from Huzur [atba].

Huzur [atba] presenting Fateh Ahmed Sahib the first prize in clay-pigeon shooting.

Zafar Bhunnoo Sahib, Nazim Atfal Colliers Wood, collecting the prize for best Atfal Qiadat in the Alm–e–Inami.

Members of the Midlands football team receiving their prize for winning the Khuddam football tournament.

Members of the Islamabad football team receiving their prize for winning the Atfal football tournament.

Zia-ul-Haq Sahib, local Qaid Inner Park, collecting the prize for best Qiadat in the Alm–e–Inami.

In the concluding address, Huzur [atba] spoke about the concept of Jihad and explained suicide bombers as having nothing to do with Islam.

Huzur [atba] concluding the session by leading Khuddam and Atfal in a silent prayer.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih [atba] urged all Ahmadi Muslims to represent Islam on the basis of its real teachings: decency, purity and tolerance - these ought to be exhibited both in one’s personal life and within their community and wider society.

Khuddam gathering together to recite poems as Huzur [atba] prepares to leave the Ijtema after concluding the Final Session.

Huzur [atba] departing from Ijtema Gah accompanied by Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jama’at UK and Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Tommy Kallon Sahib.

Sadr Majlis, Tommy Kallon Sahib, being congratulated on the successful conclusion of the MKA UK National Ijtema 2009 by Mirza Fakhar Ahmad Sahib (former Sadr MKA UK), Munir Javaid Sahib (Private Secretary to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih [atba]) and

Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib (Muavin Sadr MKA UK).

Nazim-e-Ala MKA UK National Ijtema 2009, Masroor Ahmed Sahib, being congratulated by Maulana Muniruddin Shams Sahib.

National Off ice

Bearers’ Forum

12.12.09 | Baitul Futuh

This year – following a five year gap where the forum was held for Qaideen only – it was decided to return to the original format, intended for all office bearers of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. In previous years, the intention was to train Qaideen to provide them with the means to actively engage their local Majlis–e–Amilas. However, with Qiadats across the UK growing in size year upon year, it has become increasingly difficult for a Qaid to effectively train each member of his Amila, particularly with there being 16 departments to administer. It was decided that holding a national forum would be of greater benefit to office bearers, allowing them to focus on their individual department whilst learning from the experiences and techniques of others.

Registration began at 8.30am and proceedings began at 10.00am. In the opening session Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK Tommy Kallon Sahib welcomed the attendees. He explained that he wanted to decentralise events so that regions could gain experience and encourage leadership at the grass roots. Following silent prayer, the office bearers were split into 7 groups with Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya holding a separate group for their office bearers. The groups were divided into departments with similar roles and responsibilities for example Nazimeen Ta’leem, Tarbiyyat and Tarbiyyat-New Ahmadis. Each group was chaired by a Naib Sadr and accompanied by the national Mohtamim of that department. Presentations were held in each group followed by an open session, which proved

thoroughly engaging, allowing local Nazimeen to clarify any queries they had over how best to fulfil their duties. The session also allowed local office bearers to form a closer working relationship with the national Mohtamim.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V [atba] had previously advised the Majlis-e-Amila to make greater use of the National Blood Service. Hence, this year a guest speaker from the National Blood Service was invited and addressed the forum on how to make use of the National Blood Service. It was felt this was an ideal addition to the programme.

Attentions then turned towards Zuhr and Asr prayers followed by lunch, which consisted of Chicken Curry and Rice. After lunch members reconvened in the Tahir Hall where a presentation was made by Nadimur Rehman Sahib on soft skills and time management. The aim of this presentation was to provide a professional outlook for office bearers into how best to manage their time, maintain professionalism in their work and cope with stress. Naib Sadr Majlis Dr Aziz Hafiz provided additional advice and expounded on how to cope with stress. Next a presentation was held to recognise those Khuddam who had made special contributions to Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK and were now leaving to join Majlis Ansarullah.

In the final session, office bearers were given the opportunity to ask questions in a “Question and

Answer Session” with Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK and the national Majlis-e-Amila. Office bearers asked questions relating to their office or Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in general. Once again, discussions proved immensely beneficial to Khuddam who were seeking clarification and advice on certain issues.

The attendance for this years forum was 484, which included 388 local/regional/assistant naib/Atfal, 12 Regional Qaideen, 60 Qaideen and 24 Mohtamimeen. This compared to 192 from the similar even held in 2004.

In his concluding address, Tommy Kallon Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, said:

“One thing I would like to inculcate within each and every one of you today is the realisation that whenever a person is appointed to an office within the Jama’at he is appointed on trust. That trust is sacred and should never be broken. The entire system of the Jama’at, what we call the Nizam, has been approved by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih. It is our good fortune and honour that through the grace of Allah we, in our humble capacities, are part of that Nizam.”

The event concluded with silent prayer.

National Office Bearers Forum 2009 Sunday 12th December 2009, Baitul Futuh

Adil Zafar Sahib, Motamid Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, opens the proceedings with an introductory note

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Tommy Kallon Sahib, leads Khuddam in the customary pledge

The opening session. Sadr Majlis addresses the office bearers.

The opening session is concluded with silent prayer.

A separate programme was held in the Nasir Hall for all office bearers of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK. Mohtamim Atfal, Najm Khan Sahib, chaired the proceedings

Following the opening session, groups sessions took place. In the Aitmaad group, the MKA UK Motamid Adil Zafar Sahib is joined by Muavin Sadr, Khalil Yousaf Sahib to discuss various issues with new Qaideen

Presentations for Ishaat and Tabligh were held with Naib Sadr, Daud Khan Sahib, chairing the session

New Qaideen and Local Motamids engaging in discussions with Adil Zafar Sahib

The group session for Ta’leem, Tarbiyyat and Tarbiyyat-New Ahmadis in full flow, chaired by Naib Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Fahim Anwar Sahib

Usman Ahmad Sahib, Naib Sadr, chairs the session with Amoor-e-Tuluba and Tehrik-e-Jadid Office Bearers

The Ziafat team hard at work, preparing food and refreshments

Naib Sadr, Fayyaz Sheikh Sahib, oversees the discussions for Sehat-e-Jismani, Khidmat-e-Khalq and Waqar-e-Amal

Dr. Aziz Hafiz Sahib, Naib Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK talks on the role and importance of Office Bearers and how to cope with the pressures of holding office

Mohtamim Ishaat, Muzaffar Bhatti Sahib, publicises the Khilafat Centenary Souvenir

Nadimur Rehman Sahib, ex-Mohtamim Ishaat Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, delivers a presentation on ‘soft skills’ and time management

Above: Office bearers have a final opportunity to query members of the National Majlis–e–Amila in a question and answer session.

Top Right: Mohtamim Maal, Mubashar Ahmad Sahib, answering a finance related question

Right: The forum concludes with Sadr Majlis leading silent prayers

National Badminton


Braunstone Leisure Centre(Leicester)

After the success of the Midlands Football Team in both last year’s National Football Tournament as well as the 2009 MKA UK National Ijtema, Sadr Majlis decided to award the region with the honour of hosting one of MKA UK’s flagship events, the National Badminton Tournament. The original date of the event was fixed for the 31st January 2010, however due to the adverse weather conditions that hit the country during the winter, Sunday 28th February 2010 was confirmed as the new date.

This year the Sehat-e-Jismani team wanted to demonstrate a higher level of professionalism in the organisation and management of all sports events moving forward. In light of this, planning began in early December 2009, and for the first time ever in any sports event online registration was enabled, allowing all those wishing to participate to pre-register prior to the event itself. This allowed the organisers to plan more effectively for the Tournament. This inclusion will be more evident in all future events and something all Khuddam should keep a keen eye on.

Previous Tournaments have seen the inclusion of Table Tennis in the programme, however this year we decided to have just the Badminton as a focus to the tournament in order to increase the number of participants and to further emphasise the quality of the event.

By the Grace of Allah, working closely with the Midlands region we managed to achieve an increase of players from 64 in 2009 to just shy of 90 for 2010 (a 37% increase), however the real achievement

was the level and quality of the play compared to previous years.

The day began with an opening session chaired by Naib Sadr Majlis, Fahim Anwer Sahib, who reminded all the attendees of the spirit of competition, brotherhood and fairness in all the upcoming games.

The format consisted of Doubles and Singles competitions. The initial stages consisted of group rounds with four competitors per group - with the top two qualifying for the last sixteen of the competition: the knockout stages.

Games quickly got underway and it was evident that the Khuddam this year were taking the title of National Badminton Champion very seriously. Even some members of the Sehat-e-Jismani team could not resist the chance to compete. The matches were fair, but fiercely contested. The semi-finals were of such a high calibre that it could have been mistaken for a final in previous years.

Sadr Majlis graciously agreed to attend the tournament despite his very busy schedule, and also knowing personally that Football is his favourite sport he looked as though he really enjoyed the Finals and paid tribute to the high quality play of the competitors.

The Final of the Doubles competition consisted of an Ansar contingent of Gohar Maqsood and Kashif Mahmood from Baitul Fatuh against Muhamad Ahmad Dhar and Zeeshan Nasir from Baitul Nur. It was a cagey affair that ended with Gohar and Kashif

National Badminton Tournament 2010 Sunday 28th February 2010, Midlands

lifting the Doubles title.

The final of the singles was a repeat of the final in Manchester 2009 with Basharat Ahmad from Baitul Noor and Basit Tallha from East Region competing. Last year’s winner was Basharat. Sadr Majlis wished both Khuddam good luck and prior to starting the game with silent prayer asked Tallha in an amusing manner “Are you planning on avenging your loss from last year?”

Everyone present was eager to find out. The game was a very tight affair and serve was being won and lost at an alarming rate; the Khuddam were very equally matched. As the game began to open up with each player at the top of his game Tallha won the opening game on a knife edge.

The format of the final was a best-of-three matchup and the second game got underway shortly. The Khuddam spectators looked astonished at the quality of what they were witnessing, however the real drama was about to unfold. After an early battle for serve Basharat broke down in pain. On came team physio Shiraz Sethi and the diagnoses was a severe cramp and a possible muscle pull. The match was awarded to Tallha as Basharat could not continue. Maybe it was Sadr Majlis’ words that came to pass? Or maybe it was Tallha’s time? Nevertheless, the victory was well deserved.

The final session saw the prize-giving ceremony and a wide-ranging and compelling closing address from Sadr Majlis. From the origins of Badminton to the role of sports and physical development in Islam, everyone present knew they were listening to something special.

By the Grace of Allah the event was a huge success and credit must be given to the efforts of Midlands Region. Regional Qaid Bilal Bhatti Sahib has a wonderful Region and I pray they go from

strength to strength. Ameen. I have to also mention President of Leicester Habib Akram Sahib and Qaid Sahib Leicester for their hard work in constantly liaising with the Sehat-e-Jismani team. They made their job look very easy.

Most of all a huge thank you to all those Khuddam who took the journey to Leicester and made the day such a success, May Allah bless you immensely. Ameen. All those Khuddam that didn’t make it for this event please do come along to our future tournaments. I challenge you to become the best.


Farooq Mirza

Mohtamim Sehat-e-Jismani

Farraz Sethi Sahib explains the rules of the tournamentNaib Sadr, Fahim Anwar Sahib, Chairs the Opening session

The venue consisted of 6 badminton courts allowing both doubles and singles group matches to be played simultaneously.

When they were not taking part, everyone was keen to watch

Friends and competitors gathered from many regions to take part in the tournament

Technique and skill were key to the success of players

An exciting early round match attracted attention as two skilled players fought for a place in the next round

Although the spirit of brotherhood remained throughout the entire tournament, no quarter was given and the matches were played to a high standard

Clearly marked courts made organisation of the event easy to manage

Jama’at members offering congregational prayers

Our generous hosts ensured all the competitors needs were accommodated

A nutritious lunch was graciously provided by Khuddam from the Midlands Region

Two worthy adversaries pose after an action-packed encounter

The eventual winner of the Men’s Singles title enroute to the Final

A focused Khadim engaged in a rally

Concentration and agility were just two of the qualities all the competitors displayed

Given the high standard of play it was clear Khuddam had put in the hours on the training courts

Brotherhood and team spirit on displayNasir Sajjad Sahib having more success than others!

Members of the Sehat-e-Jismani team try their hand at Badminton

Sadr Majlis with the Finalists of the Men’s Doubles competition

Sadr Majlis with the Finalists of the Men’s Singles competition

Respected member of Midlands Jama’at sharing a light hearted moment with Sadr Majlis.

Members of the organising committee and the Sehat-e-Jismani team greet Sadr Majlis upon his arrival

The Final proved to be an enthralling encounter, watched by a packed house. Both players performed with great distinction and contested some epic ralliesThe two Singles Finalists prepare to battle for the trophy

All competitors observing Du’a before the final round of matches

Sharp reflexes and a vast shot selection were displayed throughout this close battle

The Doubles Final also proved to be a tightly contested affair, with a high level of skill and tactical nous on show

English translation delivered by a Khadim from the Midlands Region

Recitation from the Holy Qur’an respectfully observed

Despite a valiant attempt by a football Cup Final to keep competitors away, attendance was a significant improvement on the previous year

Sadr Majlis and the organising committee begin the final session

Farooq Mirza Sahib delivering the event reportJama’at members observe the MKA pledge

The worthy winner of the Men’s Singles event

After a brave effort to continue playing with injury, the runner up in the Singles competition collects his trophy from Sadr Majlis

The unfortunate runners-up receive their trophies

The triumphant Doubles pair alongside Sadr Majlis and Farooq Mirza Sahib

The audience attentively listening to the advice given by Sadr Majlis

Sadr Majlis delivering yet another excellent speech

Sadr Majlis being presented with a coveted Sehat-e-Jismani hoody in light of his unwavering support and guidance

Sadr Majlis addresses the hall

Silent prayer concluding the closing session

National Atfal Rally02–04.04.10 | Baitul Futuh

Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK held its National Atfal Rally from the 2nd April to the 4th April 2010 at Baitul Futuh. The registered attendance was 994 Atfal which is 60% of the Tajneed. This compares to last year’s figure of 845.

As per last year the Rally was a full 3 day event, commencing after Jumu’ah prayer on the 2nd April. The opening session was inaugurated by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, after which the academics competitions began. A new interactive quiz competition and memory test were held for the older age groups. The Atfal were split into four groups namely Tahir, Nasir, Noor & Bashir for their academics and sports competitions.

On Saturday the session was inaugurated by Mohtamim Atfal, after which the groups were formed again and the Atfal were split into the different competitions. Due to the adverse weather the sports competitions had to be held in the Tahir Hall, where a new game entitled ‘Atfal Ball’ was created in place of football. In the academics there was a high degree of participation, with over 100 Atfal competing in one group for just one of the competitions. In order to deal with the numbers, over 25 judges were requested from Jamia. In the evening a Question & Answer session was held, conducted by Maulana Naseem Bajwa Sahib who answered

a variety of questions. The topic of Halal and Haram food was brought up again as well as the question of Tabligh. After Maghrib & Ishaa Salaat, the ever-popular barbecue and fun fair was held in which all regions provided a fun activity for the Atfal to take part in. Some of the activities, to name a few, were the bungee run, gladiator duel, coconut shy, scalextric track, basketball shooting, penalty shots, activity course and punch bag. For the barbecue approximately 1500 pre-packed kebab rolls were distributed to the Atfal.

On Sunday the session began with an excellent presentation by National Murabbi Atfal, Nadimur Rahman Sahib. Nadim Sahib’s presentation was varied and included extremely important subjects such as schooling, internet safety and other important issues of the day. The Atfal were completely engaged in the presentation and learnt a lot as did some of the parents present. Following this the various sports and academics finals were held. After lunch and Salaat, the 2nd & 3rd prize distribution was held and was chaired by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

The concluding session was chaired by Amir Sahib UK, Rafiq Hayat Sahib who impressed upon the children about the importance of education. This was followed by the highlight

of the whole Rally, which was the message from Huzur Aqdas [atba] specifically for the Atfal of the UK which was read out by Sadr Majlis. Huzur[atba] message varied over many subjects and gave all the Atfal as well the organisers much food for thought. The Rally was concluded with silent prayer.

National Atfal Rally 2010 Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2nd - 4th April 2010, Baitul Futuh

The opening session chaired by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Tommy Kallon Sahib at Baitul Futuh on Friday 2nd April 2010

Atfal follow Sadr Majlis in reciting the Atfal Pledge and Mohtamim Atfal welcomes the Atfal to this year’s Rally.

Sadr Majlis inaugurates the Rally with his opening address.

Atfal eagerly participate in an observation test targeted at sharpening Atfal attention to detail.

Academic competitions - Adhan, Tilawat, Nazm and speech - are held for Atfal.

Lunch is prepared by the MKA Ziafat team and served to the Atfal.


(saturday opening session): Boys of ages up to 15 attend the rally - some as young as 5 are part of the Masroor group.

A special prize is awarded to a Tifl who had completed the Holy Qur’an at a very early age


Indoor sports focused the Atfal and provided a much-needed energy outlet

The increased attendance at the Rally proves to be a challenge as Atfal are spread throughout the Mosque.

Second and third prizes are awarded to Atfal by Maulana Naseem Bajwa Sahib, Imam Baitul Futuh.

To ensure fairness, younger age groups are split from older ones during academic and sports competitions.

This year, again due to unsuitable weather, sports was brought indoors where improvised basketball was played.

Sadr Majlis awards the winners and special prize winners in the youngest age group.

Maulana Bajwa Sahib kindly agrees to field questions by Atfal at the now-regular Q&A session.

One of the most queued-for events was the mini-Gladiator duelling battleground

Saturday evening recreational playground and a sumptuous barbecue and is the highlight of the Rally for many Atfal.

One of the features of the eagerly awaited Funfair - a mini-bungee course is hired every year providing safe, bouncy fun.

At the recreational playground, each region contributes in a different manner, resulting in a variety of activities.

Sadr Majlis brings out the Rooney in him with some penalty shoot-outs

Muqami again tested Atfal wit and strength with their ‘Strongest Man’ equipment.

Baitul Futuh host the popular Scalextric track

... and for the more aggressive there was coconut shy - throwing balls at objects!

. For the milder temperament Atfal, there were hoops...

Could this be the ‘Strongest Man 2010’ ?

A teacher and once Mohtamim Atfal himself, National Murabbi Atfal Nadimur Rahman Sahib gave a most useful and eye-opening presentation on the internet and getting help when in danger.

The tug-of-war tends to brings out the biggest Atfal, surprising - and even intimidating - some Khuddam!

A multitude of approaches were adopted by eager fathers to try to attempt to gain an advantage in the father-and-son race!

Having been briefed and given sound advice by parents, the Atfal set off on a well-participated egg-and-spoon-race by the younger group.

In traditional fashion, Amir Sahib UK came and individually met all levels of the Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya Amila.

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Amir Sahib UK, Mohtamim Atfal and General Secretary Sahib with the National Atfal Majlis-e-Amila.

The National Atfal Majlis-e-Amila joined by regional and local Nazimeen

Tilawat, Nazm and the Atfal Pledge started the final session of the Atfal Rally on Sunday afternoon

Mohtamim Atfal presented the event report to an Atfal audience so large that Atfal were overflowing at the front!

First prize winners of all age groups in various competitions are given their awards by Amir Sahib.

Amir Sahib UK gives timely advice and inspiration to Atfal focusing specifically on raising their academic achievements.

Sadr Majlis was most kindly given a detailed, lengthy message for Atfal from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V [atba], which subsequently set the agenda for much of the Atfal organisation for that year.

By the Grace of Allah a successful National Atfal Rally was concluded with silent prayer.

Charity Challenge


Windsor Great Park(Herftfordshire)







MKACC committee met at 8am on the day of the charity challenge at Beaumont House Estate. Usman Ahmad Sahib, Chairman of the MKACC 2010, lead the prayers and briefly discussed issues with departments.

Representatives from all 10 charities arrived promptly at 9am to setup their stalls in the conference hall. Transport arrangements were available for all guests from Beaumont House to Windsor Great Park.

Registration opened at 9am in Windsor Great Park. At the same time, the reception and site team were making arrangements at the Beaumont House Estate for the lunch at final session.

At 10am all key areas were rechecked to ensure coverage. Marshalls were deployed at 11am on the route and the refreshment point was setup at the same time.

Tea and biscuits were provided from 10am at the starting point. A secured wireless nework was setup to access live attendance report in and around the registration area.

The opening session of the walk started at 12:15, chaired by Amir Sahib UK. At the end of the session Amir Sahib lead everyone is silent prayer.

Following the silent prayer, the run began with professional runners taking the front spaces. A separate Atfal route was designated for Atfal under the age of 10. Vans were deployed on the route to pick up walkers and Runners who could not finish the route. All walkers and runners were awarded medals at the finishing line and printed certificates were also available on request in the registration marquee.

Lunch was provided back at the hotel for gusests at 2.30pm. This was followed by Zohr and Asr prayers lead by Amir Sahib UK in the main conference hall.

Proceedings of the final session began soon after prayers in the conference hall chaired by Amir Sahib UK. Inspector of Police for Heathrow Airport and the Superintendent of Windsor Great Park were also present in the final session.

After Tilawat and translation, Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK delivered his welcome address. This was followed by a short video presentation, introducing Islam, Ahmadiyyat and the activities that Jama’at has undertaken across the globe.

The Chairman Charity Challenge presented his report after the video presentation, which was then followed by a prize distribution ceremony. Amir Sahib UK kindly present Certificates of Support to all 10 charities on behalf of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

All charity representatives were given the opportunity to speak after receiving certificates. All spoke highly of the Majlis and

praised the charitiable work undertaken by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. Amir Sahib then delivered the final address of the day, concluding by leading everyone in silent prayer.

This year’s event was attended by 607 Khuddam and Atfal, raising in excess of £150,000.

MKA Charity Challenge 2010 ReportSunday, 9th May 2010

The registration team set-up their IT systems in record time to ensure they are prepared to register the hundreds of participants and take details of their fund-raising efforts (08:00am)

Representatives from the charities begin to erect their exhibitions and stalls at the Conference Hall. The stalls included Save the Children, NSPCC, Leukaemia Research, Humanity First and Barnardos (09:00am)

The MKA Stall, ready and fully stocked up to supply the participants with plenty of refreshments (08:30am)

Participants eagerly line up to get themselves registered and hand-over their collected promises (08:30am)

Atfal from Inner Park getting themselves prepared for the start of the race (10:30am)

The charity representatives arrive at Windor Great Park to meet and greet the participants (10:00am)

Waqar Ahmedi Sahib interviewing Eifron Hopper from the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People)

Khuddam proudly respresenting one of the many chairties that is being supported this year

Participants make their way to the start line

Khuddam from across the UK come together to raise money and awareness for Charity whilst renewing their friendships and bonds of brotherhood

The route is checked and marshalls deployed (11:30am)

Dua (Silent Prayer) (12:20pm)

Months of planning and organisation begin to come to fruition as the participants excitedly line up at the start of the race

Amir Sahib UK gracously chairs the opening session and says a few inspiring word (12:15pm)

The participants receiving some final instructions and guidance, whilst being organised for the various races (12:20pm)

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Amir Sahib UK and the Charity representatives at the Starting line

The Atfal begin their specially arranged race with a slightly shorter, but testing route.

Amir Sahib fires the starting horn to get the main marathon underway (12:30pm)

Finally the walkers get underway. (12:40pm)

Now a tradition, Sadr Majlis delays his start to give the other runners a chance!

“Of course I’m not resting just 5 minutes into the race...”

Khuddam on their way along the route...

Some of the participants along the route...

Khuddam and Atfal enjoying the scenic route

Although not all too part to be competitive, each wanted to complete the race and be part of this historic event.

Runners make their way round the 10K route.

Participants make their way around the route whilst taking in the wonderful surroundings

Participants of MKACC 2010 were not the only ones enjoying Windsor Great Park

One of the many interesting features of Windsor Great Park

Marshals lined the route at checkpoints, guiding participants as they made their way around.

This year over 600 Khuddam and Atfal took part in the Charity Challenge event

With Windsor Castle off in the distance, the picturesque surroundigs of this years venue were one of the highlights of the event

Muhammed Ahmed Sahib, who is the oldest participant at 80 years old is presented with a medal at the finish line.

Runners sprint towards the finishing line

Even with a delayed start, Sadr Majlis makes impressive progress

The winning group (Left to Right): Fateh Tahir (Islamabad), Salman Muzaffer (Scunthorpe), Humayun Jahangeer Khan,(Islamabad), Nooruddin Jahangeer Khan (Islamabad) and Yasser Hadi Khan (Gillingham)

One of the participants is presented with his finishing medal by a charity representative.

The competitive participants eagerly await to receive their time, each wanting to improve on last year.

Some khuddam are even more pleased than most on getting to the finishing line.

As good natured as it is, the competitive spirit is clearlyvisible among some khuddam brothers.

The MTA crew interview some of the participants at the end of the race.

A tasty lunch of Chicken biryani is served throughout the early afternoon to ensure all guests and participants are fed.

Preparations are made at the Beaumont House Estate Conference Suite for the final session (2:45pm)

The various guests, dignatries and Jamaat members take their seats as the proceedings for the closing session begin.

Following Tilawat with translation, Sadr Majlis KhuddamulAhmadiyya UK, Tommy Kallon Sahib, delivers his welcomeaddress.

A short video presentation is shown to the guests, introducing Islam, Ahmadiyyat and the Jama’at’s Khidmat-e-Khalq activities around the world.

Police Chief Inspector of Heathrow, Cliff Law, says a few words during the closing session.

Charity Challenge 2010 Chairman, Usman Ahmad, presents his event report and gives a vote of thanks to the charity representatives.


MKA Charity Challenge 2010 Concluding Session at the Beaumont House Estate Conference Suite

Amir Sahib presents certificates of support to all the charity representatives.

The charity representatives give certificates of thanks to Majlis Khuddamul Ahmaddiyya, and say a few words about what their charities do, and how our fundraising efforts have made a difference.

The winning group receive their first place shield from Amir Sahib UK and Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK

Special prize, oldest participant award: Muhammed Ahmad Sahib.

Prize for best regional attendance: Muqami. Prize for best qiadat attendance: Inner Park.

Atfal race: First prize goes to Ishan Khalil (Islamabad)

Amir Sahib UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, address the guests. Amir Sahib UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, concludes the final session with Du’a (silent prayer).

Some of the dignitaries and guests are interviewed once the concluding session has finished.

National Football


University of Bath(Bath)

[salam]The National Football Tournament has become one of the most eagerly awaited events on the Khuddam calendar - even more so this year as it coincides with the 2010 World Cup.

The 2009 7evens Tournament was a great success and achieved a record attendance, however as with all our events, the aim is always to improve upon previous editions. To achieve this, the planning began very early in identifying a venue capable of hosting Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya’s flagship sports event.

After a lot of hard work and negotiation by the sports team - specifically Saif Ahmedi Sahib - Bath University was chosen as the venue to host the tournament. Many venues were considered, however it was the picturesque landscape of Bath and the unparalleled history of Bath University’s sports and athletics facilities that made the decision easy for us.

Once the venue was confirmed, a region was needed to provide the infrastructure and logistics for the event. After the success of last year’s National Cricket Tournament and with Bath being in South West Region, Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya approved the region to have the honour of hosting this year’s tournament.

With the success of the IFL Inter Qiadat Football League, there had been very good communication with the captains of the teams. Therefore, with the aid of the captains we were able to confirm and pre-register a record 26 Khuddam teams, as well as 8 Atfal teams before the tournament began. Over two months of regular communication between members of the Sehat-e-Jismani team and team captains across the country was vital in organising and scheduling the event. Prior to the event Sadr Majlis completed the draw and, for the first time, there was to be a National Majlis-

e-Amila team captained by Sadr Majlis himself.

The day began with an opening address from Sadr Majlis wearing the National Majlis-e-Amila team kit. The key points of the speech encouraged Khuddam to play with the correct attitude - remembering that they are Ahmadi Muslims. The weather on the day was hot, and whilst this was welcome, it did add to the physical test of the tournament on each of the players. On the day there were seven very well prepared grass pitches in total, each team was seven-a-side and consisted of a squad of up to 13 Khuddam, some regions including Baitul Futuh had up to three teams on the day.

Once the games kicked off it was easy to see that each team was taking the tournament very seriously. It also rapidly became evident that by the Grace of Allah, the level and quality of the Khuddam players in every team was of a high level and noticeably

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK National Football Tournament 2010

improved from previous years.

Lunch was provided and Sadr Majlis led Salaat before the football commenced again and, as in this year’s World Cup, there were some shock results, none more so then the National Majlis-e-Amila team qualifying from its group into the knock out stages of the competition. Perhaps the biggest surprise was Islamabad B going further then it’s A team and reaching the semi-final against last year’s winners, Midlands. It was a close match with Midlands eventually reaching the final, to be followed shortly by the surprise package, Baitun Noor.

As the teams lined up for the final, Sadr Majlis was introduced to each member of the two teams by their respective captains. After silent prayer, the referee Qadoos Samad blew his whistle to commence the game. As the game unfolded it was clear to all that they were witnessing one of the best and most competitively contested games of the tournament. The burning heat of the sun had taken its toll on the legs of the players but not their determination to be crowned 2010 champions. Both teams were

close to winning it in a back and forth encounter, however as the referee blew for full time, for the first time in their history, Baitun Noor, captained by the player of the tournament, Abdullah Diba, were crowned Majlis Khuddumul Ahmadiyya 2010 National Football Tournament Champions. The majority of the team was from Jamia and, as Sadr Majlis noted in his closing address, the future of our football was safe in their hands. The eventual winners of the Atfal tournament were Baitul Futuh.

The previous year’s attendance was 397 Khuddam and Atfal. This year’s National Football Tournament attendance totalled 427 Khuddam and Atfal - a record for any Khuddam sports event. The event was a huge success. I must make a special mention to Shazil Lone and Saif Ahmedi for negotiating the venue and, of course, the whole Sehat-e-Jismani team as it is only due to a team effort and Allah’s Grace that an event of such magnitude can truly be delivered. Thanks must go to South West region, ably managed by the Regional Qaid, Noman Sahib, for all their hard work. They led the way for any region in hosting a National sports event and finally thanks must

go to Sadr Majlis for all his prayers and continued guidance at every stage of the delivery of this event. Without Allah’s help nothing is possible.

I humbly request everyone to pray for the continued success of the sports team in delivering bigger and better events for Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. I hope each of you who attended relays feedback to all those Khuddam that didn’t attend in letting them know that they missed a high quality event.

I hope to see you all at our next event and I challenge you to come out and show us what you are made of!


Farooq MirzaMohtamim Sehat-e-JismaniMajlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK

Alhamdulillah, the steps taken by the Sehat–e–Jismani team to register participants in advance paid dividends, as can be seen by the strong participation from Baitul Futuh region

Sadr Majlis addresses a packed gymnasium, reminding participants of their responsibilities to play the game in the correct spirit

The opening ceremony starts with a recitation from the Holy Qur’an by a local Khadim

Jama’at members observe the MKA pledge

The opening ceremony concludes with a silent prayer

The registration process is completed, and with the fixtures drawn up in advance play starts promptly

Technique and skill were key to the success of the players

Teams from South, Islamabad and Muqami warm up for the group stages

The National Majlis-e-Amila team

Although the spirit of brotherhood remained throughout the entire tournament, no quarter was given and the matches were played to a high standard

Hard work and dedication in the gym paid off for the members of the National Majlis-e-Amila team, as they progressed through the group stages

Marshalled by the influential Sadr Majlis, the Majlis-e-Amila team produced some excellent football

The perceived dominance of the Baitul Futuh team failed to materialise — and were dealt a surprisingly early exit

Baitun Noor en route to the Final were particularly strong this year

An excellent lunch was graciously provided by Khuddam from South West region. Our generous hosts ensured all the competitors’ needs were accommodated

Preparations were made for Zuhr prayers to be offered

Jama’at members offering congregational prayers behind Sadr Majlis

Atfal teams were accommodated in a separate competition; the high level of play bodes well for the future

Concentration and agility were just two of the qualities all the competitors displayed

Brotherhood and team spirit on display

The Atfal enjoyed a competitive day and played the game in the correct spirit throughout

As the business end of the tournament got underway, the Islamabad B team led by Saif Ahmedi Sahib surprised many

The Islamabad B team proceed to the Quarter Finals. Following earlier news of the Islamabad A team exit, it is clear to see who the

happier set of players are

Baitun Noor following a solid win, en route to the Final.

Baitul Futuh

Sadr Majlis, Farooq Mirza Sahib and Abdul Quddus Sahib line up alongside the teams from Baitun Noor and Midlands for what promises to be an exciting Final

Sadr Majlis leads the participants in silent prayer before the action gets underway

The Final proved to be an enthralling encounter Both teams performed with great distinction and were worthy finalists

As a testament to the level of play, nothing could divide the teams The pace and energy of a young Midlands side was equal to the disciplined structure of the Baitun Noor team

After a 0-0 finish at normal time, a penalty shoot-out was contested

Both sides demonstrated great composure, with the Baitun Noor goalkeeper pulling off some excellent saves

There can only be one winner, and Baitun Noor having scored all three spot kicks were crowned the new Champions

Sadr Majlis leads members in the MKA pledge

Sadr Majlis and the organising committee begin the final session with recitation from the Holy Qur’an by a local Khadim

Farooq Mirza Sahib delivers the event report. Despite a valiant attempt by the World Cup to keep competitors away, attendance was an improvement on the previous year

Sadr Majlis presenting awards to this year’s outstanding players

The victorious Baitun Noor team accepts its trophy from Sadr Majlis

Sadr Majlis delivers another insightful speech and concludes the closing session with silent prayer