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Transcript of CONSENSUS PROTESTANTS IN UNITED STATES Introduction to Religious Studies.


Introduction to Religious Studies

Characteristics Friendly or at least tolerant relationships

with other religions and secular groups Reliant on births with the congregation to

increase membership or focus on converting persons with no prior denominational affiliation (the “unchurched”)

Acceptance that changes in teaching and practices should reflect larger social changes but no consensus on when or how such change should occur (i.e.; role/status of women, gays and lesbians)

Characteristics Tolerance of diversity within the

denomination Worship tends to be more routine than

spontaneous; focus on liturgy Professional clergy must meet specific

educational and certification requirements for ordination.

Religion viewed as a matter of voluntary participation.

Core Beliefs Religious life should center on the life,

death and resurrection of Jesus. Bible plays a central role for Protestants; it

stands as the only authority for religious faith and practice. All other creeds or doctrine subordinate to this principle

Salvation a undeserved gift from God. Humans can do nothing to earn salvation (salvation through “faith” not works)

Core Beliefs The church is the gathered fellowship of

believers. Church perceived more event than institution

Priesthood of all believers. All Christians possess the same responsibilities and authority. No person has an “inside track” to divine authority. All are equal because all have access to the Bible (in theory)

Lifestyle Protestants must live in the middle of the

world, not separated from it God to be glorified (honored) in all aspects

of private and communal life Morality seen as a response to God’s free

gift of salvation.

Rituals Two sacraments recognized; Only two acts

disciples (according to some gospels) told by Jesus to carry on after his death

Baptism Immersion Sprinkling Pouring Some denominations practice infant

baptism, others do not

Rituals Lord’s Supper or Communion

Common loaf, common chalice Intinction Non-flour wafer and individual cup (shot

glass) Some use wine, some use unfermented

juice Idea of remembrance of sacrifice As opposed to transubstantiation or

consubstantiation Bread and wine remain bread and wine

Rituals Preaching as ritual

Pulpit occupies prominent place in church architecture and liturgy

Considered the focal point of worship

Organization Each Protestant denomination is self-

governing Congregation form Connectional form Hierarchical form

Ecumenical organizations formed to assist denominations in meeting shared goals National Association of Evangelicals (1942) National Council of Churches (1950)

Organization Most ministers are married rather than

celibate; rejection of monastic traditions Many traditions ordain women

Denominational Distinctions Taken on less importance over the past 20

years and American ideas of individuality and community have changed

About 60% of adults in US self-identify as “Protestant”




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Baptist Methodist

Lutherans Presbyterians

Episcopalians Non-Denominationals


Denominational Chart

Southern Baptist Free Church Movement (church should be adult

voluntary organization New Testament can be interpreted by each

believer through the Holy Spirit There exists no official creed Advocates the clear division of church and state

and freedom of religion Church should consist only of those adults

spiritually reborn and sincere in pursuit of the “Christian Life” (regenerate church membership)

Southern Baptist Supports freedom on conscience in

matters of belief In South, more likely to express a

fundamentalist perspective Inerrancy of Scripture (not myth or

allegory) Bible is scientifically and historically

accurate Rejection of evolution as viable world view Anticipation of final Judgment Day Literal Heaven and Hell

Southern Baptist Individual congregations may set clear

standards of behavior for members Worship tends to be more emotional and

evangelical (emphasis on a conscious, personal conversion to Christ) and varies from one congregation to the next

Actually observe “ordinances” rather than sacraments

Southern Baptist Do not practice infant baptism (requires

understanding and personal consent) Baptism by immersion (although some

transfer members may be accepted with baptism from other denominations—varies by congregation)

Congregational but can come together as a convention

United Methodist Founded by John Wesley Emphasis on practical divinity (putting

Christian faith into practice) Doctrine of salvation based on grace and

assurance, leading to sanctification Non-creedal, like Baptists, but doctrine

provides the acceptable guidelines for understanding Scripture (so not like Baptists). Both creedal and non-creedal. Carried by tradition rather than by church law.

United Methodist Focus on social dimension of Christian

faith Basic principles:

Do no harm and avoid evil of all kinds Do good of every possible sort to all people Observe the ordinances of God including

worship, Scripture, preaching, participation in the sacraments, family prayer, private prayer, Bible reading, fasting and abstinence

United Methodist Practice infant baptism; confirmation

acceptance of vows taken on ones behalf when an infant

Worship varies widely but liturgical order suggested in Book of Worship

Baptism can be by any of the three recognized means

Connectional Noted for diversity Religion both a matter of mind and heart

Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod Both embrace the basic teachings of Martin

Luther Small Catechism and Augsburg Confession Unlike Baptisms and Methodism, Lutherans are

a creedal denomination (in this regard both Scripture and Creeds are necessary for correct belief) Creeds of value because they assist in revealing the truth of the Word of God

Luthern Usually culture affirming in approach to modern

world Missouri Synod the more conservative of

traditions, advocating a private schooling system and rigid lifestyle

Worship formal and liturgical. Hymns written by Luther given prominence.

Pulpit and altar of equal importance (unlike other Protestant denominations)

Consubstantiation – essence but not literal presence

Presbyterian Founded by John Knox, based on teachings of

John Calvin Known as reformed movement- reformed

theology (emphasizes God’s supremacy over all things, in God’s majesty, holiness and providence)

Possesses a creedal faith (Westminster Confession) (also see complete creed set)

Congregational in organization Worship tends to be liturgical with the highpoint

the sermon (which primarily serves a teaching function)

Presbyterian Hymns and prayers should reflect

reformed theology Worship perceived as God’s work in the

world—one way in which God interacts with the created order

Encourage infant baptism Communion as Memorial Many branches of Presbyterianism with

largest PCUSA (formed in 1983)

Episcopalian Often considered Protestant in theology

while Catholic in worship Creedal while stressing the “loyalty in

essentials and liberty in non-essentials” Book of Common Prayer Possesses saints/ saints days (like

Catholics) Does possess a small monastic tradition

Episcopalian Tend to be most liberal among Protestants while

reflecting the highest socioeconomic status Sacraments, as “effectual means” of conveying

the Grace of God (consubstantiation) Eucharistic service on Sunday often called mass Like Catholics, sacrament called “Eucharist” Believe that confirmation, reconciliation,

marriage, ordination, anointing of the sick hold sacramental significance (while still remaining rites). Unique among Protestants.

Both Hierarchical and connectional