Con~ress, Legislature qon~ sts~o. Spice … Herald...

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Transcript of Con~ress, Legislature qon~ sts~o. Spice … Herald...




NE Nebr~ska farm.

in Wayne Th~SdaYend a feeders' orumby . a national anti·. Featured alee1'

aj~ E. Hawley' 'adc:·0"" tie), sci~is with.

r~~~~h1;~:· cferolld

! 1

PZ,5ZPZ.SZPZ,5ZPZ.5Z.P3.5ZP4,5ZP5,5ZP6,5ZP6,5ZP7.5ZPB.5ZP8.sZP8.sZP3.s1P3,$3 .P4,53PS.s3P6.53P7,53PS,51P4,51

News Index •••

EditorialsCounty Agent's ColumnIn BooklandCap-tol NewsFO(Jtbal1 Contest

,School News'Carroll News

ILegal NoticesSample Ballot I

~;o~a~:~;ld News4;-


NW Wakefield NewsSholes News

:~~~:t;{eld News;Concord News

1 Winside News

IHoskins NewsF~rm Oullook

I Want ,Ads .:"I, S1'0rt. News

Jaycees Slate

Awards Dinner\\ a .... nc ,Jaycees have set theIr

sr-eclal awards banquet for NoY.1:\ I with two youtbs to receIve hon,on

Th(' Frank S Morgan Memorial<!lward for the wmner of the Ja!',cee~ annual golf tournament .....111be presented to Larry Berres. Mrs_ 1

Frank Morgan WIll be guest ofmonor

A sanng~ bond will be .pr~sented :t(l Fa~·tht: John50n for WlDnmg the 'local \·OlCC of Democracy contest 1

sponsored by the Jaycees.

Re-Elect Winside Man at,Legio,n Conclave TI:Bursday

,., ,I ' ","' ~ , •.", ~"r"L"

\\ lfiSldt' _ Har\"e\~ Podoll. V'':l!I1- mander. The 1957 convention willSIde wa~ re·elected, \Va"ne Call[}' be held at Carroll. CommanderI;' American LeglOn commander Podoll reported on 1956 aetivi·\\ ednesda~ mght at the annual ties and made recommendationscounl\ conventIOn Mrs John Pam.!· for 1957.sen. C."arroll. was narmed A-u.xiliary Mr~. Podoll preslded a.t ,thepr('sldcnt to succeed Mrs. Podol~. AUXIliarY sesSIOn :\lr:. \\ lIliam

About 9U persons attended a ba!n- Fmn. Viavne. was ndmed \"ICC___________~ quet at the \Vmside LegIon hail. preSident 'and Mrs_ Warren JaCOb

:.Adoll acted as toa:stmaster. sen, Wmside. secretary

MOl1ke,tsWrnslde PreSident MrS. Deonard DistrIct PreSIdent !tlrs. MarjOrie

"\ndersen ga\'('/ the welcome a~d Smith. Harungton, spoke on the,~,lrs Len R~erts Carroll. ~e- obligations. of v~t~ng and .on c{}·_

___....._- 1sponded. MUSical llumbers were operallon In Auxiliar;. 1Vork. Mrsfurnished b\ the AJ::xiliary cboriUS Paulsen was named delegate to

'(Prices in Wayne Wednesday a.m:) and Ph.llis 'and RU~ Cook' Wayqe the distrIct convention at DecaturCorn $r.'29 Robert I Cook, C5lIToll, gave I a WIth Mrs Jones, CarI1oll, a:. alterOats >.n readmg ~ I nate,Cream, lb. 1 .62 SpeCial recogmtion was gIVen to I Other Legion offiClals attendingH.ens, lb. (ol'ver 5 -,bs.) .10 \lsltmg officers and to LegI n- were Area VICe Commander NealHens, Ib, IU~'lid.' 5 Ib,.) .09 nalre' WIth 35 ye~s continn US Eckman, West Poml DIStrIctCocks, Ib, ,08 membershIp I Commander Gene Galbrallh Bee'Eggs, cur. epts., doz. .22 LeSIClnnalres re-lelected Ji 'mer and DIstrict Adjutant Milo

.~ Wool, nativ .. lb. .40 Paulsen, Carroll, as vi~e co . Konopik Bancroft


,r.vAYNE, NEBRASKA, tHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1956 t?e~~~~d~:v:r;.l~h~:'B.~~~.e~ebT .NUMIIER TW NTY:5IX

Con~ress, Legislature qon~ sts~o.Spice Tuesday's General ~I ctionSlate Irrigation !College Prexy' Speaker Mayor's Procla,J:.afion hree VVing;'Study for NE I I AtwFSTatchePrr·e~,.odenntB\~nqAu. eB~and. or County-

, '" WHEREAS, The United States 01 Ame,ico is the st,ong, ~,1 Experiment Farm Ienburg "'ill he guest 'jX'aKAr at hold 01 democ,acy in the world today, and EA PostI.' 'S'!.. - . ~ . the annual fath':r-son banrJU~T to--: ExperImental work 1Il gallon night at th, First Pre!'bytpnfUl WHEREAS, the United ~totes of America has been kept


is included In plans for ortheast church About 12.5 arC' f'xpectC'd to .L h th h NE Nebraska mterest :0 Tlle-S·I 1 fa free and strong by its citizens t-nroug out. e years as t ey d' :ll I . will .

~~~;:~~nde~tP~im~ntaF110wer~y' ~~~r;t~ ~~~n~~~nt sponsorl'd h;' thp hove resolved their issues and chosen their public officials by a Y~l~~~~~'; ~~~~ats ince~~~tqld farm dIrer. tors ill a letter last Robert Haas will sern ~" toast the power of the ballot box, and {l' e's5 and the State Legislature.wjf;ek. master Howard Witt \\ Jll gWf' Local political officials said a

The Umverslty of Neb~aska qas the Invocation i\'luswal numb('r~ WHEREAS, only by true representative, government may n r-record turnout is' .t.Npected.··1 lased 40 acres from c.' D. Has· will be furnlshpd h" Kf'nnpth the UnITed States of America continue to be strong and free, ~ pi es"I'da,yDen,elalc,ouns,at','e', lnconao!.deist,iol·onn"lo, I'I k II for Irngated plots. T~e leased Coomru; and Jcrry Pugsle~ Ru~- and "'~ Li

11' nd IS the southwest fO acres seV Anderson will lead group j c unty and non-poliQcal tickets.o the 160 acres directly south of singing. Dr C.) B. ffroe.'t1 \\;11 gl\"{' _WHEREAS, true representative governm,ent can be con- j !'tebraska voters Vvill cast bal·

, ~ . 'I' • • P"OtO e exnenment fann. the ix'ne-dlctlon I'," 1 II ts on five proposed amendmentsDeposits at Wayne.ti twp ~ariks i hat total. Shown' exami,ningr the tlon money will be saved and can I Watet source will be Logan creek Committee in dll.argf' of th(' tinueo only by the citizens of this country ~y the exercise a ! t the state constitutlon and a..

increa'sed- $17 million iWEd:lnesday bi.lls are Mrs.~Ronald L.age, left, be uStj!d. to p~rchas~ valuable, a d teIlitatJve plans c~ll [or gated. djnner IS Mro.. Howard \\'Itt, ::\lrs their 'precious American right af voting, and! : Iproposed law establishing a' ton-as Wayne b1,Jsinessmen started anc;l Lois Zeplm. ~erchanchse whlc~ W.1I1 ~e ;;-uc- Ip pe and gravity to Irr~ate row Adon Jefirc\ and Mn A E: Davl' mile. tax 1D the state.thejr n~w ·auction m~y p'llan. Customers ~ma&C:ing purchases honed off a. t the city auditorium cop, such as corn, so,· aos and son w 'WHEREAS, the Wayne' Kiwanis Club cind.Junior Cham- 01 p".",. ,'''erest ',n the aTea

, ,'0:' "I-',"-n"y of .th. a ",I··,·pat,'ng stor.s F'in case you're wonoffing'l1Nhat '.... n;... ~f regular rntervaiJs. Irst auction g am sorghums. '. be.r---of Commerce are encouraging all citlzefts of Way9.~ to is the attempt_ of.Larry Brock,$17 million look.s like, the stacks will· receive $~ in audion mdney IS scheduled Nov, 23. Future plans, Flowerday said. vo. te Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1956 in the AmericO;" way; • Wakefield democrat, to t;n~atof bills: pictured here make up for every $1 purchase. This aue- ! ould "undoubtedly indude com- Counc·1 Slates Republican Bob Harrison, Nor·

1...=.:....::=.....r.=:.:.:cC-----'--"-----'----+---'--'---'---~~~_~ ~~~ -...----- iprison . .of all other tYl1les of ir- I NOW, THEREFORE, I, Willard Wiltse, Mayor of Woyrt2., folk, for Third distl"ict represent.

W·.' .ayne.' •.M.!~r.c·h· !a'n,,t'sIO'ffer Free"J:t:I:~er-E:PIOyEie Fete ~~:~s~t,H~~c~i~l!da' '~;':~~:~~~:f~::.n:I~~aFn:~io~I~~~~~~:~;~~~r~;;~~;~: :~;~~~~~3iL~~£a:~~r:i.~J ~ ., " I Attracts 800 Tuesday ~~~;c:~~~d~tdE:th~~ah:r5~~i~~ zenship by votng. 1 and Peter H. Cbrussen. Leigh. fo~

CAboUt ROO persom at~nded the an on-off sale beer lIcense Dated this 1st day of November, 1956 :~:lS~~:~~ld ~~t .J~~~t~~~

A'u'ct''-1on M'one'Y t'0 ustomers ~~~~~~~pa~~~:,l;v:~:~:t::;i~re~~ kli~~~I~f.~;i:~s,~:J:~~~:r~~\;!~ WiUa.d Wiltse, I R~:~on Won .the primacy eleclioo, . '. tlhf cIty audItOrium. Chamnan hearing Will be held at -; p. m Mayor 'Pf Wayne lover Schultz and Claussoo. \', he!';!.

, _ r • \ ~;\k'" Eynon announced, Wednes- Noy. 13. ~fehc~:~n~~:=;;n~~o:~:~~~n;~~

IFitst AiJl~tion I:'· 1 ' NelOghbors ."1-;-k---·- t~.~ ha~~~I~?A h~~~,~lh~~~O~~ ~~V~o;i~!~:~~~~~h:~~O:~~: IWorld Community Day I Mrs. Fitzpatrick st\\UI~~I1 Wayne county. lhr('(' men

IS" 'N" 23\ 1"IHunter, Logan Precinct r - u~(_'d In th( dcc~atlon~. b' t t F d I I Service Set Friday ,are .... ymg for two poSts as drrecton;

et ov l Gr""iftnw.... ld "-rn :;r~ to ~har: 5~SO w~r~70vha; 1 Contest Winner; ~!a~e ~c:als~~~if~~ctG~;J(~~\.;~~·~', , ° 'IPolling Plaee$ Named -I............... ~ . &On on tarming unus.d portions M" P.alph Johnson Lmcoln'l •, Hunters Un urt In p ks 1l'J f 2' :\uernberger. Wakefield., and tn·

Bank deposits i.n Wayne were County Clerk~. A. Bard this Abnut of the airport. T~is would amount \\ 111 bf :ruesl speaker at World Ie 'I 0 ~ cumbent Lyle l'rlarotz, Hoskllbincreased bv Sri million. doUars week reminded Hunter and for Mr~ F d L d fa about 100 acres. I ~~~~~~~ :;alt s~~c:s~~;r;~ I Mrs James Fltzpatnck \\ a\ ne Te~s~~e~f ::~~~s,s~11J :-.~;j;~~'ffre~~es~I~~-o~~cc8J i.~~>·n;~us~fes~ I;h::~:~~c~:t.. , ~:t;: ~~~r:sc~~ ~\a~~llowm~ orce an ng City t~lerk waltcf s Bressl;rblJ

schurch Thp annual ~vent IS spon. 1


"'-on The He:rald 5 weekh footbalJ ceed Watson. who declined to ",n'knew auctl,on mQney pllj.n. !their pre.cincts' for Tuesday's Taking pari FrllJ\" Alahflma Ph('a~nt hu~t- r:r

w~e o~l~onc:r~e 0 re~~~r~d fro~ son'fi hv the Wayne Councll of contest last feek correcth nam re-elecl.lon while tryin6 - for the

The p\-OgrlI rrl is aimed.,at pro- Igeneral electiem. . . • wen \\ alter 'tr P:-;('rIlWf! Injury pdlllf'sday the light plant. Two have been se. Church Women l mg n of tilf 21 wmners despne Le~lative post.viding Wayne shoppers with Hunter. precinct clh%ens Will 1Sphttgprlwr \\ tlen fog cau.sPd them to cured and others will be' sought Program tOPIC \\111 b€' "Our I a rash fOfhup~et~ WhICb confou'nded Most cantrover5iaJ me.asure onvaluable merchandise fr.~e. To- cast .theu ballot~ at the Coun· \ al lJalllrrll ' InrcE'd landm\g In lt~;~~ Buildmg permits Issued rccenth Rlr:r.b as Human Beings" 1 most 0 t e ij:n expen~. the' ballot is the propl>sed ton-day'sl Herald lis being-.maim-d to jfry Club . Hrun:-. HoI, on :1 ~OlJ~l~. rO(H _ 74

1 mcluded· . A clothmg offenng Will be i Point total estimates again de- mile tax. It would provide <l

3,000 addltio~al NE Nebraska Logan preclnc! v~ters will cast (,f(-'t'Il\\;J)li lldlT) , 1'~lll(:"l t· 11(1 0, \\8}n" .' Walter Ulrich. S,5CJ addltlOn to takf'n \Vomen attending are ask· I ter.mined ti winner, however, h· h t b d . htresidents to ~cquaint them .with theirs at the ,District 13 school· ,ml'r~ ['.:.Ill. and l,('llr...:{ i:lern:;Jtlr, 1,~"lUr~I~l:. f:?ffi h~ntm~ In ireSidence at 408 \1y'est Second pd to brmg am of the fonowm~ as, Joe Ken pik. WSTC student~ .a~gd :;f~a~: ::r :I~eco:':e~I:I<l1the details of the plan.--- house. ,. 'g\III\'I(l1"h1Ja'"nU'hn~,.,I.: ~,l1,>,'ju(,;' "',',',',",,','.[.'1" LII",',', .f-'n~th T)aKntCl \\ r fl· Edflw, Harvey 1 Mrs. Wilbur Hall. SS.500 reSl-, hOy",· clothes. age 16 and up; men s picked the arne number of win- trutks arrving 10 r mot to

, ' '- -, .L --' ~l:'. Juhn R~Dbms and Sonny Idence at 106 East Seventh i clothes. esppcially suits ~ov~- c.n.. Mrs. Fihpatrick's total and Oitmi.~.citY·buoses we~9hi~;. A lil'.t oJ tllc 85 paf~tatingfb~-' i-Hermann iJon<\ld .Jal'lJb"'un_ Haruld pkmnn Tuscumbia. ~la. They Earl Lewis. ,$250 driveway and coats, thnee-yard lengths ~ CUlm ::=I6.5J ~~P~=pti~t:~i~:~ 28,00;0 or more pounds.lI~e~se;s a~d an exp a IOn!> I? Kiwanis ta 'EIAct New : Bethune. VilllIatl, Hardman and Illad lI1!ended tn stop at,th£' Waynf;! Iremodel porCh :at 302 Lincoln. ,a,nd sheetmg, or full ilze and ~ b' ef I thP"roJ~ot Will b~ found on page,l. ,;.~~, ~ ,Leon ~h-"·er. ~ 1J.lrport Tn refuel I. D. Hall. $200 addition to home Idoildren's; blankets. 420. ' A rl sUIn?Jary 0 e propt.. ·~'dsectIOn ~. Brlefly.. tl;~ ~ auction lblT:JC8rs Here Monday ! Womer; whu ajt>lsled In sernng Fmdl~g the wayo.e a;irport jat 516 East SIXth. I Third place went to Terry Sim-! amen~ents in1!-l~des: -

: 'money wlll work ~ik~ dUSt: , 'ling "If: Kiwanis club wiII elect I were Mrs (;jcse~ l\1r.~ BIll Slt'ln 'closed In by fog, th

1pilot at. • m~rman. W~yne, who lIed with- . No.1. To ~~. alloc~~hm Ol

Sho.pp~rs In t e~ parlClpa rs at itjs reguJar meet- meyer. Mr~ \Viibur 1.~lun" l\1r~ Itempted a forced landill9 on the. lh:ree o~cr ~ontestants at Hi win_!fines.and.~fbrtru¥k (J\('t-

1 wIH reeeIve.S5,wort~ ~f au~ By noon at Hotel. Mor- Fl"~'d Frcvt'r! Mr~ J'r('d B.rum,. road two miles ~cst on U';gh· "fN~. ! ~ed Cr.pss Chapter to ners. SlD1merman estunated 654 lo~~~.v*la '~'. th' 1 ' .tIon money for ~x:r~ $1j ~~.!j!; ose .Iecte" ..•. ..:n take oJ- l\Ir~ T.)aUTIL 1\,IL- \.\ alh'r SP.lltt- [way 98 and J'4 mIle no,rth. ame Omlffed., , , Elect Off"leers Wednesday points. Others tied: and then est!- . o..,a!1 ariz€, (.:t;~ ,1.:-ThUS a $':10 purcuase WOw gIve '" ~ W.J..I.! b 1 ma'es were Wilbam Bruner. Conn- ture to s!Jb&titute a basl~ ~,.ll'..r

~ .' .-.' '., ,- ,-"~i ger cr ?tIro. T a,mnw Mr~ {,Cl';- Atlp! !olwhmc- dO~ thr plane I In thf' wayn(' High honor roll than valuatJ.on for taxes UPOll Intl:ie buy.el' $100. In auction 0n:ey. iN. _. Chao Or bauer, Mr; RTiuno SplJttgerbpr tiirlf'rl flstHfl.lllng In OOSf' grevel pubhshed in last wf'f'k:- tkrald. 1 \Va~'n[' County Red Cross_,chap- ~I Bluffs. la". 718; .Norman.Christ- and seed pr04uced or t:randl~~"LD.

At regular Intervals, hundreds om'nr~g, t ,~~and! th' Mr.s Homl'r HH~rll1anJi <.tnrl ~Ir" IlJlI: <l \\111)..: struck <> ('nc('. Om' I thf> nam£' of Bptty SWtnnt.·~ \\RS let" .... 11J .elect offlCl?[;; at a /.30 p. lansen, Pender: 435, and lth t tcof usefui items will be sold 't pe tn r.o u.ce e Paul Splllt;lcrhe;' ~\ hl'(', \\a~ hroken off 'and a wiOg i omitted from th(' lIs1 01 ~lr(m:nl m m{'etm~ \Vednesd.ay at the SPIiI~tr,og.erFb.t'tz'-~'aPtnll~cekr.~a, 'he onl.Y ~o~ a3 ,.A~tho~mg the. },f':: ~'a-.pubHc ,udion at ,tHe .Wayne city" .9 slate, of candldat~sl' ad' 0 ·~d .,1.'\ '~InJ damag~1 Ti,e acct·~: J.(I student, .furmsheu till' l'"llCr VLn'.n.f' ILbrar:-. Chairman. Mrs." ~ t t f gI r aU estal t:tau~itot:lUm. Area. res~~ents "'fill 1 • 5 ,:"eek: WI! ar " '- b ed th k one of the t p entries to DICk the ur(' 0 or v(' e 1', 'j..

'bid, buy an~ pay wl~h auchon I presl,den~. Russel And- 155 at Annual kll' O( ('UTTl'f! aboul R 3() a.m. I hy ttl!' school _~I~( IS urn ,announc IS wee . Mi~.nesota u .s;et of MichIgan, Oth-.! :~I~,:::ssmellt charge.'> uJlP-al..J .10'money only. 'Thus the Wayp.e l;~on, vrC<e preSIdent; Herman I er games w Ich,provlded thE" mo~t 1 No .,\ To remove the prO.\l'lanshopper will be able t.o -get this :J-U.ndberg, treasurer, and George i Achievement Day ITh W- -d F D d trouble for .ontestants, were. M~- that sClJanes of C"er~am stak "1-; merchandise absolutely !Iro~:es and E. W. Willert, dlrec- ~. ree,' '"51 ,e. arms amage am\over Ie,,,' o';-:';,l\ote flcer~ cannat.,bl' raIsed or.lf;\\·"I-ed

P.. S D_ }¥es ern. .o .... a ~ 0. er E. rrti oftent'r once In elght \'-l'~'-

FIrst auctIOn ~::, s~heduled Fri- ijc~est speaker at Mond~y'''' m:{'!- aSlor' ,peaKS goo State ov!:'r ~L(A and Stama :\r.... j To-permit the Le;:.;-;a"Jf{'Gay afternoon, r\ov .. 23 .. All 'mer- .~g.was, Repr. Bob Harrison, T\jor-i over Soutbe~ lallforrna. i" pr lnde tor the' appomtm"n· ofcnandl5e offered at aucllon will be :tO~:' ~e disaussed .his actlvl!1'''', In M 'd N- h W" d Sf .FID~1 cont st of the annual ser a ta~ commlSSlOner or tax ctaken from the regular stocks of·! ramo:l:ing the Ga\'ms Porn1-IklU'·n V,rnsltk-.\Ilil-ul 1.1 \'.',rll'cI 0' y on ,. oy Ig f In arm les .WIII be und else~here (n to SIO~ and defmmg hts or "tl" 1 , ..partIcIpatmg buslllesse~. Shoppers' ower line. h'nrlt'd!ll( d [1[1\1.1 1 --, n".'n' da.. da) s Herald AddItiOnal entr;' d,C;lOn and powers 'were urged by Chamber Qf C~m- 1 , fur \\ aynt cuUI11 l'XICtblutl c1ub~ ~la.nk~ are also avallablf' at par TtJr{'p cOuhh offldals 011 lm-mer~e offiCials ~o start .saVIng ,.; • at the \\JI1;-ldl ~ludltonum Fnda~ $ ~ tlclpatm£ bU~lOesf;es Entne~ mll~l opp'sE'd In tnelr bids for r"·( h.'·

.' auetlOn money th~s w~ek .m pre· ',' afh'rnoon , 1,500 oss bp I~ ThE' Her_ald"Offlcf' "t'Ir ~'"lO~.\1 lion Tne.)'. are Judge r;;d·, 111 .]parauon for the first au.ction. Guest >Jj}\,akcI wa~ He\ \\"('rner where three buildings wereimarked beforr ;) 3 p m Tqe .da)l lIam('t, Clerk of District (\Jurt

Over $17 million has been "printed I von KuhJberg tim" :b. \~ho dl.... wed,echkaedJ":'aTyhea,90au'ndageandwas mr:~:~ I, Jaycees, Kiwanis to, I • loon T Bressler. jr. and ;·"'.ondfa d· b t" to NE Nebrast'ta CUSS('(! pr6bll'mt II' 1,:Js:-I" toda~ IE to t d t ."" '[)I t C .. " .. r ljlstrl u wn I 'hool l children· III..' in cd 1:1 Uu,1 II. \ C:Jl _ 'S Ima e a about 50 feet. The auto im~ide Furnish Transportation EquipmeQt Manager .../~j;IC ommlSSlOnef \,~. U. .!

fnu~h~a~~~sa wJlr~ec~i\[e a iiee bill I w~~stca~~~~~~edO\yCO~~~eO~gC:~~ 'A S h d' I ::~ ~e:: :::::\al;e:as

6tandlng For Voters Tuesday Marl'ln -,"nl. [1' )'il ;wfl Waynro voter~ \"ill ('ad t\,' ':It;!.next week I ' c mo e s Wayne Jaycees and Kiwanis Mr" Alherf \1J;r nf'. lol~ 111 the- u<;u.11 pDllln.: I·,

Auctwn mone~ Will be Issued 10 Myrtle Anderson and Tramee I . A brooder hou"\.. cilrrl('d about club members ar@ coop@rating 1 j I Wmpnl FIrst \~ard at c·tv h;ii[ '",seven denommatIOns, Identical to Dorothy Roubal, Cors~ges were, ~ .. "" ~.t, 'l" Li feet and dropped on top ()f a this week to provide t....nsporfa. i~~~a;~.p~~: t~~mr;r'nl\'(~~~I\;' 01· w<lrd at the librarv arl'1 ·t

.. thQse of genume currenc)'. They I pre~ented .to Mr~. Basil Otiburn, \\ JnSIO~ _ Buildmg<; on three cnrcken Bouse hon to the polls for Wavne vot. Kansa..'o SympllOn~ nrctll strd. ward at the courthouseare $5. $10 $20, $50, $100, \$500 I' Wwyne, MISS Anderson a~d Mrs farms east of Wl$lde suffered I The corTugated roof of a m<l ers. • .,land $l,GOU 'Clarence Schroeder, Hoskins hea\ \ damag( about 11 P m Mon chwt shdd wa" npped of! carnl?d Kiwanis Presiderrt Paul MiMs

Be sure to check the list of par· Heport>' on u~( sL1l1 [uuncl1 da' \\hen tornadlC \\1nd~ struck about 80 feel ami dropp('rl said citizens can phone 42·W or 'Agent on TV To Exhi~it Steert~cipating fIrms on the fron~ page" meelmp \\('n' h\ l,lr;- \ <11 tht, area. groyr of trees Schmode" r('nQrted 292 to 58-CUre a ride to the polls. rounn Hom'" A~'''n' ~hrtl, F::-]r' Trrit'!'l \Vayn", .. ,1 . hit

~~f:rec~~n s~·\'i~~:S~n~5abb~l~~iS~f! I ~I~~ f'.H' \lr' 'IJ~~ j{~~:~~~~~?1~p~J~d They were the farms of Alvin ~~~~~;~:t\~=eho:~~,l \~~t~:t~~O~h~: '"aJ"dayehe"S. Por'geaSind"ezna:"o~ar~iha~~~~ Anderso~ ..... JI! pr<>sen1 ;l program L",ft'le,r'lnf~"edm'a~'~n""11It:y:~.. \; . 'Tj df . h th··t ·de auctions '·1 Schmode. 11/1 miles, southeast of bl ::0 on Impronnt d('nlif~ nf'allh prac ,," \.-illl WIt e ci r;VI . ~jl t~):~(L' of dIn \ cO>'I" ~i~~id:~dHa~o~~v~~~i;;:~, m~~~ ~~t' Wittler place W(f5 struck e~~:~~~ ;:::~:i~;:dq~~;~: .:.~ 1i~4\ o~;~~ S~{~~~l;.:- tekqslotl ilt ~~~;·rlaJ &1 !owa ~)tat:

h f N d t:\Ian miles southwest. Ani three fam' aboUI W·45, Adlarge, barnI wa"h nIkO\ transportation will be the Cham· I -~- - -- -- - -

B, Born'~ t. ame 0 ~ldl' ('Ol1nl\ ed off lt~ foun atlOn ant a c IC 'en be' of 'om'me,-e office. Votersilles were in their ihomes at the h d h If uno ...... d I F

Co~ntir;~,1 :eteran's Post time but the houses w~re not I v.°I~~t~w:wI~teother a c~'~~('n a~~us('~ are asked to phone 208. ; 200 at Fee ers orum. Budd BornhofL Wayne. has damaged and no one was hurt. werC' broken: A plk of poq~ wa~

llecn named \i\'a~me county, veter:-, WSTC Dean of Students Milton A cattle shed on tl;ie QUlDn place scattered about thlC farm ~ ard

~~~kjo\~i~a~~~~~~~~~~Pl~~~~~~95~~~~~{de~~~fbis;~~t1~II~c~e~ I ~~a;s~\;;~~~~J~~ t~~ea~~~~.l~'1~t • J.sPr\'i~(> m assisting unel1nPlOY~~I braska State Education associ· i .shed wa~ spilt apart. The south Three County Youthsveterans to'secure wdrk. i" -ation, at the gr.oup's annual con- .. Side was moved to the south while

Em-ploYl"r;-; ~re as~ed to lis! '(ention Fl"idaV at Norfolk. '0 h k I_he remainder was' moved about Leave for Armed Forcesth('i.r joh opeIlll1gs n'lth. Bornl!oft I·:WSTC Instructor Orvid Owens Po Ice C ec ing -ill feet north and :dropped lD aThe employment service "~ill, f~r: ~as"named treasurer. Dr. O. F. neap of wreckage. Threp \\·a~n, \fJutho- id'nrsh thE' county repI]e~ntatlVe,wlth ·M60r" W$TC edl.!cation p~~es. Home Bur9~ary West doors on a cornbmatlOn .~~~d~~~d~~mm~rr~~;l~o- alll~~~~;~:':~~~st of local u11em loyed veter·, :~~j~os:a~ee:~::~i~:t~:~m,e~ ~;~:~n~d.hed and corn crib were ThE'\ .WPrE' Vlr.L:Ji Scnf'utz and

About $1,500 damage wals esti. ~oe'l Koch. \irmslde and Jame."mated at the Schmode place CorbIt, Wayne


Phone 268



LegiOI1 Dues, ..

c;lIld Save




It's Worth Waiting For!

Biggest Sal







APPLI.ANCEC EARANCEWe Must Make Room for the All-New 195 G-E 'Applia~ces Now on Display_

lOS Main

had riorsages of' white carnations W.l.n~I.',t 6 Ro'',. .with stiver ribbon. Grandmothers .vwore ,corsages of bronre and yellow '1-'- 'pompons. Hit. '. o,nday. ig·.ht

A ,rece'()tion, was held in the .Concordia church parlors. Mrs: . Waytjei countx Monday i-ght en~Chris Tietgen was hostess. JOyed lts .heavlest rain si ce Aug.

~;~~~~~ s:r~~n1I:~ ~~i~a~:!. ~~r:~g'f\~~~dC; :~~ ~.~~~r;t ~h~e~d~l. •Marttn Rodell and Mrs. William Cooler: temperatures ccomoa- To 'Complete Trairii:ng,~~h~lt~-De~:~r~~~~~~r~~o~ n~ed thel r.ain, dropping Tuesday· Dorothy Roubal,' Univers~ty r flene Magnuson, m~t re 910gs hbelow 3 degrees Nebraska stUdent. will cOJrlPlf' J

Janet Williams and Mrs. Floyd ~,,~yn~a, :d;esd:;v~o:::r g around her traming program1under C011 '.

John$on poured. Mrs. Robert High': emperatur~ for the past \ ~ri~oy~ePaasch cut the wedding cake and r::~~=::::::::F::::::::=:;:~::;:::::::::~::Mrs. 'Veri Carlson served it. :Mrs.David Schortinghuis, Lynell Vahl- Ikam-p. Mrs. Vernon Broberg and "pQiI YMrs, 'Charles Price were tn charge y 0 rof gifts, Presiding at tlle guest ' .

,book 'was Kaye Frye, Valley. Re- ~'O'.'W..cept~n music was furnished byMrs_ Gle,n Magnuson.

The bride graduated from ,Con-

W~d1i~y~~~OO~n~ ~:~3'b:~~n~:e ,Iplayed at the Registrar's office at . :j National due II go up- after Nay. 20" forcing,' jlotal'postsw~~~ ~~fd~~~o:;;'d g~a~~~~af:~m ro raise dues also,

feo~~~dwWi~ :c~~~~, i~er~;~' t~~ Until N~v, 20 can par your dues Ctt jthe ohIo rat~ of

years in tlle armed lorees and is I $3.75.. .c"ntoh ArnJld.MO. U, Chris Bargh.01%, Swede employed at Swanson TV and son, !my Meier, M rUn Frevert. or Marvin·' Weyhrich to poyAppliances. your 57 dues. ','

For her going-away ensemble:~~~S~r~~hC~1~~ka a~~~~;~~~ ~~J I Regulo~. leg1on, Meeting will b@ Noy, 7 at 8 p.m. I

wore a corsa~e of white roses. I ,

After a sOlltllern weddin~ trip the i 'BE SUo RE TE V.OTE TU. ESDAY, NOV. 6couple will make their home at321 ~~ West third street In Wayne. l





~I IThe Republican program is sound and is on schedule. We must1<eepour team intact to finish the work we have stbrted. A Congress ptone party and an executive of the oth~r is notl good. '.. I

, I .'Our Nebraska Congressional delegation is s~lid Rep"bJicqn. Let'skeepitthat w(ly! A stranger in the crDwd wo Id.break up the har·

"mony of our team.


Your vote is needed. Voters staying !home 0 too ~usy to ~~ bot~-

ered throwaway their fra~chlise. So ~ .. shut ff the tl(adorll g~t th~boys into'thepick-up and hustle ov~+ to the chool house aia Vot~

I "I ' Ii

Be Sure ~~. C~'?R' ~,;,,!r~~~ ;,!' Nov'j'~I II


, nd Gary D. Clevelandutheran Church Sunday




i, 2, 3

and 98c:

Wool Ear Warmer

Goy colors ~


159Wool Scarf Cap

Tassel trim

" I

I Ge~ Free

I11 Auctio'n. Money !

I As An I xtra Bonu~

" --'"

BEN F R:A.·N'K L.I ~I, l'~

L 0 CAL l Y , ~ w, /:tI.'~t ,;~ N A\/~t:: .~ A ,L l~ Y.. K ~ 0 W N


~~~~~~~t..!.;1'Jl':95~~II..u~ler J,Servites 1 Norma Jea~ DEdiMeld f r Martin I . .~~~~~!l ,,~~!~rda>j I Wed In Co qxd

P-:'+""'-~¥#~+-'':7'+-='''''''H±-:--,--,---'-'-''-----=~---~-f~;w.akefield....:....Funeral services £011\ artin Fredrick Ekeroth, 73. wh

ied last Wednesday. were hefaturday in Salem Luthera

church.Rev. C. Willard Carlson officie

ated. Mrs. Carlson was organistfrCharles', Soderberg sang :'Jesu$'Savior Pilot Me." A quartet com~

posed of Kermit Johnsori. Alden

f~~dSaOhl': ~aU~~eJ,I'{h~os~J~ndR~i~~~Cross."JPallbc~rers were Arthur: Florine.

~i~~~~dEtt~~nNcr;~nE'a~3dd;ov":rCl'lrr. Honorary pallbearers were

S'+-=':7':'':::::;:'''''':''-c'''''"",,'''''+.:i-:''c:-:::-:c:-,.--.,-+t:====-=:-:=:: I~e~E~a~I~~~'a~':J~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ iiir~t~rf~efd ~~~~~~~~: BurdI was in i

Martin Fredrick Ekeroth wn,Sborn Mar, 1, 1883 near Essex, InHe was baptized and confirmprl inthe Lutheran faith. He gradllntedfrom Essex high school and aUrnr!·ed Augustana college and the Ln1­versity ·of Nebraska.

He married Amy 1\1. HallhergJune 12, 1907. They lived in Omaha

~f~ldt\\;~ ~~g~~ I~~dwCa~~mFn t~u~~~=;; i

~~ttt:jE~~~~~i:~~l;: ------I\vith Charles H. Sal' until retiring... 111 1954,

Co,ur.tttO"se' Sa~~~ ~~f~~II'~n ~t~l'~h ~f~~~rrgO~~R' d"'-: ... served on the rhurch ho@rrl.w;tsau'.,'.· ~,~:~ a Sunday, school t(';)(·h('l' awe! super· r -Picture by Baber,' StudIo

intendent amI fol' m<l:ly' was: :\()t'lll;1 flaIl daughter of was worn hooped and flowed mto

County Court"\"':',.. " i,·, I' ~n~~~~~~r7r~il~'d~:~r~lrl'(m sr'rn'd: :~~:fl.<Jnd .J(~l;.n lI~e\'~I~~d ('~~~ a <chap~1 tra~n .' .--Oct. 23: Marcel Lammers,-- Pen- Clnd on the and IJr :\lr Lvle Clc\"e'rand! Her fmgert1p yCll of I~ported 11-1

der; fined $10 ':and· $5'~20' costs~or boar.ds... I WaYne were l11<lrncd Sunday af: !uslOn. fell from I ':l Juliet. cap offailure to 'stop·at,;stop,siJ,tn:·,c m.~ He is s.urvi"cc1 hy hiS \Vlff'. AI.l1 Y; I tCf!loor; .lIl St. Paul's Lutheran matclung laee ,~rlmmed 10 seedplaillt ·b~y Policeman S" C. Tho p- a son, Norman, Duluth. ~Imn: a I church. Concord. pearls. She carfled a. cascade b~u-soon.ct.' '26.' 'Ien'ry Jhanson, In- ,ex- daughter. Mrs. ('Iaric(' Andcr~on. i 1'('\' H ]J' . rf" . ted quet of butterCly white roses With ~

£ .Ml 't" Wa~efield: f.our g:nll~dchjJdrcn anrl :Jlh(" rr;)'lhlrc r~~I~l1~;~(,J~O~~~abefo~~ I a removable corsage. I

side. fined $40 'and;$~'3·.50'f::05tSfn0r a Sister, Mrs, Ellen S<Ir. Essex. In. i::ln ,lIlar ~l(l(Jrned wilh hClskets of Bonna~ell Brammer',. Wayn~; Iusing proffl!!~,.Jan~ua~e.·,~tQ~' - • .H'llow lllums and hronze pompons I \'o-'as maJ~ of honor. Brtdesmald,tion tnd resis~ing:arrest; ,cOIl).pl int ~ \ \\ ,lido .]uhnson, Wausa. Si-lng "Th~ ,was Mafllyn Da!!, O,?aha. ~eyby Po-liceman'John Redel. WinS~'~ Standley Speaks at .I..urd'c> l'ra,ITr'" and "t 1.01'. You \Ve~e gowned alike In ballenna

Oct. 30; Gary Nelson, Lyn h, <; 1 uth f h dfin~d: $15 ul}d. $4 costs' for' :;;pe d. Central States Meet i~l~;;\~'. ·("()r~1~·(~::~.1PClnied by Alice c~~~ cr?~t~reStt~_ T~~nli~teacr bo~i~~~,ing: <\,omplaint by Patrolman :ir· R R. Slfl1irllr.';.-'. )1('<1(\ 01 TJil' hl"J(h' \\'lJrc Cl gown [a"hioned I fea.tu. .red sweethear.t neckllne.s ~'lth IgilIK~minski. TC custodIal <.;t;df. of lnlporLl'r! French lace and ny- i busthnes oC mushroom pleatmg.Oekd~ Filed, r'" r : spe'akf'r <II thf' Ion tullr'. The sl'ulptured bodieei Their bouffant .sklrts feU m soft;

Oct~ 23: Carhart ·Lumber, CO'i to \t'ntral SJa~l'<; f('alurecl long sl{'c',"cs and. a scoop: pleats at the Sides and were full!Clarence Kuhn ,& wife: pt of Brit- tlon. or PAyslctl1 I ncckhne t'mbrOidercd with pcarls.. lln the back. They wore, matchJngt ~ B I' OuUot-4 Wayne tor:-: Monday The' houffant floo"r leno-th gown fea~her band,eaux and earned co·f~~ $~5, ress er s " ' Univrrsily of J .'lcccnlcd tv panels of pI "'t I t II Ilomal bouquets of bronze and vel-


pompons, w.lth net to match,!'" " Karen Dall, Sister of the bride,: was flowergirJ. She wore a gownof white crystalette featuring a

~f~eofes, ne~~~ineflooarnd lent~h s~i~ 1was worn hooped and the wore a imatching headband, Ringbearerwas Tommy Erwin. Concord. :

Maynard Magnuson, Wayne, wasbest man and Keith Clarkson.Concord, was groomsman. Usherswere Dale Gramberg, Wayne, andRobert Paasch, Bennington. The

IeJ~~:g~~~~ bl~~dsUi~~~ attendants

t Mother of the bride wore a navyblue dress and the bridegroom'smother wore a gray dress, Both



Shop in Woyne

and. Receive

Your Auction

Moiley Bonus








995 1 to

Cihdy Ristow

Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Ristow

Cho'O~l' from coshmere blends, wool tweeds,

suede leathers and gabardines.


Come to

to Get


Babers' StudioFirst Door West of FIrst National Bank

Phone 80S·:W Woyne, Nebr.

A Girft

To Please

.r---......." W Il\~.&5.9

CLOTHING--- ........rOIP MIN: C 4'0,Y$'

and H IS OrchestraSUN DAY'. NOV. 4

,\drl ~'l\ 1'-




Gl't('11 With


and HIS Orchestra

Bailoon~ Fun I>nzl:s.. Adrr, ~:)(


AuctIOn M'::Hlc~



Arfm 7:1,

,I:it, !;'Il:)r'1\"

Wakefield. werr marrrpd ~"ol 2!flIt till' r'-Oorfolk SacH'rj HfiU1 (athIIII' dlllrch

H{~\ Hobr'rt Durn", O!fH'I;Jlyr! atttl(' ren'm()f1\ hdo!/' lOll (,1H'~t"

TIl( hrlde f!j\'l'rJ In nl;lrrJ;J)1! 1)\IWI brother He!\ fTlOlld (;rPIC,f:n.Wort ;1 W,Jltl length }.;own qj dlClnllllJ laC{' O\'f~r lafleta SIH;1 bat of plf.'atr;d ,~atll, CJrJdtnmmed WIth sC"'rJ Df.'flrb ':lOd carrJl'cJ ,J whItt' orchId orJ Cl \' hlkprayer book

," Man (,rd~."crdde. \.nrfulk, \loa.'maid of honur JOH'l" Illrhcl. \\ lchHa, Kiln \~a' hnde"m<JJd

IJarwln HldH'/ MnlJot' JI, WiJ~

bC'st lllan Albert :'\eJ...on Sldm'\wa~ t~ronm",miln (;i1bprl (iranrJ1Jj~t

and Getlf" CJ'IlJ~,",1'f'1 wen: lJ',h"ri,A wf'ddJnl' p'r,'pl Hltl \~;I lidr,

iI) 1I0ll'I ;\l:ldl',(InTill' lJrHk l~r;JdIHltl~d fr()ll', (,1';

InE tHch ,<rhool :nld ~\('r.It~hJllff

.J1JllHlI coIlN!£' And WfI' nnnh~\'f.'rJ

Ifl T\orlolk TIl{' hndp!Z.rornn erarlu;."'11 from W:JYJ1I' IIl£h ~('rq·rj

t1,~'{J V('Hn In ttlf' Arm\ fJnd I'l nq~

I;Jrnnn~ TW;Jl' \\ :lnH Th" t'!l\wh'1001. ,J WI'r1r1lnl! tTlIl to Hit Lalorof thl.' Olilr};s

Bernadine Grelsen

And Russell BlChel,

:Marry In Norfolki Hf'rnadlnl' (~r('l.q'n, ~'fJ r f (I l k.daughter of Mrs, Victoria (jr('l<'f~n

I Genng. and RUhselL lJ Blchel.I son of Mr and Mrs. Carl BlcheJ.


thno~r from lIun

dl",Jlnv tllnl:HlltllJt

nnlrnn~IIV :l!lvflltl"'>(!>d

'{f111~U flrooUth­

RlJo1r:ml ...~d fo Cf1SoC

th(' difO(.omfort' of

t.Nltl. Ilo:,~. tllrO;lt

nnt! che:>t cold$.

Better Shop Early

Gold Fish,·15c • 25c • SOc

Tropicals - $1


We have about 70 gold fish

and two troplCah t'hot will be

the last we will hove until


last Chancefor

Gold Fish

NuFu in Stlrtz Home1\-lr" ( ( Sltrlz enh·rlatnf.'d

at ;";uYu la~t 'v\l'dncsdav Mn.VI "jldell Fl·jfH'r ",<J..~ aw,lrdf'd t!JePrlZl ,\(1\ 7 nll'elITJ:! wdl Ill:WltlJ ,\1 r:-" WII1Jilm Schulz.

Four Guests AttendMethodist Circle iii

i\-'lethodls! Clrek III mel In thehOfTll' of l\-Jr~ (·hClrle.~ (Un'!' 1<1.,,1W('r1ri{'.~da_\ i\--Jr.~ Hobert Hor·ck('nhau{'f ilSSIS!('(j Gut",l" wen'J\lr~ Holwrl Johnson. 1\1r<. 1\lar\"1)) (~und(~rson Mr.,> J. I n \ d1.11'own Clnd Mr~ Alhert (,ra\.

\If ~ .Iame<, Tp('t('r WiI.<' inclJ<lrl.!l~ oj r1f'votwn" und 1\11''' (Jrval Urtmdsl('ltr'r led llTlI\Tr !\cxtIlleetm~ It, !\o\ 28.

I•..· .' .,. '1t


.~ct. '2'80: 1ill-. qnu Mrs. De n 'the Chamber of Comm eel'ollie.

Johnson, Laurel,: ~ daughter, riOct. 23: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sur. 6 Ibs., 6 or., Benthack h 5.1---~.---.-~.+-:~, ...-+-

Holtgrew. Winside. a daughter. pilat '. 'I See. by thoeHtrald'.Oct. 25: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford , . .

• REUNION& .. SOCIAL EVENTS Erb. Hoskins. a daughter Lor~ ~, indB Sue.:. 8 Ibs., 3 oz. . C~mmun;ty hest Driv . Dinner- guests in the '~tt;o ,Heit..

. TaB Holds Cooper t,'ve Ma"y Just'lnger and fin~)C~a~J~~~~i~~dT~~~~'aJO~:~ T~ps $7,,000 Wednesda W~1te~Om~r~~2~~6~~~O~~~hr:z:Bridge Club, Thursday I ter. Cheri Lea. 5 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Wa~e's 1957, trnnunity Ch 51 City. Okla., were Mr. an~ Mrs. Ed..

With Mrs. Barienbruch Supper Thursday E ening G Id k °oc~. c2£:i;1~~ea~an3~~e~~~a)d ~~I~e~:~~ts~.~O~I~~~a;.b t ;Od~~~[~~~l:~els~arn~~d i~:Mrs. Henry llarienbruch en· TOB club held a coo erati\o1e era Mes e Marry PuIs. Pender. a daughter. 7 Ibs., N.,Parke ann~u*ed. This mdu es lly. Mr. and, Mrs. wnbur Heit..

tertained Bridl{e club Thursdav supper Thursday in. the en Ahl- 3 J/4 oz.. Wakefield hOSPital.. abput 56,BOO JnjetSh contributio hold ·and family aJ;1d ,~s. Delores

evening. Mrs. Willis .. Museiman vers ~ome honormg ~rbaJ1a In Duluth Ceremony Oct. 25: Mr. and Mrs. GoTdon\ anli $260 in pie ~s. I Meyer and children. :was a guest. BuehniCr and. Mrs. Bob. lkes. Hoskinson. Belden. a son. Vmcent . ~rsCJ!lS v;'~o are not contact~d Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heithold

Prizes went to· Mrs. Muselman Bar~ara WJB be marr d Nov. Wakefield-Mary Jane Justing- Gene, 7 lbs .. 1 OZ., Benthack.h os-- In,. e C1tY·~lde .anvass may maf,te visite.d Jim Millers Tuesday Mrs. Norris Weible. Nov. B 11. Mrs. Likes"wilJ io:in •. er hU5- cr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rlch~ pital. r~:·:,r::e:on:tr:':b:ut:':l:ru;:::b~~:'=P:hO:D~ir:g:':D:in~g:.:::::::::::::::::::;mt.!eting will be'l with Mrs. Don band In Hawau. He JS tatlOned ard Justinger. Duluth, Minn .. and Oct 27· Mr and Mrs, Jim FItch, ! 1E~htenkamp. / theAresowlcl'ahJ tehve.nAmrrng Yr·olJoL.ed the Gerald Meske, son of RRv and Allf'n a daught:'r, 5 Ibs., 1:L 1,'; oz., \ i :r

.. r' Mrs, Samuel Meske, Wakefit-ld, Wakcfl1:ld hospital. I F Ch ~ tPresbyterial') Womer;"! Hear supper. were married Thursday morning Oct 27: Mr and Mrs_ AldPn! ' or rlS' rna''5h "d' L d I in the home of the bride's parents. Johnson. Wakf'flf'ld, a son. 8 lbs.. i . '

C ristian T ucatlo~ ea. er Misc¢lIaneous Shower Rev S. Meske. fathe, 01 t.he 14 DZ... wake(je.'d hOSPital.Presbyterilan Women s evenmg d ' l b.rjdcgroom, ~rfonned the dOUbiC', . Oct :r. Mr and Mrs' Harold:

group beard Chr~stian Edu~ation Han rr Barbara Buehner rIng ceremon). p.,.nk and wh.JteiGeorgr, DJx.on~ a son. LviI' GiJ-i I,FIeld Re~resenta~lVe Miidresdt A miscellaneous shower honor- mums ad~)rned thr scene. i hert. lfJ llY." B('nthack hosp.ital :

Kemm, Philadelphia, !ipeak 1a ing Barbara Buehner was gIVen ~e bndr' an? hrldcgrwm ~oP": r)ct :!,-.. Mr, <Ind Mrs Gpralrl

~yed;:sda~ S;~ G~llj~~~od~:~ last Saturday afternoon i at lro- ~~:ss~~~~ :~~\a~h~. :~(:~~. O~(~~~ II ~l{~~be~~;:,. HoskJllh, <l daUghter.;Rolin F~hr~nkrog gave hhe devo- manufl "Luth~ran church.1 Icor!o>agf> Hr wore a whItt carna I 'tional meditation. Thel Ladles. )Wl. spons*ed the tlOn boulonmen

NominatWg cornI!littee Mrs. c.ven.L M.• rs. Melvm Mey r, Mr.f'. Attendants 1),. ere Donna Lrc GET THE HABITOrvid Owens, Mrs. Richard Kern Ernest Echlenkamp a Mr!:i. Johnson and Jame~ ~ Porterand Mrs. Hpward Witt presented Emil 1\'llller were on thCiommtt- DUluth Mmn D tthe following slat.e: group leader, tel' Jl\l charge A TN'pptlon y,.a" glHn aft'l thr ance aMrs, Frank WIlliams; second Mrs.', ,JIm K,lrchnpr ~a g a so- c(>l'cm.any... A small tab/f· featured Igroup leader, Mrs. Don Emery; 10, Mrs. AlVin Hoeber gave a a thrPf'·tlPr wr'ddlhg cdk,: KING'Ssecretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ju1c reading and several la C", nn'- Thf' brJdr' g-raduatf>d from Cnn- '

~~~,r~~~. k~~Tcao~ne~~~d ~~5~ ~~~~;jd aa ;~~~II~~' ~:lf~IC~!b~~t~er; cordIa collegr'. St. Paul,' Mmn.. [ ; ~ ,. 1 M Alb rt C d Jl d 11 ~~~. ~/l~I~~r~~J~tr~~t of th(, L'n]\"(~r-!

~:~n ~~~on~r:~cJ~e' Co~~'it; sp~r- 1~1~:CB:(;h~:e~ will wed Lowel! 'The bridpgroom ~r<:ldua'~'d from ---------..;.--ituaI' life, Mrs. Allan Perdue; Johnson Nov.' 11 In Immanuel ConcordIa eol1l'gl' 1TI 195.) cHlrJ I.'> IN NORFOLK~T~~S and means. Mrs. Evan church. . no..... teachmg In th' Luth"ran~~klms, Mrs. Ear,1 Uhver. parnchlGlJ schonl lJOd~f ("'nt"t'.

Sb~pe~~~~.y~~~~lc~l;"~o~~r~~d Contract at Claycomb's ~~rn~: wherl' the COUpJl

Mrs. A. F,. GuUJVer, and mUsIc, Mn, Amo~ CICl.vcomb cntcr-Mrs. H.i. Welch. tainr·d Contract club Tburf;da~'.

For a ,'fuoney raisin~ proJect Faye Bnttam wab a guest. HIlZhthe group deCIded to sell Chnst- scure went to Mr" C. M. era·mas wreaths. Announcements ven. l\o\', 8 meeting will be 'at

:i~~e :e~~fn~ftii~lf~eP~~~~~n~e;~ Craven·b.

g~~~~e~'·an~CW~~}~e[~~~ Couples Club at Williamsmunity Day at St PauJ'~ Luthcr- Mr~ Frank Wdl1am». enler-an church Friday. t<lme'd C(JuplL'»' ('lub last l\1ondElv

Hostesses were Mr;;. Alvin ('venlng. J'nz('" wen' won bvVoorhIes, Mr,r,. Will1ams, Mrs. Mrb, Chuck ()hn' <lnd rJ<!rvlCarl Johnson and Mrs Dave Vell No\' ]() m('et1n~ wlll 1)1' .atHamer, jr. MLlton Oschner'~.

IMrs. Hughes EntertainsMethodist Circle IV

Mrs. lsmael lIughe~ enter­tamed Methodist Clrt!e IV lac.tWednesday. Co-hostes!> wa.~ Mr!>Ivalee McCord SIX nH'mber1>were present. l1tJr program con·sisted of <I lessQn Of) pru,ver and~~~f'denJal. Ncx~.meelmg l~ Nov.

JOB to Have Family PartyJOB met Fnday aflernoon with

Mrs. Louis 1'est. A familv cardparty is bein~ planned .Jan. 16in the REA buildlOg All da\-"meetin.cs will start in .Januan

,i.. '

,M. Craven



'.... 9j=Qrnifit;'1:'1 ,1·.1 /J'Th~ People;,s Croice ./ /""y llor a Per£ectFif.Jure ~';)',.J'~M~~

, .i

.. I, Q.:Castl~9urballol Iq~ SKIPPIES. ~

, the c~didates wi~ winning, ways.You LqOK better iD SKIPPIES becausespecidl, desigJ;1 feat]rres slim and trimiyou in ·thelprope.. places. 'You F~EL belter in:SKIPl'IES

!be~ tlley'remade w,l~outrbones or stays for free qnd easy;lm.o~ement. Choose SlmlPIES in"!he> sly!es.that lit your n,eeds.,Gel 1m the SKIPPIES bolldwogoDi,~~ 1~f~ pick,a winne~I~ery \iIIle.

ISirn'PIES PIDlTIE, #815. Nylonelosti,'!Iletwlthsatin elastic front panel. S-M-I;.,(Also available as girdle.-#915) ~5.00I,' ,I

!Life'~omimce" Bra ,#566. COHODIbatiate, 32A to 380. '2.00 tI ' ;/


,"~l,~f ·"FORECA~!t·~S_""--:-",,,!-f_N_TS_._

rh Jd.r"N.~: 1 '. ' D.'. 0 Ha.s)l,aIl9ween'~~;a~Ji~l~id '. . P 'rty Mondi!~Night

"'~"s .Daughters , r. Fourt~en couples were presenten~Mrs. Paul Pawelski a Duo club Monday night for a

-Mrs .- Bill Carlson ~lloween party. t

tistM~i~;~;~~~nE. I a ~r~~~~nrsrMr~~Grn~~rs:li~~\~ ,~etwood c ~:rm~~b~;~e~:v.Hi~i~Be~:

','" N 2 llial l.d in a sludy of the Ninely-~~ ~s MC::Si~ Boostcrs-2 p.m. t~st Psalm. Clifford ana Wallace

icnroq_Mrs. Walfred Victors served. J' '

I rlson I

1 na~ ¥a11oween A~me Meets' Monday at~day. Nov. a Lettie Scotlt Home I

F..B Kensington-Mrs. Burrett Acme members and Mrs'. ChrisiV/right TietgcD were' entertained jin the"

8 nd~. Nov. 4 Lettie Scott home -Mond

c erncr 79'e1'8 :Mrs. Tietgen and Mrs. ilbur

, , SPOk.e on t.b.eiT tr.i.P.t Alas·! M d~, Nov. IS ka. Mrs. Tietgen showed. alored" ;'~':"'~f~~a~8~~~ ~~~:ry- pictures.

, bella Del<-M~. Arlen Fiiclj - 1_,,,f:;QJ~,ie-,-Mrs. Ii. W. Vath Coterie Dessert Brid e

'~'t:tlt!;/~':;ia~ Circle-Mrs. te;O~~~~ ~e~nd~ythlorM~ ~s~~~

1;....·.•.,b~r.~.i.i~l\rs. Wayne r ¥.f!:t.ilerti;:iJW~lejlAh~~eei~~~

.: Ro al Neighbors Mrs. Johnson Entert~ins

: ~f~~da~. Nov. 7 At N\inerva Club Monday: CameO--:-Mrs. M?rl< r:::ramer Mir¥:rva met Monday with

iPre.<;byterian 'Women Mrs. r J. R. Johnson. Eighteen

.. ; NUF'U-..Mrs. \Vi~lia:m Schulz 'b t M

I.T~•.. '.'dPaa.Yul;! f..sNOwV~j~n~'I': ~~~aer~and;r~a~r:s~~~st. r5.

--l Mrs. O. K. Brandstetter was in' AA,. k ' charge of the program and

iii' em HOmein~. e Mrs.:: I showed a film on making of fine. ,'Harvey' EChtf~ mp china. Nov. 12 meeting will be

• .' J \\,es!eyaJ:!- Meth d~t Misi ' with Mrs. Raymond Schreiner.1<' ,y...;...Mro1' ~t~rn ,AfduferI .:Soeial+rMjS' Willter Redeemer Mission Study~'l 'fi:s~~~hom Luhr 1

Homeln*e~s-Mrs. With Mrs. S. K. de Freese:Th' R.edeemer Mission Study l{roup:'·b~~l\~rs., ,Don met Monday evening in the home

of Mrs. S; K. de Freese with 16

~'~~bJ~S O:rGsoer~\lso~uea~~ Me;s~Ned Williams. l

ie~~~·. It:;Yes~~~r~~s ~~is~?~~~~p5A." Nov,' 26 meeting will be}Yith Mrs, Charles Sieckman.

Gutheran Ladies Hear·~sther Bacon, Liberia

5t. Paul's Women aNd St.'Paul's Evenin~ ,group held afioint meeting Thursday eveni'n/:!

~yh~~~s~~~h~ib~ri~~n~p::;'iks~1d~how slides concerning her work.

I Guests at the meeting weremimbers of Redeemer Lutheranru CWo Rev. W. 'G. Volker ledfpr yer arid Mrs. Harvey Lutt~ave devotions.

~fM{:~ ~~~~i~:ie~o$~ift~~~rm~t~!Paul's Women will meet Nov. B,S1. Paul's Evening group is plan­ning a tour for their next meet·ing.


~~~!N :GRIESS REXALlSTORE'~J.±~":--"':--~;::::::::!=::::i==:::=::. ==:::-:...:--_....."""!"J ,..:..... W_A_y_N_E_.;.N_E8_RAS_KA_......_

. II .

5~~ .., Nov,. 3I· flies 4·5 -- 1 p.m.

II '6-7·8-2 pm

o 'i L 9jond over -- 3 p.m.

! Wdtrian's Club Roomst' I '::: I I ~arta Mignery












I J.. '


FirmsWill Be

)1],1 pour 1'lIlulllC In',lllation between thej"i~l' in y"ur .uti.-, and hetween studs il. \()ll[

,~idcwi111~-lc...el it out! Yes, it's as ea5~' asdHIf, Anyhody btn do iti,:,And you SU\'C up to-1o'?1, Oil your fuel hills-seal in your homef"l 'Ycllr-ruund l:um[urt, too! Zunulitc ",,'cr­mi,ulitc lo\ul,ltIon is virtuallytlUn,~cfllin~ ,10<1 I.HT<; the life of

YOllrhorne' Firto.prnof. rot)t-pro'of,vcrmin-proof, <,ooler in!sumtner­

. -W;lrmcr in wintcr!

During the Winter, Effective Nov. 3





Buy o~ Easy relrms. 'I

Closed Saturday



Fuel Costs!

Wayne, N&bt.

i Wayne Implement Co.R

:! Brandstetter Impl. Co.r; lL

-, ]'t" \\"',,1'-'1," R:13 ;':;nr-, ~

_ll~, F lJlf'rlrwkson :':13;1 MC . kFE·0, r,,,,, :~n:~:,ns;~~, ·~'~~'~·-I c ormlc arm qUip.P u":; E THE H I:'.AAl 0 WANT ADS, ----:----------------- .J













Chl)oSln9 the tight ,n;ulo

tlOtT 10r Ihe lob 1\ Irnr0rforll

We hdp ynu Illoh: tfw,

(him ~ ',0 thot Y~IU ... ill 0\

..... oy·, he o"'>lJtcd 01 on dfl(n~nt ond ~,OII;,fOCfori In!>The prrJfH.'r 'fl',ulotlnrl ....,ill

~,avc ITlQfly lunr', Ifr. .t lt1

reduced fu!'l hlll<,

h'=f1ltlller fomdw',

Phone 614



'I'" ," I II,.. pH,",l f"T ','f,nTIII' III;, II"I~ fi, ,II" r, I" 'II t<

1 fl., 11l"1l1;t11"11 .. "'I' I"", .. "IH"'"\" llil "'"1,'-11 1I1':Ld'lllllC


FH" l{,-, 1"\;0\<'''

\\'\11.1 1{, I" Lit"'"





Over six 'YPCB and tll;cknfHHu

ossure thll right in.ulllllo/lchoiclI lor your homo.




We'd like to give you; 'he "lowdown"

b()caus() it's the basic insulation

for year.'round, MOtHY:SAVING c;mfbrtl

----------."', ' 0

105 Main

", ' I

'J~Qkih!l fo~wa~d 'to Jhother cold, drafty house with

.~!~'hfuel bOIs this winter? You needn't! See us about

Jj~,ltliI1Ull:l J01binatio~ windows and i~solation ' ..

')iijoya heillthter, happier home at less cost to you."I;" , ,i ' •iVr'

" ", I,jI'", I ',,', I ' -" ," J\ ')1''I~~""'tP.n ~ ,'! 0"'ilr.-:, ' ' 'WJ ,-I"",A":,,,'."'~"'U,,",MIN,U, CO,MdINATION STORM lie


, """," '1;",.",'ij\.li~til 5 nr~ permnnent!~ASY t. C~EAN

,to I,,' ""'IIA~n'lOg,hlll fealur. aUow, Mom 10 wipe ,parkling denn Ib!," a JIffy! , ' "



"ii"'" :D~.ftur~ ~o!,e for good! Wove~.pll. "Wentherweave" glvta'I : ,you !'Sptln Illne 101' 12 monlh'.'1''', I

.:,!On Yp.cll~ics u (~uy will ftl\'C you Ht'OttlplCIC H't Qr the finc!'! com·

1~\F~4rL~~~1',1,"'1"'1'1,:1 -I' " " 'II' "",' , '

ii;!,'I'!" 'i~~ Auc~ion Money"""1' , I I Il'I!.~i'-\ :' :,: .:.,' ,";". \, '. ..





1951 FORO :",'Custom Fordor V-~·8

R.anll' h'·at('r. on£,-_O\ynel; dr.




*, -l<, •

1953 FORD·Mainline Tudor V-B',

L()\\ m!lpage, local, car.

1956iORDCustom F idor v.'-:-"8 I.

Tn".:n CHr loa ed ~ 1,,'it'h. equIp:'hh'nr .lnd·\ery lo~ mill,'age.

1952 FORD3-J-Ton·.Pickup·

Sold nfl\\ tl": u,; '----- JUst 26.()(IUmil .... :, . ~

• *., •"f 1951 PLtMOUTH

Cambrid.~e' Tu~or I •

Radio anq heat~r, 'ont?-o~\-ner.

.' i-ir:SEvtR;Aq:

" I .

1949 & 19~50 jOD~I,S. 'IAll Makes andllstyi~s


I • i 'I iC i "


,·I·' " I" ,i:, ,,'~ ~

Yoar, Fo.rd-,Me.rcaryDealer,I, i.'·1 ' ..'EASY !T~RMs[I .,,' II;,.

e! Phone 3031-,, '.1' •... '

Evenings 87601' 753 \"I '


Offer ~efused •


Wayne; Nebr

Sales I



CiA/M,Dt .' j

9. If y u cannot get in to theHe Id office soon, IJust callNI~ ISO and I we wtD. to Yotp' :FARM!

CI Ie ~our Sn.Ie :QateEar y . : ; Check

Dates First:

I j

,., Lt"SS Iexpense, less ldri'i"ingnnd tume needed n PO&t­ill., ewer: sale billi.1 needed.

8. You npwspaper 'a~n pa­per '-es farmers portnn­Ity tJo study' your, e Jist

~~: ~ar:~U~d;·eo~ 0;:artie e5 ,they may \. wish IVbuy. ( ,

(omi 9I


DEC. 71" - in:n ONCWSJ -G 01.)1" FA I :ojALE.

4 south, east of ,'-"'akef eld_~ogt.Robertso Sniitll an , M '. ill.

Iauctionee '5. 'ral;:efieId!'i~ _iQn~lbank. cle K: .' ~


You,. FORD ~ MERCURY'iPeoler

. . ,



Phone 303

Re"!~~~~~r ...Service Checkf Boo

MAY WE REMIND YOU THAi! THE BOOK{as stated on 'fhe front! dover )

~~~~~~~~:~~~~!~~~.;?your cars or trur;r' .


2_ Your FREE nle bill print­ed on brlgbt and a:ssbrtedcolors of regular sale billpaper.

5. With your sale .d in the'Wayne Herald )fao reach

more fsrmen than ill anyothell' medium.


Combination n e " spa perplan of sale ad ~ and salebills tie-up, whi¢h makesl'our advertising,~ completeIn ant job.

s. r;:1t~en;::r~~~~~ I~O\' 9 LFLA-'\"n HE~'lA.N. 3to make it the ikind that· t>a.<;t 1 ., north· of \\'aYnf'. Sell·

DRA\\'S A CROWD. I~1~r(1~r~\:ad;::i~~ ri'giste e<I PGl:-led rT

.. Use Of good liveStock and !. , purebred pictures lin ad and', j :'\n\~ l--i

sale ~iIIa. CLOS:5 south. 1 j-:.! "·est ofJ, Hugh 5..auc:tioneer.tlOnal -ba ~-\:. cifrk.

Federal und Bank Systemt<~lls Jelinek, 'Wskeflt"ld

FARM LOANS 4%National Farm Loan AswIlA.



HalimarltCards"If You Core Enough ta Send

_ the Very IBest"




Wages 5100 Per We~k

1 •




Phone 95

1951 PONTIACA ,et block 4-door ~hDt has I

been r.ecentlY .,.ovefhaUl-ed. I

Good tires roun~ ut thebargoin

1953 WILLYS :1' ,l-to~ .pickup with ~4-Wheeldrive and werre frontaxle hubs. -tics. st ck andgroin rack.


We Gi'fe ~a~ne, I

Auction IM~nFY


Train pt'rsonnl'l ftom thisan'a fur Jobs llvailablt

1',xp"rl1inCr nf'4'-1:- LlCC(~~TPdl will Ix> 3rd and ::'\Iaci30n

U1[\(iP~~ur I.ns~~f'::~~ron and Norfolk. Nebraska

Y'~'l; \ Ii: ~-:-::l1n and w1.rk r:n pra.{'", Turin !nn-ll th & SteubenlThiS wd be ai-

:J,~ l~~~ to iTer! re .....Hh 1 ShiL:\: C::\' Tew:!

i I 'Dine and,D~ ~iC!1'i\TH REE YEAJRS _, ,:'?E:'C S:::;;:"'A ,'S .

PLA~~~:~~:~:VtE i' i Ch,~~:,;(~" i'~" ' ,~\"~ :t

\'01 \\ l:-;h to dlSCUSJ 1-0 r qjl.! - PAiRTY f(lO~IS\\ I'n Plrso nel rE'- Ut u<; plan '.;.dr l1'"I>'«I,I"g.

~~ (~d ~:Il~ I Chm:>ma:-: an . :\-,,\;,11' I

I -~--

5E• I' 'I. '" " _ • '..... or" ~ w • ~ • _

~ ....... , • +, - .;. •• ~ • 'r


Sale at 100 pm.




M.a ag's new m:ethod ofdn:ing sends aiU mois-

~~:fh~O~t ::\~:i~~e£t~cient lint tll.2P ' Put.thif Maytng DrlYer anyplat:e you have a washer..


Nov. 8Narfolk: Nebraska ,

sreedingleat'le. of Appcoved Tje25 Bulls 20 Co 5

Chalmer T. Wrlkersan, Sale Mgr.Cole,idge, Nebroska

Charles Corkle, Auctioneer,

I' :

:d~tVING TO Los A.ngeles between!, ~ ,~-'~ov_ 10 and 20. Would like one. 'W 'f- Id

~O\;Si~1y , o riders. Phone AUas; a e. Ie,12440• 'IV efielcl DIp" .' M G~rgeGrimm

'Real ate' II IPh~ • ~TI" 7-275

De'n', ' _. Tht?se _firm O,ut-of-tm"\'TI tte-nd·<'ft , BOR S : Building lot 70x150.1 mg the:'>l in,. Ekeroth uneral

i~~==~tde~~fe~~~ti~E===~=~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~~==~~jj=~=~±~;~~~===~-!~~~~~~.!'~~~!~eITIM~.AI~dsar~ ~_...., F';";".R .SALE~ p}lce this week: Earl E.'Lewis at!?un""ard unrrure, E55£".,_" IBf.'-.:J • 302,' Lin Ii. Phone 364-L\V. L~\\Ttnce. T. Joh.'1SOn. . nsasDeep, fr~eke. $12~. 'Oil eater, o18t3n euy,};,M)[ Ie,... -Johnson..,. cotn;.

~~ie*~~~I:$7:50'. 1 <!~" ent mixer. E rl E:" - 11:rs. gn~, Kindstrom:i'J eapo-:...::. ',' . :Lewis -at 3D Lincoln,'ph.3 -LW. lis, ]\ r. ap Mrs. Leo~ Ko:be -and

If~·~lf~%-.t'~~j 11: "". ',-;'"::, , .' ,18t3P ~~t· I Yiew~la-. 1: • ~

,',' >, '025' :L'ljSED O~ ~JiER,S, B st se- 320 A 'Kerin.~ : ar':~·n. 'L~~n:" E';'on: .\ B'I'-,."g. I·M·.·.'. '..I'·'.·.·.;J... '.J ',' ': ' )ectiqn' i town·', <;it b rgain cres C'ar!sbn...o aha, :.\ir. and )\~.,. \ I , 'I prices., \Vi, h 'or without bi we_rs. Iinprowd. 6 rr.iles west and soutp Henq.- E-ri kson. therokef. la.,

tr.·p.,I"a' Of War~'I., Coast-to-C~a t Store. o2~)t3 FEED S~L-;;-~::\l~~ of \Vayne. . ::'III. and r. rs. Winton \ya1rn andFOR SAL:t Alfalfa hay m stack. FOR SA. E PUHbl'kd Duroc boars pt REBEED HA.:\IP b rs ALS() DISlli-IcT?vIA"\ ,\GER 120 A I~r.r_ ing. i~'IrJ- '1\\'Ym~r~1\7~1l~.

9 miles ~~(ith Wa ne on Hl h· Big a d r:l'lg~edj Located 10 1':! Long rUg"ged me t ty bb- in th rrito " ~ . . _ . cres I om·r·a -, r. an ,~ . - . 'I' I

.~'--'''''., 'way 15 S PaUl. ItIPert n ~l Imiles so th of \\a\'ne ')n If-Ilghwa\ !t1S0n farm" - rol est, so Ith W or hIS tcM J \\ Unn:nprm; o. ;) mIles northeast of Bard;t.W: ne. I - I (' .,' i ,'j

,""" :',t,~ '.. ,I, i \',' ,I tona. 1· tit 1 east from Hi h\\-a; 15 A.rno1 $tuthmam & Sons s27tf 0 8tf ~ ~('lSlli'r ~~~::~k:r-:'4~ 1--;~rpr Laurel k ! M' ~ ~',,·.(:tteck'y.olllqfurnace'i'BEJ,;'f! 15 Phone Wisner 3512, 2513p FbR SA E Pu,el,red Hamoshlre F>R QU p,,,",'hr Dur male . .' 11' 80 A r WA EF ELD . er·. u",r.,.·.,'y...

' , ~ _L ' ~ boars I "accmatern and !!tiaran '0l-C'" Good "Ize an Ieng h Ru- -----, ~-- '- ~_n~Ices I H tiNIf'"VVORN, IYOUCANBUYtneallne"" e\en1teed \\i1 d"lner (,(,dld Stolten dolph \\.arneke P,rce N~br \\A?"TED ,-\ ~()()'--J man ~nJmpro"Jd :; miles \'1."51: and 0 Pil a ote'I? better -Line chicks as ow aS I b~rg 17 v.est 2 notth ~_ west of JlJn{,·lnn~ ~ I to O'uppJ) ctL'itomer;s \Va\ne south of olend~e

,.,~"".. '1' "I~. I $25,OP per 100 straIght ~ and l \\a}nc a-Hf --~-- IrQunt\ \\lth Ra\'l.l€'iO'h products I 't Ji . I" .~,{: '.'.RI;.PLACEWirhlne'liv.GAT~S ~Q.Qll per 100 HY-Line pets-if F', S\LE Ham s 1[( boars See ~r "rete \\ ;: Boeh' 602 lvrite or call Adr"tte "r>bur hager. FO

.'.. " . ," r lb" r order IS eserved on or efore I YORKS iRE boars bli!: and grow r !2: <;tI'H'cl ,stock N~ I GeorCTla A\!: "'\orfulk or \\ "I'E" I \Vak~tll"ld ~Iartm Ekl'-r-oth Wake- , ; r c__ Il~,:.'l f'.·~m', NOV,ember 1: ICliitckh s ~~(b~~~ken II Sllh'l P Iced n,J::"ht Blfigh,"h

m ,"jnlldf 1m O\\'da~,u,,~lOp~e ~ ~r--: Ra\\ 17 Igh s Dt pI ="BJ l")IJ 127 Natlbnal Farms Co. I fKarH:'ld. MKT's D?~alet PuIs. eFnd:~, 19 1,.~ 1:V any 1m . e CuICr\, S ~son an e} lXO~'" ~1 ~_:~r_ J _ ,'f - Fre"port III -ulRnl IS Box 477 Phone 212 en ~t -L.<1UI'I Al _ reu::-

,I A:utho Ine chick hat ner) 1- - -- I o18t31__ ~__ HaI;"tm ton Nebr2Ska--0R nck.s6n lncolr, Ann oonan,., .. ~'d" Engel's les, Wayne ake I FOR S LE Purebred Duroc FIR SALE Ch - ura boar I ' 11104 Do glas SL, Omaha, N~br AlIel) P tt1ck !':oonan. AIlal:.B·.·..r·a':'n·· .·s·t.·e··'~t.1t"e· .r', field, P nlt3 boar~ Pnced r(Ca~o:1dble :Rob ). Dice lh St' 02512 Bruce Pau \\~akeftpld- Dono-,crt Envn .. \Ne~t \\a\oe on 98 Ff(( dell\en 4mJesnr Swes For Rent \Tand;!U1~'" WakefIeld l\rs..Jtm I:.'

llol nort olltf D( ldll Elmer D \1 nter, ons FItCh. AU n Mrs i\1arjO "JobJL"

" I I'e ILiV~$tock, 1 IFOR S- LE ~ - R(';lst;red Ham~ Isp()nED POLA\D ~hm bO:~ F(jR REi\i FOll!-room film J Cards ~f Thanks ~~y:ak3 ~~~: :;~~~r;;\~ t1~n:~~: It Will Here,.-::R1'P~' ·O·,~ I==~~~r~~~~~~=~ shlrClolaISI31r\\ltlner~coun L "ldId brav\bone ty I ,lonrn1Ah rj""i-l1Id :~ r.= fleldJ:\lrsBlllyClemcn Emer-I I:... OUt t~ arid sate Heilly Haase & Sons on", )0 e rv pe It::rl.eJ1t \\EJ nlO::: 1if() 110 '\;1' i'i'l"'R HEFUitFELT TH.ANlffi to son Mon ay

~====~~~=*~~ITORKSHIRiE'PUl:e~ed boaWs for 5 west. t! north \\,1\n(' t east Prlccd re<1~onablt; H n. Klnep,te6r ca'Jon 1nqlurr(H ral" (1"1t:1I J1 e\eryon for the many kind- .~ .

::: ~ sale. Ne~ breEtdin~ for 01 eus-II SflliTh ( ,'rlnll 01ltR ~_ _ ~_P ,----- L35, _ ness", an expresSIons of sympa I Dr I d Roland dersori ~rlTY,PEWRlTERS,; All Oi;~l.l.Mar. ti?mers. H lJI. -Bockelman. lerce - --~--~ DlsPERSA.L chOice red heifers FOR REl\T Fa 2 Jn1l1c" west Ith\ lho\.\, us dUring our recent Wak fleW! I\lrs ),-l('hm Magnu~ N' 11',- 'plakes from $79.50. 0 'N,r..: Nebr., 3:3m~es west of 1Iunetfo.,t;. 9~ Frlll Sf U ~' A.rt flcla breed 1 4 m~les '"outh \\m<;ldt' or of milt'" ocrcaHffi 'nt 1\lrs M F Ekeroth son. ar~dll Ann ~oona Allen ovl'd.own. W"ayne Book: Storl2.' m3~t! an4681, !4 ,south s_/tl<> Durm hO<il~ Baled I eFar'etmont ';'81~:. ~olur~n Hotkln~ Cull] Jlr and :\ rs Norman Ekeroth and Patn k -:SOoTIan Allen AI FrE'd~ t

11eactmg' hlomlilnr" - _u '\Iartha Fleer allen :\lr and :i\lrs Dale Ander llcks n Lfc(}ln Karen K t~ Lau- II Sp\f'n ':;<luth .! -10 < d"" \\'I~W'" .. nlt3 1Son To-min, Kathleen and Caro- I rf') Art.i:1J' Schag-f'r \\ kefleld ..

II Henr~ and \ lr 10 B' hI nh p" pm4

FOR. REl'\;T - l nfurmsht?d-; p;rt I l~ n n1 ~~~e" paE

l,p~~;~ \t.;~~m;\ i'"S-JEarOhn~ DON'T ISS ITI

~r. ,,-"t3p I f hid fl f £" "," urms e( seton oor our V,E ,\RE SI,l\jGERELY GRATE son \\3:i, (' :\lr, Donal Pulsroom and bath apartmeOl! InqUIre I iU.1 10. f lends and for Ppnct<,. i\ r-s L\Ol' Haas Emer: ~

~Herald nl~3lf their man~.- kmd acts of s)mpatby 1son.' I It 1

H f d 'I durmg,our "6ad bereavement. Our ~- ,, I re or S I apprecIatiOn cannot be adequately EA~E ITCHY SKI! '\ D .'rn-

d Miscellaneous Services expressed. 1\I,s. Albert Greenwald IN JUST 15 MINUT ES. ~.. t.e··I Help Wante and children nIp If not pl~ased. your ~. back at . yna' .1

and P LlED HEREFORDS ---- , '. TH.E' TRT iT'H~ IQ I WISH TO EXPRt:SS my sin-: ~~f~~~M~~:r ~:; ~';": ;;'dt~';'9 ~' .' .• L u cerest t.hankS to, th.ose WhO. re- I,eve the itch of eczema. l"", gwOl""m. ' M

Innual fall sale M W ' d .., . meml::'Jered me ~unQg my stay m insect bitbs foot itch a .j otl:ler FR " ...of en =',,;nre 'I.'" It Is.ea5J~r to h.UY ou' of In.- '. the hospltal_ .wlth, gifts. e)(tel""naH~ ~aused itt:h~s. CuaT" n- ~'"'fI com-l' lathn tnan pay caSII. Ho\v- I cards and \"1SltS. :\'lrs D ~ Paul t d I I b G' a D ._

~ever. d u not borrm;' any more i • • nl! ee oc.a y y rte Re all. 04t4 t t

. I k than you nf'f'd and :-ray Wahl:1 • e 01'~he ortheast Nebr,s a Electronics Fiel LJ "oe abiblv of vour budget 10 ft. ', 1 FI meet the -paymp~nts, Consult us V'~M~ ~ , '

Hereford Breeders Eastern Nebr. A~ea about YOUt· f,n"ne,al pcoblom,. . '''~, ',r5~IT, ,_ w • * ,,',.'Privat.e offices - 'Friendly sen,ce J • :~a -

Central Finance ~

Corporation WANI'ADS ~).I-

! !


Me~n to YOU? 'r,


Ed Glassl11eyer

Arnie's Superette

Herman Franzen

Kermit Fork

Commercial State Bank of Hoskins

George Langenberg

Bill LangElnberg

Ed Winters

A. Btugg~man





Swans' Clothing

K\lgler Electric

Emil Meyer

Swanson TV and Appll.ncos

Nu Tavern

Wayne Ice and Cold

Seyler Motors

Bill's Plue

Dave Theophilul

Morris Machine Shop

Sorensen R.diator ~,"d Welding

Tietgen Hatchory

j Against


JLE 'AX"._" '"


II ?

BU~ine$s Man

t."It would discourage business an~ industry from settling

in N raska, and it wCluld threaten Om~ha's position as the Na­

tion' No.1 Livestock Market."

fI, I',

"It would raise the prices on "everything buy-food,

c'o,~i,!Sf' ~nd ~'fery~~ing ~I~II ~ buy for my family."

Housewiife . . .

Hav~ TrieS the Ton-Mile Tax and Repealed It *


Koplin Aut() Supply

Wolters SeNicI

Meyer Oil Co.

Wayne Motpr,Co.

Don's Texacp Service

McCormick ,Farm Equipment Stont

Wayne Ren~erillS Cpo '


Gene's Cafe


Way'ne Boo~ Store1

Wayne Sallis Co.II


tHE TOr,..,MILE 'tAX IS A CONSUMERbecallse it has to be added to ;the cost of everything transported by truck!

P Ir 1 i

", I








': f

,'.,.! ,\\~,~yneGrain an1 ~~ed

Jacobsen Transfbr I

!.. L1verlnghouse Tr~nsfE!rIL,Stirt, Oil Co.

.Clev~eland Farrt ERuip. Co.:Harr s tonoe .

I;Mer hant Oil to. ' :"J.anqemeier Oil Cpo

:littl~ Bill's ' '

{Pilults Produce I

{Coriell Auto (:0••

I :C~"t't·to-Cbast Strrel

',' \ I;' ,I J'I,~l,

r:~ i

, I


~r.h1e~ . ~. I .( ,

'i " I ~, I I

~; ,~~'Jt would'cost ,*, more to get my products to the ~arket,

's .:~roduce,r-and Y(hen I buy, as ~ consumer, my cost will be..... 'I I 1 I

i8~~'i~1get the il~c~ease' coming and going."

, ,~: I I \. i j, '

,I II,') l



Sto~~tower . . .",~ W~uld cost me more to ship my livestock to the Omaha

I ,d!f\.'

imark$ -IWdUldh't be able t6 compete with shippers in Iowa,

Minnilot.:i~hd Misliouri where they h~ve no ton-mile'tax."!"; ""r' ) 'I • i . , .


$3:98 •~



.. ",5 pr. $1

3 p~ir $1.39

Socks'4!8"C., pr





Regular 75c to $11,00


Stripe Unionalls ~E

$ 398 !·

Men's Winter Work Jackets

Boys' Rail Chief Jeans, 6 to 16

Boy,>' fisher ·stnpe unlonolh In '>l'I:CS 8to lG Zipper clOSing You Will always~a'(c of Larson's

Cushion Foot Work<5ocks

A spccJol purchase of natlonall:- knownsock-s In drc$s~ typc~ and sport typesAll SIU~ trom 10 to 13 Strletj~ firstQuality and all With thQ o:lglnal pricetogs of 75' to ; 100

Work Socks

Here r', 0 rcol value In hays' splIt-hoodB 9 coots 5r:c~ 4 to 20, Heavy 16-oz\lIool Iln01g, big dynel collars Zipperand button front closing



Sizes 3 to 6X

All 100'70

Sizes 7 fo 12

Girls' Coats

TillS I" L()r~,Oll'" olld Bode', ;_(11'\1 annual '>ok of wondcrtlllBatt''' fobm', Thc:,c OH' dl'.contmucd forr potterns gomgot th,:, low, In ....- '>ule prrc-r nf only SHe a yard W~ have 2500yord~ gomq Oil ;.ole Thur~,d{l~ mornlng Extra ,>al~ people'w,1l be- on 'hand tc! :.crV(~ you bdtcr Hurry down and cashIn on these SOVln9' B'99c,t robtlc ~;olc .....'{l hove ever staged.All off full bolt~, all strlctl~' hr,>t Quality

1,1I",lwr ',fllf'lllr"r,! ,d tb,....f III'olllrlul

oIl ....·,l~\1 (lin!'. lIl"l 'lql ',f" Yl'",

1111'\ orr' p'lr l'd 01 ffll Ii.,v< 10-" prH_L

of ()nl~' : f) I).~

Usually $4,95

$3 88


-Children's Shoes


'!I \ '\' ' . I(, {, {'IS" s..c, Z - ('q.~e.. ( \1> G··•••••~"." fo+.""'"'''''''''''1''''''''~'''''''''''''')o''''''''''1Jr;."""""i

J, ,1 • .~;~ Ji•••••••••)Jol. '82 -=-~N~ac-'2~&~-~------f~~~~~~~~~~~~'-"-":::"'2--':'~-I---'-~~:'i:lIii.:~~ I ' I ••'"...........•~ - .' --- " , .

'rT~~di~~,M~~~!.!alks:iri!Waynt ,0·...i rll, 'I.".•.." .•,11·. 1==:.:: : 'r~·t'Ur'S,ct;l"'· mOM1ing we start 9 ~ngyes. with every $1.00 pur- ',\ I

:., 't'~,t ..)' pUT"'Ch~ of ~1'~'j~r"::o you $5.00 in Auction.,Money. d L f~1= kr~u.e If' the. store. wei g a and c:njoy the saVings. At '10'

ill' ;.,')~~in the- 'ur:, 'Start. t~,ng ~t b hetd -at the City Auditor· SO 0 ' arson: :'I"~9ul.:l" Inter-vals.. ..u~,lons d au pay with Auction M'Dn.ey.• iu,m ond you bUy w>tht:; it:",. wm be put on sale dU"ln9 . ~

j':/iifo':.Q~=~:::' and Wi" . · I Gold Print :

i i ·c ....,.; .... - 4.:.r2500 Y,~Iards flO' On Sale lhurso M.orning AI~: Rayon Drapes !j 'I·,jII,.... Ch~~iUe i..5·pre

2ads . ~":..:~t;:";;,,:::.~~~.~=,~ $1

98pr ~.

· $ 99 choose frorn. Another new shipment: I' e~.b' chenille spieadJ ';i'h loYely ~ng- . just auived ,and they are only $1.98 a =• J'd •. Full dou~" bed Slxe, ,seven pair.:= d':~':t~~ colors t~ ichoose franl, Buy . :

5 nt" and save,_ I" Plastic CClttage Sets ., ""., """",.9Bc 55',.; , ,,i1 ' , " .. ".".",,,2 fQr $3.99 i

!ir"'dl'~ C~~II:' ~ CI Nprw EnioYFspacleds:ving CLOOoYors ~i:'~ Wi"·hOlte li,'Sh'eet .Bla·n11e"ts ~3 . opay 0 Ing 5:&

1\ These Clopoy accordIOn doors fit all~ 1 standard ddo:rways up to 32 inches wide $ 8· 95: I A . , $ 44 and 60 inc~¢s long. Install them YOUt~ •: ~L ':'f~t1~.~-h. Slxe whi'e she~,' . self ,n min"'es. The accordion folds . ..=• ~nesc ore 1- f a muc'n

: b!fnkets...,Slphbtlani~eet~~hain ,on Lor- , haye permanent free pleat panels for :• higher prlCe"f. d lifetime use and smoother action. .-•• s~n's'low p. rice 'hIS weeken , . :

• 1 • COMPLETE WITH f-lARDWARE =i ,Iyd.';;;"", ,.m,'.......,....·.················,"" • 5'"" CI,," l,"." H,,"Y "'"m 0'..",1".$1.00 i: ,. I I \ ~ 1=.••• I 3

LI'nch Printed ,I I '/ • launders Easily •

... Rail Chief! c Ou1illg Flannel .j "I, · N"., N"d, " ..,h Bib Overalls i5 Ht. rc you wil.! ti.nd Q.I.arge Qs~ort~::~~~ 3·9C • Irons Smoothly Here" b'9 value In sturdy tough o'er- $,2"9 :': beQutiful prmt~d R~igel OUh"1 'all I d ails made of heavy sanfOrized denim :• Ldts of ,patterns ~t choose ram, . , y Availoble in blue, Ioscher-stTlpe or •: fiist quality. You wi I like 'he fone teX- 0 It's Bates master-stripe All Sizes from 30 to 50, :: tu;re and hea'y wei~h'. :

: ' ,10c ~: llLot Soiled Anklets .. "" .. "" .. ",.. New Prints Boys' Rail Chief Overalls,,(.~. ,.,$1.98:: I ( :

5 27·inch White Behave for life of Garment Big Size Cannon :· .i Outing) Flannet C Wash Cloths i: I'. 23' 9c:• ;, R' I h~avyw<>iglot '21-inch . .. -, I' What ° bargain' 8'g size Connon wash . .•: :~~~.n~oin~19:t th,iF IO~'~+:IOW-'-.. ·p'ri';: .of : '''d cloths In Q complete assortment of r.:l'5 r~~r ~o ;a~~;dias~~p whole qua.lIl1es y color; Cosh on on thIS so'ing ea· ,: i

5 ~ylon.Orlon Blend

~'I\ BLANKETS: T.h._S useful yeor-'r~und, or.lon and ny,-, $ 5 88: lori -blend blanket liS one. of the ,~ost• be~utiful 'blankets Ion the ma,rket to­: day. Beautiful pasie,' pla,ds" B,g 7Ox80:' size. Look ot Lersoh 5 law price. , !

i Fllour Sacksr oJened .......", .... " ...... "" ..5 ~or $1.00: . I: I,: Re~. t .69 - Big Heavy

.i'B~th J Iowels !

l T~," big 'Z~x44 ~X. trol

h~a!y, double '9f'·C,= thtead Cannon bath t:owel :15 a,super· ,r= ba~gain at lqrson's Idw price of 99c. ea..: All first! qua'iity. !. I

•::G~est-2 for 9~t.' Wash Cloths for 99c

15 , '.:' s~a;".ped PillorwC'ases ."."" "", $1.00 pro· .,:l.:..:...~__..,...__-:-,-------I: I, , Fischer Stripe,r iUnionall~5 F'U.II C.ut'fisch.e.ristr.iPe. unionalls'with $498: heo,yy Tolon %ip~er qlosing. Plenty of .'., big,' pocket~ and '.x!ra' heavy sanfori:z:e:~: lisoher den,m, All SIzes from 34 to 46,: ,i , 'j

, !:8j.o.·.··z.. ~~,'nvas:IIG,o~es ", !.. "" 4 for $1 8'12 to 3 - A to 0

• .' '; 'I Extra s.o",ng~ in quality: ' , shoe' tor your children Ye,. H"", orc th, tin, oli >,,01 ",ot, oni veillowI ; Chore Gloves they ore genuine Greot lory,-r """ f,lI,n!, 0"", >co"ng ShiT "b'I '

'. ;~~;:)r~)~~C~ t~h;~U g~~ll;' tu 12 Another b'g borgo'n Who,pper ,c. 00. a: 'ets ": I 3 1 con~i'it:;. of many stylc~ 111 :••• Now,', the time to <'ock up on these $ broken SiZes but you will $149 5 ! 17 ~, I ~ I· fInd all SIzes in the group. , ,.,', , " C••• (dO'uble qU~'ted yellow, chore 9 ayes. 5 •. b. b t La~ons It"s a •

. 8"ng the children in this ee '"" .g argam a " '. •: M~de by R 'ge, ' 'pr _weekend and hoy/, them whopper of 0 tablet but leok at 'hf low, , ,: '

= I , fitted, law price 01 only 7c , I, ea =

j, Get F~f'eAuction'M~ney' Get Free Auctioh Mbney !: ·,1' , , 1 , L I,' :5~' alt arson s at arso~ s 5: " , · , ···r··..·,.··~····..·. ~);••~ ••••••••~ ~.~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••~.... •• , I ,

" , !" f ~ f I' II' , I ,II \H") ) ).d~1Jal " I I" !

Tiedtke PIUmb~lI1gHeating & Appli nces

American Stauda ~G4nera) Electri - .

Pfaff and barnes icPhone 227·\V J

. Wayne N: ~raska" PHYSICIANS


I II Wf'st ~l1d Phf\1f' 305.J\\'.1)'111', Kebr. '


=::iW~#~lm,'!I " '

W, A. Koeber, ~,D,492


Or Leave At

....... 23-J


Call 482

Pick.up and Delivery

Monday and Thursday


West PointCleaneirs



:Mayor"rWIllard Wilh£'

City TrenSUll·lLt'sJIl!" \V ElliS

Cltv ('!~rk-

\\::llll'r"'; Brt'~l("r 298-J('11\ A\IO:IWY

/; H. BornhofrCounCIlmen

<;ordoll \\" Shupe 4J3WllimUl 1~1('IJ ._ .............•-'»SlT J. JluKhes '" 57·Jl-h'rnn I d ::-'11') (' r' 629-JWm A. Koeber. .....qOlWayne ~In.rsh . ... 620~W

~LIl 'J:; C'lJl Oper~tor

S. Thompson, Dick Hnnsen,WllllI'r Phipps. Wm. Eynon

F'IRE . C.ll 300


hssessor, Henry Arp 198Clf'rk, C A. Bard ·.38Judge, DaVId J. Hamer 258S)lerllf, Hans Tielgen 233Supt., Glnd)s Porter ..._ 1141,'rensul'er. Le{)na Bahde..232Clf'rk of District Court~

John T Bressler, Jr ,347Agrkuhul al Agents-, Harold Ing'nlls .M4

Gpmld LaJl~emf'ipr 987~5sjstllncc Dlrector-, Mrs HfOlen Wischhof .. 497

Attorn,,\Char(es ~1cDermott . 317-W

Vdt'rllll.S S(·,'\ll'(' OrflcC'r - Drs. ~arvey & Jl I]1senB. H. BornJlofl .. 218 t;' '

~O~j~~' EmU Meyer V : RIN~IA~SDbr. :! G~orge Stolz 11 IWeet I.f'~'rst Stdr~t

Db', 3;~~__=F::ne,: Neb' 1:__

I! .

and Professionaf




Tledtke Electric;

Drs, Lewis & LewisC! IfROPRACJ'OJU;

II-::rL l'.'lilNflur'waJ"ul'l<-r S<'rYlc.

II ~ I "., 4\ h 1'1Wa)·1i4l, N<-br

Wirine: ContfllctoTI

Farm, Home lwe} Comnll"'rclnl

Tl'l. 22"7·W \\'3yne. ?'plJr.


Nebraska Press Association Statehouse Correspondent


I, 1956

J' I I I,.I ,~IYou \\111 llld It 0;1 tlw l('lltal stelI Ifl a,l"")UJE' WI' Dtl\.lt/I l'n~l m~,)Y pI'Dp)" w"i'll W'2I.)'l \~ rPliC"'r:,ng-1 I I I ' I'

11sh hIstory right now, but we didn't buy this book S'~ II h T',:, II" ,1 I,BOOK V WINSTON CHURC fLL IS .j\LWAYS with thRt in min<. We bou~ht it for r~fC'f('nc(' pur-I I e.G y 'e ' era !

"DOll 3m\ a\\\ ays IW\\ s f-ll~ lat('~t lS ~hC' tlIst ot ii poses and we klOW that it wl1t be m USE' many \ ~ '. . II I "~(,l /Cs (al ed 'A Hl',tOl y of thC,!, Ell/;l\11Sh Speaking years to ('omf' . long after many of our popular I ' " 'i

PCOl~\~~:~~l\S _~~_s~~ ~lume ~s th\c ~lr h 0,[ B_r;'ta~m;;, ;;;f;iC;(i~O;;.ti~tl;e;S~h_aVt-:be:e:n;d:i:sc:a;'d:e:d:, ======"\ Mrs. Henr;y Rau I : and Anita It e In !ladies to Arbor' d\1.(>..;lI! I ( and M and Mrs. t renee R;auss N brl,;sk Pity. They ret rncd

\SOUTHf;AST ;~:s,\ ~~~~nP~~erSi~ ~~t{~U~d~~ h ~:. ~ ~d:z.·s. Clifford oah\i",pent

\'Wayne and r;€ urned "home' londav eve- t e wel'Jke~d 'In ArLington. S.D.,!' mng. ' hey visited lth relatives V. siting \'lis 'mother and olheli rela·", and frjendS while t ere. tl es. ,I, • By Stafi Correspondent i Dr. and Mrs. R~ E. Gormley (Mr:. ~d Mrs. Dale Lange,pberg

f were i Pil~er last ~ edncsday for 3tJd fa ily., Clinton. la., M~. andreco~Rl%ed or Mrs. Rose Lautenbaugh and Mr~'1 supper at the hOln,e of Mr. and ~rs." wxenee Smith am: ;Mark

taxi~19 grain and seed In Q I different manner IAnna Raabe, Winside, were Thurs- Mrs. 1: ubert Leuck: I. a d M. and Mrs. ~ee Tle~genava'' penalIzing the former laf.d ImposItion of con- . day afternoon ,guests in the Kcn~ I . Larr Ke~ley and Michael Logue, ere su.ppe~ guests Saturdjil" In

d I t Ineth Ramsey home. NebTa ka \Jmversl.ty IS t u den t s, t~e ClarencCl Longe home. .fiscqtory taxes upon dealer on ~ eva or op~r- , Mrs. Verna Granquist and Mrs.' spent the weekend Jjn the Homer ~Mr:. \!lnd fv'rs. Walfe~ S~vldgeotar1 Neighboring states ho e provided a millage I AlVIn McEllwse and iHlchael ealJCd:,Kelleyl home.! a d Clark.. Omaha, Vl!ilted' 7I1r9.

tav'er bushel upon gram prjduced by the farmer Inlne's(dl~ey.Lester Lutt home last Wed~~ ~I~~' l~~~Ul~~~~ll~'~l~" a~~rt~~~~:I ,~~~~ ~~~~;~J~~;S~r~~, Tommvoncfhondled by the dealer, , I • ~,""

, l[he millage tQx on ~ain har1fested IS . Last Sunday dinner guests in I \'" lilJa,,, Fwn and r-. *s. Julia Haas I~d Cypdee and Mrs. T. P, Rob-, hid I the Frank Soden home were Mr I :aUendrd the Am~~J.can L~gion" I ' ts vl~ited in the Howell Hohcrts

u~ually one~fourt~ mill per us e on corn an IClnd Mrs. BlI! Elton, Mr. and Mrs Auxl1J~ry banQuetl 11 n WmsIde om~. Wahoo. Thursdd\. ,oats. 'To the average Way e county .farmer, Howard Soden and f,HT)llv anrl Mr. 'I Thursqay. I Mr. "nd !Mrs. Andrew An~ersonthis woul~, result!i-n considerable saYings on ~'''''''''~ and 1\lrs. Bill Soden: Wisner. Gary and Larry A~drews came 10k Mr. and :\lr5. Augusl Voeeks

~ Cindy Sommerfeld: and Lois Jen.' last Wed':Jesday ev:ehmg to spend to P~der. Sunday to SCt: his cous~hi's tax bll} , \.._ . h sen were last weekend guests in the t~alnder of tb~ week at the lr, EJ Fox, who l!i Ill.

Proposed mendment No.5 Vfoulthperm,t t e the Don Kay homC". -, Charl~s Heikes and Illo'ld An~rews .1 Don Emerys were dinner guestsLegi~loture t -provide .fo.r, appoi~tm~nt of ~ t~x Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dinkel andl home! Mr and .i\lrs. Heikes took fu the Glenn Beaubien lJOme. s~ouxcommissioner or commlsslqn and Ideflne lts JUriS- famtly, Norfolk, an,l ;\lr. anrl :\1rs them ome, SundaY afternoon and Itlty , Saturday and attemled the}

dictibn and powers. ~I I· ~~~e~~le~~nfa~~i ~~I~~r~~' InWt~: J~~hn~ ~~~~~1 1~(~I~n~~h{raTI~~~~ts at the Lyle l1X~.ln:~~eM~l~~u~t:;laG:~~h;had\ ,Proponents of the measu,re sa i.t will. 9iv~ ~he Heinemann home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. JrI¢rman Oetken] ast Sunday dinner in th~ Carl'Legi~lature more freedom, and discretIOn I With Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kay, and amlly were dinner guests ,ronzyhskl home.which,to provide better methods f r the assessment helped Elmer :"I'fariinsr)n c('lf'brate: Syndat at the Jerry, Pallas home, I ' Mr. ,al'ld Mrs. Ray Gamble were

andlequl:Jlizatiori of taxes. Oppone ts fear apprroval hl~~il].hd~~I:~'~l,ursg;~u":;~~J~:n~nd'El~e/loan~d Mrs. Ervin Bottger,i ~~s~s~e~~n~l\sl~~Y.~l:~l~~~· ~)~I~)'(~lual~l:rrof t~e amendment would allow the Legislature ,to Mr. and IV!rs W W. Roe. Fremont. 'Wakdield, were supper ~uests I! Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Geistergivel the state age~cy which it deat~d too much i were weekend p;uests in the ,hm Thurs~av at Hermp.n Oetken 5.. Iand famtly, Omaha. \H're lastcon.rol and authl(Jrlty oyer the mdtter of !ocal as- ~ Bressler home for the fourth blrth· Mr.l and Mrs.. !,¢Iare Buskirk, ~~eekend guests III the OtltJ Gerle-

. day of Jane Bressler. omCdf' spent Ffl~rY ('\enmg at an home.sessments and taiXatlon. ...r, I the A e Dolph hom . , : GlJests in the A. E. Gildersleeve

jAnother amendment would authprize the Leg'- W"lb Bob Bathke, Papil ion, spen~ the I~ome ,frofl' :J,ast Wednesda'v unlllislo, ure to provide a method of e,ancellmg -unpold I I ur weke d In the T. C. Bat~ke home aturdf;Y \'\'ffile Mir. and, Mrs :'Ih-tax 5 d~linquen~ for 10 years or more on reel ~ ancl a ter;dcd the tc*her s convcn- ron BI1ock-yay an? Gan l• .G1~l\\ood

est teo -' I Do-It-Yourself'. • By Staff Correspondent ',,110Mrt ~~lkMcPherran and Jer'l~s)[~n~he;O~~ladv~~y Cllso \J!>ltedIPur ose of ~hls measure is to clear the record I ~ B tt l\LcPhetran Fremont ell' th F ·d G·ld I

of t'itleTIto real estate from old taxes which havel, __ __ _ Mrs. Ed Kenny, Carroll, was a: ~,is~~d a~ ~he Mim.,l0 'Bern and hon:'e tl:sstmSat~rdarj~ evelnl;~sl\~~~~d f dInner glle~t,In the Ralph Watson I Duane Moote home, SIOUX City, Mr. aJnd Mrs. Roger J{olb(')-I~on

been d linquent'over a long perlO 0 time I ~ home Sunda". !SllnUay. !land 1I-1r5. Gene GranqUltrt andlit was felt by the Leglslatul:e that there ,hadl " Mr." and MI"S. R~lph Watson Mr. and Mrs. George Noakes,!Bn;m, Columbus.

beet. sufficient Iti~~ .in which counties and ot~er I HER AND THERE 1 Iwcrc "uests at dln,nCt m the D::an l and Mr. and Mrs. p¢l Auker went II R. H. Lage, York, spent lastloeql taxing sul)dlvlslons could tQke legal actIOn • ..I. I ReImers home, !.dUT('l. last \\ecJ ,to Lltlf'oln Fnrlay ~oakes' \lsiled iThursCiay and Fridav In thi' 'Irs.tow~rds the fOfeclosure and collection of such With Y"fur ,ne~Jay d M J k S 'th r :\Irs. WIlliS i'\oaJ..:es and Aukers 1I1-{enry Lage home. i\Ir" L~l..':l' re·taxes and that there was no need for continuing AI ~t ~n th r~~b ar;enn ~:lTTlei~'i~1 vis]lpd (;f'rtrude \kEachen Sat-,Kturned home With him .for lhe

the ilien 'of the 'old and delinquent taxes against ~OUnty ge:nt :§~;~~la\.11or ~lInn('r Ir"r:d:a:Y:(:h:.ev:~:.w_::e::'r::e::a:;s.::co::m::p::a::n:'C::d=bY=+I,::ve::e::k:en:d:.======+===,I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckman

the~title to the p~ope~ty. .. ' I ' . and fan1llv w('rp dlnn('f 211l."stS! ,. If this proYlslon IS approved It I might result I 'By Harold .ngalla :, 1,na~,tn Sh"onmd~v. i,lIlr.:hf'I,jRo',:sd"DIl URn'kCj'ok,,': S T R; E S S

in . astening ac,tion for. the collect!~n of. some of: n <.., u

thelol.d delinquent taxes in some Instances. I'---+-------..,.---------------"Iand chlldrf'n called last Sunday: Stress pro~ted you ta h9ve your eyes exami~ed,

':The final a,mendment would remove the pro- SuppJem nt Damaged Corn Iwould be expcnSl\e a'i ""ell as In~ aftMerrn,o.onnd Mrs, Eugene Anderson, Stress is w at you have ~eft when) your eyes !check ,out-, I' f ' ff' t b I ld b side of normal Ii its.

;~Sififed ~~al~::r:~I~ft~ne~e;~:I~o~c~cf~sei~ahnt~:ears~ pr~~~~l~l t ~~p~ie~~~n~~~n f~~u beef: ~o~c;vel~:kf e~s~"~~~lnn~)t"7~lrb~a~~lr~ ~~[~ ~:~~~~~r~n~ln~on~Irwc~~dTI~~~t: Stress is tHe cause of yo~r child going near~sighted~. f th I . 'th t ~ tattle r tlOns ThiS holds true for IIn the bafJP;aln flay 5;llpPf'r gUf'<;t~ in the n;:lrK I , Should youl want to get "d of ~he cause of stress phone

Reason given or e proposa IS 0 I ecause both tot silage and dned fouder Fires In the home often start Banif;'tf'r home honoring ),!n. B I or write us for ~n appointment!.of hanges in economic conditions~1 it may II ecome wlthlllTlJ lature ears The kind and In the heating and cooklng eQUJD~ Banisler on hpr birthday.nee ssory for the Legislature to' Cjhange tne ~al- amollnt f supplement to feed do ment __ ~__~ . ------..----: Phone 59960-0 fice Hours: Weekdays 9·5; SoturdQ"y 9-12 poon

ari 5 paid some stpte officials before the explra- pe~I~~(,u ti~O~gl~tn~:l~aoieJae~a:;~I dol~e:('thi: ;~~~~('~d~;("~o~~ ~~~~:~: Secreta,ry of Interlor Sealon said Drs. Griffin & Griffin, Optometriststio of any porticula~1eight-yeor peri?d. ' ., foraw;c i .. l~w in protein and tnm-I and cookmg eQulpmpnt caUSing aIthe state s large supply of under

,Thbse who favor the proposal pOInt out that ends. !"pl'1iv('ly low In energv and fIre: ground .wate:, and available land 3pO Toy Bank Bldg., Sioux City 1thel Legislature meets every two years and that it ~'ua~·~~I;}"lc '\~lo~J~[O~encc~~~d~~~J~ese (.1. Cfheck( location

dafnd installa.11 :~~{'n~~~~g of nl~d~~t~cyomaendeXbc~'~: I:~=====~==============:E=~

coJld then set the salaries for the next two years DJff~r n~ ,sIzeS of cattlc and lev- !on 0 5 o~es an urnaces to ness."It is entirely plfobable it might become necessary cis of p .o~uetlUn (such as fatten I make certain that nearby walls, The Hastings pubhsher defendedto lower salarie$ as well a~ to raise them. . lng, \vm c mg, mamtenance. etc.! I f1t~ors, cbtal~l' fu~mture an~, the admlfilstratlOn's I record in the

This, in brief, is a summary of the constltu~ require h se nutflcnts In dlfferenl' 0 er com lISt! e rna efla canna I held of reclamation. And. he ';ald,tioJjlol amendments and proposed laws initiated qllantltl s '\n their dally rallOn. be Igmted. he feels confident the next SE'f;s;lon

by:petition. It is the duty of eyery citizen to cast 'or~~o;~~11~~rIT~~J5h~ovein~\~aJ~a :\~h! an~1 ~~~~~n~u~~;l~~~~~saO/e h~l~t~~a f~ ~~n~r~;t ;~~d~U~~r~~cf~:~~~~!his' ballot for or against these proposals Tuesday. 'the (11'0 ght damaged corn. The, weI! out of no·rmal travel routes power lme to case the heavy elec- I

Pldn now to fulfill your duty at the" polls. amount I protein supplement need to doorwars. trical load dUrJnl~ the summer If

'~~:::.-:::::.::.:.::-.'!::.:.:=--.::==-+=~=--::....':2~--:...-------'------'------'----inot b{l qS much when droug:ht 3. When hlJj'lng ne,,"~ heating or n~atlOn season In Nebraska.


I th~r~If~\~~gha~~ 11~g.ele~~ f:b:tn:ndC(;~~I:;l~~.7It~n/~~lc~orsh~~ se~n ;h~e~ll~~~~~k ~~a~~~ei~~~~ h(,~1;ra\~.;atlenllOf Will be needed to mcet testmg: approval bv SOllH' nallOn- Ing water from ur('as of thc nat.he Vlt m'ln A requirements. us ally rocogwzer! lPstln/..( J<lborator~ lIOn where It IS abuundant to and I

re~erred to on electoral commission he again won well as som{' energy und miner- such as I nd('fv.f11('r,,· J.abora~ regions.bY,one vote. I . ~~~spfio;~~~UlarJY calcIUm and ~~~~i~~iali~~.. or the .\rI1Cl"lcan GaS ~xpenditures .

~' Just one rote gove statehood to California, Whelher 01' not home grown State Treasurer Ralph tIlll h3f;

Id hOi Oregon, Texas on~ Washington. The draft feeds ~ud; as alfalfa ar~ fed State Conference compiled the regular two·vear rcac of World 'War II passed the House by only along ~llh 1Iw drought dan aged Count) Agent .11i1rold fn2alls. As- i port on state spendJn2. His rl'porlon vote. 'com, h' Slll'{' the ratIOns c lain slstant Agpnl (,pralrl I.angemeler: sh{Jwed !\"ebrask<! shelled out $55

, - Right here in Wayne two candidates wo~nd ~I~~~u~;~r ll~~:;~'Jn,o~a~~~~I~,I:hXsp~~d ~v~~ f~~t~ned Al~l~.Tlta~~:tatles~~~e~~o~ I~3d~~~ d~ru\~: ~~J~ \~~o6\"C:;O~er:;~I/u in a tie for a city council post in 1954 and the enl'l'gy. it'rence for :\('hrask~ extenslon Iproperly·tax supported generalis ue wa~ decided by a flip of the coin. Probably The ullp\{'mcnt used Wl!! de- workers at LlIlcoln !\ov. 6·9 ,fund. On that date. Hill stated tho'ei her man th~ next day could have found several pend 01 Ill!' feed the farmer has . Mam tOPIc" to he dlf>CUss('d dur- general fund had a balance of

pe sons who fqvored him but failed to vote. f~linl~~n\.)~I{~~~[ ~~;~h~fse~~tr~e~t~e~~~ ~:y;h:xtf~~I~I~l~l\\\:k~~~gcal~cl~;-:; $31~~1·.46\aJd HilI. Ihp [[('a'dln'Your vote isn't im,portont? Don't you believe llSlcd (0 !lot neccSlsarily need to pare th('m~el\"{'s for lhclr work. had on hilnd June :10. $:l8 ,')59 .1fl.ll

t. It is the most important vote in the world- be plilchClsed as a TOJxed or Nebraska'.'! fl's('arch program. fu" from .1lJ !wurCt,.':-; Of lh,ll lotalS it as though you know it will be the deciding blended sllppll'Jn('nt. Farmers have ture prohll'lTls of the lJnl\'l'rslt~' SJO,057,102 was f!P()osltcn In h,lnk'o

fa tor. Get out and vote Tuesday. Vote os you ~el~l~(::~~~le{:{H'~:j~"};~h(~\~I~~f{~ll~l ~ll;~~:i an;:I'~~II~\,m~:~l1(~~~O~~;:~~~~\ anti :\~~tl~:· IrlHIiI .. r\ In I'S q

I ose."....but vot~! pi l'Jl1 !'11 blt'mkd wJlh uther rllJll'l. ~ 1101111' <lJ.!l'nts <ltll1uul commUnlCu· In addlllon, til(' ~1:1lC' h:ld $:1:,- Ctlts n~ 'c1pd , 1 lJOll!; contc~t Will ht' nnnounc('d at 700 729 Ill' chlf'd In per111:lfwn1

Iy A SIJlh{'st)(JJ 1tl,1I In Jllclul!((l 1II11he confl'fl'll((' .lnd (nlncl.' Hl thcllrll~l fund,

ears ~o till j)11)llln :-'UPPll'll1ltnl for mO!i1 conl1',,1 WIll lw on dHmlaYOct. 31, ~9~9:"Mrs. Lorena Hahn nddn'ssed a 1,111011' 01 I)(ff lXlfll fOI dllllll,L1S BU'Hnef,S lllccl1ngs worl,shop'S -

jo nt meeting $f the Ameflcan Legion and AuxJ1wr) I1a t week ...~Glenn Wingett, near Carroll, rtel'lllly \0 I~( Ijl'pl rlll hl(('dltlJ.; PUfPOf>lS pre!il'ntatlOn of <-lwflrrlo: .JI1d ..oedl - -- -c mpleted thl:1 hangar on his farm and hrouJ.!bt his Prevont Homo Fires adlvilies \\ III complete Ih(" rclltn w Piper CU from Pender Saturday ... Dr. 1\1 A file III \flUl bmlH' IhlS nmtpr of th~ conIelencc mOl.!r;Hll Bus,-neslsB Street, Slf:erintendcnt of the WSTC IrHHlmg

. sqhool, has be n appointed to the educatiOlI commit· CAP TONEWS'~±~~--"'l":~...---t---~-- tee for the tr ffic safety cOflference 10 he held in I L,

Lilnco1n . .. n estimated 600 attended the annualernploj'er-cmp~oj'ec party ... ,lane Kcelmc :1Ilt!

, (b~ee friends Iwho lived WIth her while they were, el ployed in ~iYil service in Hawaii la!it wcck VISI,

te h'er l~a' nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. J(ce!lnc.


You Can Be I"

:. ~nneJI\~>-~-' lil.\\ [ -, I

"1/~ II.,..../1 t~~ ~


By I Pickling IiTheWinrers


~~~~~~r \!Studio i I

'- R t_~CA_\_A_N_5_A_S__-11 ~


Oil Co:

iBefo~e the"! ~am",AYf.A.r-

I Fill Up with S\(elly ..and Always Ge~

: Skelly Greasen1ast~rlubric,!tion

, Mern Mordhorst, Les~ee

·614 Main Phonle 522.


•See the Boys Go!




GriessRexall Store



0". 10"" 0',







Non-rH CAHO. 11\joA

See the Big Games 011

G-E Portable TV

Pick 'Emfor CASH

NE N~bro'iko~, HcodQtJO ~t('r', to­

Plumbing. Heating [.•.Appllonce",

Plumbmg. Heating & Appliance,>

108 MOm F'nonc 268


Firestone Store 'G:f



Free Pickup

.111d Delivery




sc ~HERr--.. CA;"IF

Nothing To

Extra Ballots



Home of



! CAL 'I:' 0:->' 'I>



Robe:-ls Lockers & Produce106 Pearl Phone 1i2 W

Blue Ribbon Finish,



V';h(~((: Cro ..... d·,

Sho'i' )O!Idc'.ll(lJ1


CL [r,1 :'0,,",

1. The Wiljne H['r~,i(l off,'·s $~O each we". fer the bestfooth;!": s(.or r' ~,. :.j ,m~s

2 !f onf ~n:r<l~· q~, ..... ~'J",:::il', n, w"

celve $H)3 If no ent~i1nt rJl(~'" q'!"1C5. th' neare<;~. correct ballot

will earn $=-- src,,'l'l ["I "le" $'~ <In(! th'rc1 $2


5. Anyone cal"' entl' "Y:.'::P~ employees of The Wayne Her­ald. employ('es of th< ;:'1 sp.onsonn~ mcrchClnts on this

p.age can f"nter

6. There IS nctn,nq tr huy nothIng to pay Entnco; can bemade on thr" 0,-::1' c' T!1", Herald they may bc copIedon a shec: 0'" p"rv·" [I/EAY SPONSORING MERCHANTWILL HAVE [r~-:-_!-' \·:t:EK r, SUPPLY OF HANDYFREE BALLOTc; GIVH'JG ALL THE GAMES

7, Entries must 11" r~,:"""ql <11 Th" H~ra-1(J oHlef' by th"followlnCj Tucsd" ••,' '1 30 pm

8. PICK WINNERS Dar'! PICI<: scores. P,clt. both teams ifyou bel.evr rf WII' b .., II" game.

9. No more than 5 ('nlr,p~ D~~ contestant cach week.

4-H Steaks


For ()

Melody Cleaners111 (IS" J..I Phon' 79


In PrizesEvery 'eek


SUPPORT For CompleteAre Yo aSPORTS

YOUR NEWS Grid Ex~rt?

SCHOOL of NE Nebraska





. il



"31 Years w"th Frigidaire"

"We Service What We Sell"

Headquarters forSideline Quarterbacks



106 Moirl ' Wayne



Nylars Cafe

After the Game, Enjoy

• Steaks • Chops

• Sea Foods • Chicken

• Sandwiches


For [a Winning Combination



10ur .HeadQUart.ers for Prescriptions


',I \ I 1"¥, Veterinary Supplies

~~ 1i,IfI~\"t~ , 2 Registered Pharmacistsr~ 1..1) I toSCTVCYou

I),. FelberIII PharmacyI) NEB'I!'SKA


You CanI Sl!ore! [I 1,

wjn $1~, $5, $3, $2

~or Best Selections



Addr~sst I"

, ~'I


.•.... •

• <

.' '.. ,ay",ootbal

I '



NuTa~ern1- .,.: .








Wayne, Nebraska

2-Year-Olds, Yearling~~ CalvesI

They stand squarely on four good legr' wilh plenly of limber.

They have good heads. I

They stand for more beef where il co~nr5.Their family treo is one to be proud of.

Their relatives have done well for ojhers,

Ihey will do well ·for you. I


Bred) and QPF"I


LocOlted J Miles East and 11/2 North of Wayme on



Top' 4-H $how ProspectsWatch Ifor. Our Trademark Beef Wherr Ir COUI)tS!





•'A greol mony peaplo en­

trusl us with tho responsibility011 filling' their prescriptions.Moy we, compound yours?


: 2 Registered Phormoeisls10 Sorvo You

IPhono 31 I Woyno'I

-Quot.tllbn byW, E, 11,'nl,'y tl1VHl·ll)O~)

Copyl'iKht 1~56 (l1W:l)

Thursdny evening: callers were Mr. '-----.:..;...--\---...;..;...;..t)----;----~-----~----+-----....------....-_t--,.-------J-__and Mrs. Clifford Carlson and I,

~::l::~=...::.:!::..:.:.:.::=~~F=-'7""-;.;..----"7'--·llami1Y,and1\lr,.lInd Mrs. Marlyn 1 F' 0 R'D~~~3~~ ~~~st.,mr,t'h.CHHord V .'Hale home were Mr.. and ~rs.Harold Effie and fauuh:. Crel~h.ton, and Mr. and Mrs. PIll Jenkm-son, Plainview.' Afternoon .uests 1'1 A

,...;:;j---.:.:..:.::...:.-=~~'rl........:...--_:~::_:::::=.I were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hale ,and Bradley.( Visitors ,~-ere Gladys Reieh~rt. ~_..,. ---IIEmi*' Carlson' and Mrs. Altc. NORTHWEST ,Wagner. . ".

~,' Istrlcl,58. . ~ Wayne', H'la~'s Reichert, teacher ,.

Students" with per.{~.ct attendan e • By Staff,' corres.pondent i

h'c' first term were· Dougl sl :..._.------- er"Qrimm; Sylyia Cou;lter, ~d~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Anton uranQuist ' 'ilcnsen., RanDle BurrJs. Gelda ~~r went to Vermillion. S.D. Jast .Sun­~3.rbar3. Farran and IsammIe ~ - day. to .•••. the;lr grandson. Berryris• .' Indi n Gettman. 'Y who is attcnetlllg th¢: Fourth grad~ ~a~ebl:n Scien e ulUverslty 'there. Berry's parents. 11

~f;:s~s~~Ia~: s~~~ral'aexp~rlmen ~ ~~re ~~~~ !\i~~re. Blaine Gcttmfln. 12'"6'.'Third.lU'~de has an aquarIUm an Clifford- Straight, De "'alb, III ..a t.('rra,rdtlll.l~ht . it rs on visitor~s is s!?cnding a' week willh Wayne

lkrdl.l,nt. ·da\~'~ g~Im~:gJe:;:n o~as· ~ recent re~~lrae;J B'J~ckes' spent, FridaySchools. .. viSitor. ' ! evenil)g in the ·Leonard, 131cckei:'::--;'::;~-·:'l. ~ ~ ':; ~an~e·i~suf~:.Y~a~~~~oo~iC~oi~~~. tuC'hl'r ponna WltU~r. teacher. home. Mrs. £1 cke and CarolRoger' and Rodne~' I ~ho~e ha!lng perf~ct att!?nda.nce called in the Do Llllt home Fri-

, ,Wendt and Leroy ~e t firSt Sl~ week~_ were Peggy qay- afternoon.perfect attendance Gries.: l?ouglas Harnson and Merle· - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Luft called

• We had seven tind, tAhc~ Be.thu~e.: . I in the Willard' BJecke -home Thurs­'., ~ We':are l)aymg .c~ntests 10 ~pel. day evening in honor of Marv's

rOOOl de('prat~ ,uth m.g and. Arlthn:t~tie~ The wmner 'sixteenth .birthday. !~ and pumpkms. for IWill _rec~:IV~ a prIze! Mr. and Mt1s., Laurence Heikes

" Two tige;- salama~ders are now and family w,erc dinner guests~~u·:~r n:~~e~~~ ~~~~~·I a~3eM~~: ,g~~~~y . in the Will Schroeder

~'tnd "~(I!(':': tl.....t(:-heI .. ~ ethune bmught ~e 'oth~r. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Longe and"-. IfnpIII$;, wilh l-~'r(ecl atten.dan<;:e! Seventh grade IS ~aklng a log .family called in the Erwin Vahl­w~ "irbllI':'i. Lowell a~tl: Billy ica~~ scene: .Our "sc 00 newspa- kamp home I~st Sunday evening.m-(....~!n~ Charles and Jud)· '\\~ck~r. !per. IS pUblIshesI r:nonthly: It has: Sunday diml,er guests II~ the Joe\'n\«:n'.>.' lla3,sc. Janel Uc(ti -and Ibeen. named Hll1Sl(~e Prcss. Anderson hon\t. Wakefield, werel)('wns ~Bull. . 1


-,-.- Mr. and Mrs,' HJalmcr P!lrso~.!7';r:lt ;gr:idc built a farm scene, D.I~trlct 26 . . _ Parsons spent Tuesdav evemng.In

tn ,i~ s~u'l:d table. It included a :Mrs.. Cordeh~ Chambers. teacher the Jerry Bodlak home. Thurston.('I)m ": atk tomato plaut, pump-, Students With perfect attendance Mrs. Gerhardt Wacker called on

': ',' ~ '. kmel.O r1• c.ucu~~ are T.erry and Leon.,Bake.r. -Jeanne ~ts. Henry Hoffman last Wcdnes-Fall gtade ma,de an~ .Diann~ Pollard. San d r a d y afternoon. Mrs. John Rosackerndians. Fifth grade M~_cke. Sallie Ber~. Susan Wert as a THursday guest.Ie. 'garden. Their· in- and Barbara Mr,. and Mrs. Nel,s Grancruist

,~ l' ;~~e_::,~adei1fO~oons for the k~o~eiceftttei~h%a:ar~~~aS~ii~ g:1~~ht~Obr~fhd~T~f1;rthIPra~::~,",1,'. ·-:~.W'ac'ker treated the pupils .~erg.; ~ave perfect .scor~~ ~ ..spell- H:ar'der home last Wednesday eve-·

J~.!j.ber:"~~day. . I, m~~t~~Jr~ tFt~rioween peb,ty at,i.n_ln_g_" II

Di~~;b~r~7·watkins. Terry Baker. SOUTHWESTKeith-Lehman and Mrs. Chambers Wtreatea· us on. ,lth,eir birthdays. ,a·yne·Mothers of the stude·nts Isurprised -,'tl16~a~rt7ie~~~pa Jr:bh "b~~gttts~ ;-•. By Staff Correspondent

ga·me book.·: ~BiII Heiet's sp~nt last Tuesdaysc~~gf: Gladys Por~er ,/y,isited our evening in lile Allfred ,Janke home.

-Mr. and Mrs.; Louis PospishHOj'strict 10! arc vacationing ip th~ Ba,-;L

Mrs. Alice Jolmsonj teacher su~~r~ i~e~~~~~au~l~.v wi~h, per~ct atte:ndanee hospital last Tuesday.

%eYC~lr,_:~dSnet,;>~k J~~n·. Sp.3 Robert Milliken is spendinga I5-day, furlough ir:l' the Albert

t:~~~ a¥~o~~~o~a~~o:"dGee:ro1~~ ~~~ikt~n ~~~~~h;:rda~.illIllt.hWe~~~!, Beck. i I ~nd guests .were Mrs. Alberl ~l.'I1· I

I ,JO~~~~~ tr~:titd ~~~o~eri:i~rb~r~: Wen! jr.. Mike and Patty. ('n11r:lr~),days. A surptise t>~rt:r was given ~~~di~s·C~i~lgi~e~nJef~~so~~l.:J~.~.~s·1by the mothers fo~ th'e teacher. Mr. and Mrs, Fred, H.;,·e~, IJ:'., I

I OuI' bulletin b.o~rd this, week d M L G b g U¢ d d~~aJurG~n:' ,~~dm~~.ryDD.rho~~~~~ ;'~mjn~tSr;el: ~h~w l~~mSt~fjohn~~n J ~lbrought item.$ for ur news bulle- ~~~a~v~~~~~h, Norfolk. lu~L I sun-I

l:·\.~~~fs~·s a~e lea ing the, Hares Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Drarlselkain our speHin~ cont st, Jo)'ce Claus W~la~~eA~sle'r:onnda~frfa~li~i~::~won the first' term health: contest. guests in' the Ed Mann hom¢ last

Sunday evening. Afternoon c~llcrs

were Mr. and Mrs. Luliher .'Milli-ken. ' ,

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grone: andfamily and Mr. and Mrs. Art Grone

~~ g~:~isn i:r~~ l~~~u~uc~~aJit~i~;home. Columbus. Ed Grones called

'! I ;guests last Sunda. ire::e cg~~:~ knat~~~a:a:~n?~~Harg ~g~~ ~~~I. KaI'd~n home. L ur~l. honoring Gilliland on :his b'irthdav.

Sp-3: Paul Kard1l and Arnolq. -Mrs. Laurence Ba~kstrom and

K%~~~~l~:s~' L. ~. Meyer helped ~~dr~ia~~eM~~·Il~or~~s ~~~~siJ~~Mrs. Iw. H. Meyer.- qelebrate h,er Backstrom }fridAY afternoon.birthday last Montlay evenin.t:!. Mr. and Nlrs. Herbert Gerleman

Mr- and Mrs: E~d1waJ:d Baker and and Joan were last Tuesdav eve.~6~~Yir~~:~ I;y~ rnillbert ~auss h~~l!gU~;~I~~~~~ Lcal~cdThl~m~~~

Mr. and I Mrs. Lesfer Bartels, Duane Grucnke hom<t. Pilger. lastLaurel, were las Sunday after- Wednesday evenlll~noon and supp~ ~ests in the .....::.:r . __ l _

P'k'\~. ~~:h3rs~oGI:~ S.mpson andMrs.' Geoi~.' M.~r called in the "I A • MBill M.y.r I hom. Pend.r. last 11'1 tne asterWedn!Sday eveni ~.

Mr. and IMrs. Harold Stoehr, of My Fate"Linco n, spent t4.e weekend in theLloyd Powers ho e. '+-. (Author's name below)

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thorman

~fn~nt;~a~~~ "~j1~~:Vjlle~ :'~·r mi:eou

h~~n g~:;os:o~re1,~:~~~h m._ e", ~ast Tuesd,ay(e ing call· heQ.lth, is ',going to be. Theree·~ were Mr; and ~rs. rv Hoff- are now ~edicines that regu,man and 'Marlene a . JohnRos~dker,' Mr. and . Arlen late your lood pressure, adjustFitc~~ and Conni~ w Tuesday glandular.' imperfections, ande~il.n:~'g_a~dll~~~sJ ~obart. Auker even safely lessen nervous rc­

l:sll~~e~netshdea~R~e~~~son, home actions.Roy Piersons ~ere gu~sh in the You,r first step to better

~ean Pierson' h~me; Fridav cye· health is tpward your physkianmng' for 0 eh~ek·up, Should you' F;j-day afterno~n' gue:ists' in the require ooy medication, yourVirgil Kardell p~e -were Mr. and C physician !knows he can prc~

~:~repscT~r~aJ:.~;Ird~~r'~~~~l:;~ scribe ony medicine, new or

hORm.·U'bwenith ct.Iirel's~'n· and' She'rman old. Wc l;:ori compounCl i~ in,0 our well ;stoc.kcd prescription

Hall" B.oulder. [Colo.." were last pharmacy.Monday oYcrni~nt" guests in the

~~r1~~n~ai~~~nd~fu'~· Jl~~.... LO~~~an oyel~night ~~e t1'ast Wednesday.




_... __ ..$4.25



r- - .~----------



WAKEFIE D'-Dial ,7.2919I I




Engel's Also Carry -the NEW



to Remove the Large Roundworm

The Water Wormers Will Not Removethe Tape or Cecal Worms




fo~ the




KFABi DI~~vE!~

TheTo rid all,kinds of wbrms in ~hickens-you canbe sure of a good job when worming with---


$2,95 Regular Price


These For' Good Buys





Special .upply 18 UmJtoa 80 como In loday, Horo'.your chBtlco to beat mo.sUtis and save

monoy at the samo tLmo.

I.P. a, The worst souaD tor masUt1B is hero~~

AUREOMYCIN Spetial Farmers Best Carey's White

Soluble pblets-THI5 WEEK ONLY-


10 Srop Calf xou"per gal. per lOO-lb, bog

8Seper bOl of $995 $115 7Sc EACH


AUROVIM See Engel's 5-gal. Vacuum

for for your needs in WATER FOUNTSPoultry Drinking Water Elettric Heater Bases A good buy tor only

3',·LB CAN to fit 011 kinds ot

for only $87 5 poultry fount,!$39 5

Regular Price



with each five you purchase

WAYNE-Phone 134


~ ... J. ...




TON..MILE TAX(Highway Usel Tax)

i ", I

"Club ,Ianri,in'g iTour, 'I I I I

ouniyjvtuse~:m.,Nexf Week

est Kock wcre caUers durini, th~ Tile W\lyn~ (l-IeDI. I HeIDI , inurs of, l-lovember, 1, 1,956 5week in the Clarence Boling hDme;l": .... \.,__~...:.;_-:-__..:.~~__... ",Mrs. C. A. Beaton went to South \. : '\ 1 1'1

Sioux City Saturday to visit in They returned for Supper n the tte d d th f 1 f" Mr .D Ithe home of Mr. "and Mrs Arthur Benshoof h~me.' ,"' ("j' I iddle~ the !o~~~rj~s~iJ~"an.eObst. Sunday sh~ returned.' to Ran- Donna E¢'kert was, 8.' !wtkend Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boling

I ~~~~~yw~r;~ S~:rS~~g~:~~~. ~~~f~~~OG:~~~~he~n~ ~l~n r:.?to~a:n~er~~rd:k~1foh~W dne 'day ~ afternoon 'I with ¥rs. birth, ay. Those ~esent were Mr. Fern Huwaldt $1d family. VIsited Mn;. Mattie Hall i the orne. ~ .E ~i itt~er Mr. anld Mrs. Hu- and" rs. Leo Ste hens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom BowersJ..anf George owen.s. home Tuesd y aft· Mr. Jmd Mrs. Roland Stahl andb:ri ~ .ttleton: Wayne' were Sun- ~Mr. ~.n~ Mrs, Ja k Rethwisch and Arletie were at the B~rnie ../I:Jow- ernoon. ~ olene spent Wednesday, eveningo.,.ay Iu cheon guests ii~e Wittle.r fam.b. , Mr. a.nct.IMrs. M. E. Lar~ home Tuesday evemng. fo* the Mrs. W. R,.. FrenC.h and arrell' the home of Mr. and Mrs.-Nor.ho e' son,. r. and Mrs. Jim Stephens host's birthday, d~ove t? Harlmgto~ Sund y for al Waller.

~r' nd Mrs Wa eo Thomas and r. and Mrs. Cliff Rohde and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duffy and dmner ~n tlie,Ed ~l.rschman horne. M d M G' G hspent' , onda.y ~ve.ning~lin the home famil . Cw:ds w~re played. Mrs. Ed Kenny were. Sioux ICity Mrs. Hirschman' IS a HU~~, ~~D., an~' Mr.U~nd-r:~'f Mr and Mrs Alfr d Thomas. Su. and Mrs. Melvin Meister visitors Friday.' of Mrs. French. Jakf! Walde spent Monday aft~PMrs: Otto FRanz and Mrs. and amily were in Lincoln the Mr. and ~rs, Charles \Vhltney Mr. and Mrs'. M.. E: LarsOIp' spent ernOOn in the Dale BruggerClare~ e Boling speht Monday latte part of th!j' week where the and StanJE'Y~tended tpe fOdibal;l Monday evenmg m the, Paul hOl'l)e.ltft.ern on in the Ga)/lord Pflanz form~r attended rthe teachers' eon- game ?t O.ln Saturday after.- Schrad home. Mr. and Mr~. PaUl RelatIves and friends spenthome" venti n. noon and we e overnight, guests, of Obst were there Tuesday evening. rsda v .

M . and Mrs Walt' Lage SP&fIt -Do na WIttler and Mrs. Leo Mr and Mrs Don Whitney' They Mr. and Mrs. Art Schaeffer and U y e enmg ~n the home of~un~~ aft~rnooo in l the, Harry Jord n attended the teachers' con· als~ visited the horne ~f Mr. family. Norfolk. were Sunday vis- r., ~d k~rsb'~~~US ,lM':enke forBeckn'r home. ,I venti n in Norfolk Friday. . and Mrs. F d Gemmell, Malvern, itors in the. Roland Stahl .hom.e. Mr a~nd ~~ 1 F a~.I jan Halleen was a Friday eve- M s. Frank LOrenz. Mrs. ErWIn la., and retu ned horne Monday. The grO)Jp spent that even10g 10 ~Und~Y ve 'il' . r~~ ~ke1 ~~nt'n: ner in the furl Bowers Witt er and Mrs, FotTest Nettle- Mr. and Mjrs: Ed Kenny had the Everett Waller. home for Mrs. e TIl g ,10 e on. am erh~~e ': ton enLMonday afternoon in the dinner SundajY with Mr. and 'Mrs. Waller's birthday. orne.

, , ~a~l Shiphley home, Norfolk, to Ralph Watsoh and family. MJr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson ~ ~r. :nd Mrs. Harold WC!0dall,.:........J..... " I:! ' ,. h B' VISIt Patrolman and Mrs. Delmar Kirk and pebby Stanley spent and I Dennis had supper WedneS_1 1alr. ere weekend guests ,In the~SCS IMeet.lng I, . ~yle Cunning \al1tl ,""y5 Ship~ley and family, who were a few days this' week with their day'with Mr. and M1"s. Rar Har- .horne of .Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jor-

IMrs. HermaQIJ., ~ockman was 'F II B "ld·n1..s I there from Sidney. gr' ndparpnts Mr., d Mrs meier and Jerene genson. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jorgen-hqstess for w.sq~_ ed,;esday aft- • U e on UI I tI which M1.and Mrs. Don Ba.ird and <jh

3ar les Whime.y. . an. Mr. and Mrs. 'Everett 'Waller SOn ~nd family were there Friday·

ennoon .at the __~e hodlSt chUr~? . Full.,rton. LU";lber I c:o., arro]] fami y, .Hastings, were weekend . Mr. and M s Morris Jenkins and and family and Norval Waller g.Week of p.raye:r:., nd Self-demal dlscon lOued bu.slOess In C gues S In the home of Mr. and Mar and rs Jim Griffes an.d spe.nt Thursday in the Roocrt M,r. and M~s. Walter Sloan a.nddt1vot~ons were ,p rharge of Mrs. and Dved t~elr ll;!mf'r to o~h~~ Mrs'.' Fred Baird. famKy, Hast ngs. were Tuesday Waller horne, Fay Landanger and mlly had dmner Sllnday WlthMaurIce Hanso~1 a d Mrs. D,., E. [yardS: sold ItS. bUll mg to y MJ. and Mrs. Louie Abts and evening ViSittrs ip the Mrs. Emily sohs were there Friday. . .and Mrs. Henry Haase andJones. Rel10rts "of the semmar Cunm gharh thIS wee . famiJY Dixon had dinner Tues- J k" h' M R h W . amIly,meeting at LaJrel '" w~re given, t. Cl,ln ingham is in ~~e pr.ocess of day Iwith Mr,' and _Mrs Har ('n InS am.. . rs.. alp atson an~ Conme ,M.r. and Mrs. Bill Benjamin Worley B~!jts~oof 15 the next (['emodeling and movmg hiS ,hard7 Griet Mr. and Mrs. William Ro';;: ;nc _l::Ike .~d~lleEd ~ler spent ~arnIly, Laurel, were dinner guestsh9stess. . '; : ware tock to the ney.r location. erts and' flamily Wayne spent Laurel Gemmell BaCIk ~ y 'JI M V e';FYk I m thl' home of Mr. and Mts. Max~ ""l . Wi,d esday eve~in in the Gries F'E T . . an rs. ernon 0 8J!lP Brudigan Sunday

" Ita 'Dek Party(' , . Visi ors during the ,week in the hdfue g rom uropean rip and daughl~rs wer(;' Sunday dl';. Mr. and MFs. Alfred,Seivers and9~n ~vening ~eU Dek party -Georg Johnston hOI1j1e were Mr. Le!ROY Nelson was a Thursdav Laur~1 Ann Gemmell, Ft. CpIlins, ~er guests In the Wendell Eddie family. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meo-was held Friday; in the home lof and rs. Roy Johnstpn and fB;m- overp.iight guest in fhe HarlTY. Gries Colo.. sppnt thp past week here o;:;e. d M Ch I Gr d' k ke and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Menke

i'r. and Mrs. J ck lRethwisch with l1y an Mr. and Mrs~ IJohn DaVIS. home. LJ' with her grandparents, Mr. and r, an rs. ar c~ . cen y (' and were guests Tuesdayrs. J. C. wo~!is land Mrs. LeVi ,I :Mr. and Mrs, Evall ~amedr~~~ Mr.'"!ind Mrs. Bill LUc:d"rs and MrSsh'eRo~er~nc;.eomu~el1t·o Vl'Sl't her ~~~k~~~g~~~i;~~?C11:i~" S:~~~ evening to .thE' .Paul Baier homeberts assistiJg. fctr, ar"Mrs. IMr. a d Mrs. M. T. S!,~!Ihart two Ildren werE' Tuesdav Vis. Hors ' son home for the hosl s bnthday,

lair Theophilus a d Mr. nd Mrs. ~Ol Ni bra~ Saturday to spen~ in t e Robert Waller honw Mr. mother at Ft. Co1lins after a year i_Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Handbury,Bob .Johnson v.:~r guests~ Prizes the y WIth Mrs. Charles SWl- and Mrs. Leland Waller w('rp in EuropE:, She went on a YWCA Mr. and Mrs. Worley BenSh~)Qfl Nf'ola. 1a .., and Mr. and Mrs: .Jakewere received by j}1rs, T. P. Rob- art. there Friday evening IOU:' tn Europp 8 year ago, /then an~ Mr_ and Mrs. Harold QUInn Waldo wpre ~ests for dmnerer.ts, Otto warIJIer, Mr, and Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. H. C;. Hansen sp~nt ~r. and 'Mrs. Hen~y Harmeier d.f'CldPrl to. slay in COpe.nhagen, arrlved,.horne Wednesday pvp.nin~i Tuesday III thie. home of Mr. andUoyd Morris a d ¥rs. Theophilus. iNlond y afternoon m the MaUrIce and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Har- Df'nmark, as an X-ray te'chnician, from Miller. S.D wherp thpy had!' Mrs. Dale Brugger.--- " ~an n home. meier and family Danbury la Whik there she visited her grand-I--r:::=================:;;;;:;;;;:::;-, ',: , ' Mr. and Mrs. Ha~ty Lcseb:~g were dinner gues~ Sunday i~ th~ fathn's blrthplacp at Gl~gow,1

Ch . -ihi find ally had supper, Thursday In home of Mr. and Mrs. Harr Scotland, and _other pOlnL<; m theU r~~1 !es • •• ,the lair Swanson h9me. Mr. a.nd Nelson. Y I Brlt.lsh Isles. l'rance and [ItalY.

~. /Mrs. scar S~anson a.nd JaniCe Mrs, Pierce' Jane's and Lannif'1 Shf' plans to loc~te at Houston.

, ,Carroll M ho 1st Church Were thcre Fnday evenmg. . speT1t Mondav ('W'ning in the Fay iTex., whne she Will br pmployed(C. L. Va Me reo pastor) . :, Mr and Mrs. CI8Irencp Morr.IR Landanger home, Mr an 1 l\II. 'In tl ('anel'f r('search lahoratory.

'J;'hursday, IN:0\!f): ,MethodIst and atty spent FridaY pvenmg In Landanger took them' 10( SIO~J~ iMen',Winside, B p~m, ~('\'. Stanley :the yle Cunnmgham hOJ!lP. City Tuesday on 1hpir r{'lu~n 1t I Mr, and Mrs. L, E. Jenkins andGanzc;l, BloomfleIdl, WIt) be guest Mr and Mrs. ~. C. Ph1111PS ha~ 1heir home a1 Zearing, h .. aft!'; i Lois had. dl~T)('r Sunday~ with Mr.

~PS~~e;~y:, Nov",.! 4) Laymen'? serv- ~i.n~~rp~~;s~~~ With Mr. und. Mrs ~o~~it in the J. N. Landang('r,;an~~r~jll:;;1l~~7ff~e~~d family.,::::=---::::::;=+.:::.:p:.::cF=f:-:=:'-;-'7.;±:f.:':=~~-llce,speCIal l1)IUSIJ by chOlr and f Mr and Mrs, Adolph Rohlff a~d Mr and Mrs. Stanl£')' Sorlen Hnd I Hastmgs, spl'nt from Monday un-;:,;..::..::;:;;;;;::J:....~+-.;.. --t+...-:--.,: baptisms, 9:45 a.,m.; Sunday school, 11M:'. nd Mrs. Will Kno,lF were In fami)~ ,",'er£' 'S~l1day even'ing cCi!Jt'rs:' til Wf'dl1('srlay m thl' l~omt' of Mr.

10:45, I, :Mllln sota over the weekpnd, Thpr in the Stanley H<lnspn homf'. "I and Mr~ Stahlry Moh-is. TheyMO.nday, Nb\."" 5: p.rclParatory ~jSit'd. in, the' M.r.S.. Bprtha Hefti, 1Vf. r .. and M. .W'l.1 H k Wf'T.".' hr'l"C' while Rf>\" Griffes a1-

members clasEj. I Ihe arold. Clarencer, RusseJ} ana Suqd~y E'v(':;~g ~lSitofsa~g w~rr (('nded a church mcctin!; at Nor-~ - ~'L ' ' Mart n Hefti and LeRoy Back· George Stolz home l(' folk

.Blf~ha':lY r,esp.yterlan and Istro homes. Mr and Mrs Erl Shl1JhrorJ! ~nrl t llnnf't ;::-u('~tS Sunday in thpZ}on C\o!"'gr, galtl,on,a:' ~hurch ,La ;onnr' EddlP, V;'85 a Thursday Shcrri, WIIUSIl and Don'p~ Sh,l1- horn" fI' ,M1' and ;'I:lrs. Fred ~ckcrt

(C:-dIl Pix;! , .Pel.sIOT) . . nvpr lp;h1.and Fnday P;l1('~t lh 1he twrg wrr" Wf'rlnpsdil.v ! v.;[·p ?VIr anrl 1'1rs. Hugh G:lx-;on.Th.ur:;;day. N0i~' 1.. )- flung <!f!ults. :Ray .JenkinS llOml'. caller's in lh(' homt' of Mr. ,\\-'inslnw. Mr and Mrs. 1'.rne'st:Fnday, ~ov.... ::? own ancl CUUll· I Dane Johnson, Dennis Hans('n Erwin Wittler ILrhnf'r. }'1r, and Mn;, Ernpst I

tr.~ laymens m,, '. and ary Grahek spen1 Sat~rday Mr. and M;s, Harry Grips hH.d',Ilf'ilth and. Mr.. and I\lrs. DuaneSunday, Nov, ~, Women s /Sun- Ihunt ng and had dinner III the dillhpr Monday with Me and Mrs: Eckf'rt, N()rfolk

day.' ", WaJ LagI:' homp. Eat! Sutton Bf'lden . \:rc (In'1Ik Lag!' ;:md Dougl':ls,--.- , " , . " M '. and Mrs, Bob Pe1Pfsnn a~d 'Blue Ribbon Wjn~ers 4-H club \\"'1'1' Fnduy ('vrnlng VISItors In i


MI', and Mrs;; !Axf'J SmIth an.d.lrami Y spenl.. sunduy aftf'rnoon In WIH meet tonight. in the Fred. Ih, 1,\'(;\.lt l....a~f' h.. omc. l'~B;rtha,. NorfOlk!, ,we~(' Sunday thf' j)pn Sto!tpnbf'T'g" home. Leidman home. ;\1r and Mrs. Worley BenshoofvI~rU~rsa~dtl~r~·~('~~~laS~~~~~o~, M and Mrs,. Fn~d Eckert an.d Mr_ and Mrs. B. D. Frink. :\1r, I and th,.jr glJPsfs, Mr,' and Mrs.s ,oent' Saturda: I('v'enmg in the III\}~. a..nd ;'vir.",. Ern;'st l~eath weJ[' and Mrs. Ot10 Pfianz. Mr. and: Don Qumn and family. Mr_ andti'6me of Mr :Vand Mrs Arthur ,fnd ~. ('venlng \'ISlt0X; 10 the Dee Mrs. Kpnnpth EddIe and LaVonne Mrs .JIm Mattison and BridgettGlass . I . ,'Ras ussen home, . . Mr. and Mrs, Gary ,$chellen and \ and i'vlr. and Mrs,. H~rold QUinn,\

S 'd . .' II . th M. and Mrs. Morns Je'nk~ns girls, Mr. and Mrs, ~h~rt Josl'ph' Wf'l"It on R ~i~ht~epir\g trip toho;e

no~~~~~~~n~~:. ~~~'f'.~~:l.on('~ I'Ml~ n~r~~:.cJ~~~~(:'~~~~%s~~~'. ~ilY nnd Mr. utld'Mr;;, Ern· r;Il\'!r1S PrJlllt ~~l~~noon,

w.ct'c Mr. and.Mr~, D. \tV, Holfman Dt.! lat,and Ann Ma~l~. ol'[olk, and Tom M s. Frank Cunningham arrived I

and Al~n Pntt'ha d, hom Friday afler recovering from I

~Mr, and Mrs.1 Rudy Lorenzen maj( r surgpry in a Sioux City I

. nd family To~ed.from Carroll. 'hoST]I;l!. ,She was dismisspd fromuesday to ta~ef,eld. H~ oper- !hp hosl~ilal yvcdnc'?dny and Sill'

,~~~~.'a weldr,ng ,rand reparr shop I ~~~I,t:~'f~l~I(:~:I'~'~~~ ~~~' ~~~T/;,'Mr~, D('lm~r S,hiphlf'y and fam- H'st ...."r1ny ('vPlllng" in Hi(,

~;~~]~~~~~~~~~t~::~~~;:;$~~~:r::~~;::'l;'Z~~ f,~~~~r7~,l'.l~~~,:~~~r~.!M~n~~;~~I~(~1~~;~:~:;7~~(_'·'..':·>;~~~tt(,I/:'1;~~r~([r1J:~; ~;~~~'I~~i l~:II~nl1~r~'~;ll~~~~~,t:,n~~,~'!': ';', ()1","U"d AdV(' "ment) (l'olllt,n' ~d'1"'u,"""",) ,!'"'U,,a' ,'dV<'"u.<e<''''U,

.rurl1he Squee~e on Ne&raskal.-:r7i±;=::d,;~ ~: \:, I / "

1-:1 )

Constitutional amendmentt1 chonge the ollocolion off'!nes and penalties for viola­tipn of lows prohibiting t~e

oterloading of vehicles usedupon the public roads and high­wPy, of the slate.


Constitutional amendmentauthorizing the le,gislature ito iabsolve real property of ~ox 'and assCSSiment c!forges unpaid ,I

for a period of time as I~n.g 1

or longer ~hot thot provi~ed ifor taking title tOt real property'by prescription. I


.j-,.. . ......••••...•.••.•••••••••••••••

I Hoskins Precinct)


Prop~sed Amendment No.2

Constitutional amendment

:~b~~i~:~:iz~ t~~s~e~i:~~~u~~:~ Ivaluation for taxes upon grain 1

and seed produced or handledin this state.

Proposed Amendment No.3









NOVrBER 6,1956



Profosed Ar'nendme~t No.

Constitutional omendmbnt Ito remove the prOVISion that Isalaries of certain officers cbn­not be raised or lowered oftJner

AGAIN'5T than once in eight yeors.1i


Pr~posed A~:~d~,~,~ ~,~. 5 I

CCJjI~J"t~tionol amendmentto p~rn'tlt rtrt~ legislatur~ toprov'id&;"o~rthe appointment ofo To,( Commissioner or :TC!~

AGAI't-IST Commission; and defining his or.its jurisdiction and powers.


(Distr!ct Two)

IFuli Term)

Sample Ballot

Sample Ballot



wayne County, t1ebraskia r


NOVEMBER6, 1956 '


Proppsed fmendment No. 1

Vote lor ONE










Proposed by fnitiotive Petitiol1

An A~t to provide aihigh­way yse taxI bosqd onweight and diStance, onall commercii>! trucks

AGAINST COrryir..g IQodsj 01 t?n ormore !tons an~ on mter~

city buses, Iweighing twenty; ig~, th,ousand 0'

more pounds; to provide thot! rev'enuej from saidtox be distributed to the De ortment!1 Of~ROOdSland Irrtgation and to Countie 'and MJnici JCiliitiesof the Stott in the some pr' <lr thesame purpof,es as revenue f t~e 9~soli e taxIS distributee', to provide for r:1qemeht artcl Q~~mmidratlon of the Act; and to ome1d ~ncrre~

peol certnln Stot~tes. ! I I

1 i I! I:


.·_··t-·····_·.~ 1

.._·- .. ·--..-fI

.. ...Repablican

........ ···r··I

.. -· .. ·· .. ·-···-·-···-·· .. ·TI

... ··1 ............•••_.•.•...•.•_••.• _~~ ..


FOR diSTRICT JUDGENinth 'District


Precir(Ct Ticket

County Ticket


'Th rd Di,trict


Non-Polilltical Ticket

Robert G. Simmqns







'(Full T.rm)



C " D" jommissl ner Istrlc~

Ti ket

Vote for ONE




Vole for ONE

Vote for ONE·


Vole fo, TWO


Vote for ONE


oI Garfield, She,mon, iDeer Creek [, Wilb~rI



Sixtaenth Di,trict '




Vole for TWO


o CARL O. SUNDELL '_ _ .

o GORDON ~. NUERNBERGER -- --,-.-.--1

o LYLEA.tJ,ROTZ , , ,











........... Democrat

..~ DemobQt

........... By Petition



StQte Tick~t


DWIGHT W. BURNEY ..Republicon


VICTOR E. ANDERSON ....._......Republicon









Congressional Tick~t



V te'in ONE Squore Only


RICHARD M. NIXON, JVice President ~ I ~ :, 'I






o J. C. McREYNOLDS Democ.. t




FRANK MARSH __ Republican

1010 V. C. HAVORKA, SR. ...... .......Democrot



iO RAY C JOHNSON Republlcon





Vote lor ONE I

0, ft. D. HAUlSON .


o _ , L.- ..

Proposed Amendment No.5

can.St:ilutiona~, amendment topermit tho Le islaturo to pro­'vide for .tho 8 pointmcnt of aTax Commissionor or Tax Com.imis.ion, and de!fining his or if.Jurisdiction and' powers.

o Foro Agolnst



Be it enacted bv the people ofthe St~te of Nj'cbraska.

ScctlOn 1. That at the gonerIII

f~~~~O~lnlin be~~t~WPt~a lolOt11~electors of the Stutc ot Nc~bras;kll, tor approval. the to'llow~lng' nmendment to Artlelo IVBectlon 21l

kotr the Cc)Uutitut.101;

of NQtl~rnn n, which in hC!rQbypropollCd by tlje Legl.lature:

"Sec. 2n. Tho Lel:l,jDlureml'y p,ovlde lor the np.poln,tmcnt 0' 0 'fux Com..mllU!llonClr Q( 0 Tux Com..mllmlon, which (.'ommI9sion ..or or comm!s,don sholl hnve

~~jnt~ij:fl~~~oo~ ?h~crrc~~nuc Jaws of. the state, Dndshnll pORSelis such powers toreview tlnd tl{Junlizc ossess..mcots.ot property tor taxn..tlon,..8S may be provided I

ll"plellull, lubmlUltI.FIlANK: MARSHSeCUlar! 01 Stot.

t>ublll\ht'd S T1~'n. we~k. bllJ'nntnlMOIl!111)-', Oclnbrf 1~. 22. 29. ]I)M,




o Foro Against



Be it enacted by the people of\he State of Nebraskal!

lion.,for' taxes upon: grain and Proposed 'Amen~d~enl No.4''seed'produced 01' han~ned in Ihis Constitutional amendmept la"

, state. r move Ihe provision that sal.a les of certain ,fficera cannoJb ,Z'aised 01' lowered oftener

an once in'eighl yearl.

o Foro Againsj



e it enacted by the people 01he State of Nebraska.

'r~lC~\~Oc~io~ i~h~~v~~~~;, 19ge5~:here shall be ;submitted to thelectors of the ,I State of Ne-

~~i~~' ~~enacfgr~~aliot~rtf~f~V, section 25, 0' the ,Constitu~ion of Nebraska, which j'g here.y pro{losed, by the ,Legislature:

vi~~eIcio;5{n~~Ts°I:~fgl~lJs~~~i'I b~ce~~~v'~;~ sg~l)rt~~~sS~~h1 officers, or such other offj~

I g~rs J:~~~ba~f ~~tVi~~~cf~;for their own usc any fees,

I fi~st~~~e;ntf~eSt~~fr0nh:n~~~All fees that, may hereafterbe payable by law for ser­vices perform9d, or received

~: th?s ~ii~1~J ~~ov~fri~e!~1his office shall be paid torlh~with fita the slate treasury."



II ,

I )" \ 3"\\'i\l'l\'j, J\\ t:S '.':1\\\'1:". '1'\)\'\'j :;'\I\I'l"'r'1"1r.UI::'iS in .\),,(\ '1\1t\.'Y' !\nut'l'SCn ))~1'n:(> T11.Dl1U IDil'C'. '7VIr. ,:ma :-VTr-,9. }1,,7',..

1"956 nnd !\.fI'S. (Scluni4( ('a!l~d in, ~hc b Th H Id' honoring Cynthia on her bir.~hdaY. hel' inK I Mrs. Anders-on celeot.::ate. man Rue-Mil. and E\"\ka. M\'~. JC)\lnI U"':':'':::;;''~:';;'''~+~__'';';''t'';"'i,._.;a,ll'1c'm')o''l'ie\gen hDme. H. Calhoun. See ,y. . era Mr. and Mrs. Arnold'Mlaurer her birthday and honoring Mr. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs, 'H~ns Ha~... .Cliffo,d Straight, De, III., and family visit~d Thursday In the and Mrs. Jerry Allvin on .their sen, Winside, and Mr. and Mr~.

~'-" ii' 'v ." I~ ! a\:";'litve':~"tlhasMtl'.~~~~es~~~s. f¥UJl~ Itema'"about ,Wayne Eo Ira you know Rev. A. Zuber:1ef borne, C~arter,' wee dmlt. 8fllHvers8fJ1j. 'Theodore Kling, Arkansas, City'A!."~'L N:' '" ,¥ Oflk. la. ± r~ and Mrs. E;nar Nelsol;\~ Ran.' "

' I ' StMraJg.12tn·d· .M"s. M." T., IGleh~ ~.l- :ttl h h 'th th M Mr. a'nd Mrs. Thomas Me right Ow ha,. were weekend guests of Annette ' Si~X ',City

,: ,:" ',' . 'I, I,:j, I ~~db1k: ~~~ ~~~~ JgU~~~t~~~~n~~~ t~~na ~dlV!iat1ih\e~MEaU~fI~W~~ ~:OlO!~t ;e:Itth?~~~ke~¥ InJi~l ?nn~~:~\~kh~~;:~~'~~~:'Y i~~:r M~·rs~:~;e:~ear~I:~~·a~~·Mildred ~;r~h: 0~tgs~:dr~~~r~~~(>.,gU~t, 't '~ 'ht 'Ttllly, Straight ho~(> Oct. 15-18. Mr r d M sap ea ~e Mm s ho~e. Mrs. Anton, Ped~rson 'called \vent to the- teachers' conveTltiori in Mr. and Mrs. Frank W,ielchelman,

b~\'bt'~'~~~t~: t~~:r ~~~gl:U~~1' l'J'.°'llti7: Callel'S last SOl1day aftelrnoon fa~l/ nd Mrs. LeOnard Schwanke T ursday evening guests 1ft the T~u:sday .aftez;-noon In the parnes ~.~.f~lk.. T.h~S.daY. 'they also ViS-I Ra~dolph, spent. from last., T,UC'sday"n'~,,·t:!ld· ,a,',','?' '_""'l an") 0 O~I'ob'~r. in the Tll1Jy Straight home w~re and ia [ly Stanton were Thurs- Ad ph Korn home- were Mr and Mllhken hom~.' If ' ~~ , In the Loren Agler home, ~~'ltl1 Saturday In the Ke!lmrt Fork

~., - ~ M Gene GranqlJist and ,Brian da- dmner' uests In the r..eorge Mr Herman Ref'g Mr. ,and Mrs. A f'~d ~anske <:lliolk. . m£'. ,Jfl:it>., 1)t1S1d J: l~(\ner. ar:XM1': and Mrs.! Roger Robert- R Yb I h g Y rs Adam Reeg and Emilie called In the Herman Rledel.horne. 'Mr. and Mrs. BIll Piwel1jitzky Mr. and Mrs. W. C.1Andrel,vs(S-lj:AL) .. ' count~1 JudJl:O'. son Columbus I e~ a ~ orne. J g Th1ursday eve- had d;nner last Sunday In the Al~ Osmond, last Sunday. and Chery} and Mrs. Blair Jeffrey had dinner in the D. J--tllJJ homeI' I . 11lt3 Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Kllrkpat~ ninguel \ha:rOI~ G Nelson home Vin Rceg home ,Mr. and Mrs. A~lison Bahe and called in the Floyd Htlpp home last W('dnesda,y evel1ing." • rick, Blalr, were weekrmd 'puests IweIe rs R E SaJa and Lana, r. and Mrs Charles McDermott family, Cr-'ntral CIty, -spent the Thursday evening. I ,Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Auker ar-Mr. and Mrs. W~. L. I ischhof In the R M Strmger home·!t Mmne polls Mmn MlSs Sala re- an~ son attended a famIly dmner 't'('(>kend In the Al Bahe home. Supper guests in the AdO'lph rived home last Wednrsd:-\y aft-I'r

• I helped:~m Me,}'er, Wake£i ld; ,eele- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ji trong turned horne Sunday and her mo· at he Philip GrC'gorie home, Sioux I Tom Cavan~ugh, Salem, Ore., Claussen home last Saturday, were being gone a month. The>, attend.-.' :. ' '! brnte his, birthdayl ~astl,1 Monday were 3t the El<,lon Heller: home, ther 1 returnmg home today. Cit, Sunday, "rf'lurned home }~st .\Vednesday Mr. and Mrs. Elhardt PospiShil. crt the funeral of Mrs. Aukr'!"s

ATtON .1 ;' evening: ",I • Pilger, last Tucsday evel:ll~g.. Call rs in the M. M. Nelson ast weekend guests of Mr. and IaHe: ~, lO·rlay V1SJt WIth ~rs. A. Mrs. Henry Preston is spehding sist~r, Mrs. Og~~r Johnson,. H('m~t.~' " Mr. aDd" Mrs. John D~rrie and Mrs. ,Emil Sw~nson vlsi~ed ~tn home Newcastle, Friday were Mr. Mr . 'Robert McLean W('I'(' Mr·1 T. Ca\-anaugh. ,this week with Mrs,. Albert ytoung ICallf., and vlsJted reJ,atI\'CS III

'!~:;,~,d~~n:::...~! r ~~~J~ ~.~~~~. t~r~~~~~ ~is: ;e:.~: the Evert Johnson home 1as1 'vV d- and 'rs. Ole G. Nelson and their C~ e~3~O~faO~l McLean and Dean I Sl"~~'~~;~Sd:yM~~~r:,a~rr~~ C~~~~~~i O~~~n~~d Mrs. ~ennett Youn~': ~~~~:aR~\\2~~m~.nd Seat'~i(', \V~sh,H ' h C 1 E W' l 1orne ne~~.Y~d Mrs. David "!t1efPhilUs t~~~~ ~:i~t~~a~~i~~.RMi~~. Sala and r. and f\IIrs. Harry Fahrenkrog,! Pryor, Mr. and Mrs,. Gilbert Dang~ and family. Omaha, wen' lWeek~ 'I 1'.Mrs, F. E. Powers fe~l, and)\'Il~' 1l~ (~\)\m~)·~ en~aill: \~nd:~ eve~i:~g, all~rs' in called ll1' lhe Fred UrwlJer, home, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mines were Hai·tlcy, 1aL \\.'f'rc w('f'kpnr] gUPS1S'1 b('rg and family,. :Wjnsid~, and end .g-ucst.,; in the :C. A. Preston', sllppecl on a threshold. sInking al

't W., (1r~'~nw.•.I.el; U,e ,.~., L. ,.mSChl,lOr\hO e WE're Laurel, last Sunday afternqon,.. at B aiv last Wedn~sday. They ofiMr. an~l Mrs. RuBic F<lhren- Mrs. Hf'nry Langen~erg. Jr. and homf'. i table Oct. 13. She crackr'c] three.. "1' ',I Mr' Mrs Ernest Eel tenknmp Mr. and Mrs. Robert RInehart had d'nner'with Mrs. T, B. Heckert kr g and fam. lJy. . fCirnily, Hoskins.' .. I' T. he foUow;ng helped Herman~. ribs and bruised h('1' back. 1·.'.·,..xo1'bta~ """', t.~,."\, it .'n·d·· '. and·Mr·s. W','II .,·allman. 11 I' tl B M""e,' ho"'. M f'd' ddt th K- . ca ('( 10 1e, en ~:v-. . 'r' , WI.10 's in the Crowell et O. 1st un ay, .Inner gues sine Mrs..Nels Anderson and LIllIan lmg cf'lebtatc his birthday I Guests in the Erving Doringlh'-b~"1:h",,'il1hnt'l\ 't\I.'~ Af.~ertibon callers ,in. th Wisch- Sunday evenmg and 1l1.,the IJuhus homC', They also visited wit Mr. Ja ('s Mllhkf'n ho~e \\'l'l'f"' called In. the Norman AndefsooiThursday eve-ning: Mr. ftnd Mrs.lhomp last Friday rvC'ning wprcJ'a;rl~::\1r'~ll~~a~da:; hot home last ,'li'ues~ayl ere Mrs. Hinnerichs home last Tu('sd~y eveT and j rs. Allan Laaker. rom an, Mrs. ~alph M!lllkf'n and homf', Co~corcl. la.t Saturday.; Anton, Pf'derson. Mr, and Mr~., Mr, and Mrs. Woxl"cn Damrne ar1dl

. I hl'l Charles Messfrschmtdt a d Mary ning. I' ' J therc thcY went to Omaha and th a and JJm UrwJler. HflrJry That. _ ('ve-. nmg ...thr'y Wf'rc H,".,nr y S.!UVf'. Mr',and Mrs. Ray-', 5.on, '_..' '[of,.~dCQI~~i~:J';ld~~ and Esthe-r··Kl"ugcr. .' ,1 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kling, J\ri

__ ___~ .. _ _

,\r.:.~~tn:tl~~I~~~ti~.-~~l M~:. and Mfs.' G. A., ~'de ~et ~~I~~a~n~:;~'~!~~'~nsr;;:~~bJ;11r;~~I. AM,PLE BA1'.IL·LOThl$ H,~h ~u)" ~,r- Odub,-\r. ~~: '~~~e;n~r,~~.~~ ~d ~-1SW;~~: IMrs. Lloyd Russe-ll an~ sons

Stai1hope. Ia,. in Villisca lao Fri- ~~~~{c~~:;~~~Yh;~~(~:noonin , he Al~day for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon F~SingerCallers' in the Fred Vo Seggern T I I Ihome 'last Sunday eVen ng were and "sons fpent fast ue~(, y eve-

:::':=':":;::..j.'-..,..--..,..--dIMr., and' Mrs.. 'Lotiie Ha sen and nilci~~~~\~\0hOen~~S~~\~'.:lt~~::;:~ I Elec N bsons. iWakefield. home, Newc",!1", las' Sund' X wore enera ovem er 6 1956 Wayne C,ounty, Nebr'askaHlItla Mittelstadt, Lau el, called Mr. and Ml's. Myron Schultz and , Ilast Thursday' evenmg n the J. family, Mr. and, Mrs, LPsli ~ ShC'r~M. Strahan h'ome j man. Ncwcastle,: 311(1 Mr. al Ii Mrs,.

Oc~r~7,_1~e~ria;1~e ~.ChJ~i ~!"~~~r; ~:lX Schultz and famIly, \VllkCi

home, Omaha. ,Mr. S~ nudt . at~ Sandra Davi,s: spent a fe daYftenddd a school last Thu sday and with Brenda' JC'nkins, orfolk~

~E=i#=::~::Fr:i:da:Y:'~La~s:t:F:':id:a:Y::.e:v~.:ni:n:g:M~r. last wec-k. !. ,'Sunday guests in the Rober~

Nelson hom" w,('~'e Mr. al d Mr~.Ray Sullivan. anf' family Not'r'f.olk.

Mr. and' Mrs. I. A. Nels n. Pil-

~~~~~~l ~~~~(~\ll~~~c.d¥hn;, ~1~1 ~~itended Glorec J).nn Nissen s pianprecital.: I

Mr. and Mrs,1 George Noakesarrived home last Frina aftNspending a few clays in the' GeorgcJohnson homp, Spencer, a.! Mr. and Mrs' dHermanj Baker

~~legar~a~·u('~~~~~~eJ.~:t;.rl~r:;;(', inc. Visitors of Mrs. Georg Meyer1 t Monday aft~rnoon wqrl:', Mrs.

rl.'d Ruser' add ,Mrs, ,Conradciershaus('r.Mrs.:Ge,orge Meyer ancl~Mr. and

s r;tGl:snt ~~~:~~a~1'~v ,'~1~~iJ~t e Bill Meyer home, ,Pe del'.

Mrs. Alvin :Anderso spentursday in the Kenneth Ramsey

orne, Mr.. Anderson pain d themf r supper. r

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Re 9 calledi the' Henry lBarelman home,

akefield. 'IQst SUhday a tefnoon.Thursday evening ~alle s in the

YI~s~~\~Sbr;;~1~r c;;r~ :Y ~::~1". and Mrs. Et'ic Linn nd RC'u­

. e-'------+'-'----=::.

Here's the Record of"


Businessman Go,,"ernor

A businesslike approach toproblems in 'state government~s. resulted in economy, more~fhctency and better service tothe citlzens of Nebraska.

• BETTER HIGHWAYSDuring the Mxt two years Ne­proska . will ,build more milespf hard surfaced roads thanat any othr tUne in our history.

Conti.Rue Busine-ss MQs:"Dgementin Stote Government

r TAX REDUCTIoN, Ea,te ,p.troperty tax levy reduc·

to< 1957 $1,008,680.02 taxeductIon to Nebraska tax­


Republican for




Cc 22 Year:;



Keep Bob on the Job!






(lhi; cd n::)n,i.orct7 br Ho:r~!on.for.con9reSjCommiHee,AJc,() Clem. NorfoJk~ ChairmanJ

Republican for


Three good ttrm~ deserve another!

Next Tuesday, vole for

Nebroslto nll!"l!d~ !he eopoblr ~xperlenced reprOJentallon in Congress whIchonly Bob HordH;;l7' (C· (' 11(" Ht' ". c pub:lc ~crvanf of proven obtlily, Integrfty, and..nbCflvtl'lil"H.

Fotm.n and bU1in(lU'N~'n who depend on 0 sound fafm' econonry have Hmeemil OQOI/'l .... o!"d for (:C)1: hnff;'Or. !H'(CUSC he has worked 1!relessly for a free andrrJ~p-e,rou; o~lrr[V!h;r(' Ht< i'. b~~r known notionally as the author of Public Low4sb, lIndN tl'rm~ of w~l:(h two billion dollars of surplus American farm products~o~(" bcC'n sold !o frh··r:dJ)' for ... igrl nal!otUi, rhereby hols-tecrng domestic farm prices.Hri 11m wOI'i>:l"d. ~.')r·,:,lhlJf"~ o\mD~1 olon(', for dc-ctric power for the farmers of hIsDI~trict. HIS yo'. on !he Agliculturr. CommlntH'~' hos always b~en on fhe side of sensible,tOOI1nlCllvt'. l:'1telllgttnt 10rm \[!'gi'lotlon.

Dob Harrison wonts conllnucd' reduction of ooYernm~nt. soendiltlg end the1'10!Ie-n~ll d~bt, low{!r (ed("fo; IO;t;~~. no foreign old to "neufrcf" countries', and 0nrrr: wor!d·wid~ s,land a\loJmf Co~rrunls! oggression

Experienced and qual,fledby serv'ce as di­rector of the Wayne D,str,c" since 1939.

Candidate for State Senator I 16th District



t'~,li'.<' ~H';::lntpn Count}' F;'JI"l""',:r

Memb.. , of Luth"lr .." Church

Buc·Uvlsor, Stantof' County Sa,'

Mo;,:,O~" Nebrasl<;I Leg,31at,tJr~ 1935· 3:6

Pa.s1 P"-csld .. nt, Statr. ASSO:;'1.1tll')"- of MutuOlI In>;lIr.,ncr Comp<lniesM.or(' tnan (,(I p"r e"l1~ r:'~

Nebras"" " \ n't"rFl In''' r,I":S'I B ~~' Til' ,.,·rrl,., ';, •

l"11'l'r:::'Q-:-; H ... ;u((· ~(, g' to

thr. rr;,)I~ Bnr1 Y'"l:",-y,-,le


• for th~ ~UW!1~ of thl) ..Iot~

• for Ihe good of Ihe nollOnfor thtl pp.m:~ of the world


• Prntidcnf Dwigh1 D. Ehtnl'1ow(lt• VIU" fl-rnichml R.chord M. Nixon• G(lvrrnor Victor l. Andttpn• RIO/! Phil V!'li!uv,r,

(-''leW'' 1,! (11;!

.. Gle-n" (unnlnrtham,(,lnf/lt.;· lnd nl~\

.. bp Rob.. rl O. lIrmho:n..(!'In)w', ]rr,Di.l.

• R,p t..l. MilIt'!'.(nWtl~\" <1lh Oitf.

• D'wighl W. Evrnr.!Y,li~ulrnf1rt' [,(lynn,"!

• ~II* A:J!'JiI('l: Roy C. Joh"~on

• A~lcrnC'l' (,"n~II:, C1ar('oc(' S. 6l!(k

• ~N,tI~tOI~' ~l ~J(l!1 froni-: Mrrr~h

• Sll'llt llr(1w/t·! Rolph W. Hill

• Wa-rnt R. ~won~on,~:r:tlVf!H (":-:1''1':

em NovemlNtr 6VOTB




Groin t.1l~·\lOn9f"- B:;i!cLng

Omaha, NebrQikO





and YOU Help Nebraska!

;Jt~,. )., It71h," I'~"I""fl.'I.\ 0,' :'r;I~:h: I:u~'r;,~!. III

"-Ph' h,,!~.,

AutlionqJ LeglJlatlve Study:·"Constitutional amendment to aUlhorill' fht, I('~i,.

I l:1turt, [0 substitute: a basis ()d'lt'~r th;m \'a!u;1tJUD

. {or taxes upon lttain and bt"CO proJuccJ ur h.1o,i &lied in dW .we."



[VCRY WE.I!l<:

.... '


gree thatKA Needsads ..•.


I: ..,'-,--+---~-----.-...-+--.,..+-------.I' ,r-


Ihom,' or 1'>lh:. '},'!rs. 1'.y.s:lc P::trl:, 1 O:::cqr I>::ck::r.iVl:1hdiCIJ, ::rr:.d :',1r. 1 • - The Wo-xne

N.r: ~}eFS~~~'ers w~s a s~lpperlf~1~~r5' DO~ieLichtenberg•. l'.·or-~ II See ""y Til He ,..... :-;;=t:::-':'t-~~~':;;:::~:::::~~~~~-4.~iguesL(u the EarL J,Jet'lirso!\.'h.ome Mr. an6 Mi:='. L. C. nO~~h~I' ~ e r lei liy RandOl an I Iwe.dn sday. .'. . and famiJy were S,unday vJsitors Item!'. boutWafDefolk,pu Mdlvln ~~eJt"alldil~ and Ilts'I"" Tbur..a~l' where M~ 0 ·d.

Mr anll Mro. Rudy Blohm Silent ihthe Art Doescher home N rf II I Ii' ~ went IW "tt d d the. IThur day the Earl pet-I r Mr. and Mrs. HatTy Calhoon fuQ t: sf Saturday to VISLt In e ~ lov/a-Nebl"a ka a·1er.;son h.orne.. were V.isitors.. in the Clarence K.alin I. Mrs. Ralp:h .He~dl~. and family 1late Rev. Walter B ckensick who .ho~or r

1G. lIiham home and' tlOnal IAssocJftlOn of Ed patio a~

He . Don MaT~h. p<ilstor or,the home Coleridge Sunday. fand Mrs. Don 3.11ie;;;' and .ferry ) was 'Pastor 'Of 'G e~ Luthet'an L 1 RQsS (In her bIrlhda;y (Buyers. Hie 'lNas clect.t¥i fa' ~''i:i:=::i======:j:=:ISchu ler Methodi~t church. was Mr~. ClarPTlce' Kalin and sons. "spent Thursday in SjOllY. Clty. church for twe!ve ears sup~ e:s we~ last Saturday of the :as!!o~ation.I overn ~bt ',guest m t.l}e home of IColeridge, and Mrs. Vilayne John-I Mrs. Dale Johnson. Carroll. I Guests in the Me m Froehlich home ~ rf~lD the Gary MISnerM.-r. nd Mrs. LeSlie. N~e las\ Su~- Ison, Omaha. W(>Tf' coffee guests .in J cal\~.•d ~,a'St TtJf'5'f.l.a y ,j!tfC>T11nOn m I. home Thursday eveqmg were Mr_ In the -~4.~ J. Sk~eYhO'.:te:e ~lairestsIr--__- ..;......~day.. e spt'fnt Mo~.aYi and Tues· th{·HarryCalhoonhomt~SatuTday.' th".' Ahm Andrrson home, land Mrs. Don LalWenbel'g and Sund ' 'Iday, 19hts In the lcl~ Chambers" .Clifford McCaw, Ralston, was a~' DJn~er guem m the Abe Dool~h· famil;·. Hoskins. I Mr~~>Cf.ifford "nci. fam'",Iynome . IWf>t'k.en.d guest in thf' J. C. McCaw I. ham.e T.hureda;. \\''.''r(,.. Mrs Le.Sl.l~ \ Su~ d' :tE. the called In.1,the ,"noy B'-er honilUr. and Mrs. Frank DUIT. Dna-I homp , ,P. Stewart and MrF; Loui, 1\...1 y Inner 5 m "'"t LeA~ ..... u e

I_~....j_";'__",:""_",,+,,,_, Iwa, la., spent fTom Tuesday 1__' _ 'Holm~s Grand Isla.nel. and C'fc>org-e', Owen CoffIn home ere Mr. and Thursdayl evenin~. •'.,.' '! throu h Thursday WIt h theIr 'Buskirk Wakf'fif'lrl -... Mrs_ Don Carter. ,e:eant Biuff. L&Roy. Ramers were among!

S h~OoI Open ,House son·in·law .and daughter. Mr .....;:rnd IFarl'11 .Bureau Supper A. W: Dolph entertained C. W. Ia., and Lan:' Hawbtker. AdeL la. g~ests It the .~auI Baier home1I4pnual "operi"'hous~ ,will b held Mrs. terlmg Borg. Mr. and Mn.. Held at Dixon Church McGuin> el' ~mn~r 1.2.j;! \\'ednfo;;'" _Owen Coffirys. att~ the w!!d· !a,.,! Tuesday evenmg honoring Mr.

a.....l~9.e D.,.·xon, PUbliC.'~,.ChoOl" av. 8. Durr were on theJr way home: iday. I dinE of PatrIcIa CqlJ and Ro-ger BaJer onl IDS birthday. Ifrom a vacation in Colo~ad,o. ,I About 50 W!'flonS attended the' Rev. R. M. Dao-ken and Jona-' Kutzler in ~toa'n, l~. ~st Mr. and Mrs. Bob Paul and 1

Irs. Fra~k D,urr.! 'onaw~. la.. Mr. and Mrs. EJ.dr€? SmIth and annual DJ}~on County Farm bureau than and M~ M.HI" IJark;'n wpn1 aften1Qon. Colleen 90ffin W2e; a f~miJy and Mr.. and J,lrs. Clifford II

a.n.d ~.Ir.s Sterlin,g, B..o.rg .wer call- Mr. nd Mrs. Merlm Chamhe~s aCr I membershIP supper Tuesday ,at to SiOUX F- Jj' c: r J•• ' T . brIdesmaid . Bake d fa Ieis in t1le Mrs. ,Earl ,'Ankeny home camp nied Mrs. Delpha, SmIth to I the Dixon MethodIst chur~h. Guest r!.:l\: Thl \ \.~:,~.~.'.ctll I tr.:J.~.) ~u;S=, Guests in the G~rge Witmer ". r an 'rot Y were guests in

~~~~:~a~n~ft~~~~iAnnp terson ~~cr ,a l\1~~~s~~ithevief~ngiorfT::::; i~~~:~i:~ti~'~r~ii~eecn~~~h ;~l~S. ~~il~ ~'~~~\.('~:~~ .;n' :" ~~" r- rJi.~11 "~ ~;:~p: ~rm~lds~~ue.~~~~·e~eYi::fe; ~;~~ ~~. ~~di~:arner hame last Sun-

wiere,.,guests,inJ~he Roger ansen home in Idaho. /.1 i~:~t~;l<:.· dlstrlct on:tanll,atlOn dl- J~('{ I}il:'~"rlll n" rJr",~,-- f;~~l,~;: Idee. .' ?~~,9~~~~. :i~~ :.a~~~:!.h<ilme Monday Iljight. IS. t I I :-_._ :~,.,\ ,:: ':1' f'f""l 1-1 FPld·lhoL.;~~Of~1e::e;;twg,e5t~s I~ the 110m{~ Wm~lde. i

~~.l.."... and .Mrs. 'Earl., peter.s~n a'nd c,e y , l'vlr and ],vlp: Gporgf' F ~lonk k<Jmp ),·m" i-ln,: 'J[ (J7 ,:'- I :r·nu:, Iwere Mr J \[ ~s. ~no Rl;Jth Mr. a.,!d Mrs. Fred Riekers and

f IDJly were oyster ,supper ~fuests . • • • . were t;';nnr.;· gU(,f;t~ It] the Th~~' v.I)i p" ,J: .. I,i,m' t': ;rl,I·. and' faIDliy~n; a~~~Sl:!\ t~ ~n ltus~ Fr",drlc.: attended teachers con-

.~ ,i~:~,~~~~~e,i:~d~jJhnsa~: h:'~~ SOC al Forecast ' Gf~~~(, ~~~~,\.i~~·~j:~~f~~ a Frida'." h~m:it~~ril~.> t.~~. ~,~'rc if~~1~~~;11 Mr5~ A. W. Ross ~nd Ruth, M,.. ~~'~~~~~ ThuTsda~ J and Friday ftOren Park were visitors, "n the Thu day, Nov. 1 ..'aflf'mOOn v!!'ijtor 111 .'hl: Lon ;\1r.n· \.\iirr"'>TI l);;..:l~.m. ;jf ,! l~nd." :\ir."l anrl bIn.. Clare.fle,.; hO~.' .LaUrel.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chi!d-5 w.~e

Al ar SoCIety i 1'0'," lwrrll' anrl Mr~ (."Inf!' V"'I'r ,l"'d ;'V], Mr and Mrs 1Jon ·Jrw~ll an1'l fam m Dr', J10In£>s. lao last Wednesday

:.:.=::;:~;;:;;;';;';:.l.:';:';;;;';;':F-r-"-f----------r--i!~=V.~·~l=.MS II Lowpll and 1J.ta SaunderR wprr· I i1nd MT..~ (;J r I j )a!~ln,· -rh,''\, \'. ('r(' r---'',_,,_n_,,_'_'_'...J1_'_"_'"_,._._. '_.~".,:'':.'":.'.;.:.';:d':;"''':'':':'':''':':'m::":n:.'_ ....I'. :\Iondll;, dmnf'T' guest" m ttl,· Loll )1f)nr~'))J~' \'. I r,- ' .", (';-:".-

'I:".:"" "'. '/'.' i IIW~'lclhMdeet'"\'WSCS I Th d !.'i1ornw,' hom('. J,'~' ,,\.~. d

Alb W ·.l' () Jst .• me urs a.-v Mn, ArtJtur F,·~](lY T('turnnej "'''5. Anna AddiSOn spent from

ert,', ",.. ~1t~ nloon )mb~~evccturhCf~ ::~~~orZi II(J/lli' .'-;lJnria:, aft,,) ,J Wf'I'V." n~ll ;~~>f ."I;"~~;(1I~:1·;~r~'m',Ur~"r:~n,,'·1r';;;'~~·a :

";' Ii,., ., : I: • I,' p.r;:~... e~roaU~d ~c:;e·II"~len.ial Mr;-,. Dick '~'~""Jt,',',','. h",?,", "I"','.',.,','.·.·'.,dl'jHIl.:hkr !vir~ Dinner gue"'~~: of M"'. E" G"an-

.·,,'i.·.WAJ.~.':q".1\.1 :Cha'l ber;., \\'a;-, ch.urman. ." .JOYCf' j",,,gll'\ ;;~'JrI plJpil< rl~ 'jljJ.q III',' V.:;n. ,~ ~r. ;'ho,


I 'II i we U Chapter, Mcndow (J'n)\'{r~'J~'c~~~~ ;~;(~;f~~I.,~f'd /\I~li~d'~~';~)~rk Laurel a;~ij~JI:~ntjc'.! ..',:---\ C(Endjda~~}~.t"" . W Tt· will nl('ot NOt·. 13 in tlw 'ill " j'Ht:'JL Fork I.'!' B"r'~:~'JJ'"i·l'STATf.-~ A.fC-'R II ~~~:ll~U~~~S1<'ch~~c~lJM;.J;.,arjr;.,·V,j\~~~ Ch h 1·I'j

'II '.~:'.I"""'·"" 'l~.'th'" .'D·~~.·.'lr·I:G.·!·~_lr.":,O:,i" ,', ..' ken. are m ('11;]1"/':(' 'of 01(: pro ,ure es... Duan~: Flt,:.h 'J'icnt "\f./ L'nU)ln... ....- 711 I grar \. 1\Ir.~, j)ltl~ (JIaIllTWT'.'-, and Dixon Methodist ChLinh " r V

E·XPE·R.I. E.~CE.DIN. pr.BLI-,e 'SE'1V1.CE • Mr.'i Oliver .i\oe an: llosle;;.'-,v" {Harold Bunath. Ou:;leJr I \_~,I;~lllrr;;:;)I:; , I,m·Sunda', .i\o'· 4 .sund.l'. :.choui, Helping W L. E.JlIs celebrate"

I :;",~, .••.. ' ... ' '. '1 I anA'11 M'ar~d. i';.'c~' ~~:~,,~'l~~:r ~i~:. j(, 'm . wo"h,p "Who Ask; The hI> blrlhd,. " "lnnc, ,,,' Tue, ''.:.·.·..'...,'..••.·•.'.1'·'.·.,.. m.. o.. ",,'NE N1eb.ra,ska. f. 'perime.'ntol FD~rn'n. I. (Jue.'>tJOn.~~ 11 diiy I".'·n::w v' ',;. .:'>1: ,Iy\,o ne E:-tgSlf'dt and sppnt \I':edllcsd-<l~ ...... 0\ ';' All church Kr·f') :'\:1.1' ;nll"-;··· f-" "m :'vl: !

...••......•'................. Ptesiden~e Ass'n~Of SOIl Conservation Dlstbcts :~~~[,ay ('Y'_'l1m;- 111 1~r' 1: Borg paf~\ursclJ\', ;0..;0..- f! MYF 8 fJ fL =g~ ~~~" H~dar~;~r; a~dl~:rr:}~~' I:::':1: n, WO)'n~' County oil Conservatron District d M B'II F t

,:," .'.i .~..:.l>ir~qtor "!'layne founty R A District 1.8 Years Gr en rtany. 'Wi;~' andl

Mr. e;~d Rose Hill Nazarene Church 1. i,jhlJlr:~~;I'I-~:I~:7rf .-~;~~sts In ~~re'.1 I I I . Norman Jensen and family (Clifford Schultz. pastorl and Mr~ fl'rn ... : :-. '1,.

-gT,~r',Ji': t w,hee LeMo °Gnd.:YvI·nsuhPoPme'e. gU'ests in 1r) .~~~dll} w;'\)~"'s·h·,p·.l l JS\ln(.~~.'n·· ,nl,~,'h~:~ "(.,'.",!fh, 'I<.R•. ' ill",'.', n",r'f, '.",,",.'.".,om,,",•·.••.. 1'.:.·..••.•••.,..1.,..,.•....1.••1••...,•.........•..• "' Your Vpt Will Be •Appreciated . _D ner gU;'s" In 'h.. S,anley 'IC;, R p.m., . ,. - tu,· l' ~K , or"",f .l; I I I N 6 IBrin y homp Jasf Sunday WI'r!" Wednes~~, Nm:. 7: Cottal!c I ;'1,: r,;;,-~' ;'lr:'~;~~15rl;; 'L,i: ~~ in the b f nera Eedion ov. Gen Briney .and JanM, Hassln and:~cr S~rvICC. tI p.m. t'techt. Mn Marv l';~~h' J ~~d

11;;!~~~~~~F~~r;:::~::~~~~~~~~~:::·~JO~h~nFw~O~O~db~r:.I~. I~::__M_~__~~~Ml'l~'1 St. AntIfo's C.thoHt: Church M~. Roberl Fr;,hrn 2 Only Director and Candidate for Director re-

(Polftij:al Ad.veruaemelrt), ( olltJ(:al Ath,··rtJ",~·rW·I.l! 1 su~f~~m~~vBr::chiia~:n~J a.m !Jted rina.:£> ~:\. HH~a~uf:~~k~r:~i sidIng In western area of Wayne County.I ,I I i .. • '! home. Plerc('. Suuday aftt:'Tnoon

:rlaisAdverllN.nIu!"' Publ.h~ by \1!' and !-.1n;. Earl Mr'Caw and and evcnlD~~ Re-elect Victor E.. i, BMlYi


L07• TrNNt family w('rp Sunday dinner guf·i;L<; Mr... Ann N*',on, L3ureL was 3 Life-long resident and fa"n""' operator in Wayne

I m !'.tr~.{' ~~/~~~~~;~nh~~n'._ and, ~'~ll~;;r~~;l:. 1~\;,~'~~v~~n~~(7~,..Ajn~~ County. AndersonI~amJb·. (JnuAhn. spenf Frida~' and. ThursdD} . ': Saturday \'iJitinr TE'}ati'nos hl>Tf' Mr•. W~l-ter Crackenslck_, Okl.:-- Republican• St.i:Jnj,·v Bhn("y and H~n1'"\- l~om homll Cit). OI:Jfl . J'. \'l';Jtm;: JT tn" y V d,pent Saturda\, morni»); in Ponca Herman Stun' home and Wilit our ote an Support Appreciated Governor

' Mrs. Velma Fraru; ~t Satur-' ~theT friend;; In W.nym'. She called I

I day rand Sundtly \'lsfdng Mr. and I In the home of'. R{'y. Np'rrr:an, ,t::::~~;:~~~~Z=::::~;;~~~~~~~:::!.~=::~::~;;;.:;::~,Mrs,'William Blluce Omaha LaureL Re'. J~lJpert. V,mqd(·. --__Mr and Mnl N~I lsom and, Rl'\-·. Eddy. MadIson and ;h;· a,. PoIIUea.J Adv<t'lrtlE!wm~n;, IF',)l'lca.. A<:!\·",tlsernen:,

ooys spent la'it Sunday pvenmgit~ndt.'-d <J. f<lrewelI part:.- if;, H~,·. ,-----:'------ .....::............==:..._J \'isltlng in thr' Larry Koester Zlll 011 South S~mn: em .\1n E'Ihome. Allen. Brackenslck l~ tOe Wll(' 'Jf the r PEr RH CLAUSSENI Mrs .. M. P Kavonaugh was n ;""1"" .. ""'''''''''cmen' •I caller In the hom l' 01 Mr. and Mrs

i~~~r;~gD~ft~m.~;~~~:~ w~Jr~~: IA '1'. C1H·isl"nls"n find Hpnry.MmrlP,:;nl:::t, and Mrr.. La:n:::on. Sane"rrlarrJlllf' Gil-iii

Mr lind l\1rt M, P. Kavanau~h: Wf'r~' SlJtl'r.!O:; ortf'Tnoon. gUC7.t.l; m

fhr· Harr . D<ihm hom~' \VavncI !\1T fin Mr-~ .Jilm('!; KavarmolZh

:'l/Irl (.It elml :'Iir" ,J~lck I-~,1\'annuch

V'-~'n HlJ~~t,c 111 till' ,\j T' K.r.-a­hllugh h m" Sn/llrdn:-' mornlllg

"Ii: <1111 ;';.. Fl'''') \Vn1t,·,,, It" tv)m" (','

f ' ;In~' )'~QlJfJJIl;'::

il11'Tnmmn'''', J)onoa 1\la ... and RandyI, ':pnnt \!rmda:-' VJ:·:1Jn;.: ttJP]·1'

j:r;,ndparrnl~, !\.11 and ;\In Frr-cl\';CI!1f"T ~\'hilf' fhf'lr pap-nf1;, Mr.,III" Itus.sdl ~I~~i' L W('n' In~1f\\I'.

\JI \l:·r :'" (" ! ;llid1'111/01 I'r' ~\''-' In (lrTPlfl<l n\"'r thew'·I~k"tld. !-;;II111'd;,', 11,."" v!!"'H ...d:'I:' "'lr' )\11":1-1 H~,(lt-ll HJlrl


11;;;\,i,;i;;~:~'&'~te~afa:~:;'~I . II ,of240 acres at Wakefield •• , Ji'ast president Nebraska Livestock

rF'eecler:, Asso,tia,tion .••• pledged to 100%PJ;ty income f agriculture ... member."i· ;'1"(+" '.' '.. Highiv~yAdvisory Comfrittee, : • prdsident of No east Nebraska

Rural Public Power District for 13y~ • " •mllIIlber I;lteering Conimittee

seeking 'Congressional approval of 230 KVI=nsmission ine from Ft. Randall

Dam. , •graduate of University Qf Nebraska ./. member of

school board 20 yea!,,! ... past Cha rman

Demc;u:ratic State Centra) CoII1Illittec ••


Ij I


Music by

Wayne <;ity Auditorium

DON SHAw and His OrchestraI . ~"l'~! .

Sponsored by

MON., NOVe 5



.' II hrl'(J~ \ r/JrouxIJ fllc' I fhrat{ofl barrier with a re .....olutionary newruhher-mnUfllcd >;U\pcn,lon sy~tcm-Dodge Torsion·Aire:­Ittll (calun:.. rdCC (;Ir tor"'lon-bars. You 'fide in a "~ea&u 01Sl!cn-cc," 1~~)laICd from vibmtion. noise and road shock.

• If if I'\q-pr-"'trfl!}' of motion in a sleek, low·slung ~utyh,arcly 4 1/2 fed high lhat ha.... no equal in the way it co$1crs.h.J:\lik, :lnd ndC"\.

"(Ill 1\.1\( nc\Cf '>ceo. fd! or owned any car that compared'MtbIlll'> 11\:\\ S'.H·pj~\~ lilt',. [)()dg.c. Sec anJ Jm"c it today. - •~ ..

}'Uur Dvd8JC dealer',,!

A low-slung beauty with Flight.Swoep style: Swcp'-Wing

unleash<!s a hurricane of powerI

breaks through the vibration barrier

Is swept-wing mastery of motion

. \

~-::~.! It


How do you dC'~ih(,,:J l~lr ..O cl;HIJl~l In conccpl. '.n rnl,hlllll1urv

In (ealure,.. ;md ;ld\l,3m:n, ~ll rc.....nfdlll~: III 1"'OC.aul) ;\llli pClf'llff\l.lJH:C?

How do ),OU cl\plain IL~, ncwnc,>' \\ hell ,lor \ dunK at"J/1f II II rtn' "

On di~pl;IY (od'l)' 1\ Ju!>l ~tlC;h II C.1f Ille Swerl·\\II1~: 'q I)pd£;ethn' L\ICIlS )'Oll into lhe \HllHkrful u,>rld l,r AUlod.\·n;ltlllL'~

\Vh.Lt i\ ,hi-, WIJlltlCI'ful \\OIld (,f ..'\IJ1",hn.11'11IC'o·' It II (J " ... 1,1 ",hn ..

~.'(".rlhtllJl '.r IU'II' JUJlI/ r,J/ld If} /""j I,' li'},U"I, 'lb,I/J!ul,' m'HICf)!


Hcrc':,\ "hal it doc~ ill Ihe SWC'PI-\\ m~: [).\d~~e

• If wdnl\ho /I !t1l/fI,·,J/I" ~I( FO"'f JI,\lll .1 f1Hllld~'llllr~ rh'\\

anfl-type Sup(r Red R':1l1l \'-8 Cllf~JllC IlJ'II'~.1 \pIIIII( In ,1~·t'Plll

• .It tnmtJ (J tOri/ado 11/ ION/Ill' .... llh .1 new Tl)rqud 11\(: I)u ...h­Bulton Dr;ve for the 8fC3\C~1 (:cl·awa)' l)O Ihe rO~ld!


.1" 1 1

_W:..:...:,A:..:..:,Y...:..:.N.=-E~M:....:...OT--::O~R_C~O_. ~-_2--1-019--:---So~.~nil


'~!, '((

'If '(r: )

, • J ',' ,', \ I l",: )) .' >---~--":':"'----h ,,' . . ./ " \doy,) November ,'1, -')956 NORTI:iWEST ~~;~~ri~'kBO~l\~O~;d t::. ~~~ c,~lto~~~~~' ~~jJa~~~ s~~~~:: J~ g;3Y dl'en


gto cf!lehrate Montt's J. L. Davis in t~e wa~I'ne NurSltl I

~~~::~;::=:Z=±Ft;:;:t:;:-;;;;;+;;;;;~1W" k f· Id Mrs' Oscar Johnson at (linnel' in were afternoon guests. , ~ttn ?-':l. \ " borne )ast Mo:nday: They I~me~ mis lonary. \vas ,guestl~eak" ae Ie the (Jess Brownell home,' Mr. and MI'. and Mrs. Verdel Lund and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Peters ahd! called in the GLen Bu nh,am h a so, i:,,:' -'i'n'~WEST er: .' '., . MTSI. Dale Anderson and,! children sons w~re entertamed (1t Sunday famIly, Pterce, ~ere Sunday l1n- Mr. and Mrs Ada WidhoTe.!','isqU,'"_,::~_, :.' : 'd F~iday evening, Mr. and Mrs. By ~r8. Walla.ce Ring were afternoon VIsitors. , supper in the Bill RobertSon'home, I__~r-__-':'''';':;;';::':';;:;;'_.I~er guests in the Otto Pet,rs Osmond, were tThursd y gues~ "!1. I

,'W" ke'f,eel' Merle Ring 'a~companied M . and (Wakefield ATlas 7-2872) 'l'pel'on Cultons attended Wel- Wayne. J orne. , the Vincent 'W!idhalm;/ home '" In ia Mrs. Dean Dahlgren to Si~ ~it:Y corqe:ln club party at Ge-orge And- The Le? Schulz family attended' So and Sew Club . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craven. Louie- Widhalm a:pd' Walt I

T;-"."1,,_,"!h.,,'" ",I"" '''", Ri' lor a' 'presentatiou by: th, Little Mr and Mrs leo Schulz a~d ersons Saturday evenmg the wdedmg of Norma Jean DaB So iU/ld S chib . h Jr...Omaha, .came ~uesday to ~sit Madison, were 'guests I in "the v~r.!. '. ,- ,','" ;,I Mr:s. .Lawre~ce .J'JI. Thea\er guild b Jd 'en omed Vern and Art JoM. Mr and Mrs. Al Salmon and and Gary Cleveland at Concord Laved€! Sc~:oor Th~~~dr~t :p.f~~ Until Wednesday In the Thomas cent Widhalm home IThursd In:'1

phone ATlas 7-... l\{r and Mr~. Dale Holma9 were co~ fOrn~ha assupperguestsSat. herlsister, l\1rs BessJe Diller, Kan- Sunday afterr.~~. . noon. ~dies did fancy work for Craven, sr. home. , ' ,Mrs. Leonant Guinnl and da~-h'.. Sund~Y supper Iguests J~ the ~rd~fm Ithe Clarence Nelson hom~. sas City, spent ~ursday evemng .Th: Vernon Sch~ltz fam.lly were the hostess. Next meeting will be Mr, and Mrs: Walte-a Tietgen ters. Norfolk, Were guests in fh ~I

F. 11 Party. Merle Ring home. '. . Th Omaha men were huntiJig at -ernest Packer s Saturday Mr dmm r a~d supper guests last with Mrs. Art Olson. ~ere SU~day dmner guests in the Bessie 1som home from Tucsd e:e~nmt frl'ends of The Glen Olson famIly vlslted he ts an~Mrs. Packer were dmner SU1lday In the Alfred Bakken d~rn~~ Tietgen home south of Rim- until Saturday. ,'.' ay

od went to the Roy in the Delmar Ghssman home P ~san d Mrs Henry Ericksop., gue ts at Al Salmon's homp, Nl'wcastle, in honor of ~ob- Coffee,Time Club p .,Mr. and Mrs. Ed· Kahn ColePiers home for a farewell party. Thursday evenrng and were at Ch r' k an I 'ere Saturday dip... r and Mrs Harry Bartels en- bert Schultz, who left for the Co~fee Time club met at Mrs. Mr. and M~. Leo Wo-1f, Sij:l. ridge, were Sunday djinner' .,'IGam~' were enjoyed gnd. a ¢ift Billy Hansen's Saturday evenmg. ne:roli:S~'S I~ 't~e Ernest Anderson tertained at Sunday dumer and Army. MorrIs M c G r e w's Wednesday n~y, were Friday guests in the in the Martin :rvradseq horn ~stsiwas ~ed. Mr. and Mrs. Pler- Th,e Floyd Johnson famJly were h g Th came tb attend the supper Mr. and Mrs Fred Roe- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ruwe morning. Next meeting wlil be Vmce,:,t Widhalm home. Mrs. Mr. and Mr~, Vinc~ne W~dhal I

.sO'~.~s sale was.held M0D;day. They at Glenn Olson's for dinner Mon- f~~~'al otKtr. F. Ekeroth Saturd~.Y. ber', Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson and Mrs. George Br~mmer v:rere with Mrs, LUdwig Kuh!. Wolf ,s ~rs. Widhalm's siste~. Were Sunday eyening fi:uests i.o lh'~, ate theu- home m Wayne. day: I. Sunda Mr. and Mrs. Andersljm and sons, Wayne, Mr and Mrs Sunday guests at Emil Roemer s. Mr. a~d Mrs, John SshautTTl;au, Joe Aschoff home, ~n~olph.

,,,,- _,_.:_,~" ,', Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Sundell Y I MIlford Roeber and children, Al- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Packer Mr. and Mrs. Al Baden and fam- West POint, were FridaY'guestS in . . ::t:(. M.Uo~"P.rty • '. Ted4Y and.S~eve'hwho had spent len. lI,1r. and Mrs. Ger&ld Becker entertained at supper Tuesday ily were Friday evenir1g guests the Vincent Widhalm home. IYElP SfJ~~'l~~

I4!~:1'Dorman and District, 1$ the past-wee);{"ln teE. P. Caauwe Emerson, and Mr. and Mrs. J~r- and ,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roeber Mr and Mrs. R~sselrf Joyce in the Lloyd Dunklau home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madsen ' .f,,~,rfl",,pupiu(:en~ert.ained district pa~ns home, Wayne, caine to the Albert orne Pearson and Jolene. and sons. Sy~acuse, Mr. and Mrs. Jame~ Mr. a!1d Mrs, Lloyd DU11k1au Mr~. Blanche Follette. Glendale: ~..ii rtl1 " , aUoween:party Monday eY,e- Sundell ho~e Tuesday afterh?On to Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mortenson, Mr. ·and :Mrs. Levi Dahlgren Wolph and daughters Sioux and family were Sunday dinnerllc~a:l:lf:,.:a:n:d::M:a:g:g:ie::D:a:Yi:S:Y:i:Sj:te:d:::~:::J.,-:':-~:~:~4::\j:':~.:·~~~J::::::.::.

,,'~iD;i.'·~ program was oresented. spend the remainder of th/eir va- Cherokee, .Ia., t:;ame ~aturday ,to spent Sunday in the Robert Turn· City. and Bertha Bean. 'Mr. and gues4" in the Eldon Roberts home",,', '-, . cation. J :. spend Sunday WIth their daugh~r. Quist home, Axtell. Mrs. Joyce remained. overnight near f0!ayne,

Friday ,Mr .and 'Mrs. Albert SU,n- Mrs. Bud Erl::tison.". Mr and Mrs Kenneth Packer .' Ms.. Lorence Fischer dell thejr houseguests, Rev. LaW- Mr. and Mrs FreP Enckson, were' in Wayne' Tues¢la evenin J~:rr~ J('nsen ~pcnt .from FrIday r,. and Mrs. Lloyd Dunklauat the bapUsm of rence Sundells, and Mr. and Mrs. Wmsi,de. were d'nner', guests Fri- to hear Mr. and Mrs. jOh~ Kerva~ until Sun~ay With hiS grandpar_ and family Were Wednesday eve­~nfant daughter of Carl Sundell were supper guests day 10, the Ca 1 Supde~. bo~~. missionaries to Africa, speak at cnts, M.r·rand Mrs. Art !VIcyer. ning- guests in the' Alden Dunklau

Flschers a~ Salem in the, Joe Erickson home. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sundell Vls1te~ 10 the Church of Christ tMr. an 1 Mrs. .MarvI.n. Stolle home. near Wayne.~g. The familt. ,and and Mrs. Alvin Sundell, and Suel- the Elmer Sundell home, DIX$n. Mr. and Mrs. Ke~neth Packc'r erc Sunday ?venmg VISitors at Mr, and Mrs. Vincpnt WidhalmFIScher were ~er len were also, there.. Sunday afternoon. . and daughters en'o cd Sunda arry Bartf'ls. . and family wer" Sunday afternoone home. . '" Rev. and Mrs. C. W. ,Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson 1/1S- d· er with M ak J h J .Judy Nixon, D~kota CIty, spent guests in the Ed Wingert home

. ' . I the Alvin Sundell Jamilyl were sup· ited Mr. aO.d Mrs. Roy Sundell J~~~son r. an ra. 0 n . th~ w('rk,>nd at L~l Swagerty's. Os~ond, '

~:ttirne~le~~~:~a: S~d~eh~m~ondaY in 'the Albert ~uR~::ne~~~~~~gham sp~nt Friday !"Ir. a:nd Mrs, Ivan Nixon and IV:~~~~~~s ~~~l~v~~~~c~~Si~O~~ Ne~l~, ara~, ~~i't~cr~~n ~oembd;~in the ,Rev. 'Kenneth Mr and M;s Harry Wert spent afternoon with Barbara and Japie ~h~dren ::rdh·lrr . and ~rs, Leo at Cal SwngNty's. Peters home Tuesday unit! Wed-

Richlan~ Centel\ Wis., Frid~Y evening' in the Elmer Mar. Bard. . c u zan, C I ren w.ere ast Mon· Sheryl Johnson has spent sev· nesday.went the ~evious tmson home The Eugene Swanson family lJ,ad day ~venmg guests In the G. H. ('ral nays in the Irvin Bartels C .

arew-sisters. M;r. and Mrs. Art Borg were at Sunday dlllner with the Bard fam- ~~h~~eTbi~~r:;:' Bancroft, for the home whtle her parents, Mr, and wash:is S~~~;da;od;~n('~iO~~es~iil:iE. • Lun~ Pender Sunday afternoon in the ily. , ~ PIt, d M Mrs: Walt Johnson, arc in Colo- the Charley Sohn home,

Clarence Lar:son home.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sodc~berg rs, au" ssman an •rs. racto. _ .Rev. and M!1S. Ervil Gustafson, returned Th~rsd.ay fro~ .ChlCa~o Otto 8abs ViSited Mrf?' Theron Cul- lvan Nixons wpn' guests at Cal Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sohn

Bennett, were Friday dinner ,guests where they went to V1SIt t~lr ton Wednesday evenIng. SW8g('rly's Sunday at a f]oh fry, were Friday evening guest.s in thein. the Art Borg home. . daughter, Mrs: Lowell Knobloch Mr. and IMrs. Theron Culton A. G. Schnger returned home Bprt Berge home, Randolph.

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Holmstrom and faIIi'ily.. and daughters and Mrs. Cath- Friday afternoon aftt'r.a f(>\v days Mr. and Mrs. V. G. McFaddenand three children, Omaha. came ,ME. and Mrs. Henry Carlson ~rine Culton spent last Wednes· in the Wakf'field hospital. visited in the Lloyd McFaddenSaturday morning for their annual and family, Omaha, Mr. and M~s. day in Grand Island. They vis- [I.irs. Emil Miller spent the w{'ck- home northwest of Randolph Sun­pheasant hunting on the Cliff Mun- Clarence Holm and ILinda and Mr. ited the 1atter's brother, Clyde end in the Paul Gerdes home Lex- day afternoon.son farm. They remained until and Mrs. Merlin Holm and daugh- Brown. In the Veteran's hospital. ington. . Mr. and Mrs. Dpan McGrew andSunday evening. . , r ters were ~undaY dinl!er and ~up- Lloyd Roebers were in the Mil. family returned homp from Lincoln

Mr. and ~rs..MarlOn R.m~, who per guests 10 the Martm Holmberg ford Roeber home, Allen, Tuesday THE WAYNE HERALD Sunday c\'cning, Th-ey had spent I

w~re marrHld 1D C~uncil !31uffs home. ,evening for Michael's birthday, ON SALE AT the weekend In the !'\cwell Mc-~stLSu~da~, ;~pent Sunday ~n t~e Mr. ~nd Mrs.. Kermit dJohnson A group of young friendS werr:- MORRISON HOTEL Grew home.the ior;~r c~~l ~ma:;~gA~~ ~~~eJ~~~nedM;~ ~1~3erM~~. K~~:~ entertained in the Theron Culton YEI.BEn PHAUJ'\IACY Mrs. Bpssir~ lsom and familycompanying them wer'e Richard. Branting, Milrae and Muri~l, hom; S~nday afternoon for ,~flr- 8.nd Mrs. Leonard GIJinn andRobert and Nancy Ring and a Stromsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Er- Jean s birthday. Aft~r games and URIER~ DRUG dHUghtf'rs Wf'rl' gUi'sls In the Har-friend of the children. Others with nest Johnson, Central City. Halloween stunts, birthday lunch COUNCIL OAK old Burns homf' n('ar Laurel Tues-,them, at B~rd's :were J'Vlrsr C. C. Betty Johnson is spending theCochran and Mr. and MrS. C. A. week in the Marvin MorteIilsonBard. home while her mother, Mrs. AI­

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc'e Rin~ den Johnson and baby brother,drove to Omaha, Sunday aftcIllloon are at the Wakefield spend the night in the Larry Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,Chinn were

. . :~~~ h~~e·a~it~~~~'mq~~r ;'~~fe~~ ~i~~~'y j~u~~~r ~:tSet~e w~rch~~d~. Mrs. Charlotte Lundahl \\lslted ~awrence Rings also visited Mr. home, South Sioux, celebrating a10 thel ;E~rl Lundahl home Sunday and Mrs. R. A. Nimrod. number of birthdays.

'. aft~rnpon. Mr., and Mr~. Delmar Peggy and· Mar k Grie~ch, Lawrence Jepsens moved SundayHeltho1d sp~nt the ,ev~mn¢ there. Wayne, visited in the Weldon Mor- il'Om the former Dilts home to a

The IMarvm. :Felt ~amlly attended tenson home from Thursday eve· farm east of gmerson.the .offer-festIval I~ the ~der ning to Sunday. Mrs Leonard Roberts tI n'<1 I

Cov.e.mmt church ~rlday evenmg. l'he .Ralph Ring. f<jmily 'had, Sun- daughters visited relatives at, Nio­Mrs. p~~ carr' ancroft. a for- day dmner at WIlbUr Bruns, brara from Thursday ,t<;, Suhday""' -;. ,- 'E Mr. and i Mrs. ElVIS Olson and when Mr. Roberts .Iomed the'LOS Gwen and Mr. and Mrs. C~rl group. An early Thanksgiving- din·

I , . • Franj~n, ~~aha, were Sunday dm- ner was enjoyed Sunday as a'u'~LY' FAT ner ~es~s:lh the Jack Park home. compliment' to George MenkeJ,15 as. . . , onMte~ J6~~~~m~~:d::Swhho;~r?a~ the,y lc~v~ for t?C West soon.


IN 10 ,D~'~S' OR MONEY lACK dies of tqe neighborhood', visited Callers In ,the C. L. Bard home, Now IOu ,ttoP withlq .ilc1ltCtual- her. Mrs. i Harold Donelson was Sunday afternoon were Mr. and., I~ .~ of e2tCfl. wellih~ I!M' also ii guest ,Mrs. Norman Eker.oth and EllenInch.. of:,17 fat melt ...., from,hllll. Mr ",_and' Mrs Jim Ch~mbers Marie, Duluth, Mmn., and the):~~n:. dI~tl~r~:J:Q~::n: visited:}Iv.lrs. ln~Yd Mikkle~pn, Ly- Dal<; .Anderson ,and Harley BardI ons, Sunday:afternoon., families,. ' .1 Mr .and M'rs. Joe Johnson 3nd Walllace Hmg had supper With

the Kermit Johnson family were MI·, and ~rf>. Lawrcncr Hing Mon-1· iJ.l· the Jack Krueger horn~, Win- day .(~v~nJng. . '

Side, Thursday evening: ce~ebrat- Ncil S~ndahl spcnt Sllnday wI~hing Keith'p birthday. (ncnds 10 Omaha and called In

Mrs. ~u~ Erlandson attended the the ~t'arry Hmg home.teachers' convention in orfolk Mrs. Laurcnce Hanson returnedThursday I' and Friday. Al who Saturday everdo/-: from Rochester,teach in '~lC vicinity were there Minn., whcrc fil1<' wenl for treat­one or both days. ment. Mrs. Melvin Larsen ~Jnd

Supper' guests, in the Elv sOl- Mrs. Ellis .Johnson were alsoson homo Friliay were M . and there.Mrs, Levi He'lgren and dau hlers, Mrs, Ed Snndahl was at Hom('r~r. and Mrs.1Clarenc~. H?I and Bicrma.J)n'!ii Sa~urday assisting inLmda, Mr1r and Mrs. Reuben John- the care of Julie. who was ill, She

_son, The !Malcolm Jensen f mily, is much iJhpr(wed at this writin::



b Ai,

Jerry's CofeJohn:son's Bakery

Johns.on's Frozen Foods

McCormick Farm EquipmentMcCulJough FurnitureJ M McOonold Store

Mr::Nott HardwareMorro Home Improvement Co

Mou Plumbing and HeatingMelod"" Lone<

Melody CleolnersMerchant's Firestone Store

Mercbont 'Oil Co.Mines Jewelry

N~o;s Co:.

Walkt!r's I'Standard ServieeWayne. Book Store

Wayne Greenhouse andFlO"., Shop

The Wayn, .HeroldWoyr,.e lmpfementWayne Motor CD.

Woy~e Photo. Co.,West'~! Barber Shop

Wolske Aulo CD.Wolter's SertieeWqrn& Bokery

Carhart Lumber Co.Centrol Market

City Gro<:eryCoast-to;co?st Store

Coryell Auto Co.Coryell Auto-CPil Co.

Croven Hardware

longemeie'r Oil CoLorson Clothing Store

Larson's Deportment StoreLerner's Repair

Kqrel's!<inder'& Se",ice Stotion

Kuglllr Electric Co.

TClCr;Jt:O SlotiDnTI!::dtke ~Iumbing, Heating

cn~ Appllan~a

Tillie's Snapp,

These AI, the


s.c-~I'er Mo~c!r$

Sherry Bros. ProduceShopPer, The Mornmj

St1\''tz Oil CoSu:,bl:!r furmtutc: StoreSwans' Cbthing Store

S'xons'S\icnson TV and· Appiicnce

85 Fi"ms

Dairy Ber

Rme1,ort'.s Fp0'41lncrRobert's Lockers

Robertson's RadiQ Service

P'1ul):s, Pro-:fucePierson lunch

Babers' StudioBasement' Borber Shop

Beatrice FoOds Co.Ben Frtlnklin StoreBen's 'Point'Store

Bill's PloceBrandstetter Imp'16m~nt

Bressler's Station

Am;,,'s SuperetteAtkins Clothing Co.


Harry's Conoco StationHerb's Buick

Hotel Morrison Coif.. Shop

Fanske Jewelry StoreFelber's Pharmacy

Fleetwood HardwareFredricksonts StatiOflFullerton Lumber Co.

Gamble St...eGay Theolre

Gem CofeGene's Cafe

Griess Rexoll Drug oStore

Economy M~rket

Economy Plumbing Dnd Heo~ing

Electric Shoe ShopEngel's Hotc.hery



You Need the Chamber"

You Buy?What Can

"The Chamber Needs You

Wayne Chamoer of Commerce

All Firm's Listed Will Give You$ S' Auction Money "FREE~'

with Every $1 Purchase

Each and overy item offered al the auction will be goods or services you and YOllrfamily can US!! and would love 10 hilvc,

, All merchandiso will roprosent Ihe quaiity you expect and get from anyone of tile.85Way~;; fir~s ~akin9 this big,-e';citing aU·~I·i-o~ ;;;':;1 p;s;ibi;-:~;;;;~ every itemput on auction is solectod from stores and service institutions participating in this plan.

* Start Saving Auction Money TQday* Auctions To Be Held at City Auditorium* Time 2 p.m. Friday Afternoons l

I * Date of first A~u(tion To Be Announced* You Buy AU Merchandise with Your:

Auction Money

* Join the fun Enjoy the

,, '

cA· I:l~~,Uct!~"~~Q I'T '

'~, ~.~with E~ery Purchase of $1 or More

,;~~t AU liON! 'ONlYi

I Starting Thursday morning the 85 firms liste d on this page will give you $5 in AUCTION MONEY

wit~ eve~ dollar purchase made in their store. EXAMPLE: If you buy $1 worth of goods or services you

..,will Ireceive $5 in Audion Money ... for a $10 pure hase you will receive $50 in Auction Money, etc.

, I At regular intervals hundreds of useful items will be sold at public auction in the Wayne City

Au4itorium. You bid with, you buy with and you pay with your AUCTION MONEY ONLY. Start saving

tod"y-attend the auctions. You'll have a barrel of fun .. , and you'll profit by the savings you make... Iall made possible by the 85 Wayne firms participating.

in Wayne pe(Pu~e

0) set your own price range when you shop in Wayn~~~

o'~'p~nd m~r~thQ-;;;; budgcted fi~~~' to .get-what you

want. Your Wayne stores offer more in ALL. price rongcs--ond

you get F'REE Auction Money,

When you shop 10 Wayne, you can conveniently shop more stores,

all putting their bes,t "buys" forward in 0 highly competrtlve bid

for your dollar. And, as every 'srhart shopper knows, the more

vblues you can compare, f1hc bc~tcr you buy-and you gef FREE

Auction Money.


. :Tl1OUsands of Dollars W o'rthof


! Sold forAucti~n Money In,

City Auditorium at Regular

lntervals . ). . Watch for DateII ! A.I' of the First uctlon

:::,'~5f±~==--~----:-.;.---ti-r--~...!N~o~.~26~ i-__~W~'lY~,~ne~,~)ol~eb~ro~5~l<o~,-...:"T..::bu::,.:;::a:::oy,-,-,,)-,-,--,-)~,-=5:::6t!t,--=:;;;",iii

Stop inTodayl

•Ion or a

. I I. Stop in today and get ,your book, or be;t~r yet, alsQ buy a gift subscription for a friend and get both book,. You'll be glad you ~id!


,I~ I I

witJ1aNe~i 1...~ear 'Subscript~!~l'ar Ren,w~1 to The Wayne Herald

I '. !



I I <t>I

I Regular Subscription Prices Prevail- ,


l-Year . $3:00 3-Year $8.00,: ,

/ in Wayne and Adjoining Counties,,

Subscriptions In ,fffcct Sept, 3D" 1~56 will be consulared rCllcwah d rcnewed JUring thr~ offer

i· .Other ISubscriptions, year $3.50 ,,

'I, per



! I


.SuppIV!. I,I!;


. j



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ticm on n:'ea~ur~m nts, co' kin:s temp.eratures and more than 2,000 re ipe. and menus Authoritative, up-to-date information with a n easy-to-use simplified pronunciation system


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Both~~echard boui'd'l!b!~r~,size books valuedregular~y at $2.9~. You tan get either bc;>ok free simply by buying a new one-year subscription to The Wayne Herald or a Ihree-year renewal.

.! . • I .






, 40c


~. ...33c

.6 cans 55e

2 p~g~. 29c

.2 bcjttles 37c;



~~'!?;-.•c;:J(,:-'GROUND BeEF

3 Lbs. $1

Kroft Assorted

Party Snacks, 4.oz. pkg.Kroft Notural

Swiss Cheese, 8-oz. pkg.i'.:orthcrn O'J-count

NapkinsGerber's Strained

Baby FopdsLittle Chef






j·lt" pkg



3 pkgs. 22c

SPICEQ LUNCHEON'LOAFlb. - 3!c 3-lb. :can $1

. ' I




E"C'r... do\

Grated Tun~, reg. canlGA Wholr Kernel or CrC'om Style

CORN, 303, cans 2 for 33c)trl ...·cl'

Sweet Potatoes, No.3 squat can 23cGolden Volle''!'

Pumpkin, 14h-o~ canIGA

Gelatin De$Sert

fath" Eugene P"1"" Y~ng_ TheI :~~ i.::~r :c.~vln :~:: \.;.~~~ :~~, : --+-..;.."-I-.....::::..-.:.:.:..:::::...;.:::::.;J::;:;,..::;J=::.~.:.::...).:...~

Pender, lathe" CDn),n f~ hestdIstance, and G0trcio He bol·shelmer, Ltnco(n. ISO 0,0 109farthest distance, '

R('\'. Samue-], Mtskp was i'oast- Ii, ' , ;master. K('nneth and iII)' aker ,,1 Mr and' N(rs. Charles at- ther in' .gay;, tht'. ",plcome. Bar a.r<'l rudl- tend d fune-tal o;cryiees .'0. >' '-I '. ti b d ugusta, Ga, th, herg-am and v01ard D, r~('h ,. sang Arne I;] Blu (' ;n Em~r"-'lJ~ j,I~~ . IUGu~~s tho lS statIOned _there."olo~. BIlly ann LJi'Ck1' \XJ1-C:h-:-r. day. . . \lome la~~ th;e, E",dward Gr~bb\\·p"r POint, sang ,1 flW t . ..,. !!rOUP _Wekend Eiuests in the Hat'loJdj\ ere lilT. T \\~ne"'?fa\ t;yenmlOtflmposc!J ()f Dalla,1; 'enat Os- GIld r:.leeve, hODlf' ~'ert' ~1r. ana ,~lna f~Dlljl.~Dd • r~. 1-~olla!ld ,\lann"'ar B('ckr,:-: <;1' ).[clv n Kramer, ~Irs, lrnll ~~rand1. Xorflok, : Mr, a Mrs. Edward I GrubbHart") Bar~r 1<;, and Lf'o ard I ersch M s, BffI lj.O.we ,and Mr,. and Mrs., ctalled las Fridav C\·t'IllIl4. [J'~"ng t\\'f> numtK'rs, ran leske 1:00 H' He~~gar were ,In StOlL,- "led Kai IODle p'ender I In Hga~;f' ~ rearllnl::, \V~nrl\ 2nd Kra. CIt'" h,st Saturday, , ' Mr. an Mr'!>. E. O~rr~ll Hartm' ~ presentC'd a Sklt. BI I and ~a~,.a Hor.rell, ,spent I' tnd dau,g~lter, FranklIn. spent the

LadlC's 01 St.. John'- Lutheran fro." ThLl~~Ga.~ u~tIJ ~.l!n(la~ III ;veekend m ·Vhe Edtvard Ea. nchurch s('rn·d tbf dim;I r 1 th(' ,0,\ JD.i~~SQn home, \'itnslte. ' OOle.

, Nt so. Jer ,y Korff, Butt~. ~.aUed ' Dinner Iguests Fnday -e"lening' in------....-10...;......-- last y, ('dne'j'.~Ry f':e!llnJ?: In tnt> E the Ed,,,drd Hart home \'I"f'ra.. .\IfWakefield Bowli g; A . orf1 hume Sht 'Nil'. on her! and )Irs B,II Ku"ler

.::'-~?.f~1Qmt' .jtf\t-r H,H:'mdml; tll\' SU~I~': ,Mr. a,nt1 Mrs, R~y 'Gamble and

IGrael' Galmble were Sund;]\ dmnt.'l

~l . guests 10 !thl' Arthur ;"'orman IIOffi('al~(' C' \\<'althlll;hl. ',11 Thursdll'l afternoon quests inDr" ''-'- J!' r I , :the '~obt'rt Lamh homt' \-'-h';-,' :\lI''' '

an~!1~l ~,~ n~'r1.~!I' ;\r" t~u.;~f_!dt'C.Il~S :\tn~u '~~~~\'b~~~~l'r~~)l\jl,,- ,..; lUI'" Alan Presco~t 3ml 103mII',-;:lll r~ ··C.Il; ~)I1t!... DIxon ~,\N~tn~ calh:r,.. \\Ier,' ,\jr~

.'\11:" Ll. Alpha 'rlcKathml', );,ortlh i'c'mt.~,l(.nda ~~d ~lr:>. lI'cnt' H:l1l1':\,un al1(\ i:1I1;

r,',I:l1 'Nor: prltd Mrs, IVflr 'Jensen visi.tE'd rhtlt"da~ In the Hnkort ,k:!·sen humll'. SHJllX CIt\

Mrs. ~o:ber:t Gauthun .. Madison~ D l,-,n lor '1Iqlll~' 1\1' inl i "

twu'·\H,t:k \ :1, ~hj' L )\

home 1Mrs. A. L_ Irellan:d aHed on:'Ilr~ Eli1.<lbetJi r.ll·, 1'h\ r"'l~.· ",j

ternlJ(l: I

~ n~rli ~:a~(~~~e!fl~'1~~~j~~\.,~.~b:i>\,jf!oJlk la~l Fnd.a\, '

Jim and Duane MaY~ew, Fre·la~: \~·cd:H'-"

lop! L:n,I,-.2'

n th~

2 for 35c


2 for 45c

2 for 35c


SO~l r~!!:unrdre~~at~~~:~ 'f~~::,er~tvro-wcek Cajfifornl<l trio, TheyVisited Florence Ekeroth, Saco,.Mr. an.d Mrs.IEm"t. VO,n Seggerl1',Anaheim, and Mr and Mrs, W.D Gay, San Diego.



f" ~ (T' g'upst~ Sunda\Lak Grar<ls home

:\1 add-- :\11' 1'"\ r I u~' .... j Ii

}.J>d ..1 \1'1\






Fruits & VegetablesJUICY K(c



PASCAL CELERY, lb. IOcJr'r~(,V .';lI' ~1l!:.JI


IGA T ('I1d~'~ Cut

GOLDEN CORN, 1O-o~ pkgs.IGA ZC.. t~UI

ORANGE JUICE, 6--ozIGI', D('II:"'(,[l

STRAWBERP-I!:S,IO-oz 1)I<gIGA Tempting

FISH STICKS, 8-0l. pl<9

~ IGA BlIllrr11'ld~ Household Deodorant

~~~. ~~mno:~ke Mix, 2'/2·lb. pkg. 35c :',i::~u~iCk, fnoz. bottle

• Chili, 16-01. cans 2 for 45c Tide, large pkg.Smuck~f \ Easy Washing

Grape Jelff, 10-oz. glasses 2 for 39c Surf, large pkg. .., ........ 33c

$5 AMorlen,- 10 OFF Deal

uction'Monc;' w, ith Each $1 Purchase I_______....;:....+-- ' Margarine, 1- b. pkgs. 2 for 47c Lux Liquid, 22-pz. c~n .... 'I"


:'II' ,I'P.Oblt' \\l"

I III tlw A.:\lr an:

I dall;..cht":r~

i ~~~-~." ~~~:~:.:~( :,'ucs\' :';;1",1: l',II) j'.th, H'lrn](1 Jltc:ln~ ~lll",

Mrs. E. A. Sc~nasse nnel LydlilEngf'lhilrrlt. OSCCO'd ,1"C V,Slt

Irlg thiS wccK 111 th~ Ed 5chna:;schome

I~1:' ,md '\~: \\ ,:1 L<>I, ,:111 ;,~ !

and :\!l'~_ ,g"~-nard \\":l' :--,'1 I I\\'~':-" ('JII(!T!-I 'j \In ... rJ:l\ '!Io 11-Hl!Z h,1111'

Dr. <1i'\I ~,k ... "Iar u ... JII"ll,'m,!~,and LIllI: 111l11,t1 \\1'1,' ,'UllO.I\

()Vcnll::=h: !:II""l", o! '!' :'\1nOlL: 'P:11 '~Illlll ".

i C'Uests 1I1 thl Altr,'..! ;,1, 1"1


Hearing AidAuthority

I' WILL"BE AT ,/1 [.

I ' , I ,~

Fan~ke'S.. Jew~lry""ayner Nebraska '

\ i ·1'


Demonstriation! •

Thursday, Nov. 8

.~t;;.::.~p;t; NOw

11 .• / elto,.eI'.... .' '.' HEARING GLASSES. . . :"r

~I~r~wit the rest of'BEtTO""ErS complete IiJe

ofll!1ea~ing aids. '; ",II! '..' .:,1,59~~ 11!~r free he!,ring test ahrconsultatt.

,'" lelto,heHeariqgServi~~I


... the gifts ~'ou ran gl't just' ysaving Safeway's pinl;: cash

regifiitcr taI,ics.

* 'Vestingholtse Sttam Iron

* W estirn!(lIouse liJr~' 1ron* We.stingllollse Fry Pan

Save-~-Ta~e for Free Gifts,i rl~ht ~t Safewoy I

,~ . 0

PoIt Roast flanked by spiced. apples! Now there's a combi.natioa lIlat spells plenty of cool weather eating enjoyment!


Crisp, juicy red, fancy and extra fancy

Re~ Deliciousfa~y :~~I .....".. lLbs.35c

Golden Delicious =Y:u~~;' ... ""Lb. 19c

For Pcrfect Eating . . , Serve Safeway's tender, rich -

LOIN HALF, I~, 49c





~~~~. 85cSausage ;~:,"';<,'::", i,~~ 45cHaddDck Fillets ::i:::,,;' .;,~~ 45c

'~.j~; 49c

Orange JUI-Cencl-alr; frozen, 66-OZ• $1 1

.•00: 3, 12-oz. CUllS $1.00 Cans 0

C~ke M.·x Dromedary; Whit.e·2 (Special Pack) 4'9c~ . Chocola~Yellow., 19-02. Pkgs. ,

Bartlett Pears ~~fv~a:: ....3N2~~~2 $l~OO

Meat Pies~~i~~~~~~:i. ~O~~kev. 4~~~ $1 (tOO-







(,realer Scu'ing.<; .•. at ,,"'a/cu.'(1)'

Apple Pic Mix Wd,I, '" ';",; 29cChunk Tuni1 ;::0','::' ',ri "

lIills Bros (offc 0 II, ~ 1.07Pineapple Juicc ::,';,;< 2,' '" 29cPecan Nut Meats /'n')(' );)'1';'.;' 49cRakin~ Flour ~;;::.\':,':;, ~I,:I,I:: ~()(

rrcsh IMd ,'il:: 19c ,':,': 31cCream 01 Hicc l;',~';~' 31cWilXlcx Waxed Pdper I'~I,.,~:, 22cDog Yummics ';;"':,';",- ;',,:',: 19c

Vote as ,-ou please, but VOTE!See you at<the poll, Nov. t-

Oheese Spread Van ZOe " .• , .t;~i 69cButter :::2:m~~~~raprmr) i~l~t 67C

M· argar'lne Sunnybank; foH- .~:t'bn·. 29cwrapped, t:ol()r~d . ,_

Tasty Svrup Slee~JY ~1()llow; .E240-"'''''o 500, crm<l and maple. L






"Brl1g on fh0fi6 A,op!e-Appel/Ie~'!

IT:5: APPLE·TIBeautiful, crunchy -crisp apples .-:. fresh fromperlect orchards in the heart of apple -land!Every fum, juicy apple especially selected foryou by our own produce experL~, Buy plent.y,=.for fresh eating.. .for cooking and baking!

Ice CreamSPICE


Libby's "Harvest of Values" at SafcH'ay!

F 't C kt 'IL;bbY',,; 2 17-""49ru I oc a I 5 dtJic;ow; fnJiln .. (';l1li; C

P' I Libby'"; from IInwaii, 2 11 'oz. 39Ineapp e chunlt or tidhit '.,., .. , Cam' C

T t J ' Lihby',,; 3 10 -OZ $1 00orna 0 . UICenntllral nAVOr.. ('an" •

PurnpkinLihhY'n; Holid-p'lck " 2 ~:;~;;" 2 7 C

G Id C J.,ibhY'H;rrnlm,;tvk617-n795o en orn or whole k"n,,'! .'. C"n" C

SNOW STAR 1/2 Gal 59c


Young, Tender

I Ih. ,,,110 hog,

Grode A Small

50-lb, bog


HENSlb. 33c

~"" 1 Yellow


EGGSDoz, 27c

12 for 17c

YAMS31bs 25c


"Wo resorvo tho right to limitquontitios.


'I $:~opping convenience.

,Cityr~~n. 355




~and'-1 Mrs. :~von Peterson,Larry and Eurwyn-. Flanpleau, s.D" arrived Friday noon for an

M:;~~~~v~~~~~ ... the Mr . Otelia

Mr. and Mrs. \:rim Er in andMr. and 'Mrs. GaltY Erwi . Sioux

;:~~~ ~~~d~~r~~~~e;V~~:st~O~a~~~

'I~"'_ I

He','o/d' T'hU,S'dO'y' .'.ve".,)"',', ,,,,1.- ."'~ "' ... "" Wo"~ ,",p,~ - ._"~ .~••"."" • ".c,,.- No,·, --------+--- ' . .~,;;j.~:...+:::..l::~:..l::='~.::.::.:::.:.:.'.:".::;~F':;'';'':'';';':;:IE1!ward Lmn and daughler were caJJers, son '~ome, W~:~olerellor, jr" Wayne, Mr~, AdalJ1 'necg an~ Emllie \\Cere

_, ,ailernooD callers. Cl~~~~~% p:~%io~ h~'::;:t5we:~ :::. th~~~or~~rjinJ:~t,e:~o~o~~jJ~gui~ 1949 ~l~t[n S~:~~y hg~~er !gues~s in the~'t. 111 M~r'a~dd :f~:. GI~~'~hnsJ~tm~~~ and Mrs Dean Pearson and ~ck' day afternoon Ed r.faterhousel·,.:Yinside. Kaiser ,Mr. a~d,1 Mrs. Th~lna j.OOdward

I I ' d d 'th M and Mr,' and Mrs. MarIan Joh':. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson R • f 'tU an~ famIly. Concorq, we e dinnerdel EtwinBreoks •'rms =;r~ll~~tM::'~i~eNi;i:JCh'::~,RC;;~ so~. group of neighhors met in the and Mrs Hans Lubb~TS'cd\ Em- egIs er sn;~~i f"'niture. Wayne, Chev- f.j'::tsc~;nl:sun~:rcI.n the,home of

1,1 ,~ ," ~.,'" :I'M:''--"""s"h"a'''''' 'p"- "Sa'.'tJ"i

rd, ay ~cRreeV•. maonn~ ~rg~'ou Epr~ri~. ar:l.i~Jd Alden Serven home ThursdaYI eve- erS~~'da~er:ft~~n~~:Oc~Il:;;d~:the \ M~,on G. SChul1~;~Wayne, Willys . William' Mellors and Jane called

arm I"nd'a·nyg. to honor Mrs. Serven's ~irth- Cc-llaarre(,nnec~ ~~~~seo(]ne h,Onm,] er"wme,r\ey,MM"r INew Cars i ,Will,ard Maas. Hoskins Chev. m the RJalph Aus~in h~me last

.'.'.'. '.....•'.. ,',' . •...... ,I,." distrjct pastors Ilnd ~hclr wives ... I ro1et" Tuesday evening Thursdav eve

'0,']"': C'<~'Ai:"Y!Y\"";:":"'-I' '. "',J .' ,:, '," '._, \. _."" 'il.," ~ho held OJ farewell fete for Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Johnson, and Mr.., WaJUr Pearson Mr Robert l. Jones, Carr II Cnev- nirig guests were Mr. '~nd Mrs·,,:'. erde~~iErwin',sufreredfract~r~s ':" '. ,.,' ,i·' , Rev. and Mrs. Donald ,Johnson, Mrs. Ch~is PeterBDn, and Mr. and and Mrs Dean Pearson and RH~ky II rotet ' 'J. 1941 Hussell Undsay. :.\ .

J,.:qr:p,O:~l'li_i,:~p1s.§-aturd<3:YI a,ftE;!:;,noonl, " Bristow, last W('(lnf'.stl~y. ,John.sons Mrs. R.lchard J~hnson, Lincoln, Hos}"n" and Mr and :Vlrs Walter I James E. Maben, Wa net Buick WIl,lam Noonan, 'Wayne, Ford Mr. ~nd Mrs.. L. F: :Thomsen

...'.... '. '.\.~ .e..n. ".':.,h.. e.: :..f.e.l~ .·I.-m a cornenb, he: C· ..,' , ~ are moving to. Montr.'Yi<le.o, .Mtnn. were FrIday evenm~ guests In the IHale and Lee Ann, : Har;ry Lesebclig, Wayne. Ford called In thp ,J.Oll,~ Test hume last, ,'w 's.'re' iring:. ' f. .,,1 oncor Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ~wanson. Waldo Johnson home, W~tUsa. .F'.riendS g. athr:>re.d in the Glenn I' U5ed Cars' 1939' Sunday cventnl--';.,:.:---0- '-, ,"',,,"". ,!:",["",-::, . , . . ,.. I Jeff and Claudia Wal{eflCld were Mr. ~nd Mrs. Waldo Johnson Rlce home S'lnday evening to hon- 1954 HeItman Ca t W· Stanley Sods-os called in the::< ,~ ~'e,~·r ';' FLurl~ .3.h. .... '.. \ I,MrS. St~~ S~ nson ~ridaY evemng' callers ';1" the a~d farpily. Wau~a, were Sunday j Qr Mrs, ,Rice's birthday.. I Gordon Jorgensen, Wayne Chev- r~let rs ens. Inside. Chev- ~tanley Hansen home. Cajr.rull. last

":'1 y '.arrn1ed '·th.lS ,week Phone 12 40 ..tan Swanson home. dmner guests In the Ray E. Mr, and Mrs. VerdeJ ErwJn and: rolet r' :..,r.....----- ,I,:,unday evening~rym ~ -,.<y., to spend a , , Wednesday evcnmg callers in the Johnson home., Mr. and. Mrs. George Schroeder' ,Dale E, Bach. Sholes,JFord r Guests 'in Hle' Harry, Bargholz

,.1n ~e"home ,of Mr. and M'1'5 .. G;t.t e Ma~nu50n ,Clayton Schrocder home were Mr. Mr. and Mrs, OS9ar Borg, Mr. were Fnday evemng VISitors in 1953 B -I home I::s~ MondaY evcnirg honGr-• and Mrs. Henrr d V'" nt Mr an Mrs Glenn land Mrs, Earl Dirks and family. and Mr:s. LaV~r~e Nelson and La- the Clayton Schroeder home. Warren L. Erlandson 'W'k t' Id '. enna ing Judy'S first birihdavlwere Mr.

, ~agnJ~;~ .snd :fa~:' y; Mr. ~nd Laurel. aVnerdleM'rr,;.rsN·eM"IIKlhleUvNerelwsocn,caSndundMary. Rev. and Mrs. Ernest .Nelson, ,Ford pu ,'! a e Ie .._ • By S'af' Correspondent and l\Irs. Art Me~er. I'

, Mrs. Arthur Johnso, and, famIly. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schroeder t" Mr and 1-1 D I C I Shl 1Mb V. ':e': ;." , __ I .¥ •• Mr. and Mrs; WalU.,'ce Ma,gnuson and family were Sunday dinner dinner guests in the Cecil Clark ~1r.: and {T~s, ~lr;:t~)~ ~al~~' bfJ~Y' • a en, ayn~, Oldsmo- 1--------.:...-..:.._1p: ,:'F~e(ler5, 4.H ,cI.U.b mt 'm, ..and childr.en, Mr. a;nd Mrs .. Ji!TI guests in the George Tonjes home. home .. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hypse, Yvonne EnQ'sler]l. '\-lr. and Mn,' 1952 Last Sunday evening guests inQ en'Ny~en llome We n~5- Nelson Mr and ,Mrs. Marlm £ender. WakefIeld, were nf,ternoon callers' i Pat I':rw~n and .\lr. and Mrs. Vcr, WlllJam A. :>lalchlw. Laurel. the Everett Scheutz home were Mr

" trac~or ma~ten. Johnso~. ,M~., and, Mrs. Evert Mar'k's,' MFr's.DG·.. s;).mMon.'rtIMndraS·le!Vaandn Vern I Johnson.. I<remont.. W3S 3: del ErWin attended a If'adershjp Chevrolet t i an~ Mrs. Alvin Ree,g, .. Johnson and familYt Mr and Mrs. ,.~ weekend guest m the Morns John, Imeetln/{ at Wausa Sunday. Mrs. Leslie Swinn ".. TlJa"ne, 5

Kenneth Olson anti fa~ilY,. a~d Mrs. Geneva Sullivan were Tues- son home. . "-~-___ Chevrolet r' H;I ,uzette Jugel, daughter of AI·Mr. and Mrs. Evon Peterson and day aftf'rnoon g'uests in the Stan Mrs. Millie Nelson, Mr, and I TO BUY SEL' RENT 1950 i~edth~ugeIlf~n~~cn~u~ahst ~~~es~~~boys. - S1-~~:.o~.h~~ei)aul returned home Mrs: '(}fcar Bora, ~r, and Mrs. I ,..... Hobert Ka;, Pc-ndc'r, Chevrolet Thursday m the John Kav home,

Ch'h ' Saturday after a five-week stay £;~t\,f~~~~ :enr~ Th:~sd~~dO}~[:;iUSE THE HERALD WANT ADS' E~~~~nte.Thompson,W?yne, Che\,- Albert Ebe!s, Paullina, la., How-

. 'U'rc .S· ••• In the hospit31. __~ -"_rd: Kluenders, Sioux Citv. andi.' ~ Mr. and M,·s. G. E. Martindale .St. Paul's Lu~hetan Church were in Omaha Thursday. Mrs.

CR. Herrmanni pastor) Martindale attended th~ NSEASunday, Nov. 4: Sunday school, conference,

10 a.m.; divin'e serlvices, 10:45. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bnwaman and_ I Tim and Mrs.' Velma Pltersen .., Concordia i.,uth~ran .Church Lincoln, ,were wchkctJd gu~sts In

,~~~;~3:;, ~~~eI~o~Js~s1°~.~., thM:~aanndCl:[I~i,h~tl~:. MartindaleMrs. Phillip LarsQn, Wausa, wIll and childnm. Earl Hughes, and

SP;~~ay, Nov: 2: Sen~or choir, Mr .and Mrs. Bill Wall. Norfolk,7:30 P:fi1.;, Luther league, 8. ~~s;~ed Gavins, Point ~am Sun-

Saturday. N,ov. 3: Confirmation Bill Clark returned home Wed·

clS~:~d;~~5N~~·:4/~~~d~:·~ilOoJ. rne~~:Yha':::ee~f~ist:;h~~~~wv~~9:45 a.m.; divine worship, 11,; Mar- d"ughler, Mr. and Mrs. Gordontin Luther fil~, 7:30 Paul, Oceanside, Calif.

Tuesday, Nov. 6: Sunday school Mr. and Mrs .. Edward Linn andteachers meet, 8 p.m. Jeancan and Mr, and Mrs. Erie

Linn and Reuben called in theDon Miles home. Wayne. Thurs­day evenin~ to help Mrs. Milescelebrate her birthday.

Mrs. Edward LInn called on Ber­niece Forsberg Wednesday after­noon.

Mr. and Mrs, Gt~orgc Vollersand family and Mr. and Mrs. ElrayHank and famIly were guesls inthe Floyd SUllIvan homc Werlllf.'sday evemng In hUf\or of Mr. Sulli­van's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sullivan I

went to Akron, la" Sunday UJspend the day in the .John Schnci· ,der home. I

Diane Mal-c:nw;on sppnl ThunjrlaYand Friday in the .Jack ErWin I

home. IMr. and Mrs, Dick fiilS.lcdl!, l\1r '

il~~ ~~'~~ \~~:h~~allr~~J a~~~. f~~j iMrs, LeRoy Creamer and gJrls I

~~~~~~n~~~U~i?I~~e~\le[;lS in 1'1:·

I th~~Y~;~j~aYGU~~~~~:~'~n ll:l::l(:."'~,c:'~Rev, Loren Carlson, Arlll<lndall'Mmn., and Mffi. BIJdur (dU, "J."

Mr. and Mr:-;. Ah'c Brown wen' IWednesday (Jv(~rmgbl. gucs!., III Li<'Harold GunnarslHl IwnH'

Thurf:id<JY aftt'moon '~ll·e,'it.~ in Ill(' iHarold G\lllnan-llm home Wf'!.J MI'.and Mrs. VJrl--:il [{ardell and fill'S.JIildur Carlson, \Vay/lc,

an~rso~:I~Jjl~r(~'~llt;1~51,'J~I~ldrJ;/;,I,q~:~~iMrs. Ted Gunnllrlwn and Sharonwere Sunday g~J(~sls jn the CIaI'ence flahlquh;t homl'

Thursday uyster hupper gU(';;tflin the Clarence Dahlqujf;1 honwwe.rc Mr, and Mrs. tI'farlyn Dahl­qUIst and son and Vina Gunnarson

• Pfe;:. Don Dahlquist, stationQdIn Ictind, has talten 11 leavefr?m ... duties, and with threefriends, is visiting in EnglandFranco and Germany. '

. Relatives and friend:; gathen:dI.n the lIerman Kraemer horne~rsndbi~hcd:;.lng to help celebrate

Sunday dinnl~r J,;uCfllr; in thl'Glenn Magnuson honw were r..-trand Mrs. Clarence Tlltllf~. ~lr. and~rs. Lyle Clcvclund. Sllilron &Inrl(~<lr.y Don. Mr. and Mrr" qllln!PtJ1~.~WIll, ]\11', IIlId 1\11'1,. TIlfnnnr, ErWill, MI', and l\1r:;, VI~nh'l ErwlllrlllIl NOJ'lIw Dilll, Mr, :HId Mr~.

, i;':';):ri:J;,; "




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Mr. and Mrs Gbrney Hanson,Mary Jane and ~ln1mle we1c VIS-

~~1Jol~, W:d:eS1cft~,RIsser home,

Mrs WIlham IRa~be and hermother, Mrs Rpse Lautenbaugh,spent ·Thursday IWi~h ~hft KennethRams-ely family : n~ar Wakefield.Mrs. Alvin And~rs~n, Wayne, wasalso a. guest in lhe IRams.ey home.

Mr. and Mrs Dale Thompsonand: dilujJhter" Ri-ngstead, la.,and' Mrs. ,M<llid~ Thompson, Ken·"¢:bec,' S. D., I v.terel weekendguests in the ,IOu;:rne, Thompsonan:J ernest E1lder homes. Mr.and Mrs. Da~ IThoml'Son anddaughh;rs w.'er' S'unflay dinnerguests In the Ider home.Mr., and Mrs.' Andrew Andersen

and Mr. and ~s. August Voeck.Bvisited Sunday afternoon in the EdFox home, Penaer:'

Margaret and Eddie 'Petersemwere Monda); ~vening visitors in II

t~su~~~~te~v:1~: eis~~~s in the!De\\olpy Jensen hom:e were Mr. andMrs. Leonard An~le:rsen, Carol andBob. Betty And.ersen and Mr. llndMrs. Vernon <Jensen, Ruth' andFaye.


I I fN Isupper guests lD the Da e Wiler~he Wovn. {Nebr.)1 .....rald Th~-·ll Ill"'" '1<15"

E· EWS home Sunday Mr and rs lMer· . ,. I It..~ ~, '''r'(,;.mi'~l I ~ 'Q ,

I ' " j, WIN ID . tin Grothe were evenlDg visitors

1tbP$' on F1 I·rst I . Guests 1D the Harlan HeffbolI;. lOSunday. Nov 4 Sunday schooJ·1 Meth~dl'S,1 M "~'1111I Ihelmer home ncar Pie e rues· a.m, service. 11 ..,. '!n .",1\ I By Glad":. Reichert, plume 2682 da' evenmg were Mr nd Mrs. M0n?ay" Nov 7' Ladies ald. 211 Hear B1o'lmfield Ma"I I ~ I~~l1~~ds:r~~~:~ ~~ gr~m:;d\lt~·lii~~F:~gF;o~.Srr-\ Rev $tanlt?:y Ganzel, ~lot?~fieId.

Ii . \L· t · Guests were Mrs L Norfolk. Wm- daughters and Mr and Mrs Ed - will be I gneSt speaker a~ a meet~ono 151 Ing 1Irs H 11 Hilpert and Schellenberg I Winside -Methodist Church mg of car-~Vm pansb MethodistI IL Dltman OfJeers for ~{' club., . Mr. and Mrs. FrankJ Bnght. I (C L \iaI~M.etre, 'PastG!") . : :\len t09J.ghtilRt the Win'ill~e Melli-

I . " year are Mrs G L. ',I'rane.I..'>., Mr.1 and Mrs., BIll Brogren ,and Norfolk, were visitors~ ill' the' Thursday, I\ov. 1: Methodist\ ~dlst c~urc. The meetin'R will-'--~~~----!.-''----'--':''''''-'-,...---'~----+-----==-II president: l\.1r5. Ben L.e~15'..vlce, ?onR ",ere Sunday evemng n'iltors: Gea.rgc Koll home Mil .daY eve. Men, 8. p.m. ~ev. Stanle.y Ganzel start at 8 p.m.whkr~ Bob and J~rry Wacker land Robbins anld, Mr.,;;. Dal1as presIdent. and Mrs. Helc V"rl~le. j lD thq Edwm Brogren home. nmg. BloomfIeld..will b€ guest Stleaker. I - B--stayed while theIr arents~ Reed ''$chellenberg gave the lesson on secrct.ary-treas~rer. End e ~nz:es: Mr.1 anC! Mrs. William Janke and 'Sunda~. No.... 4:. Sunday school.l s e~~' f~ma a!ld q-eorJ!:e ],toll

D !p't table settings Gu~sts of the dub '. wcm to Mrs. Kahl, Mrs1JO) p~., 11art.l\la Krueger were Sunday af· Church s I 10 a ..m., :r-.a.yma~ s Sunday war· \. p. J D ai) evaDmg m the Ge"nuneaRe':d

re n~1 fa~ilery. V~lS~y. e-M F' dirl;: d V· M Idoll and Mrs. W. J. M1Sf· tit. Mr=>, ternobn luncheon guests in thte e I·.... slup, speclal JunIOr chOIr musIC.· man aegeT' home...~ -J wwerur . rDs. er ,aMn DOSS. ArJ'," H. L. Neely will have: he next Fred 1Dangberg horne 11; lIlStruction fr,r preparatory!' k.Mr. and }rIrs. PJ;ill-lip F.rost. -At-

also Vlslted the Clarence Ap g .1 am ' amrne. ,I. rs. ean -, t' ,~. . . Trinity Lutheran C~urch members, 7:30 p_m. msan. spent Fnday ru~t andvm and Mrs. Al\f1D Carlson. Tpe 1 mee mg. I I Weekend guests lD the.W L. 1M, K. GulblS. MStor) Tuesday Nov. 6: WSCS 2 pm Saturday lin the C. E. Carlsonbusiness' was conductkd - , C.arylhome were Mrs. MInnie Ken- _, Tph.murSda y , 1\ov. 1: SeMar ch,oir. __ ' .. . home. •by Mrs. Voss. Th¢ group vot.ed (In:, card. Party ..! mtz. LVer~el, Mr. and Mrs. Augu.<;;t St, Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church . Mr, a.nd Mrs. Andy Mann, Mar.goals for 1957. Mrs. Carlson was I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W?lZ:lCr en- I, Kalkbwskl. Lynch. Geraldm(' Stre:=,- Fnday. ~OV. 2' Chureh council (H M Hilpert asta ) CIa and Andy' jr Were dinnerwelcomed as a new member. 30 fnends Satutday e\{'.'-I fater!- Verde!. and Mr. and :\1rs ~ 3fJ pm "Let's Face the F ts" Saturdav.·Nov. 3'. 'ChPurchrs'C~OII guoests lD. the Ruf~s Mann home.

T h f h b rthd) 0 Jr F d h Id l~ader~hlP meetJ~g. 8:1~ ac uv 5Coterie. Club : I . :~::'~b ~riz:~o~en~ to

lS Anda K~.u: c~l~~. Icne an . C I reno Lm· Saturda). ~ov, 3 Jtiliior choir. ~~. confirmation instructIOn. 1-3! vt~~~d c~~~. ~~~~:Y~oJs~~ M~s~Coterle Club tlJlet WIth Mrs. 1 Elmer Koepke, Mrs. Marin!' \0- Mt. and Mrs Wilham Loehsack 1 p.m.: conhrmation: class of Sunday. Nov. 4: Sundny school. R. '" Harstad and famITy,

F. Gacbler WedJ::I.esday afternoon. ecks and John Wagner. f.,·uesLs and daughters. SIOUX City. were Youn~ people. 2 10 a.m.; divine worship, '10:45. WrlNSIDE_page 8'

At~endi Con~ent on

1 b:~~r! ?~[;:.nd, Rri~~~nsT~~~p~~~~II nlrs. '. F, C. \'1. t, Mrs. Rosemary-; 0Imu.IMrs. Ja eSo Troutman. ~¥s.

'I 'Gwcli'Ji9b+g .Mo isan. Mrs. George, I ~oITis~:' Mrs. C ri, Troutmall... Mrs.r IUow:l" Boomer' nd Gladys ReIchert1"~lattended '. ~e Third district W~-m~n'si ClUb... co yqr;ttion PI.t Waynelast· ~uesda~' vem,. 1

r 1I1r5,[I.,' Ropbi s an' ·~trs. Graef··.,I~ISo, allen~d Nednesd.·.

i~nd,~Irs.·Walt~r , aehlcr II

II'OI;l'a!;~., w.". reo w.eekJ,nd .gut!sts in

. IhKi{ II ;~'d G~~~sl~r t~ff~rd Rhodeand. ,,'f;I1l1ily and Mr. and Mrs .../r,urnf>f :.Hans?n .. Mary a~d S . f

'.. Jim.. 1D1" even11,1g V..IS' oc,e:Y'•.e e,U~~~:I~'~~~f~J.iia~~~~o~ug3~.mN~t_folk, ,vore' e tertained at dinner Social. Fore~ast

, ~turq~y eve ing in the 1. F. FriddY, Nov, 2Gaebler. hom . Three-Fours Bridge Club

I ~lr:: .~nil ,], r.s.. William Hanson W~dn,esday;, NOv, 7r. and family, 'aurel, wer~ Sunday St.. PaUl s Ladi~s AidI dit}ner',' .gl,J..ests in the Le~nard An-I Tnmty LadJtls AId ~" derse~. hqm'e ., Thur,sd~Y, !'J0V:" ,8 I

,! Mr. ,I and' Ir!? ¥artin. .Pfeiff~r I Ne.ghbormg ;Clfcle Ij werel Sunda\ evenmg VIsItors m1--'-.. Ii :the Andrew' A.n~ersen _home.' BaphsOlal Dmner ~ I

~ i I M~.I.and, ~ S. p. W. H-offman Barbara ;Ani), daught r ~f Mr.['~nd '.Ann . M rie, "Norfolk, W~~(' and. Mrs. Russell Reh us, was ,I

. !·"~'.isit01"S in the Chester Wylie !aPh,Zed Sunday morm g at St.1i' h~me.lsundatevening.' ,'" aui s Ev. ~'Utheran hur~h by

'.1\'I..f. !.and':.1 .s. E.dgar 1I.1arot~and ev. H. M .. Hl.~pert. SpOl sors weref~fhes~~~~~~nl\.rahr~~~di;~~~~ni g in M,~s. a~fug~~~S; ~~:dl~a~.ak1jin~~~

"~r.11 -and, 'rs. 'HarrY Hornby. I guests m tne",'Reh.mus orne were I

Sa'yaph'ah, Mo .. and Mr'!'ltand Mrs.! jte\'. and MrsJHilpert a ,d Rodney, ILester Horplil\'. Omaha. ."-'lent! 1'I'1argo and J]net Vonderlage, Mr.

.'\ledne.Sda~, ~v.ith t.h<:ir '!,, Elsie j and .!V.lrs. Eul~ene ;Bru¢ligan an~ IHornby. at~thC ~\\. N 'Vacner! son, 1\'1r. and ~rs. Eak~J and sons,

~~~~.:.ri .••.w.D.e.~.,~i..~'a.~}~.~s 7~tcf~~oGI~~~ . ~n~. Mr. and ,Mrs

. Chelter W.yhe.. ,IHam'm 'and otthilf Jaeger homes. I Rebekah Lodge '

-·Md ."and rs. W. L. Cary were I Hebcka,h, lo~lgc met %riday eve·, gues~s·in',.t e.Charies Car-y,home, I ning 1I~ the IMrs. ;Sa. Reichert!

Pilger, F jday e-...:en;ng tor hOlile. fhe next mlcet1 g wlll beC.hBr.!.e, .·~a ys' fifty-seventh wed- I !'jOY. 9. ~ I'dtng ,anniV rsary. ....,..--IIII' :.and 'Irs. C. J. Bovc(' and, Woman's CI~b

Mnda, ~\~.ay 1e, ~ere supper gue'sltr 1 . Womai1'~ club will mfl~et Monday:lo.the!;'Vern n ~1tller hom a .sund:aY·1 evening at' tihc 'home f Mrs. JJ.:Mr.. and 111- s. :Bob Chase and !fam- i £1;'1. l-il1]wrL Rlr$ .•John Gallop will

i\~~~~~oJk· l-i~'~~lr~f \~~~~6h' I::;;.isl. 'flJC progr,Im t pie will b(' I;

an~ f~m~ly spent Saturday cvcmng 1-:---' ' II

in th~,'..Dav Miller. b~me.. , .Surprise Party!\Ir' and Mrs Willis Rltze and I A group of neigtlbor ladies sur '

SIms were Frida} evcnmg V1Slturs pnsed l\lr~ Lyle W~ e WednesHI the Wa ren Marott hornc du} aflernoon m ho or of her

Mr a~d Irs Chester Wvhc ;mcll bIrthdaY Th~ 4lfterrnoo was spentMr an Irs P C Jensen and VIsltmg Mrs Jdhn Redel conJImmie w re guests m the Rus ducted two Co~tcstl' m WhICh Mrssell Rehm 511 ~lOmc FrIda} eVenm~ Cec 1[ Pnnce and Mrs And} Mannm honor 0 Mr Rehmus' b'rthdR:\- won pnzes

<m~IrIT'lao~a:lr;ndIll~~ar~nave~;:; - •ElmerPNIelsen, LOlS and Norn"- \ Buby Sh:Jw.,r I Iwere visitors ill the Peter Iver Mrs LestiCr Deck a.nd mfantseli home near BlaIr Sunday af son SW\ cn I..1cstc:r. as honoredternoon at a shOWCiT ~n thcII home Wed

N.I...r... , ., ... a,.. nd.. 'Mrs. 'EdWlll. llrogrelJ ?esc,l'-l~ .afl~rJ~~n ?po sored In til('·Were I-"!Visitors in, the Lloyd Beh" Nelghho,nn (,.I:rele. UCists were.m... er."' 'Th{lrSdaY evening. Mrsl

, P<lUIIl\-.JIICJI, rn, It.cnr)'i ::',":\Mr.hflnd Mrs. Herman Koll 'and necl, and t1. 5'. ~ny on~1 Miller;- BetUia· ·'and' mma Kotl spent Norfolk, al ~l lMr;s. yrpn Deck

Tuesday with Ithe Jamc:s Thornp- a~r Mt'~. \ IlIlard: KI n8:~ng, 11m;·son 'fa,rilily, O~aha'.' , ,klf 1;. l'nl.q \~()r(' nrc :(lOVed to the~ ~1r'; am:I Mrs. Don Wachr and 110 or~d ~Ut·st. Mrs. ITan Deckra.. m.. ii.y..., ..returnCd .. home Monday' and Emma., !4:o11lser. cd, .from D,enver. '[Thcy left ~ I',Wednesda)' noon and wcr,e guests IModern Mrs. *overnight of her· nare-nis, Mr. and Modern Mrs. cl b ith Mrs.Mrs. "Oakley ,Reed, He'1rtw(~ll. George Voss ° t. 1. rs. Gar·. . ~,_+-,c....:..::.:.....::=



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100";, wool. t vel y CO_II nr,o,· IJUY ynUfcrothln(J ;.It I :Ir,\otl '~ld'l1 .",r) ""(',,,v,. V;l/LI'.:.hlf' ;1\II:titll\ 111'-111<')' In Ii" w:rll ,,1 \1\" flh

';\Illfr ,.1111;11011.

. , ' ,~,,1 II ". ., (I Ii \. : I• ~ \ ""' ~ :I. 'I' "\ '\"N"~{')lj' n~ \~\0 \\0\\\',] 1\,,\\\\\<::, "'.'o.(·k ((\ \'(,,(( ~ft·. ARmfl , \"'h~' Wfl.~ Mf[[<,t' C1Clt't'\.(\ Thtl~\«.nv (\V(lt\\·na..\ eltt. 1<"f\ttH\\ w~r. (I. VlRf(oro::=: In. ~r.(\.I I 7'f[1'.". /'01J:11(1./L'l/1Jll'<; llJ1fl'L'\'Jl.'. llinll . ", II! \" .

•:;::"~~:":~:;~H~~:"'~I~a~/.:.:t"U:l'I:d:~~~~'.:J":~~~"':;::b~:l~t.~g;,:S:6 -r-r.l-...~-lt1's. VC't'\1on/Behmel,." a ~[ram!Uy home. JOJured in ~ corn plel< r ace dent Larry rem~ired fo ia visit. I. 1's. Gilbert .J;letcheIt"home'Fri_

~'ere dinner guesls in t. e Hqnl'Y Mr. and Mrs. J. E'. Pin~el \·is· last wC'f'k J Mrs. Fr.Jnccs Car\~dn was a Sat· day fUernoon l '. ,',

" ".. ''', ''I ' i !' ':, "4smU's hOBliJ ,Sunday. ited in the ll"vin Neuman home, Mr. and Mrs. Orian I< ucht~ and urday , guc:)t in t.h~ ,111's. Martha ~l\'!~~jan.d Mrs. Miller,

.. • • " . :' ,,I .- lei II ;~;:;ijy,a~~;;~'sp~~rt~: ;ce~k~~~ N'lft~~~a/:,'::.~g,;s <~~w~~g in the (,".:::tl}~ci{~f~~~\~~(i.~/l~JF;~: R~~~e ;olfne'Kraus~,Mrs. Ella gU~~:i;;~..,~~e~an~r~~Ker~~~e"r$lfus'Pasfur~Decnnes 1 0 ~~~~,~H=a=n=s~:~m=u=s~h~.~m~e~d_u~n=~2g~t~~~P~U~I~~~n~'_W_~_._'_'iS_i_~_~~.~i~n~_tt~~e_A=n=O=M~B=u=e=~=a=n~,O=~=o=n=4~'!cU=d~M~N=.~v~e~m=~~M~0~~~,~H~O~S~K~I~N~S=P~a~g~~~.8~.__

:tJi'Watnut, la. t 'urch Sunday ~:~r~:aY~?~r~is~u~~~~ ~~~d~~T.(i~ new Chevi s 0 by til d1!11~~~!G~..,n""in~r onnonnr·· . ~!£r~:71a~I~~~'r!~:;~i~c~~;:;'~f~ . - . . ' . ~ I'·e Siore-i ' ntornmg 1u~ ha:d de- 'Ithe Arnold IMillpr home I I i

,• R .~J,;~~: ,,;,gl~';;~;~~, F;;,~; 'HOIS' INS NEWS :ia';~W/~t,J,~; 3?nnn~~~ pu~~ :~~. all swet't, smooth and sasflY! '~mbt:'rs of the loca) i.M!'s. Laurence J ochens r-.\'ere pin- '

Q rebin him at a . .';' 1'$. J., E. Pin~el, Pho:ne 7~ l. I ,ner guestf~ in the Frc i Jochcns '. (There aTe 16 ore ,where these four Ct;lme from)[ _~ i:.hO~~. sa~ndda~·rs. c~aren Sehroe- . :' .

""- ' • I "., I''''sldent and Mrs Robert Jt McMiller, was IdeI' were Visitors In t c Ernest : II.;'. ,0. GO -I II'" 0 ••••• GO ••• .' .; •••••••••••••••••••, ._><1 <hur;ch, n,."r;- H halM. ne" pc, baptIzed SUHdey In rnmg Sponsors ,M"chmtlJc~l home. Norfo k, Sunday 0 IJ:S!•.~o :-0'h:::;; Fr,da,r mfh~{.s IHen~'\" Hohnf'ke were !VIr and Mrs Robert Braun, Il'\('nll1g ...• • c . ~t~d ~m d~ :~el'('nm~ In the Ted Wlsconsm I rJr nl1,l Mrs Donae Duehn •

• \:t~lk un 8) . t ~ and naught<'rs Wayne uehn and.~{ ~(':ny rrot;' ~t\i..~ndc-;l. tl;, HOhn('~1H/~Ime·t~~~~lgp~1~S \v~re Mrs Martha Raj rke cnteltamed Mrs Eldora Rokcr Hcc or Mmn,

;~:'"ot'l: ( ri~~~~l 1'~nfl~~tt~rnS~I:~n;\ i\ll •• ~l tf~, !v~tS LIZZIe PuIs Mrs Mlnnll' WItt nbcrg~ Norfolk, >;1 (n1 lh,--. \V('('k( nct tn the Fred-"":k3 ,~ ::;~. \X,, .~.. :{ •• '- • t \ lSltol ~ Jll 1 MIS EdwJJ1 WJtte~b€'rg. 'Fremont. JoclH:'l1s IIOmt--' 1\11 s ker left;~:::~~ r.;n~t.:~~\~t.::r!!d~~\~~~;ll~tP3 hO~~\ S~~r~i~l~ll~htUlrlCh left for an~l M~s Emt'lla 1,mldt at dll1~ Tjl!"I':Sd<1Y I \d nm" fOI meoln tot.r'Qpb"l tQ·Wdh.lUl Woblft'd adult B d port Wednesday after nel Monday v ~1111('r ,I:stel •_I -«eher for ~3mtn ... tJl~ mostl 1'1 ge Tuesda mght 1ll the Mr HrB.nd :\11S ~ul Dangberg, Mr anl1 Mrs A tuggeman •

\': a:. the prc;-\'iou; Sund~y. ~~~~:I~fIUS brattier, Erwm UlrIch. Bl'~dley and. Patl 'Ia and Mr. ancl \\('1 c 'hosts at supper ~ !urday to •~ adult class will be In I :Mrs L1ZZIC' PuIs returned home Mrs Df'lmm Sh11£f'Y and f~m~lY'1 Mr dnd MIs "10!lYJl ~TlIggeman •

promotion and arr~mge Tuesday afternoon ilFCl' spendmg SIdn0 Y \'v('t(' SUl1dK\ dWllll ,guests I and P,LUI Ml LInd ::\rl'; Gerald ISunday SpeCIal musIc "p\'C'lul da)'s m1ttw 10me of her m the E J Sch(,l,]Hh home BJu~,.;(m.Jn and J<10111) MIS EI~ : •

.s scnlcC was provided 1- ht'l Mrs ErWl UII1Ch. Mr Rnd 1\ltl; I lank Mal1('n V!S~I 01('1 p( !C'! Dl lillIe ,1I1el llSa,n and : "ONE-FIFTY" 4-DOOR SEDAN i . "TWO-TEN" SPORT COUPEroLUpo~N.l or ~Ir. and d.-lug c, lted JJ1 thL' MIS ~IZZle Puis hun1c MJ anti j\llS D\\lgllt ruggpman : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J .

n 1"'uhrmal1 and J.mellc, S · t ~ Fnday dnd Dm'lglas MI s Wa) (' Thomas I •Mrs. R~\:-.mond Walker, oc,e II,. MI i-lnd MIS EIWIl1 L"IIICh vls~11 and (o)lnl( und IcanniC Thomas: .~:::: J:

Gar\;' Glenna and Geral· .,. • l\('{\ lJ1 the lrul Jochcns home \\-PIl' ,dtellloon \JSltOIS. •

l{eii""and Re'". and Mrs. Town and coun~ry Cub ThUiSdayevC'Jllng l d 1 I : :r~ Town and COljlntryfijaraen club Mr and Mrs JVc1n Lu WIC<, Ch h l 0 ... 0

met at the l\itrs. zra Jochens YOl~. were Sun{l:~jY afl{'rnoon VIS- ure e .. : :S,..... Arm I Tuesday aft ;I.'noon. Mrs Itors III the 'Rev [aul Riggs homeI.. '.

n.1 as Puis. 12. son of Mr. and hom~ncc Schroeder bnducted the Mrs Samuel Uh Ich, _Wlllsde, TrlOIt~Y Lutheran UI ch • •Mrs. R~uben PuIs. --'fell from the ~ll:~tmg Mrs Schro del' gave the spent Satm day ml1~le Mrs LI!.Zt~ (G \ ~sc~nsJnkSyn ~ r) : :

~'ring a~n~ch~:lJk~'c~~S('sl~ir <l~~ study o~ locustt, Itr~esl ;Mrstt ~~~se' Pl~~I"hoan~~ l'vI) s \Vol) 0(' TholnnJ Thursda, N~~n i p a~les aId, : : ..'ll"lUr e WflSt. He wa~ taken to ~1~~~7g~~eetl~~ ~~8n~e at th~ were V1SItOls 111 lfJ(' Al Thoma~ E(~ward Ewald home '30 pm: :

:~~ti~~ ~~~;~:c~e~~an~ MlS Edward Kollatnllhomc. ho~~, c;~~ro~I)~ ~~~~O~\I~~I~;cl~ 10s~nd~l" !~~~c1:y ~~~I 01 siivlces, : :

~,I,!.. ~~ C~b ~!I, and family \]~I!e~ 1n 1h,e IIrmy Wednres{~ay, Nov 7 I ChoIr Ire • •""""~-:'<'" :' " ., Mr. and Mr~. \V ltell', Behmer Asmus home F.l'ld,RY.{'VQl1lng. " I hearsa, 8,15 p. m. I' .

"' ,.n, S....•:Ju.".ors Sponsor entertained, card'clU,. FrIday eve- Mr. §,nd If)f'.,J;vai~n~h'~fl1?~n;1~1 Evan. United ~reth;tn Chur~h : BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE : CORVETIE •

R' "":"''"d ;M' d '. h ning Mr and Mrs.~ Virgil', Buss were s pper gu,' .s Ie" (p 'II H R 'g to J •• •••••••••••••• •• •• •••••••••••••••••1..... .",:. a ,I, e, on ay Nig t 'wer~ gu~sts, Pitch rizes went to Fork home, Carl'qIl, ,WNlnpsoa '. SlIndfl:'1 No~ 4~ ~'UIfU~y rschOol •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••• 1 •••••••••••

': ,~ 'high.' school j~mioli~ Mr, and Mrs. He bert Kettle, Ar!ene A~mlls spent 1h,(' \'.'('('i<J 10 a. m,;"wors'hip', ~'St nd Up and If 'hayride for other h.igb .I\'11' an.d .waynfT.homas and end 111 thC'. Ed Mfj:a~r home. Cl Be Countc[d " 11' lllcn' .. ' Nor-, nfs Monday night. Ac- Mr: aild Mrs. V;irgil C'hmer, Nov. Mr. ~11~ M:!';d' rumMan M~ :1'. folk, o:15Ip'. m.; no ("1roinf.(' serv- I,ook OV. cr the. whoJp Jinp~llp Of.1H'''..'['CIH'vrn!('I." f/.>r ·S 7. "\in."tN'U

thC' g r o. up were 9' meeting willi be the Wayne and (artu}:,., w.~ n ,t, al.ld rs. ar y . I . , ." -' noughn and Principal Thomas home. ,I t' Falk, June land Jtmmy, wc\r¢~; Dew passenger rar modpls [hat .Ire I \w~r, IOIl~('r and nl'w rJ"g:bt

,,'~~",',;',~~ahan. ~ P" hip rt' :' ~~~~~gd:yt f~~('a :!d~~('r:~~~I~U~~~~ .Mr. and Mrs, Otto ,-'rnef, Win-'-. .' ,>' "I ,'" . Birthday Ite I a . I. :J:, . r s,de, an0r. M,'. aw' rs. F"ank down to the "hoc]s plus tI,e ,]asl,I' g no, ('0 II

if "~'. ).,m"d ,Mrs. Shlpley Mr. an'd Mrs.IRarr Strat,e e~ter- Mr. and Mrs. Be.n. t:StU~('ls an Bright, N rfolk, we~e Friday I~ve- ~ .... -. - .; v ,rve ('.and r. lY, Sidney, Visited .from tamed ,in honor. of ' ar:rY's bJrth- Randal were pvtnllpg guests. ning visi ors in the Roy Witte There':, one tila twill fi t into YO\lr lifeltH'aut i fully. Conll' in "Oqn and ,owe!r u e~i:tl~o~~nday in the E .. ~~t ;~ur~~:~~~~~~!ll~~~~e~rM~~ enl:~al~:~ ·~~~·iJ~::dsa~~~~~~~! home., i • i •

M~',:"and: Mrs I William \Vitte and Mrs. Ed aas,! Mrs. Walter Mrs. Edgar W<IIlker, Mrs, Ellal Mr· an~ Mrs. Evere t, Witte and

~..'~k.~ :~.·..~Y,~CIy~be~itspe~~n:~e. ~~:~;'sa~~d~d gi~:~.,~~~~e~ar~~~~ ~~~~~:t~I~~, ~~~. ~;~Ii:~ ~Ir~·! ~~~~~j9~~nda1~!11il ~·~·.w~~'"::,'," "';i'l,ID",e y te .. also observed :j Oonald,Duehn~ndfamlly Hec-l' IMr.andMrs.Wlllla Watteand ~

~.: :l.";I1d ~. St~ley ~gen-, _ _ .;1 tor, Mi.ln., ~, '" family, Cha~bers, M . and Mrs. 0 l f l' d Cl It d l ' ~ _II:iI./ d' I h fbS~, ~:~~re v1S1to~, m the Gil~ert P.iano Recital ~ Ij , i, Mr, a~td Mrs. Tr-:~win Meierhen~ Donald Cormsh and daughtera, n Y rane use .. let-TO e t'UlrJrs ~ lSP ay l is amous tradcmarlc,F1~~~" ..r•. )I.,ome.wednesdayeVem9g· Mrs. W.. J, tigg: l't pres~nted and Mr.' and ,Mrs.; Carl Wittl r San Jose, Calif., 8? Mr.8!'d

Gilbert' Fletcher and Mrs. Larry and Sb on· 'Koepke ,;in a and family WE're ISJ.Inday afte::-noo Mrs, Roy W!tte were, unday ~m,John ause-spent se'\:eral days in piano recit~l .a. he. ester K~epke guests in the Cjifford I30ssarU ner guests In the Flr,ank BrIght I C 11 Cthe Mfg. Fas \Voodford home, home Sunday eveni' g~ Pitch fol, home, Tilden. I i home, Norfolk. orye uto GUlpSouth 'Sioux City. lbwed, the reeit 1 wi Mrs. Esther Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ml'iC'rhC'nrtY[lilr anU 1\1rs Leo~ard Marten I any

~'Er\Vin and U.t~cht.• Mrs.... ay and .. Mrs. Were visitors inl the Harold Ahl- and family spent last !Sunday With I '~ , IauI Rliggs returned 'RiggeI't receiviJng pl1 zes. man home, Norfolk, Wednesdabr her mother, Mrs Tllb~ Brumgard,from LeMars, la.':'--. ;' I, evening I Omaha I 112 East 2nd Wayne, Nebraska T I h 152inaugm:atlon se:rv:., Baptism«1 I ,I Mr and Mrs Robert Ltenemantn Mr and Mrs Rober~ Lienpmann e ep one

~~ u~~~~ pa~~¥~,I~~R~.~dCynthla,4nc~nMra1dl~~~~~~~rl~.s!~~n~tdili~e~I~~_~~~===~~~..~~ ====__~_~~_~__~ ~_~ _•••••••••••••••••••••••••a···••····.··1ra..RE.aa.sB••••••KaD~••B..-a•••MI~~~a~km••ma~a.aumR.D m~ma.sw~~~w~aug~w~~u~u~u•• mn•••• ww•••~~~.~••••D9~~.~~&MS&••~.

-'1"~""I'"~ ~~. r-A~~;i~n Moneys~~~i~i ~~... L ~= I • I ~/., ~;,. ir :l White raDu;~~~ Shirts "'r,\' .,v Sal(e!!! "~:'0'l1;t~ ~: ,~~ . ~~t·~~, ',. :• Famous name whitf' dfe~s shirts .styled in your tarorite collar ':~ Auction Money ~\ ~ ~ f; III

: in fine count, sanhrlzed broadcloth. We can't ,~Il you the .,~ ~:,I ~! :': name, but you're sure to recognize the value. ::, ;~~:~d:~ct;~~ ~t~l~t ';.;'. f :

= $299 2 5 '~: 'y Fcc" w,,,, ,veey ~;. I I :I for $ .'00 .. pucci"" of $1.00 ",. -0" II m~: more Wlttl every ~4~ I, •=•.' ...; $1.00 purch<l'>C we §~ ,,; =.

I"""'"'' ....."." ,n. , ... ".. '0' Will !Iivf' you $5.00 - cs.:: ' ~ in AUCtioil Money. ~:: 'I":" •:: i " ...~ Sl.:lrt !l;JVlnq tod<ly, ':

= .-tt ~~ ~ll11~:~;OI;;ihr Will \,II: :: Il.'r] .1\ Ill" City• .~.i l\udltrn-'IIr1', You buy• ;:: an'ct pay With Auc-= .SHOP LARSON KUHN FOR ':. tlon Mon ... y, Lots of• - . ::: u,dul ."d waolcd

5 I I . FAMOUS NJ),ME CLOTHING .i~ ;~,~" w,II be on #''5 'II \ C,ORDUROY 82~;~';';'.~ •• ~rk~:·5 ~G JACKET ,"", ,loth. ··,·····;·;·~~·:~b": I I ("- REG. $895 '0" "",;

.E Xour!oppartun' Q Corduro}' Keg Jacket In your favor- .1r';1(;H~r~::'t;:~• Ite cblor ot J low price Styled and tailored by Days V,'S", llarso'n Ku'hl1's: sizesl 36 to Washable In "got blue, wo'te, nnd black £. - .

= Reg.!$8,95 values. Save auction money $ 3975 Complete Shoe Dept1 i j599 ~.

5 iCorduroy SLACKS Ir,·= ~' REG $7 95 U= rom us nome corduroy slacks stylc;d the way you like them G:t~= In Y t*r faVOrite cplor. Washable-mode for comfort-90od~J=- lookt pnd hard wear. Reg $7.95 ,values Save auction money ~{I

l i $500 pair ~'

i i';' . "_ '4b~duroy Shirt:. A~e~uii1e ~uctio~Special;,Firitquality lorduroy shirts styled 2 ·SPORT COATSr.'."".',1 ,com.,fort. land g~od ,lo9ks•Avpllable in arl new populor colors. $. .99 M:tkcr your Wllllr'l' W.1nlrohr ".11.1"1..1" wo1f1

=~ R~~r.$3,95 value. ! I II' , i v.lridy 31HI f1t")o:illillt)' wotll .1 /lrw ·.pol'!• ' ' I c.O;lt from L.:tniiOII·KlIlm, We.H the cO;ll '.",lIth

I'11:1 ~ecJ~f/q~a~tt'~ f I 'r Lee Work tlofhingl ~~~~~~,:;;:;U~:;:'~.:~::':L?.,"'~I.;~'~';;J;'~:::'~!i" I orCon't Afford to Settle for LcsJ, $2 4 7 5 :

,i ~~ ~'''". ~"~! ..!I.~ ~,,~~. II""J~.E",,,,~!"~,~~~, ,. up 'lI(~= thail any other brand you've orn or a n~f ~enlm, W.,h 'em and'i we." ','m! YOII'II Ilk, : )i,'" '"' ~"~3·~~ ,'. ''''.;3~';" 1095up !tl.J ,iJi.•••i ••••~. IJI I, Ii I~ J' II 1 j 1 It =

I ••••••••••••• ~••*•••~••••••m••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••••••~ R ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SDW••••••••••••••m•••••••••••••••••••'!iii!!; "Jlt;,IIII','~' I I I I ' \, II I II I I








12 mo.





Lqb.ns ir II -I








.9 mo.





20 I


6 mo

But Vote!




Check Prospects forProfits

Folliowing are exampleS" of some possibilities in live­stock feeding enterprises in the y-ear ahead.: They are offer~

er as an aid in estimating fd,e profitability lot feedirig steercalves and yearling steers under different feeding systems.Feed requirements have been based on various experimentaltrials.. None of fhe budgets show results from using 0 C:om~

merCial supplement containing stilbestrol" When such- 0­

supplcmcnt IS fcd to cottle over 600 pounds in weight, feed

consumptlOr, IS rncreased about 5 percent and average dailygam about 15 p€rcent~,lavcroge).

The following prices howe been used to esfimate feedc",t,. corn. S1.35 ~r bu.; 4ll percent protein supplertlent,sao per 'on; alfolfa' hay, $22 per t<ln; com silage, $10 perton; pasture, S3 per head per month, totol costs hDivebeen estimated by using the rule of thumb that feed coStsmake up approximately 80 percent of the total cost ofteeding. The costs above feed co'Sts include s.uch items QSequipment, interest, deQth loss, selling and buying costsand veterinary fees.









6 mo




50 29 1.9 1.3 .

mostlv roughoge,n wonter f~lIo:~ng b~ -2-3 ~os-~~~ot-fee1ifg;

selling and buyin:g costs and death loss I













Lib, Mal(. Roughage 1 Lfbe-ral

Ro_ughage~~x. ROUg~_g~~__S~~ ~e~~v_en_t_io_n:cal-,--l_R~a.::.ud:::·h=a~ge'::"...:.'l

Cd. & ChOice I Med & Common Gd to Chor~ Gd & ChOice

ChOIce I High CommerCUlI Ct----.,~.~d Good ho,c~ \feedersl Cho1ce

.; 5







67 mo.



Gel. & Choice

Vote As Your Please

Be Sure To VoteTUESDAY



1Con-v«lntlOnol mostlv dry lot feedlnQ, lib«!rol rou9~09c

maximum roughog'c no corn or protem ..upplemeh1

Feed cost diVIded b) CI 8 to CO\'CT feed cost, rISk, ln~ercst

Avcrogr Dri)flt~\ ~,7 j r~T :,Icc'

I I'

Margin needed torCl\'C'rogc prof,t~ 3

Cattle F~eding Systemsy e~rlin9 Steers

foed Cast IbG<JIn

Totol cost IbGOln 2

Morgln neededfor fair return

E5t PurchaseI)ncc

Feeding Period

Purchase weight Ib;

Gain Ib,

Feed r2qwred

Corn bu

40°0 Pro Sup Ib;

Hoy T

Silag'C' T

_'t_em -""-__ COnvl":ntlonal, 1

Feeder Grode

Sole Grode

!Compiled trom . Natc~ on Nebraska Form ~&I'ine:S:5." P~p~red under the Direction of E E, Pe~:e-rson, II

Agucultural Edensfon Sen-Ice Gnd De-P4rtment of Agri~uJtural EconomIcs, CoUege of AgrK:ult~re, I

The st~t;ij~ti~~'~i'BqnL.:.,.,w. I~I" y~ ........ W"" u, r

- Depen~able Farm Credit ­Feeder Loans Insurance Business


_...,.....~ 1DmraD"" CarponlU""

Cattle IFeedin


a WellProgram

Nei I

Ro Is Are In This


FINAi'!CIAL SITUATION AND RISK Mony cottlcfeeders USc borrowed funds to finance their feedingoperations. Their ability to obtain and use creditwiH affect t'he feeding system f(lllowed. Calves arcusulaUy foi~ly low risk as Q feeding syst(!"l1\ because alarge shore of profit comcs hom low-cost goin rothertho'n price margin. Heav)' cattle, on a shott~fccding

systcm Qrc rogorded as CJ higher r,s,k, fiYS,tCl1fl,\.

SUPPLEMENTARY LIVESTOCK ENTERPRISES. Th<cQ(tlc tcedlOg program should be combined wathot~~r livestock enterprises.' Cottle feeding and hograising go well togcther. CQ.~ttle feeding makes useof ,rougha~c lUnd pcrmits Qdoption of a t1c:liblc pro~gr~m to fit ,he feed supply and 01 the same tunc:permits Qdi"fs.tmcnt to fit profit prOipect''"' Hogs onthe otHer hand, Of(' u~uolly a dependable "ourcc oflI1C:OfllC. Qlthuogh plfJhb ill ony one yeor mo~ not bespectaculor. Hog'!> orc nlQIIt! ofhe lent c,onVG'ters. oftc,:d 10 h) gall1 and ove, the post ten years return pet, dollar of teed ted thon



fcI. D 'bl t ~ebraska farmers increased their mortgage de:bt by 14 percent in 1955 and theirarT "e : short-term debt by 5 percent. They 9btained 5179 million of the 5202 million of non­

eal-estate,1 credit f~om com'mercial:' banks and 516 million from production credit associations. Life insurance companies

qre the pr~'cipal source of farm mortgage credit, 592 million of a total of $238 million; the federal land bank held $69million' on .i.ndividuals 5:5..4, ·millioni of such loans. A further increase in farm debt is expected in 1956 because of drouth,odd-to Jon ~urchoses and 'debt re~inancing.

b .i tho By Oct 1, +rty.rr,e Nebrosko counties hod askeddesogna',on os dmuth,ter o'eas. The Sec·rou . reto~y of A~riCUItUre makes such deSignations ~ased on Information supplied by county and

~tat.e droufh committees. Emergen y feed and cred~t p~ograms ~re available to some formers In counties declared diS­aster area~. ,The feed progr3m ~ plies only to mOllltaming breeding herds of cattle, sheep and goats, such feed cannotbe fed to rags, feeder cattle or feeder IQmbs. Eligible formers Clon buy surplus feed groinS dt about S1.00 pcr c.....-t. lessthan the: market price. The ,credit program provides special FHA lloons to eligible formers ot somewhat lO"Wer interest rotes. ,

, I

Lo t k: Feede'r cottle prices will be the'some or slightly higher than last year; demand has been IIves OC ., bolstered by high fat cottle prices and bumpE:!r corn crop prospects in Eastern Corn Belt I

states. Top .out cottle on feed os- r~pidly .as the~ grade "Choice"; prices o-n better grades of slaugnter cottlf! will weoke~i

aboutJhe first of the yeo r, Hog prices Will decline 52-3 per cwt. to a low of about 513 in December; heavy hogs will be i

discounted from now on. PoultrY and egg prices will be lower than last yeor through thIS fall and ""lOter. Broiler pro­duction is up one-fifth over '1955; turkey crop is 16 percent higher.




The program followed by the cottle feeder should beregulated by 0 nul't'ber at other faictors In addition to· I'eedsproduced on~ availQblc, Some of these arc

1 OUTLOOK. Variation in business condittons, In suppll(~"

of feeds, and In the supply of cottl<' for tct!dlng 01tCf!S, profit prospocts trom y~ar to ycar. ~rudy of Ih"ouHook for thc yeor, ahcadl," a "must" to.r mokrngproper odlustm('nt~, III f('cdlng arNDtiorn

foolder cottle ond should usually be so timed thot theyare sold in tfle spring months. Ca"lves of low feeder grademay not be teady for market before lot~ sum'mer or earlyfall at which time they must compete ·wlth older gross fatcottle that CIIre coming to market at comparable slaughtergrade.

The higher grade, ."good" .and '~choice",normally require more grom m th.:!lr fattenmg ration or alonger feeding period than low grode feeders. Normallythey "'should be purchased and sold to tok~ Q~vantage ofseasonal flu~tuotion In prices as much as pOSSible.

The se~ 'of cottle fed will not be influenced appre­ciably by the type of tCEds available. !hc sex purchasedshould depend primarily on thc rcl':Jtlonshlp between ~ur­

chase and sble price of steers and heifers_ Because heIfersmake slower and morc costly gain:;. than steers and somemay be withi calf, morc price rnQtgm is required in a heiferfeeding operation thon when comparable steers are fedH~ifer~ gen¢rolly fotten more Quickl.y than steers and areadapted to 10 shorter feed 109 period

Since some yearling feed8r heifers are bred andothers may, soon begin to become "cowy" in op,peor.once,their use should be limited to 0 short feed on rather liberalamounts at' gram. Spayed heifers arc a questionable in­vestment. 'Their gcins orc slower and morc costly thonopen heifers .On the other hand, the packer-buyer tend'.ito favor spayed heifers s1i9~ tly because he is assured thatnone ore "eolty"

The former wno has liberal amount'; of groin IS likelyto be a dry lot feeder of "good" to "chOIce" cottlc If heprefers a ~hort feeding perIod he ""ill usc heavy steers orheifers; if a long feeding penocJ" light weight yearlingsteers or calves. The feeder who has a liberol supply ofwin'tcr roughage and limIted grom IS more likely t~ feedheavy cottle of lower grades. Feedmg programs utlh:z1mgposture as well as liberal amounts of winter roughage willusually cover on entire year, For such program's most folksprefer to buy light cottl~ of hIgh quoilty In the foil Attcrabout 12 months feedmg they orc fat cnough to scll dur­ing the peak price season for "chOICe" slou~hter grode.


November. I ,

I !


I'~:'O'II ' .

:1 iI

Prospects for ovtmige profits 'fro~ cattle feeding~ ~m.57 lo;:,k. fairlyl good. The somewhat ~nfa:voroble

I ~om;'dltl"~ SItuation df Nebraska feeders dLf~, to, drouth


'.' tarIs ~Of co. ref.ul con~idera~ion ~t the import?-n.t. 9~ides, t.0, p&aftftlng 'cattle feedmg ope"!hons for ~axn;n~1tm I,proflts., ihe ilnon<:tOl outcome of feeding 'cottle IS offe ted: by the

.mcc paid for f~er cattle, .f~ed supples ,~d prices,S~Qu9htt'r cottle prices, and ~e managerial crtrhtY of the

·"te;"""r.leeder. I r

. Sources of Proflit

.' Pro~he cattle "~eeding, b.?sine§5 resJlt ~ro~ (1)

price margi,n, '2\ economIcal feedlng .ond (~l Increasedpfoductivity of the laMn. I

" " Price margin is the ,,.d.ifference betweee~ the self~gpricC."pcr of the fat steer and rc.fta:s.: pr,ceper hundredweight ot the steer as a feeder_ thnanly thecattle feeder must depend for some of his pr Ht upon seil­ing the weight purcholad ill !he feeder ste~r :d~, more thanit cost. The amount at margm needed Varies ~lth ag~, sexend weight at cottle fed, and the cost of gain lin the feed-lot! 'I, I

. Yearling and twoheor-old cottle USUaIlY~"reqUire wid-,cr mnrgi,ns for overagJ profits than calves be Duse calv,esgain more efficiently_ Hea". yeorfi~gs and,. o-yeu.r.~ld.slequiFe more margin than slltu[ar antmals of hbhter weightnetouse. the weight purchased makes up Q greater per­centage of the weight said and fe,ed, req~ired ~r. poundof gain .'increases as cottle becomes heaVier: rrh,s fS "par_ticularly. true when the cost of feed is high...1 . J

A :price' margin .is es~c;aJly important[ when feedcoSts ore high in relation tO'1 the selling p,i<ie of cottle.Weight:goins in the feedlot. often cost more ~er hundred­weig~t ,than -the selling price of the cattle.. 1~ suc.h cases,

• c;E wide margin is needed to bre.ok even on the ~eedJng ven­ture and is the source of all of the profit.~ Lowl cost of feed

';"n ,elatton to .price of cottle may reduce the n~ed for mar­gin faT profitable, ·cattle p.rP=4,ucJion, r~is occurred durin~

'1 lhe rise in cottle prices imme.r!iately following' World V{ar.

1 ~ II, . . • !1 T?e amount of mor.gln o~tained l' affected by, theI tj~e Of'J~ar: t~e cattte are purcllased Qn~_sold. For maxi-


mu.. m.m.~rgi~s feeder cattle uSUQlly shoul~ be Ipurch.ased in~he fQl~ I:llonths when the supply is greater and prices low·

'est. Fo,t cattle ,hould be solH during' fhe s~osonol high


I . for :th~ir .sloughter grade. Seasonal lIighs tor sloughter

Icottle :are as folloWs: '~rime" October-Jan~ory; Choice,


...., AU9Us1I-\)cto.ber; Good ond C.ommerc.iol.. , Moyduly; Utility,• ;' April_J~ne. 'I . . '-

'I ~ , Most ._~conor'nical gains result fro~ the utiliza-;1 .tion :! of low-cost feeds j)fop~rly balanced with a mini-

c I,' ~."1Urr of more, expensive' feeds Qr teed additives.

I'~ .Eco~OI;nicDI gains ore ·most importqnt. wh,en col,ves

o~elbeing fed or when the ~eed lot ~oin "!Qkes up aI'::, tar~e 'part of the total. Jeight markete1,Though

'J,.I.';' ....c..O:1 es usually.,g.ain.. more efficieo.tly tho yearlings'.' !. 'an two-year-.olds" :calf feeders should, give even. ·mo e attention to feeding an economitol balanced

Ta,tlon thon, ,feeders. of. older cat.tie because they must.deijend on ,obtaining a larger part ~f their total pro­fit I QS the :r.esult of economical feeding .

." ~ncreased productivity of the farm ~. .' an indirect;....sou:.::? of profit. thot occl!rs when lives'~oc Clre properlym,anQ@ed. Manure properlYI handled on.d crop ,rotations de-

j'....'..... ,. .si9..nea .to ~ive 0 bolonc.. e, of. feed fpr fQ'', ..c....:o».,.:,othco!"tribute to greater form productivity. thci gh rio eat

~'n cn~ one year, increase~ productivity .con b c~~ ~er',>I'~: I.mportant sour;e of. profit over a p"enod ,of years. ,


6rchase Cattle to Fit!(·1

1.·• ! Your Feed ISu~p.. ly.1'·\ I .. '7 .., •....

rll !, 'FCi~ms differ, greatly in the' 'amount: a:nd 'k'inds of

:,.. ' Jfee~ Qvailable for fattening cottle, Some fQ~ms have most-.

I.,'::" ..• }Y. c.,or.n;. ,on others, t.he for soil. conslotion requiresil' that so~e roughoge should be produced. e first abjec­I.•...,. t,ve' 0.1 most cottle feeders should. be to m rket feed pro': :duced on the.,farm to thE} best advQntage. ~he feeds pro-

l' i •• '.duc.e.d... andov~il ..O. ble .'Iocally .should lorgely determine th.eItyp~ ,of monogement that will be followed, the length ofI: .fee?ing period, ondl the grode, age' ond weig~t of cottle fell,.

'J}i' ''','':; Ye'arling 'and' two-yeQr-OIdI I teers arl better thQ~

I...•... ', ~~IV.e.s jr utili;in.g large. amou,;fts of cjrse rO,ughages

',,: such as ow quality hay,. stalk fields, carn1~bs ond straw:


,; They al 0 utili;e foil pelsture to better advonlqges than

.,.••.. !.':,..c.•.a.Jves. ecaus~ 'catves mu~t gro)V. as well.!'QS fatten theyI' ~ist be fed for longer :perlods fhon yeorlihgs.

I';" ,,1 !" ~alves r~quire a better qu~lity raHon,1 than yearlings,': '.,"GI~dlO. a hIgher per~entage.of protein supplemen~ and:', gro,n: Cdlv~s mllk~ Ilj"e econalnicol go ins than old~r'cot.

fl~ \Jecause. they c~ew ~~eir feed mo'" thoroughly, COn,umem~re feed In relQtlon to body weight,( and grow as well as

-foften. I I I, I

.. I I.. The g.rade of caltle pu.. rchas~d should be inflo.enced

I ~I b.l·the. e~pe.~fedP...rice., re..Jah.·ons.h.iPS. of the di.Herent ~.'rades.: " ',' 0 . the tlOle thecOtt'" ,.will .be. "1arkete4, as ..ell as the

I fe~.. ds Ithafare ,a..,ilcible-;-:lower grode feeders "co",mon"

I .'i....'.·.i:;"II":~ a"d.'.' n~ed. iU.'!I".'. c.o.,n,. ~f.. i.,lize. l~be...ra.l, qm;oun'ts Q.f. ~ou9hagc ino t elr.. ~attenmg. ra,hD.n; 'GrQI.n 'feeding .. may be nec(j.ssory,-,f I·'·f ,.~Iy d ~hort hm,~ .1;O$f1lefo'e. ~a,lcetiitg.Tltey sho\lld",,'i .be.f,ed for a cOntparohvely shorf period and sold when they

;' ,!' 'il'i ,Jo,l::h,i "ao~~ercial" 'or ulow "good'" slaughter grade. Pur~'oc,: ,i:::/tase!~~ thIS grade I~ffeeders should be limited 1~r901Y




TheWayne Herald

fa. It lit'/. rnab werk I\fIt /1hI CcllQ's adandy. day IIId~It', my to Ulf llIld IUItWIlrb"hint, name! and dates"'.~ lbI tlmtllt .



ladies winter


~ BRAND. NEW! Made to~:;, sell for $39.95 to $49.95

~~ fimNOW\~~ij


We Give

• Choose from newest fall colorsl

• Sizes 8 fo J8, 7 fo J5


• Outstanding wool fobrlc~1

• Martlniques, plushes, twe,cds, Zibellnesl

• The season's latest fashlonsl

• Warm linings of wool and nylon fleece fl"e,

• Some Milium IInedl


By Gladys ReichertPhone 2682, Winside

(Continuer) from Pa£~ Flv~l,

•Ttw man who makr"i Ow I)(·~! of'

cvcr~thin~ is I.(llarantt~('U tl marketfor IllS product".------,----,-,,---

Two A<lgllilC".rcd Phi,\rm:llch,l,to Barye You


50 Yea" ofReliable 'Prescription's

.'*4 ., 0_'

ClJrroll StitchersCarroll-Carroll SliIclwrs tlltt

Oc~. 22 for lhl~lr fin;1. mN!tinf! NewoHlccP; el('cted w(~rf': Ih'vNlvr-.hmrc, pre:;id(!nl; ,EileelJ Cunninc~arn., vice nrw:ildent': \-'irl-Oll!;;Slanflll, fiecrctar.v: S:lllv':Iriurcr :Iud l<athy J{lI·uf~Ilf,'~ll.lleWH rcporter. ASlJi1;lclnl le,1df!r,~

ar(~ ~lrs. Mary H,wlsl.on ,,11111 t'1r;,.V(~rnJc HlJrlhcrl. New In f'tn hf!fll<Ire .Judy SWlln~on, Audrey MooT'('nnd Beverly Moore. Nov 19 meel·in~ wlll be in the Ge(lf,Rfl .Jorgen·lien home,



1\'1f. and Mrs. George McCarthy.Omaha, were weekend ~ucsls ofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. JamesC. Jensen.

Visitors in the Artic Fisch(~rhome Sunday were Mr. orul Mrs.Norman Christensen and familyS~.anton, Mr, :lnr! Mr,,, DrmiliriJ'l!ltwr and family and Mr. andMfr>. Cllrl Ctillh'tJ nnd HO.';NlntJ.NfJrfolk, i

MI'. ;Inri Mn:. Mprlin Saul.WnYll(!, Wf're Vifill()r~; In th(! Vf~r.nOll Miller hOttlf' TUf'sday p\,pninr.:

Men's 4-buckle

dress Qvershoe. 550Block 011 rubber, fleece lined.Full gusset.

Youth's and boy's 4.89

Men'. ,uper. quoliIY'4,buc~le block, all rubber overshoe, Med,

ium work weight with blac;,k cleated type outsolcs. Sizes 7 to

15. Full ,izeron/y.

IMen's. fOl!lr buckle,

waterproof work

artics. Reinforced!

"KenJsh~" rubber

stadium I'boot,Sizes 5- 0 . 449 319. I overshoe.Li9h.~!·weig I, 011 rubber ,b.ol;S!"ar mal hing or conlr~'ling Red, all rubher o,ershoe. Fleecepll~: ,~ff. Fleece lined, ~ipper lined for more warmth. Sizesfrantl'· ~,I' '. 1 ' 610 12.

,. I

Blqck light weiJhl qll rubber, fleecelined dress o~ershoe... High Kwikzipper f.'len~r'ISize.710 14.

. . '. ,I


warrrl, all rubber,. 1

zipper pvershoeE~sy ~o slip-on

'it" \!

"."11 ,1 I. \':" J , .,';, . Slm m" Is a ilaugb'.r 01 Stralgh{ and wrs.leonyer.:

:7b:W~yne \Nel>l.~ ~elllld,Th\lIS~Il~, Nov~mber I, 19,6 t~:e~o~~o~:teralf.:;~~o~~d in- i~~::':~~~~':hrS\n,MTS. 'Mum\. . ::k~n/s9',2;:n\n' Ihe e. A. M.., Harder'. da""f'tIIts.

:,;,;,.j...~:.::..:.::::;.::.~.::.....__......;.-...:::'""-':"::'--I B h FJ tclwr'WSrC spent the. Mrs. Ed Wittenberg. Fremont. Wedd,·ngs'1 f" .. wee~end z"ith l{i~ parents, Mr. and jis spe!nding several, days ~ith hel J", K if ho e were Mr. and Mrs."'HO'SKlt\r..IS 'N'EW'5 Mrs Gilbert Fleleher. l'moth~r, Mrs. Emel,e SehImdt. • • • Ja k Kor , Omaba. Alti ' I.:N " 'I Mr. and Mrs. \falterTenske and Mr~. GIlbert ..F!-etc~er and Mrs'l -:- r-_~-- '1'$" Carles Fow'le and- Gel"..,":. _ ." :, .. 'I I ,·:1",:. ,,' ,: I • Jack were visit..9.r"S in die Gilbert 'IJohn~rausedVlSlted u~ the ~~-\' waistlines and pus up lsleeves al ,~!~e. ~ns~~~f.~;~ ~~~~M;:

:",....'.,1.:., ': I,. ,,'," f'E., '~.i.~~., ~~9.~e 73, Fletcher home F!'riday evening. ,.~es ',oOOfor home. onca. n- 'Sh b Ch' . urith tiny bows. They wore'match. a Mrs. . J. Perrin spent Sun-I",..' B_Y_Sl_af..:_C_O_',:.res_·;.PO_'n_d_·"l.1t_,', ". I·Mr. and Mrs"I'Her~an Opfer' 8Kir.1 andMI1s.C1arence Schroeder , ar n rlstlansen .1·· f 15 ·th un . atth Frank Mapes home,1

!'~""':i,'.' ;..J ' were Sunday dinnelii gueUs in Ithe ~~ ~r~CYLe~t~1 ~cl;W: ~;d\::~ :were Sunday dfternoon guests in hh 1 mtl~~Oe;~~IOw~:tj ,~suhi-. j~ '9~~~:~el Mrs. Burdette Hansen Shar~endDanieJ&o",.Winsid" w.." .·nsGa~~enC.lub Herman Klug home, Norf lk. and Mr.·and Mr~. John Asmusa~d,th~r a~~d~~s ~~meMaas and And Charles Sue 0 Z ~g~~tia:.:: w~::,~~e lt~~idlt~{rOD a1d daughlers, Wisner, vi.ited his Gr:n~~;~r bo~~~t m tbe menn

'NI:' I'~S' Officers .Thursd~v chftJ~~~d;~rso~~~e~'~t\i~~~, L~:~~n~~~~~:'h~:;: F~i~;':~V~~ ~hyU s were Sunday evening vis- 'Norman Christian en was best p.arents, Mr. and Mrs. R H. Han- The Glenn Granquist familyH.~...'..' . Gfl.'.e~ Cill.b ,cl:ected ~l.:. and f#ll LaChaP.elJe

i' Omaha, w~re ~ing. Afternoon l\1isitors were Mr, ltors in the Hans Asmus home, Wed in Pender Rites man. Groomsmen ere Norman ;3ep, last }Vednesday c,,:ening. Jo- spent Sunday evenin~ iQ' the

'.fl..i'S a m t~*g Thursday aft S'. day dinner g"uests at the Hen· I d M ' M rt'rl 'Anderson Ran- Mr and Mrs. Walter, IFenske Mackery and Duane Beutler. Jack 81}!l remamed until Fnday when Frank Larson home They helt> der " the ~t' .Fred JochertS "",n

Lan'enberg sr. home. ,a~J h rs. a, I '!;lnd r:.. and !"1rs. Frank Marten Sharon Ann Christiansen, daugh· Shemat and Dale K semark were he;r grandparents took her home. Gera}d Florine celebdte his birth~

,'home') . ' ' ryl~nd Mr~, Roy Jensen and d 14r' and Mrs, .'i~lfred Sydow and were VISItors m the Mrs. l'y'Iartha ter of ¥.r.' and Mrs. Harold Chris- ushers. The bride~ m and his iMrs. Elsie Mille'r, Holstein la day ill the Raymond Florine homo• EdA S!= e~lenberg Will chil . n, Mrs. Jack O'Kane and Mr ~nd Mrs. 'Efd. Grubb, Wayne, i Rohr e home !Sunday evemng. tlanseh( Pender, and Charles Lee attendants wore whIt dinner jack- hr;:~.sun~ay at the R H. Hanse~ last Tuesday eveninR;.

nam,lld, ·"p~Jicf~ to, succeed chll ' n, Omaha, and' Mrs, Henry we~e guests in I the Lyle MarotZ: M and Mrs. Char!ey Fuhrman, Buchholz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ets with dark trOllS rs. J d



other officers are.. La ., be g s.r were Sunday aft- S t d ~vening Norf lk, and Mrs. GIlbert Krause Leo Buchholz, Bancroft, were Mother of the bri wor~ a teal Mr. an Mrs. A. H. HansenMrs :'tt ""C. F~Ircl.. vice prtsldent, ngen r '18: th Henry Lang- home a ur ay , were guests in the Mrs. Minnie married Sunday evening at St. bmluoteherdrwesosr'e aT bblea lkbrdidr"egr,s.oom's c lIed on Mrs. Anna Holst Mon- Ir----------.....•..Nt° ".'.:. aUi F.rnSkel .. ernoon ~ue~ III e 'Melvin Marqluardt, San F,ran- Kra e home Monday evening. Mark's Lutheran church, Pender. (J. day.. 11trft:'mr• "" • ·enberg. Jd r:t,.me. Lester Wacker, cisco, arriv.ed last Sunday at the M. Mary Falk, June and Jim- Rev. W. E. Rowaldt officiated at A receptio'o wa~held in the slSOhoomeCIUbwmedetneastdatyheevR.·nmH'gHWa"tnh'

~"Donald 'I.Duehn• Hector. Mr., an ~inner guests in the home of hiS p~rents, Mr. and my] ft Friday for West Branch, the double ring ceremony. The al· church parlors. Mr. Joe Brust- ......""lJ~ ':',was a guest. Mrso Jochens ,Omaha, were home Sunday Mrs. Fred Marquardt, for a I 11;1. t vis~t in the Clarence Hoe- tar waS adorned with vases of kern cut the bride's ake and Mrs. husbands 'as guests., ~tith."d:, ,the, b,uslness }Ueeting. Clarence l~o~f~~~noon callers i~ two·week vlsitJ " .' man h?J!uL Enroute home Sunday white carnations and bronze pom- Harvey Frey assis d. Mrs. Dale !Mr. and Mrs, Alan Cross and

Mrii.... '..1.'.'Fen.ske g:ave. th~ t.oPlcJ:

1tUdY. ,~ebe~~y Langenberg sr. home. Mr. and. Mrs ..IArnold Miller anq they ViSited her parents. Mr, and pons. Baskets of white chrysan- Glissman served the l!I'oom's cake. daughters; Omaha. spent the week~

: ;No,~~" 12 tp'eetitig WIll be ~ the ~r. and Mrs. Otto Wontoch and Gene. we!re visitors i~ the Paul Mrs. W. J. gueen, OJ?aha. themums and bronze pompons al- Mrs. Dale Kruserq~rk and Mrs. end in the- Henry Weseloh home.~et"rA~~li~ ho~eo Pa 1 wer

3'callers Sunday in the SchWindt home, Creighton, Sunol M S. Emelle Schmidt returned so decorated the church. Nancy Jack Shemat pourep. Saturday :they visited n;latives in

, : ", ::' "'; '. . ~ Min~ie Krause home. day everling. Larry ac:compaI,lied hom Sunday evening after spend- Gibson' sang "0 Perfect Love.... Mrs. Verna Case jreSided at the HartiD.l~toh. ,, tMr~ ::an~ ~~~'. "Vml~ Ritze, BIllY! M . , ., chk Wi- them home after spend,mg several ing he past two weeks in the "The Wedding Prayer" and "The guest book. In c ar~e of gifts Eighteen guests helped Mrs.

18~d.' )ckl~ YlSl~d In the Car . Mrs, William Ras C, t days in the MilJer home. . hom of her daughter Mrs ~d Lord's Prayer". were Mrs. Densil Christiansen, werbert Reuter celebrate her

.~tze.'. 'p..•.. ome..• :. \Vi.


nside. Thur..sqay nona, Mlnn"".wgh

aE~~~::~f~~ Mr.s. Esther Erb, Orchard, spet;t Wit nberg, Fremont.' ' The bride wore a gown of hand Mrs. Kenneth Ch stiansen and bS rttuhrddaaYy •. t an evening of cards'e\"e ~:': I .~, several day~ In e Pfeil's' sister from Thursday until Saturday 111 M. and Mrs, Truman Clark c;lipped chantilly lace and nylon Mary· Ann Eichler. .

: M~I,,~d Mrs.! Fred. Marq~r?t ~ome, sseMls MWi'lliS Ritz'e Bniy the Clifford Erb home. and family, Wynot. were hOllse- tulle over bridal satin. The sculp, The bride gradua ed from Pen- Mrs. H.4'9h Haase, Gillette, Wyo": and, :i9:md..v., <MI!. and Mrs. a d MrD~nk rs .. ,I dinner. 'guests Mr and Mrs Ed Maas and gue s from Thursday until Sat- tured bodice embroidered with se- der high school and Ute bndegroom was a du)ner guest of Mrs. Julia; VOl', .Seggel'n and Carol.Ann anr 'Sand

dIC. Yt~e~rist Jensen home PhyU'is, Mr. and' Mrs. Clause RatbJ- urd y in the Hans Asmus home. quins and pearls featured a V from Bancroft high~SChOOl. Perdue Friday,MeI'm 1IliarqUamt k were sup~e un ay In ernard Jensen and hIan .Mr and Mrs. Clarence L ne Marotz, son of Mr. and neckline and long sleeve". Mrs. Henry J. Baker entertain·

~ gues in tdhe Art Ra be home, wm- rr•.f;d ~~~e~ were afternoon' and Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Mrs Lyle Marotz, was one of the ~he bouffant floor length skirt of th;Ybri~~r ct~i~t~ ~eac~~ke~r~: ed a group of ladies for her birth-I sid.. on ay. anu,. ' cr Va'hle Pilg¢r were visitors in five Future Farmers, of America tu e was worn hooped and was ac- . day ThurSday aft.ernoon.I' Mr land Mrs ArnOl~ ~gl~~ Yi~ors. d M'S a W ChnstIan- the Han~ Asmu~ home Monday cha ter officers that attended the ~i~n~:~tipbYve~r~~ie[~p~~~dc~ilkHi\~~~~PJeA;W{ li~e ~~d i~~de:~P th~, Mr. anti ·Mrs, W. W. Roe. Fre-I Wt:fe ~i\n~~ gu J~~IIS~n~ay h~h.. sen rN:r~olk. lwere VIsitors 10 the eVCnirg. Nat o~al FFA convention at Kan- Ius ion fell from a Juliet cap of 4 mont, w('re weekend guests in the

IM~llt~O ~.i"n for' hfbirthdaiY• Ge~ald BruggemaIil home Fnday Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koehn a~d sas Ity l~st week. Edgar: Hamm, lace trimmed with sequins and J!l'!les B~ssler horne. Sunday they:M d r

ilrsI ~l rence amm and evemng Susa" Norfolk, w~re $un~aY V1S- ~or olk Hlgh school vocatlOnal <!-g- seed pearls. She carried a cascade " See by th Herald' ViSIted In the Elmer Phillips

\i ai'rot Lee w~re aftern on "visitors. Orville Andersen was a Monday itqrs in the Edwm Melerhenry rICU ture Instructor, accompamed bouquet of white Fuji mums cen- 1 +- home, Carroll. and Monday in thet ' b 0 mg caller In the Mrs MmOie home the . Lane was apPOinted treas- tered wtih a white orchid corsage. 1- C J Perri and Mr J r P d

, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ~an~en er1 ~rn home . Mrs Mary Falk and Mrs Clar- ure. About 15,000 persons fro-m Maid'of honor was Faye Chris, Mrs John Nichol' birthday was h~m~ n s. u 18 ('r ue. y in honor 0 ause 1 R D k I ence Schroeder spent Monday m the Umted States and foreign Hansen. Bridesmajds were Joanne obsprvcd Saturday when fnends Mr.

s, an'd Mrs. Melvin Johnson

U ests were _ Mr and Mrs. W~!IS Itze, Ie ~e SlOUX City \. cou tnes attended thiS conven- Case and Karen Westerhold. Miss went to her home f1. r an afternoon and famil.y and. Mrs. Ella Hardf'r I~' nd oakdale" and BIlly were lalsItors ~ ~ e I Sandra Clark was an oVf'rnight tJo~L They returned home Thursday Christiansen wore capucinc crys- of canasta. returned i from Kansas Sunday.

I ~:jd~:rsFr: ~~~~~nJ~~~~~ orne, lOSI e'l guest of June Falk Thursday ev~,~~gJack O'Kane and children talette and Miss Case and Miss Mr. and Mrs. John H. OwenS They had }Pft Thursday to visitam.i.l:X. Mr l And Mrs. Mrs A "'Brlfgge~an, Mrs Elmer Mrs Martha Rohrkc returned Omfiha arrIved Saturday at th~ Westerhold wore burnt orange and Judith s'p,:~t from Thursday Mr. and IM:-.'>. T'Jlly Straight and I

Alber JuedeS. ArIitJgt n-'-)ind Mr, Peter, Debbie' and Susan and Mrs home Wednesday evenmg after honjle of her parents Mr and crystalette waltz length gowns t~ Monday Vlsltmg:, I~ t.he Robert Judy, WthJta , and :vi,.. an. d Mrs, I~ ',0~"T!:!~erbert KIn and Dal~ D.W,ght Bruggema~ I and DOUglasl ~?..:ndIng the P~weol< In the ;;;,.~~:~:;~,~<;r:::;;~;'N:[OI:' featuring scoop necklines, emDi,e S,mmon. home, Tdmngton. Wyo.!Wy C~ny"t'S, Plo,,,",,, Mr·s,

, Mr . A. Bruggeman and Mrs. Har­ry ,Strate. Joan and Larry wereTU~day evening, visitors in the JE. ,ringel home.

:tIr. and Mrs. Merlyn Bruggeman

~~P:~J' ~~~~~n,p~;cs;~:f'~;Ug~~:"affi' afternoon visitors in the a Bruggeman home, Carroll.

r. and Mrs. Wayne Thomasvis ted in the Mrs. Dora Bruggp­m~ home, Carroll, Sunday aft·er oon.

rs. Myrtle Weatherholt. Nor·fol , returned to the PaUl. WetZf'I.h c. Norfolk, Friday after lipc'nd,tn the past week, in the Mn;M1rtha Rohrke home.

Net!r~l;n~ndMrJ~~. ~~~~hka p~1J~~(~r~were Sunday dinner' guests in theJ. E. Pingel home._~r. and Mrs, Merlyn Brugg\'­

man and Paul. Lincoln. spent thrwdekend in the A. Bruggl'mil nhome. They returned home Sun­day evpning.

Mr, and Mrs. Clan'n('p Schmr',der, Mr. :Jnd Mrs, Ed Kollath IJ.ndMr. and Mrs. J. I':. Pinf,el Llttl::o.I1Qf'dIi 'srnor~flh~JOrd at Usmond Thun·dlly evpning.

IH~~suan"cijf1~~~ir:;~:~)J~I~~'~~t~Il~;;::I;~1;;~~. in the EdWin May horne.